For Such a Time as This

For Such a Time as This
Maya Jo Leon
[Last Edit: 12/23/2015]
Copyright 2015 by Maya Jo Leon
Public domain.
YouTube & Email:
Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures come from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
The cover image is from Pixabay, turned upside down.
Preface............................................................................................................................................. 6
Part 1: What God Says
Humanity .......................................................................................................................... 7
Working It Out ............................................................................................................... 20
Lessons from His Story .................................................................................................. 40
Organized Religion ........................................................................................................ 58
Satan is Not Your Friend ................................................................................................67
The Lord’s Battlefield .....................................................................................................79
Growing Pains............................................................................................................... 112
Friend or Foe?............................................................................................................... 118
Today’s Prayerzzzzz ...................................................................................................... 143
Free Will........................................................................................................................ 153
Part 2: What His Leaders Have Done
The State of Man ............................................................................................................171
U.S. Upside Down!........................................................................................................180
TME OUT!.....................................................................................................................188
Obeying God in Christianity Today .............................................................................. 213
The Pantry....................................................................................................................................227
Since this book is part of a series you need to
begin with the first one, WORD: We Asked for
It! (Really, you should begin by watching the
video on my website,
This second book further explains what
Christianity Today should have been explaining.
I also continue to uncover the spiritual lies we’ve
swallowed. While reviewing the basics in this
book, I also beef things up. On top of that, I use
more of the resources God brought to mind
when I wrote the original book from which I
developed the series. Once you’ve been fully
enlightened, having read all the books as a
humble servant of Jesus Christ, learning the
Bible and having become familiar with my
testimony, you’ll be able to make more of the
connections provided through the resources.
As I’ve explained in the first book and in the
main video, faith in God is required because
without knowing that Jesus is “the truth” (John
14:6), nothing else God has to say really makes
sense. Specifically, without actually knowing the
Truth—the Man called Jesus Christ—my use or
mention of these resources, as well as my words
and manner, will just seem nutty to you because
“the natural man receiveth not the things of the
Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him:
neither can he know them” (1 Cor. 2:14). The
“natural man” is the one without the Spirit of
God within—not born again. It’s also the one
who is born again and yet lives as if he’s not—as
most born again Christians today live. The first
book should have moved you to become born
again and/or to repent of known sins (1 John
1:9), since it should have gotten you well on your
way to fearing God, necessary since “the fear of
the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov.
9:10, my emphasis). If not, Wow. Your heart is
really hard!
But since you’re still here… I’ll keep opening
up the WORD to convict you and to help you
grow in faith. Because even though the Lord’s
Girl, His Church, has trashed His WORD, so to
speak, it still speaks. He still speaks. Because
NOTHING can “separate [His elect] from the love
of Christ” (Rom. 8:35)—not even us. Thank God!
As He has informed us, “If we believe not, yet he
abideth faithful: [because] he cannot deny
himself” (2 Tim. 2:13). However, it really helps
to be believing rather than unbelieving.
In any case, in order to connect all the dots,
you have to do all of the following:
Become born again;
Get in right fellowship with God;
Learn the Bible and know it well;
Obey God, repenting as needed so that
you stay in fellowship with Him; and,
Let Him lord over you, over His Church,
and over His world.
Doing any less is like dancing a couples dance
while you’re both trying to lead. You’re gonna
be tripping all over each other and it won’t look
or feel good. Our Man, Jesus, is the Leader.
And He’s a great one. Let Him lead.
So while “the vision is yet for an appointed
time [in this case, the vision that God will
reveal Himself to you clearly about what He’s
doing and you’re part in it]…it shall speak, and
not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it
will surely come” (Hab. 2:3). You “wait” for the
Lord by doing everything He tells you to do,
meaning, everything He has told us to do in the
Bible, His WORD—taking into consideration
what’s been nullified because of His work on
the Cross. It’s not hard. Just focus on the New
Testament for starters. It’s like when your
parents left you home alone while they went
out. While waiting for them to come home, you
did your homework and cleaned your room,. In
turn, when they came home you had a nice
reunion and didn’t get in trouble.
But since Christians haven’t obeyed Him,
they are in trouble—we are all in trouble. Still,
because God is faithful even though we’re not
(2 Tim. 2:13), He has already covered our sins.
At least that’s true for those who actually
belong to Him (Rom. 9:22-23). And He will
fully enlighten all who worship Him as
required, in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:23-24).
Part 1:
Elect who don’t believe the Bible often say they’d
believe it if it could stand up to scrutiny,
implying they’ve asked all the questions of
Christianity and it just doesn’t pass their
rigorous testing. The irony is that like pastors,
they also don’t practice what they preach.
Because anyone who asks the questions and
earnestly looks for the answers will find that no
matter how many or how hard the questions,
God always has the best answers. Jesus says, “It
is written in the prophets…Every man therefore
that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father,
cometh unto me” (John 6:45). You have to
actually do your Homework to learn from the
Father to decide to come to Jesus.
However, since Christians have made such a
muck of it all with tens of thousands of
denominations and tons of other unbiblicalities,
lost elect haven’t bothered to dig as deeply as
they otherwise would have. That’s a big part of
the reason the Lord has had me write these
books, simply and graphically explaining things.
So while the following verse first applied to
Jews, it also applies to Christians, “The name of
God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through
you [as in because of you]” (Rom. 2:24)—you
Christians. And, that’s naturally something
Christians haven’t wanted to hear, just like most
Jews didn’t.
In contrast, the humble person responds like
this, he says in his heart, “Let the righteous
smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him
reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil” (Ps.
141:5). When the “righteous” hold up the WORD
of God to us correcting us, it is an “excellent oil”
because it helps knock some sense into our thick
skulls. It’s like David, the psalmist who penned
the words of Scripture just quoted. He was
saying, ‘Thanks, I needed that.’
The Basics of Life
The Bible doesn’t just claim that God created
everything, it claims that He did it in merely six
days (Gen. 1). Yet Americans, overall, believe the
universe was created by a Big Bang that started
from a pinpoint and that humans developed—
with billions of years—from globs into apes, and
then became human. Ironically, since that
sounds more complicated—mind boggling—
sinners reason it must be true, especially since
some really smart people believe it, or should I
say, promote it. And I should because the Big
Bang and evolution are lies planted by Satan
through his stooges. You need only do your
HOMEWORK: God is using the web
along with faithless or semi-faithful people
to help fulfill His ultimate will for His
Church and world, Jesus’ version of the New
World Order which will trump Satan’s
version of it. Therefore, that’s where much of
your Homework will be done—on the web.
YouTube Illuminati Evolution.
Run down the list and watch a couple of
the presentations asking the Lord to open
your eyes to the truth. If you pray God’s
WORD He’ll answer your prayer since He
has promised to answer us when we pray
according to His will. But you have to pray
with faith, at the very least believing in the
possibility that He exists. As He says:
If any of you lack wisdom, let him
ask of God…and it shall be given
him. But let him ask in faith, nothing
wavering. For he that wavereth is
like a wave of the sea driven with the
wind and tossed. For let not that
man think that he shall receive any
thing of the Lord (James 1:5-7).
That being the case, you should pray
something like these two Scriptures,
putting them into your own words:
O send out thy light and thy truth:
let them lead me; let them bring me
unto thy holy hill, and to thy
tabernacles (Ps. 43:3).
Help thou mine unbelief (Mark
9:24). [That’s always a good one.]
Too busy running the Illuminati inspired
Rat Race, most people have gone with the flow
believing what’s been dished out to them,
whether that’s evolution, fake Christianity, or
whatever religion or combination thereof is most
palatable—along with a ton of other stuff that’s
been dished out on us. We’re all guilty at some
level—at a very high level. Satan, by his powers
of observation, can readily see what will tempt
us, both as individuals and as a group, so he’s
fed us those lies and we’ve swallowed them
whole for loving our will more than God’s.
The truth is that there are only two options
for what we’re doing here: either man evolved or
he was created, and both are pretty far-fetched
for the reasoning mind. To go from nothing to
blob to ultra-complex just because enough time
has passed? Really? Things deteriorate rather
than improve with time.
Homework: Place a fruit on your
nightstand and test my claim. Does it get
better or worse with time?
While believing in evolution as man’s
development obviously doesn’t square with
simple logic, believing in many gods, one God, or
a god of my own creation also lacks logic—or so
it seems. In any case, ALL of the beliefs people
hold for what we’re doing here, are out there.
And Satan has distracted us by taking us into
outer space with the Big Bang and aliens, along
with a host of other false teachings. All in all,
we’ve decided that it’s better to believe Satan
than to believe God because believing the truth
means that we are not our own boss. Most have
fallen for Satan’s evolutionary lies because
believing lies enables us to persevere with our
own sinful and self-centered desires. As God
says, “This is the condemnation, that light is
come into the world, and men loved darkness
rather than light, because their deeds were
evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the
light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds
should be reproved [exposed]” (John 3:19-21).
Letting go of Satan’s lies requires that we come
into the light of God and have our sins exposed,
which is why we don’t do it. Nobody wants to
blow open their own scandal.
Reality being what it is, there are just two
main options for us to believe in, and neither
evolution nor creation can be proven, making
them both beliefs, and beliefs require faith. You
have to choose what to believe about what we’re
doing here based on something other than sight.
And because it’s obvious that there is a Creator
(Rom. 1:20), most have combined a bit of the
supernatural with the so-called scientific and
come up with something seemingly suitable—
helped, of course, by Satan (1 Pet. 5:8).
YouTube What If? Nicole Nordeman.
The fact is that Satan has been deceiving
everyone for the past 6000 years. And since
born again Christians have been so unfaithful to
God, giving it some thought, in light of
Christianity’s rebellion, most people today end
up like I did. Having experienced a mess of
hurtful experiences back to back to back to back,
by the time I was twelve years old my head was
overloaded with question marks. Taught by
adults about morality and that people are
inherently good (a Satanic whopper!), what I
consistently saw and experienced was just the
opposite. Therefore, I wasn’t any better. Not
only was my life a mess, so was my family’s, as
was this nation’s, as was my native homeland’s—
and we all live there to one degree or another,
especially those who, like me, were born into a
home that wasn’t a professing Christian one.
(While Christians are hypocrites, the born again
still have God’s WORD keeping them a little bit
more in line—in some areas.)
With the mess of noodles representing life
on earth, as MAYA AT THE TABLE reveals,
looking at all the religions, denominations, and
philosophies that exist, we scratch our heads and
wonder, “Which one?” Which one makes any
real sense out of life? And most of us quickly say
to ourselves, Eh, whatever, and just ‘go’ for
whatever’s convenient. Because, “wide is the
gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to
destruction, and many there be which go in
thereat” (Matt. 7:13). That verse isn’t just talking
about landing in hell, but about destroying one’s
life, as so many Vessels of Mercy have done.
We’ve done it because of our own wicked heart
(Jer. 17:9), and also because Christianity Today
is a royal unhelpful mess.
HOMEWORK: Here’s a riddle. Which
one makes genuine sense of the mess of
noodles representing life? Is it one of the
utensils? Is it one of the glasses? Or is it the
bottle? Having figured that out, the next
question is why? If you understand the Bible
you know the answer. I’d give you a hint but
it’s already too easy.
Because Christianity has not been helpful,
God is using me in similar fashion as He used
Joseph of the Old Testament (Gen. 30:22-Ex.
1:8). Joseph was a prophet who was hated by all
and suffered at their hands repeatedly so that he
would rely more on God so that he could be used
more by God for the good of the many. And one
of the unique things God had Joseph do was to
interpret dreams. Therefore, like Joseph, I’ve
had a somewhat similar life experience, and God
has also enabled me to interpret story lines, as
well as some dreams. Believe it or not, that’s
your choice, a choice that’s made easier if you
know and believe the Bible and know the Lord
well. You also can’t be obnoxiously proud like
today’s Christians, especially pastors—because
God does not enlighten proud snobs (Prov.
The picture at the table comes from a nonChristian children’s book God is using to speak
to His elect today, which I spell out line by line,
picture by picture, further in the series. So if
you’re interested in hearing what God is saying—
the good version of hidden knowledge—you’ll
need a copy. Check your library. It’s called
Maya Makes a Mess, by Rutu Modan.
(Eventually, Lord willing, I’ll make a video for
my YouTube channel.) I’m the girl called Maya
who’s “making a mess” by holding Christians
accountable—because a worldwide reformation,
will be messy since it calls for massive change.
But to hear what God is saying through Ms.
Modan’s book as I open it up, you need to have
faith that God can use anything He wants to use
to speak to us. And why shouldn’t God be able to
use anything considering that “all things were
created by him, and for him” (Col. 1:16). It’s a
And so you know, my first name is Maya, but
Jo and Leon are pseudonyms. I’d used Maya Jo
Leonidas as my original pen name, but then God
confirmed His choice in the names as He
coordinated some things with them, shared in
the last book—so I kept them even though He
then called me to reveal myself through the
website. You’ll eventually see why I shortened
Leonidas to Leon, and why I’d chosen Leonidas,
as well as Jo.
God has given me a huge load to carry, and
He’s kept His WORD that if we take His yoke
upon us we would find rest for our souls (Matt.
11:29). He’s done that for me by throwing in
plenty of comic relief over the years and,
therefore, in this series, especially in the last two
books, using resources like Maya Makes a Mess.
Rebellious pastors haven’t been able to
connect the dots and discern God’s hand, but it’s
not complicated. Since “God is love” (1 John
4:8), He’s made it easier for me and for all of His
elect—especially those who weren’t born again
before this ministry. Why would anyone be
drawn to Christ when His Girl (Isa. 54:5), His
Church, looks more like a royal hooker than the
“chaste virgin” (2 Cor. 11:2) Jesus died for Her to
be? Answer: They wouldn’t be interested. In fact,
aren’t. Hence, my calling.
God’s Church looks like my MESSED UP
GIRL I thought of using as a book cover before
the Lord enlightened me to free royalty free
public domain images. She’s
the new normal in our society,
Beauty Run Amuck Today
(BRAT). In turn, BRAT is
another alias for God’s Girl, His
Fiancée, the Church, His
Bride—a royal wreck!
Faith in God
If God expected us to have
blind faith, He wouldn’t have
commanded Christians to “be
ready always to give an answer
to every man that asketh you a
reason of the hope that is in
you” (1 Pet. 3:15). In fact, if
Bible ‘believers’ had actually
done their Homework, they’d
frequently experience the need
to “give an answer” because
others would be so impressed
by their lives they’d be asking the questions. Yet
Christians know that seldom happens! And
that—to the extreme—is what should be
happening because it’s what happened in the
beginning of the New Testament Church. So it
should be happening all the more by now:
With many other words did he testify
and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from
this untoward generation. Then they
that gladly received his word were
baptized: and the same day there were
added unto them about three thousand
souls (Acts 2:40-41).
Many of them which heard the word
believed; and the number of the men
was about five thousand (Acts 4:4).
Unlike the early Church where people turned to
God by the thousands, people today are turning
away from Him.
Most elect know that prosperity preachers
feed themselves, but all Church leaders are
doing it. Church leaders in the Church system
man has created aren’t really sold on God which
is why hardly anyone else is either. In fact,
“except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a
very small remnant, we should have been as
(Isa. 1:9). Sodom and
places in which to live,
which is why God destroyed
them (Gen. 19). Then He
recorded their story in His
Book so that we would
THINK about what we’re
doing. Only, so far, we
haven’t—and we’re paying
for it. YouTube The
Basics of Life 4Him.
Heaven and Ground
Zero by Leslie D. Haskin.
(It’s also a documentary.)
Raised in a Protestant home,
Leslie lived for herself until
God got her attention on September 11th of
2001. And even though she went through
the Valley of Hell during and because of 9/11
and then got “right” with God, looking her
up on the web, it sure looks like she’s joined
the masses of surface-level fast track
Christianity Today. And there’s NO WAY she
could have done any different because
Christianity has never addressed Her
faithlessness to God and Her many sins.
Read Leslie’s book (a very easy read)
and place yourself in her shoes on
September 11th, but as one without any
understanding of Jesus Christ. That’s who
God is most heart-broken over. Since even
most born again Christians give God little
more than lip-service “and grieve…the holy
Spirit of God” (Eph. 4:30), millions of little
children live 9/11 type nightmares on a
regular basis. It’s their life. And that should
matter to the elect, especially the born
again—most of all Church leaders. What’s
more, God has given us the Solution for
them. But “how shall they believe in him of
whom they have not heard? and how shall
they hear without a preacher [preaching the
truth]?” (Rom. 10:14). YouTube Chris
Rice, Face of Christ.
Blind to Evil as if It were Good
As noted in the previous book, the second part of
Darwin’s title echoes Hitler’s ideology and the
rest of the Illuminati’s, since it’s what he tried to
do, funded and manipulated by them. In any
case, he proved the ideology unsound. To Hitler,
and to the rest of the Illuminati, people not
“favored” by Lucifer’s plan are worthless,
because the “preservation of favored races” is
Satan’s way of camouflaging pride, since it’s all
about me. Hitler, Satan’s puppet, bought into
Darwin’s ideology of evolution (Satan's lie),
which is summed up by the phrase, “Survival of
the fittest.” In other words, Hitler thought, If it’s
not part of my plan, tough luck. Only, like
Hitler, everyone thinks it ‘my’ plan when it’s
really Satan’s plan.
And because Church leaders have blown it,
the majority of the elect are hooked on Darwin’s
ideology while viewing Christianity as being
hateful, having given neither life nor spirituality
enough thought. Yet the whole world was made
aware of how truly unloving Darwin’s ideology
actually is because of how it worked out when
applied by Hitler. It didn't! So there’s one good
thing Hitler is now doing for us. God is using
him to help everyone see that God’s way is better
(Rom. 8:28). Because no matter how many
billions of years you add to evolution, without
God in the equation, humanity still evolves into
the same horrific mess so that we again find
ourselves with concentration camps, only this
time they’re in America. Therefore, they have a
more politically correct name, Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Moreover, the problem with repeating
history is a reflection on the elect since the nonelect can’t make decent choices. They’re
incapable. They’ll always be self-absorbed
money grubbing super hateful abusive pigs who
serve Satan. The elect, however, have the power
to make better choices, to make the ultimately
best choice which is to consistently surrender to
the Lordship of Jesus Christ and allow Him to
use us however He decides is best for His glory
and for the good of all. “We know that all things
work together for good to them that love God, to
them who are the called according to his
purpose” (Rom. 8:28). “We know” this because
it’s what He has told us.
In contrast, Satan, Father of Lies (John
8:44), camouflages his filth so that it looks—to
the non-discerning—like something of God’s or
something good. Satan twists the truth like He
did with Eve, “He said unto the woman, Yea,
hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of
the garden?” (Gen. 3:1). No, actually, that’s not
what God had said (Gen. 2:16-17). They could eat
of any tree except for that one. David was
another key target of Satan’s so that he wrote,
“Every day they wrest my words” (Ps. 56:5).
Satan is always twisting God’s WORD and the
words of those who serve Him to make it/them
sound wrong. At the same time, he twists his
words so that they sound right and good—to the
For example, abortion appears to be all
about me the woman and/or the couple, when
it’s really about Satan, happy to kill the child
God created since he’s a murderer, also eager to
cause heartache for the adults since he’s the
Great Deceiver (Rev. 20:3). Even if they haven’t
experienced any heartache yet (which is highly
doubtful), they will because “every one of us
shall give account of himself to God” (Rom.
14:12). Neither do they experience the joys God
would have given them had they kept the child
He created and relied on Him to help them
nurture and provide for them, or to have the
child and bless another family through adoption.
God says, “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and
he shall sustain thee” (Ps. 55:22). Satan always
wins and we lose when we’re not anchored in
Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).
Those who consider things carefully and
honestly will see that all religions except for
God’s, and all denominations, and all actions
outside of God’s will, are actually hateful since
Satan, the murderer and liar, is the one behind
them all. And while God is behind Satan, He has
given him room to work for His higher purposes
(Rom. 9:22-23; 2 Thess. 2:10-11).
When God’s elect give God’s ways serious
and humble consideration, they’ll finally turn
from the error of their ways and be filled with
joy as they personally get to know their Creator
because He “br[ings] forth his people with joy,
and his chosen with gladness” (Ps. 105:43). Even
rebellious elect Church leaders will rejoice
because, while getting harshly rebuked by God,
they’ll see why their preaching hasn’t had the
desired impact, why their lives have been so
much less than what they had expected and
should have experienced (John 14:12). They’ll
also know how to maximize the time they have
left. They need only to repent (1 John 1:9).
YouTube Only a Man Jonny Lang.
A Review of God’s Plan for Us
Beginning with the Fall of Man, and throughout
the Old Testament, God promised to send a
Messiah, a Savior, the Prophet—One anointed of
God—a “man of war” (Ex. 15:3) who would win
the war (John 16:33) and reign over His people
as a righteous ruler (Isa. 40:11). This One, “her
seed” of Genesis 3:15, would not be like the
highly unrighteous rulers we’ve had throughout
history in every part of the world including God’s
Church—the strong oppressing the weak.
Instead, He would genuinely care for His people
because, in contrast to natural selection and
depraved humanity, God loves His people,
confirmed in that “while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). And while we are
yet sinners, He continues to bless us since “He
hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor
rewarded us according to our iniquities” (Ps.
103:10). If He did, we’d all end up in hell.
Instead, all of God’s elect, no matter how
unfaithful we’ve been to Him, will end up in
heaven—so…make sure you’re elect! Beg God to
choose you. While that’s not how it works since
He already chose His own (Rom. 8:29-30), it is
how it works since we don’t know who He chose
until we beg Him to save our soul.
HOMEWORK: We all think we’re pretty
decent, yet because we’ve rejected God,
society has pressed on worse than when God
destroyed them in the Old Testament, as
with Sodom and Gomorrah or the people of
Noah’s day. For example, we are already
crossing humans with animals, which is
anything but decent:
Google 150 Human Animal
Hybrids Grown in UK Labs.
YouTube 2014 July Breaking
News Labs Mixing Human DNA
Animal DNA
God clearly says, “Ye shall keep my statutes.
Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a
diverse kind” (Lev. 19:19). God didn’t just
mean cattle.
So this is what God promised from her seed,
which has been partially fulfilled:
There shall come forth a rod out of the
stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow
out of his roots: And the spirit of the
LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of
wisdom and understanding, the spirit of
counsel and might, the spirit of
knowledge and of the fear of the
LORD; And shall make him of quick
understanding in the fear of the LORD:
and he shall not judge after the sight of
his eyes, neither reprove after the
ears: But
righteousness shall he judge the poor,
and reprove with equity for the meek of
the earth: and he shall smite the earth:
with the rod of his mouth, and with the
breath of his lips shall he slay the
wicked. And righteousness shall be the
girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the
girdle of his reins (Isa. 11:1-5).
Of the increase of his government and
peace there shall be no end, upon the
throne of David, and upon his kingdom,
to order it, and to establish it with
judgment and with justice from
henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the
LORD of hosts will perform this (Isa.
God’s prophesy of Genesis 3:15, that “the
woman” would have a child, was fulfilled when
“God sent forth his Son, made of a woman" (Gal.
4:4) though God was His Father (Luke 1:35),
restoring the fellowship broken by Adam’s
disobedience (Gen. 3:6). “So it is written, The
first man Adam was made a living soul; the last
Adam was made a quickening spirit” (1 Cor.
15:45). YouTube Identity 2: Adoption
What God did is similar to a Star Trek
episode, The Next Generation, The Child. A
supernatural being impregnated the woman and
was born as a human, doing it to see what
humanity was like. In reality, God did it to show
us that He was willing to go through the depths
of hell with us and for us. We're told, "We have
not an high priest which cannot be touched with
the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all
points tempted like as we are, yet without sin"
(Heb. 4:15). YouTube My Redeemer Lives
Nicole C. Mullen.
While sinners look at the crucifixion as if it
doesn’t makes sense, the Father had a holy
purpose with it, as He informed us with this
verse, for example:
[Jesus] shall be great, and shall be called
the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God
shall give unto him the throne of his
father David: And he shall reign over the
house of Jacob for ever; and of his
kingdom there shall be no end (Luke
The Father was blessing His Son (along with all
the Vessels of Mercy) because His obedience
ensured His eternal reign over all (Rev. 5:1-10)
and the respect of all of the elect—eventually.
The problem God’s elect have with God is
the same problem teens have with their parents,
seeing them as demanding and unreasonable
when we make requirements of them based on a
vision for the brat’s future. But, unlike us, Jesus
was no brat:
All that heard him were astonished at
his understanding and answers. And
when they saw him, they were amazed:
and his mother said unto him, Son, why
hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy
father and I have sought thee
sorrowing. And he said unto them, How
is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I
business? And they understood not the
saying which he spake unto them. And
he went down with them, and came to
Nazareth, and was subject unto them:
but his mother kept all these sayings in
her heart. And Jesus increased in
wisdom and stature, and in favour with
God and man (Luke 2:47-52).
Who in the days of his flesh, when he
supplications with strong crying and
tears unto him that was able to save him
from death, and was heard in that he
feared (Heb. 5:7)
He went a little farther, and fell on his
face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if
it be possible, let this cup pass from me:
nevertheless not as I will, but as thou
wilt…O my Father, if this cup may not
pass away from me, except I drink it, thy
will be done (Matt. 26:39 & 42).
A great 100% human example of how we
should all be with God, our Father, is how Ruth
was with her mother-in-law, “[Ruth] said unto
her, All that thou sayest unto me I will do” (Ruth
3:1-5). We're hardly like that. And Ruth wasn’t
just obedient, she genuinely loved her mother in
law, which is why she was obedient. Urging Ruth
to go back to her mother’s house—since Naomi
had nothing to offer her and life among the
Israelites would be especially difficult for her
since she was a Moabite—this is how Ruth
replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn
back from you. Where you go I will go, and
where you stay I will stay. Your people will be
my people and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16).
Ruth genuinely loved Naomi, her mother-inlaw. And it’s how we should love God, our
Jesus also promised us that He would
physically come back. He said, “I will come
again, and receive you unto myself; that where I
am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3). And while
this hasn’t happened yet, God is obviously
saying it’s time we get it together. YouTube
People Get Ready Crystal Lewis.
Today’s Christians focus on me: my
testimony, my views, my church, my pastor, my
life, my opinion—but it’s not about us. That’s the
point! “All things were created by him, and FOR
HIM” (Col. 1:16, my emphasis).
Our story, history, is His story—which pretty
much begins with Adam. While Eve was the first
to eat of the forbidden fruit, the ultimate blame
fell on Adam because “the Lord God commanded
the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of
it” (Gen. 2:16-17, my emphasis). Even though
“the serpent beguiled Eve” (2 Cor. 11:3), “her
husband with her…did eat” (Gen. 3:6, my
emphasis). Adam, who had been left in charge,
blew it. He just stood there, said nothing, and
then disobeyed God. And because sin came into
the world through Adam’s disobedience, a sinful
nature entered into every human so that their
descendants—humanity—have continued to sin.
In turn, “There is none righteous, no, not one
(Rom. 3:10) because “the heart is deceitful above
all things, and desperately wicked” (Jer. 17:9).
In fact, early on, humans sinned so much
that “it grieved him at his heart [so that] the
LORD said, I will destroy man” (Gen. 6:6-7).
Nearly everyone is familiar with Noah and the
flood because it’s such a cute little preschool
story. However, when homeschooling we read
that nations and tribes from all over the world
have traditions of the flood in their histories,
which today’s Americans, including many
professing Christians, view as a myth.
Homework: Google Flood Stories
from Around the World.
God also informed us that “Noah was six
hundred years old when the flood of waters was
upon the earth” (Gen. 7:6) which makes us think
it couldn’t possibly be true. However, it is
realistic because sin in the world was still fairly
new so that humans lived longer in the past. But
as time progressed so has decay, entropy—the
gradual decline or decay of things. So Adam
lived 930 years (Gen. 5:5); Seth lived 912 years
(Gen. 5:8); Lamech lived to 777 (Gen. 5:31);
Abraham to 175 (Gen. 25:7); Moses only lived to
120 (Deut. 34:7); and most today drop dead way
before that. And a time is coming that is going to
be so bad that “in those days shall men seek
death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to
die, and death shall flee from them” (Rev. 9:6).
Get right with God and beg Him to spare you
from that hell. Just a little friendly advice.
Made in His Image
In the Old Testament God repeatedly gave us
examples of Jesus through His prophets, Christtypes. And in the New Testament, He informed
us that the goal of the Christian is to become like
Christ, in other words, Christ-types. “He that
saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to
walk, even as he walked” (1 John 2:6). We’re to
walk as Jesus walked because “[Jesus] gave
himself for us, that he might redeem us from all
iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar
people, zealous of good works” (Titus 2:14).
“That [w]e may be blameless and harmless, the
sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a
crooked and perverse nation, among whom [w]e
shine as lights in the world” (Phil. 2:15).
Jesus was a sinless Man zealous after
righteousness, loving God and man, fulfilling the
greatest commandments of God. He loved the
Father “with all [His] heart, and with all [His]
soul, and with all [His] mind, and with all [His]
strength…[and His] neighbour as [Him]self”
(Mark 12:29-31). That’s why when He saw the
Temple having been made into an abomination
He went into a rage and cleaned House. Jesus
“cast out all them that sold and bought in the
temple, and overthrew the tables of the
moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold
doves, And said unto them, It is written, My
house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye
have made it a den of thieves” (Matt. 21:12-13).
He understood that disobeying God, especially
in the Temple, dishonored His Father and was
terrible for the people—something Christianity
Today doesn’t understand for being so
outrageously self-absorbed and delusional (2
Thess. 2:10-11).
However, unlike Christianity Today’s
leaders, Noah was “a preacher of righteousness”
(2 Pet. 2:5)—a Christ-type—the combination of
which must have rubbed his generation the
wrong way since nobody likes to be around
someone who’s doing something “weird” and
who thinks they know something they don’t
know. I know this very well. And we see it
happen throughout the Old Testament treatment
of the prophets and then again in the New
Testament, not only with Jesus, The Prophet,
but with His closest followers, as with Stephen,
for instance:
When they heard these things, they were
cut to the heart, and they gnashed on
him with their teeth. But [Stephen],
being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up
stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory
of God, and Jesus standing on the right
hand of God, And said, Behold, I see the
heavens opened, and the Son of man
standing on the right hand of God. Then
they cried out with a loud voice, and
stopped their ears, and ran upon him
with one accord, And cast him out of the
city, and stoned him: and the witnesses
laid down their clothes at a young man's
feet, whose name was Saul. And they
stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and
saying, Lord Jesus, receive my
spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried
with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin
to their charge. And when he had said
this, he fell asleep [Uhm…that means he
died.] (Acts 7:54-60).
Speaking the truth—something Satan hates
since he’s the Father of Lies (John 8:44)—his
followers freaked out and killed Stephen, just
like the Illuminati still do and have always done.
They don’t care if those they kill were part of
their team because they are followers of Satan,
who cares for no one. And today’s Church
leaders are so hard-hearted they also don’t care
who they hurt.
So when Jesus had healed a man “they were
filled with madness; and communed one with
another what they might do to Jesus” (Luke
6:11)—and what they decided on was murder.
This is always Satan’s solution. If you don’t do
what he wants, how he wants it, when he wants
it, he just gets you out of the way using anyone
willing to do the job for a few bucks and five
minutes of fame. His strategy has never
changed, he says, “All these things will I give
thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me”
(Matt. 4:9). That’s why “where there is no vision,
the people perish” (Prov. 29:18). Thinking this
life is all there is, not having God’s vision about
eternal life, many elect souls sell out for a few
bucks that last a few years when, instead, they
could have been storing billions that would have
lasted them for all of eternity. As Jesus says,
“Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves do not break through nor
steal: For where your treasure is, there will your
heart be also” (Matt. 6:20-21).
While God is the one behind Satan,
authorizing his actions (Job 1:8-12; Matt. 8:3132) God allows Satan to cause havoc for
righteous reasons whereas Satan does it for
unrighteous reasons. So for those in Noah’s day,
the belligerent cries of their hardened hearts
were literally drowned out with an experience
important enough that Noah’s descendants kept
record of it in their oral histories, tablets, or
stones, because by the time Noah’s neighbors
decided he wasn't nuts, it was too late. But it
had always actually been too late for them since
they were non-elect Vessels of Wrath being used
by God for our purposes, to help the future elect
turn to Him (Rom. 9:22-23). YouTube Johan
Hubers Noah’s Ark.
Here’s a lesson which only the elect of God
can learn: God won’t force us to do His will, but
He will humiliate and/or scare us to motivate us
along—and if you’ve been paying attention to
what the Illuminati have in store, you should be
plenty scared. God says, “Behold, the Lord, the
LORD of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror:
and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down,
and the haughty shall be humbled” (Isa. 10:33).
God does it because it’s not just the power elite
who are proud and self-absorbed, everyone is,
they non-elect/Vessels of Wrath are just more
proud and self-absorbed—quite a bit more. But
it’s not as if the elect/Vessels of Mercy are just a
little proud and self-absorbed, we’re way up
there too! And because of it, we’re being
terrorized (Lev. 26: 16).
Christians have ignored God’s clear teaching
that He doesn’t want us to simply “accept Him”
as Christianity Today preaches so that we can go
to heaven after spending a lifetime here living off
the brutality our American way of life inflicts on
those in others nations. It’s so we honor God as
He deserves so that He can use us to bless others
rather than hurt them. We’re told, “It is better, if
the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well
doing, than for evil doing” (1 Pet. 3:15-17).
There’s nothing all that hard to understand
about God’s will; what’s hard to understand is
how extremely wicked we all are!
church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail
against it” (Matt. 16:18). That’s why I’m still
“confident of this very thing, that he which hath
begun a good work in [His Church] will perform
it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6). God is
like the mom who will get that crazy kid o’ hers
to behave—popping the BRAT as needed
because love has a good dose of discipline in it.
And “as a man chasteneth his son, so the LORD
thy God chasteneth thee” (Deut. 8:5). YouTube
Anita Renfroe William Tell Momism
While the straight and narrow line in
GOD’S WAY VS. MY WAY reveals God’s will
for the elect—death being the entrance to eternal
life due to man’s fall from grace (Gen. 3:6), with
the exception of one generation (1 Thess. 4:17),
the crazy line reveals how most elect live—
including the born again—thinking we know
better than God, and/or that we don’t need His
help. While we were supposed to take the
straight and narrow way (Matt.7:13), we’ve taken
this insanely convoluted route, both as
individuals and as a group, causing loads of
heartache for all and unspeakable heartache for
children. Yet, when we die, other sinners hold a
funeral service and talk about how much we
loved God even though we obviously didn’t. And
they do it because sinners TOTALLY don’t get
the concept of lying (Jer. 17:9). And they don’t
because there’s no way the group will behave
right when the individuals leading the group
don’t. Right?
God’s Mercy. Besides saying, “I am the
LORD, I change not,” God says, “therefore ye
sons of Jacob are not consumed” (Mal. 3:6).
Even though for years we’ve had more than
enough power to destroy the planet many times
over, we haven’t done it because God will finish
what He started, no matter how much His elect
fight Him on it. Jesus said, “I will build my
Noah’s Example
We can see from NOAH'S PYRAMID that
there’s an orderly flow to God’s ways, working
with the one, Noah, to working with the group,
humanity, a flow which is repeated throughout
the Bible and throughout history. And it’s time
God’s spoiled kids learned from history, as Jesus
told the bratty leaders back in His day, using
Noah and his day as an example:
When [Jesus] was demanded of the
Pharisees, when the kingdom of God
should come, he answered them and
said, The kingdom of God cometh not
with observation: Neither shall they say,
Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the
kingdom of God is within you. And
he said unto the disciples, The days will
come, when ye shall desire to see one of
the days of the Son of man, and ye shall
not see it. And they shall say to you, See
here; or, see there: GO NOT AFTER
THEM, nor follow them. For as the
lightning, that lighteneth out of the one
part under heaven, shineth unto the
other part under heaven; so shall also
the Son of man be in his day…as it was
in the days of Noe, so shall it be
also in the days of the Son of
man. They did eat, they drank, they
married wives, they were given in
marriage, until the day that Noah
entered into the ark, and the flood
came, and destroyed them all (Luke
17:20-27, my emphasis).
Outrageously merciful, God is revealing
Himself afresh, showing us exactly how the
kingdom of God is "within" us and "in our
midst" as Luke 17:21 states depending on the
translation. And He’s doing it to sound the alarm
loud enough to wake up the self-centered Party
Girl His Bride has become. The literal
translation says "within you" whereas as the NIV
says "in your midst." The kingdom of God is
within the elect since He marked us for election
(Rom. 8:29; Gal. 3:8; 1 Pet. 1:2).
It's like the main character in Avatar
(2009), a resource I’ll fully open up later. Jake
already had the power to tap into the Source
even though he didn't know it until someone
showed him the power of his braid. Tapped in
(born again), the more we seek God in earnest,
the more He opens our eyes to see what we
couldn’t see before, Him in our midst (John
A good example of this in the Bible is with
the Eunuch:
The angel of the Lord spake unto Philip,
saying, Arise, and go toward the south
unto the way that goeth down from
Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is
desert. And he arose and went: and,
behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of
great authority under Candace queen of
the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all
her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem
for to worship, Was returning, and
sitting in his chariot read Esaias the
prophet. Then the Spirit said unto
Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this
chariot. And Philip ran thither to him,
and heard him read the prophet Esaias,
and said, Understandest thou what thou
readest? And he said, How can I, except
some man should guide me? And he
desired Philip that he would come up
and sit with him. The place of the
scripture which he read was this, He was
led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like
a lamb dumb before his shearer, so
opened he not his mouth: In his
humiliation his judgment was taken
away: and who shall declare his
generation? for his life is taken from the
earth. And the eunuch answered Philip,
and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh
the prophet this? of himself, or of some
other man? Then Philip opened his
mouth, and began at the same scripture,
and preached unto him Jesus. And as
they went on their way, they came unto
a certain water: and the eunuch said,
See, here is water; what doth hinder me
to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou
believest with all thine heart, thou
mayest. And he answered and said, I
believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of
God. And he commanded the chariot to
stand still: and they went down both
into the water, both Philip and the
eunuch; and he baptized him. And when
they were come up out of the water, the
Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip,
that the eunuch saw him no more: and
he went on his way rejoicing (Acts 8:2639).
As Philip opened up the Bible, the eunuch was
able to tap into the Source which had always
been within him (Rom. 9:22-23).
Having tapped into the Source within us—
becoming born again—in the same way that we
are able to see Satan in our midst with all the
secret symbols on architecture, American bills,
buildings, and merchandise, for example, we
have to train ourselves—by learning the Bible
and getting to know Jesus well—to see Him and
His ways (His ‘hand’) in our midst, and all the
more so!
Hiroshima by John Hersey and/or
watch the BBC documentary Hiroshima
(2005). I'd do both since there is no fear of
God today. This was proven with 9/11 since
Christians ignored the fact that it was a
wake-up call from God, ridiculing those who
tried to get them to take it biblically. Even
those who took it seriously among Church
leaders, still basically plowed ahead business
as usual like in the Old Testament where
“they said, There is no hope: but we will
walk after our own devices, and we will every
one do the imagination of his evil heart”
(Jer. 18:12).
You see that same attitude in today’s
Christians on the web—for the most part.
While they point out the Illuminati
throughout our deceptive history and to all
the stuff going on around the nation, they
don’t fall on their faces before God in prayer
calling others to do the same. Instead,
they’re like Alex Jones from Infowars. It’s
like they’re saying, “there is no hope” other
than to wait until we die at the hands of the
Illuminati and go to heaven, fighting for our
rights to guns before that—TOTALLY asleep
to God’s purpose for His Church and His
overall will of bringing the Lord’s version of
the New World Order on earth, a
representation of heaven on earth (Eph.
4:11-16; John 17:21). And it’s not as if He’s
going to do this by the Vessels of Mercy
retaliating in the same manner and methods
used by the Vessels of Wrath! Rather than
do what the Bible tells us to do, every
‘Christian’ does “the imagination of his evil
heart,” as if they had no faith. So…are they
really believers? Do they have any faith?
Though I don’t remember which book it was
in, studying the Declaration of Independence we
read of a man who prophesied damnation for
this country because of American slavery.
Naturally, the rest didn’t listen so that—to this
day—American casualties from the Civil War far
outnumber those from ALL other American
wars. And it’s been the same as the few have
called God’s Church to repentance. It’s mostly
gone into deaf ears. And if we persevere along
the path we're on, God will accommodate us,
since unlike us, He keeps His WORD.
In fact, He is accommodating us because
this is His WORD:
At what instant I shall speak concerning
a nation…to pluck up, and to pull down,
and to destroy it; If that nation, against
whom I have pronounced, turn from
their evil, I will repent of the evil that I
thought to do unto them. And at what
instant I shall speak concerning a
nation…to build and to plant it; If it do
evil in my sight, that it obey not my
voice, then I will repent of the good,
wherewith I said I would benefit them
(Jer. 18:7-10).
For nearly two decades since 1997—
BEFORE 9/11—God has had me calling Christian
leaders to repent, and they’ve just scoffed, at
best. That should scare you, especially
considering everything that’s going on today and
that I’m hardly the only one God has used to call
Church leaders to repent, nor for just the last 17
years. “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that
sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ
shall give thee light” (Eph. 5:14). YouTube
Misty Edwards As in the Days of Noah.
According to the Bible, we’re not supposed
to live however the hell we want until the
rapture! (1 Thess. 4:16-17). We’re to live as God
has instructed us to live so as to ensure we get
Home, and get there without having suffered
loss. He says:
How can ye believe, which receive
honour one of another, and seek not the
honour that cometh from God only?
(John 5:44).
Other foundation can no man lay than
that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if
any man build upon this foundation
gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay,
stubble; Every man's work shall be made
manifest…If any man's work abide
which he hath built thereupon, he shall
receive a reward. If any man's work shall
be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he
himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire (1
Cor. 3:11-15).
God has chosen us so that He could use us
like He used Noah. He said, “Go…and teach all
nations…to observe all things whatsoever I have
commanded you” (Matt. 28:18-20). We’re to do
commanded us so that we can enable God to
answer His prayer for us to be united as one
(John 17:21) so that the rest of the elect see and
understand that God sent Jesus to die for their
sins so that we could live forever in heaven
having first created a representation of heaven
on earth, just as Jesus taught us to pray for:
Pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is
in heaven (Matt.6:9-10).
If my people, which are called by my
name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from
their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and
will heal their land (2 Chron. 7:14).
YouTube Sidewalk Prophets Live Like
Working it Out
While it should be clear from the New Testament
what it means to be born again, because
Christianity Today is loaded down with
hypocrisy and straight out lies, it’s not as clear as
it should be. So in order to make it clear, I’m
boiling it down to two things: repentance and
dependence. As the WORD of God says, it is up
to us to “work out…our own salvation with fear
and trembling” (Phil. 2:12). Step into any church
and you see that’s not what Christians are doing.
God says, “Ye shall seek me, and find me, when
ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jer.
29:13, my emphasis). Just take God at His
WORD. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and
ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto
you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he
that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it
shall be opened” (Matt. 7:7-8). However, you
have to ask, seek, and knock as an earnest seeker
of truth and not as a hypocrite or one who is
after something unrighteous. He says, “Study to
shew thyself approved unto God, a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).
Those who take God seriously don’t need to
be afraid or ashamed as the Day approaches—
the day you meet your Maker when “every one of
us shall give account of himself to God” (Rom.
14:12). The one who takes God seriously will
know beyond a doubt—now—that your time here
is being well spent, not just for here but for
eternity. Because while “bodily exercise profiteth
little…godliness is profitable unto all things,
having promise of the life that now is, and of
that which is to come” (1 Tim. 4:8). Eyes on
Him, “bringing into captivity every thought to
the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5), God will
help and protect you. “The angel of the LORD
encampeth round about them that fear him, and
delivereth them” (Ps. 34:7).
On the other hand, God will make it harder
for you while you’re here if you don’t respect
Him. He says, “Let them be as chaff before the
wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase
them. Let their way be dark and slippery: and let
the angel of the LORD persecute them” (Ps. 35:56). If you know what’s going on in the world, you
see that this is exactly what God is doing to us.
The angel of the Lord has made our way very
dark and slippery. And it’s not as if He didn’t
warn us (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
And yet, God “made [Jesus] to be sin for us,
who knew no sin; that we might be made the
righteousness of God in him” (2 Cor. 5:21).
Therefore, everyone who acknowledges their sin
to God, repenting of it by asking Jesus to be their
Lord and Savior, and then continues earnestly
seeking Him daily, sinning no more on purpose,
is assured salvation:
The foundation of God standeth sure,
having this seal, The Lord knoweth them
that are his. And, let every one that
nameth the name of Christ depart
from iniquity (2 Tim. 2:19, my
Labour not for the meat which
perisheth, but for that meat which
endureth unto everlasting life,
which the Son of man shall give unto
you: for him hath God the Father sealed
(John 6:27, my emphasis).
The parts I’ve emphasized reveal why so many of
today’s Christians, the majority, are not actually
born again. They haven’t departed from iniquity.
Neither do they do work that has anything to do
with God’s purpose for their lives (Eph. 2:10),
for His Church (Eph. 4:11-16), or for the world (2
Chron. 7:14). Most are doing stuff they feel like
doing, not stuff God has called them to do.
They’re building their kingdom on earth instead
of in heaven. So while God might be using them
to help, even bless, others, that work is not
benefitting them, in the long run, for eternity,
which is a pretty long run! God says, “They have
their reward” (Matt. 6:2). They wanted to be
praised by men and have it made here, so that’s
what they got. Bravo.
Seeking God in earnest, you’ll increasingly
hear His voice through His WORD. Then, as you
consistently obey Him, sinning no more on
purpose, repenting when you do, as soon as you
do (1 John 1:9), you are viewed by God as being
clean. To such a person God says, “There is
therefore now no condemnation to them which
are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the
flesh, but after the Spirit” (Rom. 8:1, my
emphasis). And here’s a crucial point. The
watered down versions of the Bible which
pastors quote and nearly everyone has bought
into, have deleted the last part of Romans 8:1—
the most important part. God is saying that you
are no longer under condemnation, meaning,
that you are right with Him, WHEN you “walk
not after the flesh but after the spirit.” In
contrast, Christianity Today walks after the flesh
and not after the Spirit. Doing the exact opposite
of God’s will, She is under God’s condemnation.
