Name______________________ Date___________ PD_____ Ulysses Project Travel Brochure Odysseus visited many places on his trip back home from Troy. You are to create a cruise brochure based on Odysseus’ travels. This brochure should be colorful and creative and written to entice travelers to spend their money on this trip. Use persuasive language and lots of adjectives that will encourage your potential cruisers to take YOUR cruise. What to Include: **Don’t forget to tri-fold your paper for the brochure.** Description: (10 points possible) •Name and description of the cruise ship (FRONT) •Length and cost of the trip •How to contact the cruise line (phone numbers, email, etc.) (BACK) •Testimonial of at least THREE satisfied customers (These can be made up quotes of fictitious people that have taken and loved your cruise!) Sites/Locations: (50 points possible) • _Include AT LEAST SEVEN of the following list with a brief description. For example, (Who will you see?, What will you do there? Is it a day trip?, When will you be visiting these/this attraction, Where?, and Why?) Remember that you want to entice the customers to purchase your cruise so make your brochure exciting and fun to read. oIsmarus oIsland of the Lotus Eaters oCyclop’s Cave oAeaea (home of Circe) oAeolia (home of Aeolus, king of the winds) oCannibal Bay oLand of the Dead (underworld) oIsland of the Sirens (creatures who lure sailors with their songs) oScylla (rock creature with multiple heads) oCharybdis (giant whirlpool that lives under an enormous fig tree) oLand of the Helios (the sun god) oCalypso’s Island oIthaca (home of Odysseus) Map: (10 points possible) • _Include a map of the cruise ship on its route • _This should follow the actual text as closely as possible and include all seven stops that you choose. Odysseus’ Travels Art: (10 points possible) • _Include a drawing of at least two creatures that Odysseus faced on his journey Spelling/Grammar/Presentation: (15 points possible) • _Remember to check spelling and check that your brochure is extremely neat and easy to read! Creativity/Originality: (5 points possible) • _Include drawings, graphics, and original descriptions/persuasive language of the locations and the cruise line. The project is worth 100 points total. The Adventures of Ulysses Project Travel Brochure Rubric ______ /10 Description: You must include detailed descriptions of all of the following to obtain full credit for these points. _____ Name and description of the cruise ship _____ Length and cost of the trip _____ How to contact the cruise line _____ Testimonial of at least three satisfied customers (Quotes) ______/50 Sites: (Include AT LEAST SEVEN of the following with a brief description.) Remember you want to entice the customers to purchase your cruise. _____ Ismarus _____ Island of the Lotus Eaters _____ Land of the Cyclopes _____ Aeaea (home of Circe) _____ Aeolia (home of Aeolus, king of the winds) _____ Land of the Laestrygonians (a race of cannibals) _____ Land of the Dead (underworld, also known as Hades) _____ Island of the Sirens (creatures who lure sailors with their songs) _____ Scylla (rock creature) _____ Charybdis (giant whirlpool that lives under an enormous fig tree) _____ Land of the Helios (the sun god) _____ Calypso’s Island _____ Ithaca (home of Odysseus) ______/10 Map: (A map of the cruise ships route, this should follow the actual text and include all seven stops that you choose) ______/10 Odysseus’ travels Art: (Include a drawing of at least two creatures that Odysseus faced.) ______/15 Spelling/Grammar: (Remember to check spelling and keep things neat!) ______/5 Creativity/Originality: (Include drawings, graphics, and original descriptions/persuasive language of the locations and cruise line.) ______/+10 EXTRA CREDIT (Creator made an effort to enhance the overall look of the project) Your Final Score: ________/ 100 points