Friends of Anastasia Board Meeting Notes/Minutes December 15, 2015 7:05 PM – 8:10 PM President: Greg Adams (present) Vice President: Rich Gallik (present) Secretary: Sharon Burbelo (present) Treasurer: Doug Imshaug (present) Board members: Rita Roberts,Louise Gallik,Karl Holland, Triss Holland and Katrina Leonard Member/Guests: Joy and Jim Fedewitz (present) Anastasia State Park: Warren Poplin and Renee Market (present) 1.Call to Order 2. Mission Statement To generate supplemental resources which will provide increased recreational opportunities and further enhance protection of the natural and cultural resources of Anastasia State Park. 3. Roll Call 3.1 Board Members – Greg Adams, Rita Roberts, Sharon Burbelo,Doug Imshaug, Karl Holland, Triss Holland and Katrina Leonard 4. Discussion and/or Approval of November 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes: Please note that there is a correction to be made on the November 17th, 2015 meeting minutes/notes: Dennis Salvati also attended this meeting as a member/guest. An approval of the minutes with the above as amended was made with a motion by Karl and seconded by Triss . All voted yes to approve. 5. Meeting Agenda: 5.1 CSO President Report Board members met earlier today to discuss GOAL setting for 2016. They will continue to meet regularly to advance the plans to meet the established goals. The CSO annual Program Plan for January 2016-December 2016 has been completed and submitted. It includes the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Spend Budgeted Monies Continue with Fundraisers Increase Interpretive Efforts Maintain Recreational Equipment Increase CSO Membership Awareness Expand Outreach Efforts Increase Public Access Streamline Recycling & Go Green Program Seek Grants to Fund Projects 5.2 Managers Report: Warren Poplin Beach Re-nourishment (with sand) will be from May through September 2016 There will be an electrical upgrade (30 amp to 50 amp) in the Sand Dollar Loop Work will start on the screen in front of the Shop to block the view of this area In order to discuss the 2016 ASSPD Conference scheduled for 10/30/2016-11/3/2016 The SESPDC proposal was presented as follows: Finance Agent Friends of Anastasia State Park (FASP) serves as Fiscal Agent for the conference. ASSPD Budget Worksheet The Fiscal Agent will be compensated with 3% of all managed income. (See the following for a working draft budget that includes an estimated $17,875 in registration fees and $22,000 in sponsorship). Amount Paid from Participants Registration Costs Income Hotel Transportation to Conf. $0 $0 Registration Cost $275 Hotel Meeting Room Rental @ $450 day Sun Opening Reception Mon Breakfast Mon Lunch Mon Dinner - Anastasia Mon Transportation Mon Hospitality Tues Breakfast Tues Lunch Tues Dinner - Colonial Quarter Tues Transportation Tues Hospitality Wed Breakfast Wed Lunch Wed Dinner - Banquent Wed Transportation Wed Hospitality Thur Breakfast Conf Bags (Beach Bag/Cooler), Lanyards, umbrella, raincoat, sandbucket, etc Website Contractor Sponsor Income Sponsor Management (3%) Fiscal Agent (3%) Staff Shirts Paid from Sponsor income Total Managed Income $17,875 $1,800 $1,800 $1,600 Inc w/ Hotel $1,600 $3,000 $750 $750 Inc w/ Hotel $1,600 $1,600 $2,400 $2,400 $750 $750 Inc w/ Hotel $1,600 $4,000 $1,250 $750 Inc w/ Hotel $750 $750 $1,600 $3,000 $750 $750 $1,600 $1,600 $4,000 $1,250 $750 $2,500 $2,500 $200 $200 $22,000 $660 $1,196 $500 $660 $1,196 $500 Comments 80 Total Conf Attendees for Food and Transportation Planning - 65 Total Conf Attendees paying full price - Staff working the conf will get a reduced registration rate to cover meal costs. Attendee Shirts Conf Program Books Nametags Posters / Signs Misc. Expenses 5% Contingency $2,500 Div Prints Div Office Supplies Div Prints $2,500 $1,559 $1,559 TOTAL Total Registration Income Minmum Amount Neeed from Sponsors $31,715 $17,875 5% Contingency of Total $1,586 $275 $29,859 $1,856 $39,875 $13,840 FASP would receive 3% of that income = $1,196 for managing all income and processing all payments for expenses. If sponsorships and/or registrations increase then so does the fiscal agent compensation. ASSPD, through the previous conference host (West Virginia), provides $15,000 startup funding to FASP. This $15,000 is pass through funds and not part of the managed income. These startup