But you don’t have to do that. In fact, DON’T
do that! Walk not after the flesh, but after the
Spirit. In other words, don’t continue with your
sinful way of life. Instead, obey God.
Your Sins are Too Great! One
reason some elect don’t come to Jesus for
salvation, or why some professing Christians
don’t grow in Christ or are not actually born
again though they say they believe Jesus is the
Son of God, is because they seem to feel their
sins are too big—or so they say. While that
sounds humble, it overflows with pride and lack
of faith. They see God as a god, not big enough
to cover all our of sins or heartaches. “But Jesus
[says]…With God all things are possible” (Matt.
19:26). “All things.” No matter what skeletons
you have in your closet, or how many, God is
able to come in and not only clean out your
closet but sterilize it and fill it with new things
worthy of the space. And as you’ll see in the
biographical section of the series, I had some
major skeletons in my closet. But it’s NO BIG
DEAL for God to deal with it. YouTube He is
Able Maranatha Praise.
According to the Bible, God would have
forgiven Hitler if Hitler had come to Him. I don’t
think he did because Hitler committed suicide
and God is against murder, having commanded
us, “Thou shalt not kill” (Ex. 20:13). Suicide is
self-murder. And we have a very clear example
that we are here to do God’s loving will, not our
self-centered one, and suicide is about as selfcentered as it gets, making suicide not an option.
Our clearest example comes from Jesus, who, in
agony, bearing the weight of the world on His
back, knowing this is how ungrateful we would
be, said, “Father, if thou be willing, remove this
cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but
thine, be done…being in an agony he prayed
more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were
great drops of blood falling down to the ground”
(Luke 22:42 & 44). No one who has ever lived, or
ever will live, has had life harder than Jesus, and
He modeled for us to SUCK IT UP.
In other words, God would have prevented
Hitler from taking his own life had Hitler come
to Him because of what He said in the following
If any man defile the temple of God, him
shall God destroy; for the temple of God
is holy, which temple ye are (1 Cor.
3:17). [A born again Christian is the
temple of God because God’s Spirit is
inside that person (John 14:23).]
There hath no temptation taken you but
such as is common to man: but God is
faithful, who will not suffer you to be
tempted above that ye are able; but will
with the temptation also make a way to
escape, that ye may be able to bear it (1
Cor. 10:13).
That is the measure of God’s love. He would
have forgiven and helped Hitler had Hitler asked
for His forgiveness and help. And are you as bad
as all that? I think not. Well, unless you’re part
of the power elite. Even then! Cry out to God and
change your ways and He will have mercy on
your soul. That’s the beauty of what God has
done for us!
And how do I know this with certainty?
Because, it’s the lesson God gave us with Saul
turned Paul, who said the following:
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of
all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came
into the world to save sinners; of whom I
am chief. Howbeit for this cause I
obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus
longsuffering, for a pattern to them
which should hereafter believe on him to
life everlasting (1 Tim. 1:15-16).
Paul was the chief of sinners because he had
persecuted the Church (Acts 9). Had Hitler been
elect, God would have prevented him from
committing suicide and he would have spent the
rest of his life making up for his grave sins, like
Paul did.
And like Paul, many people are soon going
to be suffering much for His name like He
suffered for us (Acts 9:16)—especially Church
If you’re elect, compared to the non-elect,
God has given you the Royal Red Carpet
treatment. Even though you can’t see it, He’s
placed the roll right in front of you. It's just
slightly unrolled. You step on it by becoming
born again. Then, as you follow Him, He unrolls
it for you. But if you just want to stand there and
feel sorry for yourself, you can do that. All that
anger elect unbelievers have towards God, is just
that. You feel sorry for yourself because x, y, and
z happened or is happening, making you angry
with God so you just stand there at the foot of
the Carpet. It’s a pretty dumb choice, in my
opinion, but you are free to just stand there.
However, having read this far into the series,
if you continue to do it, it’s highly questionable
that you’re elect. Are you really standing at the
foot of the Royal Red Carpet or just an image of
it Satan, that Great Deceiver, placed in front of
you? I'd at least think about it why’ll you’re
standin’ there. And if you are elect, you're just
wasting your God-given opportunities by just
standing there.
While it’s proud to think your sins are too
big, you do need to feel that guilty. For most, it’s
just a lazy excuse. FEEL the guilt, because you
are that guilty! We all are:
As it is written, There is none righteous,
no, not one (Rom. 3:10).
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift
of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord (Rom. 6:23).
We all could have been Hitler or worse. The only
reason we're not as bad as that is because of
God’s grace.
And if you feel that what happened to you is
so big God can't handle it, you are guilty since
He can. So feel the guilt then turn it over to Love
(1 John 4:8)—and start running after Him!
Know ye not that they which run in a
race run all, but one receiveth the prize?
So run, that ye may obtain (1 Cor. 9:24).
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed
about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin
which doth so easily beset us, and let us
run with patience the race that is set
before us (Heb. 12:1).
That “great cloud of witnesses” is in Hebrews 11.
YouTube Misty Edwards I will Run.
For the one who is seriously guilt-ridden and
not just making excuses, the following song
parallels what can take place for you. “Love shall
cover a multitude of sins (1 Pet. 4:8)—and “God
is love” (1 John 4:8). In other words, God covers
the multitude of our sins. YouTube Oh My
Dear Tenth Avenue North.
Notice in the song, the girl was in bed yet
she wanted to see him:
I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the
voice of my beloved that knocketh,
saying, Open to me, my sister, my love,
my dove, my undefiled: for my head is
filled with dew, and my locks with the
drops of the night. I have put off my
coat; how shall I put it on? I have
washed my feet; how shall I defile
them? My beloved put in his hand by the
hole of the door, and my bowels were
moved for him. I rose up to open to my
beloved; and my hands dropped with
myrrh, and my fingers with sweet
smelling myrrh, upon the handles of the
lock. I opened to my beloved; but my
beloved had withdrawn himself, and was
gone: my soul failed when he spake: I
sought him, but I could not find him; I
called him, but he gave me no
answer. The watchmen that went about
the city found me, they smote me, they
wounded me; the keepers of the walls
took away my veil from me. I charge you,
O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my
beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick
of love (Song 5:2-8).
Choosing to Believe. Somewhere
God’s will and our free will meet, but we’ll never
know this side of heaven where exactly that line
is drawn. And for the wise elect, it doesn’t
matter. We know that He has a job for us to do
(Eph. 2:10), and if we seek and obey Him with
sincerity of heart we’ll know exactly what it is
and how to fulfill it day to day, so that we will do
everything He asks of us, losing none of our
Instead, Christians today drag their feet
because they don’t have all the answers.
However, the reason they don’t have more
answers is because they don’t obey God. That’s
the choice they’ve made, just like ‘Doubting
Then the same day at evening, being the
first day of the week, when the doors
were shut where the disciples were
assembled for fear of the Jews, came
Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith
unto them, Peace be unto you. And when
he had so said, he shewed unto them his
hands and his side. Then were the
disciples glad, when they saw the
LORD. Then said Jesus to them again,
Peace be unto you: as my Father hath
sent me, even so send I you. And when
he had said this, he breathed on them,
and saith unto them, Receive ye the
Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit,
they are remitted unto them; and whose
soever sins ye retain, they are
retained. But Thomas, one of the twelve,
called Didymus, was not with them
when Jesus came. The other disciples
therefore said unto him, We have seen
the LORD. But he said unto them, Except
I shall see in his hands the print of the
nails, and put my finger into the print of
the nails, and thrust my hand into his
side, I will not believe. And after eight
days again his disciples were within, and
Thomas with them: then came Jesus,
the doors being shut, and stood in the
midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then
saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy
finger, and behold my hands; and reach
hither thy hand, and thrust it into my
side: and be not faithless, but
believing. And Thomas answered and
said unto him, My LORD and my
God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas,
because thou hast seen me, thou hast
believed: blessed are they that have not
seen, and yet have believed (John 20:1929).
Passing the Litmus Test. By not
trusting what God has done for you, you’ll think
you’re in the right because He’ll send you a
strong delusion—another wave of it—so that you
believe Satan’s lies, somewhere along the
spectrum of believing that you really are beyond
help or that you don’t need His help, or that God
is excusing your sins and that He has a different
Standard for you. Or else you’ll ignore parts of
the Bible, or think that you can just say some
prayers and confessions and sin like crazy and
still be right with God (2 Thess. 2:10-11). You
need to ask Him to teach you the fear of God,
which He’ll do if you read these books and His
Book with an open heart and mind. And the fear
of God “is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10,
my emphasis).
Christianity Today’s pastors, and others, go
on and on about having “accepted Christ” even
though Jesus has chosen us (John 15:16).
Pastors preach that everyone can accept Christ
and that this is basically all you have to do to be
saved, which in not biblical. In fact, Christianity
Today’s understanding is obviously off Target
because the notion of accepting Jesus is loaded
with self-confidence. While God has given us the
power of choice, that power is not in choosing
Him. It's in choosing whether we obey Him or
not when He’s calling us for salvation, and also
when He’s calling us to follow Him every step of
the way Home—which He’s definitely doing
through this series of books. Our free-will choice
is in choosing to acknowledge and obey Him
every time He’s knocking on the door of our
heart, which He does daily throughout the
course of our lives—if you’re elect—24/7. “As it is
said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not
your heart” (Heb. 4:7).
In contrast, pastors tell you to ‘just say this
prayer’ and you’re born again.
Uh huh.
Why then does God say, “Examine
yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove
your own selves…except ye be reprobates?” (2
Cor. 13:5). I wouldn’t need to examine myself if
all I had to do was say a prayer. And that’s just
it. You don’t just say prayers, you actually pray.
There really is a hell of a difference!
Biblical prayer comes from a heart and mind
that are fully engaged in God’s WORD. There’s
understanding, conviction, and faith making
connections in your brain that create heat which
softens your heart. The Lord will save your soul,
meaning transfer you from the status of lost
elect to that of born again, “if thou shalt confess
with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe
in thine heart that God hath raised him from the
dead” (Rom. 10:9). Those who actually believe in
their heart what they confess with their mouths
fear God so that they examine themselves daily
to make sure they’re not just giving Him lipservice.
And you examine yourself by looking at the
life you’re living through the magnifying glass of
the Bible while also asking Him to convict you.
You do like David who prayed, “Search me, O
God, and know my heart: try me, and know my
thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in
me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Ps.
139:23-24). Having asked Him to search your
heart, you then listen for what He has to say to
lead you “in the way everlasting” by connecting
the dots between what else you read or hear in
Scriptures, whether directly or as God uses
someone or something else that is supported by
Scripture. And He only holds you responsible for
the Scriptures He has enlightened you to. He
holds your responsible for what you know not
for what you don’t know. In turn, He begins
holding you accountable by His WORD first.
Then, as you mature in Christ—in knowledge of
His WORD and ways, He then raises the bar.
Yet today’s Christians are so far from God
that even when another Christian points out a
sin, revealing that what they’re doing contradicts
God’s WORD, they totally ignore that anyone is
even speaking to them! What they do is actually
ignore God, so He darkens their minds further
still (2 Thess. 2:10-11). It’s actually worse than
that. Today’s Christians get offended by the
WORD of God they profess to believe. And they
do because we’re at the climax of the falling
away period (2 Thess. 2:3-4).
Moreover, if you tested yourself daily against
the WORD of God as you’re supposed to do, God
would not have to speak to you through other
people since He would be able to speak to you
directly as you’re asking Him to test you. As He
says, “If we would judge ourselves, we should
not be judged” (1 Cor. 11:31).
Testing yourself against the backdrop of
God’s WORD, if your life lines up with the Bible,
you pass God’s test—you’re born again and in
right relationship with Him at the moment. If it
doesn’t line up with the Bible, you’re either not
born again or not in right relationship with Him
at the moment. In either case, whether reprobate
or prodigal, you just need to ask God for
forgiveness and TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND so
that it does line up with His WORD, because
when it doesn’t you’re serving Satan. Jesus says,
“He that is not with me is against me; and he
that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad”
(Matt. 12:30). According to God, there is no
middle ground, no grey area, since the grey area
has been allotted to Satan, the “ruler of this
world” (John 12:31, YLT). Yet, as noted on THE
CAMPGROUNDS that's where God's Church,
Christianity Today, has set up camp, in the grey
area (Rev. 13:3) because of Her love for
denominations and so many things God detests.
As long as you hold on to the notion that you
can slide by with this one sin, you don’t get it.
God requires ‘perfection,’ aka purity and
obedience. He doesn’t expect us to stop sinning
as soon as we become saved, but to immediately
begin changing, “bring[ing] forth therefore fruits
meet for repentance” (Matt. 3:8). Because Jesus
gave His life as a ransom for your life, you get to
go to heaven instead of hell for the rest of
eternity IF you're elect. And if you are, you'll be
grateful enough to let Him lord over you. In
other words, you’ll make Him the Lord of your
life since that’s who He is, Lord God.
However, if you consistently don’t let Jesus
Lord over you, you're either prodigal, not born
again, or not even elect. “Unto the wicked God
saith, What hast thou to do to declare my
statutes, or that thou shouldest take my
covenant in thy mouth?” (Ps. 50:16). “Why call
ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I
say?” (Luke 6:46). If you are elect, and refuse to
repent when God speaks to you about your sin—
which He does through His WORD as you read it
or through someone using His WORD—you’re
just wasting your God-given time and will suffer
an eternal loss, a loss of ‘rewards’ that would
have benefited you for the rest of eternity (1 Cor.
3:11-15). And that’s the best case scenario
because the only other option for such a
stubborn person is that you are not elect but a
Vessel of Wrath destined for hell.
So once you’ve turned your heart over to
God, you need to daily (throughout the day) ask
yourself if you’re living for Jesus or for yourself.
You do as He’s taught us in the following
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own
understanding. In all thy ways
acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy
paths (Prov. 3:5-6).
Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to the obedience
of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).
So let’s say you’re a Christian and a doctor.
In doing your work, are you focused on God? Is
He the One you first seek for discernment on
how to approach/diagnose each patient? After
all, He gave humans the brains for the science
and the meds as well, along with the bodies that
need fixing. So do you acknowledge Him in your
work and to your patients and coworkers? Are
you actively concerned about your patients’
spiritual health? Do you pray for them? With
them? Do your business practices fall in line
with the Bible or do you do things in your
practice that go against His WORD, excusing
yourself because that’s how the industry works?
Yes, being a Christian is extremely
inconvenient! I know. But it was very
inconvenient for Jesus to give it up for us on the
Cross, don’t ya think? And if you don’t care,
that’s a pretty good clue that you are not a Vessel
of Mercy, because “God is love” (1 John 4:8), and
this Tour of Duty is all about love (Mark 12:2931; John 17:21; Eph. 4:11-16). It’s not about ‘The
one with the most toys wins’ or ‘Shop til you
drop.’ Those are satanic lies which this whole
nation has gulped down.
All born again souls can ask themselves the
same kinds of questions for however you spend
your time. In fact, this series reveals that all of
the “great” pastors Christians revere are merely
self-absorbed sinners like everyone else, only
worse, because they’re supposed to be among
God’s best representatives on earth. And all
Christians are expected to represent Him well.
“It is required in stewards, that a man be found
faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2). Everyone who thinks
they’re a Christian has been entrusted with
God’s WORD, and is therefore a steward of it.
Here’s another way to look at it. We’re all
snobs at the core since we all have a certain cutoff level as to the types of people we’ll associate
with, right? God also does this, but He’s holy. He
doesn’t want to hang out with a bunch of
depraved offensive slobs, so He made a way,
through Christ—putting Himself on the line—in
order that He could hang out with us:
In all things it behoved him to be made
like unto his brethren, that he might be
a merciful and faithful high priest in
things pertaining to God, to make
reconciliation for the sins of the
people. For in that he himself hath
suffered being tempted, he is able to
succour them that are tempted (Heb.
We’re depraved snobs, He’s not.
In fact, were so depraved that even born
again Christians don’t really appreciate what
He’s done for us and, instead, grovel for human
leadership which is worth shit compared to what
He’s offering!
What? I’ve offended you?
I bet.
OK, I’ll quote, “Count all things but loss for
the excellency of the knowledge of Christ
Jesus…do count them but dung, that [you] may
win Christ” (Phil. 3:8). Shit, dung, poop, crap,
manure, however you want to sugarcoat it, it is
still feces—stuff, interestingly enough, found in
diapers. It’s interesting considering this is what
God says about Christians, especially those in
For when for the time ye ought to be
teachers, ye have need that one teach
you again which be the first principles of
the oracles of God; and are become such
as have need of milk, and not of strong
meat (Heb. 5:12).
I, brethren, could not speak unto you as
unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even
as unto babes in Christ (1 Cor. 3:1).
Christians, especially those in leadership, should
have grown up by now and be counting their
worldly possessions and positions as shit in
comparison to the joy of knowing Christ. But
they don’t, they cling to them—and it’s not
pretty! Moreover, it stinks! THEY stink.
Being born again means that you
understand what God has done for you and
sincerely appreciate Him having done it, because
“who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am
pure from my sin?” (Prov. 20:9). Answer: Not
one of us. “As it is written, There is none
righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10). It requires a
sinless perfect One to pay the price for our sin,
and Jesus is the Man, “for there is none other
name under heaven given among men, whereby
we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
Sin is anything unrighteous like lying,
cheating, a bad attitude, coveting, all the way to
murder—so that most of us sin loads of times
before we even get out of bed. Sure enough,
because Jesus made it clear that our thoughts
equal the sin. He said, “Whosoever looketh on a
woman to lust after her hath committed adultery
with her already in his heart” (Matt. 5:28). And
since God says, “This is the day which the LORD
hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Ps.
118:24), not only are we supposed to not think
unrighteous thoughts, we’re supposed to get up
with a joyful heart, thankful to God for the day
He’s given us—every day! And my guess is most
people lean to the other extreme. Or else you get
up delighted with your life totally ungrateful to
God who gave you such blessings when “every
good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of lights”
(James 1:17).
However, if elect Church leaders would stop
living for themselves and live up to their calling,
it would make it easier for the rest to have more
righteous thoughts, thankful to God for all He’s
done for us. We’d actually be able to work
together and accomplish some good rather than
continue to fund evil and then have that evil
crush us—as with the NDAA, Bilderberg, and the
rest of Satan’s pawns.
That’s why the lost elect need to get right
with God and begin praying for Church leaders,
as we’ve been told do to, which Christians don’t
do. Yet consider the promises God has made if
we do. He says:
I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and
giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in
authority; that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and
honesty (1 Tim. 2: 1-2).
Then had the churches rest throughout
all [the land], and were edified; and
walking in the fear of the Lord, and in
the comfort of the Holy Ghost, [and]
were multiplied (Acts 9:31).
God has promised us peace, rest, and comfort,
along with building up His Church if we walk in
submission to Him.
God’s will is not hard to understand. What’s
complicated is prophecy, and that’s only because
God's Church is loaded down with sin since that
separates us from God (Isa. 59:2). As with most
things, once we get the basics down the rest will
come easier and it’ll be smoother sailing because
God “revealeth his secret unto his servants the
prophets (Amos 3:7), and all born again
Christians are prophets. The better your
relationship is with the Lord, the more He
reveals to you. And the better the body of Christ
as a whole walks with Him, the easier it will be
to fully understand all He has to say because
when “one member [of the body of Christ]
suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one
member be honoured, all the members rejoice
with it” (1 Cor. 12:26). Not having God’s clear
vision for the future causes us to suffer because
“Where there is no vision, the people perish”
(Prov. 29:18). And there are many ways to
perish, not just physically: we die of loneliness,
of lack of fellowship, of corrupt government, of
disease, of heartache, on and on and on.
What God did for us on the Cross cost Him
dearly—but He ‘got His money’s worth.’ So no
matter how many times or how badly we sin as a
born again Christian, we can “confess our sins,
[and] he is faithful and just to forgive us our
sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
(1 John 1:9). But we have to confess sincerely, in
order to be forgiven. So it means that we have to
change. In the same way that we don’t just say
prayers, we don’t just say confessions. We
actually put some action behind our words. We
pray and we confess. Remember those…verbs: I
pray, you pray, we pray, I confess, you confess,
we confess. It's elementary school stuff, my
dears. YouTube Carry My Cross Third
But since God's Girl has been in the habit of
giving God lip-service, She's missed the meaning
behind much of His teaching and remains an
infant in Christ, and most elect are not even in
Therefore, consider the parable of the wise
and foolish virgins:
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be
likened unto ten virgins, which took
their lamps, and went forth to meet the
bridegroom. And five of them were wise,
and five were foolish. They that were
foolish took their lamps, and took no oil
with them: But the wise took oil in their
vessels with their lamps. While the
bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered
and slept. And at midnight there was a
cry made, Behold, the bridegroom
cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all
those virgins arose, and trimmed their
lamps. And the foolish said unto the
wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps
are gone out. But the wise answered,
saying, Not so; lest there be not enough
for us and you: but go ye rather to them
that sell, and buy for yourselves. And
while they went to buy, the bridegroom
came; and they that were ready went in
with him to the marriage: and the door
was shut. Afterward came also the other
virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to
us. But he answered and said, Verily I
say unto you, I know you not. Watch
therefore, for ye know neither the day
nor the hour wherein the Son of man
cometh (Matt. 25:1-13).
This passage, like many in the New Testament,
makes it clear that you can think you belong to
God when you don’t, which is one of the reasons
we’re told to examine ourselves regularly (2 Cor.
13:5)—the most important one—to make sure we
do actually belong to Him.
HOMEWORK: Read In His Steps by
Charles Sheldon and/or watch the movie,
In His Steps (1964). I wouldn’t bother
with the modern version of it.
Jesus says, “If any man will come after me, let
him deny himself, and take up his cross, and
follow me” (Matt. 16:24). The Christian is
supposed to pick up his or her cross and follow
Jesus. But in order to do that you have to be able
to hear His voice. And to hear it, you have to eat
daily bread without spitting any of it out:
Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of
life: he that cometh to me shall never
hunger; and he that believeth on me
shall never thirst (John 6:35).
For my flesh is meat indeed, and my
blood is drink indeed (John 6:55).
Jesus, God, the WORD, is spiritual Food—the
nourishment we need to run this race
successfully. And just like regular food, without
spiritual Food, even once we’re born again, it
doesn’t take long before we die, as happened
with the early Church just 60 years or so after
Jesus left the earth. He said, “I know thy works,
that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art
dead” (Rev. 3:1)—one of the many Lessons
Christians have ignored.
As you develop your relationship with the
Lord, your faith grows so that He requires more
of you—steadily raising the bar. For instance, in
preschool you do preschool puzzles but in high
school the challenges are much greater. Yet you
can handle them having grown into them
through the exercises required of you since
preschool. Faith in Christ is not just a leap of
faith, it’s about continually taking leaps of faith,
leaps that get bigger. “As it is written, The just
shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17, my emphasis).
Becoming born again is the first leap, taken head
first—since that’s were your brains are kept:
For which of you, intending to build a
tower, sitteth not down first, and
counteth the cost, whether he have
sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he
hath laid the foundation, and is not able
to finish it, all that behold it begin to
mock him, Saying, This man began to
build, and was not able to finish…So
likewise, whosoever he be of you that
forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot
be my disciple (Luke 14:28-33).
YouTube I'm Diving In Steven Curtis
You Must Eat DAILY Bread. People
don’t just eat once a month, nor once a week, not
even once a day (typically), but several times a
day—some of us, continually throughout the day.
That’s no good in the physical realm, I KNOW.
But, when it comes to spiritual life, “taste and
see that the LORD is good” (Ps. 34:8) and keep
on tasting. “Hearken diligently unto me, and eat
ye that which is good, and let your soul delight
itself in fatness” (Isa. 55:2). Feed on the Lord,
the WORD, all day long so that you not only
learn what pleases Him, but so that it becomes
what pleases you. Because as you obey Him,
you’ll be changing like the caterpillar (an
unattractive worm that crawls) into the
Monarch (a beautiful royal creature that flies).
Things you loved to do before will, at first, give
you a bad/guilty feeling when you do them, so
you’ll start avoiding them and pretty soon they’ll
be offensive to you. It’s like what happens to
those who quit smoking. After you’ve quit, and
for the rest of your life, you’re more disgusted by
the smell of it than anyone else. Or for those who
were obese then got in shape, unhealthy foods
you loved before become disgusting to you.
Being right with God does mean letting go of
relationships, activities, and/or items, which
don’t measure up to His Standard. And the more
daily Bread you eat, the more discernment and
conviction (desire) you have to eat only the
things that are safe to eat. So that not letting go
of things or people that don’t line up with God’s
WORD and will for your life is like continuing to
chew the brownie even though you were told
poop had been placed in the batter. Not only
would you not take another bite, you’d spit out
every last crumb like she did in The Help
(2011). As you seek Him and trust Him, Jesus
gives you ears to hear what to eat and what not
to eat. And He doesn’t feed us poop!
What man is there of you, whom if his
son ask bread, will he give him a
stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give
him a serpent? If ye then, being evil,
know how to give good gifts unto your
children, how much more shall your
Father which is in heaven give good
things to them that ask him? (Matt. 7:911).
But you have to ask Him respectfully, which
means to be worshipping Him in Spirit and in
truth (John 4:23-24).
And since Protestant pastors haven’t
respected Him, they have ‘eaten’ things that are
very unpalatable to God. While most unbelievers
think everything Christians have been dishing
out is manure, it isn’t. Some is—a ton of it—but
not all. God will not anoint unbiblical preaching
or practices so that the Church becomes vibrant
as He created Her to be. Yet, at the same time,
He uses the preaching of the truth so that souls
are being saved in the churches and there is
some spiritual life there. The Girl is comatose,
not R.I.P. dead. Again, God says:
I know thy works, that thou hast a name
that thou livest, and art dead. Be
watchful, and strengthen the things
which remain, that are ready to
die: for I have not found thy works
perfect before God. Remember therefore
how thou hast received and heard, and
hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou
shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a
thief, and thou shalt not know what hour
I will come upon thee (Rev. 3:1-3, my
Seek God in earnest, taking in the Bible
while listening to the pastors and other
Christians on the radio, TV, books, web, and in
the flesh (with trepidation), placing what comes
in against the backdrop of Scripture applying
what lines up and discarding what doesn’t.
And since so much doesn’t line up with the
WORD of God, it would be best to not venture
into a church until you’ve spent a decent amount
of time getting to know the Lord, going in when
you’re ready to not join them but simply to listen
and scrutinize everything they’re saying and
doing against the Bible. Since they do preach the
Bible—those that still do—and because you’re
steeped in His WORD, God will use the service
to speak to you. He says, “If we [or they] believe
not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny
himself” (2 Tim. 2:13).
you know others who are interested in
seeking God, consider starting a home
church. You could read the Bible aloud
together, chapter by chapter, discussing it;
pray together; worship with music either
just singing or coupled with instruments if
you know how to use them; serve
communion; and attend an actual service on
For example, depending on the number
of people involved, you could host a house
service one week and then attend a service
as a group the next week, hosting lunch after
the service to discuss what was biblical and
what wasn’t. (Just make a crockpot of chili,
for example. Keep it simple and focused on
spiritual Food rather than on material food.)
Much depends on the region in which you
live, the number of people you have, and a
slew of other factors. Ask God. But know
that the churches are doing much that is
very unbiblical, which I cover in the series.
If you’re venturing into an established
church, you really have to PROCEED WITH
CAUTION. Because, for the most part,
they’re not building people up in the Lord
but tearing them down—destroying them.
“They are disrupting whole households by
teaching things they ought not to teach—and
that for the sake of dishonest gain” (Titus
1:11, NIV).
Just because the majority believe and/or go
by things which don’t line up with the Bible
doesn’t make them true or good. As He says,
“Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction”
(Matt. 7:13). That’s the main lesson from
Hitler—the masses were wrong. Christian
hypocrisy doesn’t make God a liar. Rather, it’s
made Christians self-centered cold-blooded
idiots, for the most part.
But you don’t have to be that way.
The more time you spend with God as a
sincere disciple—relying on Him—the quicker
He’ll meet you and give you clarity with multiple
confirmations. Before you know it you’ll discern
God’s voice instantly even through unlikely
means—non biblical sources—as I’ll be
repeatedly demonstrating. When you ask God
for confirmation, He’ll provide it from a biblical
source and in a way that lines up with Scripture,
with the full counsel of God. So get to know
God's WORD well by reading it cover to cover
for the rest of your life while “bring[ing] forth
therefore fruits meet for repentance” (Matt. 3:8).
The literal translation says, “bear, therefore,
fruits worthy of the reformation” (Matt. 3:8,
YLT). God is doing a work of reformation in each
born again soul fully committed to Him,
changing us from the self-centered ungodly
sinner that we are to one that’s holy like Him.
But He does that work with our input. We have
to “submit…ourselves therefore to God [and]
resist the devil” (James 4:7), “work[ing] out…our
own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil.
2:12). Turning a blind eye to denominational
division and the slew of unbiblicalities that have
come into Christianity, does not reflect working
it out in the fear of God. YouTube Psalm 130
Sons of Korah.
You Must HEAR God’s Voice. How
clearly and how often you hear from God is
something you grow into as you seek Him
through His WORD, obeying what He says—so it
depends on you. The more time you spend with
God in His WORD, repenting as needed, the
quicker and clearer you hear Him, certain it’s
Him you’re hearing. It isn’t hard to hear from
God if you’re being sincere and, therefore,
fulfilling your part of the relationship—of the
covenant. He says, “He who is having my
commands, and is keeping them, that one it is
who is loving me, and he who is loving me shall
be loved by my Father, and I will love him, and
will manifest myself to him” (John 14:21, YLT).
Manifest means to reveal, to show. The more we
obey, the more He reveals.
God will reveal Himself to all who keep His
commands, to all who obey Him. So be sincere
and ask Him for confirmation when you think
He’s speaking to you. Then look for His answer
in His WORD, not jumping around in the Bible
but listening for His voice in your regular
reading of it, continuing where you placed your
bookmark. God will meet you there no matter
the issue and no matter where you are in the
Bible. He might also meet you through His
WORD by way of some other biblical source like
a calendar or wall hanging (that has Scripture),
biblical song, sermon, Christian show, book, or
devotional, for example. Immerse yourself and
your home, your car, your cubical, your locker,
your life in God’s WORD giving Him as much
opportunity as possible to speak to you. God
always has something to say which is why John
wrote the following: “There are also many other
things which Jesus did, the which, if they should
be written every one, I suppose that even the
world itself could not contain the books that
should be written” (John 21:25). If you could
hear it all, every single day there would be
enough to write a series of books!
His next assignment for you as you work
towards the Goal, using you to answer your own
prayers—which also tests your sincerity.
For example, one year I’ll read a passage and
God speaks to me through it by somehow tying it
in to what’s going on concerning my personal
life. Yet the next time I read that same passage
I’m at a different point in my life so that that
passage doesn’t stand out in any special way
personally. Still, God uses it to teach me history
and biblical concepts, and He speaks to me
personally through other passages. Then another
time He’ll tie that same passage to something
different going on in my life at that moment so
I’ll hear Him speak to me personally through it
again. The meaning of the passage, how it was
originally used remains the same, but the way
God is applying it to my personal situation
changes as God meets me with it where I am
while not contradicting the full counsel of
God, the rest of the Bible—which is yet
another reason you really need to know the
Bible well.
I explain throughout the series why the
harder choice is so much better. Essentially, this
life is short. I’m 51! How did that happen? But
it's OK. By obeying God I’m building my nest egg
where it truly matters—in God’s eternal
kingdom. In contrast, if I were to disobey God,
I’d be storing up treasure here, and at 51, I’ve got
20 good years left, maybe. So if I'm financially
loaded here but end up with Alzheimer's (as so
many do), or die before I'm 70, even living to
120 with a sound mind, how good is that, really,
compared to the billions of years to the x power
of numbers so high we have no numbers for
them? Because that’s how long eternity will
last—FOR EVER (Matt. 6:19-21).
And I’m not saying God will answer
your prayers immediately, but that you’ll
hear His voice clearly and often because
you’ll have a close relationship going with
Him—fellowship. He’ll give you a WORD
telling you He’s on
concerning you—as He’s done for me over
His Church since 1997. God lets you know
He is working it out while also showing you
For example, if I’m praying for God’s Church
to change but refuse to do what He tells me to do
to help Her change, like pray for some people
who’ve hurt me and/or write to them knowing
they’ll either ignore me or retaliate, having been
forewarned by God, if I refuse to do what God is
telling me to do and reach out to them, then I’m
really not as serious about His Church as I’ve
been praying, am I? Neither am I as forgiving as
I need to be (Matt. 6:15). God corners you. And
each time you're cornered you have to choose,
will you do the easy thing and disobey God or
the harder thing and obey Him. It’s your choice.
God is constantly placing THE DOORS before
In the beginning, one of the best ways to get
familiar with God’s voice and to becoming
dependent on Him is by asking Him to help you
with all the little things, like finding the keys or a
parking spot, or to grant you favor with the
person you have to address, for example. Having
been spending quality time with Him and asking
Him about the daily stuff, He’ll let you
experience Him directing you. For example, as
you ask Him about the keys your eyes will
immediately focus on them. As you’re praying
for the parking spot, one will open right up front,
just for you. As you speak to the person God will
have them say the words you prayed, verbatim.
The more quality time you spend with Him the
more aware He’ll make you of His presence. So,
“let your conversation be without covetousness;
and be content with such things as ye have: for
he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake
thee” (Heb. 13:5).
But be forewarned that when you hear God’s
voice you’ll doubt it’s Him—especially in the
beginning or when you know Him better and He
asks you to do harder stuff. You deal with your
doubt by asking Him for confirmation, which
He’ll provide. And as He provides it, and
because He’ll give you so much of it and/or such
clear confirmation, your heart will change so
that you’ll become open to doing what you didn’t
initially want to do.
In the Old Testament God was big on “signs”
as with this example from Gideon:
Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save
Israel by mine hand, as thou hast
said, Behold, I will put a fleece of wool in
the floor; and if the dew be on the fleece
only, and it be dry upon all the earth
beside, then shall I know that thou wilt
save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast
said. And it was so: for he rose up early
on the morrow, and thrust the fleece
together, and wringed the dew out of the
fleece, a bowl full of water. And Gideon
said unto God, Let not thine anger be
hot against me, and I will speak but this
once: let me prove, I pray thee, but this
once with the fleece; let it now be dry
only upon the fleece, and upon all the
ground let there be dew. And God did so
that night: for it was dry upon the fleece
only, and there was dew on all the
ground (Judges 6:36-40)
While God still speaks through signs, He
mostly speaks through His WORD. “God, who at
sundry times and in divers manners spake in
time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath
in these last days spoken unto us by his Son”
(Heb. 1:1-2). God speaks through His WORD
who was made flesh (John 1:14), His Son, and
mostly confirms through His WORD.
But, since He’s in control of all, He uses it
all. Therefore, after a while (the amount of time
depends on your faithfulness), you’ll also hear
His voice through other stuff because you know
His WORD so well. You know Him, the Man,
and His ways, including His sense of humor.
And when that starts to happen, you’ll also be
hearing Satan’s voice or his demonic buddies
louder than you did before. So, again, you have
to be very steeped in God’s WORD, or you’ll get
eaten alive (1 Pet. 5:8).
So, if you steep yourself in the Bible,
consistently obeying the Lord, you’ll come to
love God with all of your being as He requires
(Mark 12:30). If you remember you’re a
desperately wicked sinner since “the heart is
deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked” (Jer. 17:9), you’ll repent as often as
needed, which will be quite often (Matt. 3:8).
And as He works on changing you to make you
more like Him, He’ll be revealing things and
people and events—all sorts of stuff—of which
He wants you to let go. So which Door will you
enter? Door #1 or Door #2? It’s kind of like the
eye doctor. This one? Or that one? OK, now,
how about this one or that one? And now, is this
one better or that one? And now? This one or
that one, etc. Here’s a hint, unlike the eye
doctor, with God, it’s ALWAYS Door #1. Enter
therein every time and you’ll be seeing Him
every day and He’ll get clearer every day. Then,
eventually, you’ll be seeing Him face to face,
clearly. “For now we see through a glass, darkly;
but then face to face” (1 Cor. 13:12). YouTube
Trust and Obey Hillsong.
You MUST Pick Up Your Cross.
It’s really fairly simple to know God’s will and
voice once you’ve asked Him into your heart and
followed through with your part of developing
the relationship. The difficulty—along every
single step of the way—has to do with two things,
obedience and patience. So you have to keep this
in mind:
This is where everyone trips up on Him and why
God says this about Jesus, “He shall be for a
sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a
rock of offence” (Isa. 8:14). The reason Jesus is
not just a sanctuary but a stumbling stone and
rock of offence is because it most often does
NOT look or feel like what He’s asking of you is
to help you, like giving His life on the Cross
didn’t look good or feel good for Him—just the
opposite. But, in the long run, it granted Him an
eternal throne, a kingdom over which He will
reign forever, a kingdom made up of righteous
people—Paradise. And Jesus was an example of
how God works with all of His Vessels of Mercy.
“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience
by the things which he suffered; And being made
perfect, he became the author of eternal
salvation unto all them that obey him” (Heb.
The Christian problem, especially in
America, has been that we are really into
immediate gratification, which is why my
testimony is about having gone through tons of
stuff as I’ve obeyed Him and waited on Him for
so long.
And I’ve been able to persevere because as
soon as you obey God on His latest directive, or
trust Him with what He’s put on your plate
(asking Him to help you stop whining about it),
you realize it’s the best thing for you because
He’ll make it crystal clear to you. I’ll share plenty
of testimony of how I haven’t wanted to follow
God’s leading or have struggled with the trials on
my path but as soon as I started heading that
way or trusted Him with it, He ministered to me
because what He says is true, “I will never leave
thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5). And He’s the
same with all of His elect, as Peter noted, “God is
no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Unlike us,
God doesn’t play favorites. He treats us all the
same—according to His WORD. Yet, at the same
time, He has a different purpose for each of our
lives. However, the Standard He uses is the
same. If we obey it, He blesses us more (overall),
and if we disobey it, He curses us more (overall)
as He told us He would in Leviticus 26. He also
repeatedly warns us in the New Testament
saying, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
reap” (Gal. 6:7).
But, being blessed by God doesn’t just
involve this life, it involves eternity. In fact, it’s
much more about eternity. Therefore, suffering
is involved here even when we obey Him (2 Tim.
3:12). He blesses us here with His presence and
maybe also something more tangible, but the
ultimate blessing is for the future. We struggle
obeying God because His directives tend to go
against the grain, not just of the crowd but
against our own personal grain because His
perspective collides with our earthly/worldly
reality and, therefore, desires. So He says, “My
thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your
ways my ways” (Isa. 55:8). And following Him
closely is still worth it.
When you’ve answered God’s calling to
follow Him, and He’s briefed you on His general
Plan for humanity and on your specific part
within that Plan, since “ we are his
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good
works, which God hath before ordained that we
should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10), you then
realize what He meant in saying, “Whosoever
will come after me, let him deny himself, and
take up his cross, and follow me” (Mark 8:34).
Your “cross” is made up of whatever you have to
deal with in order to keep in step with Him and
His mission for your life as it fits in with the
overall Mission, the Great Commission, to “teach
all nations…to observe all things whatsoever [He
has] commanded” (Matt. 28:18-20). YouTube
Burlap to Cashmere, Basic Instructions
Things on the cross which you are called to
pick up are tied to things God has been using to
prepare you to fulfill your calling. “We know that
all things work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the called according
to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28). It’s good, overall,
but there’s a cross you’re picking up. While
Christians have been living as if they’ve ‘arrived,’
they’ve only arrived at the Starting Gate. The
majority haven’t even begun the race yet (Acts
In any case, God uses everything for His
purposes and, therefore, for your calling. For
example, the antichristian family I come from
helped me deal with the cross of having an
antichristian Family of professing Christians
that make up Christianity Today, to go with the
antichrists that make up this nation. God also
coordinated people and circumstances in my life
to represent different aspects of arrogance,
trials, abuse, and heartache, so that I could deal
with it when called to pick up my cross and go
against the grain of the hypocritical, unbiblical,
and abusive Church. And the dictatorial regime
that took over my hometown and country was to
prepare me for the dictatorial regime that has
taken over my current hometown and
country…and world. So while all of these
experiences have been hurtful and/or shocking,
since not entirely new, it's been less hurtful and
shocking. In short, what's on your cross is
bearable since God has prepped you for this next
section of your Tour of Duty with the first part of
your Tour. And, He walks through your Tour of
Duty with you. But, make no mistake, there is a
cross we’re talking about, that thing Jesus was
brutally tortured on.
It’s like the military. The point of Boot Camp
or Plebe Year isn’t to kill them, but to toughen
‘em up so that they don’t get killed in the battle,
what they’ll be up against. But it's also so they
can take the offensive. And throughout the New
Testament God refers to our mission in military
terms. Essentially, you deal with whatever’s on
your cross by asking Him to explain to you how
your past experiences fit in with your specific
calling and with His Mission on earth. Consider
God’s WORD, the Bible, your spiritual Two Way
Radio. You just have to turn that baby on and
use it. God says, “Call unto me, and I will answer
thee, and show thee great and mighty things,
which thou knowest not” (Jer. 33:3). In His
Army, all personnel are connected directly to the
Commander in Chief because all elect are VIP
(Rom. 9:22-23). Thank you, Jesus! YouTube
The Voices of CCC - God is Trying to Tell
You also need to understand what God is
saying in the following Scriptures:
This is that bread which came down
from heaven: not as your fathers did eat
manna, and are dead: he that eateth of
this bread shall live for ever. These
things said he in the synagogue, as he
taught in Capernaum. Many therefore of
his disciples, when they had heard this,
said, This is an hard saying; who can
hear it? When Jesus knew in himself
that his disciples murmured at it, he
said unto them, Doth this offend
you? What and if ye shall see the Son of
man ascend up where he was before? It
is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh
profiteth nothing: the words that I speak
unto you, they are spirit, and they are
life. But there are some of you that
believe not. For Jesus knew from the
beginning who they were that believed
not, and who should betray him. And he
said, Therefore said I unto you, that no
man can come unto me, except it were
given unto him of my Father. From that
time many of his disciples went back,
and walked no more with him. Then said
Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go
away? Then Simon Peter answered him,
Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast
the words of eternal life. And we believe
and are sure that thou art that Christ,
the Son of the living God (John 6:5869).
Peter didn’t tell Jesus, We’d never think of
leaving you. He said there was no other decent
option, saying so because following Christ isn’t a
cakewalk. Neither is it what we think it would be
or should be, especially during these days of
outrageous apostasy! (2 Tim. 4:3-4).
Yet, at the same time, because God is with
you (Heb. 13:5) and constantly speaking to you
(John 10:27), it can feel like you are walking on
air at times. As the psalmist wrote, “When the
LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were
like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled
with laughter, and our tongue with singing” (Ps.
Therefore, later, ‘walking on air,’ Peter
boldly stated he’d follow the Lord to his death:
Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall
be offended because of me this night: for
it is written, I will smite the shepherd,
and the sheep of the flock shall be
scattered abroad. But after I am risen
again, I will go before you into
Galilee. Peter answered and said unto
him, Though all men shall be offended
because of thee, yet will I never be
offended. Jesus said unto him, Verily I
say unto thee, That this night, before the
cock crow, thou shalt deny me
thrice. Peter said unto him, Though I
should die with thee, yet will I not deny
thee. Likewise also said all the disciples
(Matt. 26:31-35).
So, coming back down to earth (what’s
necessary while on this Tour of Duty), that same
night Peter denied even knowing Jesus, not just
once but three times, as prophesied:
Now Peter sat without in the palace: and
a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou
also wast with Jesus of Galilee. But he
denied before them all, saying, I know
not what thou sayest. And when he was
gone out into the porch, another maid
saw him, and said unto them that were
there, This fellow was also with Jesus of
Nazareth. And again he denied with an
oath, I do not know the man. And after a
while came unto him they that stood by,
and said to Peter, Surely thou also art
one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth
thee. Then began he to curse and to
swear, saying, I know not the man. And
immediately the cock crew. And Peter
remembered the word of Jesus, which
said unto him, Before the cock crow,
thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went
out, and wept bitterly (Matt. 26:69-75).
Peter needed this reality check so that he
could see what he was really made of (Rom.
3:10; Jer. 17:9). God humbled him so that He
could use him. And He does the same with all
VIP. And it's clearly what He's doing with today's
elect, especially Church leaders, humbling,
humiliating them, so that He can use them (Dan.
11:35). YouTube I Am Pierced Audio
Picking up your cross and following Jesus is
not the easiest thing to do, especially, when no
one else is doing it. And everyone will have a
season of walking alone with the Lord, against
the grain (2 Tim. 3:12). And the more He wants
to use you, the longer that season will last and
the lonelier it’ll be. It’s how He works. He sets
you apart from the crowd so that you can be with
Him and learn from Him. And once He’s
enlightened you to who He is and what it means
to not follow Him, along with the joy set before
you—eternal bliss and some earnest laughs along
the way, as I’ll be revealing—you feel trapped,
like “to whom shall I go?”
And considering everything going on in the
world, everything we’re up against, this time His
elect will finally continue to follow Him as the
first disciples did. So no matter how tough it
gets, or steep the climb, or high the fall, or
heated the hatred, or lonely the walk, or long the
haul, or rapid the drop, or hard the thud, or
scary the set-up, you’ll stay the Course since
you’re sure, beyond a doubt, that Jesus is God,
the One and only, and will come through for you
in the end (Heb. 12). You’ll be able to plow
through it all—even if you ‘end up’ like Humpty
Dumpty—because of what He’s said, “I will never
leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5).
YouTube Bridge Over Troubled Water
Aaron Neville.
A DUMPY DETOUR: Let’s stop for a
moment and look at Humpty more closely.
Though not common knowledge, it was the
King’s own men who pushed him to that fall.
Google Images Humpty Dumpty The
Real Story.
This is the same thing that happened to
Jesus, who said, “Have not I chosen you
twelve, and one of you is a devil?” (John
6:70). One of His own men ‘pushed’ Him off
the wall, so to speak (Luke 22:48).
Therefore, it’s the same thing that will
happen to us to one degree or another, to
some of us multiple times. We get rejected
by our own, by those closest to us who
should love us and love Him (since they
profess to be Christian).
