Performance-Based Design and Nonlinear Modeling of Coupled Shear Walls and Coupling Beams Danya Mohr, Dawn Lehman and Laura Lowes, University of Washington NEESR Project Overview Research Objectives: Improve understanding of the seismic behavior of reinforced concrete core walls and develop tools to enable performancebased design of these components. Project Scope: Experimental investigation of core wall components using the UIUC MUST-SIM NEES facility. Development of numerical models and modeling recommendations to enable simulation of the seismic response of buildings with core walls. Development of damage-prediction models and performancebased design recommendations. The Research Team University of Washington Laura Lowes, Assistant Professor Dawn Lehman, Assistant Professor Danya Mohr, Claudio Osses, Blake Doepker & Paul Oyën, Graduate Student Researchers University of Illinois Dan Kuchma, Assistant Professor Chris Hart and Ken Marley, Graduate Student Researcher University of California, Los Angeles Jian Zhang, Assistant Professor Yuchuan Tang, Graduate Research Assistant External Advisory Panel Ron Klemencic and John Hooper, Magnusson Klemencic Associates Andrew Taylor, KPFF Consulting Engineers Neil Hawkins, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois Experimental Test Program Bidirectional Loading Unidirectional Loading Moment – Shear Ratio Planar (2) Flanged Coupled Core-Wall System Long. Reinf. Distribution Load History Coupling Beam Strength Scope of the Coupled Wall Research Effort and Presentation Outline Design a “typical” coupled wall specimen for testing at UIUC. Compare current code confinement requirements for diagonally reinforced coupling beams to proposed alternative methods. Investigate performance of the coupled wall system using existing non-linear finite element software (VecTor2). Identify appropriate parameters for the experimental investigation. Washington Mutual Tower Photo Courtesy of Magnusson Klemencic Assoc. Design of the Reference Coupled Wall Specimen: Building Inventory Review Review drawings for ten buildings (7 to 30 stories) designed for construction on the West Coast using UBC 1991, 1994 and 1997. Four buildings were found with coupled shear walls. Developed data set of wall properties including: wall configuration, geometry, aspect ratio, and reinforcement ratios. With consultation from Advisory Panel, average values used as a basis for coupled wall configuration. Design of the Reference Coupled Wall Specimen: Review Previous Experimental Research Experimental testing of coupled walls Numerous planar wall and coupling beam tests. Very few coupled wall tests completed. Coupled wall specimens were not representative of current design practices. Experimental testing of coupling beams Fairly extensive testing of coupling beams has been done. 7 test programs and 35 coupling beam tests were presented in the literature with sufficient detail for use in the current study. Of these, 22 coupling beams with horizontal or diagonal reinforcement were reviewed in detail for the current study. It should be noted that few data characterizing damage and damage progression in coupling beams are presented in the literature. Design Approach Code based elastic design to determine wall flexural strength, coupling beam strength, and detailing requirements using IBC 2007, ACI 318-05 Performance-base plastic design approach to determine pier wall shear demand SEAOC Seismic Design Manual Vol. III (International Code Council - Structural/Seismic Design Manual) Fundamental design parameters taken from the building inventory review 10 Story wall, (120 ft high) 30 ft wide, 4.0 aspect ratio, (Avg. = 29.4, 5.5) Aspect ratio of coupling beams = 1.5 ,(Avg. = 1.7) Initial horizontal reinforcement ratio of piers set to code min. 0.25% Diagonal reinforcement ratio, d = 0.83% (Avg. d = 1.09%) Code-Based Elastic Design ELF procedure using ASCE 7-05 results in triangular lateral load distribution Elastic effective stiffness model to determine force distribution. Effective stiffness values taken from New Zealand and Canadian Design Code Recommendations. 