March 2012 Issue 5 A Message from the Principal, Derek Brothers Upcoming Events 3/8 3/21 3/21 3/22 5/16 5/18 Articulation Day Band Festival (IBAP) PTA Meeting – 7:00 p.m. Library Open House – 6:00 p.m. Last Late Start Dance #3 I would like to invite you to our Open House on Thursday, March 22nd (6-7 pm), and we would love to have you stay for our PTA meeting that starts at 7:00 pm. Visitors will view student projects, will listen to the music of the Holmes Band, purchase books at the Book Fair and watch students participate in activities in the gym. If you visit our Science Labs, Library, Computer Labs, Gym Complex, Home Economics Room and Industrial Arts Facilities, you will see what our wonderful students are accomplishing. STAR Testing: Seventh graders throughout the state will be writing an essay for the STAR Writing Assessment on March 6th, and then our whole school will be gearing up for the state standards tests later in the spring. Between April 23rd and May 4th students will be taking the nationally normed California Standards Tests in English/Language Arts, Math, U.S. History and Science. As all schools in the state will be testing during this testing window, we are uncertain when the testing company will have the results returned to us. Although the state uses this testing for accountability purposes and general achievement information, our school staff finds the individual and group information very valuable. It tells us where relative strengths and weaknesses are in our instructional programs and when we are hitting those targets. For example, Holmes’ science scores have risen steadily over the years. This data tells us that our instructional methods are sound. The test results are also one of the measures we use when considering individual student’s placement in certain classes. The following are a few suggestions to help prepare your student for the testing: Continued on page 2 A Message from Your PTA President, Christina Dicker As spring approaches, it’s time to start looking ahead to the next school year. Your PTA is beginning the process of filling positions for 2012-13. At the March 21 meeting, officer candidates will be nominated. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to volunteer, now is the time! Please email me if you are interested in volunteering with our fabulous PTA. There are many positions, both officer and committee, waiting to be filled. I’m sure you’ve noticed PTAs tend to operate more quietly at the junior high level than they do at the elementary school level. Be assured, junior high PTAs are still a vital part of school. To prove my point, here are some of our budget details: Continued on page 3 Page 2 Holmes PTA Newsletter Principal’s Message Continued from page 1 Please do not schedule appointments or trips during this time. Students not testing during class testing times will be testing with a mixed class setting during make up times. Research has found that students do their best testing in their own classroom with their own teacher. Try to get into a routine that includes early bedtime, breakfast and arriving to school on time. Students arriving late when a class is testing will not be allowed into the classroom until that section of testing is complete. Encourage your student to do his/her best and to use the opportunity to practice test taking skills which are increasingly important as students look forward to passing the high school exit exam and applying for college, trade schools, or employment. It has become increasingly clear that our schools will be facing challenging times in the months ahead. Our district is experiencing declining student enrollment. Together, these factors could reduce our school district budget next year by as much as $10 million. This significant decrease in funding will, inevitably, impact services, programs, and staffing for our schools. As parents, teachers, staff members, and administrators, our job is to make sure that our educational mission remains our top priority. As a community, we must keep our focus on our students and their welfare. Times like these cause us to pull together. I ask your patience and understanding as we navigate through the difficult days ahead. To the fullest extent our resources permit, we will place first the welfare of the students we serve. March 2012 Math Department News In March your children will receive their course request forms for the next academic year. A signature is required from their current math teacher with the recommendation for the next math course. Teacher recommendations are based on current grades, test scores and study habits. Geometry teachers base their recommendation on the student’s Algebra I and Geometry grades as they decide between the accelerated Algebra II/Trig class or Algebra II. Prerequisites for each course are listed in the Holmes course catalog. 8th graders requesting Biology require both a math and science teacher signature to verify readiness. All recommendations in mathematics are reevaluated in June when final exams are completed, so changes can occur. If you do not feel the recommended math level is appropriate for your child, please contact their teacher. The math department would like to thank the PTA for their support of Pi Week. Students will be busy reciting, looking up pi trivia, designing T-shirts and creating mathematical songs all to celebrate our favorite irrational, π. Pat King Math Department Library News Please remind your child to turn in overdue books to the library. Notices are sent out weekly to classrooms and bi-weekly to homes. Thank you! Thank you for supporting and motivating your children to make the most of their learning experiences here at Holmes! The Battle of the Books is in full swing. We have twelve seventh grade teams this year who are reading eight books over six weeks. The battle will be held Friday, March 16th in the MPR. If you would look to donate prizes or help with the battle contact the library! Derek Brothers Holmes Junior High Principal Sarah Lanyi Library Technician Page 3 Holmes PTA Newsletter PTA President’s Message Continued from page 1 This year the Holmes PTA is budgeted to raise $32,900. With less than $2,900 spent on administrative costs, PTA dues and insurance, $30,050 is available for the benefit of the Holmes students and families. Annually, Holmes PTA uses the money raised to support Holmes programs such as: library books and materials, WEB, Safe School Ambassadors, staff education, parent education, campus beautification, Red Ribbon Week, Holiday Toy Shop party, Pi Week, and science supplies for dissection and meal worm projects. PTA also helps teachers with individual requests for program support. This year, PE/Intramurals, Industrial Tech and the Science department purchased some new equipment. Special Ed purchased incentives to help motivate RSP students. The Social Studies department purchased supplies so the 8th graders can create a patriotic tile display to be installed on a campus building. Math department registered for the Math Counts competition. Thanks to a very successful Un-Fundraiser, PTA is supporting class-wide field trips at all grade levels, relating to social studies (7th and 8th grade) and PE (9th grade) curriculum, and is also funding the repair/purchase of new lap tops for student use. PTA is happy to provide “hospitality”. We treat the Holmes staff to a wonderful lunch three times a year and we help with events like Career Day and school registration. PTA also serves the Holmes families through listserv announcements, the monthly newsletter, the PTA website, and coordination of e-scrip and Nugget scrip cards – all of which are maintained by PTA volunteers. PTA volunteers are the backbone of a strong PTA. With your participation, we can continue to help the Holmes teachers provide the best education possible for our children. I hope next year you will become a PTA volunteer! Christina Dicker PTA President March 2012 Weather Has Been PE’s Friend Although it may not help our State’s water problems, the third quarter has started out quite dry which has helped our PE classes that are playing outdoors. 