Electromagnetism Contents • Review of Maxwell’s equations and Lorentz Force Law • Motion of a charged particle under constant Electromagnetic fields • Relativistic transformations of fields • Electromagnetic energy conservation • Electromagnetic waves – Waves in vacuo – Waves in conducting medium • Waves in a uniform conducting guide – Simple example TE01 mode – Propagation constant, cut-off frequency – Group velocity, phase velocity – Illustrations 2 Reading • J.D. Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics • H.D. Young and R.A. Freedman: University Physics (with Modern Physics) • P.C. Clemmow: Electromagnetic Theory • Feynmann Lectures on Physics • W.K.H. Panofsky and M.N. Phillips: Classical Electricity and Magnetism • G.L. Pollack and D.R. Stump: Electromagnetism 3 Basic Equations from Vector Calculus For a scalar function φ x,y,z,t , φ φ φ gradient : φ , , x y z Gradient is normal to surfaces =constant F F1 , F2 , F3 , F F F divergence : F 1 2 3 x y z F F F F F F curl : F 3 2 , 1 3 , 2 1 z z x x y y For a vector 4 Basic Vector Calculus ( F G) G F F G 0, F 0 2 ( F ) ( F ) F Stokes’ Theorem F dS F d r S C dS n dS Oriented boundary C n Divergence or Gauss’ Theorem F dV F dS V S Closed surface S, volume V, outward pointing normal 5 What is Electromagnetism? • The study of Maxwell’s equations, devised in 1863 to represent the relationships between electric and magnetic fields in the presence of electric charges and currents, whether steady or rapidly fluctuating, in a vacuum or in matter. • The equations represent one of the most elegant and concise way to describe the fundamentals of electricity and magnetism. They pull together in a consistent way earlier results known from the work of Gauss, Faraday, Ampère, Biot, Savart and others. • Remarkably, Maxwell’s equations are perfectly consistent with the transformations of special relativity. Maxwell’s Equations Relate Electric and Magnetic fields generated by charge and current distributions. E = electric field D = electric displacement H = magnetic field B = magnetic flux density = charge density j = current density 0 (permeability of free space) = 4 10-7 0 (permittivity of free space) = 8.854 10-12 c (speed of light) = 2.99792458 108 m/s In vacuum D 0 E , B 0 H , 0 0 c 2 1 D B 0 B E t D H j t E Maxwell’s 1st Equation 0 Equivalent to Gauss’ Flux Theorem: E 0 1 E dV E d S V 0 S Q dV V 0 The flux of electric field out of a closed region is proportional to the total electric charge Q enclosed within the surface. A point charge q generates an electric field E E dS sphere q 40 r 3 r q dS q 2 40 sphere r 0 Area integral gives a measure of the net charge enclosed; divergence of the electric field gives the density 8 of the sources. B 0 Maxwell’s 2nd Equation Gauss’ law for magnetism: B 0 B dS 0 The net magnetic flux out of any closed surface is zero. Surround a magnetic dipole with a closed surface. The magnetic flux directed inward towards the south pole will equal the flux outward from the north pole. If there were a magnetic monopole source, this would give a non-zero integral. Gauss’ law for magnetism is then a statement that There are no magnetic monopoles B E t Maxwell’s 3rd Equation Equivalent to Faraday’s Law of Induction: B S E dS S t dS d d E dl B dS dt S dt C (for a fixed circuit C) The electromotive force round a circuit E dl is proportional to the rate of change of flux of magnetic field, B dS through the circuit. Faraday’s Law is the basis for electric generators. It also forms the basis for inductors and transformers. N S 1 E B 0 j 2 c t Maxwell’s 4th Equation Originates from Ampère’s (Circuital) Law : B 0 j B dl B dS 0 j dS 0 I C Ampère S S Satisfied by the field for a steady line current (Biot-Savart Law, 1820): 0 I B 4 dl r r3 For a straight line current Biot 0 I B 2 r Need for Displacement Current • • Faraday: vary B-field, generate E-field Maxwell: varying E-field should then produce a B-field, but not covered by Ampère’s Law. Apply Ampère to surface 1 (flat disk): line integral of B = 0I Surface 2 Surface 1 Applied to surface 2, line integral is zero since no current penetrates the deformed surface. Current I dQ dE Q , so In capacitor, E I A ε0 A Closed loop 0 dt dt E Displacement