
State of STAR
• Data - Physics
• Detector Update
• Collaboration Update
• Physics
• Open Physics Issues
• Collaboration Issues
• Long Term Future
STAR Collaboration Meeting
7 February 2002
John Harris
STAR Data-Taken
Data Summer 2000
snn = 130 GeV Au + Au
 2.0 M total trigger events taken
 844 K central (top 15%)
 331 K (top 5%) central trigger events
 458 K good minimum bias trigger events
Data Fall 2001
snn = 200 GeV Au + Au
 ~ 14 M total trigger events taken
 3.6 M (top 10%) central trigger events
 4.7 M minimum bias trigger events
Data Fall 2001 (1-day)
snn = 20 GeV Au + Au
 ~ 250 K total trigger events taken
 30 K central trigger events
 200 K minimum bias events
Data Winter 2001-2
s = 200 GeV p + p
~ 20 M total trigger events taken
 17 M minimum bias trigger events for RHI reference data
 subset with forward pi-zero trigger (single spin asymmetry)
What Physics to Expect from 2001 Au + Au Run
Data on tape
– Min Bias events = 10x more than last year
– Central events = 7x more than last year
Physics Reach
– High-pt
• h spectra and anisotropy out to 12 GeV/c
• ratios at high-pt (RICH)
– Strangeness
• ,  (width, mass-shifts), higher reach in pT for (multi-) strange
• (1520), K*(1430), (1385)
• 3D K-K, K- w/ greater resolution,
• K-p, -p, K0s-K0s, pt dependence of R()
– Spectra
• , He4, particle ratio
– EbyE
• , K* flow, K/
– … and much more … (also p + p reference data and spin surprises)
Status of the
“Large acceptance hadronic detector”
STAR Detector at RHIC
Silicon Vertex Tracker +
Silicon Strip Detector
EM Cal Barrel +
End Cap EMC
Time Projection Chamber
Trigger Barrel +
Time of Flight Patch
Ring Imaging Cerenkov
Forward Time Projection Chamber
Detectors Run 2000
 TPC, Trigger Barrel, RICH
New Detectors 2001 Run:
 SVT, FTPCs, ToF patch, partial EMC, FPD, BBC
Detector Installation 2002:
 SSD, PMD,  1/2 EMC,
move RICH, EEMC (?)
Status of the
Universidade de Sao Paolo
IHEP - Beijing
USTC - Hefei
IMP - Lanzhou
SINR - Shanghai
Tsinghua University
IPP - Wuhan
University of Birmingham
419 collaborators
44 institutions
9 countries
IReS Strasbourg
MPI – Munich
University of Frankfurt
IOP - Bhubaneswar
VECC - Calcutta
Panjab University
University of Rajasthan
Jammu University
IIT - Bombay
Warsaw University of Technology
MEPHI – Moscow
U.S. Labs
Argonne National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
U.S. Universities
UC Berkeley / SSL
UC Davis
UC Los Angeles
Carnegie Mellon University
Creighton University
Indiana University
Kent State University
Michigan State University
City College of New York
Ohio State University
Penn. State University
Purdue University
Rice University
University of Texas - Austin
Texas A&M University
University of Washington
Wayne State University
Yale University
Physics Progress: Conclusions So Far
 low net baryon density  approaches early Universe
 particle ratios  consistent with quark coalescence
 strong radial and elliptic flow  large pressure gradients
 simple models of radial flow “fit” spectra  [ definitely too naïve? ]
Kinetic parameters: ßr (RHIC) = 0.6c ,
Tfo (RHIC) = 100-120 MeV
Do not yet understand details of flow or expansion!!
 simple chemical model “fits” ratios  [ fundamental or too naïve? ]
Chemical parameters: Tch (RHIC) = 175 MeV , B (RHIC) = 51 MeV
Need multiply strange baryon data for hard test!!
 source sizes similar to SPS  inconsistent with hydrodynamical models
Do not yet understand spacetime evolution!!
 variables wrt flow plane!  further constrain dynamical models
 single particle distributions and elliptic flow at high Pt
 most exciting data at QM  parton energy loss in-medium?
Need pp and pA reference data to understand mechanisms!!