0.10EIg for coupling beams. 0.70EIg for wall piers. Forces from elastic analysis used to design wall pier and coupling beam reinforcement according to ACI 318-05. Building Code would allow design process to stop here. However, current practice recommends completing a plastic analysis to, establish shear demand corresponding to flexural strength, and identify potential plastic hinge regions. Plastic Analysis of Flexural Mechanism in Wall Determine the probable strength (Mpr) of the coupling beams and piers assuming 1.25fy and = 1.0 Assume “preferred” behavior mechanism with plastic hinges at the base of the wall piers and the ends of all coupling beams. Evaluate the plastic mechanism by equating internal vs. external work to determine the plastic shear demand at the base of the wall. (SEAOC Seismic Design Manual Vol. III) Adjust shear reinforcement of wall piers to ensure that shear strength exceeds the flexural capacity. Plastic Hinges Coupled Wall Reinforcement Pier Reinforcement Ratios 1st Floor Pier h = 0.54%, Horizontal v = 0.27%, Vertical b = 3.64%, Boundary Typical Pier h = 0.27%, Horizontal v = 0.27%, Vertical b = 3.64%, Boundary Coupling Beams Diagonally Reinforced d = 0.83% Coupling Beam Reinforcement Evaluation of Coupled Wall Performance Using VecTor2 VecTor2 Nonlinear finite element analysis software suite for reinforced concrete membrane structures. Formworks - Model Builder VecTor2 - Analysis Software Augustus - Post Processor/Data Viewer Developed at the University of Toronto by Frank Vecchio and his students over the last two decades. Based on the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) (Vecchio and Collins 1986) and the Disturbed Stress Field Model (DSFM) (Vecchio 1994). VecTor2 Analysis Software Modified Compression Field Theory Uniformly distributed reinforcement Uniformly distributed cracks and rotating cracks Average stress and strain over each element Orientation of principle strain and principle stress are the same Perfect bond between reinforcement and concrete Independent constitutive models for concrete and steel Disturbed Stress Field Model Builds on MCFT Crack shear slip modeled explicitly Orientations of principle stress and principle strain are decoupled Discrete reinforcement may be layered on top of Element Subject to Shear & Normal Stress1 the RC continuum. 1. Vecchio & Wong, (2006), VecTor2 User Manual Evaluation of VecTor2 The results of previous research by Paul Oyen, a UW MS student, as well as numerous other researchers suggested that VecTor2 could be expected to Predict well the strength and stiffness of RC continua Predict deformation capacity with less accuracy. Further evaluation of VecTor2 for coupling beams, in which discrete reinforcement determines behavior, was required for the current study.. Simulate 17 experimental coupling beam tests 5 Monotonically Loaded 5 Cyclically Loaded Diagonally Reinforced Diagonal Compression Conventionally Reinforced Flexure 2 Monotonically Loaded 5 Cyclically Loaded Coupling beam tests include multiple behavior modes Flexure Flexure / Shear Diagonal Compression Flexure / Compression Flexure / Diagonal Tension Flexure Compression Flexure Shear Galano & Vignoli, (2000), ACI Structural Journal 97 (6) Nonlinear Continuum Models Geometry and Materials Dimensions and scale of specimens used. Reported material properties for concrete and steel used. Entire test specimen was modeled (including loading blocks) Reinforcement modeling Primary longitudinal or diagonal reinforcement modeled as discrete truss-bar elements. All other bars modeled as smeared reinforcement Conventionally Reinforced Coupling Beam Zones of different Reinf. Ratios & Reinf. Orientation Discrete Truss-Bar Elements Diagonally Reinforced Coupling Beam Simulation versus Experimental VecTor2 Simulation Experimental Results Model: Galano P01 Monotonically Loaded Conventionally Reinforced Galano & Vignoli, (2000), ACI Structural Journal 97 (6) Simulation versus Experimental VecTor2 Simulation Model: Galano P05 Monotonically Loaded Conventionally Reinforced Experimental Results Galano & Vignoli, (2000), ACI Structural Journal 97 (6) Simulation versus Experimental VecTor2 Simulation Model: Galano P07 Cyclically Loaded Conventionally Reinforced Experimental Results Galano & Vignoli, (2000), ACI Structural Journal 97 (6) Simulation versus Experimental VecTor2 Simulation Model: Tassios CB1A Cyclically Loaded Conventionally Reinforced Experimental Results Tassios, Maretti and Bezas (1997) ACI Structural Journal 97 (6) Results for Complete Coupling Beam Evaluation Study Vy/Vye Vu/Vue Ky/Kye Ku/Kue K1.5/ K1.5e δy/δye δu/δue Average 1.05 0.98 1.34 3.00 1.07 0.89 0.42 Mean 1.06 1.00 1.27 2.50 1.04 0.92 0.45 Std. Dev. 0.17 0.10 0.52 1.70 0.17 0.34 0.21 δu Vu δue Vue K1.5 δye Vδyey Ku1.5e VK y ye Ky Kue Coupling Beam Evaluation Summary VecTor2 Provides a good prediction of behavior through yield and up to ultimate strength. Under predicts Vy by 5% on average Over predicts Vu by 2% on average Under predicts y by 11% Poor prediction of displacement at ultimate strength Under predicts u 42% on average Early loss of strength due to crushing of elements and poor redistribution of stress Evaluation of the Coupling Beam Designs for the Coupled Wall Test Specimen Diagonal ACI 318-05 Code Diagonal reinforcement must be used if: Aspect Ratio, ln/d that is less than two, and Factored Shear, Vu exceeding 4√f’cbwd Additionally, confinement required around diagonal bar groups to meet: § - Ash = 0.09s bc f’c/fy § - Spacing less than 1/4 min. member dimension 6 times db long. bar 4 + (14 +hx)/3 ACI 318-05 Code Compliant Coupling Beam Alternate Designs ACI 318H-CH047 Proposal Reduce spacing of ties on diagonal bars by eliminating the 1/4 of member dimension rule. Or, provide confinement of entire beam Modified ACI 318H-CH047 Further reduce confinement requirements by reducing the area of steel required, Ash, by half. ACI 318H Full Confinement Proposal Coupling Beam Model Properties l v h Ad Specimen (Ast/dt) (Av/st) (Ah/ds) (in2) CBR-ACI 0.31% 0.27% 0.10% 0.80 1.63% CBR-318H 0.31% 0.27% 0.10% 0.80 CBR-318H-F 0.42% 0.74% 0.74% CBR-318H-M 0.28% 0.56% 0.35% Concrete f'c ft Ec 5.0 0.50 4030 0.003 Ksi Ksi Ksi Reinforcement fy fu Es Es h 60 90 29000 170 0.010 Ksi Ksi Ksi Ksi dv dt Diag sdiag t ies Ties (in) 3.27% 2 #2 1 1.09% 2.18% 2 #2 1.5 0.80 - - - - 0.80 - - - - (Adt/d c st) (Adt/tc st) Geometry Scale Aspect Ratio Length Height Depth 1/3 1.5 24 16 6 in in in Comparisons / Results All specimens fail due to fracture of diagonal bars. CBR-318H provides same performance as ACI-318 Full Confinement models provide an increase in displacement ductility of 50% to 70% Coupled Wall Models Full ten story wall modeled. Use same model parameters and analysis assumptions as coupling beam simulations. CW-318H-F VecTor2 Model Coupled Wall Models Investigate effects of lateral load distribution. Inverted Triangular Uniform over height 0.30 Effective shear height Investigate effects of coupling beam confinement and strength. CBR-ACI - Reference coupling beam CBR-318H-F – Newly proposed confinement details – full confinement over beam depth CBR-318H-FR - Reduced strength, new detailing requirements with full confinement over beam depth Nine Coupled Wall Models Wall Model Coupling Beam Load Dist. CW-ACI-T CBR-ACI Inv. Tri. CW-ACI-U CBR-ACI Uniform CW-ACI-3H CBR-ACI 0.3H CW-318HF-T CBR-318H-F Inv. Tri. CW-318HF-U CBR-318H-F Uniform CW-318HF-3H CBR-318H-F 0.3H CW-318HFR-T CBR-318H-FR Inv. Tri. CW-318HFR-U CBR-318H-FR Uniform CW-318HFR-3H CBR-318H-FR 0.3H Deformed Shape at Max