9th graders are playing tennis, and some 8th graders are playing lacrosse while others are playing volleyball in the gym. The 7th graders are either learning self-defense or volleyball. Ms. Wade is in the gym at both lunches supervising intramural volleyball. Ask your student if he or she is taking part. It’s lots of fun. Looking ahead, all students will participate in our track and field unit in April which is a reminder to 8th and 7th graders that the Holmes Track and Field team starts practice at the start of the month. This team is by far the most popular sports team at Holmes, so your child should definitely consider joining in the fun. Ms. Hogan and Mr. King return as coaches this year and are hoping for another championship season. The State Physical Fitness Test Results have been published, and again, Holmes students exceeded the state results on all six fitness tests. The students get most of the credit, but we know a lot of parents are encouraging their students at home to get and stay in top shape, and the test results show your efforts are working. With reduced funding from the State, we are forced to ask the community for equipment we cannot afford. We need the following items and if you have them gathering dust at your house, we can put them to good use at Holmes. We need a boom box that plays CD’s, a tug-o-war rope, a good weight scale, and used tennis balls and tennis racquets. We, of course accept any donations to our program, but these items are of the most need. You can drop off donations at the front office and tell them it is for PE. Thanks for thinking of us. Together we can continue an outstanding PE program at Holmes. Paul Rooney Physical Education Department Page 4 Holmes PTA Newsletter Counselor’s Corner movie/popcorn night at home after other siblings have gone to bed or going out for a Jamba Juice or a walk in the arboretum. Avoid committing to expensive outings. Do not minimize the value of your time and the impact that your undivided attention will have on your child. Staying Connected Students dramatically change during their time in junior high school. They arrive as wide-eyed elementary students and leave as opinionated high school students. Our Holmes staff members say they find this process of metamorphism fascinating. Abrupt growth spurts, emotional differentiation, and academic independence are milestones that can be reached during the junior high experience. Holmes counselors know this journey is not always easy. Broken friendships, fragile egos, and constricting social hierarchies can contribute to painful and challenging experiences along the way. In searching for a way to support your child on this journey, look to yourself and trust the significance of your connection with your child. Holmes counselors know that our students’ greatest allies are their parent/guardian(s). In many ways, the junior high years parallel the toddler years. Our students depend on their parents to implement a supportive structure that will help them successfully navigate challenges. Do not be misguided by statements like: “I can do it on my own,” “Stop embarrassing me,” and/or “It’s called hanging out. I don’t have play dates anymore!” Here are some ideas Holmes counselors have collected throughout the years: March 2012 Create dialogue with your child. Discuss concerns and take time to listen to your child’s side of the story. When it comes to making choices be careful about jumping to a yes or no answer. It’s okay to slow things down and come back to the concern. As a parent you are creating and supporting a foundational structure for child. Let your child know that you are there when mistakes happen. Try to not rehash past mistakes. Encourage your child to find workable solutions for problems. Tell your child that they can use you as an excuse if they want out of a peer situation. For example, “I can’t do that because my mom will drug test me.” Look for opportunities to genuinely praise your child. Do not leave your child unsupervised if you can avoid it. If possible, do not let your child sleep over at another child’s house until you have confirmed that a parent is going to be present. Joanna Littell School Counselor Eat dinner together when you can. While you eat, take turns talking. Keep the conversation strength based, i.e., focus on the good and avoid disparaging comments or emotionally charged/sensitive topics, for example, do not talk about grades. Try to minimize interruptions. Be prepared with conversation building questions, for example, what was your favorite part of your day? We have students that would like to start a ping pong club at Holmes but we only have one ping pong table. If someone has a table in their garage gathering dust that would like a new home, please contact Heather Wade at Schedule a “date night” with your teenager. This can be as simple as having a Heather Wade Math Department Got Ping Pong? Page 5 Holmes PTA Newsletter March 2012 Green Team Update LOST & FOUND It’s a new semester, which calls for new ideas. The Green Team has brainstormed ways to make our school greener. The Recycling Group will be putting posters around the school to remind students what can or cannot be recycled. The Energy Group will visit classrooms to chat with teachers about ways to save energy, such as keeping the door closed when heaters are on because leaving the door open is a waste of energy and money. Green Team has a list of ideas to help teachers promote energy conservation and recycling. As the weather is warming up, students are beginning to shed their coats, jackets and sweatshirts. Consequently, we have quite a collection of LOST & FOUND clothing that will be donated to a good cause if the items are not claimed. The “Lost & Found Box” is located in a small alcove in the MPR, closest to the parking lot. We also have several smaller items in the office that also need claiming, such as keys, jewelry and some gloves. Please encourage your student to rummage through the LOST & FOUND Box to claim their valuable items. Additionally, a student in the energy group has been printing fun facts about conserving energy in the daily bulletin. For instance, getting out of the shower 2 minutes earlier can save both water and energy. Lastly, Green Team plans to help the city of Davis compete in the Cool California Challenge. Starting in April, parents can logon to to commit to monitoring their use of energy. Each of the three final cities will earn $10,000 in support funds to continue the challenge so chip in! Ashley Ninth Grade Luisa Nye Office Staff