Physics Progress:
STAR Journal Publications/Submissions
 Midrapidity -meson Production in Au+Au at snn = 130 GeV
submitted to Phys. Rev. C
 Measurement of Inclusive Anti-Protons from Au+Au at snn = 130 GeV
C. Adler et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 262302-1 (2001).
 Anti-deuteron and Anti-helium3 Production in Au+Au at snn = 130 GeV
C. Adler et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 262301-1 (2001).
 Identified Particle Elliptic Flow in Au+Au at snn = 130 GeV
C. Adler et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 182301 (2001).
 Multiplicity Distribution and Spectra of Negatively Charged Hadrons in
Au+Au at snn = 130 GeV
C. Adler et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 112303 (2001).
 Pion Interferometry of snn = 130 GeV Au+Au at RHIC
C. Adler et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 082301 (2001).
 Midrapidity Antiproton-to-Proton Ratio from Au+Au snn = 130 GeV
C. Adler et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4778 (2001).
 Elliptic Flow in Au+Au at snn = 130 GeV
K.H. Ackermann et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 402 (2001).
Physics in Progress
STAR Physics Papers in Preparation from 130 GeV Au + Au
• Spectra
Midrapidity Inclusive p and pbar*
Particle Production Summary Paper (PRC)
Pi-zero Paper (PRC)
 Strangeness
Cascade Paper
Mixed Hadron Ratio Paper (PRC)
• Ultra-Peripheral Collisions
Production of the -meson in UPC
• In Godfather Committee:
Ratios Paper (PRL)
K* Paper (PRL)
Strange Particle Flow (PRL)
Kaon Paper
 High pt
Inclusive High Pt Spectra and V2 Paper(s)
 Event-by-Event
Multiplicity Fluctuations Paper* (PRC)
Balance Functions* (PRL) +
Pt Fluctuations Paper (2) in Special Committee
4-Particle Correlation Paper* (PRC) +
3-pion Correlations* (PRL) +
K-pi Correlations* (PRL) +
Phase Space Density
Azimuthally Sensitive HBT* (PRL)
~ ready for submission:
Lambda Paper
* = completed preview
PWG Convenor Group Paper Preview Process
• PWG Convenor (PWGC) Group agreed to meet:
- bi-weekly meetings by telephone.
- in-person 1 day/month to discuss PWGC business.
- Physics Analysis Coordinator (PAC) will chair these meetings.
In order to:
1) allow early examination of "papers" by a group with a broad physics perspective and a range of
individual physics interests in STAR. This could include the merging of different types of analyses,
specific figures, and possibly papers. This will rapidly become important for STAR as we attempt to
correlate our results and better understand the physics from our data. We also anticipate that more
"interpretive" papers, including a range of data and analyses from STAR, will become increasingly
important. Such an early overview of proposals will help STAR prepare and publish better papers.
2) provide guidance on the journal for which each paper is targeted, and
3) provide feedback and guidance to the PA's and PWG Convenors before the text and format of
papers have been determined. Early examination is important to allow direction changes prior to any
large investment of time and effort on the text of papers.
STAR PWG Convenor Group Paper Preview Process
Spokesman & Physics Working Group Convenor Group decided unanimously:
- to institute practice of Principal Authors submitting proposals for papers to the Spokesman, once the
analysis has been discussed in the PWG and agreed to be sound, but prior to agreement on the
- proposal to include
primary physics points of the paper
proposed figures and tables
other supporting or explanatory info
journal to which paper is intended for submission.
Physics Analysis Coordinator and the PWGC Group are charged to discuss each proposal and make
recommendations on proposal to the Spokesman.
Spokesman shall provide PA's and PWG Convenors with relevant PWGC Group's guidance on proposal.
This is intended to be a fast process.
Presented to Council (Dec. 7) / will be discussed tomorrow also.
Physics - “accomplished a lot, much more to do,
so little beam time!”
 What are the open questions?
 Deconfinement?
 Chiral restoration?
 Understand Dynamics (early, expansion, late stages) & kinetic properties
 Parton Propagation (systematics, Cronin, propagation in hadronic matter)
• What must we still measure? When (next slide)?
• Multiply-strange baryon spectra (s and A dependences)
• J/y  e+e• Open Charm (D-mesons)  future
• Disoriented chiral condensates? low Pt spectra, charge/neutral ratios
• F  e+e• Particle production systematics
• Evolution (and systematics) of colliding systems
• High Pt hadrons (at least to 10 - 12 GeV/c, other systems inc. p/d + Au)
also p, p out to 5 GeV/c
• High Pt correlations future
• Still Room for New Ideas!
