Chapter 7 Week 2



Week 2

Homework for the Week

• Monday 11/18

• Chpt 7 288-292

• Tuesday 11/19

• Chpt 7 293-295

• Finish Project

• Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

• Wednesday 11/20

• Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

• Thursday 11/21

• Study for test

Test review at lunch

• Friday 11/22

• Chpt 8 298-302

Agenda: Monday 11/18

Go over Chapter 6 Test

Finish Friday’s Activity

Work time on project

Monday 11/18

• Chpt 7 288-292

Tuesday 11/19

• Chpt 7 293-295

Finish Project

Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

Wednesday 11/20

• Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

Thursday 11/21

Study for test

Test review at lunch

Friday 11/22

• Chpt 8 298-302

Scenario a) A student volunteers to answer a tough question in class, and the teacher comments favorably on the quality of the student’s contribution.

b) A wife brings home flowers to herhusband because he cooked dinner for her the previous day.

c) A child is sent to his room with no dinner after bringing home a bad report card.

d) Dad and three-year-old Marcie enter the checkout lane of the supermarket. When Marcie screams for candy, Dad buys a sucker to quiet her down.

Nature of Consequence

(+) or (-) e) A child spills milk all over the dinner table. Mom,

(having had a bad day) swoops her up and spanks her.

f) An AP psychology student develops a terrible headache after studying for a big exam. He takes two aspirin and theheadache disappears.

g) Two siblings, who usually spend most of their time fighting, finally play peaceably. Dad peeks in and sighs,

"At last, they are getting along." He returns to work on his computerwithout saying anything to the kids.

h) A spoiled child is being driven past a fast-food restaurant when he begins screaming that he must have some French fries or he just won’t survive. The parents surrender and buy the fries, at which time the child stops screaming.

i) A teenager whines about having nothing to do.

Dad gives him a long lecture about how hard things were when he was a teen and how his son has nothing to complain about.

j) A terrorist applies an electrical current to the feet of a spy so she will confess. Once she begins to confess, the painful shock is removed.

Likelihood of Recurrence ( ) or

(¯ )


Project Work Time

Your project should include a ‘lab report’ with all of the following:

Part 1: Intro (typed)

• What is learning?

• What is Operant Conditioning?

What is Classical Conditioning?

Which did you use? Why?

Summary of your conditioning project, 2-3 Paragraphs

Advanced Option: Write the lab report using the scientific method

Part 2: Research Journal (typed or handwritten)

• You are to keep a log of your attempts at conditioning your subject.

• What successes and/or failures did you experience in your conditioning attempts?

Part 3: Detailed Description of type of conditioning used. (1-2 pages)

• Include 2-3 photographs, charts, etc. to help outline and document your conditioning experiment.

• If you used Operant Conditioning include answers to the following:

What was the baseline behavior?

What was the target behavior? (be very specific)

What types of Reinforcers were used and why?

What type of reinforcement schedule did you use and why?

Why didn’t you use punishment?

How did you shape through successive approximations?

How did you prevent against response generalization?

• If you used Classical Conditioning include answers to the following:

• What were the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR?

How did contingency play into the conditioning of your subject?

Why was time important in pairing the UCS with the CS?

How did extinction, stimulus generalization, and spontaneous recovery play a role in your conditioning experiment?

Agenda: Tuesday 11/19

Homework Review

Drawing Activity

Motivation: we will discuss this again in chapter 11

Bandura’s Bobo Doll video & discussion

Monday 11/18

• Chpt 7 288-292

Tuesday 11/19

• Chpt 7 293-295

Finish Project

Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

Wednesday 11/20

• Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

Thursday 11/21

Study for test

Test review at lunch

Friday 11/22

• Chpt 8 298-302

Homework Review

• What are the limits on classical conditioning?

• What are the limits on operant conditioning?

• What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?

• What is observational learning? Tie this to modeling

Drawing Activity

• Whomever can draw the most accurate map of MVHS in 5 minutes gets a prize.

• What principles does this apply to?

• Cognitive Mapping

• Extrinsic motivation

• Video: Rat


Agenda: Block Day 11/20 & 11/21

• Substitute Teacher reminder

Inspiration of the Day

Project Presentations

Wrap up Chapter 7

Monday 11/18

• Chpt 7 288-292

Tuesday 11/19

• Chpt 7 293-295

Finish Project

Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

Wednesday 11/20

• Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

Thursday 11/21

Study for test

Test review at lunch

Friday 11/22

• Chpt 8 298-302

Inspiration of the Day

• Shaping Behavior Through Successive Approximations:

Bobo Doll Analysis

• What can the Bobo experiment teach us about human behavior?


Wrap up Chapter 7

• Instant gratification:


• What are some real world applications of this?

• Mirror Neurons and its application to human nature


Agenda: Friday 11/22

• Chapter 7 Test •

Monday 11/18

• Chpt 7 288-292

Tuesday 11/19

• Chpt 7 293-295

Finish Project

Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

Wednesday 11/20

• Test Corrections today at lunch and after school

Thursday 11/21

Study for test

Test review at lunch

Friday 11/22

• Chpt 8 298-302
