Hard Times and Unemployment • By the end of 1932—12 million Americans were unemployed • Hawley-Smoot Tariffraised tariffs on foreign goodscut U.S. exports and imports • People starting cutting out luxuries and food • No Rent $=moved to Hoovervilles shantytowns • Millions went hungrytwo-thirds of all children in NYC suffered from malnutrition “Here you will find men living in homemade ‘houses’ constructed of box wood and lumber, begging description. Many curious folks come out ‘Shantytown’ and a guide eagerly shows one around with explanations as to who is who and what is what in ‘shantytown.’ Any donation you may give is part of the community chest and shared by all dwellers.” --Brady Stewart, photographer, Pittsburgh, 1930 The Penny Auction • When farmer could not pay their mortgages, the banks foreclosed on the property and sold the farms at public auctions. Local farmers would gather at these auctions. Someone in the crowd would bid around fifteen cents, and bids rarely went above a few dollars before the bidding stopped. This forced the auctioneer to halt the sale Riding the Rails • Pick two individuals from the video to study. • Listen to their story and record information about their lives during the Great Depression. • Record general information about the conditions faced by teenagers • Assessment: You will be writing a five paragraph essay on the life of teenagers during the Great Depression. – – – – Introduction: Experiences of teenagers 1 paragraph per person (2 paragraphs) Experiences of women from reading Conclusion Information to seek • Why did they leave their home? • What were their experiences on the road? • How did they feel about themselves during the Great Depression? • What problems did they face during their travels? • How did their experience during the Great Depression affect their childhood? Characters Clarence Lee • Clarence Lee Peggy De Hart Charlie Bull Rene Champion John Fawcett • White man with derby and blue coat Jim Mitchell Bob “Guitar Whitey” Symmonds Writing Specifics • A Thesis statement BOLDED within your introduction paragraph. – Thesis allows the reader to know what the rest of the paper will tell them. • A topic sentence for each body paragraph with focusinsight to what the paragraph will be about. • Conclusion statement which restates your thesisBOLDED Women on the Breadlines, 1932 1. What was the family structure during the Great Depression? 2. How did young women and girls survive during the Great Depression? 3. How does the plight of unemployed women differ from that of men? Women on the Breadlines • • • The family structure during the G.D. was brokenparents and kids were out looking for jobs all the time Many young girls offered themselves to older men so they would be taken care of for their services Women had a lot harder time getting a job over a man who probably had a family at home to provide for Problems and Effects of G.D. • As you read, describe the problems and effects of the Great Depression. • Discuss the social, economic, and cultural changes due to the Great Depression. Effects of G.D. On Farms In Cities • Production cutbacks in factories • Falling wages • Bread lines • Hoovervilles Both • Unemploy ment • Poverty • Eviction • Falling commodity prices • Accumulating debt • Farm foreclosures • Drought • Migration The Great Depression: A Struggle to Survive • Assess the impact of the Great Depression on the lives of Americans during the 1930s.