Course Milestones Credit Course Application (Part 5 of 7) DE

Course Milestones
Credit Course Application (Part 5 of 7)
DE Program Provider: Wyoming Virtual Academy – WYVA
Course: SCI204A: Honors Biology
2010-2011 School Year
This list of Milestones is provided to identify the specific learning expectations for the course. Student
advancement will be monitored to verify that adequate progress is being made throughout the course.
Required Milestones are identified on the individual student’s Distance Learning Plan.
Unit 1: The Science of Biology / 1.04 Quiz
Unit 1: The Science of Biology / 1.05 Lab: Microscope
Unit 1: The Science of Biology / 1.06 Quiz
Unit 1: The Science of Biology / 1.08 Quiz
Unit 1: The Science of Biology / 1.11 Unit 1 Test: Part 1
Unit 1: The Science of Biology / 1.11 Unit 1 Test: Part 2
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life / 2.03 Quiz
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life / 2.07 Quiz
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life / 2.08 Lab: Bio Compounds 1
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life / 2.11 Mid-Unit Test: Part 1
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life / 2.11 Mid-Unit Test: Part 2
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life / 2.17 Quiz
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life / 2.19 Quiz
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life / 2.21 Unit 2 Test
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.03 Quiz
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.08 Quiz
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.10 Lab: Diffusion Rate 1
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.13 Mid-Unit Test
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.17 Quiz
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.20 Quiz
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.26 Quiz
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.30 Quiz
Unit 3: Cell Biology / 3.32 Unit 3 Test
Unit 3: Cell Biology / Discuss: Observing Mitosis
Unit 4: Mendelian Genetics / 4.03 Lab: Genetic Crosses 1
Unit 4: Mendelian Genetics / 4.04 Lab: Genetic Crosses 2
Unit 4: Mendelian Genetics / 4.05 Quiz
Unit 4: Mendelian Genetics / 4.06 Lab: Gene Mapping
Unit 4: Mendelian Genetics / 4.09 Quiz
Unit 4: Mendelian Genetics / 4.10 Unit 4 Test
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.01 Quiz
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.02 Quiz
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.03 Quiz
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.04 Quiz
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.05 Quiz
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.06 Lab: Modeling DNA
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.07 Lab: DNA Replication
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.08 Quiz
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.09 Quiz
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.10 Quiz
Unit 5: Molecular Genetics / 5.12 Unit 5 Test
Unit 6: Semester Review and Test / 6.04 Semester Test
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Research Paper / 7.01 Research Paper
Unit 7: Honors Project 1: Research Paper / 7.06 Revising and Proofreading
Unit 8: Honors Project 2: Laboratory: The Rate of Photosynthesis / 8.01 Lab: Photosynthesis 1
Unit 8: Honors Project 2: Laboratory: The Rate of Photosynthesis / 8.03 Discussion