Base Shear Inv. Triangular Load Distribution CW-ACI-T CW-318HF-T CW-318HFR-T Deformed Shape at Max Base Shear Uniform Load Distribution CW-ACI-U CW-318HF-U CW-318HFR-U Deformed Shape at Max Base Shear 0.3H Eff. Height Load Distribution CW-ACI-3H CW-318HF-3H CW-318HFR-3H Effect of Coupling Beam Strength CW-ACI and CW-318HF provide essentially the same maximum base shear for all load distributions. Reduced strength model, CW-318HFR 10% average reduction in maximum base shear Increase in roof drift 14% - Uniform Load 35% - Inverted Triangular load 59% - 0.3H Load Base shear is a function of the load distribution since walls always develop flexural hinge at the base. Conclusions VecTor2 Modeling Can provide a good prediction of yield strength and displacements as well as ultimate strength Under-estimates the drift capacity Coupling Beam Confinement ACI 318-H CH047 proposals provide the same level of performance as ACI 318-05 requirements. reference beam. Coupled Wall Design Current Plastic design method may not provide expected behavior. Strength of coupling beams must be reduced to achieve desired plastic mechanism “Desired” plastic mechanism is unlikely to occur in a wall designed to the ICC recommendations. Coupling beams are too strong in comparison to the wall piers, yielding of wall piers occurs before sufficient drift demands in the coupling beams are developed. A reduction in coupling beam strength of 75% reduced the base shear capacity by 10% while increasing the roof drift by 35%. Lateral load distribution has a significant effect on the magnitude of the base shear, however, for these models it did not change the plastic mechanism. Future Research Activities Experimental verification of coupled wall behavior with full and reduced strength coupling beams. Development of design recommendations to ensure preferred plastic mechanism is developed. Appendix Contains slides not intended for presentation Simulation vs. Experimental Results VecTor2 Simulation Experimental Results Model: Galano P02 Cyclically Loaded Conventionally Reinforced Background Validation Design Analysis Conclusions Simulation vs. Experimental Results VecTor2 Simulation Experimental Results Model: Tassios CB2B Cyclically Loaded Diagonally Reinforced Background Validation Design Analysis Conclusions Experimental Test Program Bidirectional Loading Unidirectional Loading Moment – Shear Ratio Planar (2) Flanged Coupled Core-Wall System Long. Reinf. Ratio Load History SSI Boundary Conditions Coupled Wall Test Program Research activities to support design of the coupled wall test program. Design a coupled wall representative of current design practices. Obtain data on the performance and damage patterns of coupled walls over the entire range of deformation. Obtain data for development and verification of nonlinear continuum models. Compare a new coupling beam reinforcement design to the code specified diagonally reinforced coupling beam. Determine the effects of foundation stiffness on coupled wall performance (to be done by UCLA). Coupling Beam Reinf. Ratio Diagonal Reinforcement Ratio Diagonal Reinf. Coupling Beams 2.50% 2.00% Galano 2000 Kw an 2004 Paulay 1971 Shiu 1978 Tassios 1996 BTT EH FS MFC 1.50% NEESR Wall 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 Aspect Ratio 4.00 5.00 6.00 Kwan & Zhao 2002 Damage at ultimate drift L/d = 1.17 Du/L = 5.7% L/d = 1.17 Du/L = 5.4% L/d = 1.40 L/d = 1.75 Du/L = 4.3% Du/L = 3.6% Galano & Vignoli 2000 Damage at ultimate state L/d = 1.50 Du/L = 4.6% L/d = 1.50 Du/L = 5.2% L/d = 1.50 Du/L = 3.9% L/d = 1.50 Du/L = 4.8% Coupling Beam Performance Nonlinear Continuum Model Nonlinear Continuum Models in Vector2 Modeling of 7 experimental coupling beam tests to validate modeling assumptions and process. Modeling approach will be used to predict the behavior of the wall specimens prior to testing. Model Properties Disturbed Stress Field Theory (DSFT) Based on the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) Allows for slip along crack surfaces Nonlinear Material Models Popovics/Mander Concrete model Kupfer/Richart Confinement model Vecchio 1992-B Compression Softening Model Tri-linear Reinforcement hardening model Correlations of Shear Strength to v Yield Force vs. Vertical Reinf. Ratio 69.0 Shear at yield and ultimate increases with vertical reinforcement ratio? 