
Troy- This is the place that Odysseus travels to be in the war. He builds a wooden horse
that helps him and his men win the war. His men and he hid inside the horse outside the
walls of Troy waiting to be let in. The Spartans weren’t aware of the fact that their
enemies lied within this horse. They let the horse inside their walls believing it was a gift
from the Gods, and later were killed leaving victory to the Greeks.
Island of the Cicones- This is the Island that Odysseus and his man came in and took
over. Odysseus left this Island with six of his men missing.
Island of the Lotus Eaters- Odysseus and his men landed here to take on water. He
warned his men to be careful on this Island. The lotus plant was said to be a drug that if
you took it you would never leave this Island. Three of Odysseus’s men were left behind.
Island of the Lotus Eaters- Odysseus and his men landed here to take on water. He
warned his men to be careful on this Island. The lotus plant was said to be a drug that if
you took it you would never leave this Island. Three of Odysseus’s men were left behind.
Island of the Lotus Eaters- Odysseus and his men landed here to take on water. He
warned his men to be careful on this Island. The lotus plant was said to be a drug that if
you took it you would never leave this Island. Three of Odysseus’s men were left behind.
Island of the Cyclops- Odysseus comes to this Island and is trapped by the Cyclops. With
Odysseus’s cleverness he and his men escape this Island. Only few of Odysseus’s men are
supper for the Cyclops. Polyphemus is the Cyclops who is son of Poseidon and he plans on
eating all of Odysseus’s men. Odysseus’s blinds the Cyclops and mocks him as he leaves
the Island.
Aeolia- While on shore Aeolus who is the keeper of winds gives Odysseus a bag of winds
so that Odysseus is able to travel home. Odysseus’s men being curious that Odysseus is
hiding treasures from them open up the bag and are blown all the way to Aeolia.
Island of the Laestrygonians- The Natives of this Island are cannibals. Odysseus is now
left with one ship.
Aeaea (Circe’s Island)- Circe captures Odysseus, and puts him under her spell. She turns
his men into swine. Hermes gives Odysseus a magical herb that will help Odysseus escape
the spell of Circe and have his men changed back into humans. Circe also helps Odysseus
with his search for Ithaca.
Hades- This is the Island of the dead also known as the Underworld. Odysseus must go
here alone to talk to the prophet Tiresias. Tiresias is to help Odysseus make his way back
home to Ithaca. While being in Hades Odysseus sees his mother and now knows that she
had died thinking he was never to come home.
Island of the Sirens- Odysseus being a brave man allows himself to be tide to the front of
his boat as he passes the Island of the Sirens. The Sirens sing a beautiful song promising
more than any men could dream of. Odysseus plugs the ears of his men closed with wax.
When they pass the Island Odysseus will let his men know and they will all have survived
the passing of the Sirens
Syclla and Charybdis- Syclla is the six headed monster that Odysseus loses six of his men
as they pass her. Charybdis is a whirl pool that sucks three times a day and spits
everything at as hot as fire. Zeus helps Odysseus survive Chaybdis by not allowing
Chaybdis to see him
Thrinacia (Island of the Sun God- Odysseus’s men are at the starving point and find cattle
on this land while Odysseus is asleep. They eat the cattle which happens be the cattle of
the Sun God Helios. Helios punishes all of Odysseus’s men with death but Odysseus is
lead to safety by Zeus.
Scheria (Island of the Phaecians)- This is the home of King Alcinous and Queen Arete.
Also on this Island lives the Phaecians. Odysseus stays here after being punished on sea
by Posdiedon. The Phaecians give Odysseus a magical boat to Ithaca.
Ithaca- Here Odysseus uses the powers of Athena to change him self into a beggar. He
tricks the suitors who are after Penelope. His son at first thinks he is a God but finally is
convinced that it is his father. Odysseus slays the suitors and once again has to convince
another that it is he Odysseus. Penelope this time is curious and she tricks Odysseus by
saying their bed was moved. Odysseus knows this is not true because the bed was built
by him and unmovable.