Sell it Back to the People – Bibliography

Sell it Back to the People: Placing FSA Photography in a Historical Context
Bibliography and Further Reading
Online resources
American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936 - 1940, Library of
America From the Great Depression to World War II: Photographs from the FSA/OWI, 1935 – 1945,
Library of Congress,
Historical newspapers at
Books and articles
Bindas, Kenneth. Remembering the Great Depression in the Rural South. Gainesville, University
Press of Florida, 2007.
Caldwell, Erskine and Bourke-White, Margaret, You Have Seen Their Faces. New York: The
Viking Press, 1937.
Cohen, Lizabeth. Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919 – 1939. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Conrad, David. The Forgotten Farmers; the Story of Sharecroppers in the New Deal. Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 1965.
Gordon, Linda. Dorothea Lange: A Life Beyond Limits. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2009
Hagood, Margaret Jarman. Mothers of the South: Portraiture of the White Tenant Farm Woman.
University Press of Virginia, 1939.
Hastings, Robert. A Nickel’s Worth of Skim Milk: a Boy’s View of the Great Depression.
Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972.
Knepper, Cathy D., ed. Dear Mrs. Roosevelt: Letter to Eleanor Roosevelt through Depression
and War. New York, NY: Carroll & Graf, 2004.
LeSeuer, Meridel. Women on the Breadlines. Cambridge, MA: West End Press, 1977.
Lowitt, Richard and Beasley, Maureen, eds. One Third of a Nation: Lorena Hickok Reports on the Great
Depression. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1981.
McElvaine, Robert. The Great Depression: America, 1929 – 1941. New York: Times Books,
Milkman, Ruth, "Women's Work and the Economic Crisis: Some Lessons from the Great
Depression," in Cott, Nancy F. and Pleck, Elizabeth, eds. A Heritage of Her Own: Toward a
New Social History of American Women, New York : Simon and Schuster, c1979.
Sell it Back to the People: Placing FSA Photography in a Historical Context
Bibliography and Further Reading
Parrish, Michael. Anxious Decades: American Prosperity and Depression, 1920 – 1941. New
York: W.W. Norton, 1994.
Robinson, John L. Living Hard: Southern Americans in the Great Depression, Washington, D.C.
University Press of America, c1981.
Scharf, Lois. To Work and to Wed: Female Employment, Feminism, and the Great Depression.
Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, c1980.
Schlesinger, Arthur M. The Coming of the New Deal, 1933 – 1935, First Mariner Books edition. Boston:
Houghton-Miflin, 2003.
Sharpless, Rebecca. Fertile Ground, Narrow Choices: Women on Texas Cotton Farms, 1900 –
1940. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c1999.
Summers, Mary. “The New Deal Farm Programs: Looking for Reconstruction in American
Agriculture,” Agricultural History, vol. 74, no. 2, Spring 2000, p. 241-257.
Terkel, Studs. Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression. New York: The New
Press, 1970.
Von Amber, Rita. Stories and Recipes of the Great Depression of the 1930s. Menomonie, WI:
Van Amber Publishers, 1997.
Walker, Melissa. All We Knew Was to Farm: Rural Women in the Upcountry South, 19191949. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
Watkins, T.H. The Hungry Years: a Narrative History of the Great Depression in America.
New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1999.
Ware, Susan. Holding Their Own: American Women in the 1930s. Boston: Twayne, 1982.
Westin, Jeane. Making Do: How Women Survived the '30s. Chicago: Follett Publishing Co.,
Worster, Donald. Dust Bowl: the Southern Plains in the 1930s. London: Oxford University
Press, 1979.