funds and all revenues will be kept in a separate account. The startup fund is to assist with cash flow. Registration fees and sponsorships will offset all expenses. FASP will hold all contracts for this event, receive all registration, sponsorship and other funds and pay all bills. Once all bills are paid FASP will send a check for $15,000 to the next host state for the 2017 ASSPD Conference. Any remaining funds will be held by FASP for FPS training scholarships or transfer to another entity as determined by the Division. Not included in the fiscal agent responsibilities are those of the participants who will o pay their own registration fees which support the production and expenses of the conference. o make and pay for their own hotel reservations as part of the hotel contract block of rooms o make and pay for all transportation costs to get them to the conference hotel Monday Night Dinner - In addition to serving as the conference fiscal agent FASP may consider hosting the Monday night dinner. This would include the following: Accept a flat dollar amount for each conference participant to produce and host the dinner event. Once the dollar amount is agreed upon the FASP could manage the expenses in such a way to get donations or discounted materials or services with any remaining funds staying with the FASP. Accepting this responsibility would be an excellent demonstration of the strong partnership the park has with the FASP and an opportunity to showcase it to State Park Directors and their senior leadership from other states. Arrange for and handle all details to produce the dinner meal including meal preparation, serving, drinks, and cleanup Work in partnership with the Park Manager to produce a quality and memorable beach dinner event. A MOTION FOR THE CSO TO SERVE AS FINANCIAL /FISCAL AGENT FOR THE CONFRENCE WAS MADE BY RICH AND SECONDED BY KARL WITH ALL OTHER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD IN AGREEMENT. A discussion was had about the Monday Night Dinner (10/31/16) and the Board agreed to table the idea for now and re discuss following the next Motor Cycle Run meeting on January 7, 2016 at 1pm. 5.3 Anastasia State Park Service Specialist: Renee Market Reported that volunteers are need for “Work Day” at Ft Mose to be held on 1/9/16 from 9am until 1pm. 5.4 Financial Report: Doug Imshaug The report was sent by email prior to the meeting. Total as of end of November is $18,475. 5.5 Membership Report: Dennis Salvati/Diane Glass Dennis forwarded the written Membership Report Summary (a one month report – 12/15/2015) to Renee and the details were reviewed at tonight’s meeting. Total membership: 177 in good standing. Memberships Processed since 11/17/2015: 6 (new = 1, renewal= 5 [1 month]). Net yearly change (12/16/2014 (174) to 12/15/2015 (177) = PLUS 3 NOTE #1: Above 2014 data is from 12/16/14 meeting minutes/notes and membership report. NOTE #2: There were “0” dropped members in the past month. 5.6 Committee Chair Reports 5.6.1 Fundraising: Board members met tonight at 6:15 to continue working on the plans for the March 6th 2016 Motor Cycle Run. Renee presented a detailed packet of info to the group about the event. Anastasia State Park will be the final stop! Featured will be live music, food, alcohol for purchase, a chance drawing and prizes for the best/worst/garbage will be awarded. Next meeting is 1/7/2016 at 1pm. 5.6.2 Endless Summer Run: ESR info will be on the internet after the Matanzas Race 5.5.2 Beach Cleanup: Rita Roberts The Trail Clean-up project has been completed. The next Beach Clean-up will be held at 9am on 1/1/2016. Meet at the Island Beach Grille. Email or call Rita Roberts at 824-4909/ if more information is needed 5.5.3 Recycling/Go Green: Karl Holland Will meet with Warren after the first of the yearto discuss future plans for “Go Green”. 5.5.4 Web Site Katrina continues to update. Any changes should be emailed to Renee who will forward to Katrina 6. New Business: The next Fall Festival is planned for 2017. Karl presented us with a list of potential sponsors that he will make contact with for the Motorcycle Run Rich is working on plans for Earth Day 2016. 7. Announcements: The next Music in The Park will be held on 1/9/16 at 5pm 8. Next Meeting: January 19, 2016 at 7pm 9. Meeting Adjourned: Motion made by Triss and seconded by Karl