current density is j d 0 t E B 0 j jd 0 j 0 0 t 12 Consistency with Charge Conservation Charge conservation: Total current flowing out of a region equals the rate of decrease of charge within the volume. d j d S dV dt j dV dV t j 0 t From Maxwell’s equations: Take divergence of (modified) Ampère’s equation 1 B 0 j 2 E c t 0 0 j 0 0 t 0 0 j t Charge conservation is implicit in Maxwell’s Equations 13 Maxwell’s Equations in Vacuum In vacuum 1 D 0 E , B 0 H , 0 0 2 c Source-free equations: B 0 B E 0 t Sourceequations E 0 1 E B 2 0 j c t Equivalent integral forms (useful for simple geometries) 1 E dS B dS 0 0 dV d d E dl dt B dS dt 1 d B dl 0 j dS c2 dt E dS 14 Example: Calculate E from B d E dl dt B dS z r r0 r B0 sin t r r0 Bz r r0 0 Also from B E t r r0 d r 2 B0 sin t r 2 B0 cos t dt 1 E B0 r cos t 2 2 rE d r02 B0 sin t r02 B0 cos t dt r02 B0 E cos t 2r 2 rE 1 E then gives current density necessary B 0 j 2 c dt to sustain the fields Lorentz Force Law • Supplement to Maxwell’s equations, gives force on a charged particle moving in an electromagnetic field: f q Ev B • For continuous distributions, have a force density fd E j B • Relativistic equation of motion v f dP F , d c – 4-vector form: 1 dE dp f , c dt dt – 3-vector component: d m0 v f q E v B dt 16 Motion of charged particles in constant magnetic fields d m0 v f q E v B dt d m0 v q v B dt 1. Dot product with v: d q v v v v B 0 dt m0 But So d d v v dt dt d 0 is constant v is constant dt γv 2 c 2 2 1 No acceleration with a magnetic field 2. Dot product with B: d q B v Bv B 0 dt m0 d B v 0, v// constant dt 17 Motion in constant magnetic field dv q v B dt m0 v2 Constant magnetic field gives uniform spiral about B with constant energy. q v B m0 circular motion with radius at angular frequency ω v ρ qB m m0v qB m m0 m0 v p B q q Magnetic rigidity Motion in constant Electric Field d m0 v f q E v B dt Solution of is v d q v E dt m0 qE v t 2 1 m0 c dx v dt d m0 v q E dt 2 qE 1 t m0 2 2 qEt m0c 1 x 1 qE m0c 2 Energy gain is 1 qE 2 t 2 m0 for qE m0c qEx Constant E-field gives uniform acceleration in straight line 19 Potentials • Magnetic vector potential: B 0 A such that B A • Electric scalar potential: B A A E A E 0 t t t t A A with E , so E t t • Lorentz Gauge: Use freedom to set f(t), A A 1 A 0 2 c t 20 Electromagnetic 4-Vectors Lorentz Gauge 1 1 1 A 0 , , A 4 Α 2 c t c t c 4 4-potential A j v J 0V 0 (c, v ) ( c, j ) where 0 4-gradient Current 4-vector Continuity 1 4 J , c , j j 0 equation t c t Charge-current transformations v jx jx jx v , 2 c 21 Example: Electromagnetic Field of a Single Particle • Charged particle moving along x-axis of Frame F Frame F z Observer P v z’ Frame F’ Origins coincide at t=t=0 b x • P has charge q x’ 0 xP ( xP vt) so xP vt x ' P ( vt' ,0, b), so vxp 2 2 2 x p r ' b v t ' , t ' t 2 t c • In F, fields are only electrostatic (B=0), given by q E ' 3 x 'P r' qvt' qb E ' x 3 , E ' y 0, E ' z 3 r' r' Electromagnetic Energy • Rate of doing work on unit volume of a system is v f d v E j B v E j E • Substitute for j from Maxwell’s equations and re-arrange into the form D D E E H H E E j E H t t B D S H E where S E H t t 1 S ED BH Poynting vector 2 t 23 1 j E BH ED E H t 2 Integrated over a volume, have energy conservation law: rate of doing work on system equals rate of increase of stored electromagnetic energy+ rate of energy flow across boundary. dW d dt dt 1 E D B H dV E H dS 2 electric + magnetic energy densities of the fields Poynting vector gives flux of e/m energy across boundaries 24 Review of Waves • 1D wave equation is solution 2u with 1 2ugeneral 2 2 2 x v t u( x, t ) f (vt x ) g ( vt x ) • Simple plane wave: 1D : sin t k x 2 Wavelength is k Frequency is 2 3D : sin t k x Phase and group velocities i ( k ) t kx A ( k ) e dk Plane wave sin t k x has constant phase t k x 2 at peaks t kx 0 x vp t k Superposition of plane waves. While shape is relatively undistorted, pulse travels with the group velocity vg d dk Wave packet structure • Phase velocities of individual plane waves making up the wave packet are different, • The wave packet will then disperse with time 27 Electromagnetic waves • • Maxwell’s equations predict the existence of electromagnetic waves, later discovered