Write the following question and answer

January 24, 2014
 Update your Table of Contents
 1/22/14
 1/23/14
 1/24/14
 1/24/14
A New Nation Vocabulary
Washington’s Domestic Policy 5
Washington Inference
The Banks Activity
 Write the following and respond:
 What does the word domestic mean when
talking about a country’s “domestic policy”?
 Domestic policy – something that has to do
within the countries borders
January 23, 2014
 Update your Table of Contents
 1/21/14
 1/21/14
 1/21/14
 1/22/14
 1/23/14
Warm Ups Week 19
Citizenship Graphic
Washington K/W/L Chart 3
A New Nation Vocabulary
Washington’s Domestic Policy 5
 Write the following and respond:
 What is a natural born citizen?
 A person born in the U.S. or on U.S. soil.
January 21, 2014
 Create a new Table of Contents for the 4th Six
 1/21/14
 1/21/14
Warm Ups Week 19
Citizenship Graphic
Washington K/W/L Chart
 Write the following and respond:
 What do the stars on the US flag symbolize?
What do the stripes on the US flag symbolize?
 1. Stars symbolize the 50 states
 2. Stripes symbolize the original 13 colonies
January 17, 2014
 Get out your test reviews from yesterday.
 You have 5 minutes once the bell rings to
study one more time!
 When you are finished you have a citizenship
activity to complete.
January 16, 2014
 Write the following and respond:
 Give some examples of how a state exercise
it’s 10th amendment rights?
 Speed limits
 Marriage certificates
 Taxing gasoline
January 15, 2014
 Write the following and respond:
 What does the 8th amendment protect
American citizens from?
 Cruel and Unusual Punishment
January 14, 2014
 Write the following and respond:
 What are the 5 rights guaranteed to each
American citizen under the 1st amendment?
 Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press and
January 13, 2014
 Write the following and respond:
 Describe the difference between the system
of checks and balances and separation of
 Checks and balances allows each branch to
“check” up on the other two.
 Separation of powers means the government
is divided into 3 branches.
January 10, 2014
 Write the following and respond:
 What does the principle of Checks and Balances
 Each branch of the government (executive,
judicial and legislative) can “check” to make sure
the others are doing their jobs correctly.
 What about Federalism?
 Powers are divided between the National
(central) government and the state governments
January 9, 2014
 Write the following and respond:
 Explain the difference between a federalist
and an anti-federalists.
 Federalists – support ratification of the
 Anti-Federalist – opposes the ratification of
the Constitution
 Fill in the blanks on the paper provided. Use
the word bank at the bottom.
 When you are finished, raise your hand and
I will get it from you.
U.S. Constitution Preamble
 We the people of the United States, in Order
to form a more perfect union, establish
justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide
for the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and
establish this constitution for the United
States of America.
January 9, 2014
 Write the following and respond:
 Who gives the U.S. government it’s power?
 The PEOPLE of the United States.
Fall Timeline Review
Find the date of each event and place them in chronological order on your timeline.
13 colonies
Battle of Saratoga
"Common Sense"
Struggle for control of Ohio River Valley
Columbus discovers the New World
Treaty of Paris 1763
England goes broke
Boston Massacre
Acts from the King
Intolerable Acts
Lexington and Concord
Declaration of Independence
French get Involved
Articles of Confederation
French and Indian War
Boston Tea Party
January 6, 2014
 Please complete the worksheet I handed out
as soon as you walked in.
 When you are finished, bring it to me. YES,
it is a grade!
December 20, 2013
 Please make sure you have the following:
 1. a sharpened pencil for your scantron
 2. an extra eraser, if you need one
 3. A highlighter. Either your own or borrow
one from me.
December 18, 2013
 Write the following and respond:
 What is the main function of:
 The Executive Branch?
 The Judicial Branch?
 The Legislative Branch?
 Executive – carries out the laws
 Judicial – interprets the laws
 Legislative – creates (makes) the laws
December 16, 2013
 Write the following and respond:
 Where was the second Constitutional
Convention held?
 Philadelphia, PA
December 13, 2013
 Write the following and respond:
 Why did the delegates of the Constitutional
want to rewrite the Articles of Confederation?
 The A of C gave the states too much power!
December 12, 2013
 Write the following and respond:
 Who was chosen as the new President of the
Constitutional Convention?