And while “the kings men” couldn’t put
the Dump back together again, the King was
able because “with God all things are
possible” (Matt. 19:26), and Jesus is the
“King” (Rev. 19:16). Walking closely with the
King you know exactly what He wants from
you at every difficult turn, and you get to
enjoy fellowship with Him at every turn, so
that “the joy of the LORD is your strength”
(Neh. 8:10). Having ordered His own men to
push you off the edge (like the Father used
Judas on Jesus), scrambling your insides,
He does it so you can get to know Him better
as He works at putting you back together
again—better than before—so that you can
fulfill your destiny, the “good works, which
God hath before ordained that [you] should
walk in” (Eph. 2:10). Essentially, He tears
you down to build you back up. But, in the
process—IF you rely on Him—He’ll give you
an upgrade so that you become the new and
improved egg, Dumpy LX. YouTube The
Joy of the Lord Deitrick Haddon.
Picking up my cross and following Christ has
meant that I haven’t been able to rely on anyone
but Christ for years (in many ways, though not
all, not entirely). Yet, “to whom shall [I] go?”
(John 6:68). While Jesus says, “My yoke is easy,
and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:30), NONE of
the stuff of on anyone’s cross is easy or light! It
only becomes that as we walk closely with Him,
turning all of our heartaches, pains, worries,
difficulties, fears—whatever’s on our cross—over
to Him. Then it becomes “easy and light.” Light
enough anyhow, as He walks us through it. And
He often does that with humor. All you have to
do is “cast…all your care upon him; for he careth
for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). YouTube Take Up Your
Cross Ray Boltz.
You MUST Follow Jesus. You have
to obey the Lord in order to continually and
consistently clearly hear Him say, “This is the
way, walk ye in it” (Isa. 30:21):
Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers
only, deceiving your own selves. For if
any be a hearer of the word, and not a
doer, he is like unto a man beholding his
natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth
himself, and goeth his way, and
straightway forgetteth what manner of
man he was. But whoso looketh into the
perfect law of liberty, and continueth
therein, he being not a forgetful hearer,
but a doer of the work, this man shall be
blessed in his deed (James 1:22-25)
You also need the conviction to obey Him,
because “the just shall live by faith: but if any
man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure
in him” (Heb. 10:38). And you’ll ONLY have the
conviction to consistently obey the Lord by
spending a decent amount of time with Him in
His WORD, obediently, “For they that are after
the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but
they that are after the Spirit the things of the
Spirit” (Rom. 8:5). YouTube All the Way My
Savior Leads Me Chris Tomlin.
If you don’t live a life that keeps in step with
repentance (Matt. 3:8), you won’t be a follower
of Christ even if you’re in Christ. Out of grace,
Jesus will let you hang out with Him somewhat
(a little) but you won’t walk closely with Him.
Instead, you'll tend to get used against Him and
His people, including those you love because “no
man can serve two masters” (Matt. 6:24). He’ll
even use you against yourself because if you’re
not in all the way you’re dead weight to Him. As
He says, “He that is not with me is against me”
(Matt. 12:30). You’re either helping Him, or
helping Satan.
For example, ask most Christians how they
hear from God, or when they last heard from
Him, or what they heard—and their faces go
blank. Or else they relate an account that took
place ages ago, or is barely rooted in God’s
WORD, if at all. Or, they do hear from God but
they’re focused on their lives. Knowing our
hearts, if we’re not Christ-centered, God will
HELP us stay off focus, letting us focus on
storing up treasure here instead of heaven (2
Thess. 2:10-11). If you’re focused more on this
world than on God’s kingdom, you’ll be wasting
your life away, as Christians have historically
done, for the most part, since you’re not really
interested in Him. In fact He says, “All seek their
own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's”
(Phil 2:21). While you might actually be born
again, God will let you walk on the Red Carpet of
Delusion (2 Thess. 2:10-11) because He’s not just
interested in you. He died for His Bride, His
Church, His people—plural. Therefore, He
expects us to be focused on Him and Her, just as
Jesus was focused on the Father and the people
the Father loves. He says:
Forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual
gifts, seek that ye may excel to the
edifying of the church (1 Cor. 14:12).
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind, and with all thy
commandment.1 And the second is like,
namely this, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself. There is none
other commandment greater than these
Mark 12:28-31).
Walking in the Spirit, born again Christians
should be able to tell you, at any moment, the
last moment—that day—when and what they
heard from the Lord, how they heard from Him,
and it should line up with the full counsel of
God. And since you hear someone say many
things when you spend time with them, they
should have heard plenty.
For example, the Bible says “Thy word is a
lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”
(Ps. 119:105). So here’s a visual of what that
looks like. Tent camping, my daughter and I
went on a 2 a.m. potty run. Pitch black in the
woods, I clung to her as she held the flashlight.
Looking down at the little spot of light, unable to
see a foot in any direction beyond that spot, we
ventured ahead with trepidation (Phil. 2:12) as
creepy sounds echoed near and far while eebie
jeebie creepy things fluttered all around us,
touching us, BITING us, trying to EAT US
ALIVE! Yet press on we MUST through
treacherous terrain to reach our very important
destination! That’s how it is spiritually because
we’re up against “wickedness in high places”
(Eph. 6:12), Satan and his demons who we can’t
see and who are trying to devour us (1 Peter 5:8)
and keep us from fulfilling God’s will for our
lives (2 John 1:8). YouTube Thy Word Amy
Therefore, in order to make it Home with all
your stuff intact, you have to use your GPS
downloaded with the Bible along with your Two
Way Radio, and trust that Jesus knows the way
to your Destination. He clearly says, “In my
Father's house are many mansions: if it were not
so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place
for you” (John 14:2). He’ll get you there along
the best possible route for you (Eph. 2:10). He
also says, “Follow me, and I will make you
fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19). Catching ‘fish’ is the
only way to store up treasure in heaven for
eternity “where moth and rust doth corrupt, and
where thieves break through and steal” (Matt.
6:19). But you can only do it His way.
Further, Jesus was mostly a loner. He was a
leader, and we all know it's lonely at the top.
And we are called to be like Him:
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into
the wilderness to be tempted of the devil
[no one else went with Him] (Matt. 4:1).
When he had sent the multitudes away,
he went up into a mountain apart to
pray: and when the evening was come,
he was there alone (Matt. 14:23).
He withdrew himself into the wilderness
[alone], and prayed (Luke 5:16).
When Jesus therefore perceived that
they would come and take him by force,
to make him a king, he departed again
into a mountain himself alone (John
When his brethren were gone up, then
went he also up unto the feast, not
openly, but as it were in secret [alone]
(John 7:10).
Jesus was left alone, and the woman
standing in the midst (John 8:9).
Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now
come, that ye shall be scattered, every
man to his own, and shall leave me
alone: and yet I am not alone, because
the Father is with me (John 16:32).
While called to follow God alone, we are not
really alone because He is with us (Heb. 13:5).
Towards the end of the series I’ll share plenty of
testimony revealing how He’s been with me all
along even though I haven’t a single friend and
no one in my family—including my immediate
family these days (and for years now)—is a
follower of Christ. Alone, yet not alone.
Emotions. While God has given us life and
everything we could ever need, we’re all angry
with Him at some level because life as a sinner in
a fallen world is tough—just admit it. But don’t
do it like The Police in their song, O My God,
since they had no faith in God. We’ve had the
Bible provided for us all our lives. It’s us who
“take the biscuit.” You can get the lyrics at
So, if I were Jewish, I’d have some very real
issues concerning my relatives due to the
Holocaust (or concerning slavery if African
American, or about WWII internment if
American Japanese, etc.) and you can see that
anger at holocaust museums in the captions. So
while expressing anger towards men makes us
feel good—it makes more sense to focus on God
since He’s the One in control. And when you do
that in earnest, you end up at Jesus hanging on
the Cross for you—One most Jews rejected
during the holocaust, even now. And God says
His way is perfect:
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for
all his ways are judgment: a God of truth
and without iniquity, just and right is he
(Deut. 32:4)
As for God, his way is perfect: the word
of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all
those that trust in him. (Ps. 18:30)
It wouldn’t be so hard to see that God’s way
is perfect if it weren’t so personal. So just
acknowledge that it is personal (whatever your
beef is), and pray as God counsels us to pray,
“Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and
cleanse me from my sin” (Ps. 51:2). Doing so will
enable you to “cast out the beam out of [your]
eye; and…see clearly” (Matt. 7:5). Just tell God
the truth since He already knows it, “For there is
not a word in [your] tongue, but…[He] knowest
it altogether” (Ps. 139:4). Then ask Him to
change your heart, because it does you no good
to hold a grudge or to waste your life away
feeling sorry for yourself. The fact is that every
single situation can be viewed from God’s
perspective, which trumps our anger and
heartache. No matter what’s been done to us,
none of us are what God modeled for us to be.
We’re not like Christ, tempted yet without sin
(Heb. 4:15). YouTube Psalm 51: A Sketch
Montage Sons of Korah.
There’s NOTHING we can do about what
God has ordained. God allowed Satan to do it as
He revealed with Job and the devils He cast out
of the men in the New Testament:
The LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all
that he hath is in thy power; only upon
himself put not forth thine hand. So
Satan went forth from the presence of
the LORD (Job 1:12).
When he was come to the other side into
the country of the Gergesenes, there met
him two possessed with devils, coming
out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so
that no man might pass by that
way. And, behold, they cried out, saying,
What have we to do with thee, Jesus,
thou Son of God? art thou come hither
to torment us before the time? And there
was a good way off from them an herd of
many swine feeding. So the devils
besought him, saying, If thou cast us
out, suffer us to go away into the herd of
swine. And he said unto them, Go. And
when they were come out, they went
into the herd of swine: and, behold, the
whole herd of swine ran violently down
a steep place into the sea, and perished
in the waters (Matt. 8:28-32).
Jesus says, “Which of you by taking thought
can add one cubit unto his stature?” (Matt.
6:27). Answer: Not one of us. So we either need
to “Get over it” and/or “Deal with it.” There’s
really no better counsel. That’s tough, I know.
But it is the best option.
Instead, Americans load up on pills, killing
yourselves softly to Satan’s songs of self-pity.
Instead, imagine if everyone “got over” and
“dealt with” our pain and grudges by handing
them over to God, “casting all your care upon
him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7), and just
admitted, I’m a sinner, you’re a sinner,
everyone’s a sinner, and most importantly,
CHANGED our ways.
When the Vessels of Mercy finally do what
He created us to do, it will end all war:
They shall beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into
pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up
sword against nation, neither shall they
learn war any more (Isa. 2:4).
When a man's ways please the LORD, he
maketh even his enemies to be at peace
with him (Prov. 16:7).
And if you still don’t believe this, get on your
face before God right now and confess it! Do like
He modeled for us with this man, “The father of
the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I
believe; help thou mine unbelief” (Mark 9:24).
Admit the truth concerning your lack of faith
and ask Him to change your heart.
Finally, don’t let your love for people—
including your love for yourself—get in the way
of loving God. It won't help you. YouTube I
Am Jill Phillips.
Joseph of the Old Testament, for example,
understood that what sinners had done had been
allowed by God for the good of many so that he
told his cruel brothers, “Ye thought evil against
me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to
pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive”
(Gen. 50:20). Though deeply hurt, he sincerely
and fully forgave his brothers (Gen. 45:8-11),
able to do so because He had God's promises for
eternity. He had God’s vision of life (the Big
Picture), and of his life (how he personally fit
into the Big Picture). When you ‘get’ that (Eph.
2:10), there's no longer any room for holding a
grudge. YouTube There is Still a Dream
Rachel Lampa and Aaron Neville.
Lessons from His Story
Today’s Christians are ‘waiting’ for the Lord
doing their own thing. A great little book
illustrating this point is Children of the King
by Max Lucado. (Eventually I’ll make a slide
show of it for my YouTube channel.) However,
unlike what the book implies, the King only
comes back once, so you need to be ready. And
to be ready for the Day we stand before God and
give an account of our lives, since “every one of
us shall give account of himself to God” (Rom.
14:12), we have to do as He modeled for us “who
did no sin, neither was guile found in his
mouth…but committed himself to him that
judgeth righteously” (1 Pet. 2:21-23). Guile is
deception. God is saying ‘No lying allowed.’
Every single “little” lie comes from Satan, the
Father of Lies (John 8:44), so every time you lie
you’re hurting The Cause while helping Satan
with his cause, that of giving us a representation
of hell on earth, aka the New World Order.
Not committed to Her Lord, the Church is
loaded down with guile. Christians—Church
leaders in particular—lie constantly! They're
hardly better than our worldly civil leaders even
though God says that “there shall in no wise
enter into [heaven] any thing that defileth,
neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or
maketh a lie” (Rev. 21:27).
So in order to help the Lord’s BRAT prepare
for Her Wedding Day, God not only made it
clear that the promise made to Adam and Eve in
the Garden was fulfilled in Jesus, He’s made it
clear that He uses the characters of the Bible to
teach us, not only about Him and His ways, but
about us and our ways so that we can change
them and take on His ways.
However, I’m only touching on those most
relevant to what God is saying to His Beloved
Baby right now to help the BRAT grow up so that
She can become the Lord’s Beloved Lady, since
She is destined to become the Queen of Queens
(Eph. 5:25-27), married to the “KING OF
KINGS” (Isa. 54:5; Rev. 19:16).
The Trust & Wait Principle
In the same way that God called Noah, He called
Abram. And as with Noah, God had Abram step
out of his comfort zone so as to continue the
work He had begun in the Garden:
The LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee
out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy father's house,
unto a land that I will shew thee: And I
will make of thee a great nation, and I
will bless thee, and make thy name
great; and thou shalt be a blessing (Gen.
We know Abram heard God clearly because
“Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto
him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was
seventy and five years old when he departed out
of Haran” (Gen. 12:4). Like Noah, Abram obeyed
God even though it had to be tough leaving what
and who he had known his whole life for the
unknown, and at his age. But as Abram obeyed,
God made him promises like He had to Noah,
saying to Abram, “Unto thy seed will I give this
land” (Gen. 12:7). God then repeated and
enlarged the promise, saying, “All the land which
thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed
for ever” (Gen. 13:15). It was incentive to keep
Abram going, because as with Noah, God’s
calling came with trials like “a famine…grievous
in the land” (Gen. 12:10). But, as with Noah, it
also came with blessings, so that “Abram was
very rich” (Gen. 13:2).
Further, God promised Abram that he would
have a child and that He was giving his progeny
land, yet years passed and Abram remained
child less even though God continued with the
promises. “The LORD made a covenant with
Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this
land” (Gen. 15:18). The purpose of it was to
teach Abram—and us—about one of His most
important principles, to trust and wait on Him,
because we seriously complicate matters for
ourselves and for others, into future generations,
if we don’t—as Christianity has so thoroughly
God was making a point to all of humanity
that we humans lack faith in Him, and are prone
to lack it. For example, when Jesus walked the
earth, seeing Him in person, having heard about
His miracles, coming into certain towns, “he did
not many mighty works there because of their
unbelief” (Matt. 13:58)—and so it’s been for the
past 2000 years!
Knowing this is how we are, God allowed
Abram’s wife to execute a plan she’d conjured up
so that the man could have a child even though
she couldn’t conceive. Again, God was using
human sins to help His elect throughout history,
especially us as we near the end of Satan’s
schemes for his New World Order. God was
taking a bit too long for her so, “Sarai said unto
Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained
me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my
maid…And Abram hearkened to the voice of
Sarai…And he went in unto Hagar, and she
conceived” (Gen. 16:2-4).
Enter Ishmael—Child of the Flesh—who
made life difficult for Sarai even before he was
born, because “when [Hagar] saw that she had
conceived, her mistress [Sarai] was despised in
her eyes” (Gen. 16:4). And being a sinner, Sarai
couldn’t possibly blame herself for her situation.
So “Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon
thee” (Gen. 16:5). Naturally, since “the heart is
deceitful above all things” (Jer. 17:9). Then Sarai
mistreats the woman she set up so that the lady
runs off.
But, as always, God was on it. Catching up
with Hagar, God’s angel said to her, “Behold,
thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and
shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD
hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild
man; his hand will be against every man, and
every man's hand against him” (Gen. 16:11-12).
Wow. That’s not exactly a nice prophecy
about your son. But it still made her happy. And
my guess is because it came from God
This child, destined to be wild and contrary,
was not only a source of contention for Sarai, his
lineage leads to the Muslim community—which
has been just a little bit of a sore spot for the
Jewish nation, the other half of Abram’s clan.
documentary the legacy of Abram and
Sarai’s sin comes from a non-biblical view so
the problem goes much deeper. But since
“we wrestle…against spiritual wickedness in
high places” (Eph. 6:12, my emphasis), God
has told us how to fix the problem, and it’s
NOT by fighting. YouTube Obsession:
Radical Islamic War Against the
West (2007).
Using our sinful ways, God was making the
point through Ishmael that “they which are the
children of the flesh, these are not the children
of God: but the children of the promise are
counted for the seed” (Rom. 9:8). God allowed
Sarai to go through with her little plan to reveal
to all elect the difference between what we do
through the flesh—in our own power—versus
what we do through the Spirit, in God’s power.
Essentially, our ways lead to wars while God’s
way leads to peace.
Consider, for example,
compared to what we do:
He says
Ye have heard that it hath been said, An
eye for an eye, and a tooth for a
tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist
not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee
on thy right cheek, turn to him the other
also. And if any man will sue thee at the
law, and take away thy coat, let him have
thy cloak also (Matt. 5:38-40).
That’s not what we do! As already noted,
today’s Christian response to the New World
Order is summed up with Alex Jones’
Homework: Listen to the first
minute and twenty seconds of this video
and consider how well that lines up with
God’s commands. YouTube Bill Gates
Is A Tax Exempt Little Bastard!
Uploaded by the Alex Jones
The proper Christian response is this:
Love your enemies, bless them
that curse you, do good to them
that hate you, and pray for them
which despitefully use you
(Matt. 5:44).
Genuine peace is found in Christ who
says, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give
unto you: not as the world giveth, give I
unto you. Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27, my
emphasis). If Christians would actually trust
God, having turned over our concerns to
Him, they would have peace and people like
Bill Gates would no longer be able to do
what they do to hurt others.
So when God appears to Abram again after
he’s had Ishmael, He lets him know He’s aware
of his age, making us aware that He was aware
by having it written in His Book. He also
reminds Abram, and us, who He is, since trying
to fulfill God’s promise in their faithless manner
revealed that they had overlooked a little
something about God’s nature—the Almighty
part—just as Christianity has done, the BRAT:
When Abram was ninety years old and
nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and
said unto him, I am the Almighty God;
walk before me, and be thou perfect. And
I will make my covenant between me and
thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
And Abram fell on his face: and God
talked with him, saying, As for me,
behold, my covenant is with thee, and
thou shalt be a father of many nations.
Neither shall thy name any more be
called Abram, but thy name shall be
Abraham; for a father of many nations
have I made thee (Gen. 17:1-5).
HOMEWORK: God required Abraham to
be perfect. And when encountering God the
man fell flat on his face. What do you
discern God is telling you to do? (2 Cor.
10:5; Mal. 3:6). YouTube Face Down
Casting Crowns.
God set Abraham apart both with a covenant
and with a new name, and it’s what He’s done
with His elect as a whole.
A New Covenant. God said, “It shall
come to pass, that in the place where it was said
unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall
they be called the children of the living God”
(Rom. 9:26). As with Abraham and Noah, God
calls us out of the world, in fact, out of our own
sinful lifestyles—out of our own miserable little
world. He says “Come out from among them,
and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not
the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Cor.
6:17). “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD,
that I will make a new covenant with the house
of Israel, and with the house of Judah” (Jer.
31:31). God has done this “in that…[with the]
new covenant [made through the blood of
Christ], he hath made the first old. Now that
which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to
vanish away” (Heb. 8:13). God got rid of the
sacrificial system of the Old Testament with the
sacrifice Jesus made with His own life on the
Cross. The sacrificial system had been pointing
to Him.
A New Name. God told Abram the
Neither shall thy name any more be
called Abram, but thy name shall be
Abraham; for a father of many nations
have I made thee. And I will make thee
exceeding fruitful, and I will make
nations of thee, and kings shall come out
of thee. And I will establish my covenant
between me and thee and thy seed after
thee in their generations for an
everlasting covenant, to be a God unto
thee, and to thy seed after thee (Gen.
In the same way that God gave Abram a new
name, God has given His people a new name,
going from Jewish to Christian (also from
unbeliever to believer, lost to saved, dead to
born again). God says:
The Gentiles shall see thy righteousness,
and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be
called by a new name, which the mouth
of the LORD shall name (Isa. 62:2).
The disciples were called Christians first
in Antioch (Acts 11:26).
While the new name God meant was initially
Hephzibah (Isa. 62:4), meaning my delight is in
her, Christian is the new name God’s people go
by. Because even though the name ‘Christian’
was given to us as an insult, it is a compliment to
be associated with Christ. While “they speak evil
of [us], as of evildoers, they [will one day] be
ashamed that falsely accuse…our good
conversation in Christ” (1 Pet. 3:16). Therefore,
when persecuted, the first disciples “departed
from the presence of the council, rejoicing that
they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his
name” (Acts 5:41). Nicknamed Christian as an
insult reflects how many nicknames start.
In fact, while God’s remnant has historically
referred to itself as Christian, in order to make
them seem as if they were heretics, actual
heretics have given them other names reserving
the name Christian for themselves—as with the
Catholic church which has a horrendous history
of persecuting true Christians who have believed
the Bible and genuinely loved the Lord. (See The
Pilgrim Church by E. H. Broadbent, p. 39.
It’s available online as a PDF.)
God also changed Sarai’s name and nailed
down the promise He’d been making for years,
fulfilling it in Isaac:
God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy
wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai,
but Sarah shall her name be. And I will
bless her, and give thee a son also of her:
yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a
mother of nations; kings of people shall
be of her. Then Abraham fell upon his
face, and laughed, and said in his heart,
Shall a child be born unto him that is an
hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that
is ninety years old, bear? And Abraham
said unto God, O that Ishmael might live
before thee! And God said, Sarah thy
wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and
thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will
establish my covenant with him for an
everlasting covenant, and with his seed
after him. And as for Ishmael, I have
heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him,
and will make him fruitful, and will
multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes
shall he beget, and I will make him a
great nation. But my covenant will I
establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall
bear unto thee at this set time in the
next year (Gen. 17:15-21).
Keeping His WORD. Ultimately, God
was fulfilling what He'd promised Adam and Eve
in the Garden, that the woman’s seed would
bruise Satan’s head while Satan would bruise
Jesus’ heel (Gen. 3:15). This is confirmed in the
New Testament where it says, “Now to Abraham
and his seed were the promises made. He saith
not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And
to thy seed, which is Christ” (Gal. 3:16).
Having taken so long to fulfill His promise,
God was teaching them—and us—the following
lessons, repeated throughout the Bible, history,
and the Christian’s walk with Him. In fact,
through my writing He’s repeating these same
lessons to the miserable BRAT, God’s Church:
God is Faithful in Keeping His
Promises: “If we believe not, yet he
abideth faithful: he cannot deny
himself” (2 Tim. 2:13);
2. God is Able to Accomplish What He
Set Out To Do: “With God all things
are possible” (Matt. 19:26); and,
3. God Fulfills His Will When We Fully
Rely on Him: “He that abideth in me,
and I in him, the same bringeth forth
much fruit: for without me ye can do
nothing” (John 15:5).
While we can accomplish loads without
submitting to God, we accomplish nothing of
value within God’s eternal Plan because it’s all
going to burn when He tests it by fire (1 Cor.
3:11-15; Matt. 6:20). Instead, we make things
worse for ourselves and for others while here on
Yet in spite of our sinful nature and because
of His benevolent One, God has not only
graciously chosen the Vessels of Mercy, He still
uses us for His glory (at least somewhat) while
we work against Him, just as He uses Satan’s
mess. What Satan and his servants meant for
evil, God uses for good, for His ultimate purpose
which is to bless the Vessels of Mercy (Rom.
8:28; Gen. 50:20).
For example, a born again yet backslidden
pastor can be sinning like crazy (serving Satan)
while preaching the truth so that souls listening
become born again and born again Christians
can be ministered to by the Lord through the
WORD pastor is using. Glory to God! The
rebellious pastor also enjoys God’s many
blessings because of God’s goodness, just like the
non-elect and lost do. As we’ve been informed,
“[God] maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on
the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on
the unjust” (Matt. 5:45). However, that pastor
isn’t laying up treasure in heaven because he’s
sinning against God. Instead, he’s storing up
God’s wrath for himself. “Be not deceived; God is
not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). “The wicked shall
not be unpunished” (Prov. 11:21). “The wicked”
aren’t just Vessels of Wrath, that terminology
includes all who are not in submission to Christ.
Therefore, “some men's sins are open
beforehand, going before to judgment; and some
men they follow after” (1 Tim. 5:24). In the long
run, “every one of us shall give account of
himself to God” (Rom. 14:12). It’s just a matter
of when. And as we near the end of Satan’s New
World Order plans, God will be revealing men’s
sins beforehand, before this life is over. When
God finally opens up this ministry elect Church
leaders will be confessing their sins publicly
because God has left them no option.
Key Figures, Key Lessons
Here are some of God’s key players within His
Pet Project, leading us to His Pet—the beautiful
Lamb who was slain for us. “Looking upon Jesus
as he walked, [John] saith, Behold the Lamb of
God! (John 1:36).
Having been slain for us, the following is,
and will be, taking place:
They sung a new song, saying, Thou art
worthy to take the book, and to open the
seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and
hast redeemed us to God by thy blood
out of every kindred, and tongue, and
people, and nation; And hast made us
unto our God kings and priests: and we
shall reign on the earth. And I beheld,
and I heard the voice of many angels
round about the throne and the beasts
and the elders: and the number of them
was ten thousand times ten thousand,
and thousands of thousands; Saying
with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb
that was slain to receive power, and
riches, and wisdom, and strength, and
honour, and glory, and blessing (Rev.
YouTube Lamb of God Kirk Franklin.
Adam: Through Adam, God reveals that He is
willing to grant us all we need and more, though
we lack devotion. He reveals this through Adam
because, while Adam disobeyed Him, God still
worked it out for Him, through Christ.
However, God is willing to go all out for us
just as long as we submit to His authority. Jesus
confirms this:
Be not ye therefore like unto them: for
your Father knoweth what things ye
have need of, before ye ask him (Matt.
Fear not, little flock; for it is your
Father's good pleasure to give you the
kingdom (Luke 12:32).
Christians have not obeyed God but get upset
that God hasn’t come through. They also
constantly talk about God’s unconditional love,
as if God has zero conditions for us. Yet if you
were to actually read the New Testament, you’d
see that it’s loaded with conditions.
Adam also reveals that the shedding of blood
is the only thing that atones for sin because “the
wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is
eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”
(Rom. 6:23). When Adam and Eve realized they
were naked, having sinned, “they sewed fig
leaves together, and made themselves aprons”
(Gen. 3:7). But that’s wasn’t good enough so that
“God ma[d]e coats of skins, and clothed them”
(Gen. 3:21). God made clothing for them out of
leather, shedding the blood of an innocent
animal sacrificing it on their behalf,
foreshadowing the sacrifice sinless Jesus would
make for His elect because of their sin which
spilled over onto all (John 19:30), and
explaining the sacrificial system of the Old
Testament which pointed to Christ, the final
sacrifice—the cost of human sin, death. The
coverings they had made weren’t good enough
because God is holy (Rev. 4:8), meaning, perfect
and pure. Aprons made of leaves could not be
perfect because they wouldn’t cover enough or
not for long. So while before Adam and Eve had
been naked and it hadn’t been a problem, now
that they allowed sin to enter in to them, they
would have sinful desires, and need better
covering. Further, because God is Life (John
14:6), rebelling against Him is to bring death
upon yourself, as they did, so that God says, “the
wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Whenever we
rebel against Him, we die spiritually by breaking
fellowship with God.
Why “Good” People Suffer—All the
bloodshed the world has seen is because of
how little the Vessels of Mercy have
appreciated God’s Son. So the importance of
the crucifixion isn’t only in what He did for
us but that He did it for us, since God knew
this is how little we would appreciate Jesus’
sacrifice. That’s the only thing that explains
all the carnage—and it does explain it. “God
so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
him should not perish, but have everlasting
life” (John 3:16). Yet most elect totally
ignore Him and born again take His name in
vain, “crucify[ing] to themselves the Son of
God afresh [continually], and put[ting] him
to an open shame” (Heb. 6:6). The fact is
that people aren’t good (Jer. 17:9; Rom.
3:10), which is why the only good Person,
Jesus, had to suffer as He did (Matt. 19:17).
All the carnage of world history is because
we have not appreciated His sacrifice on our
behalf. So while God the Father sent Him for
us, He’s let us suffer for Him as well,
defending Him.
What a sad testament about the elect of
God, that we readily believe in the powers of
the occult, but in spite of all that God has
given us and done for us, in 2000 years we
still don’t believe in Him so that He has to
raise up another prophet of the type that He
did before Christ—which is what He’s done.
(If you don’t get that yet, you should by the
end of the series.) My calling should not be
necessary! (It’s partly why I’ve struggled
with Him. What could I possibly write that
hasn’t already been written?) And that’s a
big part of The Point God is making, “The
heart is deceitful above all things, and
desperately wicked” (Jer. 17:9). Given the
Bible with all the answers, zero persecution
in this country for most of our history, we
have still been extremely self-absorbed, vile,
ungrateful people—even when born again.
Noah: Through Noah God teaches us about the
depths of human depravity while revealing our
ability to persevere against all odds when fully
tuned in to Him. Jesus confirms this by saying,
“All things are possible to him that believeth”
(Mark 9:23). It’s not that we can have all things
as prosperity preachers teach and as the
majority of American Christians walk in, but that
GOD can do all things He’s called us to do and
has promised to do for us. There’s a pretty big
Abraham: Through Abraham God teaches us
about leaving the old life, even though it’s tough.
He enhances this teaching by showing us the
need to wait for His timing and His ways to
fulfill His promises, reiterating the point in the
New Testament. He says, “Whosoever
transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of
Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the
doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and
the Son” (2 John 1:9) The NIV says “runs
ahead.” In other words, you can’t be a follower
of Jesus if you’re running ahead of Him as
Christianity Today does. He’s the Leader, not us!
YouTube Twila Parris Where He Leads
child representing the promise, having said,
“My covenant will I establish with Isaac”
(Gen. 17:21). Symbolized through the flesh,
this covenant is made with the heart—a
point confirmed throughout the Bible:
Only the LORD had a delight in thy
fathers to love them, and he chose
their seed after them, even you
above all people, as it is this
day. Circumcise
foreskin of your heart, and be no
more stiffnecked (Deut. 10:15-16).
Circumcise yourselves to the LORD,
and take away the foreskins of your
heart, ye men of Judah and
inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my
fury come forth like fire, and burn
that none can quench it, because of
the evil of your doings (Jer. 4:4).
Adam, Noah & Abraham: Through these
three God also teaches us that His love, mercy,
and grace is greater than our rebellion, as we’re
told elsewhere, “He hath not dealt with us after
our sins; nor rewarded us according to our
iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the
earth, so great is his mercy toward them that
fear him” (Ps. 103:10-11). And while rebellious
born again do not currently fear God as they
should, they do fear Him enough to acknowledge
who Jesus is, along with their need of His
salvation. And they’ll soon acknowledge it a
whole lot more!
Isaac: God uses this child of promise to reveal
to us that some of His promises are for this life,
which is echoed in the New Testament, “For
bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is
profitable unto all things, having promise of the
life that now is, and of that which is to come” (1
Tim. 4:8).
The Covenant of Circumcision —
The Bible tells us that “Abraham took
Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his
house, and all that were bought with his
money, every male among the men of
Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh
of their foreskin in the selfsame day, as God
had said unto him” (Gen. 17:23). So while
Abraham circumcised all the men of his
household, God made it clear that His
covenant was established through Isaac, the
Circumcision is that of the heart, in
the spirit (Rom. 2:29).
Abraham’s child of promise, had a son named
Jacob whose name was also changed by God
when the Lord said, “Thy name shall be called no
more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou
power with God and with men, and hast
prevailed” (Gen. 32:28). As a man who prevailed
with God—as God had predestined him to do
(Eph. 2:10)—God’s people, as a whole, are
referred to as “the Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16).
Through Jacob/Israel and his offspring God
reveals what the covenant—circumcision of the
heart—is all about, summing it up by saying
“Have no confidence in the flesh” (Phil. 3:3). Our
confidence—our reliance—is to be in God. The
reformers summed it up as Sola Scriptura,
God’s WORD alone, a WORD that calls for open
heart surgery. God says, “A new heart also will I
give you, and a new spirit will I put within you:
and I will take away the stony heart out of your
flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh” (Ezek.
36:26). YouTube In Christ Alone Owl City.
In other words, confidence in the flesh fights
the wars of the world using human weapons and
strategy. In contrast, if we actually had “no
confidence in the flesh” we would fight with
God’s weapon since we would be placing our
confidence in Him, and His weapon is the sword
of the Spirit which is the WORD of God (Eph.
6:17), the Bible. That’s why the pen is mightier
than the sword.
But since we don’t use pens much anymore
but computers, and we don’t use swords, but
high tech rifles, our generation apparently can’t
understand what God means, we’ve been so
dumbed down. God is saying the high tech rifle
of the Lord is His WORD. This is the weapon of
mass destruction. There is no greater weapon.
It’s the reason God says, “Submit yourselves
therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will
flee from you” (James 4:7). To submit to God
means that we know God’s WORD (2 Tim. 2:15),
believe God’s WORD (John 20:27), obey God’s
WORD (John 8:51), preach God’s WORD (Matt.
28:19-20), pray God’s WORD (John 14:13), and
stand up for God’s WORD (Jude 1:3). Doing
that, God has promised that Satan and his
Illuminati creeps get lost (Prov. 16:7). He will
dispense with them for us because we relied on
Him alone, trusting in His power and goodness.
In other words, it’s an expression of having faith
in God. “For therein is the righteousness of God
revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The
just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). “That no
man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it
is evident: for, The just shall live by faith” (Gal.
3:11). “But if any man draw back, my soul shall
have no pleasure in him” (Heb. 10:38).
Yet depending on God alone is tough
because “all that will live godly in Christ Jesus
shall suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12), and
nobody wants that. In fact, the only way you can
walk in and endure it is by having God’s vision
for your life, which God’s key players help us get,
making it yet another reason why we need to
know the Bible well, because “where there is no
vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18). And
that’s exactly where we’re at, made crystal clear
with the Georgia Guidestones. These guys are
rubbing it in our faithless faces! ‘Look, we put up
a memorial to show you that we’re going to kill
Satan’s tactics never change. For example,
read the first five chapters of Nehemiah. My
Bible includes the following headings:
Opposition by Ridicule
Opposition by Anger
Opposition by Greed and Heartlessness
Opposition by Craft
It’s the same thing. God has a Plan for His
people, to rebuild the ruined city (that city is the
Church since it’s knows as the City on a Hill). In
Nehemiah’s day Satan systematically tormented
them so they couldn’t fulfill God’s will—only they
did, because “all the promises of God in him are
yea, and in him Amen” (2 Cor. 1:20). So,
eventually, God’s people will get on board with
God’s Plan and put a stop to Satan’s New World
Order and usher in Jesus’ version of it, heaven
on earth. It’s up to you.
However, many are going to die, have
already been dying, and will continue to die at
the hands of the power elite as long as the elect
(especially those in Church leadership) keep
refusing to do God’s will.
So here’s one way my testimony will help
you. I could die today without any personal
regrets since I’ve spent nearly 20 years of my life
walking in the truth, contending for the faith,
taking the heat, and enduring the cold
shoulders, isolation, and ridicule (Jude 1:3; 2
Tim. 3:12). I know without a doubt that I’ll be in
heaven for the rest of forever and that I’ll hear
“Well done” (Matt. 25:21). I know it because
He’s already revealed it to me as shared in the
next two books. Do you have that assurance—
not something based on wishful thinking but
because of a life that lines up with God’s WORD?
You should. And my testimony along with
everything else God has had me put together will
motivate you along, provided you’re a genuine
seeker of truth who hungers and thirsts for
righteousness (Matt. 5:6).
I just heard “Christians” on the radio asking
if they would lose their salvation for denying
Christ under duress, and the “experts” assured
them they wouldn’t. True, you can’t lose your
salvation (Rom. 8:31-39), but if you were born
again, you wouldn’t have asked that question.
You’d be prepared to die. You’d even be looking
forward to it, in a way, because for the born
again Christian, especially if right with God, “to
die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). Moreover, God’s WORD
says this:
Now is come salvation, and strength,
and the kingdom of our God, and the
power of his Christ: for the accuser of
our brethren is cast down, which
accused them before our God day and
night. And they overcame him by the
blood of the Lamb, and by the word of
their testimony; and they loved not
their lives unto the death” (Rev.
12:10-11, my emphasis).
Counseling people as they do gives them a false
sense of security. It’s what Church leaders do
best in this apostate age. And Satan loves it.
‘Sure, keep living for yourself and wasting your
life away thinking you belong to God, when the
truth is you’re mine! (Matt. 12:30).
In contrast, the Israel of God will live a
noble life and die an appropriate death. There is
plenty of biblical history supporting this and
modern history as well. Read the following, for
Hebrews 11
The New Foxe’s Book of Martyrs
by John Foxe, also available as a
YouTube slideshow,
Extreme Devotion by the Voice of
the Martyrs.
NOTE: A disclaimer is called for since the
Church has NOT fully obeyed God since the
very beginning (Rev. 2 & 3) so that the two
books just noted are LOADED with
Christianity. Place your hope in Christ and
He will help you weed out the truth from the
lies (Prov. 3:5-7).
Since Jacob is such a key player that God’s
people go by His name, Israel, his life can be
broken down into the following key lessons as
God uses him to help all the elect—all Israel—get
God's vision for our lives and for the life of His
Church, necessary because without that, we
perish (Prov. 29:18).
Milestone: Jacob’s parents meet (Gen. 24).
Lesson: God is Sovereign. Confirmation:
“In whom [referring to Jesus] also we have
obtained an inheritance, being predestinated
according to the purpose of him who worketh all
things after the counsel of his own will” (Eph.
Milestone: Jacob got the blessing rather than
Esau who’d held the right (Gen. 25:23 & 30-32).
Lesson: Don’t take God’s WORD lightly.
Confirmation: “Not every one that saith
unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of
my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 7:21).
Milestone: God revealed Himself to Jacob
(Gen. 28:10-17). Lesson: God reveals Himself
to His people. Confirmation: “He that hath
my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is
that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be
loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will
manifest myself to him” (John 14:21).
Milestone: Jacob’s trials (Gen. 27 & 29).
Lesson: God doesn’t let sin slide.
Confirmation: In the following verse, God
represents the olive tree, and Christians are the
branches that were grafted in while Jews are the
branches that were broken off for unbelief. And
God hasn’t changed (Mal. 3:6):
Boast not against the branches. But if
thou boast, thou bearest not the root,
but the root thee. Thou wilt say then,
The branches were broken off, that I
might be grafted in. Well; because of
unbelief they were broken off, and thou
standest by faith. Be not highminded,
but fear: For if God spared not the
Christians], take heed lest he also spare
not thee. Behold therefore the goodness
and severity of God: on them which fell,
severity; but toward thee, goodness, if
thou continue in his goodness:
otherwise thou also shalt be cut off
(Rom. 11:18-22).
Milestone: Jacob gets rich (Gen. 30:43).
Lesson: God longs to bless His people.
Confirmation: “Give, and it shall be given
unto you; good measure, pressed down, and
shaken together, and running over, shall men
give into your bosom. For with the same
measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured
to you again” (Luke 6:38).
Milestone: Jacob prevailed (Gen. 32:22-28).
Lesson: God wants us to wrestle with Him.
Behold, a woman of Canaan came out of
the same coasts, and cried unto him,
saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou
son of David; my daughter is grievously
vexed with a devil. But he answered her
not a word. And his disciples came and
besought him, saying, Send her away;
for she crieth after us. But he answered
and said, I am not sent but unto the lost
sheep of the house of Israel. Then came
she and worshipped him, saying, Lord,
help me. But he answered and said, It is
not meet to take the children's bread,
and to cast it to dogs. And she said,
Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the
crumbs which fall from their masters'
table. Then Jesus answered and said
unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be
it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her
daughter was made whole from that very
hour (Matt. 15:22-28).
Milestone: Jacob kept silent when he should
have spoken up (Gen. 34:1-29). Lesson: Godgiven duties are best fulfilled. Confirmation:
“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto
you of the common salvation, it was needful for
me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye
should earnestly contend for the faith which was
once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3).
Milestone: Jacob rid the land of false gods
(Gen. 35:1-15). Lesson: God blesses sincere
worship. Confirmation:
With many other words did he testify
and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from
this untoward generation. Then they
that gladly received his word were
baptized: and the same day there were
added unto them about three thousand
souls (Acts 2:40-41).
God is a Spirit: and they that worship
him must worship him in spirit and in
truth (John 4:24).
Milestone: Jacob had favorites (Gen. 37:3).
Lesson: The consequences for favoritism are
disastrous. Confirmation:
My brethren, have not the faith of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory,
with respect of persons. For if there
come unto your assembly a man with a
gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there
come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
And ye have respect to him that weareth
the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit
thou here in a good place; and say to the
poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under
my footstool: Are ye not then partial in
yourselves, and are become judges of
evil thoughts? Hearken, my beloved
brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor
of this world rich in faith, and heirs of
the kingdom which he hath promised to
them that love him? But ye have
despised the poor. Do not rich men
oppress you, and draw you before the
judgment seats? Do not they blaspheme
that worthy name by the which ye are
called? If ye fulfil the royal law according
to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself, ye do well: But if ye
have respect to persons, ye commit sin,
and are convinced of the law as
transgressors (James 2:1-9).
Milestone: Jacob was humbled and delivered
(Gen. 37:28-36 & chapters 46-47). Lesson:
God works it all out for His glory and for the
good of His elect, in the long run.
Confirmation: “We know that all things
work together for good to them that love God, to
them who are the called according to his
purpose” (Rom. 8:28).
The main point is that Jacob is Israel and
Israel represents the promise, having been born
of the child of promise, Isaac. While Jacob, alias
Israel, was one person, he represents many—
God’s people, the elect—whether they were born
into a Jewish home, a Christian home, an
unbelieving home, an Illuminati home, a Muslim
home, or whatever type of home, even if they
were born on the street and without a home.
Praise God! He says:
[God] hath made of one blood all nations
of men for to dwell on all the face of the
earth, and hath determined the times
before appointed, and the bounds of
their habitation; That they should seek
the Lord, if haply they might feel after
him, and find him, though he be not far
from every one of us (Acts 17:26-27).
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
neither bond nor free, there is neither
male nor female: for ye are all one in
Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:28).
The Joseph Experience. Among
twelve sons and one daughter, Jacob/Israel had
a son named Joseph (Gen. 37-50). And like his
forefathers, Joseph’s life testimony has some key
lessons for the rest of us as with enduring
hardship, waiting on God, character defamation,
God’s sovereignty, and God’s faithfulness.
Homework: If you haven’t yet done it,
read about Jacob and Joseph and watch the
corresponding movies listed in The Pantry.
Here’s God’s hand in it as He coordinates
man’s sins with His higher purposes (Rom.
8:28), because the cliché, ‘What goes around
comes around,’ is biblical (Gal. 6:7). In other
words, whatever garbage we dish out on others,
God eventually boomerangs it RIGHT BACK AT
CHA. “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall
be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it
shall be measured to you again” (Matt. 7:2). And
God’s boomerang is about to knock some
Christians off their feet landing them on their
Pull Ups (Heb. 5:12; 1 Cor. 3:1), motivating them
to get on their knees. GO GOD!
For when for the time ye ought to be
teachers, ye have need that one teach
you again which be the first principles of
the oracles of God; and are become such
as have need of milk, and not of strong
meat. For every one that useth milk is
unskilful in the word of righteousness:
for he is a babe (Heb. 5:12-13).
Boomerangin’ It. Jacob had deceived
his father by impersonating his son with a goat’s
skin. Therefore, God retaliated by having Jacob’s
sons deceive him with goat’s blood (Gen. 37-50).
Since Jacob had lied to his father and then
favored a son, God let his sons lie to him and
break his heart over the son he favored. It’s how
God works, He says about Himself, “To the pure
you show yourself pure, but to the devious you
show yourself shrewd” (Ps. 18:26, NIV).
In turn, God did the same with Joseph’s
brothers who lied to their father about his son so
that the brothers later had it thrown back in
their faces. God wanted them—and all Israel—to
learn what they already knew, that we’re not
supposed to lie. It’s one of God’s Ten
Commandments, “Thou shalt not bear false
witness against thy neighbor” (Ex. 20:16), nor
favor anyone but God. That’s the first of the Ten
Commandments, “Thou shalt have no other gods
before me” (Ex. 20:3). Even though God hadn’t
handed down the Ten Commandments yet,
Jacob and Joseph’s brothers knew God’s will
just like we all know right from wrong. God says:
When the Gentiles, which have not the
law, do by nature the things contained in
the law, these, having not the law, are a
law unto themselves: Which shew the
work of the law written in their
hearts, their conscience also bearing
witness (Rom. 2:15, my emphasis).
And while God forgave Jacob and the
brothers, they still had to walk in the
consequences of their sins—as all of us have to
do sooner or later. And it’s better if we do it
sooner rather than later because each time we
harden our heart when God has held us
accountable—as He’s doing through my
ministry—He then makes it harder for us to
repent (2 Thess. 2:10-11). What God has done to
others He’ll do to us. He “blinded their eyes, and
hardened their heart; that they should not see
with their eyes, nor understand with their heart,
and be converted, and I should heal them” (John
12:40). If we keep choosing to disrespect Him,
God says, OK, have it your way, I’ll make you
blind. So while it may take a while for God’s
boomerang to come back around, it is coming.
You just can’t see it.
As a slave in Egypt, Joseph was blessed by
God and also falsely accused of an odious crime
so that he was imprisoned. [The movie with Ben
Kingsley really gets this part wrong (Rev. 22:1819).] Joseph’s imprisonment was additional
encouragement from God so that the boy would
further cry out to Him. He says, “Call unto me,
and I will answer thee, and show thee great and
mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jer.