68.0 67.0 Specimen MCBR-ACI CBR-ACI CBR-318H MCBR-318H CBR-318H-M MCBR-318H-M CBR-318H-F MCBR-318H-F Vy (kip) Vu (kip) v (%) 62.5 62.9 63.7 63.8 64.3 64.4 68.3 68.4 71.4 71.4 70.6 70.1 74.6 76.5 78.7 81.5 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.56 0.56 0.74 0.74 Vy (kip) 66.0 65.0 64.0 63.0 62.0 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 v (%) Background Validation Coupling Beams Coupled Walls Conclusions 0.70 0.80 Vector2 Compressive Stresses Vector2 Crack Patterns ZHAO MCB4 Specimen Vector2 Model Questions to Address What is the true failure or plastic mechanism of the coupled shear wall? How should the coupling beams be detailed to minimize the construction process and to provide adequate ductility? What effect does the foundation have on the performance of the coupled shear wall? VecTor2 Model Parameters Constitutive Behavior Model Compression Base Curve Popovics (NSC) Compression Post-Peak Popovics / Mander Compression Softening Vecchio 1992-B (e1/e0-Form) Tension Stiffening Modified Bentz 2003 Tension Softening Bilinear Tension Splitting Not Considered Confinement Strength Kupfer / Richart Model Concrete Dilation Variable - Kupfer Cracking Criterion Mohr-Coulomb (stress) Crack Slip Check Vecchio-Collins 1986 Crack Width Check Agg/5 Max Crack Width Slip Distortions Vecchio-Lai Concrete Hysteresis Nonlinear w/ Plastic Offsets Steel Hysteresis Elastic-Plastic w/ Hardening Rebar Dowel Action Tassios (Crack Slip) Popovics Concrete Model Vecchio & Wong, (2006), VecTor2 User Manual Background Model Evaluation Coupling Beams Coupled Walls Conclusions Suggestions for Future Research Continue analysis of coupled walls under cyclic loading Investigate additional wall configurations/designs Lower degree of coupling in design Vary coupling beam aspect ratio Develop design recommendations that can ensure a coupled wall will exhibit the “preferred” plastic mechanism, with yielding in the wall piers and at the end of all the coupling beams. Develop a method to account for over-strength in coupling beams with full confinement per ACI 318H-CH047 Effect of Lateral Load Distribution Effect of lateral load distribution is the same for all coupled wall models. Maximum base shear is inversely proportional to effect shear height of applied load. Peak roof drift is directly proportional to effective shear height. Inter-story Drift Full Strength coupling beams do not yield resulting in a concentration of deformation in the lower levels. Reduced Strength coupling beams show well distributed deformation over the height of the wall. Inter-story Drift vs. Level Inter-story Drift, 12 fi (%) Level CW318HF-T CWACI-T CW318HFR-T 1 0.43 0.42 0.42 2 0.18 0.20 0.59 3 0.13 0.14 0.56 4 0.11 0.11 0.57 5 0.08 0.09 0.56 6 0.05 0.05 0.52 7 0.03 0.03 0.51 8 0.02 0.02 0.49 9 0.02 0.02 0.47 10 0.01 0.01 0.46 10 8 Level CW-318HF-T 6 CW-ACI-T CW-318HFR-T 4 2 0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 Inter-story Drift (%) 0.80 Coupling Beam Demands Full Strength coupling beams have very little drift demand. Coupling Beam Drift, Reduced Strength coupling beams show drift demand levels of 1 to 2.5%, sufficient to cause yielding of the diagonal reinforcement. cb (%) Level CW318HF-T CWACI-T CW318HFR-T 1 0.03 0.03 1.11 2 0.09 0.09 2.00 3 0.10 0.16 2.31 4 0.09 0.12 2.46 5 0.08 0.10 2.51 6 0.08 0.10 2.47 7 0.07 0.08 2.42 8 0.05 0.06 2.35 9 0.04 0.04 2.29 10 0.02 0.02 2.11 CW-318HF-T - Full Strength CW-318HF-T - Reduced Strength