 George Washington
December 11, 2013
 Get out your test review.
 You have 5 minutes to review before your
 When you are finished with your test, make
sure to get a constitutional convention
guided reading from me! 
December 10, 2013
 Write the following and respond:
 Name the person described below:
 Officer in the U.S. Navy
Worked aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard
 Famous for saying “I have not yet begun to
 John Paul Jones
December 4, 2013
 Write the following and respond:
 The Northwest Land Ordinance set aside
land for public ______________ that are still in
use today.
 Schools
December 3, 2013
 Write the following and respond:
 What was the effect of Shays Rebellion?
 Shays Rebellion caused the Continental
Congress to rewrite the Articles of
December 2, 2013
 Write the following and respond:
 List the weaknesses of the Articles of
 1. Could not raise taxes
 2. Depended on 13 states to raise an Army
 3. Only 1 branch of government
 Write
the following and respond:
 How
many branches of government did
the Articles of Confederation call for?
• 1 branch of government
 How
many states were needed to pass a
• 9 of the 13
 Write
 Why
the following and respond:
were the Articles of Confederation
 Americans needed some form of central
 Please get out the following:
• 1. one sharpened pencil and extra eraser if you need
• 2. one highlighter or you may borrow one from me.
 You
are taking the district CBA today.
 When
you are finished please bring your
test to me and get a 2nd half of the revolution
battle chart. Use pages 188-194 and page
196 to fill in the chart
 Please
get out the following:
 1. Guided
Reading from yesterday – DOI
 2. American Revolution Part 1 Test Review
 Both
 You
are due today for grades!
will have 5 minutes to look over your
reviews before we take your test!
 Write
the following and give a response:
 Which
political thinker influenced
Thomas Jefferson the most when he wrote
the DOI?
 John Locke and the social contract theory.
People have the right to revolt.
 #1
Create a new page and title it: Week
12 Warm Ups
 #2Write
the following and give a
 What
are the “3 unalienable rights”
guaranteed by the Declaration of
 Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
 Write
 Who
the following and give a response:
is responsible for having written
most of the American Declaration of
 Thomas Jefferson
 Write
the following and give a response:
 What
pamphlet (novel) did Thomas Paine
write? Why was it significant?
 He
wrote Common Sense
 It was to help unify the American
colonists to fight for their independence!
 Write
 “The
the following and give a response:
shot heard round the world” is in
reference to which major Revolutionary
 Battles of Lexington and Concord
 Let’s
start new and fresh today!
 Write
the following and give a response:
 Using your map from yesterday, which
region of the Colonies (New England,
Middle or Southern) did most of the
battles of the American Revolution take
 Middle Colonies
 Create
 Write
a new page: Week 11 Warm Ups
the following question and answer:
 Who was chosen to be the commander of
the Continental Army during the 2nd
Continental Congress?
 George Washington
 Please
get out your graphic organizer
from yesterday.
 1. We
are going to take pictures.
 2. You will have 30 minutes once we
return to complete your graphic
 3. We will go over your graphic organizer
Happy Halloween!
October 31, 2013
•Write the following question and answer:
•Who was Crispus Attucks and why is he
•He was the first colonist killed during the
Boston Massacre and the American
Test TODAY!!!
October 30, 2013
•Please get out your test reviews from
•They should be complete.
•When the tardy bells rings you have 5
minutes to review.
•You are turning in your reviews for a grade.
Make sure they are finished!!!
Remember: Test tomorrow! Study
October 29, 2013
•Write the following question and
•Based on the primary source activity
from yesterday, write a newspaper
headline about who fired first.
October 28, 2013
•Write the following question and
•Who fired first at Lexington and
•We have no idea!
October 25, 2013
•Write the following question and
•What are two decisions made by the 1st
Continental Congress?
•1. Ban trade with the British
•2. Formed a militia of American patriots
October 24, 2013
•Write the following question and
•Why are the battles of
Lexington/Concord significant?
•The first battles of the American
Revolution AKA Revolutionary War
October 23, 2013
•Write the following question and answer:
•What is the difference between a boycott
and a protest?
•Boycott is the refusal to buy certain goods
•Protest is picketing or using signs saying
that you refuse to perform a task
October 22, 2013
•Get out your review from yesterday so
we can review really quickly before your
October 21, 2013
•Write the following question and
•If you were Sam Adams in Boston during
the 1770’s, what would be a quote about
how you feel toward the British?
