The Outsiders Study Questions

The Outsiders Study Questions
(This is a multi-page document—SCROLL down to see all the
chapter questions.)
Directions: Create a Google Doc for your chapter questions. Answer in the following
C- Make a claim
E- Give strong evidence in the form of a quote with a lead-in.
R- Explain the reasoning for your claim and evidence (commentary/ analysis)
The Outsiders Questions for Chapters 1 & 2:
Think about all the questions and choose two (2) questions to answer in your Google Doc.
Cut and paste the question into your Google Doc.
1. How do the Greasers feel about the Socs? (Look at the paragraph on page 11 that
begins “In New York…”) How does this class rivalry affect the Greasers’ behavior?
(Think about how they “blow off steam.”)
2. Describe Ponyboy’s relationship with Darry. Why is communication so difficult
between them?
3. Why is the book written with such poor grammar and so much slang? What is the
impact on the reader?
4. Both Greasers and Socs have problems. What are they? What is the significance of
the differences?
5. What is being foreshadowed in chapter 2? How do you know? Make predictions.
6. Describe Cherry and Marcia. What do they think about Greasers? How does
Ponyboy feel about the Soc girls?
The Outsiders Questions for Chapters 3 & 4:
Think about all the questions and choose two (2) questions to answer in your Google Doc.
Create a sub-heading for chapters 3 & 4. Cut and paste the question into your Google Doc.
Answer the question thoroughly with the C-E-R method (just like a body paragraph in an
essay). Don’t forget the MLA citation for your quote.
1. Cherry explains that part of what keeps the two groups apart is that the Greasers
are overly emotional and the Socs are too emotionally cool/numb. Of the two
extremes, which one do you think is better? Explain your answer.
2. What happens when Ponyboy comes home at 2:00 a.m., long after his curfew.
Analyze the significance.
3. Ponyboy says that he and Johnny “understood each other without saying anything.”
Explain how this is possible. Have you ever had this kind of relationship with a
friend and/or sibling? Explain.
4. Analyze why Johnny likes it better when his father is hitting him rather than
ignoring him.
5. In chapter 4, Ponyboy says that “the fight for self-preservation had hardened [Dally]
beyond caring.” Is this true for Johnny, too? Ponyboy? Explain your reasoning.
6. What’s the irony of Ponyboy’s dream of living in the country finally coming true in
this chapter?
7. Analyze one theme of the book so far.
The Outsiders Questions for Chapters 5 & 6:
Think about all the questions and choose two (2) questions to answer in your Google Doc.
Create a sub-heading for chapters 5 & 6. Cut and paste the question into your Google Doc.
Answer the question thoroughly with the C-E-R method (just like a body paragraph in an
essay). Don’t forget the MLA citation for your quote.
1. What do Ponyboy and Johnny do to their hair? Why is this act symbolic?
2. How does Johnny feel about killing the Soc? How will this event change him?
3. Of all the boys, Ponyboy likes Dally least. Why? What does this fact reveal about
4. Who is the unexpected spy for the Greasers? Why would this person be willing to
serve in this role? Explain.
5. Even in the face of extreme danger inside the burning church, Johnny smiles and
shows a rare level of confidence, even joy. Why, do you suppose, he reacts this way?
6. Create your own claim for chapter 5 or 6. Support your claim with evidence and
The Outsiders Questions for Chapter 7:
Think about all the questions and choose one (1) question to answer in your Google Doc.
Create a sub-heading for chapters 5 & 6. Cut and paste the question into your Google Doc.
Answer the question thoroughly with the C-E-R method (just like a body paragraph in an
essay). Don’t forget the MLA citation for your quote.
1. Why would being paralyzed and/or wheelchair-bound be worse for Johnny than for
someone else?
2. According to Randy, what was Bob’s biggest problem? Analyze.
3. Randy suggests that all kids want their parents to set limits and to tell them “no”
because this gives kids “something solid to stand on.” Is he right or wrong? In your
analysis include how you react when your parents don’t allow you to do something?
4. After talking with Randy, Ponyboy says he is comforted knowing that “things were
rough all over.” Explain what he means by this.