33:3). In turn, while jailed, two inmates had
dreams which Joseph interpreted correctly since
God showed him something he hadn’t known
but now knew for having spent much time
calling out to Him due to His imprisonment
since it inspired him to call out to God. So, as
God revealed to Joseph to reveal to them and to
future generations, one inmate got beheaded
and the other was set free, as Joseph had
prophesied, as God had revealed.
But the one set free didn’t help Joseph. He
“forgat him” (Gen. 40:23), though he must have
known from his character that the kid was
innocent (Gen. 39:20-23 & 40:4). But he also
forgot about Joseph because God was giving
Joseph even more incentive to cry out to the One
who could save him since God’s key players are
Christ-types more so than the rest of the elect.
God treats them harsher than the norm so that
they can experience more of “the fellowship of
his sufferings” (Phil. 3:10), through which they
learn to be less like typical elect (Phil. 2:21) and
more like Him. God’s painful motivation is
needed because “the fear of the LORD is the
beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10, my
emphasis)—and we are all very unwise (Rom.
3:10). God coordinates events so that we depend
on Him. While He does that for all elect, He does
it all the more for a select few so that He can use
them to help the masses more.
And since prison was only a means to the
end God had in mind for Joseph, one day
Pharaoh had disturbing dreams which no one in
Pharaoh’s kingdom could interpret. So God sent
a brainwave that came over the ex-inmate like a
tsunami reminding him of Joseph who had
interpreted his dream. In turn, called on to
interpret Pharaoh’s dreams, relying on One from
a higher kingdom, Joseph sees what no one else
can see since no one else relied on God nor,
therefore, had the wisdom needed for the task at
hand. In turn, Pharaoh said the following:
Can we find such a one as this is, a man
in whom the Spirit of God is? And
Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch
as God hath shewed thee all this, there is
none so discreet and wise as thou
art: Thou shalt be over my house, and
according unto thy word shall all my
people be ruled: only in the throne will I
be greater than thou (Gen. 41:38-40).
Then, as Pharaoh’s dreams are being
fulfilled, Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt for
grain due to the severity of the famine. So they
learn that Joseph didn’t die as they had thought,
but has become ruler over them just as he had
proclaimed (prophesied) years before, having so
discerned from his dreams—which had made
them so insanely mad. They get humbled, Joe
gets fully respected, Jacob and his clan and all of
Egypt along with many in the region get saved,
yada yada—and they live happily ever after,
Because the brothers still didn’t get it, as
we’re told:
When Joseph's brethren saw that their
father was dead, they said, Joseph will
peradventure hate us, and will certainly
requite us all the evil which we did unto
him. And they sent a messenger unto
Joseph, saying, Thy father did command
before he died, saying, So shall ye say
unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now,
the trespass of thy brethren, and their
sin; for they did unto thee evil: and now,
we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the
servants of the God of thy father. And
Joseph wept (Gen. 50:15-17).
Then, after Joseph had his experience and
the Egyptians had been saved and made rich by
it, for which they had been grateful, they ended
up forgetting all about Joseph and his God. They
even became enraged because Joseph’s
descendants were so blessed. In the very same
way that Joseph’s calling had infuriated his
brothers, God’s calling on the Israelites
infuriated the Egyptians so they enslaved them
(Ex. 1:6-12)—because sinners are very
predictable! (Jer. 17:9; Rom. 3:10).
In fact, we're so predictable that Naomi Wolf
noted the ten things civil leaders do to close
down a society—and we're so past it!
Google Ten Steps to Close Down an
Open Society, The Huffington
Post, April 24, 2007.
2. YouTube The End of America,
Naomi Wolf (2008).
It seems like everyone should be aware
of all of this by now, but if they were, and/or
actually understood what it meant, we’d be
living very differently, even without knowing
God. Yet, like in the days of Noah, while it’s
obvious the road up ahead is very dark,
everyone is still going on business as usual—
and not turning to God:
As it was in the days of Noe, so shall
it be also in the days of the Son of
man. They did eat, they drank, they
married wives, they were given in
marriage, until the day that Noah
entered into the ark, and the flood
all. Likewise also as it was in the
days of Lot; they did eat, they drank,
they bought, they sold, they planted,
they builded; But the same day that
Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire
and brimstone from heaven, and
destroyed them all (Luke 17:26-29).
A Josefine Prophecy — In 2002,
right before moving back east, the Lord brought
to mind an estranged brother and sister in Christ
whom we hadn’t seen in about a year—our small
group having broken up on bad terms. Brought
to mind, I prayed for them. So a few hours later I
opened the front door only somewhat surprised
to see them. Catching up, this Christian
prophesied that our move back from
Indianapolis would be a Joseph Experience for
me. God then confirmed that WORD the next
morning in the sermon, and has consistently reconfirmed it as I’ve had to walk in it for being
rejected by my brothers (biological and in
Christ) and socially ‘imprisoned’ for holding on
to the truth as written in the Bible and as spoken
to me by God (John 10:27). I’m also financially
imprisoned since God wants me to work for Him
rather than for man (me). I was even ‘forgotten’
by the self-centered lip-serving Christian
‘inmate,’ repeatedly. So I look forward to seeing
the King’s ring on my finger (Gen. 41:2).
It’s not hard to discern Jesus, the “KING OF
KINGS” (Rev. 19:16), represents Pharaoh, who
has the power to release me from this prison of
hatred, surface level acquaintances, extreme
isolation, trials and heartache, along with the
burden of His Church (2 Cor. 11:28-29). Like
Joseph’s brothers, my brothers (in Christ and
biological) will also have an enlightening
experience one fine day that will cause them to
go temporarily mute (Gen. 45:3). And they’ll
hear an echo of Joe’s words through me, “Ye
thought evil against me; but God meant it unto
good, to bring to pass, as it is this day [my
future], to [spiritually] save much people alive”
(Gen. 50:20).
And while Joseph’s famine was of food,
mine is of God’s WORD, spiritual Food because
Jesus says, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35).
And, “My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is
drink indeed” (John 6:55). Jesus is all the
nourishment the elect need to survive and thrive
in this world. Spelled out, our Father is saying to
the beloved very bad boys whom He left in
charge of His House, ‘STOP DEPRIVING MY
CHILDREN OF BREAD!’ YouTube Bread of
Heaven Fred Hammond.
God’s Friends Hated by Men.
Egyptian enslavement should not have come as a
surprise to the Israelites since God had told
Abraham about it:
When the sun was going down, a deep
sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror
of great darkness fell upon him. And he
said unto Abram, Know of a surety that
thy seed shall be a stranger in a land
that is not theirs, and shall serve them;
and they shall afflict them four hundred
years; And also that nation, whom they
shall serve, will I judge: and afterward
shall they come out with great substance
(Gen. 15:12-14).
So the next key player after Joseph is Moses,
raised up by God to deliver His people from
slavery. And a key lesson with him is that God
has promised to send us help through men, as
He did with Joseph. In fact, He tells us through
Moses that He would continue to do this, “The
LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet
from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto
me; unto him ye shall hearken” (Deut. 18:15).
Ultimately, He was speaking about Jesus, who
said He would continue this practice,
“Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets,
and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye
shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye
scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them
from city to city” (Matt. 23:34).
Obeying and following the Lord, hated
and/or ridiculed by rebellious Christian
antichrists and full blown antichrists, for twenty
years my family went from city to city to city in
an effort to worship God with His people
because God’s WORD tells to “consider one
another to provoke unto love and to good
works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
together, as the manner of some is; but
exhorting one another: and so much the more,
as ye see the day approaching” (Heb. 10:24-25).
But because today’s Christians are antichrist
rather than for Christ as they profess to be, and
refuse to “worship him in spirit and in truth”
(John 4:24), we’ve had to do life solo—no
homeschool group, no extended family, no
friends other than a couple surface level
acquaintances, no Christian fellowship, while
taking the heat because “all that will live godly in
Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Tim.
3:12). And because Jesus warned us that
“whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come
after me, cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27).
But because it’s been too hard, I’m the only
one left standing at the end of 2015. Every single
member of my family has abandoned the Lord to
one degree or another—like all the rest, to a
pretty high degree—while looking at me as if I’m
the one who’s off Target.
Throughout history men with wicked hearts
(Jer. 17:9) have rejected God’s lordship over
them, first by rejecting His commands, then by
rejecting those He sends to help them. So that as
it happened with Joseph, it happened with
Moses, “Miriam and Aaron…said, Hath the LORD
indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not
spoken also by us? And the LORD heard it… And
the anger of the LORD was kindled against them”
(Num. 12:1-9). And this has yet to stop
happening even though Jesus said, “Ye shall not
see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he
that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Matt.
23:39). Today’s Christians are so out of touch
with God that they can’t even recognize that I
come in the name of the Lord! Like who else
would be pleading with people to get right with
God, sacrificing and enduring everything to
remain true to Him, and quoting all this
Scripture in free books and videos (which is
actually costing me a salary since this is a fulltime job, with loads of overtime), all to get
people to honor Christ? Would a servant of
Satan be doing that? Because these are the only
two choices—either I am serving God or Satan,
and it’s not as if you need a PhD to figure it out.
YouTube The Prince of Egypt Slavery,
Deliverance, and Faith, Clint Black.
My Will NOT Thine Be Done!
Since the very beginning of history, angels and
people have wanted to do what they have wanted
to do rather than what God has wanted us to do.
Satan: The most beautiful and powerful angel
wasn’t satisfied with the position God gave him
since it was beneath God. Rebelling against God,
he became the devil so that God says this of him:
Hell from beneath is moved for thee to
meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up
the dead for thee, even all the chief ones
of the earth; it hath raised up from their
thrones all the kings of the nations. All
they [who followed him] shall speak and
say unto thee, Art thou also become
weak as we? art thou become like unto
us? Thy pomp is brought down to the
grave, and the noise of thy viols: the
worm is spread under thee, and the
worms cover thee. How art thou fallen
from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the
morning! how art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the nations!
(Isa. 14:9-12).
Adam & Eve: Not satisfied with the position
God granted them, exalted yet also beneath God,
they fulfilled their will instead of God’s, which
got them kicked out of Paradise and cursed
when before they’d had it made:
When the woman saw that the tree was
good for food, and that it was pleasant to
the eyes, and a tree to be desired to
make one wise, she took of the fruit
thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto
her husband with her; and he did
eat…[so] Unto the woman he said, I will
greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy
conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring
forth children; and thy desire shall be to
thy husband, and he shall rule over
thee. And unto Adam he said, Because
thou hast hearkened unto the voice of
thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of
which I commanded thee, saying, Thou
shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground
for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of
it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and
thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and
thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the
sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,
till thou return unto the ground; for out
of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art,
and unto dust shalt thou return (Gen.
3:6 & 16-19).
Noah’s Neighbors: These people refused
to submit to God so that they made a mess out of
their world—just like we’ve done:
God saw that the wickedness of man was
great in the earth, and that every
imagination of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually. And it
repented the LORD that he had made
man on the earth, and it grieved him at
his heart (Gen. 6:5-8).
Moreover, God prophesied that when He
would return it would be just like Noah’s day,
everyone living for themselves oblivious to the
impending danger because God has blinded
them due to their own rebellion—that’s today:
As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it
be also in the days of the Son of
man. They did eat, they drank, they
married wives, they were given in
marriage, until the day that Noah
entered into the ark, and the flood came,
and destroyed them all (Luke 17:26-27).
Babel: After the flood, humans again weren’t
satisfied with their ‘lowly’ position so they set
out to make a name for themselves to show
everyone else how great they were and (I’ve
heard) that it was so they could be out of reach
from God in case He again flooded the earth,
even though God had promised to never flood
the whole earth again (Gen. 9:11-13):
The whole earth was of one language,
and of one speech. And it came to pass,
as they journeyed from the east, that
they found a plain in the land of Shinar;
and they dwelt there. And they said one
to another, Go to, let us make brick, and
burn them thoroughly. And they had
brick for stone, and slime had they for
morter. And they said, Go to, let us build
us a city and a tower, whose top may
reach unto heaven; and let us make us a
name, lest we be scattered abroad upon
the face of the whole earth. And the
LORD came down to see the city and the
tower, which the children of men
builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the
people is one, and they have all one
language; and this they begin to do: and
now nothing will be restrained from
them, which they have imagined to
do. Go to, let us go down, and there
confound their language, that they may
not understand one another's speech. So
the LORD scattered them abroad from
thence upon the face of all the earth: and
they left off to build the city. Therefore is
the name of it called Babel; because the
LORD did there confound the language of
all the earth: and from thence did the
LORD scatter them abroad upon the face
of all the earth (Gen. 11:1-9).
The Jews: When Jesus was here, they
weren’t satisfied with Him desiring instead a god
who would do what they wanted. “When Jesus
therefore perceived that they would come and
take him by force, to make him a king, he
departed again into a mountain himself alone”
(John 6:15). Since He didn’t come to submit to
humans, Jews (as a group) have since walked
without God deceived to think they have His
blessing, ignoring the fact that the holocaust was
a curse their own forefathers asked God to give
When Pilate saw that he could prevail
nothing, but that rather a tumult was
made, he took water, and washed his
hands before the multitude, saying, I am
innocent of the blood of this just person:
see ye to it. Then answered all the
people, and said, His blood be on us,
and on our children (Matt. 27:24-25).
You’d think people would have learned from
their example. But instead we constantly ask
God to curse us as well by saying G— damn it,
telling Him to damn our lives and our nation
and our world, adding to our mountain of sins
by using Jesus’ name as a swear word.
Christianity Today: Like unbelievers and
all who’ve gone before us, Christians want a god
who they can “accept” on their terms. Pastors
regularly preach about how they’ve “accepted
Christ” when Christ says, “Ye have not chosen
me, but I have chosen you” (John 15:16),
revealing their pride and lack of understanding.
In Old Testament times, “The LORD said to
Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms
and children of whoredoms: for the land hath
committed great whoredom, departing from the
LORD” (Hos. 1:2). It’s not hard to see the key
root word. While we have been “espoused…to
one husband…[to be] present[ed]…as a chaste
virgin to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:2), we are the exact
opposite! We prostituted ourselves before Jesus
came, right after He came, and we’ve done it
repeatedly ever since and TO THE EXTREME!
But since God created us for His glory (Col.
1:16), it really is His Story, clearly seen in HIS
STORY’S HIGHS & LOWS. Reading between
the lines we see wisdom in action in verses 1, 6,
13, 19 and 28. Having crash landed themselves
in the pits for following blind guides, God’s
people repeatedly learned to engage their brains
(2 Cor. 10:5) and put them in gear (Eph. 6:11). If
only we weren’t so prone to Alzheimer’s.
The next nose dive on the psalmic timeline
would be the falling away of the Church (Rev. 2
& 3) bottoming out with the Catholic church
which added to and took away from God’s
WORD, doing what God has clearly told us not
to do (Deut. 12:32 & Rev. 22:18-19). Still,
oppressed by Satan’s servants and then
enlightened and inspired by God, the elect, as a
group, again called out to Him and protested the
Church’s false teachings so that the trend
reached a new peak with the Reformation of the
Middle Ages, once again worshipping God as
required, in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). But
His Story took yet another nose dive,
immediately, as the Church began splitting into
denominations, landing us in the bomb we're in
today, because Protestant Christianity has also
added to and taken away from God’s WORD,
That’s the whole reason we have different
However, if we were to learn from our sins
and the trend of what God has revealed, we
would discern that God is obviously in control
and do what wise souls have done before us in
order to reach another highpoint of history. In
fact, the highest point—the latter rain—when
“[God] shall judge among the nations, and shall
rebuke many people: and they shall beat their
swords into plowshares, and their spears into
pruninghooks: [so that] nation shall not lift up
sword against nation, neither shall they learn
war any more” (Isa. 2:4).
Even when we do get it together, there will
still be another nose dive because not everyone
will repent since they don’t all belong to Him,
“for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that
leadeth to destruction, and many there be which
go in thereat” (Matt. 7:13). Just the same, God
promises that He is going to break the cycle,
ending it on a high note for those who bow the
knee and worship Him as required (John 4:2324), and on a low note for those who don’t, so
low they’ll be “turned into hell” (Ps. 9:17). In the
end, the elect will be holy like Jesus and the nonelect with be hellish like Satan. And while the
born again and lost elect have been acting
hellish, God will turn all elect around while on
earth—just as soon as we humbly cooperate with
Him. YouTube Psalm 1 Kim Hill.
So to help you along, think of the best you’ve
ever been, looked, and felt, along with the best
day you’ve ever had. Then think of how you’d
like to be, look, and feel. Then place yourself in
the best place you can imagine with the best
family and friends you could ever hope to have.
Then, think again, because, “Eye hath not seen,
nor ear heard, neither have entered into the
heart of man, the things which God hath
prepared for them that love him. But God hath
revealed them unto us by his Spirit” (1 Cor. 2:910). Stick with the Program (Lev. 26:3) so that
you’ll have the eyes to see how God has revealed
the things He has prepared for us—as shared in
the next two books.
Until the Times Be Fulfilled
Church leaders thought Jesus and the first
disciples were out to destroy the Church. It’s also
what they thought of Martin Luther & Company,
and it’s what Luther & Co. thought of other
Protestants. And it’s what Protestants thought of
Charles Spurgeon. And it’s what they’ve thought
of me. Each time God is at work reviving His
Church, His own people fight Him on it for
wanting to hold on to their opinions, traditions,
and way of life. Born again Christians still cling
to their ways even though God says that “all our
righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isa. 64:6).
Born again Christians cling to their filthy rags
even though God has made it clear that the life
He has for us is a zillion times better than what
we could ever come up with—and just look
around. The day God’s elect finally ‘get it,’ it’ll be
like this, “Thou shalt cast [your sins] away as a
menstruous cloth; thou shalt say unto it, Get
thee hence” (Isa. 30:22). And not a second too
soon because the modern translation for
menstruous cloth is USED Maxi pad! YouTube
MercyMe So Long Self.
All of history—His Story—has been to reveal
to the elect our miserable state so that we can
finally appreciate what He’s done for us (Rom.
9:22-23). When it’s all been said and done, there
will be no one who will even think of
entertaining the thought—as Satan did; and
Adam and Eve; and Noah’s neighbors; and
Babel’s builders; and the Pharisees; and the
Jews; and today’s Church leaders, and lay
Christians, and unbelievers—that somehow we,
or in all of our case, I, am worthy (Rom. 3:10;
Jer. 17:9).
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the
ends of the earth: for I am God, and
there is none else…unto me every knee
swear. Surely, shall one say, in the LORD
have I righteousness and strength: even
to him shall men come; and all that are
incensed against him shall be ashamed
(Isa. 45:22-24).
YouTube Every Knee Shall Bow Dottie
In the same way that God made the most of
Jewish hypocrisy by using it to open the way for
Gentiles, He’s made the most of Gentile
(Christian) hypocrisy by using it to hold back the
Jews since it keeps them from believing Jesus is
God’s Christ—until God's soon appointed time, a
time when all elect will understand.
[Christians] wert cut out of the olive tree
which is wild by nature, and wert grafted
contrary to nature into a good olive tree:
how much more shall these, which be
the natural branches [Jews], be grafted
into their own olive tree? For I would
not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant
of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in
your own conceits; that blindness in part
is happened to Israel [to Jews], until the
fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And
so all Israel shall be saved: as it is
written, There shall come out of Sion the
Deliverer, and shall turn away
ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my
covenant unto them, when I shall take
away their sins. As concerning the
gospel, they are enemies for your sakes:
but as touching the election, they are
beloved for the father's sakes. For the
gifts and calling of God are without
repentance. For as ye in times past have
not believed God, yet have now obtained
mercy through their unbelief: Even so
have these also now not believed, that
through your mercy they also may
obtain mercy. For God hath concluded
them all in unbelief, that he might have
mercy upon all (Rom. 11:24-32).
YouTube Day of Freedom Rachel
Organized Religion
The Old Testament is greatly focused on animal
sacrifices, all of which point to the ultimate and
final sacrifice. As John testified, “[Seeing Jesus
coming unto him, [John said], Behold the Lamb
of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”
(John 1:29). Jesus sacrificed Himself so that “the
world may know that [He] love[s] the Father”
(John 14:31). And the Father “loved the world,
[so] that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should...have
everlasting life” (John 3:16). Because the Father
loves the world so much, He sends His Son, and
because the Son loves the Father so much, He
obeys Him, with the prayer that Christians “may
be one…that the world may believe that [the
Father]…sent [Him for them]” (John 17:21).
But if we're not one—as in being divided by
tens of thousands of denominations, lies,
corruption, and abuse—what the world believes
is that the Father didn’t send Jesus, His Son,
because they don’t SEE the love that united and
motivated the Father and the Son. They see no
proof, when God’s purpose has been that the
world would see proof—the effects of Jesus’ life
and love through His people. Jesus said, “By this
shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye
have love one to another” (John 13:35). Yet the
whole reason Christianity Today is divided by
the tens of thousands is because we haven’t
loved God or one another. YouTube This So
Called Love MercyMe.
The Bible says “God is not the author of
confusion, but of peace” (1 Cor. 14:33). God is
orderly and made the order of love very clear
early on with the Ten Commandments (Deut.
5:7-21; Ex. 20:1-17). But being desperately
wicked sinners (Jer. 17:9) the Israelites flipped
things around and let other things and other
men become more important to them than God.
Therefore, by Isaiah’s day, God says He’s
sick of the feasts He appointed (Isa. 1:14), just
like He got sick of them and sent the flood (Gen.
7 & 8), and with Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18
& 19). He even gave them 400 years of silence
He was so sick of their rebellion (Amos 8:11).
People are always self-willed and rebellious
making God get sick of us. So when He came to
earth, Jesus repeated the order of God’s key
commands (Mark 12:29-31). But just as the
people had done before, they did again, so that
He rebuked the church of Ephesus, for instance,
telling them to repent or else He’d "remove
th[eir] candlestick” (Rev. 2:4-5). The main
problem hasn’t been you don’t love my people
enough, but you don’t love Me enough. And
God’s response for this lack of love for Him is to
remove the light, that which enables us to see.
God, being God, takes Himself seriously, calling
Himself “a jealous God” (Ex. 20:5).
HOMEWORK: Watch God Grew Tired
of Us (2006).
Open Book Quiz: Was their faith biblical?
Before Christ, God grew weary of the
appointed feasts because the people’s heart
wasn’t in it, “Wherefore the Lord said…this
people draw near me with their mouth, and with
their lips do honour me, but have removed their
heart far from me, and their fear toward me is
taught by the precept of men” (Isa. 29:13).
Having flipped the order of love around placing
men first and God second, God’s people couldn’t
even recognize when someone was speaking in
God’s name anymore. And that began early on,
as when “Miriam and Aaron spake against
Moses…[saying], Hath the LORD indeed spoken
only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us?”
(Num. 12:1-2). This displeased the Lord so that
“Miriam became leprous…and Aaron… [had a
quick change of heart saying] unto Moses, Alas,
my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us,
wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we
have sinned” (Num. 12:10-11).
Aaron’s reaction and words are a model for
the elect because there was all of the following:
Fear of God;
Acknowledgment of His servant;
Request for mercy;
Admission of sin; and,
His response was immediate and to the
say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the
Lord” (Luke 13:35).
In contrast, for years I’ve spoken up to
Church leaders as led by God calling them to
repent, and they’ve just scoffed. Yet this is the
WORD of the Lord:
But Jews don’t get it and still go to
synagogues to presumably worship God—blind
and deaf that His Spirit is not there and that He
has turned His back on them, “until the times of
the Gentiles be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24).
At what instant I shall speak concerning
a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to
pluck up, and to pull down, and to
destroy it; If that nation, against whom I
have pronounced, turn from their evil, I
will repent of the evil that I thought to
do unto them (Jer.
Testament, since God’s
people continued to
flip the order of love
around, they opened
the door wide for
Satan—the Father of
Lies (John 8:44) who
loves to camouflage his
filth and make it look
people were oblivious
for having
fellowship with Him,
unable to hear or see
clearly, that is, discern
accurately. Blinded by
their sins, refusing to
repent, the Israelites ended up with 400 years of
silence from God which He had prophesied
about when He said, “Behold, the days come,
saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in
the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for
water, but of hearing the words of the LORD”
(Amos 8:11). Then Jesus showed up and His own
people crucified Him, so that God abandoned
their houses of worship and hasn't visited them
there for two thousand years! And right before
they killed Him, Jesus had told them, “Behold,
your house is left unto you desolate [desolate of
His Spirit]: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall
not see me, until the time come when ye shall
Likewise, Christians “worship” God in
churches which are nearly empty of His Spirit
due to their lip-serving ways. Because they’ve
also flipped God’s order of love around. And
God’s ways of dealing with rebels hasn’t
changed, as He says, “I
am the LORD, I change
not” (Mal. 3:6).
While God has
given us one another
(the body), the order of
His will is clear as
summed up in GOD’S
God's sheep are so
dumb that He had to
downsize it to just ten
commandments, but
being such dummies,
He had to dumb it
down further yet, to
just two, and we still
He’s had me dumb it
down to just one. And
it just doesn’t get any
dumber than this! Since “God is love” (1 John
4:8), if you just do the one thing—love God—it’s
a domino effect from there since God is where
we get the love by which to love others. He’s the
Source—the Well.
So if you “delight yourself in the Lord” (Ps.
37:4) and “take all of your thoughts captive to
Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5), calling Him Lord and
actually letting Him lord over you (Luke 6:46),
“eyes to the Master as the servant has to the
hand of her mistress” (Ps. 123:2), faithful as
ever, He’ll make sure you’re set. So when you
feel like you want to compromise or hurl a brick
at some pastor (just saying), you won’t, because
Love will stop you (1 John 4:8) since you’ve had
a habit of refueling on Him, on Love by steeping
yourself in His WORD daily and obediently,
“bear[ing]…fruits worthy of the reformation”
(Matt. 3:8, YLT).
It’s like my motorcycle. Suddenly sputtering
having forgotten to refuel (since you could go
nearly forever on a dollar, back in the day), all I
had to do was flip a little switch and I’d have
enough to get me through the valley. I had a
reserve tank! It sure came in handy too, and that
was gas. When talking about a Love Tank, if you
haven’t fueled up enough so that you’ve got a
reserve, it gets ugly—and fast! And the only way
to have the necessary reserve in our ‘Tank,’ is to
have the order of love right, since God is where
we get love being that He’s it (1 John 4:8). He’s
the Pump. And we need a reserve because the
days are evil (Matt. 6:34).
Besides, flipping the order of love around is
sin because “to him that knoweth to do good [as
it Christians know, especially Church leaders],
and doeth it not, to him it is sin” (James 4:17).
And sin separates you from God (Isa. 59:2; Ps.
66:18) opening wide the gate for chaos—for all
the filth Satan brings into the House through
your temple. “What? know ye not [born again
Christian] that your body is the temple of the
Holy Ghost which is in you” (1 Cor. 6:19). It’s
through individual temples that Satan’s filthy
trash has invaded the body of Christ, His
Church, His Girl—and remains there. While the
Church “as lively stones, [is] built up a spiritual
house, an holy priesthood” (1 Pet. 2:5), not being
in the habit of refueling, the Lord’s Beloved is
NOT the holy priesthood She was created to be.
She’s a filthy Whore! “The land hath committed
great whoredom, departing from the LORD”
(Hos. 1:2).
The Lord nailed this point on the order of
love with a man I’m calling ‘Mike’ (Rom. 8:28).
Like other Christians in leadership—reflecting
all Christian leadership—this man cornered me,
literally, for nearly an hour at the side of the
house as I’d arrived home from a medical scan.
Talking over me in a very heated manner,
hovering over me (I’m 5’2”), raining spit down
on me, he demanded that I explain my views on
the Church to him, again. And every time I
opened my mouth to explain it to him, he
immediately interrupted.
HOMEWORK: Did this man have ears to
hear? (James 1:19-20).
Then he finally exclaimed, “You weren’t
made for that! [For following Jesus from church
to church or home worship.] You were made for
the body!” It was a classic statement because it’s
what most of today’s Christians believe. Like my
other brothers in Christ who don’t refuel as
needed, he was intensely WRONG because God
created us—first of all—for fellowship with Him:
For by him were all things created, that
are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and invisible, whether they be
thrones, or dominions, or principalities,
or powers: all things were created by
him, and for him (Col. 1:16, my
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive
glory and honour and power: for thou
hast created all things, and for thy
pleasure they are and were created
(Rev. 4:11, my emphasis).
I have found David the son of Jesse, a
man after mine own heart, which shall
fulfil all my will (Acts 13:22, my
YouTube Made to Love TobyMac.
Christians rebuke those who earnestly love
God obeying Him at all costs, even though He
has said, “Except a corn of wheat fall into the
ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it
bringeth forth much fruit” (John 12:24). Pastors
don’t die to self because they love being the
heads of the Country Clubs that make up todays
churches. And Club members refuse to die to self
for loving their human leaders more than God
because they too love their Country Club
churches—it’s the American way. And that kind
of “love” leaves ZERO room for genuine Love.
In turn, what nearly everyone has is the
man-made version—a lie—because Satan’s
behind it, explaining the divorce rates and family
issues, corruption, and wars, for instance. We’ve
created a world that has a form of ‘love’ that is
“loving” as long as it suits, and when it doesn’t
all hell breaks loose! In contrast, real Love
“suffereth long” (1 Cor. 13:4). YouTube Love
Never Fails Brandon Heath.
No one who has been filled with the love of
God and who refuels on Him daily, could ever
live for this world or serve the ruler of it because
that guy is Satan! (John 14:30). Those who stick
close to Jesus, the Truth (John 14:6), clearly see
that the Country Club church, aka Christianity
Today, is a strong delusion (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
When all of Satan’s filthy trinkets are dangled
before us, they’re just that, FILTHY trinkets. It’s
what God’s getting at in the Hall of Faith, saying,
“If they had been mindful of that country [club]
from whence they came out, they might have
had opportunity to have returned. But now they
desire a better country [club], that is, an
heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be
called their God” (Heb. 11:15-16). I could easily
return to Hypocrisy Land and water down the
truth like the Beloved Whore does and have the
standard Country Club membership. Only, in
doing that, I’d have to drag the Lord with me in
my whoring since He’s in me (John 14:17). And
since I genuinely appreciate what He’s done for
me, I’m not willing to do that.
Stick with the Program and you’ll see that
God actually does have a biblical ‘country club’
waiting for us, here on earth! And it's much
better than what we’ve come up with. It just
hasn’t been established yet (Matt. 6:9-10)
Christianity Today represents the days of Noah:
As the days of Noah were, so shall also
the coming of the Son of man be. For as
in the days that were before the flood
they were eating and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage, until the day
that Noe entered into the ark, And knew
not until the flood came, and took them
all away; so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be (Matt. 24:37-39).
Thou hast polluted the land with thy
wickedness. Therefore the showers have
been withholden, and there hath been
no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore's
forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed
(Jer. 3:2-3).
Like those who didn’t stand firm on their
supposed convictions during the Holocaust, to
be a Christian in Christianity Today you have to
become a Nazi. No thanks! Nazi Germany didn’t
become—for anyone—the supposed paradise
Hitler promised. And the documentary, Hitler’s
Children (2011), reveals some of the damage
done, important because we all leave a legacy.
However, unlike what the Jewish man says near
the end, there is a happy ending for many of
today’s Jews, those destined for mercy (Rom.
Reversing God’s Order of Love
Most pastors know the Church is weak. Yet part
of why they’re not motivated to strengthen Her
is because they haven’t realized they are keeping
Her weak since they’re dead asleep busy doing
works for God without God’s leading (Rev. 3:1).
Therefore, I’m summing up some of the
consequences of today's Christian leadership,
which didn’t begin with today’s leadership. It
was handed down to them, but they keep making
it worse.
Historically, it’s all come crashing down when
people have thought they were right with God
when, in reality, they were as far from Him as
could be: throughout the Old Testament, with
the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, Saul before he
became Paul, the Crusades, the Founding
Fathers in relation to American slavery, the
overall Christian response to the Holocaust,
Christians of Jim Crow laws, Christians of the
Civil Rights movement, and so on. It’s so
foundational it was the very first sin as Satan fell
(Isa. 14:12-13), and then Adam and Eve gave in
to his temptation (Gen. 3:5-6). By taking action
on their desire to “be like gods” our first parents
lowered their level of love for God and raised
their level of love for themselves and each other.
The Fall is known as such because everything’s
gone downhill from there, and is still falling and
widening in scope. Loving God second has a
snowball effect, and it will prove disastrous for
all who refuse to repent. “They shall say, Peace
and safety; then sudden destruction [will]
cometh upon them…and they shall not escape”
(1 Thess. 5:3).
It is standard practice for Christians to ram
words down each other’s throats, making Job’s
friends seem like they had it together. They
didn’t (Job 42:7-8). YouTube Job Suite
Michael Card.
While everyone ridiculed her, this woman who
had been delivered from her sins and those of a
fallen world unashamedly washed the Lord’s feet
with her tears and dried them with her hair:
[Jesus] went into the Pharisee's house,
and sat down to meat. And, behold, a
woman in the city, which was a sinner,
when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in
the Pharisee's house, brought an
alabaster box of ointment, And stood at
his feet behind him weeping, and began
to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe
them with the hairs of her head, and
kissed his feet, and anointed them with
the ointment. Now when the Pharisee
which had bidden him saw it, he spake
within himself, saying, This man, if he
were a prophet, would have known who
and what manner of woman this is that
toucheth him: for she is a sinner. And
Jesus answering said unto him, Simon, I
have somewhat to say unto thee. And he
saith, Master, say on. There was a
certain creditor which had two debtors:
the one owed five hundred pence, and
the other fifty. And when they had
nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them
both. Tell me therefore, which of them
will love him most? Simon answered and
said, I suppose that he, to whom he
forgave most. And he said unto him,
Thou hast rightly judged. And he turned
to the woman, and said unto Simon,
Seest thou this woman? I entered into
thine house, thou gavest me no water for
my feet: but she hath washed my feet
with tears, and wiped them with the
hairs of her head. Thou gavest me no
kiss: but this woman since the time I
came in hath not ceased to kiss my
feet. My head with oil thou didst not
anoint: but this woman hath anointed
my feet with ointment. Wherefore I say
unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are
forgiven; for she loved much: but to
whom little is forgiven, the same loveth
little (Luke 7:36-47).
Compared with who He was, she was willing
to let everyone say and think of her whatever
they wanted. In contrast, the proud Pharisee,
thinking so highly of himself, lacked reverence
for God and was blind to his sins and to the One
before him who could cleanse him of it.
YouTube Cece Winans Alabaster Box.
Christians have often told me of Satan’s lack of
interest in me. Yet Jesus has clearly told us that
“your adversary the devil…[is] seeking whom he
may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). We are all fair game,
though Jesus was the fairest One of all (Luke
4:1-2). Next up is whoever He’s using because
“all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall
suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12). But since they
don’t live godly in Christ, they know nothing
about persecution, which is directed, ultimately,
by Satan, using whoever is willing to not submit
to Christ. Still, with just a WORD (Luke 4:4, 8,
and 12), Satan’s gone—at least for a while (Luke
4:13). YouTube Fairest Lord Jesus Christy
The Church’s problem before the Reformation of
the Middle Ages centered on the misconception
that salvation was by works—the more good
works you do the better you’re ‘in’ with God. But
“man is not justified by the works of the law, but
by the faith of Jesus Christ” (Gal. 2:16). Today,
the main misconception centers on what it
means to be saved because most Christians have
bought into a very simplistic doctrine of
salvation, therefore, false doctrine. The lie (from
Satan) is that those who simply say they believe
Jesus is God are saved/born again. But God
says, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou
doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble”
(James 2:19), implying there’s a bit more to it.
For example, Paul drove the demon out of the
girl who kept speaking the truth (Acts 16:16-18).
Protestants have told me Catholics are
Christian because they believe Jesus is Lord. But
that nullifies so much of what Jesus has said and
done (John 3:7; James 2:20-26). And if it were
just a matter of Catholics not being fully
enlightened though they might be some day, so
that we include them in our understanding of
Christian—the way most “Christian” books,
bookstores and Protestant churches do—we’ve
diluted the Gospel, giving Satan a foothold. If it
were so “open,” the way that leads to life would
be broad when it clearly is not (Matt. 7:13-14).
Satan always makes things look easy since
sinners thrive on ease, which is why we’ve made
the Church into a Country Club. It’s easy to just
say “I’m a Christian” and follow a priest or a
pastor, let someone else do the reading,
thinking, praying, and I’ll just do what that man
says (sort of). Heck, I give ‘em money, and
volunteer with my Football Ministry (and said
my confession). I love people…I’m cool. So goes
that mentality. It’s a bit harder to follow Jesus
who you can’t see, and who requires you to
actually read His WORD, study it, pray it, live it
out, repenting often because of it, and obey Him
when He tells you to walk straight into the lion’s
den (Jer. 11:19). The biblical fact is that there’s
no such thing as purgatory or an easy ride. We
are called to be followers and imitators of Jesus
Christ who was brutally CRUCIFIED. Not easy.
We’re also told that “as many as are led by the
spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Rom.
8:14), making it clear how we're to live and view
others who claim to know God.
Christianity Today doesn’t even recognize that
Christ accepted us (John 15:16). Christians are
extremely secure in their salvation even though
God has warned us to be careful of spiritual
pride, just as He warned the Jews with the
stones. Jesus said, “Think not to say within
yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I
say unto you, that God is able of these stones to
raise up children unto Abraham” (Matt. 3:9). “Be
not highminded, but fear: For if God spared not
the natural branches [meaning, the Jews], take
heed lest he also spare not thee” (Rom. 11:2021). Such warnings are all over the New
Testament. Just go through and circle all the
ifs—if you have faith, if you believe, if you love, if
you forgive… Here’s a good one, “If we have been
planted together in the likeness of his death, we
shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection”
(Rom. 6:5). That a pretty big if.
Loving anything or anyone more than God
makes us idolaters as we break that first
important commandment to “love the Lord thy
God with all” (Mark 12:30), and “idolaters, and
all liars, shall have their part in the lake which
burneth with fire” (Rev. 21:8). Evangelical
efforts get seriously muddled as you tell people
how much they need Jesus but denominations
are OK and you have them become a member of
“your” church when God’s people were bought
with a price in order to love the Head, Jesus
Christ, more than the head of a church (1 Cor.
7:23). The Christian’s allegiance is to Christ
(Deut. 5:7; Mark 12:30) not to some backslidden
abusive man. And since Christ is the Head of the
Church, and not just the head of churches, God’s
people have been bought to love and serve the
Church, not a church. Rather than creating
people who love God and His kingdom,
Christianity Today is in the business of creating
people who love others more than they did
before (at least outwardly), but who still love self
and others more than God—not quite hitting the
Mark. YouTube My Jesus Todd Agnew.
Church leaders either preach or act like you can’t
even hear clearly from God unless you’re a
member of “their” church. However, there are at
least six problems with church membership.
It’s God’s Church: Jesus purchased
His Church with His life. He “gave
himself for it; That he might sanctify
and cleanse it with the washing of water
by the word, That he might present it to
himself a glorious church, not having
spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but
that it should be holy and without
blemish” (Eph. 5:25-27).
2. It's Not in the Bible: Church
membership runs contrary to biblical
doctrine (Rom. 12:5; Eph. 4:15-16). For
example, if God actually wanted us to
become a member of a local church, He
would have said so, and said so clearly
as with baptism and communion (Acts
2:37-39; Luke 22:19-20).
3. We Have a High Priest: Jesus’
sacrifice made it possible for each elect
soul to have a personal relationship with
Him. He is our High Priest (Heb. 4:1416). We do not need another human to
hear from God or to be connected to
Him. God created the body of Christ to
enable each elect soul to function at our
optimum—individually and as a group
(Rom. 7:4). But Jesus is the Head of that
group, not a wayward pastor. Yet
pastors act like they are our High Priest
and we need to be a member of their
church for them to even consider
listening to us. (But even when you are a
member, they still blow you off if what
you’re saying doesn’t line up with their
wicked deeds.)
4. It Hurts the Body of Christ: Church
membership makes Christians choose
men over God. If church members grow
spiritually—which is what they’re
supposed to do (2 Tim. 2:15)—the Lord
will want them to address issues with
leadership since there are plenty to
address. God didn’t give it all up on a
brutal cross so that He could have
zombie followers of men (Acts 17:11). Yet
through church membership God's
people make an oath to submit to that
leadership rather than Christ. And even
if church members get convicted enough
to speak up for Christ, leadership
doesn’t have ears to hear for not walking
in submission to God having been sold
on church membership in the first place,
“making the word of God of none effect
through your tradition” (Mark 7:13).
Traditions of men nullify the WORD of
God (Matt. 15:3-6). And since “God is
love” (1 John 4:8), they nullify Love—as
we see (Matt. 24:12).
5. It Stems from Money Corrupting
Souls: Money (what’s behind church
membership) is a powerful corrupter of
otherwise ‘good’ men. “For the love of
money is the root of all evil: which while
some coveted after, they have erred from
the faith, and pierced themselves
through with many sorrows” (1 Tim.
6:10), because even when we are church
members, as I was at Eagle in
Indianapolis, church leaders find other
reasons for not submitting to God.
Church membership is just a way to get
money and control people. (Gee, that
sounds familiar.) In fact, I saw a cartoon
once where the billboard in front of the
accepted: $100s, $50s, $20s, $10s…"
They nailed it.
6. It’s a Set-Up: If God enlightens a
member in that leadership, let’s say a
worship pastor, yet senior pastor is
standing his rebellious ground, by
standing up for Jesus the worship pastor
would lose his job—provision and
protection for his family. He also
wouldn’t have a reference for another
job. And even if he got another job as a
worship pastor, he’s had his eyes opened
to the truth which pastors reject—so it
will happen again UNLESS he
suppresses the Truth destroying his
fellowship with Christ. No matter what,
Satan wins. YouTube David Bowden
No Excuse.
So into their program, pastors only serve
Communion once a month, seldom reminding
God’s people to search their hearts, of the
importance of what they’re doing, or of the
consequences for dishonoring God, who has said
the following:
For as often as ye eat this bread, and
drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's
death till he come. Wherefore whosoever
shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of
the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of
the body and blood of the Lord. But let a
man examine himself, and so let him eat
of that bread, and drink of that cup. For
he that eateth and drinketh unworthily,
eateth and drinketh damnation to
himself, not discerning the Lord's
body. For this cause many are weak and
sickly among you, and many sleep. For if
we would judge ourselves, we should not
be judged. But when we are judged, we
are chastened of the Lord, that we
should not be condemned with the
world (1 Cor. 11:26-32).
Communion has become a ritualistic ceremony
void of meaning as Christians simply go through
the motions. Year after year, twelve times a year,
professing Christians have been pouring wrath
on themselves! Then they’re shocked at the
things that happen, usually blaming the lost or
Satan for it all when it’s their own fault.
YouTube In Remembrance of Me Robert
Peter once loved man more than God’s will,
which is exactly what Satan wants. That’s why
Jesus told Peter, “Get thee behind me, Satan
[making Peter equal with Satan]: thou art an
offence unto me: for thou savourest not the
things that be of God [the first commandment],
but those that be of men [the second
commandment]” (Matt. 16:23). Like the BRAT,
Peter flipped around the two greatest
commandments making him equal with Satan in
God’s eyes. And today’s Christians have become
worse than Peter since Peter’s idolatry was on
Christ whereas, like Adam and Eve, Christianity
Today has placed Her love of self and others
above Her love for God.
If you don’t believe what I’m saying, take the
next three weeks to visit some different
Protestant churches on Sunday mornings and
Wednesday nights, comparing what you see and
hear to the Bible. Inspect their websites then go
to the ones you discern are the most biblical.
Stop at all the tables and pick up their flyers.
Read their bulletins and stuff on the walls. Look
at their calendar and consider how they spend
their time. Listen to how they pray, and consider
how much they pray, when they pray, do they
actually pray or read a prayer. Do they pray
God’s WORD or their words? Visit their
bookstore if they have one and consider the
material they peddle (though for that you have
to be familiar with the Bible and Christian
literature). Note what they do with all age
groups. Sit near the front center of the sanctuary
and turn around to look at their faces as they
“worship” (sing). Listen to the words they sing.
Are they biblical? Are they true of them? Do they
sing words of how desperate they are for God’s
presence, mumbling the words and looking like
zombies, or do they passionately sing unbiblical
words? Is it more like a rock concert rather than
a solemn assembly? Ask individuals why they go
there and what God is teaching them personally.
Attend Sunday school and…have a donut!
My family’s gotten mad at me for being
shocked by Church leadership and by Christians
as a whole. But I’ve been shocked because I've
hoped that as God has led me, this time would
finally bring an end to the Twilight Zone
because “faith is the substance of things hoped
for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1).
I’m still hoping and trusting God that He will
come through—which He will (Isa. 25:1).
Unfortunately, the rest of my family had enough
a few years ago, because we weren’t meant to
have to go against every single grain there is. The
only reason I’m still standing is because of all the
Lord has shown me. If not for that, I’d think I
died and went to hell. Because thinking there’s
hope when there isn’t would be hell.
The Church and the world are living in the
depths of spiritual darkness because God’s elect,
beginning with leadership, have refused to
repent. He warned us saying, “If thine eye be
evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If
therefore the light that is in thee be darkness,
how great is that darkness!” (Matt. 6:23). And
we are deep in it. YouTube The Few Piper
Uploaded by Linda Mann.
Knowing I wouldn’t have followed Him if I’d
known how it was going to go, considering how
long and miserable this walk has been, the Lord
always led me to believe that I was at the end of
the line. That was especially true in the last few
years, as with the promise that I only had one
more year to go (four years ago!). [And I wrote
that at least a year ago!] And if you think God
wouldn’t do that, consider Jeremiah’s complaint,
he said, “O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and I
was deceived; thou art stronger than I, and hast
prevailed” (Jer. 20:7). God’s misleading has
been to show me yet one more angle of the
horrendous situation in order to write these
books for you. I’m not saying God has lied to me,
but that He has overloaded me with positive
information so that I've felt deceived (Ps. 22).
Especially since this has gone on for so long and
been so hard. And while He fed me the 'one year
left' routine, God’s covered because “one day is
with the Lord as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day” (2 Pet. 3:8). He’s
been building up my faith and will use what He’s
done in me to build up the faith of His elect as
you consider my testimony. Having had me
press on solo against the grain for so long with
all it’s meant will motivate His elect to fulfill
their calling in Christ. YouTube Overnight
Amy Grant.