by Hertz. No charges, no currents: B E t B t 2 2 D E 2 t t 2 D H t D 0 B E t B 0 2 E E E 2 E 3D wave equation : 2 2 2 2 E E E E 2 E 2 2 2 2 x y z t Nature of Electromagnetic Waves • A general plane wave with angular frequency travelling in the direction of the wave vector k has the form E E0 exp[ i(t k x )] B B0 exp[ i(t k x )] • Phase t k= 2 x number of waves and so is a Lorentz invariant. • Apply Maxwell’s equations ik i t E 0 B k E 0 k B E B k E B k and E , B and are mutually perpendicular Waves are transverse to the direction of propagation, Plane Electromagnetic Wave 30 Plane Electromagnetic Waves 1 E B 2 c t k B 2E c k E B Combined with E kc2 deduce that B k Wavelength 2 k Frequency 2 speed of wave in vacuum is c k Reminder: The fact that t k x is an invariant tells us that ,k c is a Lorentz 4-vector, the 4-Frequency vector. Deduce frequency transforms as cv v k cv Waves in a Conducting Medium E E0 exp[ i(t k x )] B B0 exp[ i(t k x )] • (Ohm’s Law) For a medium of conductivity , • Modified Maxwell: • Put D E E H j E t t j E ik H E i E Dissipation factor conduction current Copper : 5.8 107 , 0 D 1012 Teflon : 3 10-8 , 2.1 0 D 2.57 104 displacement current Attenuation in a Good Conductor i k H E i E B Combine with E k E H t k k E k H i E k E k k 2 E i E k 2 i since k E 0 For a good conductor D >> 1, , k i 2 x 1 x Wave form is exp i t exp , k 1 i where 2 is the skin - depth k copper.mov 2 1 i water.mov Charge Density in a Conducting Material • Inside a conductor (Ohm’s law) j E • Continuity equation is j 0 t E 0 t t • Solution is 0e t So charge density decays exponentially with time. For a very good conductor, charges flow instantly to the surface to form a surface charge density and (for time varying fields) a surface current. Inside a perfect conductor () E=H=0 Maxwell’s Equations in a Uniform Perfectly Conducting Guide z Hollow metallic cylinder with perfectly conducting boundary surfaces Maxwell’s equations with time dependence exp(it) are: 2 B E E E E i H t i H D 2 H i E E t E 2 2 0 H x y Assume E ( x, y, z, t ) E ( x, y )e( i t z ) H ( x, y, z, t ) H ( x, y )e( i t z ) is the propagation constant Can solve for the fields completely in terms of Ez and Hz E Then t2 ( 2 2 ) 0 H Special cases • Transverse magnetic (TM modes): – Hz=0 everywhere, Ez=0 on cylindrical boundary • Transverse electric (TE modes): – Ez=0 everywhere, H z on cylindrical boundary 0 n • Transverse electromagnetic (TEM modes): – Ez=Hz=0 everywhere – requires 2 2 0 or i 36 Cut-off frequency, c 2 n nx i t z n 1 , E A sin e , c a a a c c gives real solution for , so attenuation only. No wave propagates: cutoff modes. c gives purely imaginary solution for , and a wave propagates without attenuation. ik , k 2 2 c 1 2 1 2 c 2 For a given frequency only a finite number 1 2 of modes can propagate. c n a n a For given frequency, convenient to choose a s.t. only n=1 mode occurs. 37 Propagated Electromagnetic Fields From E B , assuming A is real, t Ak n x sin cos t kz Hx a i H E Hy 0 A n n x H cos sin t kz z a a x z 38 Phase and group velocities in the simple wave guide k Wave number: 2 2 c 1 2 2 2 , the free space wavelength k Wavelength: Phase velocity: vp k 1 , larger than free - space velocity Group velocity: k 2 2 2 c d k 1 vg dk smaller than free - space velocity 39 Calculation of Wave Properties • If a=3 cm, cut-off frequency of lowest order mode is c 1 3 108 fc 5 GHz 2 2a 2 0.03 c n a • At 7 GHz, only the n=1 mode propagates and k 2 vp vg 2 c 1 2 2 72 52 109 / 3 108 103 m 1 12 2 6 cm k k 4.3 108 ms 1 c k 2.1 108 ms 1 c 40 Flow of EM energy along the simple guide Fields (c) are: n x E x E z 0, E y A sin cost kz a k n n x Hx E y , H y 0, H z A cos sin t kz a a Total e/m energy density Time-averaged energy: Electric energy a 2 1 1 2 We E dx A a 4 0 8 1 2 W A a 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 n k Wm H dx A a 4 0 8 a a Magnetic energy We since n 2 2 k 2 2 a 2 41 Poynting Vector Poynting vector is S E H E y H z ,0, E y H x Time-averaged: Integrate over x: 1 kA2 2 n x S 0, 0,1 sin 2 a 1 akA2 Sz 4 So energy is transported at a rate: Total e/m energy density 1 2 W A a 4 Sz k vg We Wm Electromagnetic energy is transported down the waveguide with the group velocity 42