October 21, 2013
•Write the following question and
•If you were Sam Adams in Boston during
the 1770’s, what would be a quote about
how you feel toward the British?
October 17, 2013
•Write the following question and answer:
•Describe the Boston Massacre.
•5 Patriots were killed by “lobsterbacks” on
March 5, 1770.
•Caused an uproar in the American colonies
when Paul Revere’s engraving appeared in
the newspapers.
October 16, 2013
•Write the following question and
•What is a boycott? Smuggling?
•Refusal to buy goods from England.
•Bringing illegal goods into the American
October 15, 2013
•Update your table of contents: Entry #8
Week 8 Warm Ups
•Write the following question and answer:
•What is a direct result of the Tea Act, passed
by Parliament, in the American Colonies?
•The Boston Tea Party
October 10, 2013
• Write the following question and answer:
What is parliament?
Parliament is the chief lawmaking body in
From Mrs. Kelley: There will be a student council meeting on
Thursday morning at 8am or 4 pm in room 38
October 9, 2013
•Write the following question and answer:
•What are some reasons the American colonists
had the idea to fight for their Independence?
October 8, 2013
•Write the following question and answer:
•What were the British and French fighting over
at the onset of the French and Indian War?
October 7, 2013
•Turn to the next available blank page in your
journal and wait for instructions!
October 4, 2013
•Get out your yellow reviews from yesterday.
You will turn these in before your test.
•Take a few minutes to sharpen your pencil and
get ready!
October 3, 2013
•Clear off your desk of everything except a
pencil. We’ve got a review to get through in a
short amount of time!
•Be ready when the bell rings!
October 2, 2013
•Write the following question and answer:
•What is the Great Awakening in your own
October 1, 2013
•Get a Triangular Trade map from the desk in the
•Begin immediately!
September 27, 2013
 Write the question and answer to the following:
 What are some traditions that were passed down
through slavery that we still see today?
September 26, 2013
 Write the following question and answer:
 What is your background knowledge of slavery?
 Southern colonies had slavery
 Northern colonies did not
 Most made up of enslaved Africans
 Captured Africans, by force
 Began by Europeans
 Harsh punishment for law breakers
 Slave trade
 Underground Railroad – Harriet Tubman
September 25, 2013
 Write the following question and answer:
 In your own words, describe Mercantilism.
September 24, 2013
 Write the following question and answer:
 How many regions are the 13 colonies divided into? What are
the names of these regions?
 3 Regions
 New England Colonies, Middle Colonies and the Southern
September 23, 2013
 Create a new entry (#14)
 Write the following question and answer:
 What is significant about the year 1620?
September 19, 2013
 Write the question and answer to the following:
 In what future state did the Pilgrims
accidentally land?
 Massachusetts
September 18, 2013
 Write the question and answer to the following:
 What is your background knowledge of the
September 17, 2013
 Please get out one sheet of notebook paper.
 Put your name, date and period at the top.
 Title it “Exploration and Colonization Test”
 Number your paper 1-20
 On your warm up page: write no warm up, Test
September 16, 2013
 Create a new table of contents entry: Warm ups Week 4, entry #
 Write the question and answer to the following:
 What role did Pocahontas play in the new Jamestown settlement?
 Possible answers:
 She was the chiefs daughter and was able to communicate between
the settlers and her people.
 She married John Rolf to show unity.
September 13, 2013
 Write the question and answer to the following:
 What cash crop saved the Jamestown
 Tobacco
September 12, 2013
 Write the following question and answer:
 What happened in 1607?
 Answer: Jametown was founded!
September 11, 2013
 Write the question and answer to the
 What is a colony?
 Once you have completed your warm up,
please get out your Columbian Exchange
September 9, 2013
 Get out your Menu projects from Friday.
 You will have today to work on them in class and use any
materials that I can provide for you.
 Use your time wisely!
September 6, 2013
 Underneath your warm-up from yesterday, write the
question and answer to the following:
 Define the Columbian Exchange in your own words.
September 5, 2013
 Make sure you have your spiral!
 Write no warm-up for today please!
September 4, 2013
 Make sure you have your spiral.You were told about needing
a spiral last week by your other history teacher.
 We are going to set these up first!