Satan is Not Your Friend
Jesus says, “I have called you friends; for all
things that I have heard of my Father I have
made known unto you” (John 15:15). Jesus has
done that both through His sacrifice on the
Cross which enabled the Father to send us His
Spirit. He said, “The Comforter, which is the
Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my
name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all
things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have
said unto you” (John 14:26). He teaches us all
things through His WORD, the Bible, and then
brings them back to mind through His WORD,
the Bible. So if you don’t spend much time
taking in God’s WORD, you won’t have those
things brought back to mind. In turn, you’ll be
sinning more often and severely lack
discernment. And most of today’s Christians
hardly read the Bible.
While Jesus came to earth and defeated Satan
(John 19:30), since born again Christians
haven’t fully obeyed God, Satan has still kept
lording over everyone. And since God’s elect
haven’t been able to tell the difference between
good and evil, between God and the Devil, the
following are comparisons between the two
kingdoms, Satan’s hellish kingdom and Jesus’
heavenly one.
Both are Part of a Trinity
Good Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit represent love, truth, and
God is love (1 John 4:8).
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life (John 14:6).
For as by one man's disobedience many
were made sinners, so by the obedience
of one shall many be made righteous
(Rom. 5:19).
This is he that came by water and blood,
even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but
by water and blood. And it is the Spirit
that beareth witness, because the Spirit
is truth. For there are three that bear
record in heaven, the Father, the Word,
and the Holy Ghost: and these three are
one. And there are three that bear
witness in earth, the Spirit, and the
water, and the blood: and these three
agree in one (1 John 5:6-8).
Evil Trinity: Satan (the Father of Lies), the
antichrist, and the false prophet, make up an
unholy alliance of deception, pride, and evil.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the
lusts of your father ye will do. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth, because there is
no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie,
he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar,
and the father of it (John 8:44)
For many deceivers are entered into the
world, who confess not that Jesus Christ
is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver
and an antichrist (2 John 1:7).
Upon earth there is not his like, who is
made without fear. He beholdeth all high
things: he is a king over all the children
of pride (Job 41:33-34).
And the beast was taken, and with him
the false prophet that wrought miracles
before him, with which he deceived
them that had received the mark of the
beast, and them that worshipped his
image. These both were cast alive into a
lake of fire burning with brimstone (Rev.
Both are Sons
Jesus Christ: He’s the Son of God.
Then they that were in the ship came
and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth
thou art the Son of God (Matt. 14:33).
The Antichrist: He’s the son of perdition.
The literal translation says of destruction.
the “son of the morning.” But he rebelled
and fell from heaven (Ezek. 28:13-15).
Let not any one deceive you in any
manner, because—if the falling away
may not come first, and the man of sin
be revealed—the son of the destruction
(2 Thess. 2:3, YLT).
How art thou fallen from heaven, O
Lucifer, son of the morning! how art
thou cut down to the ground, which
didst weaken the nations! (Isa. 14:12).
Both Use the Bible
Jesus: He uses the Bible to build people up.
All scripture is given by inspiration of
God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness: That the man of God may
be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all
good works (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Satan: He uses the Bible—twisting God’s
WORD—to destroy people’s lives.
The serpent was more subtil than any
beast of the field which the LORD God
had made. And he said unto the woman,
Yea, hath God said… (Gen. 3:1).
[Satan] said unto [Jesus], If thou be the
Son of God, cast thyself down from
hence: For it is written, He shall give his
angels charge over thee, to keep
thee: And in their hands they shall bear
thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy
foot against a stone. And Jesus
answering said unto him, It is said, Thou
shalt not tempt the Lord thy God (Luke
Both are Referred to as Light
Jesus: The most holy and powerful light in
all the universe (John 8:12).
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify
unto you these things in the churches. I
am the root and the offspring of David,
and the bright and morning star (Rev.
Satan: Having been created as the most
beautiful of all creatures, he is referred to as
Both Call Us to Respond to
Jesus: Calls for people to love God and man.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind, and with all thy
commandment. And the second is like,
namely this, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself. There is none
other commandment greater than these
(Mark 12:30-31).
Satan: Calls for people to hate God and man.
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the LORD, and against his
anointed, saying, Let us break their
bands asunder, and cast away their
cords from us (Ps. 2:1-3).
Both Have Ministering Spirits
Good Angels: Help and encourage people.
[Jesus] was there in the wilderness forty
days, tempted of Satan; and was with
the wild beasts; and the angels
ministered unto him (Mark 1:13).
There stood by me this night the angel of
God, whose I am, and whom I
serve, Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must
be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God
hath given thee all them that sail with
thee (Acts 27:23-24).
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent
forth to minister for them who shall be
heirs of salvation? (Heb. 1:14).
Fallen Angels—Demons:
Satan himself is transformed into an
angel of light. Therefore it is no great
thing if his ministers also be
transformed as the ministers of
righteousness; whose end shall be
according to their works (2 Cor. 11:1415).
For we wrestle not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12).
The soul that turneth after such as have
familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go
a whoring after them, I will even set my
face against that soul, and will cut him
off from among his people (Lev. 20:6).
Both Act Supernaturally
Jesus: His miracles are used to reveal God’s
glory and draw people to Him.
Now Peter and John went up together
into the temple at the hour of prayer,
being the ninth hour. And a certain man
lame from his mother's womb was
carried, whom they laid daily at the gate
of the temple…Who seeing Peter and
John about to go into the temple asked
an alm. And Peter, fastening his eyes
upon him with John, said, Look on
us. And he gave heed unto them,
expecting to receive something of
them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold
have I none; but such as I have give I
thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took
him by the right hand, and lifted him up:
and immediately his feet and ankle
bones received strength. And he leaping
up stood, and walked, and entered with
them into the temple, walking, and
leaping, and praising God [This created
the opportunity for Peter to preach to all
about God’s salvation through Jesus
Christ] (Acts 3:1-8).
Satan: Satan and his followers use the
supernatural (magic) to make money and
deceive people.
There was a certain man, called Simon,
which beforetime in the same city used
sorcery, and bewitched the people of
Samaria, giving out that himself was
some great one: To whom they all gave
heed, from the least to the greatest,
saying, This man is the great power of
God. And to him they had regard,
because that of long time he had
bewitched them with sorceries...And
when Simon saw that through laying on
of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost
money, Saying, Give me also this power,
that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may
receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:9-19).
And it came to pass, as we went to
prayer, a certain damsel possessed with
a spirit of divination met us, which
brought her masters much gain by
soothsaying: The same followed Paul
and us, and cried, saying, These men are
the servants of the most high God, which
shew unto us the way of salvation. And
this did she many days. But Paul, being
grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I
command thee in the name of Jesus
Christ to come out of her. And he came
out the same hour (Acts 16:16-18).
Both Deal with the Truth
Jesus: He is the truth.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto
the Father, but by me (John 14:6).
Satan: He abhors the truth.
There is no truth in him. When he
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own:
for he is a liar, and the father of it (John
That old serpent, called the Devil, and
Satan, which deceiveth the whole world
(Rev. 12:9).
Both Have Children
Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I
am not yet ascended to my Father: but
go to my brethren, and say unto them, I
ascend unto my Father, and your
Father; and to my God, and your God
(John 20:17).
Ye are of your father the devil, and the
lusts of your father ye will do. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth, because there is
no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie,
he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar,
and the father of it (John 8:44).
And [Saul] said [to Elymas the sorcerer],
O full of all subtilty and all mischief,
thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all
righteousness, wilt thou not cease to
pervert the right ways of the Lord? (Acts
The field is the world; the good seed are
the children of the kingdom; but the
tares are the children of the wicked one
(Matt. 13:38).
He that soweth the good seed is the Son
of man; The field is the world; the good
seed are the children of the kingdom;
but the tares are the children of the
wicked one; The enemy that sowed them
is the devil; the harvest is the end of the
world; and the reapers are the angels
(Matt. 13:37-39).
Both Enter into People
The Trinity:
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a
man love me, he will keep my words:
and my Father will love him, and we will
come unto him, and make our abode
with him (John 14:23).
Ye are of God, little children, and have
overcome them: because greater is he
that is in you, than he that is in the
world (1 John 4:4).
After the sop Satan entered into [Judas
Iscariot] (John 13:27).
Both Call for Sacrifice
Jesus: Calls for denying self of worldly
worthless desires in order to honor God, for
improved lives here on earth, and for a better
eternal outcome.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the
mercies of God, that ye present your
bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
unto God, which is your reasonable
service (Rom. 12:1).
The thief cometh not, but for to steal,
and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly (John
Women received their dead raised to life
again: and others were tortured, not
accepting deliverance; that they might
obtain a better resurrection (Heb. 11:35).
Satan: Calls for sacrifices to be made to him in
order to dishonor God and ruin people’s lives.
The things which the Gentiles sacrifice,
they sacrifice to devils, and not to God:
and I would not that ye should have
fellowship with devils (1 Cor. 10:20).
Both Have a Mandate
Jesus: Do God’s will.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole
matter: Fear God, and keep his
commandments: for this is the whole
duty of man (Eccl. 12:13).
[In His agony, Jesus said], Father, if
thou be willing, remove this cup from
me: nevertheless not my will, but thine,
be done (Luke 22:42).
Satan: Do what thou wilt.
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will
ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God: I will sit
also upon the mount of the
congregation, in the sides of the north: I
will ascend above the heights of the
clouds; I will be like the most High (Isa.
14:13-14, my emphasis).
This know also, that in the last days
perilous times shall come. For men shall
be lovers of their own selves, covetous,
disobedient to parents, unthankful,
unholy, Without
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those
good, Traitors,
highminded, lovers of pleasures more
than lovers of God; Having a form of
godliness, but denying the power
thereof: from such turn away. For of this
sort are they which creep into houses,
and lead captive silly women laden with
sins, led away with divers lusts (2 Tim.
Both Have a Throne
Jesus: He has an everlasting throne.
The Lord is in his holy temple, the
Lord's throne is in heaven: his eyes
behold, his eyelids try, the children of
men (Ps. 11:4).
Of the increase of his government and
peace there shall be no end, upon the
throne of David, and upon his kingdom,
to order it, and to establish it with
judgment and with justice from
henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the
Lord of hosts will perform this (Isa. 9:7).
Satan: He makes his throne in opposition to
God anywhere anyone lets him.
I have known thy works, and where thou
dost dwell—where the throne of the
Adversary [is]—and thou dost hold fast
my name, and thou didst not deny my
faith, even in the days in which Antipas
[was] my faithful witness, who was put
to death beside you, where the
Adversary doth dwell (Rev. 2:13, YLT).
And the fifth messenger did pour out his
vial upon the throne of the beast, and his
kingdom did become darkened, and they
were gnawing their tongues from the
pain (Rev. 16:10, YLT).
Both Deal with Freedom
Jesus: He delivers people from bondage.
If the Son therefore shall make you free,
ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36).
For ye have not received the spirit of
bondage again to fear; but ye have
received the Spirit of adoption, whereby
we cry, Abba, Father (Rom. 8:15).
Through death he might destroy him
that had the power of death, that is, the
devil; And deliver them who through
fear of death were all their lifetime
subject to bondage (Heb. 2:14-15).
Satan: He places people into deeper bondage.
But neither Titus, who was with me,
being a Greek, was compelled to be
circumcised: And that because of false
brethren unawares brought in, who
came in privily to spy out our liberty
which we have in Christ Jesus, that they
might bring us into bondage: To whom
we gave place by subjection, no, not for
an hour; that the truth of the gospel
might continue with you (Gal. 2:3-5).
For when they speak great swelling
words of vanity, they allure through the
lusts of the flesh, through much
wantonness, those that were clean
escaped from them who live in
error. While they promise them liberty,
they themselves are the servants of
corruption: for of whom a man is
overcome, of the same is he brought in
bondage (2 Pet. 2:18-19).
But I fear, lest by
serpent beguiled
subtilty, so your
corrupted from the
Christ (2 Cor. 11:3).
any means, as the
Eve through his
minds should be
simplicity that is in
Both are Princes
Jesus: He’s the Prince of Peace and of Life.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son
is given: and the government shall be
upon his shoulder: and his name shall
be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The
mighty God, The everlasting Father, The
Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6).
But ye denied the Holy One and the
Just, and desired a murderer to be
granted unto you; And killed the Prince
of life, whom God hath raised from the
dead; whereof we are witnesses (Acts
Satan: He’s the prince of devils and of the
power of the air.
And the scribes which came down from
Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and
by the prince of the devils casteth he out
devils (Mark 3:22).
Wherein in time past ye walked
according to the course of this world,
according to the prince of the power of
the air, the spirit that now worketh in
the children of disobedience (Eph. 2:2).
Both are Kings
Jesus: He’s the King of Kings, of all the earth, of
glory, of terrors, of old, of Jacob, of Israel, of
nations, of heaven, of the Jews, and of the saints.
And he hath on his vesture and on his
thigh a name written, King Of Kings,
And Lord Of Lords (Rev. 19:16).
For God is the King of all the earth; sing
to him a psalm of praise (Ps. 47:7).
Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord
Almighty—he is the King of glory (Ps.
For God is my King of old, working
salvation in the midst of the earth (Ps.
Produce your cause, saith the Lord;
bring forth your strong reasons, saith
the King of Jacob (Isa. 41:21).
Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel,
and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am
the first, and I am the last; and beside
me there is no God (Isa. 44:6).
Who would not fear thee, O King of
nations? for to thee doth it appertain:
forasmuch as among all the wise men of
the nations, and in all their kingdoms,
there is none like unto thee (Jer. 10:7).
Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol
and honour the King of heaven, all
whose works are truth, and his ways
judgment: and those that walk in pride
he is able to abase (Dan. 4:37).
Saying, Where is he that is born King of
the Jews? for we have seen his star in
the east, and are come to worship him
(Matt. 2:2).
And they sing the song of Moses the
servant of God, and the song of the
Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are
thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and
true are thy ways, thou King of saints
(Rev. 15:3).
Satan: King of hell and of the proud.
And they had tails like unto scorpions,
and there were stings in their tails: and
their power was to hurt men five
months. And they had a king over them,
which is the angel of the bottomless pit,
whose name in the Hebrew tongue is
Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath
his name Apollyon (Rev. 9:10-11).
He beholdeth all high things: he is a king
over all the children of pride (Job
Both Highlight the Rainbow
Trinity of Light: God first gave us the rainbow
after the flood. It’s a promise of His deliverance
because it keeps the promise He made in the
Garden (Gen. 3:15).
God said, This is the token of the
covenant which I make between me and
you and every living creature that is with
you, for perpetual generations: I do set
my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a
token of a covenant between me and the
earth. And it shall come to pass, when I
bring a cloud over the earth, that the
bow shall be seen in the cloud: And I will
remember my covenant, which is
between me and you and every living
creature of all flesh; and the waters shall
no more become a flood to destroy all
flesh. And the bow shall be in the cloud;
and I will look upon it, that I may
remember the everlasting covenant
between God and every living creature
of all flesh that is upon the earth (Gen.
Trinity of Darkness: It is a prominent symbol,
if not the most prominent, for homosexuality.
Professing themselves to be wise, they
became fools, And changed the glory of
the uncorruptible God into an image
made like to corruptible man, and to
birds, and fourfooted beasts, and
creeping things. Wherefore God also
gave them up to uncleanness through
the lusts of their own hearts, to
dishonour their own bodies between
themselves: Who changed the truth of
God into a lie, and worshipped and
served the creature more than the
Creator, who is blessed for ever.
Amen. For this cause God gave them up
unto vile affections: for even their
women did change the natural use into
that which is against nature: And
likewise also the men, leaving the
natural use of the woman, burned in
their lust one toward another; men with
men working that which is unseemly,
and receiving in themselves that
recompence of their error which was
meet (Rom. 1:22-27).
Both are
Jesus: The Lion and the Lamb.
One of the elders saith unto me, Weep
not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of
Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed
to open the book, and to loose the seven
seals thereof (Rev. 5:5).
The next day John seeth Jesus coming
unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of
God, which taketh away the sin of the
world (John 1:29).
They overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb, and by the word of their
testimony; and they loved not their lives
unto the death (Rev. 12:11).
Satan and the Forces of Evil: A lion, wolves,
and a dragon.
Satan: The Satanic Bible published by Anton
LaVey in 1969.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your
adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour (1 Pet. 5:8).
Through his shrewdness He will cause
deceit to succeed by his influence; And
he will magnify himself in his heart, And
he will destroy many while they are at
ease (Dan. 8:25).
Beware of false prophets, which come to
you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly
they are ravening wolves (Matt. 7:15).
And when they shall have finished their
testimony, the beast that ascendeth out
of the bottomless pit shall make war
against them, and shall overcome them,
and kill them (Rev. 11:7).
And there appeared another wonder in
heaven; and behold a great red dragon,
having seven heads and ten horns, and
seven crowns upon his heads. And his
tail drew the third part of the stars of
heaven, and did cast them to the earth:
and the dragon stood before the woman
which was ready to be delivered, for to
devour her child as soon as it was born
(Rev. 12:3-4).
Both Have a Bible
Jesus: The Holy Bible.
For I testify unto every man that heareth
the words of the prophecy of this book,
If any man shall add unto these things,
God shall add unto him the plagues that
are written in this book: And if any man
shall take away from the words of the
book of this prophecy, God shall take
away his part out of the book of life, and
out of the holy city, and from the things
which are written in this book. He
which testifieth these things saith,
Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so,
come, Lord Jesus (Rev. 22:18-20).
Both Feel Strongly
God’s Temple
Jesus and His Servants: Cleanse it.
Hear me, ye Levites, sanctify now
yourselves, and sanctify the house of the
LORD God of your fathers, and carry
forth the filthiness out of the holy
place. For our fathers have trespassed,
and done that which was evil in the eyes
of the LORD our God, and have forsaken
him, and have turned away their faces
from the habitation of the LORD, and
turned their backs. Also they have shut
up the doors of the porch, and put out
the lamps, and have not burned incense
nor offered burnt offerings in the holy
place unto the God of Israel. Wherefore
the wrath of the LORD was upon Judah
and Jerusalem, and he hath delivered
them to trouble, to astonishment, and to
hissing, as ye see with your eyes. For, lo,
our fathers have fallen by the sword, and
our sons and our daughters and our
wives are in captivity for this. Now it is
in mine heart to make a covenant with
the LORD God of Israel, that his fierce
wrath may turn away from us (2 Chron.
When he had made a scourge of small
cords, he drove them all out of the
temple, and the sheep, and the oxen;
and poured out the changers' money,
and overthrew the tables; And said unto
them that sold doves, Take these things
hence; make not my Father's house an
house of merchandise. And his disciples
remembered that it was written, The
zeal of thine house hath eaten me up
(John 2:15-17).
Satan and His Servants: Desecrate it.
O God, the heathen are come into thine
inheritance; thy holy temple have they
defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on
heaps (Ps. 79:1).
Moreover all the chief of the priests, and
the people, transgressed very much after
all the abominations of the heathen; and
polluted the house of the Lord which he
had hallowed in Jerusalem (2 Chron.
Both Exalt Someone
Jesus and His Servants: Magnify God.
Who, being in the form of God, thought
it not robbery to be equal with God: But
made himself of no reputation, and took
upon him the form of a servant, and was
made in the likeness of men: And being
found in fashion as a man, he humbled
himself, and became obedient unto
death, even the death of the
cross. Wherefore God also hath highly
exalted him, and given him a name
which is above every name: That at the
name of Jesus every knee should bow, of
things in heaven, and things in earth,
and things under the earth; And that
every tongue should confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the
Father (Phil. 2:6-11).
Having your conversation honest among
the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak
against you as evildoers, they may by
your good works, which they shall
behold, glorify God in the day of
visitation. Submit yourselves to every
ordinance of man for the Lord's sake (1
Pet. 2:12-13).
Satan and His Servants: Magnify themselves.
That man…son of perdition…opposeth
and exalteth himself above all that is
called God, or that is worshipped; so
that he as God sitteth in the temple of
God, shewing himself that he is God (2
Thess. 2:3-4).
There is a generation that are pure in
their own eyes, and yet is not washed
from their filthiness. There is a
generation, O how lofty are their eyes!
and their eyelids are lifted up (Prov.
Both Say they Lead to God
Jesus: He says He’s the only way to God.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto
the Father, but by me (John 14:6).
Neither is there salvation in any other:
for there is none other name under
heaven given among men, whereby we
must be saved (Acts 4:12).
Satan: He says there are many ways, many
paths, to God.
Wide is the gate, and broad is the way,
that leadeth to destruction, and many
there be which go in thereat (Matt. 7:13).
They forsook the Lord God of their
fathers, which brought them out of the
land of Egypt, and followed other gods,
of the gods of the people that were
round about them, and bowed
themselves unto them, and provoked the
Lord to anger (Judges 2:12).
Of your own selves [among Christians]
shall men arise, speaking perverse
things, to draw away disciples after them
(Acts 20:30).
Both Deal with the Saints
Saints is a term for the Vessels of Mercy/the
elect who have become born again.
Jesus: He preserves them, prays for them, and
perfects them.
He keepeth the paths of judgment, and
preserveth the way of his saints (Prov.
He that searcheth the hearts knoweth
what is the mind of the Spirit, because
he maketh intercession for the saints
according to the will of God (Rom. 8:27).
He gave some, apostles; and some,
prophets; and some, evangelists; and
some, pastors and teachers; For the
perfecting of the saints, for the work of
the ministry, for the edifying of the body
of Christ (Eph. 4:11-12).
Satan: Makes war against them and wears them
It was given unto him to make war with
the saints, and to overcome them: and
power was given him over all kindreds,
and tongues, and nations (Rev. 13:7).
I beheld, and the same horn made war
with the saints, and prevailed against
them…And he shall speak great words
against the most High, and shall wear
out the saints of the most High (Dan.
7:21 & 25).
Both are Like Us, Yet Not
Jesus: He’s 100% human and 100% God.
Seeing then that we have a great high
priest, that is passed into the heavens,
Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our
profession. For we have not an high
priest which cannot be touched with the
feeling of our infirmities; but was in all
points tempted like as we are, yet
without sin. Let us therefore come boldly
unto the throne of grace, that we may
obtain mercy, and find grace to help in
time of need (Heb. 4:14-16).
Satan: He’s proud like us yet even more wicked.
Hell from beneath is moved for thee to
meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up
the dead for thee, even all the chief ones
of the earth; it hath raised up from their
thrones all the kings of the nations. All
they shall speak and say unto thee, Art
thou also become weak as we? art thou
become like unto us? Thy pomp is
brought down to the grave, and the
noise of thy viols: the worm is spread
under thee, and the worms cover thee
(Isa. 14:9-11).
The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9).
There is none righteous, no, not one
(Rom. 3:10).
There’s more, but you get the gist of it. And
all we need to do to be rid of Satan’s influence in
our lives and world is to obey God who has told
us the following:
Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from
you (James 4:7).
If my people, which are called by my
name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from
their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and
will heal their land (2 Chron. 7:14).
In other words, in order to put a stop to
Satan’s building program, his “New” World
Order, and transfer most of those resources to
the Lord’s building program, a representation of
heaven on earth (Luke 11:2), God’s elect need to
mature. And since most of the lost elect won’t be
drawn to Christ unless the body of Christ is
biblically mature, the bulk of this work must
take place in the body of Christ. And yet, for 18
years (as of August 2015), not one professing
Christian has expressed any genuine interest—
much less action—towards that end! So God is
not wrong in saying His Church is dead (Rev.
3:1). She’s so dead there’s nothing but a skeleton
left. Nevertheless, God can make an army out of
Her bones. YouTube Ezekiel 37 ~ Valley of
the Dry Bones....Rise O' Israel, Rise!!!
Uploaded by Judah’s Back.
Living by Faith
At this point, all things considered, I’m guessing
that God will mostly work at first with many who
don’t currently know Him who will then stand
up for Christ obeying everything He has
commanded, putting to shame rebellious born
again Christians, especially those in Church
leadership. How exactly will He play it out? God
However, I do know that God has repeatedly
used others to shame those who should know
Him better:
Moses saith, I will provoke you to
jealousy by them that are no people, and
by a foolish nation I will anger you
(Rom. 10:19).
[David said] I understand more than the
ancients, because I keep thy precepts
(Ps. 119:100).
They have moved me to jealousy with
that which is not God; they have
provoked me to anger with their
vanities: and I will move them to
jealousy with those which are not a
people; I will provoke them to anger
with a foolish nation (Deut. 32:21).
Have [the Jews] stumbled that they
should fall? God forbid: but rather
through their fall salvation is come unto
the Gentiles, for to provoke them [the
Jews] to jealousy (Rom. 11:11).
God revealed the truth about Jesus to
Gentiles more so than to Jews of Jesus’ day, so
that “blindness in part is happened to Israel [the
Jews], until the fulness of the Gentiles be come
in” (Rom. 11:25).] This is also how God has used
me since I came from a home that was not
Christian. Yet, like David, I have more
understanding than those who have officially
studied the Bible and gone to seminary, have
PhDs on things relating to the Bible, and are in
“official” leadership positions, because it’s not
about education or position with God, but about
Essentially, because those to whom God has
revealed Himself aren’t faithful to Him, God
basically says, ‘Forget you,’ and reveals Himself
to those who had no clue about Him before. God
first revealed Himself to the Jews but since they
dishonored Him He then mostly revealed
Himself to Gentiles (non-Jews who became
Christian) causing a hardening in part to happen
among the Jews until His work with Gentiles
would be accomplished. We’ve been informed
that at some point the Jews will have their eyes
opened to the fact that Jesus is their Messiah
and that it will happen after “the fulness of the
Gentiles be come in” (Rom. 11:25). At that time,
God says, “They shall look upon me whom they
have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as
one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in
bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for
his firstborn” (Zech. 12:10).
So while I’m not certain about God’s order—
the order of whose eyes He’s going to open
first—or how exactly He’s going to work this out,
I do know that we’re nearing the time when the
Gentile elect will have their eyes opened, when
born again Christians will also repent, and then
the Jews (those predestined for salvation), so
that all of God’s elect will finally line up their
lives with His WORD, the Bible. God has
repeatedly confirmed this as I reveal in the next
two books. But to see it, you have to be in right
fellowship with God.
By sight I wouldn’t believe what God has
shown me, not after everything I’ve been
through. NO WAY! The Church is DEAD! Yet I
have no doubt about it. While “Christians”
constantly try to make me doubt by telling me
that I don’t understanding the Bible after having
told me, not only that I understand it but how
much I’ve blessed them (James 1:5-7 & 4:8), or
treat me as if I’m off, they are people who
profess to love God yet care NOTHING about
how much they dishonor Him, how much
damage Christianity is causing our lost elect
brothers and sisters, and how sinful, unbiblical,
and unloving they are being by conveniently
ignoring their own massive sins. Today’s ‘best’
“Christians” would have you believe that they are
right with God when they are OBVIOUSLY way
off Target and super unloving.
In any case, the way I get treated is how they
treated Mary when she poured out her love for
the Lord:
Being in Bethany in the house of Simon
the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a
woman having an alabaster box of
ointment of spikenard very precious;
and she brake the box, and poured it on
his head. And there were some that had
indignation within themselves, and
[lacking love for the Lord] said, Why
was this waste of the ointment
made? For it might have been sold for
more than three hundred pence, and
have been given to the poor. And they
murmured against her. And Jesus said,
Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she
hath wrought a good work on me. For ye
have the poor with you always, and
whensoever ye will ye may do them
good: but me ye have not always. She
hath done what she could: she is come
aforehand to anoint my body to the
burying. Verily I say unto you,
Wheresoever this gospel shall be
preached throughout the whole world,
this also that she hath done shall be
spoken of for a memorial of her (Mark
The way Christianity Today treats real
Christians is how the Jews treated Jesus, then
they wonder why they can’t ‘win souls for Christ.’
And because Christianity has dishonored
Jesus so greatly and wasted so much time and
caused so much damage to so many, I know that
all of God’s elect will soon ‘look upon Him whom
we have pierced and be in bitterness.’ I just hope
I live to see it. Though, God knows, I’m starting
to not care. You guys are so outrageously heart
hearted, it’s really hard to not feel like…to hell
with you! Bastards! Get right with God and
you’ll appreciate what I mean.
And yet, if I actually felt that way, I would
NOT still be persevering and writing all this for
you and making the YouTube videos, and
website…using ALL of my time, unpaid, to do it,
while extremely isolated and ridiculed for doing
it, even in physical pain because of it.
So here’s the thing. I’m primarily doing it for
the Lord and for those who are not living off the
fat of the land. I’m doing it for the Lord and for
His little children who are suffering brutally
around the world because of self-absorbed adult
Vessels of Mercy.
Funny, cuz it’s right on time. In the middle
of editing this paragraph, since my arm’s hurting
so bad from all the typing and graphics, I got up
and put half a tube of Ben Gay on it. I’m on
FIRE! YouTube Britt Nicole Set the World
on Fire.
Freedom in Repentance
Because there’s a flip side to having our sins
exposed to us—having God enlighten us to our
own sins—the rude awakening God has coming
to born again Christians, along with the rest of
the lost elect, it’s not all bad. In fact, it’s more
good than bad.
While there will be much bitterness and
mourning for what God’s elect have done and
haven’t done, there will also be rejoicing for
what God has done/is doing for us. What all
elect will go through as God removes all the
layers of lies—the blinders—is what every new
Christian goes through when they become born
again—except it will be a bit more extremely
good and extremely bad. Newly enlightened
souls get torn by their own guilt before God and
yet rejoice exceedingly because of His grace and
mercy and what it all means, that there is life
forevermore in an eternally righteous kingdom
with Him and everyone who believes in Him.
The biggest fairytale, the greatest story ever told,
is actually true! And since that life, life in a
righteous wonderful kingdom, will last forever,
the good news by far outweighs the bad.
However, because of how unfaithful born
again Christians have been, they’ll be rejoicing
least of all among the elect. Church leaders
rejoicing the least of all—among the Vessels of
Let us not love in word,
neither in tongue;
but in deed and in truth.
—1 John 3:18
The Lord’s Battlefield
While there is a spiritual war raging (Eph. 6:12),
having rejected the doctrine of election
Christianity has become nearly entirely
ineffective, which is why God refers to Her as
either “dead” or dying. He says:
I know thy works, that thou hast a name
that thou livest, and art dead. Be
watchful, and strengthen the things
which remain, that are ready to die: for I
have not found thy works perfect before
God. Remember therefore how thou hast
received and heard, and hold fast, and
repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch,
I will come on thee as a thief, and thou
shalt not know what hour I will come
upon thee (Rev. 3:1-3).
A War for the Minds of Men
Pastors preach that we’re in a war for the souls
of men, doing it because they reject the doctrine
of election. However, according to the Bible,
we’re actually in a war for our minds. It’s the
Lord’s war for the minds of His elect because
every soul who is a part of God’s eternal Family
has already been chosen by God whether they’ve
been enlightened to this truth yet or not. On top
of that, Jesus already paid the price for each of
these souls. It’s not as if the day the light bulb
finally turns on in the attic of our minds, we
turned it on or God just decided He was
adopting us into His Family. Jesus said, “It is
finished” (John 19:30). The war for the souls of
the Vessels of Mercy has already been won by
Christ. He’s just waiting for us to win the battle
for our minds, having told us to work out our
own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil.
As some pastors correctly preach, God has
been drawing us to Himself our whole lives. In
the last book of the series I share testimony of
how He worked in my life so that when I was
four I wanted to work for Him when I grew up,
though I didn’t become a born again Christian
until I was 24 even though I had wanted to
follow Him when I was 17, and didn’t become a
follower of Christ until I was thirty-something.
And the reason it took 29 years for me to get in
gear is because of the spiritual war taking place
in the world, not the war with weapons, the one
beneath that one, the war “against spiritual
wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12). When we
finally understand that that’s what this is all
about, that we’re on a Tour of Duty, that’s when
we finally “put on the whole armour of God, [so]
that [w]e may be able to stand against the wiles
of the devil” (Eph. 6:11). Until then, we let Satan
kick us around. And he uses loads of “Christians”
to do it.
It’s a Head Game. Christianity
Today’s refusal to acknowledge the huge
inconsistencies that exist between what the Bible
teaches and what they’re doing is an issue of the
mind. God granted us minds by which we can
learn, consider, and make choices. Our minds
are what we use to be honest or dishonest with
ourselves, with each other, and with God.
Moreover, the fact that we’re in a mind war
has been made clear to us in the New Testament,
as with the following passage which is often
quoted by pastors, so it’s not as if they or lay
Christians are unaware:
For that which I do I allow not: for what
I would, that do I not; but what I hate,
that do I. If then I do that which I would
not, I consent unto the law that it is
good. Now then it is no more I that do it,
but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know
that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth
no good thing: for to will is present with
me; but how to perform that which is
good I find not. For the good that I
would I do not: but the evil which I
would not, that I do. Now if I do that I
would not, it is no more I that do it, but
sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law,
that, when I would do good, evil is
present with me. For I delight in the law
of God after the inward man: But I see
another law in my members,
warring against the law of my
mind, and bringing me into captivity to
the law of sin which is in my members. O
wretched man that I am! who shall
deliver me from the body of this death? I
thank God through Jesus Christ our
Lord. So then with the mind I
myself serve the law of God; but
with the flesh the law of sin (Rom.
7:15-25, my emphasis).
While the battle for our souls was won by
Jesus on the Cross, His elect have continually
lied to themselves, to each other, to others, and
to God, giving in to the Father of Lies (John
8:44), letting Satan have the victory over us. And
it’s no small thing when Christians do it because
they keep ruining their lives and negatively
affecting the lives of all the rest of the elect
around the world. That’s how the system God
created works, we influence each other. It’s not
exactly rocket science. It’s the ripple effect. He
informed us that when “one member [of the
body] suffer[s], all the members suffer with it”
(1 Cor. 12:26, my emphasis). He also told
Christians to not “put a stumblingblock or an
occasion to fall in [our] brother's way” (Rom.
In contrast, today’s best Christians are
unwilling to inconvenience themselves over
others too busy pretending to be godly. In turn,
they’ve blinded themselves to what they’re
actually doing (2 Thess. 2:10-11). Not only are
they hurting themselves, but those they love
most, as well as the whole body of Christ. But,
most of all, they’re hurting Jesus, the One who
gave His life for them and who they profess to
love. Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it
unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye
have done it unto me…[and] Inasmuch as ye did
it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to
me” (Matt. 25:40 & 45). By not helping even just
one person, Christians, who profess to love Jesus
Christ, hurt Him—and there’s a ton of people
they’ve been hurting because “the harvest truly
is plenteous, but the labourers are few” (Matt.
9:37). I have NEVER met one genuine adult
Christian fully (or even remotely) committed to
Jesus Christ! I thought I’d met a few, but they all
turned out to be into Christ only for that season,
only when it was convenient for them.
Yet “Christians” have the gall to rebuke
those of us who do actually love Him with all
we’ve got—because that’s how false prophets and
prodigals work, they’re super proud, blind, and
hateful. It’s how they treated Elijah, for example,
God’s true prophet, just as it happened to all the
true prophets of the Old Testament and, most of
all, to Jesus:
It came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah,
that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he
that troubleth Israel? And he answered,
I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and
thy father's house, in that ye have
forsaken the commandments of the
LORD, and thou hast followed Baalim [a
false god] (1 Kings 18:17-18).
While today’s Christians tell themselves and
others that they love Jesus and people, their
actions prove otherwise when compared to what
the Bible teaches. Even when compared to what
the Bible doesn't teach but what they preach—
even when just compared to common sense!
This is what I mean. Christianity Today
preaches that all can get saved, that people just
need to believe that Jesus is God. Basically, they
believe others will go to hell unless we tell them
about Jesus and they believe on Him. Yet they
don’t evangelize. Most Christians today keep
their so called faith to themselves, never or
seldom praying for their friends or co-workers
that God would save them, and neither do they
speak to them about Him. Typical Christians are
outrageously cold-hearted hypocrites! They
think everyone who doesn’t believe in Christ will
go to hell and that they’ve been granted the
power to save their souls. Yet they don’t do what
needs doing to save their souls! That’s so hateful.
So while they accuse God’s faithful servants
of being unloving and unbiblical, and accuse the
lost of being unloving, they are the ones who are
the most unloving and unbiblical people on
earth! If they were loving, especially since they
reject the doctrine of election, they should be
going all out praying for the lost and doing
whatever they can to help them see that Jesus is
God and to save them from eternal hell. But they
don’t. In every way they are witnesses against
Moreover, since God has already sacrificed
His Son for our sins, He has informed us that “if
we sin wilfully after that we have received the
knowledge of the truth [as Christianity Today
has], there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and
fiery indignation [from God]” (Heb. 10:26-27).
This is what the series will do, make that fiery
indignation not only clear, but release it. Glory
to God!
Since the war for our souls was already
fought and won, God’s elect have to learn to fight
the war for our minds, this very serious head
Game. Paul says, “I keep under my body, and
bring it into subjection: lest that by any means,
when I have preached to others, I myself should
be a castaway” (1 Cor. 9:27). Paul didn’t mean
that he literally beat himself up as many
Catholics do around the world as they also carry
crosses on their backs—putting on quite the
show—but that he trained his mind to do God’s
will so that he would not be disqualified for the
prize of eternal life. He wanted to make sure that
he was elect of God, since we don’t know this
unless we can consistently verify that our lives
line up with the Bible. It’s what he said
elsewhere, we “bring…into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor.
10::5). Every thought. It’s a constant thing we
must do, engage our brains.
And if Paul, who wrote the bulk of the New
Testament, had to prove to himself that he was
indeed born again, there is no reason why we
would have to do any less. In fact, the thematic
teaching of the New Testament is that we have to
do it just as much—really, more—as with the
following passages:
For if God spared not the angels that
sinned, but cast them down to hell, and
delivered them into chains of darkness,
to be reserved unto judgment; And
spared not the old world, but saved
Noah the eighth person, a preacher of
righteousness, bringing in the flood
upon the world of the ungodly; And
turning the cities of Sodom and
Gomorrah into ashes condemned them
with an overthrow, making them an
ensample…cursed children: Which have
forsaken the right way, and are gone
astray, following the way of Balaam the
son of Bosor, who loved the wages of
unrighteousness; These
without water, clouds that are carried
with a tempest; to whom the mist of
darkness is reserved for ever. For when
they speak great swelling words of
vanity, they allure through the lusts of
the flesh…While they promise them
liberty, they themselves are the servants
of corruption: for of whom a man is
overcome, of the same is he brought in
bondage. For if after they have escaped
the pollutions of the world through the
knowledge of the Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ, they are again entangled
therein, and overcome, the latter end is
worse with them than the beginning. For
it had been better for them not to have
known the way of righteousness, than,
after they have known it, to turn from
the holy commandment delivered unto
them (2 Pet. 2:4-21).
We then, as workers together with
[Jesus], beseech you also that ye receive
not the grace of God in vain…Giving no
offence in any thing, that the ministry be
not blamed: But in all things approving
ourselves as the ministers of God (1 Cor.
By this gospel you are saved, if you hold
firmly to the word I preached to you.
Otherwise, you have believed in vain (1
Cor. 15:2, my emphasis).
Is it really that hard to understand what God
is saying?
God has also informed us that “it is
impossible for those who were once enlightened,
and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were
made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have
tasted the good word of God, and the powers of
the world to come, If they shall fall away, to
renew them again unto repentance; seeing they
crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and
put him to an open shame” (Heb. 6:4-6). The
word “impossible” is not a hard to understand
and it’s the same word used in the literal
It is clear, according to the Bible, that a
Christians can’t be lazy, proud, cowardly, or
unbiblical. As we’re just as clearly told
The hour cometh, and now is, when the
true worshippers shall worship the
Father in spirit and in truth: for the
Father seeketh such to worship him. God
is a Spirit: and they that worship him
must worship him in spirit and in truth
(John 4:23-24).
While God has made it so outrageously
clear, everyone goes on and on about how hard
the Bible is to understand or how we can
interpret it however we want.
You can make believe if you want to, but
words actually have designated meaning. You
know, ‘fat’ means overweight. I can pretend that
I’m skinny if I want to but it’s not reality. For me
to do that would be to engage myself in a
delusion of my mind, a lie—a whopper! And so it
is with every word. We can believe what it
means or lie to ourselves. And the reason people
choose to lie to themselves is because the heart
is wicked beyond understanding (Jer. 17:9).
People don’t want to do what needs doing to
walk in the truth. Instead, they’d rather lie to
themselves and pretend. It’s what little kids do,
and it’s time to grow up.
A Little Mind Game. God is using the
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) in relation to
what’s going on, as I’ve repeatedly mentioned.
Today’s elect are at the very beginning of the
movie, for the most part, totally untrained and
cowardly. And because of everything the Lord
has had me walk through, I’ve learned that it,
apparently, takes quite a bit of guts to be able to
look at yourself as you really are and admit
that’s who you really are—a sinner. It also takes
guts to not care what other sinners think of you
and to care only that you are right with God. And
to have the guts to face the truth and walk in it,
you need God’s vision, His perspective, because
everyone will come against you and make you
feel like you’re Cage in the movie (2 Cor. 4:11).
It’s also like the woman, the main character in
The Changeling (1980).
behind…I press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil.
3:13-14). And God, through Paul, frequently
defined the Christian life in military terms. Once
you know the Bible and the Lord well, you’ll see
how this storyline is what it’s all about. God says,
“Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus
Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3). The main difference
between the movie and reality is that the Lord’s
Army fights with “the sword of the Spirit, which
is the word of God” (Eph. 6:17), not with real
weapons, as Christians currently do and have
done for most of Christian history ignoring what
Jesus said (Eph. 6:12; Matt. 26:52).
In any case, rather than be like Cage
(especially in the beginning of the movie), we
need to be like Rita. She was like Isaiah who
said, “The Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall
I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face
like a flint, and I know that I shall not be
ashamed” (Isa. 50:7). Isaiah made himself rigid
like an arrow, determined to go straight ahead,
not turning aside. He did like Josiah, who
“declined neither to the right hand, nor to the
left” (2 Chron. 34:2). It’s called focus. And to
have it you need the guts to admit you’re a
sinner who’s not right with God, and get His
vision for your life (Eph. 2:10). Then, charge. So
you have to do as Rita said, ““Keep coming here
and I’ll train you.” Except Jesus is Rita. You
need to keep coming to Him every day and He’ll
train you—though He’s using me to help you,
just as He’s using Rita, because He can.
Getting a Hold of God’s View
Not in the habit of coming to Him, born
again Christians today care more about what
sinners think of them than about what God
thinks of them, so they’re all over the place
trying to be people pleasers, actually pleasing no
one, especially God, including themselves—and
getting creamed by Satan. Yet they keep doing it
because that’s how wicked the human heart
actually is (Jer. 17:9). It’s so wicked it’s
downright idiotic.
Moreover, Rita’s vision as expressed in the
movie defines biblical perseverance. It’s what
Paul was talking about when he said, “This one
thing I do, forgetting those things which are
According to God we will all live forever either in
hell or in heaven. Except living in hell won’t
exactly be living. In any case, there are basically
three views of life people hold as revealed in the
VIEWS OF LIFE graphic:
1. The view that there is no life after death;
2. The view that there is life after death;
3. An understanding of God’s view of life
before and after death.
The Unbeliever’s View. Those who
don’t believe the Bible think this life is all there
is so they live it up. And because this is their
view, thinking this is it, they’re willing to do
whatever it takes to get what they want. This
view also applies to those who believe in things
like reincarnation. Either they haven’t given it
any real thought or they’re non-elect. Either way,
they are a god unto themselves. They decide
what’s “good” and “bad” and change their rules
as they see fit so that when they want to sin, they
break the rules for themselves while—at the
same time—holding up a higher standard for
others, sometimes. They are experts at holding a
double standard, hypocrites to the core. Typical
parenting defines this view, as do typical
politicians. Typical parents have one set of rules
for their kids and a completely different set for
themselves. For instance, they teach their kids
not to lie while they lie all the time. Lying is our
society’s way of life; so nothing needs to be said
about politicians.
By not believing in God’s view of life, you’ll
give little thought to the long-term ramifications
of your actions. Having minimal self-respect,
respect for others is virtually non-existent. When
push comes to shove, you’re like the people who
went along with the Nazi regime. They did what
worked best for them. Bottom line, the only one
who matters is you. Like Satan.
Christianity Today is like any other religion,
made up of people who live for the thrills this
world has to offer and/or that their religion
offers, acknowledging god, lower case, or even
God, the Real Deal, without morality. As the
Bible says, “having a form of godliness, but
denying the power thereof” (2 Tim. 3:5).
Denying the power of God, you deny the need for
Christ and the fact that our hearts are wicked
beyond understanding (Jer. 17:9).
Professing Christians, like Catholics, Jews,
and Muslims, for example, believe in life after
death. However, they all fail to make the
connections between morality and God. They
don’t realize that God is holy, even though they
profess to know this. Ignoring God’s WORD,
while they ‘believe’ in eternal life, they still live
mostly for this world, doing it in an unholy
manner. They (some of them) just have a little
higher standard than unbelievers. And because
Christianity Today professes to have a higher
standard yet lives mostly for this world, they’re
even bigger hypocrites than unbelievers.
God’s View. Understanding God’s view
of life as revealed to us in the Bible, we grasp
that this life is our Tour of Duty whereby we can
better prepare for eternity. We see that the time
spent here, when compared with eternity, is
actually so miniscule you couldn’t even see it
with the most powerful microscope. Since
eternal life lasts for eternity, which means that it
will never end, the future just keeps going on
and on and on so that it’s as if this life, the x,
keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller.
Therefore, ten million years from now it will
amount to such a small nothing that we won’t
even remember it—and it won’t take that long.
God says, “Behold, I create new heavens and a
new earth: and the former shall not be
remembered, nor come into mind” (Isa. 65:17).
And that will happen immediately or shortly
after we die.
The WORD on Lobotomization
It seems that while we give ourselves
‘lobotomies’ during this Tour of Duty on earth by
lying to ourselves about who we are, who God is,
and what we’re doing, God is going to give His
elect a ‘lobotomy’ when it’s all been said and
done so that we won’t remember those who went
to hell. Or something like that because if we
were to remember all the people we loved, even
disliked, who were not part of the Family of God,
heaven would not be heavenly. In fact, knowing
they went hell, forever, would make us go crazy.