• Photon-Pomeron Physics!
• Entire Spin Physics Program!
STAR RHI Physics Program 2001 - 2005
Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics (AA plus reference data using pp, pA)
Soft (pt < 2 GeV/c) Physics (2000 - 2004)
• identified particle spectra (, K, p, anti-particles, strange particles, resonances)
• light anti-nuclei yields
• flow
• particle correlations
• multiply-strange baryon (X, ) spectra
• transverse energy production
• event-by-event fluctuations (inc: charge, DCC, pt , ...; P, CP violations)
• studies of event classes
High pt Physics (2000 - 2004)
• parton energy loss
– charged single particles
– identified particles (inc. o) to ~ 5 GeV/c
• high pt particle correlations, photons, jets*
“electrons” (2002/3 )
•   e+e• J/y  e+ep/d + A physics (2002 )
• nuclear structure functions/shadowing (g-jet)
• jets, direct photons
• J/y  e+e-
Photon/Pomeron Physics and
Spin Physics Programs 2001 - 2005
Photon/Pomeron Physics (ultra-peripheral AA)
Two-photon and photon-pomeron physics (2000 - 2003)
• states with mass < 2 GeV (2-prong final states)
• multiple vector meson production (4-prong final states)
• J/y  e+eHigher mass states (2002/3 )
• electron decays of higher charm states
• final states containing photons
• particle identification to identify higher mass strange and charm decays
• trigger on semi-leptonic decays of charm states
• ….
Spin physics (2001  2005)
2001  AN (with transverse spin)
2002  start (?) to measure ALL via inclusive jet production  sensitive to DG
2003  measure ALL via direct photons and jets  sensitive to DG
DG(x) and Dq(x) from dijet production
Higher energy - tests of parity-violating asymmetries in W production
2004  ALL from g-jet coincidences
ALL from Drell-Yan production of e+eInitial studies of parity-violating asymmetries in W production
2005  Measurement of parity-violating asymmetries in W production
(quark and anti-quark contribution to proton spin)
STAR Detector Additions 2001 - 2004
STAR Installation for 2001 Run
• Silicon Vertex Tracker
• Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter modules (complete 24 of 120 modules)
• Level 3 Processors
• 2 Forward Time Projection Chambers
• Time-of-Flight Patch
STAR Installation for 2002 Run
• Silicon Strip Detector
• Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter modules (complete 60 of 120)
• Endcap Electromagnetic Calorimeter (lower half installed)
• Data Rate Increase
• Level 1,2,3 Processors
STAR Installation for 2003 Run
• Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter modules (complete 88 of 120)
• Endcap Electromagnetic Calorimeter (complete, 1 < h < 2, D = 2))
• Photon Multiplicity Detector
• start Time-of-Flight Barrel?
STAR Installation for 2004 Run
• Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter modules (complete 120 of 120. I.e. -1 < h < 1, D = 2)
• Time-of-Flight Barrel (completed in 2005)?
• start Micro-vertex Detector?
Issues in STAR
• “Physics First!”
detectors  data-taking  recon  analysis  papers
“complex” convergence
• Physics, physics directions, and future
open discussion
common goals  guidance (Spokesperson, Council, Collaboration)
• Sociology
individuals working toward common goals
representation and voice
diversify committees (Talks, PWGC Group, GFCs,…)
service work
Future of STAR
• Finish papers for snn = 130 GeV Au + Au
esp. High Pt, Strange baryons, …………………
• Start snn = 200 GeV Au + Au, p + p production, and analyse for physics
physics for Quark Matter………beyond
• Must increase data (for-physics) rates
continue to increase
trigger capabilities (to select physics of interest)
(Trigger Board is in place)
DAQ rates
cpu/disk for recon/analysis
install and commission new detectors
EMC, SSD, PMD, TOF-RPC patch, …TOF-barrel……vtx…..)
test, install and commission new software
Integrated Tracking
• R&D and Detector Plans (see afternoon session)
• STAR Future Physics Workshop in April (details in Ludlam’s talk)
• Decide STAR Physics Goals & Priorities (this summer)
• Determine R&D Funding Requests (this summer)
• Must finally get STAR Detector Trailer at STAR Hall!
• Long Term Major Upgrade Proposal (end of year)
The End