It’s one of those things we won’t understand
until we’re walking in it, since God has not made
it clear in His WORD, the Bible.
And if you struggle believing that we all give
ourselves ‘lobotomies,’ just consider divorce.
People loved each other so much they got
married. Yet a few years later they get divorced
as if all of those things they loved about each
other and loved doing together never happened.
Only thing is, they did. But somehow they just
can’t remember. They ‘lobotomized’ themselves.
And it’s the same thing born again Church
leaders do. The best Church leaders know the
Bible extremely well. And yet, they’ve ‘forgotten’
that God is watching and will hold them
accountable. They’ve forgotten that “God is not
mocked: [and that] whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). While they
preach the truth (though not all of it), they’ve
lobotomized themselves that it doesn’t apply to
them even though they preach that God’s WORD
applies to everyone.
The mind is very powerful, and yet—at the
same time—very fragile. So this movie clearly
makes the point, Missing William (2014).
HOMEWORK: Besides that movie, which
is fiction, there are two documentaries (true
stories) that powerfully reveal how we
humans lobotomize ourselves:
1. Little White Lie (2014)
2. The Imposter (2012)
And since God is making a point, two days
after writing this page, I read a Newsweek
article revealing the same point. It’s on the web.
It’s the cover article for the issue for the first
week of January 2015, “The Bible: So
Misunderstood It’s a Sin.” The writer, Kurt
Eichenwald, goes on and on and on (with some
points which are right on), but then ends it by
doing the exact same thing he’s gone on and on
about ridiculing in Christians.
For example, the last few sentences go like
Jesus said, Don’t judge. He condemned
those who pointed out the faults of
others while ignoring their own. And he
proclaimed, “Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than these.”
That’s a good place to start.
So while saying “that’s a good place to start,”
rebuking Christians and having quoted
Scripture, he ignores the fact that Jesus said
“There is none other commandment greater
than these.” These refer to the second and the
first commandments of God. These is plural.
And the second commandment is to love others,
but the first is to “love God” (Mark 12:29-30)—
which he totally ignored since it was so
convenient for him to do in order to make his
point. But since loving God is the first
commandment that’s where we need to start, the
only good place to start.
So, as I was saying, the mind is a funny little
beast—one we must conquer, kind of like how a
cowboy does a calf.
The fact is that sinners are experts at giving
themselves lobotomies, which is why God tells
the born again believer to “examine yourselves,
whether ye be in the faith; prove your own
selves” (2 Cor. 13:5). Except Christians ignored
Him, so lobotomized!
In fact, Christians are so lobotomized that
when scandalous things happen within
Christianity Today’s leadership, as with Tom
White—which they happen extremely often
(check out—the majority
of the group brushes it off as if it’s not that big a
deal having completely ‘forgotten’ God’s rules for
living, that “they that worship him must worship
him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24, my
emphasis). Christianity has kept marching ahead
business as usual claiming to have fellowship
with God while they walk in darkness, lying,
delusional—lobotomized. In contrast, “this then
is the message which we have heard of him, and
declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is
no darkness at all. If we say that we have
fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we
lie, and do not the truth” (1 John 1:5-6). And, as
Jesus said, “If therefore the light that is in thee
be darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matt.
6:23). It’s as dark as Agenda 2030.
That’s not hard to understand.
The One in Control
Ignoring the doctrine of election, Christians
think anyone can be saved so they spend their
time trying to save everyone, sort of (not really).
And since their efforts (the little effort they’d
actually put into it) was so unsuccessful, they
stop trying to save anyone. And while born again
Christians are called to share the Gospel with
others, it’s a test of our obedience and for our
growth. Because in order to be able to present
the Gospel and to know who to present it to, you
have to spend time with the Lord in the Bible,
seeking Him, learning and growing in faith, and
then following Him. Paul said, “I have planted,
Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (1
Cor. 3:6). As followers of Christ, we’re supposed
to be sharing the Gospel with those Jesus leads
us to share it with, either planting or watering.
So we do it in the manner He leads, when He
leads. That’s what it means to be a follower, you
have this leader telling you what to do, how to
do it, and when to do it.
In fact, when you become born again, you
can look back at your life and recall the different
born again Christians (even non-Christians) God
used to get your attention all along the course of
your life. This is a work God does in His elect.
He has different people plant and water while
He gives the increase.
Having rejected the doctrine of election,
Christianity has bought the lie that God is not
fully in control even though they ‘believe’ He is.
Yet it’s clear they don’t really believe He’s in
control because they don’t just give man more
credit than we deserve, they give Satan more
credit than he deserves! God clearly made this
point with the 9/11 attacks because Christians
refused to acknowledge that it was a wake-up
call from Him for His Church—even though
some of them said they knew that’s what it was.
Yet rather than act accordingly and repent and
cry out to God for mercy and help, they acted as
if God had been asleep and Satan snuck in and
did this to us (Isa. 45:7). If Satan snuck in and
did anything to us without having God’s
approval, it would mean that Satan is stronger
than God when God created Satan.
In fact, He tells us, that it’s not just Him who
is stronger than Satan, every born again believer
is as well because God is inside of us. He says,
“Ye are of God, little children, and have
overcome them: because greater is he that is in
you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
BUT, to be an overcomer you have to actually
walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.
Satan—God’s Tool. Rejecting the
doctrine of election has led to the huge
misconception that Satan is God’s enemy which
cannot be the case since God created Satan
(Gen. 1:1). Rather, Satan is God’s tool to,
essentially, corral His rebellious children, the
members of His Family. It’s like our neighbors
who used a stick to discipline their child (the
little stick you get from the hardware store to stir
the paint). It was their ‘tapper.’ The loving
parent takes the time and makes the effort to
correct their child, willing to be disliked, even
hated, by that child for a moment or even for a
season—because a tap is not abuse (Prov. 29:15).
They understand that a well-disciplined child
will mature into a more noble adult.
And since Satan, God’s most beautiful angel,
rebelled—which God knew would happen since
He wrote the Book—God incorporated Satan’s
rebellion into His Master Plan, created Satan’s
rebellion, so that He is using Him to discipline
His Family, His rebellious children (Rom. 9:2223). Satan is God’s tapper. “For whom the Lord
loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in
whom he delighteth” (Prov. 3:12).
Ultimately, looking at it as from a bird’s eye
view—from God’s view—on one side there is a
group of people who don’t know who they are
(that they’re members of God’s Family), the
elect. And on the other side, there’s a group of
supernatural beings, Satan and his demons,
whose main purpose in life is to prevent Jesus
from gathering together His Family and building
His Church. That’s the battlefield. The non-elect
humans aren’t even a consideration because “the
battle belongs to the Lord” (2 Chron. 20:15).
They’re not a consideration because we’re in a
spiritual war. God has told us that “we wrestle
not against flesh and blood, but…against
spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12).
We do not fight against non-elect people, and
certainly not against elect people. At least, we’re
not supposed to. What we do with the non-elect
is consider them elect (since we don’t know who
is non-elect) obeying God as He leads. And if
they’re not interested in God, we don’t hate
them, we move on to our next assignment.
Because, we still don’t know if they’re elect or
non-elect. God says, “As we have therefore
opportunity, let us do good unto all men,
especially unto them who are of the household of
faith” (Gal. 6:10, my emphasis).
Since God knows “the end from the
beginning” (Isa. 46:10), the whole war has
already been played out. Meaning, the war has
already been won—from God’s perspective, as
Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Yet,
from our perspective, for two thousand years the
bad guys have been winning the war because
born again Christians haven’t done what God
has told us to do. It’s our own fault that we’re
getting whipped! And that we’ve been getting
whipped for this long and this badly.
While born again Christians start out fired
up for God, God having turned on the light bulb
to the first level, that flame quickly dies out and
they ‘lose faith’ (Matt. 13:18-23). It’s like when
the Civil War began. Northerners were so fired
up that they took their picnic baskets to go watch
the ‘show’ at Bull Run certain they’d win. That’s
what Christianity Today’s new Christians are
like, including those who are actually born again,
as if off on a picnic. But like the Northerners
they soon run away because, well, it’s a war!
(Eph. 6:12).
And while it took four years to ‘win’ the Civil
War they’d thought was a shoe in, and the
casualties were outrageously high—making it the
bloodiest war in American history, to date—the
North did win.
Likewise, this war—this spiritual war—has
dragged on ‘forever’ and the Lord’s Army is
losing horrendously. But, it hasn’t all been said
and done yet. God is going to be magnifying
Himself by empowering His soldiers to win this
thing—doing it through the books He’s had me
write since they pull so much together. These
books are the catalyst that will get the elect to
wake up and get in gear. I’m not proud, I’m
awake. These books will work that way, in part,
because God has me using/referencing so many
other resources He has had elect and non-elect
put together for His purposes preparing for this
next revelation. Glory to God! (Ps. 34:2). Since
9/11 God has enlightened everyone (those
paying attention) to much that we were blind to
before that time. And it’s all been in preparation
for this move of God, the latter rain, the greatest
spiritual enlightenment of all time.
All God is having me do is put in His
perspective. Everything people have been
enlightened to has been from a human
perspective, for the most part. Even Christians
only partly understand it from God’s perspective
since they ignore so much of the Bible. By giving
you God’s full perspective, everything you’ve
understood about what’s been going on in the
world will come into much clearer focus.
So, since we’re at war (Eph. 6:12), you have
to show up appropriately dressed, not for a
picnic but for war—wearing the uniform God
has provided us and which I’ll cover shortly. And
the war we’re in is very much like the one
depicted in Edge of Tomorrow (2014) and in
Avatar (2009).
More than just a tapper, Satan is like God’s
deluxe Swiss Army knife because God uses him
in many different ways and for many different
purposes, as with the following key examples:
To deceive the elect;
To keep born again pride down;
To blind disbelievers and unbelievers;
To keep believers on their toes;
To test the elect;
To glorify God through Christ; and,
To get the elect to submit to Him.
God Uses Satan to Deceive the Elect So
that He Could Show Us Mercy: Since Adam
and Eve sinned against God (Gen. 3:6), we were
all born as sinners into Satan’s kingdom (John
12:31), “for God hath concluded [us] all in
unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all”
(Rom. 11:32). By “all” God has to mean the elect.
That’s the only thing that makes sense according
to the full counsel of God. He also hands us over
to Satan because we have not loved Him, as He
says, “Because they received not the love of the
truth…for this cause God shall send them strong
delusion, that they should believe a lie” (2 Thess.
2:10-11). As noted in the first book, the elect
Vessels of Mercy do not love the truth
temporarily, so God gives us over to temporary
delusions depending on how much we harden
our hearts to the truth, and how often.
God Uses Satan to Keep Born Again Pride
Down: Paul wrote that because of “the
abundance of the revelations, there was given to
me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan
to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above
measure” (2 Cor. 12:7). As the born again wake
up to the history that we’ve bought into, what
Satan has done through His Illuminati,
especially using the United States, and also wake
up to themselves, you’ll finally get humbled.
You’ll finally realize that Satan was able to do
everything he’s done because we were sleeping,
and we were asleep because we were proud and
not loving the truth. Our ancestors did it and
since we’re sinners like them, we’ve done it.
Moreover, this rebellion has increased with time.
Enlightened, Vessels of Mercy will learn to fear
God since He’s the One in control of Satan.
Essentially, God’s use of Satan will deflate
everyone’s 2000 year old pride.
God Uses Satan to Blind Disbelievers and
The god of this world [Satan (John
14:21)] hath blinded the minds of them
which believe not, lest the light of the
glorious gospel of Christ, who is the
image of God, should shine unto them (2
Cor. 4:4).
God does what He pleases, and it has pleased
Him to blind us because of our severe lack of
love and respect for Him (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
While Christians ‘believe’ in Jesus, their actions
reveal that they neither believe Him nor love
Him—as a whole.
God Uses Satan to Keep Born Again
Believers on their Toes:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your
adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour: Whom resist stedfast in the
faith, knowing that the same afflictions
are accomplished in your brethren that
are in the world (1 Pet. 5:8-9)
But I fear, lest by
serpent beguiled
subtilty, so your
corrupted from the
Christ (2 Cor. 11:3).
any means, as the
Eve through his
minds should be
simplicity that is in
God refers to His teaching as “the simplicity
that is in Christ.” As I’ve said and proven, not
only through these books but through the main
video, the message of the Bible is not hard to
understand. By now it should be pretty clear that
we’re the ones who have made it difficult. So
God Uses Satan to Test the Elect:
Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that day shall not come, except there
come a falling away first, and that man
of sin be revealed, the son of
perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or
that is worshipped; so that he as God
sitteth in the temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God. Remember ye
not, that, when I was yet with you, I told
you these things? And now ye know
what withholdeth that he might be
revealed in his time. For the mystery of
iniquity doth already work: only he who
now letteth will let, until he be taken out
of the way. And then shall that Wicked
be revealed, whom the Lord shall
consume with the spirit of his mouth,
and shall destroy with the brightness of
his coming: Even him, whose coming is
after the working of Satan with all power
and signs and lying wonders, And with
all deceivableness of unrighteousness in
them that perish; because they received
not the love of the truth, that they might
be saved (2 Thess. 2:3-10).
Satan stood up against Israel, and
provoked David to number Israel (2
Chron. 21:1).
Had David stood firm and trusted God, he
would not have counted his army. He would
have known than no matter how many or how
few soldiers he had, they were OK because, as he
had been informed, “The LORD shall fight for
you” (Ex. 14:14). Likewise, had God’s Church
obeyed God, Satan would not have been able to
set himself up as God in the congregations, as
he’s done (2 Thess. 2:4). And the Church,
Christianity Today, should have had no problem
understand this since God gave us a clear
example of it in the Old Testament with Gideon:
The LORD said unto Gideon, The people
are yet too many…By the three hundred
men that lapped will I save you, and
deliver the Midianites into thine hand:
and let all the other people go every man
unto his place. So the people took
victuals in their hand, and their
trumpets: and he sent all the rest of
Israel every man unto his tent, and
retained those three hundred men: and
the host of Midian was beneath him in
the valley. And it came to pass the same
night, that the LORD said unto him,
Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I
have delivered it into thine hand. But if
thou fear to go down, go thou with
Phurah thy servant down to the
host: And thou shalt hear what they say;
and afterward shall thine hands be
strengthened to go down unto the host.
Then went he down with Phurah his
servant unto the outside of the armed
men that were in the host. And the
Midianites and the Amalekites and all
the children of the east lay along in the
valley like grasshoppers for multitude;
and their camels were without number,
as the sand by the sea side for
multitude. And when Gideon was come,
behold, there was a man that told a
dream unto his fellow, and said, Behold,
I dreamed a dream, and, lo, a cake of
barley bread tumbled into the host of
Midian, and came unto a tent, and
smote it that it fell, and overturned it,
that the tent lay along. And his fellow
answered and said, This is nothing else
save the sword of Gideon the son of
Joash, a man of Israel: for into his hand
hath God delivered Midian, and all the
host. And it was so, when Gideon heard
the telling of the dream, and the
worshipped, and returned into the host
of Israel, and said, Arise; for the LORD
hath delivered into your hand the host of
Midian. And he divided the three
hundred men into three companies, and
he put a trumpet in every man's hand,
with empty pitchers, and lamps within
the pitchers. And he said unto them,
Look on me, and do likewise: and,
behold, when I come to the outside of
the camp, it shall be that, as I do, so
shall ye do. When I blow with a trumpet,
I and all that are with me, then blow ye
the trumpets also on every side of all the
camp, and say, The sword of the LORD,
and of Gideon. So Gideon, and the
hundred men that were with him, came
unto the outside of the camp in the
beginning of the middle watch; and they
had but newly set the watch: and they
blew the trumpets, and brake the
pitchers that were in their hands. And
the three companies blew the trumpets,
and brake the pitchers, and held the
lamps in their left hands, and the
trumpets in their right hands to blow
withal: and they cried, The sword of the
LORD, and of Gideon. And they stood
every man in his place round about the
camp; and all the host ran, and cried,
and fled. And the three hundred blew
the trumpets, and the LORD set every
man's sword against his fellow, even
throughout all the host: and the host
fled (Judg. 7:4-23).
God is using Satan—and his servants, his
team, the Vessels of Wrath—to test our faith, and
so far, born again Christians have royally failed
the Test. God used 300 men to fool multitudes
and overcome them, men who did NOT have
God’s Spirit within as born again Christians do
and EVERY Vessel of Mercy can have today. We
are able to overcome our enemy, Satan and his
New World Order. But to do it, we have to
submit to our Commander in Chief just as
Gideon and his men did. Even though God’s
ways don’t seem to make sense from our
perspective, they do from God’s perspective.
God Uses Satan to Reveal to Us His Glory:
He that committeth sin is of the devil;
for the devil sinneth from the beginning.
For this purpose the Son of God was
manifested, that he might destroy the
works of the devil (1 John 3:8).
The thief cometh not, but for to steal,
and to kill, and to destroy: I am come
that they might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly (John
To open their eyes, and to turn them
from darkness to light, and from the
power of Satan unto God, that they may
receive forgiveness of sins (Acts 26:18).
Forasmuch then as the children are
partakers of flesh and blood, he also
himself likewise took part of the same;
that through death he might destroy him
that had the power of death, that is, the
devil; And deliver them who through
fear of death were all their lifetime
subject to bondage (Heb. 2:14-15).
God Uses Satan to Get the Elect to Submit
to Him:
Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Resist the devil, and he will flee from
you (James 4:7).
Neither give place to the devil (Eph.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye
may be able to stand against the wiles of
the devil; For we wrestle not against
principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high
places (Eph. 6:11-12).
Other Things about Satan. Besides
being God’s very effective tool, the following are
a few more important things to keep in mind
concerning Satan:
Satan uses those not focused on God;
Satan lords over all who lack love;
Satan’s followers present themselves as
godly or good;
God allows Satan to hinder His Church;
Satan puts ideas in people’s heads; and,
Satan accuses the born again to God.
Satan Uses Those Not Focused on God,
Whether Elect or Non-Elect:
[Jesus] said unto Peter, Get thee behind
me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me:
for thou savourest not the things that be
of God, but those that be of men (Matt.
Satan Lords Over All Who Lack Love:
In this the children of God are manifest,
and the children of the devil: whosoever
doeth not righteousness is not of God,
neither he that loveth not his brother (1
John 3:10).
Satan’s Followers Appear Godly or Good:
No marvel; for Satan himself is
light. Therefore it is no great thing if his
ministers also be transformed as the
ministers of righteousness; whose end
shall be according to their works (2 Cor.
God Allows Satan to Hinder the Church:
Wherefore we would have come unto
you, even I Paul, once and again; but
Satan hindered us (1 Thess. 2:18).
Satan Puts Ideas in People’s Heads:
Supper being ended, the devil having
now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot,
Simon's son, to betray him (John 13:2).
Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine
heart to lie to the Holy Ghost (Acts 5:3).
Satan Accuses the Born again to God:
[Satan said to God about Job, a
righteous man] put forth thine hand
now, and touch all that he hath, and he
will curse thee to thy face (Job 1:11).
The accuser of our brethren is cast
down, which accused them before our
God day and night (Rev. 12:10).
NOTE: Today’s Christians are so delusional
(2 Thess. 2:10-11) that when held
accountable to God’s WORD, while they’re
sinning like crazy, they call you the “accuser
of the brethren” telling you that you’re
playing Satan’s advocate when they’re the
ones giving in to Satan by not walking in
obedience to God, doing exactly what Satan
wants them to do.
So while Satan is used by God in so many
different ways in the lives of people, Christianity
Today barely considers his existence. All they
seem to focus on is that the One who is inside of
the born again believer is greater than Satan.
And while that’s true (1 John 4:4), it’s a little
more complicated than that. For one thing, you
have to actually be born again, and for another,
you have to be a follower of Jesus Christ to
consistently have Him manifest Himself as
stronger than Satan in your life. And since the
whole Church is way off base, we’re sorely losing
the war! Right now.
The Lord’s Army
The Army of the Lord is made up of Jesus,
angels, and all born again believers. And since
Jesus and the angels already have it together, in
order to start gaining the victory the born again
need to strengthen our troops, which is done in
three ways:
1. Building up our skills,
2. Applying those skills, and,
3. Enhancing our numbers.
And the way we do the last one is by doing the
first two. So I again reference the PIE CHARTS
representing what is and what should be in
Christianity because the only way to get from
here to there is by the Lord’s Army maturing.
God’s Girl, His Church, needs to grow up. When
a bulk of born again believers mature in the faith
then the lost harvest, the rest of the lost elect,
will get recruited since they’ll finally start
noticing something ‘different’ in Christians than
what they see elsewhere—something attractive.
Right now Christianity is nothing but
embarrassing. It’s like, Uhm….Yeah…I’m with
When the born again get serious about
Jesus, God will flip the switch and turn on the
lights to the second and third levels all across
Christianity. In turn, the lost elect will also start
seeking after God and have their light bulb
turned on. Then, joining the rest of the Troops,
they’ll fly through Boot Camp and excel since
their teachers will actually be good at what they
teach. In turn, the most wonderful thing will
happen as all the elect become born again,
“nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war any more” (Isa. 2:4).
That’s the ultimate point about the turn the
other cheek lesson (Matt. 5:39), eventually the
one hitting you gets tired of it. “Surely, [someone
like me] shall…say, in the Lord have I
righteousness and strength: even to him shall
men come; and all that are incensed against him
shall be ashamed” (Isa. 45:24). It gets harder to
fight against someone who won’t fight back, and
who prays for you, and blesses you, and who
doesn’t join the unbiblical arguments online, but
instead takes the time to present the truth
clearly and biblically, rather than shoot of a hotheaded YouTube or blog comment of partial or
twisted truth (1 Cor. 13:4). God says, “Strive not
about words to no profit” (2 Tim. 2:14). We’re
not supposed to take part in “debates, envyings,
wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings,
swellings, [and] tumults” (2 Cor. 12:20), as
Christians currently do along with everyone else.
Instead, we present the information supported
by the Bible. And when someone points out with
the Bible that we were mistaken, we correct our
thinking and presentation, thanking them for
having helped us. Taking the time to do it God’s
way, the ‘movement’ of the non-elect will be
stopped, for a season, long enough for the Lord
to finally build His Church (Eph. 5:25-27).
As God has told us:
If my people, which are called by my
name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from
their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and
will heal their land (2 Chron. 7:14).
When a man's ways please the LORD, he
maketh even his enemies to be at peace
with him (Prov. 16:7).
Right now Christians are teaching a ton of
false doctrines. A good example is with the views
of the end times, none of which fully square with
the Bible which means they can’t be right—yet
they love to teach on them when this is what God
told Daniel, His faithful prophet. God said:
Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are
closed up and sealed till the time
of the end. Many shall be purified, and
made white, and tried; but the wicked
shall do wickedly: and none of the
wicked shall understand; but the wise
shall understand (Dan. 9:9-10, my
God told Daniel that the vision/prophecy He
had given him would not be understood until the
end. And we can’t be there yet because the
Church still hasn’t matured and become what
God created Her to be, The Love Machine (Eph.
4:11-16). So while today’s Bible scholars ignore
that, a day is coming when the elect of God will
stop ignoring the Church’s hypocrisy so that the
vision will be unsealed and “the wise shall
And God informed us that in order to be
given more information we have to be faithful
with the information already given. He said,
“Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will
make thee ruler over many things” (Matt. 25:21).
He also said, “If I have told you earthly things,
and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell
you of heavenly things?” (John 3:12). And
Christians don’t believe earthly things, that if we
repent and pray He’ll heal the land (2 Chron.
7:14). If we can’t do the most basic things such
as repent and pray, how could He possibly trust
us with a clear-cut view of the end of the world
and how it will transition from this to heaven?
He says He can’t, He won’t.
Maybe I’m wrong that when the Church gets
right with God and all elect come into the fold,
we’ll have heaven on earth for a season—even
though He did tell us to pray for that (Matt. 6:910) and it also makes sense—but let’s just say I
am wrong. We still do NOT do what He has told
us to do in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Instead, we’d
rather keep fighting and complaining about our
politicians and the power elite as if either will
ever do any good. Then we pretend we care
about innocent children and animals being
brutalized. If Americans actually cared, we
would have changed, even without believing in
Homework: Watch these documentaries
and just consider how much you, personally,
are part of the problem.
1. The True Cost (2015).
2. Vegucated (2011).
And I’m not saying everyone should be a
vegetarian or vegan, since that’s not what
the Bible says (Col. 2:16-17). However, we
can live and thrive in a way that’s more
responsible. We have to stop being so
greedy. Moreover, plugging God’s promises
into the equation, there is a very real
Solution for all, but it requires that all the
Vessels of Mercy submit to the Commander
in Chief.
To U.S. troops just waking up at Pearl
Harbor on December 7th of 1941, it didn’t feel
like there was a war raging because they weren’t
in on the action. It was a beautiful day with baby
blue skies—until 7:48 a.m. Then all of a sudden
they were on the FRONTLINE of a brutal fight!
Yet, had the U.S. Navy and Army commanders
not ignored the repeated warnings about the
likelihood of an air attack on Pearl Harbor, and
had they earnestly cared for their troops, those
under their charge would have been informed
and prepared, and the suffering of all would not
have been as great.
Therefore, this historical scenario reflects
four things:
The spiritual war that’s raging (Eph.
2. The very real casualties involved (Luke
3. The way God’s leading officers—
prophets, pastors, and evangelists (Eph.
4:11-12)—have handled it; and,
4. September 11th of 2001 (Matt. 4:7).
Like the commanders of the Pacific Fleet,
today’s Church leaders suffer from a
combination of not paying attention and not
caring, mostly not caring, and that suffering is
about to catch up with them because God’s
WORD is Truth (John 14:6), which they know.
Yet they’ve so horrendously mismanaged their
jobs that 2000 YEARS since the Commander
gave the orders, most of His own troops don’t
even know that the Bible is God’s Manual for
life, for love, and for the war (2 Tim. 3:16-17;
Rev. 19:19); that there’s even a spiritual war
raging (Eph. 6:12); or that Jesus is their
Commander in Chief! (Heb. 2:10). Neither have
Christianity Today’s leaders realized the
absolute necessity to obey the Commander's
Commission as stipulated in the Manual, "Go ye
therefore, and teach all nations…teaching them
to observe all things whatsoever I have
commanded you" (Matt. 28:19-20, my
While God has instructed Christians to
‘observe all things...commanded,’ Christians
don’t hardly at all. And, therefore, neither do
they teach them. It’s the reason why the spiritual
war is still raging, a war that underlies all of the
brutality we’ve experienced in the world to date.
So while it might seem quiet to you right now,
that’s only because you can’t yet see or hear the
missiles headed your way, just as it was for those
at Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Everyone thinks
nothing “like that” would ever happen to me. So
when it does, they’re all shocked and full of
disbelief, repeating to themselves and to others,
‘How could this have happened? Why? Why
me?’ Answer: Because there’s a war RAGING
(Eph. 6:12) and you are the TARGET (1 Pet.
And while the Church worldwide has gone
amuck, God has me focusing on the U.S. because
He has purposed to use this nation to help the
rest since He’s granted us so much more than
the rest, and because we've been so reckless,
thoughtless and abusive. Like Saul, we can kick
against God’s grain all we want—as all have been
doing, especially Church leadership—but, as
with Saul, God will have His way (Acts 9). And
it’ll work out much better for all if we start
working with Him.
Our Uniform
God has provided combat gear for His troops
and commands us to wear it. He says:
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye
may be able to stand against the wiles of
the devil. For we wrestle not against
principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high
places. Wherefore take unto you the
whole armour of God, that ye may be
able to withstand in the evil day, and
having done all, to stand. Stand
therefore, having your loins girt about
with truth, and having on the
breastplate of righteousness; And your
feet shod with the preparation of the
gospel of peace; Above all, taking the
shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be
able to quench all the fiery darts of the
wicked. And take the helmet of
salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God: Praying
always with all prayer and supplication
in the Spirit, and watching thereunto
with all perseverance and supplication
for all saints (Eph. 6:11-18)
Unless you want to get totally creamed,
you’ll start wearing wear your uniform and do so
as long as the war rages:
The night is far spent, the day is at hand:
let us therefore cast off the works of
darkness, and let us put on the armour
of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the
day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not
in chambering and wantonness, not in
strife and envying. But put ye on the
Lord Jesus Christ, and make not
provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts
thereof (Rom. 13:12-14).
A Belt of Truth: Jesus says “I am…the
truth” (John 14:6). You put Him ‘on’ when you
become born again, having done so by no longer
lying to yourself. Then, you need to stop lying
altogether. Every lie a born again Christian tells,
along with every disobedience, is like taking off
your belt. The more lies/disobedience, it’s like
piling dirty clothes on top of it so that eventually
you go without a belt thinking, It’s no big deal,
after all, I have a belt. Only, the reality is that
you probably don’t! (2 Cor. 13:5). One of your so
called friends stole it (Matt. 13:18-19). Or, you’re
getting caught with your pants down (Luke
12:40). Bend over BRAT, cuz you’ve got it
coming (1 Tim. 1:19-20)—with that very Belt!
(John 14:6).
A Breastplate of Righteousness: This
Scripture comes to mind and it does NOT define
Christianity Today. “Lord, who shall abide in thy
tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He
righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his
heart” (Ps. 15:1-2). And because that’s not the
Lord’s Girl, His BRAT, everyone has been totally
vulnerable. Can you say NDAA?
Combat Boots—The Gospel of
Peace: The Bible says, “How beautiful upon
the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth
good tidings, that publisheth peace…that
publisheth salvation” (Isa. 52:7). My writing
assignments from God represent my combat
boots. Unlike regular boots that wear out with
use, spiritual boots get stronger with wear—with
combat wear. Unlike the immature BRAT,
“strong meat belongeth to them that are of full
age, even those who by reason of use have their
senses exercised to discern both good and evil”
(Heb. 5:14). Having had plenty of ‘exercise,’ I've
got steel tips. This is what God told me before I
left Boot Camp, “I will make thee unto this
people a fenced brasen wall: and they shall fight
against thee, but they shall not prevail against
thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to
deliver thee, saith the LORD” (Jer. 15:20)—and
He’s been faithful. That’s who He is. It’s His
name (Rev. 19:11). YouTube Beautiful Feet
A Shield of Faith: This series is loaded
with information for you to weigh against all you
know about life, yourself, and others, so that you
pick up your shield (Rom. 10:17). Further, you’ve
been given several pieces of equipment, some of
which must be used as weapons, though they
'technically' aren't. The shield is one of them and
Captain America: The First Avenger
(2011) gives us a great demo. There’s so much
more to it than one would have thought!
A Helmet of Salvation: God’s elect have
been living a life of wasted opportunities and
potential. Just listen to the sermons, they repeat
the same thing repeatedly—how to get saved.
The only challenge most pastors provide is to not
zone out. (Attend any Protestant church and
look around.) In times past teachers would say,
“Put on your thinking caps.” In modern spiritual
warfare terms, ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN! God’s
children do this by taking their thoughts captive
to Christ:
For though we walk in the flesh, we do
not war after the flesh: (For the weapons
of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty
through God to the pulling down of
holds;) Casting
imaginations, and every high thing that
exalteth itself against the knowledge of
God, and bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ (2
Cor. 10:3-5).
Today’s Christians have not understood that it’s
IMPOSSIBLE to live up to our potential in
Christ—and win the war—without using what’s
inside our helmet as a weapon as well. You’ve
got to engage your brain. Think soccer. They
don’t just use their feet.
The SWORD of the Spirit: God’s WORD
is our one and only ‘official’ weapon (Eph. 6:17),
which represents the Man (John 1:14). This
powerful…piercing even to the dividing asunder
of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart” (Heb. 4:12)—and “ever liveth” (Heb.
7:25). So while the ‘pen is mightier than the
sword,’ Jesus is both Pen and Sword (John 1:14).
That’s why God has me writing this series of
books called WORD, filled with His WORD and
primarily focused on Him. The expression Word
is short for My word is my bond, meaning, I am
a man of my word. And the Lord is that. Unlike
us, He doesn't lie (Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15:29;
Titus 1:2). I also read somewhere that this
expression was shortened by prison inmates.
That’s interesting considering what Christians
have done to Him.
Debating words often leads to wars of the
flesh due to the condition of our hearts (Jer.
17:9). Yet our war is “not against flesh and blood,
but…against spiritual wickedness in high places”
(Eph. 6:12). We can only win the war with the
Sword of the Spirit, so you really need to learn
how to wield it, especially since it’s a weapon of
mass destruction. If we, as a nation (I’m
referring to the Israel of God), won’t master its
use, it will continue to be used against us in
increasing measure. The 2001 attacks were just a
taste of God’s power, as was WWII.
Google Images Survivors of
Hiroshima. Don’t be a wimp and
scroll down.
2. Consider who dropped these bombs.
3. Consider that born again Christians
of the time plowed on business as
usual so that we’re nearing WWIII.
4. Look up Hebrews 12:28-29.
In order to avoid having that power
unleashed on us (or to be used to unleash it on
others), we have been counseled to learn God’s
WORD so that we can mimic our Commander
when under attack:
Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost
returned from Jordan, and was led by
the Spirit into the wilderness, Being
forty days tempted of the devil. And in
those days he did eat nothing: and when
they were ended, he afterward
hungered. And the devil said unto him,
If thou be the Son of God, command this
stone that it be made bread. And Jesus
answered him, saying, It is written, That
man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word of God. And the devil, taking
him up into an high mountain, shewed
unto him all the kingdoms of the world
in a moment of time. And the devil said
unto him, All this power will I give thee,
and the glory of them: for that is
delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I
will I give it. If thou therefore wilt
worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus
answered and said unto him, Get thee
behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou
shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him
only shalt thou serve. And he brought
him to Jerusalem, and set him on a
pinnacle of the temple, and said unto
him, If thou be the Son of God, cast
thyself down from hence: For it is
written, He shall give his angels charge
over thee, to keep thee: And in their
hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any
time thou dash thy foot against a
stone. And Jesus answering said unto
him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the
Lord thy God. And when the devil had
ended all the temptation, he departed
from him for a season (Luke 4:1-13).
Jesus simply quoted God’s WORD back to
Satan—enemy of righteousness—because the
WORD of God, Sword of the Spirit (Eph. 6:17), is
the only thing that gets Satan (and whoever or
whatever Satan is using as allowed by God the
Father) off our backs. Yet notice, Satan
“departed…for a season” (Luke 4:13). Pierced
with God’s WORD, Satan leaves only until his
next best opportunity (1 Pet. 5:8). He’s like the
cop in Terminator 2 (1991). It doesn’t take
long for him to get it together and come at us
again. Not long at all.
It’s also important to note a few more things
from the Lord’s example of Luke 4:1-13:
1. Jesus was full of the Spirit (Luke 4:1);
2. Jesus was led by the Spirit to be
tempted by the devil (Luke 4:2); and,
3. Due to His effective dealings, He was
empowered by the Spirit and
became well-known (Luke 4:14).
Having learned from the Commander how
to wield my Sword, I know elect Church leaders
will at some point repent because this Sword will
finally cut deep enough to get past the hardness
of their outrageously hardened hearts. God says,
promises, “So shall my word be that goeth forth
out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me
void, but it shall accomplish that which I please,
and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent
it” (Isa. 55:11). Yet, in nearly two decades of
wielding this Sword/Pen ‘nothing’ has come of
it, making those to whom it was sent think I’m
the one who’s off. And God has let them believe
that to humble them before all for being so
outrageously rebellious and NOT loving the
Truth, as they claim they do. “God hath given
them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should
not see, and ears that they should not hear”
(Rom. 11:8) so that they’ve wasted their lives
away for having been so ungrateful for what
Jesus has done for them.
As the elect get enlightened and begin
repenting and praying for Church leaders, all
rebellious elect Christian leaders will be
reminded of their ‘visitation(s)’ by those God
has sent them over the years, and mourn
because of their rebellion, suddenly feeling the
exquisitely sharp tip of God’s Sword. It’ll mirror
Joseph's former cell mate who suddenly
remembered his faults (Gen. 41:9) and Joseph's
brothers who came face to face with their sin
(Gen. 45:1-3). Oops! Coulda, woulda...
Definitely shoulda.
With a steel sword the response is
immediate, whereas with the Sword of the Spirit
the response is most often caught in a time warp
since God is Time. He is the “Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the ending, [who]…is, and
which was, and which is to come, the Almighty”
(Rev. 1:8). So just because you don’t see God’s
response doesn’t mean it’s not coming (Rom.
1:17). It’s like the movie Frequency (2000).
The cop tells the villain he’s already been caught
though he doesn’t realize it. The cop knew it
since he had access to a time warp. And it’s the
same when you hang tight with Jesus because He
clues you in on what’s coming down the pike
since He is the Time Warp and “revealeth his
secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos
3:7). God is using me like the cop in the movie.
In fact, God is like Undercover Boss and
has used me (and many others) as his
undercover representative. Church leaders are
getting FIRED—unless they shape up pronto!
They should have done what Paul did when he
said, “I keep under my body, and bring it into
subjection: lest that by any means, when I have
preached to others, I myself should be a
castaway” (1 Cor. 9:27). We humans can do
whatever the hell we want. God has given us free
will. But, He sees it all and has already passed
judgment on it all. So while we think we got
away with ‘it,’ our consequences are actually
waiting for us. As God says, “Some men's sins
are open beforehand, going before to judgment;
and some men they follow after” (1 Tim. 5:24).
For a generation of Church leaders (as well as
other Vessels of Mercy), God will be revealing
their sins beforehand—before they die. He’s
done that for years to some degree, to all who
have become born again. But He’ll now be going
all out.
Moreover, the Commander has told us that
this one weapon, the Sword of the Spirit (Eph.
6:17), a form of Himself, is all we need to
conquer life (2 Tim. 3:16-17), the war (Eph.
6:12), even death (1 Cor. 15:54-55). While it
protects us from the enemy as we
“submit…ourselves…to God. Resist[ing] the
devil, [so that] he will flee from [us]” (James
4:7), it also binds us together as a unit, since it's
a form of Jesus, the Head of His body of troops
(Col. 1:18)—the brains.
God’s WORD, Sword of the Spirit, became
flesh (John 1:14), so that Jesus is the One who
cuts into you to get you to PAY ATTENTION to
Him. But if you’ve hardened your heart enough,
it’ll take 18 years (and counting) to penetrate
through! Still, once the tip cut’s deep enough,
hardened elect hearts will melt like goo because
the Sword of the Spirit works like Crazy Glue on
a glue gun (Heb. 4:12). All nice and gooey
melted, finally hot for Christ, elect Church
leaders will at long last have no problema
submitting to others in the fear of God (Eph.
5:21) as God, the Father, finally answers the
Lord’s High Priestly Prayer (John 17:21).
A good example of the Sword of the Spirit
poking men’s hearts with His razor-sharp tip is
with the two disciples Jesus met on the road to
Emmaus after He was resurrected (Luke 24:1353). Five things are most noteworthy from the
Even though they had known Jesus for
years—these "believers" didn’t recognize
Him (Luke 24:15-16);
2. They didn’t recognize Him because they
lacked faith (Luke 24:25);
3. Jesus used the WORD, Sword of the
Spirit (Eph. 6:17), to wake them up;
4. When these disciples finally realized it
was Jesus, they rushed to tell the others
(Luke 24:33);
5. Those they'd rushed to clue in didn’t
believe them, and neither did they fully
believe! They thought they were seeing a
ghost rather than the risen Lord who
had repeatedly told them He would die,
rise again, and come to them—and who
they had just seen! (Luke 24:37).
TO BELIEVE GOD, the Truth (John 14:6).
Therefore, Jesus continues to say to His very
slow disciples today, “Where is your faith?”
(Luke 8:25). And the answer Christians have
given Him for 2000 years is like a problem we
read about. The kid was supposed to find x. But
instead of working out the problem—for NOT
having done his Homework—he drew an x,
circled it, and wrote, “There it is!” And that’s
exactly what all the Vessels of Mercy have done
by creating religions and denominations without
end. Do your Homework! Or you’re gonna flunk.
HOMEWORK: The Warrior Bride of
Christ is feminine, yet no fluff ball (2 Cor.
10:5). (I think the painting was created by
Constance Woods or Todd L. Thomas.)
According to the Bible it is God’s will for
each Vessel of Mercy to look like Her. This is
your long term project which will be graded
(2 Tim. 2:15; Rom. 14:12; Matt. 12:36).
God’s Mission Statement
I’ve broken down Ephesians 4:11-16, mentioned
previously as The Love Machine, which I’ve also
God’s Order – “He gave some, apostles; and
some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and
some, pastors and teachers” (Eph. 4:11). But
because “angels…are…sent forth to minister for
them who shall be heirs of salvation” (Heb. 1:1314)s, they come before any humans, except for
Jesus, since He's one with the Father (John
10:30), though a notch lower as the Son (Heb.
God’s Purpose – “The perfecting of the saints,
for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of
the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12).
God’s Timetable – “Till we all come in the
unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the
measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ”
(Eph. 4:13).
super highly of themselves, God refers to them
as hirelings (John 10:12-13) and clumps them
together with evangelists and teachers, leaving
apostles and prophets as the upper level Team
Leaders, beneath Christ and heaven’s angels.
I discern God did this for several reasons
including the fact that because of the Great
Commission all disciples of Christ are to “teach
all nations…to observe all things whatsoever I
have commanded” (Matt. 28:19-20). The Great
Commission dictates that all recruits, all
personnel, become teachers. And when you
teach God’s WORD, you’re doing the job of an
evangelist and of a pastor/shepherd because
you’re also evangelizing and nurturing. The
Great Commission requires all elect to learn the
Manual so as to know what exactly to teach and
get empowered by the Commander to carry it
God’s Rationale – “That we henceforth be no
more children, tossed to and fro, and carried
about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight
of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie
in wait to deceive” (Eph. 4:14, see NIV & YLT).
God’s Strategy – “Speaking the truth in love,
[we will] grow up into him in all things, which is
the head, even Christ: From whom the whole
body fitly joined together…according to the
effectual working in the measure of every
part…edif[ies]…itself in love” (Eph. 4:15-16).
In Ephesians 4:11 God lists the Leadership
Team as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors
and teachers, whereas in another passage God
combined evangelists, pastors and teachers by
saying “God hath set some in the church, first
apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers”
(1 Cor. 12:28). So while pastors currently think
Another reason I discern God clumped
pastors and evangelists together with teachers is
because as the hirelings with the official
platforms in the Church system man has
created, they “are many unruly and vain talkers
and deceivers…Whose mouths must be stopped,
[because they] subvert whole houses, teaching
things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's
sake” (Titus 1:10-11). It’s not just prosperity
preachers and power elite who got hooked on
prosperity (1 Tim. 6:10).
And while all elect have been ‘drafted’ since
“[we] have not chosen [Him], but [He has]
chosen [us], and ordained [us], that [w]e should
go and bring forth fruit, and that…our fruit
should remain” (John 15:16), we decide if we
want to stay at the lowly level in which we came
into the Service or work our way up the ranks—
not entirely since we were “created in Christ
Jesus unto good works, which God hath before
ordained that we should walk in them” (Eph.
2:10), but in great part. We have been
encouraged to rise higher. He says, “Covet
earnestly the best gifts” (1 Cor. 12:31), and He
has informed us that the best gift is to prophesy
(1 Cor. 14:39).
Me, I like to stay close to the Chief whose
“testimony…is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev.
19:10). It’s not that I want to prophesy, it’s
because it’s safe with Him, and He keeps things
light enough even though war is hell. It’s what
He meant in saying, “My yoke is easy, and my
burden is light” (Matt. 11:30). He makes it light
enough that you can laugh off the garbage Satan
and the Vessels of Wrath dump on you. And they
dump some pretty heavy duty stuff.
Basically, God’s Army is like the Department
of Defense (DOD). You could pull up the
organizational chart for the DOD and plug in a
name for each of those titles, beginning with
Commander in Chief, for
2015. In God’s DOD chart,
Jesus is the Commander in
Chief and every single elect
soul has a very specific
place on the chart. If you
walk closely enough with
Him while on this earthly
Tour of Duty, you’ll achieve
organization. That’s the
essence of the teaching of
the New Testament which
is supported by the Old
wrote the Book, He knows
how it’s all going to end.
The best we can do is strive
for the highest possible position beneath the
Commander in Chief. And we don’t do it simply
by asking for it as the Thunder Brothers did
(Mark 3:17 & 10:35-40). We do it by “study[ing]
to shew [our] self approved unto God, a
workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15),
“work[ing] out our own salvation in fear and
trembling” (Phil. 2:12).
Pastors often peach to the people as if
they’re trying to convince them that they’re (the
people) are born again. However, if you actually
had God’s Spirit within, no one would need to
tell you this truth since you would know His
voice and see His hand in the world around you
all the time. Jesus convinces you of it Himself
(John 14:26). So what it tells me, considering
everything else they do, is that they don’t have
God’s Spirit within. “Desiring to be teachers of
the law; [they] understand…neither what they
say, nor whereof they affirm” (1 Tim. 1:7). “They
profess that they know God; but in works they
deny him, being abominable, and disobedient,
and unto every good work reprobate” (Titus
1:16). Therefore, God says, “They must be
silenced, because they are disrupting whole
households by teaching things they ought not to
teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain”
(Titus 1:11). Two thousand years into this,
they’ve disrupted so many
households that they’ve
disrupted the WHOLE
world. And not just a little
as we can see with Agenda
21, now 2030. Elect Church
who are actually born
responsible because they
KNOW the truth, yet
haven’t acted on it as they
should have according to
the Bible.
Thinking about God's
organization, the body of
Christ, it occurred to me
that each lower position has
more members than the
higher ones so that if all elect stepped up to their
calling, we’d look like this very fat person from
above since Christ, one, is the Head, but as you
move down the ranks, the numbers in those
ranks increase. Therefore, GOD’S BIRD’S EYE
VIEW OF HIS BODY is a more accurate
organizational chart. And it just so happens to
reveal the fat Queen from Maya Makes a
Mess by Rutu Modan, which I spell out in the
next book. The body of Christ is the Queen since
She’s married to the King of Kings. He says,
“Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for
I am married unto you” (Jer. 3:14). The more
numbers of elect who step up to their calling, the
more ground the body of Christ covers, in effect,
taking back the land which Adam and Eve gave
away to the enemy (Gen. 3). And how interesting
that it/She looks like the iRobot vacuum, a thing
that cleans the whole house. God says, “I will
sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the
Lord of hosts” (Isa. 14:23). It’s the price we’re
paying for having been so disobedient and
ungrateful, not loving the Truth (2 Thess. 2:1011).
God’s body, His spiritual organization, is like
one of those companies which train you in every
aspect of the business. You learn something of
how to do all of it but specialize in one area. For
example, considering the Great Commission
(Matt. 28:19-20), we’re all called to teach; to
pastor, in other words, lead and nurture; to
evangelize; and to prophesy (at the very least as
we evangelize). Yet, at the same time, God has a
very specific purpose for each one within the
body (Eph. 2:10; 1 Cor. 12). And while apostles
are those who have actually seen the Lord, as we
get to know Him, He manifests Himself to us
(John 14:21) so that, in a way, we do ‘see’ Him.
It’s like a point made in The Book Thief
(2013). The Jewish guy saw—in his mind’s
eye—what the girl told him. We all know how it
works and that this is the beauty of the written
word, and Jesus is the WORD. And while angels
are supernatural and we can’t ever do their
work, we do encounter them and get used by
them. God says, “Be not forgetful to entertain
strangers: for thereby some have entertained
angels unawares” (Heb. 13:2). In fact, God is
using the angel of death in The Book Thief
giving those who are paying attention, Food for
thought. And while the producers had that in
mind, God is the One behind it since “all things
were created by him, and for him” (Col. 1:16).
The main point concerning the body is that
Jesus is the Head and the rest of us are to submit
to one another in the fear of God (Eph. 5:21),
working together under His lordship (John
14:26) and for His glory:
For he hath put all things under his feet. But
when he saith all things are put under him,
it is manifest that he is excepted, which did
put all things under him. And when all
things shall be subdued unto him, then shall
the Son also himself be subject unto him
that put all things under him, that God may
be all in all (1 Cor. 15:27-28).
The movie First Fruits (1982) reveals
how God’s body is supposed to work as a
biblical, loving, and powerful group that’s not
the least bit abusive, self-centered, or cold. [And
while God didn’t fully enlighten the Moravians
to the problem with denominations, He is
making it clear to His body today. And “unto
whomsoever much is given, of him shall be
much required” (Luke 12:48).
In fact, the Lord has summed up His
Strategic Plan as follows:
The hour cometh, and now is, when the
true worshippers shall worship the
Father in spirit and in truth: for the
Father seeketh such to worship him. God
is a Spirit: and they that worship him
must worship him in spirit and in truth
(John 4:23-24).
Yet everyone today worships a god of their own
creation to one degree or another, “having a
form of godliness, but denying the power
thereof” (2 Tim. 3:5). Because Christians don’t
worship God as He requires while others
worship false gods (Isa. 45:22), and atheists
worship themselves, a really false god (Jer.
17:9). In turn, the land is in desperate need of
healing. Most do seem to be aware of that. And
God will keep increasing our awareness of it
until we repent because the “hour” of true
worship started 2000 years ago when Jesus
made the statement (just quoted in block). God
is time (Rev. 1:8) so that to Him “one day is as a
thousand years, and a thousand years as one
day” (2 Pet. 3:8). In contrast, we just have
24/7—and that’s not guaranteed. So even if He
were to let life as we know it drag on for another
2000 years, wise souls will make the most of
their 24/7 each day.
But since He has also promised that this
earth will end, time is running out for us as a
group. And that’s pretty obvious. But for those
who doubt, God made it clear. He says:
The stars of heaven shall fall, and the
powers that are in heaven shall be
shaken. And then shall they see the Son
of man coming in the clouds with great
power and glory. And then shall he send
his angels, and shall gather together his
elect from the four winds, from the
uttermost part of the earth to the
uttermost part of heaven (Mark 13:2527).
The end of all things is at hand: be ye
therefore sober, and watch unto prayer
(1 Pet. 4:7).
It doesn’t matter how many nips and tucks
you get. The fact is that you are getting old and
running out of time. Neither will you get your
money’s worth with cryopreservation. YouTube
Life Means so Much Chris Rice.
Blinding Beams in Thine Ears
Spiritually blind people are deaf so that God
says, “How wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me
pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a
beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first
cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then
shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of
thy brother's eye” (Matt. 7:3-5). It’s like when we
don’t have our glasses on, we can’t hear well
either. And because the body of Christ has been
blind and deaf for so long, She now resembles
Helen Keller before Anne Sullivan was used by
God to give her 'sight.' There’s a graphic dinner
scene in The Miracle Worker (1962) when
Anne first shows up to work with the girl who
was deaf, ‘dumb,’ and blind, portraying what it’s
been like to ‘work’ with God’s Girl, the Spoiled
Rotten Abusive Tyrannical BRAT, aka
Christianity Today. YouTube Breakfast
Scene The Miracle Worker.
Here’s the parallel:
The girl’s manners were BRUTAL;
NO ONE could eat their meal decently;
The missing element was DISCIPLINE.
Jesus wants DISCIPLES. Notice the correlation.
With sin working like a lumberyard blinding
their eyes and clogging their ears, for not having
obeyed the Manual, Church leaders haven’t had
the discernment to take God’s warnings
seriously. Neither have they made the
connections between the warnings, their refusal
to repent, and the tragic events of our day. And
while some have, they haven’t responded
biblically (2 Chron. 7:14; Jer. 18:7-8). So while
they preach about the connection and “our”
refusal to repent, they refuse to repent and
preach that God has abandoned the U.S., as with
John MacArthur. Only God hasn’t. It’s obvious
that this nation (and world) is severely off Track,
but that’s because the Church abandoned God.
And yet, He’s still calling us back—with a blow
horn at that!
The inability of Christianity Today’s leaders
to discern God’s voice is similar to what
happened to Eli, the Old Testament priest who
took forever to discern that God was speaking to
Samuel, the boy prophet. But he finally figured it
out that same night (1 Sam. 3). Today’s leaders
have taken more than 18 years so far! (And that’s
just with me.) Though Christians often initially
hear God’s voice through me, unwilling to
repent, they place more beams in their eyes
(Matt. 7:3).
It’s the parable of the sower playing out
since the love of their prestige, wealth, and
ministry gets in the way:
He…that received seed among the
thorns is he that heareth the word; and
the care of this world, and the
deceitfulness of riches, choke the word,
and he becometh unfruitful (Matt.
For the love of money is the root of all
evil: which while some coveted after,
they have erred from the faith, and
pierced themselves through with many
sorrows (1 Tim. 6:10).
Everything Church leaders preach not to do,
they do!
Moreover, in Acts, we have a clear example
of one who believed in Jesus yet was wrongly
focused due to money. Rebuked, this man didn’t
tell God’s servants to shut up and take a hike (as
today’s ‘best’ Church leaders do) but
immediately expressed his fear of God and
begged for those who were right with Him to
intercede on his behalf:
When Simon saw that through laying on
of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost
money, Saying, Give me also this power,
that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may
receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said
unto him, Thy money perish with thee,
because thou hast thought that the gift
of God may be purchased with
money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in
this matter: for thy heart is not right in
the sight of God. Repent therefore of this
thy wickedness, and pray God, if
perhaps the thought of thine heart may
be forgiven thee. For I perceive that thou
art in the gall of bitterness, and in the
bond of iniquity. Then answered Simon,
and said, Pray ye to the LORD for me,
that none of these things which ye have
spoken come upon me (Acts 8:18-24).
But since, unlike Simon, no one fears God
today—especially those who preach that He
should be feared—God has had to create that
fear. You’d think September 11th would have
done it. You’d think Pearl Harbor would have
done it! You’d think Hiroshima and Nagasaki
would have done it! But neither those events—
nor any of the trials this nation or world have
undergone in recent years—or any of the trials of
the past 2000 years, for that matter—nor the
threats we currently face, NONE OF IT has been
enough to get even born again Christians to
repent and line up their lives with God’s WORD!
Instead, they’ve gotten further from God.
And the reason for it is because, as God has
warned us, “The heart is deceitful above all
things, and desperately wicked: who can know
it?” (Jer. 17:9). In other words, who can
understand it? Humans are so desperately
wicked that our actions don’t even make sense!
You see this repeatedly play out in American
Greed. In these FBI cases, at first, their wicked
actions make sense in that humans are greedy
and self-centered. But as things pick up speed,
instead of bailing out and turning themselves in,
sinners continue on the course of selfdestruction. Case after case after case, of some
pretty intelligent people, it’s always the same—
the human heart is wicked BEYOND
understanding (Jer. 17:9, see NIV).
Therefore, God is doing something pretty far
from the norm by using me in the way that He’s
doing. And yet, He’s repeatedly done some farfetched stuff before, related to us in the Bible.
And He's doing it so that we do finally turn
around—as a group—without losing everything.
“He saw that there was no man, and wondered
that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm
brought salvation unto him; and his
righteousness, it sustained him” (Isa. 59:16).
That Scripture is primarily speaking of Jesus,
but it’s also speaking of the prophets of the Old
Testament, and also of me. Lord willing, you’ll
get that. It’s not as if this is the life I would have
planned out for myself! Near total isolation and
ridicule from all angles for years on end. Gee,
what fun. And neither could it really appear (as
Church leaders have claimed) that I am
representing my own interests, and therefore,
Satan! They are so delusional! And they are for
being so rebellious (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
By sight, I would have to say that God’s elect
concentration camps facing death. That’s the
logical conclusion since not one professing
Christian or unbeliever has been remotely
interested in what I’ve been saying for nearly
two decades. While some have expressed some
so called interest, they haven’t been interested
enough to get right with God, so NOT interested.
And since we’re so wicked that no tragedy, no
devastating, is enough to humble even the most
‘enlightened’ Christians, and repenting at the
point of death does nothing to help the elect that
remain alive, I discern—because of what God has
revealed to me—that getting humiliated WILL
finally humble the "best" and most powerful
born again Church leaders, the human heart is
that proud! The only kind of suffering that
humbles the proud born again heart is that of
getting severely humiliated!
As this has dawned on me, I've stood in awe
of humanity. All of our trials should have woken
everyone up since, as Christians know, these
events were meant to draw us to God (Ps. 119:71;
Acts 17:26-27). But we haven’t yielded
WHATSOEVER because our hearts are SO
insanely wicked, which is why we need a Savior
in the first place. God is seriously making His
Our hardened hearts make us hard headed
to the very extreme of being comatose brain
dead—as if rigor mortis has set in. Who would
have thought our most important organ would
go first, our brain. It’s not as if RZIM, Sunder
Krishnan, John MacArthur, Alistair Begg, and so
many other Church leaders are dimwits! It’s just
the opposite. They’re very bright. And that’s
God’s point. It’s NOT primarily about education
or brains, but faith in Him, the faith of a child.
“Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted,
and become as little children, ye shall not enter
into the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3).
Childlike faith is needed to see spiritual things,
“But the natural man receiveth not the things of
the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto
him” (1 Cor. 2:14). Today’s “men of faith” are
living carnal lives which make them “natural”
men. Therefore, blind. While they’re very
educated and brainy, “they be blind leaders of
the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both
shall fall into the ditch” (Matt. 5:14), as God
revealed with the graphic for Psalm 107 shared
previously. It's also what we see in this clip as a
boy teaches grown men. YouTube The 2012
NDAA – The Most Dangerous Law Since
Zombified Christians are following their
pastors instead of Jesus. And since pastors are
not following Jesus, the whole group has gone
kamikaze like at Pearl Harbor. Only it's worse.
Rather than bombing the enemy they’ve been
bombing their own!
In fact, because God’s people have rebelled
against God, He says, “I will give children to be
their princes, and babes shall rule over them”
(Isa. 3:4). Matthew Henry suggests God means
childish men will rule the people. And that’s
exactly what’s out there, Peewee Church
leadership, having “become [as] such as have
need of milk, and not of strong meat” (Heb.
5:12). Like Peewee civil leaders, today’s Church
leaders are men focused on themselves rather
than on those they've been called to lead. In
contrast, the Bible says, "When I was a child, I
spake as a child, I understood as a child, I
thought as a child: but when I became a man, I
put away childish things" (1 Cor. 13:11). Only
they haven't. They're still childish.
But I also think Isaiah 3:4 means that youth
will be wiser than their elders as the founder of
PANDA, Dan Johnson, reveals in the YouTube
resource just noted.
Behind Enemy Lines
The Bible says, “Forasmuch then as Christ hath
suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves
likewise with the same mind: for he that hath
suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin” (1 Pet.
4:1). American Christianity Today primarily
thinks of ‘suffering in the flesh’ as physical
torture like Christians experience in the 10/40
Window. However, 'suffering in the flesh' mostly
means, or begins with, suffering in the desires of
the flesh. It’s something we choose to do, like
Jesus did. “No man [took His life] from [Him],
but [He] lay it down” (John 10:18). And He did
because “the world…hateth [Him], because [He]
testif[ied] of it, that the works thereof are evil”
(John 7:7). Like Christ, Christians have been
called to be the “light of the world” (Matt. 5:44)
and testify that their works are evil (Jude 1:3).
Therefore, for 18 years I’ve chosen to stand
with the Lord, suffering the loss of family,
friends, social status, salary, and more, while
enduring everyone’s criticism, hatred, abuse, or
cold shoulder—and it’s hurt. But no one has held
a gun to my head making me choose Christ over
my own desires. Ironically, that would have been
easier since desires of the flesh include
relationships for which we were created. In fact
He says, “If any man come to me, and hate not
his father, and mother, and wife, and children,
and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life
also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26).
But, as with Jesus gaining an eternal reign over
all, God has promised us that when we follow
Him we’ll also come out on top, in the end. He
says, “Every one that hath forsaken houses, or
brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife,
or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall
receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit
everlasting life” (Matt. 19:29). In the next two
books, God reveals how He’s kept that promise
to me, for those who’ll have eyes to see beyond
this earthly life.
And the reason I’ve made the hard choices is
because I love God more than man, and I love
Him more because I fear Him. And I fear Him
because He brought me in on the Scared Straight
Program (Luke 12:5)—revealed in the last book.
If He hadn’t brought me in that way, I’d be like
everyone else—giving Him lip-service, at best.
In contrast, ask the typical Christian if they
fear God and the immediate answer is either Of
course, or No, not really. Many are even
surprised that we should fear Him since they
don’t read the Bible. And while some say they do
fear Him, their actions prove they don’t.
Therefore, Jesus again says, “Ye go astray, not
knowing the Writings, nor the power of God”
(Matt. 22:29, YLT). One of the reasons
Christians are off Track is because they don’t
read the Bible and they don’t because they don’t
fear God. So rather than focusing on spiritual
things, they focus on desires of the flesh and get
blindsided when God unleashes Satan on them.
And yet, all born again have been chosen by
God to fight against Satan not only with each
other in the U.S., but with elect from around the
world. The fight of the elect, more specifically
the born again, is not for this or any other
nation, but for His kingdom. Sine we are
“receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,
let us have grace…[and] serve God acceptably
with reverence and godly fear” (Heb. 12:28).
Instead, born again Christians, like all elect
and all Vessels of Wrath, have been fighting
against each other over just about everything!
There’s hardly anything Christians don’t fight
about. Yet our nationality, sex, color, income,
social status, EVERYTHING, is nothing but a
superficial distraction.
For example, as a child visiting South
America looking out the window from our very
nice hotel room at some slums, pointing out the
lone light bulb over the cardboard shacks, my
father noted how the guy with the light bulb
probably thought he was so much better than his
neighbors, even though he also lived in the
slums. And it’s true. We don’t just think we’re
better off, we think we’re better. Only we aren’t
(Rom. 3:10). Everyone is like the power elite to
one degree or another, just not as bad for not
having as much power not being as elite. Human
pride not only keeps you unfocused, it makes
you an open target for Satan who loves to bomb
everyone including those who serve him.
YouTube Distraction by Andrae Crouch.
Jesus prayed to the Father, “Those that thou
gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost,
but the son of perdition; that the scripture might
be fulfilled” (John 17:12). The “son of perdition,”
Judas Iscariot, was not chosen by God for mercy
but for His purposes on earth—to betray Jesus,
with a kiss no less (Luke 22:48). And though
Judas was a son of the devil, Jesus said, “Have
not I chosen you twelve?” (John 6:70). God, the
Father, used Judas, son of Satan, as His tool for
His purposes. And if He used him to betray His
Beloved Son with whom He was “well pleased”
(Matt. 3:17), He’ll do the same thing with any
elect individual, including the born again. God
will allow Satan to bomb you if you’re not paying
attention in order to get your attention, or even
if you are paying attention (as with Jesus), using
that bomb as a tool for His higher purposes.
Therefore, He's counseled us to “watch and
pray” (Mark 13:33). Do that and you'll have
more of the ‘good’ bombs and less of the bad
ones, and you’ll know why you’ve gotten
bombed, what God’s purpose is in it, and you’ll
even be informed that the bomb is coming, you’ll
be forewarned, as was Christ:
Then the Pharisees went out, and held a
council against him, how they might
destroy him. But when Jesus knew it, he
withdrew himself from thence: and great
multitudes followed him, and he healed
them all (Matt. 12:14-15).
And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say
unto you, that one of you shall betray me
(Matt. 26:21).
But there are some of you that believe
not. For Jesus knew from the beginning
who they were that believed not, and
who should betray him (John 6:64).
After the sop Satan entered into him.
Then said Jesus unto him, That thou
doest, do quickly (John 13:27).
Being a coward and ignoring what God is
saying to you will not help you. If you’re elect,
and Lord willing you are, it will only cause you to
lose out on heavenly treasure you could have
enjoyed forever. He says, “Look to yourselves,
that we lose not those things which we have
wrought, but that we receive a full reward” (2
John 1:8).
A Ferocious Fight. Unlike what most
pastors and Christians seem to think, someone
who is being used by God will have loads of
heavy trials for God’s purposes. Consider Noah,
Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Job, and Jesus, for
example. Trials don’t mean you’re wrong with
God. That’s a basic biblical teaching, as with
Lazarus’s death so that Jesus said, “This sickness
is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that
the Son of God might be glorified thereby” (John
11:4). We see this play out most clearly through
Paul’s life:
Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they
Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of
Abraham? so am I. Are they ministers of
Christ? (I speak as a fool) I am more; in
labours more abundant, in stripes above
measure, in prisons more frequent, in
deaths oft. Of the Jews five times
received I forty stripes save one. Thrice
was I beaten with rods, once was I
stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a
night and a day I have been in the
deep; In journeyings often, in perils of
waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by
mine own countrymen, in perils by the
heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in
the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in
brethren; In
weariness and painfulness, in watchings
often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings
often, in cold and nakedness. Beside
those things that are without, that which
cometh upon me daily, the care of all the
churches. Who is weak, and I am not
weak? who is offended, and I burn
not? If I must needs glory, I will glory of
the things which concern mine
infirmities. The God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for
evermore, knoweth that I lie not (2 Cor.
And while it’s also true that someone may
have many trials because they’re not right with
God, it’s easy to tell if they're in rebellion against
God or not. All it takes is a two-minute
conversation—and discernment.
However, what’s going on with the Lord’s
Girl, the Church, is a bit more complicated,
made even more complicated because hardly
anyone knows the WORD of God! While Satan
hasn’t got a thing on Jesus Christ (John 14:30),
he’s gotten his big fat foot in the door of God’s
Church and PARKED himself there because God
has allowed it since Christians haven't really
been interested in Him, “For all seek their own,
not the things which are Jesus Christ's” (Phil.
2:21). It’s the same way He allowed Satan to
have his way with the Jews repeatedly
historically, as revealed in the Old Testament.
God's chosen people repeatedly rebelled so God
let Satan loose on them. On the other hand, God
also let Satan loose on Job, a man who “was
perfect and upright, and one that feared God,
and eschewed evil” (Job 1:1).
Today there’s a combination of both taking
place with God’s Girl, His Church, because
Christians do acknowledge that Jesus is God,
unlike Jews and unbelievers, yet they’re just as
rebellious, which is actually worse since the
born again have His Spirit within and the
completed WORD of God, the Bible. Therefore,
God has given Satan liberty with His Church
(and world), and my family, for the same reason
as He did with Job and with Lazarus—for His
glory—but also because we deserve it. If you
don’t get that yet, you just don’t get it (2 Thess.
2:10-11; John 4:23-24; Rom. 3:10). Either you
haven’t been doing your Homework or you’re
not elect.
Moreover, God was glorified because of
Job’s reaction, which God knew he would have
since He coordinated it all. He wrote the Book.
“This is the purpose that is purposed upon the
whole earth: and this is the hand that is
stretched out upon all the nations. For the LORD
of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul
it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall
turn it back?” (Isa. 14:26-27). Answer: No one,
not even Satan and his Illuminati since they’re
not His equal but His created beings (Rom.
So while Job’s wife told Job to “curse God,
and die…[Job] said unto her…shall we receive
good at the hand of God, and shall we not
receive evil?” (Job 2:9-10). Job understood
God’s ways—that He’s God and we’re not. So
while he did get off focus, “The LORD blessed
the latter end of Job more than his beginning”
(Job 42:12). And it’s what He’s doing with His
Girl, the Church BRAT.
By siccing Satan on Job, God revealed His
holiness as well as His omniscience, the fact that
He is the One in full control. And it’s the same
thing God is doing with His Church and the
latter rain.
God’s own people have blinded themselves
by the light that comes from Satan “for Satan
himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2
Cor. 11:14). Loving Satan’s light more than the
real Light, Jesus, it’s as if we’ve kept Jesus
locked behind bars, imprisoned, for almost all of
the last 2000 years, causing loads of trouble for
everyone. And God allowed it to glorify Himself
by showing us what we are made of—
He did it so that we can know and appreciate
Him better. “God, willing to shew his wrath, and
to make his power known, endured with much
longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to
destruction…that he might make known the
riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy” (Rom.
9:22-23). Rather than curse Him like Job’s wife
did, He wants us to glorify Him by
acknowledging Him like Job, and also
acknowledge that we've been just like Job's wife.
God proved His love for us and we have to
prove ours—that’s how marriages work. And
anyone who’s been married knows it’s a
battlefield—two sinners (Rom. 3:10; Jer. 17:9),
in a fallen world (Gen. 3), having to work
through all of life including that of raising other
little sinners, with Satan and his demons
constantly on our backs and at our heels (1 Pet.
5:8) while he’s parked it in God’s Church! It
really is a miracle divorce rates aren’t higher
among Christians.
Our SweeTart. Since God is the Creator
of the universe, He goes by many names
representing His many traits, each of which is a
different way by which we can know Him. Do
you know Him as Father? As your Gift? As your
Comforter? As your Exceeding Joy? As your
Banner? As your Friend? As your Advocate? As
your Physician? You can! And you should!
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh
to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners;
and purify your hearts, ye double
minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and
weep: let your laughter be turned to
heaviness. Humble yourselves in the
sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up
(James 4:8-10).
YouTube Names of God. Uploaded by
Jason Denison. (The song is by Laurel
By knowing God in as many different ways
as He has allowed Himself to be known, you’ll be
able to glorify Him as Job did and stop cursing
Him as Job’s wife did. Or stop being a hypocrite
like the Pharisees who were not only blind
guides, but who focused on the unimportant
stuff while swallowing Satan’s lies whole (Matt.
23:23-25). The better we know Jesus, the easier
it is to prove our election because we “give up
everything” He asks of us (Luke 14:33), and
“through much tribulation enter into the
kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). And while that
sounds horrible, it’s really not, not always. It's
like you have to go through the valley before
reaching the mountaintop for that fabulous view.
For example, called to trust Him with my
baby facing leukemia (a heartbreaking Valley
Experience), trusting Him that whatever He
allowed was OK, she had something better and
began to know Him very early on (for a great
view of God's loving hand). When called to
homeschool, I could do it and had great success
at it since He is our Teacher (John 3:2). So while
walking through the mountain range of Valley
and Mountaintop experiences isn’t easy, it is
worth it! God is using my testimony to reveal
that, revealed to all who will get right with Him.
Likewise, asked to jump off this cliff of faith,
going totally against just about every grain there
is for years on end, I can do it—have been able to
do it and to stay the course—since He’s my Great
Reward. God says to everyone who will fully
submit to Him the same thing that He said to
Abraham when he was still Abram, “Fear not…I
am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward”
(Gen 15:1). And while I’ve had to walk alone
through unchartered territory—since I did not
come in from a Christian home nor did I
understand anything about His Church and
Satan’s hand in the world, neither did I have all
the documentaries and clips you’ve all been
given, along with this series of books, neither is
my Christian husband much better than the
typical Christian—it is clear that Jesus is my
“exceeding great reward.” For those who are
working through the series as sincere seekers of
truth, and as faithful followers of Jesus Christ,
you’ll see that none of this walk has been easy,
far from it. Neither am I writing this series from
the Mountain Top but from the Valley—as has
always been the case with the best material God
has provided His people. But since I have
followed Him for so long and so deep into the
Wilderness, along His Prophetic Mountain
Range, God has given me the view of the
Promised Land from the Mountain Top—and it
sure is pretty!
Since “He is God, the faithful God, which
keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love
him and keep his commandments” (Deut. 7:9),
we can do and endure whatever He requires of
us, knowing it will work out for our BEST:
For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future (Jer. 29:11, NIV).
But without faith it is impossible to
please him: for he that cometh to God
must believe that he is, and that he is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek
him (Heb. 11:6).
While it’s tough being a warrior in the Lord’s
Army—like it was for Cage and Rita in Edge of
Tomorrow (2014)—because Jesus walks with
us through it all, having said, “I will never leave
thee, nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5), fulfilling His
WORD, He makes it sweet. It’s the reason the
psalmist wrote “How sweet are thy words unto
my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
(Ps. 119:1o3; Rev. 10:10), and John wrote, “I
took the little book out of the angel's hand, and
ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as
honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly
was bitter” (Rev. 10:10). There’s a bitter
sweetness to God’s Plan for His elect, mostly
bitter here, sweet for the future. Basically, Jesus
is our SweeTart. Get to know Him in all the
ways He’s willing to let you know Him and you
will love Him like Job, willing to take the good
with the bad. In turn, He will use you like Cage,
as a weapon against Satan. And like Cage, you’ll
get the girl. Only it’s more like you’ll ensure that
you’re part of the Girl, His Church—a Vessel of
Mercy destined for heaven instead of a Vessel of
Wrath destined for hell.
CHURCH. In the same way that the alien in
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) parked himself
under the Louvre, Satan has parked himself
inside God’s Church because Christians are
prodigal and not in submission to Christ.
John says, “I saw one of his heads as it were
wounded to death; and his deadly wound was
healed: and all the world wondered after the
beast” (Rev. 13:3). Satan’s head was wounded as
if to death with the Reformation of the Church in
the Middle Ages. But because born again
Christians immediately went prodigal again with
denominations, Satan’s “deadly wound was
healed” as in has been healed. Satan’s wound is
now so healed that Christianity Today has little
clue that Catholicism isn’t Christianity but
something of Satan. In fact, most professing
Christians today don’t even know about the
Reformation. And those that do, don’t just
ignore Catholic influence in the Church, they
have increasingly taken on more of the Catholic
rituals that were killed with the Reformation.
It’s the reason God said, “Evil men and
seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving,
and being deceived” (2 Tim. 3:13). And some of
the men that have done this include the most
visible and most conservative Church leaders,
like Ravi Zacharias, for example. And when
you’re willing to swallow one lie, you easily
swallow a ton more. You can get a really good
glimpse of this in the newsletter put out by the
C.S. Lewis Institute.
For example, in the Spring 2009 issue, J.I.
Packer has an article about the supposed
Christian, Mother Teresa, called Mother
Teresa: Holiness in the Dark, totally
ignoring Scripture that you cannot join light
with darkness (2 Cor. 6:14), which this group,
this institute, has done in other areas as well
since C. S. Lewis was not sold on God’s WORD,
the Bible. These brainy “Christians” have
lobotomized themselves to the truth that
Catholicism isn’t Christianity (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
Homework: Google for the following
article or just type in Was C. S. Lewis really a
Christian. Google Some Things You
Should Know about C. S. Lewis! Andy
Foster May 1, 2010.
Through this series, WORD, the Lord is
telling His Bride to give Him the lordship so that
He can command His troops and put our enemy
in his place, our own satanic nature (Jer. 17:9;
Rom 3:10). Overcome that and we overcome
Satan. It’s already a done deal. “These things I
have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have
peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but
be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”
(John 16:33). “For whatsoever is born of God
overcometh the world: and this is the victory
that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1
John 5:4). YouTube Won’t You Be My Love
The Parable of the Mother Hen
The ideal—and where God is taking His Story—is
for all elect to work with Him worshipping Him
as required (John 4:23-24) so that we can work
together “submitting…ourselves one to another
in the fear of God” (Eph. 5:21) and glorify Him.
When we finally do that, God’s purpose for His
Church on earth will have been fulfilled because
His Church, the body of Christ on earth, will
resemble one, a very loving one. It’s what Jesus
said when He rebuked the Jews about being
unable to gather them together since they were
unwilling, saying, “How often would I have
gathered thy children together, even as a hen
gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye
would not!” (Matt. 23:37). Christians have been
just as unwilling as were the Jews.
When a hen gathers her chicks under her
wings, it will look like one hen if she’s done a
good job. The more loving she is, the better job
she does. You will notice quite a few extra feet
under her and some bumps in her feathers of
chicks poking out, yet mostly looking like one
hen. It’s what Jesus prayed for in His High
Priestly Prayer of John 17, that His followers
would be one—a prayer which has not yet been
answered by the Father.
Here is the crux of what Jesus prayed:
That they all may be one; as thou,
Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they
also may be one in us: that the world
may believe that thou hast sent me”
(John 17:21).
Jesus’ prayer is a picture of a HEN with her
chicks under her wings, of a mature Church
living up to Her calling with just a small
percentage of born again Christians who haven’t
fully matured, accounting for the bumps on the
chickens feathers (Eph. 4:11-16). It’s also a
TRUMP, mostly looking like one when “the
trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be
raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (1
Cor. 15:52). But since the Church is currently
divided by tens of thousands denominations, the
Father has still not been able to answer Jesus’
High Priestly prayer of John 17:21.
And while Christianity Today thinks
becoming mature in Christ takes a long time, it
only takes commitment. By the time my children
were in first grade, they were more mature than
most of today’s Christians! Since Church leaders
are so uncommitted and hypocritical, those
under them are just as bad even if they had been
close to God at one time because “A little leaven
leaveneth the whole lump” (Gal. 5:9). In other
words, one rotten orange will ruin the whole
box. Rather than building God’s people up,
Christianity Today destroys them (Matt. 15:14).
While Satan is the ruler of this world, God’s
elect don’t have to be abused by him “because
greater is he that is in [the born again], than he
that is in the world [meaning, the ruler of this
world, Satan]” (1 John 4:4). By studying,
believing, and obeying the Bible, God’s Spirit
comes to live inside a person so that they
become a born again Christian. As Jesus said, “If
a man love me, he will keep my words: and my
Father will love him, and we will come unto him,
and make our abode with him” (John 14:23).
However, for God to manifest Himself as greater
than Satan on a regular basis, the born again
Christian needs to be living in submission to
God daily instead of ignoring His teachings as
Christians have historically done and currently
do. Basically, when the body of Christ resists the
devil as a group and obeys God’s will for His
Church (Eph. 4:11-16), then the devil, Satan, will
flee from us (James 4:7), leaving behind a
representation of heaven on earth.
And it doesn’t mean that if we, as
individuals, fully submit to God He gives us a
trial-free life. It means that no matter what God
allows Satan to put us through, we can walk
through it victoriously. In other words, whatever
the trial or hardship, it doesn’t devastate us
because we’re finding our strength, our wisdom,
and our direction from God. Depending on God
through Christ we can see it from His
perspective and get through it in the best
possible manner as He leads us along and
empowers us by way of His Spirit within us as
we continually refuel on His WORD, the Bible.
Best of all, we get to know Him better.
When we live that way—as a group—all of
His chicks safe under His motherly wings, God
has promised to send Satan and all of his
servants packing (Matt. 7:15). Every army has a
strategy, and this is the Lord’s for His Troops.
While it might seem silly, too simple, or
cowardly to some, it makes a ton of loving sense.
“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under
his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy
shield and buckler” (Ps. 91:4). And considering
how much damage Satan can do, I have NO
PROBLEM hiding (Prov. 22:3).
Growing Pains
In order to grow up to maturity and live as that
loving family of chicks, there are five STAGES
OF GROWTH God’s elect must go through (or
have gone through) as individuals and as a body,
as follows:
The Lost Harvest,
Carnal Babies,
Wishy Washy Children,
Academy Grads, and,
Perfect Frontline Soldiers.
Stage 1: The Lost Harvest – On
Satan’s turf, the lost elect crawl around in the
miry pit:
He brought me up also out of an
horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set
my feet upon a rock, and established my
goings (Ps. 40:2).
For we ourselves also were sometimes
foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving
divers lusts and pleasures, living in
malice and envy, hateful, and hating one
another. (Titus 3:3).
Every Vessels of Mercy comes from the miry pit
because we were all born into this fallen world as
sinners (Rom. 5:12), and which has Satan as its
ruler (John 12:31, YLT).
Therefore, in order to move from this stage
to the next, you have to do several things:
1. Admit that you’re a sinner;
2. Understand that only Jesus can save
your soul;
3. Learn from the Father by reading the
Bible; and,
4. Get baptized.
But since Christianity Today as a whole is a
hellacious mess, baptism is a little difficult. The
believer’s baptism is for the purpose of
professing your faith in Christ among the
believers, yet it’s difficult to find genuine
believers today. (The only ones I know, and have
ever known, are all severely prodigal
antichrists!) And, if you want to get baptized in a
church, they’ll want you to become a member,
which is unbiblical (covered in the next chapter).
But every situation is different and you have the
Lord Jesus Christ as your Leader. He’s the One
to ask what you should do.
I was baptized at Eagle in Indianapolis,
having waited for years on the Lord to do it. And
when I did it, I shared testimony of the pit God
had pulled me out of which was very powerful,
not only for myself but for others in the
congregation. But because the Church is so dead
where we now live, and (as it turned out) was
nearly as dead where we lived then (and is now
just as dead), our daughters were baptized in our
backyard in a pool, only with us, their parents, as
witnesses which wasn’t nearly as powerful an
experience. But it was the only option and how
God led us.
As I said, everyone’s situation is different as
is God’s calling on your life. The work that He
has for you to do—the reason He has raised you
up is unique (Eph. 2:10). Therefore, you need to
ask Him about it. If you’re genuine you’ll
sincerely seek Him and He will direct your steps.
He says, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding. In
all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall
direct thy paths” (Prov. 3:5-6).
The best biblical example of the believer’s
baptism, in my opinion, is found in the following
When they heard this [what they had
done to Jesus], they were pricked in
their heart, and said unto Peter and to
the rest of the apostles, Men and
brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter
said unto them, Repent, and be baptized
every one of you in the name of Jesus
Christ for the remission of sins, and ye
shall receive the gift of the Holy
Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and
to your children, and to all that are afar
off, even as many as the LORD our God
shall call (Acts 2:37-39).
HOMEWORK: You should do a study on
baptism by going to
and looking up the words baptize, baptizing,
baptism, etc. and learn for yourself what it’s
all about as you seek God on how He wants
you to move forward.
When I wanted to get baptized I was given a
journal article to read with questions to
answer. Then when my pastor was reviewing
my answers, he said, “Maya, you take
everything so seriously.” He has since lost
his ministry, his marriage to divorce, and,
therefore, his family—everything that
mattered. Maybe I wasn’t the one in the
wrong. Ya think?
As shared in WORD: Can You Hear Me
Now? God had me seek Him about it for several
years because He wanted me to know exactly
what it was that I was doing. Therefore, so
should you. In fact, many shared testimony at
their baptism at Eagle (and elsewhere) of how
they’d already been baptized but hadn’t
understood what it was all about. They were
getting baptized again because that experience
had messed them up. It had given them a false
sense of security. They’d been baptized when
they hadn’t even been born again and/or not
really understood what it was all about, what
Jesus is all about. (And my discerning guess is
they still don’t.)
Stage 2: Carnal Babies – In diapers,
these Christians don’t even know the Holy Spirit
of God, may not even know that He exists! The
following two Scriptures are appropriate:
He said unto them, Have ye received the
Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they
said unto him, We have not so much as
heard whether there be any Holy Ghost
(Acts 19:2).
I, brethren, could not speak unto you as
unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even
as unto babes in Christ (1 Cor. 3:1).
There are several types of baptisms in the
Bible, two of which are most important, the
believer’s baptism just spoken of and the
baptism of the Holy Spirit. While we have
control of the first one, God is in control of the
second one. And, as with the example from Acts
2:37-39, they can happen at the same time or
separately. I discern they mostly happen
separately. But, considering the New Testament,
that’s probably mostly because the Church is so
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is when God
pours His Spirit into you, “John truly baptized
with water; but ye shall be baptized with the
Holy Ghost” (Acts 1:5). Essentially, while we
declare our allegiance to God so that we (and
others) consider us to be born again, we don’t
really know if we’re actually born again. All
we’ve done is made a verbal profession of faith
in Christ. How we live our lives reveals whether
or not it’s likely that we are actually born again.
Jesus says, “If a man love me, he will keep my
words: and my Father will love him, and we will
come unto him, and make our abode with him”
(John 14:23). Until that happens, the “Christian”
(who is no more than a professing Christian)
will wrestle with their will and God’s will, with
their desires of the flesh and the purer desires of
God—with Door #1 and Door #2. They behave
more like carnal babies than like mature
Christians, much more. They behave like
Christianity Today, including Her leaders.
In any case, the way to move onto the next
stage, and to move there quickly, is by sincerely
seeking God and obeying His WORD, the Bible.
And each time that you fall, and you will, as soon
as you’ve realized you’ve sinned, you need to
repent. Because, when “we confess our sins, he is
faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John
1:9). Every professing Christian sins, the
difference in how mature we become and how
quickly we get there has to do with how quickly
we repent having sinned. And to help us mature
God has told us to regularly examine ourselves
so that we get used to being rebuked by God,
used to confessing our sins, and actually grow in
Christ. He says, “Examine yourselves, whether
ye be in the faith; prove your own selves” (2 Cor.
13:5). If Christianity had obeyed God in this one
command, She would not have landed Herself
where she is today, leading everyone into a
worldwide totalitarian dictatorship!
And I know that we’re supposed to examine
ourselves regularly because of what He says
about taking communion. God says:
When ye come together therefore
into one place, this is not to eat the
Lord's supper. For in eating every one
taketh before other his own supper: and
one is hungry, and another is
drunken. What? have ye not houses to
eat and to drink in? or despise ye the
church of God, and shame them that
have not? what shall I say to you? shall I
praise you in this? I praise you not. For I
have received of the Lord that which
also I delivered unto you, that the Lord
Jesus the same night in which he was
betrayed took bread: And when he had
given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take,
eat: this is my body, which is broken for
you: this do in remembrance of
me. After the same manner also he took
the cup, when he had supped, saying,
this cup is the new testament in my
blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in
remembrance of me. For as often as ye
eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do
shew the Lord's death till he
come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat
this bread, and drink this cup of the
Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the
body and blood of the Lord. But let a
man examine himself, and so let him eat
of that bread, and drink of that cup. For
he that eateth and drinketh unworthily,
eateth and drinketh damnation to
himself, not discerning the Lord's
body. For this cause many are weak and
sickly among you, and many sleep. For if
we would judge ourselves, we should not
be judged (1 Cor. 11:20—31, my
He says “when ye come together” speaking
of Christians coming together to pray and
worship Him. So…that means every time. And
other Scriptures in the Old Testament (Ps.
139:23-24, Ps. 19:12, 41:4, 51:4, 106:6, etc.)—
along with Christianity’s actions of the last 2000
years—reveal that we should be checking
ourselves 24/7.
Stage 3: Wishy Washy Children –
Rebellious little BRATs, they’re getting beat up:
Children, tossed to and fro, and carried
about with every wind of doctrine, by
the sleight of men, and cunning
craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to
deceive (Eph. 4:14).
It should be clear by now that this is exactly
what has happened to Christianity considering
that She’s divided by an estimated 40 thousand
Christians, not having obeyed God, didn’t
mature so that for the last 2000 years they’ve
been tossed to and fro, and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men
who’ve deceived them. It’s the same thing that
has happened to this nation and world by the
power elite who give us puppets for Presidents
and wars for their benefit.
Again, the only thing needed to move up the
ranks is a willingness to seek God in earnest and
obey Him—not turning a blind eye to your
personal sins OR to the sins of the Church.
Essentially, you just need to care more about
being right with God than about what anyone
else is saying or doing. Forget peer pressure.
Who cares what other sinners think of you!
Don’t! God is testing your commitment and
sincerity. Are you really grateful to Him for what
He’s done for you? Do you really love Him? Do
you want to live up to your full potential, or are
you really only concerned with this life and what
followers of Satan think of you? How exactly has
that been working out for you? Think about it.
Stage 4: Academy Grads – These
guys are puffed up for having credentials even
though they have next to zero combat experience
(Eph. 6:12):
No man that warreth entangleth himself
with the affairs of this life; that he may
please him who hath chosen him to be a
soldier (2 Tim. 2:4).
Having sought God in earnest, He’ll have
poured out His Spirit into you which will
empower you to stand firm against the grain,
provided you’re working with Him (James 1:22).
And since we’re in a spiritual war, the Academy
from which you have to graduate is God’s—not
some man-made institution. Since it’s a spiritual
academy there is no visible building nor piece of
paper called a diploma. But it’s very real, so real
you have to get through hazing (1 Pet. 5:8). And
the only way you’ll get through it is by repeatedly
making the choice to not get entangled with the
things of this world as the BRAT has been doing,
especially leadership. Instead, you have to focus
on pleasing the Lord and being right with Him.
Yet because you’ve received the Holy Spirit
of God and have been further enlightened by
Him, you’ll wrestle even more with your flesh,
with your pride. So in order to move up to the
next and final stage, rather than kicking back
and relaxing as Christianity Today has done, you
need to dig even deeper because “except your
righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of
the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case
enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:20).
While many have thought they ‘graduated with
high honors,’ they’ve actually failed, and failed
miserably. Most of today’s Church leaders are
not born again and many aren’t even elect of
God (Matt. 7:21-23). It’s easy to tell if you read
the Bible.
Stage 5: Perfect
Soldiers – Slammed against one Rock too
many—“and that Rock [i]s Christ” (1 Cor. 10:4)—
these born again Christians, God’s Perfect
Frontline Soldiers, are focused on defending the
Commander’s turf and pushing the boundaries
of His territory. And the Commander is Jesus
Christ, the head of His Church and of the Army
of the Lord (Col. 1:18). And the reason you get
slammed against Christ is because “all that will
live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer
persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12). “Our old man is
crucified with him, that the body of sin might be
destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve
sin” (Rom. 6:6). You’ll be like Paul who said, “I
am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet
not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I
now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son
of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me”
(Gal. 2:20). “For unto you it is given in the
behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but
also to suffer for his sake” (Phil. 1:29). The
Father, the Potter, is slamming you against
Christ’s example—pounding, molding, shaping,
gouging, burning—until you look, sound, and
behave like Him (Isa. 48:10).
Having sought God in earnest and having
stood up for His name, taking the heat from all
the angles, God will get you to the point that you
consistently “cast…down imaginations, and
every high thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bring...into captivity
every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor.
10:5). You’ll realize most Christians have no idea
what they’re talking about or what they’re doing!
And I’m talking about Christian leaders, because
while “they profess that they know God…in
works they deny him, being abominable, and
disobedient, and unto every good work
reprobate” (Titus 1:16).
In fact, it’s only when you reach this level
that you can have full assurance that you
actually are born again. Obeying and following
the Lord out of genuine love for Him, you’ll get
to the point described so well in the following
poem ascribed to a Zimbabwe pastor who was
martyred for his faith. He wrote:
I’m part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
I have the Holy Spirit’s power.
The die has been cast.
I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made—
I’m a disciple of His.
I won’t look back,
let up,
slow down,
back away,
or be still.
My past is redeemed,
my present makes sense,
my future is secure.
I’m finished and done with low living,
sight walking,
smooth knees,
colorless dreams,
tamed visions,
worldly talking,
cheap giving,
and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need preeminence,
or popularity.
I don’t have to be right,
or rewarded.
I now live by faith,
lean on his presence,
walk by patience,
am uplifted by prayer,
and I labor with power.
My face is set,
my gait is fast,
my goal is heaven,
my road is narrow,
my way rough,
my companions few,
my Guide reliable,
my mission clear.
I cannot be bought,
lured away,
turned back,
or delayed.
I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice,
hesitate in the presence of the enemy,
ponder at the pool of popularity,
or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won’t give up,
shut up,
let up,
until I have stayed up,
stored up,
prayed up,
paid up,
preached up
for the cause of Christ.
I am a disciple of Jesus.
I must go til He comes,
give til I drop,
preach til all know
and work til He stops me.
And when He comes for His own,
He will have no problem recognizing me.
My banner will be clear.
–Author Unknown.
The only thing I disagree with is when he
says, “I don’t have to be right.” You actually do
have to be right. I know what he meant, that he
didn’t have to be considered right by the rest.
But being right is really the point. You have to
know that you are living in the will of God.
That’s the only way the Church will ever mature,
by born again Christians making sure we’re in
God’s will, daily. And since we’re not God, we
will not be right all the time. Therefore, we have
to do our best to know God’s will and repent as
soon as He informs us that we’re wrong about
something (Matt. 3:8). Unlike Christianity
Today’s Christians, you have to know that you
will not be right all that time, and, therefore, be
on the lookout for where you’re wrong, then
react accordingly (Ps. 141:5).
And there are several key Scriptures God has
given us to help us with this, to either pray for
Him to show us our sins or to help us get past
them, including the following:
Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy
statutes; and I shall keep it unto the
end. Give me understanding, and I shall
keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with
my whole heart. Make me to go in the
path of thy commandments; for therein
do I delight. Incline my heart unto thy
covetousness. Turn away mine eyes from
beholding vanity; and quicken thou me
in thy way. Stablish thy word unto thy
servant, who is devoted to thy fear (Ps.
Who can understand his errors? cleanse
thou me from secret faults. Keep back
thy servant also from presumptuous
sins; let them not have dominion over
me: then shall I be upright, and I shall
transgression. Let the words of my
mouth, and the meditation of my heart,
be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my
strength, and my redeemer (Ps. 19:1214).
Search me, O God, and know my heart:
try me, and know my thoughts: And see
if there be any wicked way in me, and
lead me in the way everlasting (Ps.
Confess your faults one to another, and
pray one for another, that ye may be
healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a
righteous man availeth much (James
As should be clear by now, there cannot be
any Perfect Frontline Soldiers in Christianity
Today, as defined by the Bible, because
Christianity Today as a whole is loaded down
with sin. As God says, when “one member
suffer[s], all the members suffer with it” (1 Cor.
12:26). Until some born again Church leaders
repent, beginning a movement of repentance
among the rest of Christianity Today’s elect
leaders, all lay born again Vessels of Mercy will
continue to drown in the pools of mediocrity and
hypocrisy that cover the land.
However, that should in no way deter
anyone from working their way through the
sludge, graduating from God’s Academy, and
begin begging God to open the hearts and minds
of these ridiculously rebellious men so that they
turn to God (those who actually are Vessels of
Mercy). In fact, that’s the only way these men
will ever repent so that Christianity grows up to
I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks, be made for all
men…that are in authority [beginning
with Church leadership]; that we may
lead a quiet and peaceable life in all
godliness and honesty. For this is good
and acceptable in the sight of God our
Saviour (1 Tim. 2:1-3).
Friend or Foe?
When we were kids, two of the popular kids
would act as captains and we’d all yell to our
better friend, “Choose me! Me! ME!” That’s how
everyone should have been with Jesus, our
Friend who gave it all up for us.
Christianity has historically blipped over so
much of what Jesus has said so that pastors tell
everyone to close their eyes and bow their heads
so people can come to Him all secretive. As
noted in WORD: We Asked for It! it’s a tradition
of men which began with Charles Finney in the
1830’s so that God still says, “Full well ye reject
the commandment of God, that ye may keep
your own tradition” (Mark 7:9). In fact, you have
to ask yourself, are those the types either team
captain would actually want? Don’t they sound
more like the ones they’d bargain about saying,
“You can have those two dead asleep (Rev. 3:1)
and I’ll just take this short fat one.” YouTube
Talk About It Nicole C. Mullen.
The fact is that God has a ‘Game’ for us to
play. One Team is upper class as in high and
holy (Ps. 1:3 & 6) while the other team is much
lower class, as in base, dark, and secretive. “They
slay the widow and the stranger, and murder the
fatherless. Yet they say, The LORD shall not see,
neither shall the God of Jacob regard it” (Ps.
Church leaders need to reconsider the Game
Plan because everyone—except for the Captain
and His angels—are playing with Friends and
Foes, mostly Foes, even though there’s a
breakdown of who actually belongs on each
team, either FRIENDS OR FOES (Rom. 9:2223).
And while the last category, The Church, is
hard to peg since we’re called to get “together in
an assembly” (1 Cor. 11:18, YLT) which typically
means in buildings with walls, the way to discern
if you really are playing for the Friends is to play
the Game by the Book. According to the
Playbook, pastors and evangelists have been
entrusted with the administration of the Book in
buildings with walls which affects the Church
without walls (Eph. 4:11 & Heb. 5:4). And “it is
required in stewards, that a man be found
faithful” (1 Cor. 4:2)—which they totally haven’t
And since God knew spiritual leaders would
be so unfaithful and cause such outrageous
damage worldwide, He has the judgment of
idolaters begin in the Dugout:
The glory of the God of Israel was gone
up from the cherub, whereupon he was,
to the threshold of the house. And he
called to the man clothed with linen,
which had the writer's inkhorn by his
side; And the LORD said unto him, Go
through the midst of the city, through
the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark
upon the foreheads of the men that sigh
and that cry for all the abominations
that be done in the midst thereof. And to
the others he said in mine hearing, Go
ye after him through the city, and smite:
let not your eye spare, neither have ye
pity: Slay utterly old and young, both
maids, and little children, and women:
but come not near any man upon whom
is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary
(Ezek. 9:3-6).
already, the woman processing my paperwork
chastised me for dropping out so late in the
semester and when my grades were actually
pretty good—twisting the knife already in my
chest. But another woman suddenly stepped in
and defended me so that my tears stayed put.
She even cauterized the wound as she pulled out
the knife. And she did it because the Captain—
the best Friend I didn’t even know I had—was
behind it (James 1:17).
For the time is come that judgment must
begin at the house of God (1 Pet. 4:17).
The Playbook also says that as we grow in
knowledge of God’s WORD, bearing fruit in
keeping with repentance (Matt. 3:8), more of
God’s Spirit is manifested to us. Captain says,
“Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast
been faithful over a few things, I will make thee
ruler over many things” (Matt. 25:23).
All Friends have been chosen by the Captain
for the Winning Team. It’s a done deal (2 Cor.
1:20-22; 1 Peter 2:9; Rom 8:31-39). So even
though there’s a time when we didn’t know we
were chosen, and times when we feel like we
haven’t got a friend in the world (and may not
have one), all elect actually have many friends
because the Captain says that “before [He]
formed [us] in the belly [He] knew [us]; and
before [we] camest forth out of the womb [He]
sanctified [us, the Vessels of Mercy],
and…ordained [us]” (Jer. 1:5). We're part of a
huge group of Friends, and He meant for us to
play on the Friends team. “The Spirit itself
beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the
children of God” (Rom. 8:16), and, as His
children, we’re called to play nice. Our Father
says, “This is my commandment, That ye love
one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12).
YouTube Friend of God Israel Houghton.
Moreover, the Game is played as if during a
whiteout since “we wrestle…against…spiritual
wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12)—unseen.
However, many of the Friends, including our
Captain, are also in those high places unseen.
For instance, we’ve been told to “entertain
strangers: for thereby some have entertained
angels unawares” (Heb. 13:2). Surely all Friends
can recall at least one time in their life when a
stranger did or said something unexpected
which deeply blessed you.
For example, having to drop out of during
my First College Tour, too burned out to keep at
it full-time while working full-time, in near tears
Therefore, we can get to the point that, like
Stephen, we walk so closely with our Friend, the
Team Captain, that we can actually see Jesus
standing at the right hand of God (Acts 7:55-56).
But I doubt anyone can honestly say, ‘I wish I
was at that level’ since it comes with a barrage of
stones (Acts 7:56-59). There’s no maybe about it
(2 Tim. 3:12). The better we play the Game, the
more we hear and the more we see, and the more
pellets we feel as more Foes do WHATEVER
THEY CAN under God’s oversight to get us to
drop out of the Game (Job 1:12). And our
Captain allows it so that we get to know Him
better as we call out to Him for further
instructions and He directs other Friends out in
the Field to help us make our play. “The angel of
the LORD encampeth round about them that fear
him, and delivereth them” (Ps. 34:7), delivering
us to a Safe Zone, and ultimately to Home
Base—but NOT from all trials. The Playbook
clearly says, “Many are the afflictions of the
righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of
them all” (Ps. 34:19).
You should watch Pilgrim’s Progress:
Journey to Heaven (2008) and/or read The
Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. The
following song also echoes the Journey—the
Game. This song, like Pilgrim’s Progress, is
about the Road Trip Home. It’s a Game and a
Road Trip since road trips are more fun when
games are involved. And since this is a pretty
long Road Trip, we need to have the same
stubborn determination Horatio Jackson had in
Horatio’s Drive: America’s First Road
Trip (2003), and as some of the earliest
Friends had, as we’ve been told:
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed
about with so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin
which doth so easily beset us, and let us
run with patience the race that is set
before us (Heb. 12:1).
YouTube Bump in the Road Jonny Lang.
God uses members from both teams (people,
angels, and devils) as His tools to do His work in
us and through us, therefore, around us.
Individuals get points as we obey the Captain
(Matt. 25:21), but He gets to hold the trophies
and center stage. We’ve been instructed in the
Playbook, “Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory
of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). “Do it heartily, as to the
Lord, and not unto men” (Col. 3:23).
So while that’s how the Game is supposed to
be played, nearly all Friends have been scoring
points for the wrong team so that it has
historically played out like this. We’ve been
informed that “one of [Satan’s] heads [was] as
[if] wounded to death; and his deadly wound
was healed: [so that] all the world [now]
wonder[s] after the beast” (Rev. 13:3). Satan’s
head was as if “wounded to death” with the
Reformation of the Middle Ages, but this “deadly
wound was healed” as Christians increasingly let
go of God’s WORD and did their own thing so
that today all the world wonders after the beast.
God’s born again children, have been doing
it for not truly respecting the Captain, the Game,
or the Playbook, wanting the coverage for
themselves—especially pastors:
All their works they do for to be seen of
phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of
their garments, And love the uppermost
rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in
the synagogues, And greetings in the
markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi
(Matt. 23:5-7).
Today’s leading Players are just like those 2000
years ago, even though Captain has said, “He
that is not with me is against me” (Luke 11:23).
Telling Friends to take a hike, or allowing us to
play only if we score for the Foes, that’s playing
against your Team.
In this chapter the Captain has me clarify
the importance of respecting Him, the Game,
and the Playbook by revealing what happens
when we don’t. Essentially, “the showers have
been withholden, and there hath been no latter
rain; [because] thou hadst a whore's forehead,
thou refusedst to be ashamed” (Jer. 3:3).
The Corridor
The history of humanity, referred to by the Holy
Spirit as “the corridor” in a secular song He has
me open up in the last book, contains the voices
of all who’ve gone before us, as well as angelic
and demonic ones who the Captain uses to help
us win the Game. It’s like the Sacred Tree in
Avatar (2009). In contrast, the Slime, captain
of Foes, uses them to trip us up with the same
strategy he’s used since the beginning (Gen. 3:1)
making us doubt what God has said.
For instance, while reading Malcolm X by
Alex Haley in the early 1990s, it just so
happened that Mr. Haley was coming to campus.
He spent most of his time talking to us about the
writer in the family—how God would use our
gift. So while I didn’t realize it at the time, I was
being ministered to by a Friend in a secular
university as I hung out in the Foes part of the
field playing around in the Grey Area as
portrayed in my CAMPGROUNDS graphic. I
was born again, and yet, quite lost! Just as
today’s born again souls are, for the most part.
Therefore, the Captain had directed a
Friend, Alex Haley, to pass me the Ball getting
me closer to Home Base. Because while I’d never
seriously considered being a writer, my father
had published a book so that the idea had been
filed in my attic—a file I’d peruse now and then
especially when encouraged by a Friend. I
Still, Captain’s got it covered since “charity
shall cover the multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).
The word charity is used for love in the KJV.
Love, God (1 John 4:8), has us covered and gives
us loads of freebies. And who doesn’t love free
stuff? So even if you’ve been playing with the
Foes to the extreme, as millions have been, your
rebellious life may still be leading you to Home
Base. Because if you’re a Friend, you are a
Friend indeed (Rom. 8:35-39). You just have to
make sure you really are one (2 Cor. 13:5).
YouTube Get in the Boat Purple Hulls.
actually knew—strongly felt—I had a book to
write, but every time I sat down to write it I
knew that wasn’t it, so I’d listen to the voice in
my ear (that Slime) and decide I was just
wasting my time. And in a way I was because it’s
wasn’t God’s timing.
Alex Haley spoke of how his father had
consistently rebuked him for his lack of focus,
but on reading Malcom X, he'd seen him in a
new light. That manuscript suddenly made Alex
a worthy member of the family in his father's
eyes. His father's disappointment in him and
lack of acceptance of him echoed my brother’s in
me, who often ridiculed me for my “lousy track
record.” (Since our father had died when we
were kids, it was a similar set up.) Alex Haley
had been the black sheep of his family, as I am.
Except I’m also the black sheep of my spiritual
Family. I discern, therefore, that black sheep
cometh from scapegoat (Lev. 16:10). And my real
name echoes the same living sacrifice deal, a
rather raw deal at that! For now (Rom. 8:28;
Matt. 5:11-12 & 19:30).
Googling Alex Haley’s bio, I read that he was
a professing Christian who donated a hunk of
money for the building of a mosque in honor of
his Muslim ancestors. And while that sounds
loving and good (to the undiscerning), according
to the Playbook Alex ran with the Ball for the
Foes! Oops. And every single time Friends break
the Rules, it encourages other Friends to do the
same. “Knowing the judgment of God, that they
which commit such things are worthy of death,
not only do [they do] the same, but have
pleasure in them that do them” (Rom. 1:32).
Tension Between Friends
As with all friendships, tensions exist, which
Friends have to learn to live with if they don’t
want to get to Home Base having suffered loss (2
John 1:8). So in addition to the tension between
fearing God while loving God (Luke 12:5; Mark
12:30), there are four other tensions which cause
Friends grief.
1. While God is in Control He Holds
Us Responsible
If we fumble the Ball it’s our fault because “God
is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John
1:5). But if we score we can’t take the credit
either since “it is God which worketh in [us] both
to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Phil.
2:13). The best we can do is simply—trust and
obey—giving our Captain the credit for the
points we get right and accept the blame for
when we foul up. It’s really not that hard to do
once we’ve set our mind to it. If we trip over the
fact that we can’t understand it, we just get up
and accept the fact that we won’t fully
understand it. We might after the Game is over,
but for now, we just accept it and move on, “For
therein is the righteousness of God revealed
from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall
live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). Just play the Game,
and play by the Book. Besides, it’s only pride
that keeps tripping you up—so, kill it! Quick!
Squash it like you do the Big Nasty Bug! And
take note. That the gross critter splattered under
your shoe is an image of you (Rom. 7:14-25).
YouTube Over My Head Brian Littrell.
2. God is Serious Yet Uses Humor
This one’s harder to explain to a generation
that’s bent on joking around, and for whom God
is using comic relief by which to communicate
the SEVERITY of the situation—especially with
everything going on in the world which is so
outrageously serious!
Through all of the fun and Games over the
years (Titus 1:13; Jer. 11:19) the Captain has
repeatedly shown me, and my family, how
disrespectful the BRAT is to Him, not only by
dishonoring His WORD but by making
everything into a joke. Even with 9/11, the
pastor from the Billy Graham Evangelical
Association couldn’t stop joking about it! And
it’s always the same. It’s appalling. They preach
a truth and negate it two seconds later by
following it up with a joke, taking the
seriousness out of it and nullifying God’s
WORD—the little they had focused on it.
Yet in calling me to write the original book
and then the series, God has kept bringing up
silly images, examples, and resources for me to
use, making it that much harder for me to write.
Which is it? God, are you holy and we’re in
serious trouble? Or are you OUTRAGEOUSLY
gracious and our slate is nearly clean? These
were my questions. They were Buddy’s questions
as well (pseudonym for my husband), and they
should be yours. And the answer is Yes x 4: Yes,
He’s holy. Yes, we’re in serious trouble. Yes, He’s
outrageously gracious. And, yes, our slate in
nearly clean. Why? One reason and One alone—
the Lamb of God (John 1:29), our Friend (John
15:15). YouTube Not Guilty Mandisa.
The ransom has been paid—has been—as in
past progressive something grammatical. It
happened in the past, on the Cross, and is
continually happening coming into the present
and as long as we live into the future. While we
are continually sinning, til death do us part His
blood is available to us for those sins (John 3:16;
1 John 1:9). Praise God! Hallelujah! In the Old
Testament, before the Cross, sin was dealt with
harshly, like Achan’s sin (Josh. 7). Yet in the
New Testament age (since the Cross until now),
while His commands have not toned down
(Matt. 5:18), there is a difference due to grace.
Jesus was sacrificed on the Cross and let us
know, “It is finished” (John 19:30, my
On top of that, as the group of elect who
have to get the WORD out, not just with words (1
John 3:18), to everyone AROUND THE WORLD
that it’s not Christian as in Catholic or all of
these denominations, but as in One God and
Father of us all (Eph. 4:4-6), with only God’s
WORD as the Playbook—NOTHING else (Matt.
4:4)—and because of the 2000 year old mess
Christians have made, combined with the fact
that it will call forth wrath from elect who are
presently Satan’s toys, not realizing it and
playing for Foes, and non-elect who profess to be
elect playing as Friends (Matt. 7:15), plus the
realities we’re walking into under this police
state and New World Order agenda, the fact that
Christians haven’t been the least bit interested in
hearing what God has to say, and the fact that
the lost elect are currently very antichrist! And,
on top of all that, all of the Slime’s team is
spurring everyone on! Because of it all, God is
granting us (especially me) a very high level of
grace while also calling us back to His high and
holy Standard. There’s tension when you
combine all of those factors together.
Yet it works out in the same way another
Friend explained about what happened before
the Captain shed His blood on the Cross—God
ignored our sin to a great degree. Paul wrote:
And the times of this ignorance God
winked at; but now commandeth all
men every where to repent: Because he
hath appointed a day, in the which he
will judge the world in righteousness by
that man whom he hath ordained;
whereof he hath given assurance unto all
men, in that he hath raised him from the
dead (Acts 17:30-31, my emphasis).
God also mentions it in the psalms:
If his children forsake my law, and walk
not in my judgments; If they break my
commandments; Then will I visit their
transgression with the rod, and their
iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless my
lovingkindness will I not utterly take
from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to
fail (Ps. 89:30-33).
However, immediately following the
outpouring of His Spirit with the early Church
(though it was pretty much concurrent), God’s
hand came down heavy. Once we’ve been
informed, He expects us to obey. “For if the word
spoken by angels was stedfast, and every
transgression and disobedience received a just
recompence of reward; How shall we escape, if
we neglect so great [a] salvation” (Heb. 2:2-3).
Today, God is still being fairly laid back with
us, the U.S., but as His WORD goes out in the
form of revival and reformation, I discern there’s
something of a timeline that follows: seeking,
awakening, prayer, repentance, fasting, further
awakening, fresh outpouring, growth, testing,
trials, wrath. (There’s a progression while it’s
also concurrent. Obviously, we’ve been under
God’s judgment for years.) Essentially, the more
information He gives you, the more for which
you’re held responsible. “But he that knew not,
and did commit things
worthy of stripes, shall be
beaten with few stripes.
For unto whomsoever
much is given, of him shall
be much required” (Luke
12:48). God judges us not
only individually but as a
group, the group of elect,
because as He made clear
with Cain and Abel, we
are our brother’s keeper
(Gen. 4). He’s also made it
clear with His teaching
about the body in the New
Testament (1 Cor. 12, for
excuses like my daughter
made during a season
she’d gone AWOL, don’t fly/won’t fly. A 19 year
old with a 4.0 as a college Junior consistently on
the Dean’s List, she said she didn’t understand
how to love God. That’s funny because she’d
understood it clearly enough when she was in
preschool, and the Bible has not changed (Mal.
3:6). In fact, she understood it clearly all the way
through homeschooling high school, just like
EVERY elect who doesn’t have brain damage can
understand it (Matt. 19:14; Gal. 6:7). But, like
others not in Church leadership, she does have
something of an excuse because it is harder to
understand how to love God when Church
leaders make such a LIE of it all! (Rom. 2:24).
Bunny’s Calling. Asking the Lord about
the tension between the severity of the situation
and humor, He gave me a funny little illustration
because, as He says, “My thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (Isa.
So, we love animals. They’re God’s little
creatures and our few Friends in the flesh. We’ve
gotta play with somebody since those American
Girls got old really fast. But their wardrobe sure
went the distance. My
youngest would act as
Lady in Waiting while I
was the Camera Crew. She
even got a picture into a
showed it to her super
overachiever PhD for a
piano teacher, this grown
woman squealed as she
shot up the stairs to show
her daughter, “Oh, she’s
famous!” [It’s good to be a
kid at heart (Matt. 18:34).]
This infamous little
cat is not only called Dust
Bunny, but BUNNY,
Bunny Brat, Bunnycious,
Bunny Buns, Bad Bunny—
and she’s always coming
up with new ones, as on this particular day. We
found a baby chipmunk hovering in the corner,
in shock, with a great big dust bunny on his face.
Not our Dust Bunny but a dusty bunny.
I was FURIOUS. “WHERE’S that Scrap o'
Dirt!” Poor little Chippy must have been there
for hours! Days? First the Brat torments the
baby, then abandons it! What a…“BEASTLY
I scooped up the little micro Chip (the size of
my thumb)—fell in love with his teeny little fluffy
tail—discarded the dust bunny, snarled at the
Dust Bunny, and took him back outside, where
Chipper, TOOK OFF!
How could she do that?
But then, she is a Bunny. And that look.
What a face! What does a little Bunny know
anyhow? She’s programmed to chase Chippies—
and EAT them—which she didn’t do. What a
Honey! “Come here My Little Boonnie.
While I should have popped the little Bunny
Butt, all I could do was say, “It’s OK, Bunsie. You
can ditch the slip.”
I hear God say that’s what’s going on. He
knows we are what we are (Rom. 3:10; Jer. 17:9).
To Him we’re like Bunny My Honey is to me.
She can do no wrong—for long. Jesus did away
with the sackcloth (1 Kings 21:20-29), so all we
need is a contrite heart (Ps. 51:17) to go along
with a pretty dress (Col. 3:9-10). That’s it!
God is being very gracious by walking me
through this with a sense of humor—or it would
be too big a burden! (Without being allowed to
present this with humor all I would have left
would be outrageous amounts of anger and
heartache.) It would be way too big a burden for
anyone’s back! It would also be too big a burden
for some of His children to receive, especially
those who've behaved so poorly with me and my
family—and with MANY families—and who God
wants to work together to bring all elect out of
the Muck and Mire. God's goal isn’t to weigh us
all down so we can’t function (which is what
would happen without a sense of humor), but to
rebuke all of His elect while, at the same time,
inspiring everyone to rise up to His high and
holy Standard and take our positions (Eph. 4:1113 & 2:10).
And think about it. The Lord is having me
air out all of our filthy dirty laundry before
mixed company—which reminds me of
something, funny.
I’ve been in two pastor’s homes for a
gathering and their dirty underwear was actually
laying there all twisted and exposed on the
bathroom floor for EVERYONE to see! What?!
that hard! (1 John 1:9; James 5:16).
If left up to me, I wouldn’t be as gracious
because it’s like David said, the Lord’s mercies
are greater than man’s (2 Sam. 24:14). God
knows I’d love to hire a BIG GUY to go grab
some other big guys and work ‘em over! I’d
LOVE THAT! I’m thinking of when Mr. Deeds
Goes to Town (1936) at the restaurant. Only
what I see is a Guy bigger than Gary Cooper—a
very muscular Marine I know (Ex. 15:3).
So even when I’m intensely mad, and it’s
always ultimately at God—because I know He’s
behind it all (Rom. 8:28; Isa. 45:7)—and mad for
“good” reason, He’s made it a habit of coming up
with some comical song and dance routine that
clearly shows me His way is best. As He
ministers to me I can see my Friends, Job’s
counterparts, how He sees them, as well as
seeing myself for who I am—the same kind of
lousy friend. One who daydreams on paper, for
publication, of hiring a Marine to pulverize some
pastors, and then leave it and their dirty drawers
in the text (Rom. 3:10). (At least I didn’t use
their names, though quite tempted (Jer. 17:9)).
Or else, when I’ve been so broken up in
pieces that I couldn’t possibly get it together
all, because we’re the ones
He’s using to get His fire or
revival started. It’s like the
first part of this cheer.
YouTube UGLY Bring It
On Soundtrack. Uploaded
by carebearluv8895.
Except the captain of
Foe’s isn’t just ugly, he’s
pretty ugly (2 Cor. 11:14).
Comic relief helps face that
ugly mug square on. And if
you're a Pharisee, you're
pretty ugly too. (It’s just the
first part of the song. The rest
of the song is obviously that
ugly mug’s doing.)
NOTE: The Lord later tied
this in to another resource I
open up in the last book. In
fact, He’s tied it all together.
So don’t run ahead, and PAY
again and press on, the Captain’s done a wild
little number and gotten me back and running in
no time, like with some of the stuff in Joy While
Waiting. He’s often used humor to get me to do
what He wants. He gives me the warnings toned
down getting the point across without terrifying
me, though sometimes He is more graphic (as
He was at the beginning). And it’s not just for me
because “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts
10:34). The better I’ve gotten to know Him, the
more He’s talked to me in comic format. And I
APPRECIATE IT! (Deut. 4:24; Luke 12:5).
So while Christians have taken offense, it's
because they're Pharisees. They haven't gotten to
know the Lord for not walking in obedience to
Him. They're still cold, proud, mean, snobs. And
Jesus is not. Most of today’s born again
Christians are still like the other guy, Captain of
Foes, and he’s not our friend (John 8:44).
For example, CALENDAR BUNNY was
wearing her red, white, and blue cheerleading
outfit, and Captain of Friends showed me it
was/is really for her American Friends, most of
The blurb under Bunny is interesting too
because, while she’s rooting for the Friends,
she’s also representing the Foes, since that’s how
God works because He’s controls both teams. So
while it says that the cat “never breaks a rule” it
has a double meaning since “the cat” is both
Jesus (Rev. 5:5) and Satan (1 Pet. 5:8). So it’s
true that the cat, as in Jesus, never breaks a rule,
but the cat, Satan, breaks all the rules. And it is
up to us to quickly learn the Rules so that we can
continue being in the Game as a winner. So the
first part of the blurb is also true, cat Games
certainly do have their Rules and rituals. And
because God’s calling on each of our lives is
different (Eph. 2:10), there is some variance for
each player.
3. God’s Ways aren't Like Ours
Um…well…Duh! (Isa. 55:9). God is using me to
reveal a side of Himself He hasn’t ever revealed
before in all of history. Now there’s a statement
worthy of stoning. (If you’re gonna throw ‘em, at
least do it for a seemingly legitimate reason!) For
all the reading I’ve done on Him, I haven’t read a
single thing on the humorous side of the Lord
coming from Him. And it’s because He’s
matching the difficulty of my calling with the
side of Him that’s like the “cherry on top.”
YouTube The Face of Love Sanctus Real.
Historically, we first had to eat broccoli (the
Law) then we got mashed potatoes (the
Prophets), then He gave us steak (the Temple),
and finally we were allowed to eat our ice cream
(the Messiah), to which He added whipped
cream (the Holy Spirit). Now we get the cherry
on top (He’s for real). That’s what you call a
timeline. I AM SO FOOD OBSESSED! You guys
are making me batty! WE WEREN’T CREATED
DOG! (Gal. 6:2).
I’m also sure I’m wrong about some of this—
pretty sure I said that already. It’s more like it’s
incomplete. But we won’t know those details
until some of us fall flat on our faces before God
and make up like Joseph and his bad boys had to
do (Gen. 45:4-8 & 14-15).
Here's the thing. Jesus is our Friend (John
15:15), the only faithful Friend there is (John
15:13), whose wounds can be trusted (Prov.
27:6). He wants all to know who He is, our
Captain (Heb. 2:10), who must be feared (Luke
12:5), yet is Compassion itself (Ps. 103:13), and
allows hurtful situations (Isa. 45:7) through
which He reveals to us our sin as we turn those
emotions over to Him (1 Pet. 5:7). Then we grow
as we surrender to His will (Job 2:10), and He
comforts us by filling us with songs of praise—no
matter what’s gone down (Zeph. 3:17).
YouTube Holy Captivated Nicole C.
4. A Jealous God Requires Us to
Love Others
God began this miserable calling at Eagle
Church in Indianapolis, which was pastored by
Kerry Bowman and mentored by Sunder
Krishnan from RZIM. What took place with
Eagle leaders had to do with trust—a form of
love—and something of a re-run has played out
ever since. In fact, everything before and since
has been a shadow of the same, Friends
obviously and obliviously playing for Foes (Matt.
23:15; Rev. 13:3). Eagle was clearly Center Stage
for God’s purposes as clarified through the next
two books and by reading between the lines.
After fearing God too much since He
brought me into the Fold through the Scared
Straight Program (detailed in the last book),
while learning to trust God through Eagle,
RZIM, and others, God quickly raised the bar so
that I would struggle with trusting Him and
NOT fear man (especially pastors, God’s men),
loving God more than man while EXTREMELY
aware of Satan yet not fearing him (1 John
4:18). It was a classic Head Game, because we’re
in a MIND WAR—a huge part of God’s Pet Project
as Paul said:
I delight in the law of God after the
inward man: But I see another law in my
members, warring against the law of my
mind, and bringing me into captivity to
the law of sin (Rom. 7:22-23).
Since Christians have historically not worn
the uniform, or worn parts of it while skipping
the helmet the way I often did while on my
motorcycle (Eph. 6:11-18), God used Satan to
teach me the need to wear the whole uniform in
order to motivate the rest to do so as well.
The ultimate Goal of the Game is to love God
enough so that you can love sinful Friends who
often hurt you (John 15:13; Ps. 41:9). Those are
the two greatest commandments in God’s order
(Mark 12:28-31). Loving God, expressed through
selfless love for others who treat you like garbage
is how you get Home on the Honor’s Program.
You have to lay down your life, as He leads—no
matter the consequences. You have to lay it
down and let them trample you even when
they're wearing steel tipped hiking boots and
kick you were it hurts the most. And if you think
that’s easy to do when just dealing with words,
you’ve never done it.
In fact, I’ve yet to meet one Christian willing
to completely let go of family ties for the sake of
Christ (when called for)—not one (Matt. 19:29).
Instead, the BRAT tells you to DISOBEY God so
you can “love” people (since that’s more
convenient)—having it all upside down (Mark
Christians haven’t obeyed God because, by
loving God more and breaking ties with family
members who reject Christ, those family
members hurt you and you’re also left without
family. So it's much more convenient to water
down your faith—as most have done. It's more
convenient here and now, but you'll take a hit for
it for the rest of eternity, as God is making clear
through my ministry.
For example, most Christians today,
especially in leadership, are dead asleep while
having been enlightened to the truth, so that
God is coming to them as a thief in the night.
Again, this is what He says:
I know thy works, that thou hast a name
that thou livest, and art dead. Be
watchful, and strengthen the things
which remain, that are ready to die: for I
have not found thy works perfect before
God. Remember therefore how thou hast
received and heard, and hold fast, and
repent. If therefore thou shalt not
watch [as in not pay attention to
what He’s saying to you], I will
come on thee as a thief, and thou
shalt not know what hour I will come
upon thee (Rev. 3:1-3, my emphasis).
Many Church leaders will realize they
wasted their entire lives which will affect them
for the rest of forever. John MacArthur for
example—if he’s elect—is doing and preaching a
load of unbiblicalities and in 2015 he’s already
76 years old. By the time God opens up this
ministry and he gets wind of it, he’s not going to
have any time to do anything but repent.
Because of this calling, I’ve had several men,
a foot taller than me, repeatedly yell at me at the
top of their lungs. Pastor Kerry Bowman, for
example, was so in my face that I could clearly
make out his tonsils!
In the end, Eagle leadership said I could
remain there only if I spoke what they said was
OK. I trashed the page of requirements I’d type
up, which they hadn’t dared to put on paper
since “every one that doeth evil hateth the
light…lest his deeds should be [exposed]” (John
3:20). But the key point was that they wanted
me to have a pastor or elder interpret what God
was speaking to me concerning the Church (Acts
4:17). What they did is what Catholics do, and
what’s going on throughout Protestant
Christianity Today. I’m just an example of what’s
been going on in the Church for years. In fact,
they’re doing much worse to many. So far from
God, born again Christian leaders haven't been
able to grasp the notion that God would tell
rebellious leadership to repent, even though
that's like 75% of the Bible!
Moreover, having such Nazi practices,
Protestant leaders have made our loving Father
appear like a CORRUPT DICTATOR! And He’s
not real pleased about it since it’s no small
defamation of His character. As a friend’s teen
put it when Eagle did it to me, it’s as if they
BOUND AND GAGGED me, explaining my
avatar. God has me mocking them (Ps. 2:4).
Having asked God for two years to allow us
to leave Eagle, that’s when He finally released
us, giving me this verse, “Ye have not received
the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have
received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry,
Abba, Father” (Rom. 8:15) and He gave Buddy
one echoing the same. The last conversation I
had with Eagle leadership was with the pastor
2nd in command (now head pastor), Eric
Simpson, surprised and angry that we were
leaving (so delusional!). Like who would wanna
stay? Yet we would have stayed if God had told
us to do so. We wouldn’t have stayed because
we’re idiots or enjoy being treated like trash, but
out of love and obedience for God who says this:
I say unto you, That ye resist not evil:
but whosoever shall smite thee on thy
right cheek, turn to him the other also.
And if any man will sue thee at the law,
and take away thy coat, let him have thy
cloak also. And whosoever shall compel
thee to go a mile, go with him twain
(Matt. 5:39-41).
Eric yelled at me on the phone, “YOU
the exact opposite—I had trusted them too
much. Fearing man more than God, I’d loved
man more than God, a jealous God (Matt.
16:23). It’s what all Christians are doing, and
what many people are doing in their places of
employment. Fearing losing their job, their
paycheck, they do things they would otherwise
not do. And as God opens up this ministry,
they’re going to have to start making the correct
and harder choices, trusting God to either let
them keep their job/income or provide for them
some other way—because it’s all about walking
in righteousness and faith.
For example, in 2014 the Lord led me to
work for one of the top five companies listed on
Forbes—at a grocery store. So while they pay
better than most, they’re super dehumanizing
hypocritical Nazi’s, and most people take it
because they don’t want to lose their job. I was
demoted for having offended a “Christian” with a
letter encouraging her in walk. Never mind that
she had tried to ‘encourage’ me with a pseudo
Christian video, Soul Surfer (2011), she
supposedly took offense when I did the same for
her, only better. And while the managers weren’t
born again, they should have been able to walk
in it correctly since they had just reprimanded
her for lying and slacking off. Instead, all of
them in submission to Satan, she got what she
wanted, the freedom to continue to slack off
without anyone (me) getting on her about it. She
wanted to do just the minimal to get by while
complaining about others, as so many often did.
And the managers got what they wanted, zombie
Anyhow, having spent 6 months there
(shocking to me all things considered!), demoted
under such hypocrisy, and released by the Lord,
I quit, trusting God that He had better for me.
And that’s when He called me to create the
website and YouTube presentations, after having
me do another Tour of Duty, this time in
physical therapy. In any case, working for the
Lord is a much better way to spend my time even
though it’s unpaid. All my needs are still taken
care of, plus some additional benefits. The
grocery job had been one of the many Detours
He’s had on my path working it all out so that I
could fulfill my calling (Rom. 8:28).
For example, while I was there, God had me
writing some articles (about 30 of them) passing
them onto another Christian for his input, which
were really just to challenge him to walk closer
to His Lord, which he didn’t, but which God then
used to help me break the book down into the
series. Because God wastes nothing. Eventually
that guy will get rebuked by God for not having
taken Him more seriously—like all the rest.
And if this woman at the grocery store or
anyone (the grocery store) wants to sue me
because they’ll be able to figure out I wrote
about them, then God will get all the more
attention. Glory to God! That’s how He worked
in the early Church. The more they persecuted
the true believers, the more attention the Lord
got for Himself and the Church grew—defeating
their purpose (Ps. 23:5). No matter what, God
wins and so do all who serve Him because every
trial we experience here caused because of our
obedience to Him is accounted as treasure in
heaven which we’ll be able to use for the rest of
forever. In short, we earn a better resurrection
(Heb. 11:35).
It’s understandable that worldly companies
would act like Nazi’s, but it's super wrong for
men in Church leadership to do so and to
encourage God's people to place their trust in
them. They're supposed to be encouraging God's
people to place their trust in God. And it's all
about love and humility not power tripping,
lying, and verbal abuse. YouTube The
Mission Steve Green.
With Eric’s example, since he was placed
in leadership as a new convert, why does
God say a recent convert shouldn’t be
placed in leadership? (1 Tim. 3:1-6).
2. Eric also says on the Eagle website
(4/2014) that he likes to hang out “at a
monastery with a good book.” What's
wrong with that?
3. Another time I'd gone up and politely
noted that something he'd said in his
sermon contradicted Psalm 119:100. I
was just pointing it out in a friendly
manner. We all make mistakes. But he
immediately yelled at me and huffed off.
Then, having told his peers, they all
rebuked me for it. When civil
government becomes dictatorial—more
so than it already is—and pastors are
used to support them more than they
already do, are we to obey them no
matter what they demand of us, because
they're the "anointed" ones? (2 Cor.
10:5). You really need to figure this out
I needed the Tour of Duty at Eagle because it
was prep work for the walk the Lord had in store
for me with Christianity Today, just as it is for
Christianity Today and American government
leaders. And it’s part of the reason God allowed
Eric to walk that path. After he repents
(provided he’s actually elect), he'll know exactly
what's wrong with that path so that he can
counsel others against it. It’s like Paul had to
experience hating God’s friends, as Saul, before
being hated for befriending God as Paul (Acts
9:1-22). You have to walk in it to better
understand it from God’s perspective and to
better know how to deal with it (Eph. 6:12).
Bawling as always, when I went to the Lord
about the phone “conversation,” God’s WORD
confirmed what I’d discerned. This is where my
bookmark was, “Blessed is that man that maketh
the LORD his trust, and respecteth not the proud,
nor such as turn aside to lies” (Ps. 40:4). I
knew/had known they’d turned aside to lies and
were super proud, yet I still respected them
because I had learned from them. I also
struggled because this was my first Church
home, which I’d longed for, for so long. (You’ll
appreciate my calling better with the last book
since God has me walk you through my life.) In
fact, it’s taken me years and loads of abuse from
Christians to finally totally disrespect them. It’s
taken that long, not only because of the
condition of my heart, a saint prone to sin (Jer.
17:9), but because, as Peter said, “to whom shall
we go?” (John 6:68) No one else has the words
of life, but Christians. Can it really be that the
remnant today is as small as it was during
Noah’s day? (Matt. 24:37-39). Because every
single time God has shown me a Christian who
seems to be more mature and earnest in the
faith, they’ve all very quickly turned cold. (I
understand that there is a remnant—worldwide.
I also understand why God has set me so
desperately far apart. The last two books, the
series as a whole, reveal God’s perspective, the
reasons why. I’m one outrageously blessed
individual (Matt. 5:12).) YouTube Bill Ellis
Weeping Prophet (Live Acoustic Rock).
Released by God from Eagle, He then
immediately made it clear that He wanted me to
continue to pray for them and to step it up. And
it wasn’t what I wanted to do! (Jer. 17:9). Yet
sitting at His feet, within no time (even shocking
to me), I was, not only praying for them, but I
even reached out to Bill Bean a few times in
obedience to God, the worship pastor at the time
with whom God had connected me most closely.
Naturally, Bill replied with cold dead silence
because it wasn’t God’s timing for Bill to respond
(Rom. 9:16). The Lord had had me reach out to
Bill to allow me to know Him better by building
up my faith—something He does by testing our
obedience. It's a really great test (from God's
perspective) when He tells you to reach out to
someone while also telling you that they won't
have ears to hear, especially if He tells you they'll
treat you like garbage. Will you still obey Him?
Moses did (Ex. 4:21), as did other prophets. And
Jesus is the best example. He knew we'd reject
Him, even as born again Christians, and do it for
two thousand years, and He still went through a
brutally painful death for us. And, He's called all
elect to be like Him (1 Pet. 2:21). God wants us to
love Him and people in that order because
nothing less than that will ever work as the last
2000 years prove. YouTube Greatest
Commandment. Uploaded by Dioxide9.
Red Flags
Over the years the Captain has pointed out Red
Flags to me, land mines out in the Field so that I
don’t blow my faith to smithereens (1 Tim. 1:1820). The following are among the more
important ones.
Church leaders keep very busy and tend to know
the Playbook better than most so they tend not
to look up the WORD. For example, referring to
a verse and looking for it in my Bible so as to not
misquote Him, Pastor waved me off saying, “I
know it. I know it.” So I moved on. But the
Captain rebuked me afterwards and has made it
clear ever since then that we’re not to do that.
And the reason is because it’s one of the keys on
that chain He handed Peter for unlocking
heaven’s gate (Matt. 16:19). Yet Christianity
Today has blown both Her legs off for doing it so
much. She even does it in Bible study books by
not giving you the reference or flat out telling
you not to look it up if you already know the
verse, as with the very popular Experiencing
God study by Henry Blackaby. It’s horribly
unbiblical counsel!
And here's why. God’s WORD is living and
active (Heb. 4:12). Jesus is that WORD (John
1:14) and He wants to speak to us at that
moment (Heb. 3:7-8). And our Father tells us to
listen to Him (Matt. 17:5). But we can’t if we
don’t read the WORD because He is the WORD,
alive and speaking at the moment. Jesus isn’t
dead and buried! He was resurrected (Matt.
28:5-6) and He speaks to us through His Spirit
by way of His WORD, primarily. So even if you
know a verse, God can’t open up the verses
around it to you because you’ve focused only on
that verse, and probably remembered it
incorrectly (more than likely). Therefore, EVERY
SINGLE TIME you don’t read the verse again,
you bypass an opportunity for Him to reveal
Himself to you. And the more you do it, the more
you will do it. Just like the more lies you tell the
more lies you will tell—there’s a snowball effect.
When you read the verse before, God had
something to say at that moment. However,
“now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2). We are
to live in the moment with Him, not in the past
of faded glory, nor in the future, because we may
not be interpreting His full meaning 100%
correctly because “we [only] know in part, and
we [only] prophesy in part” (1 Cor. 13:9). We’re
to have our eyes on the prize (future), having
learned from our lessons (past), listening for
what He has to say in application of it now
(present). As Paul said, “Brethren, I count not
myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I
do, forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are
before, I press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil.
3:13-14). YouTube Eyes on the Prize Sara
Moving ahead without reading the verse is
as if to say, “Well, I’ve read the Bible already, I
don’t need to read it again.” No born again
Christian would EVER say that having engaged
their brain because God’s Book is not like other
books. It is the way (John 14:6) by which God
speaks to us and shows us how to get Home
safely and on the Honors Program (2 Tim. 2:15).
But if you don’t wanna get Home, or get there
safely, or with honors (Matt. 25:23), continue as
is. There are plenty of average students. Those
are the ones with Cs who get Home by way of
escaped flames (1 Cor. 3:14-15). However, the
problem with that approach is that many who’ve
thought they’ve had a solid C (satisfied with
average) found out they actually had a D, or
worse (Matt. 7:21-23). And if you don’t
remember, a C is required to pass.
While God knows who is and isn't elect, we
don't. So we have to do everything we can to
make sure that we really are one of His (Matt.
7:13-14; Phil. 2:12; 1 Cor. 11:28; 2 Cor. 13:5)
which requires working for higher than a C. It
requires working for an A (1 Cor. 3:11-14).
Besides, you're working for your ETERNAL
wealth. The opportunities you've been granted in
this life are meant for your eternal retirement.
What comfort level do you want to have for the
rest of forever? Instead of focusing on that,
everyone's focused on their retirement in this
life, a period that lasts maybe 20 years, more or
In contrast, our ‘retirement’ in the real life
actually lasts so long there's no mathematical
number for it! This life is a Tour of Duty and just
a breath:
For all our days are passed away in thy
wrath: we spend our years as a tale that
is told. The days of our years are
threescore years and ten; and if by
reason of strength they be fourscore
years, yet is their strength labour and
sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly
away (Ps. 90:9-10).
If you’re elect and His Friend, you’ll stick
close to the Lord, and there’s only one way to do
that. You can pray all you want, but by letting go
of God’s WORD—not walking in full obedience
to Him—you’ve let go of Him (John 1:14), so that
your prayers are nothing, or little more, than a
load of hot air (Eccl. 5:2; Matt. 6:7). You might
be elect (2 Cor. 13:5), but you’ll mostly get used
by Satan for his purposes (Matt. 12:30). And if
you’re not elect, you’re going to hell, so He says,
‘count the cost’ (Luke 14:26-28). You really
shouldn’t need a calculator for this one.
The lost focus on works, thinking if they do
some good deeds they’re in better with God. And
Christians are little different. They focus on all
the “good” works Christians are doing, thinking
the Church isn’t in such bad shape and that
those of us who speak up and call them to repent
are just “badgering” Her. One of the many things
Christians don’t consider is that it’s NOT
primarily about works! (James 2). It’s primarily
about love for God, then about love for people
(Mark 12:30-31). And it’s only the works we do
out of love for people that are considered good
by God, works done in obedience to Him and by
the power of His Spirit, otherwise they’re just
works and not works of faith. And God says,
“Whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23).
In other words, unless you have clear direction
from God to do it—a specific WORD from God to
you personally to do it—it’s not a work of faith.
And that’s because God is much more interested
in having a relationship with us—His children—
than He is in having servants.
The Encouragement Team. There's
a used car dealer we love, but we take a deep
breath on arrival since we’ll get pounced on by
the group. We get it that the salespeople are each
trying to make a living. That’s fine. However, we
do NOT understand why local churches are the
same way! Not only do they pounce on you at the
parking lot, but at the doors, and again during
the service! And they really do pounce on you.
Let me chunk it down for you. If I’m lost and
go to church, getting pounced on is a MAJOR
turn off. If I’m hurting and get pounced on, it
adds insult to injury. And if I’m going to church
to spend time with God amongst His people,
rather than just going to spend time with people,
car salesmen reveal how fake everyone is!
Nowhere does the Bible call for an
“Encouragement Team” ready to pounce! After
an altar call, while Christians are kneeling in
prayer, someone from the Team pounces on you!
Christians remind me of the days when I was
lost and in college. Down at a bar in Georgetown,
some drunk guy grabbed me and actually
snorted me and manhandled me thinking he was
so suave. Christians are essentially doing the
same thing, and at the most inappropriate
moments during service. What Christianity
Today is doing in the churches is neither godly
nor loving, definitely not discerning. Like the
drunk, it’s disgusting!
Grip & Grin. After worship (singing
together), pastors have you stop to shake hands.
It’s so fake! They'll even say, “Put a smile on
your face and go greet people!” Well, isn’t that
special. So if I’m heartbroken due to the
Church’s worldliness, I’m supposed plaster an
idiotic grin on my face and focus on the people
around me rather than on God, the One I came
to honor and hear from. It’s an abomination!
And, Hello? Real love doesn’t force itself. Like
it’s 11:15, time to show God we love people by
gripping and grinning like a bunch of idiots!
Rather, spending quality time with Jesus
during the week (John 7:38), loving words and
actions naturally flow to Him and people
because “the end of the commandment is [love]
out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience,
and of faith unfeigned” (1 Tim. 1:5, my
emphasis). Unfeigned means not fake.
And while encouraging people to be phony
is bad enough, the timing is horrendous. The
point of worship is to transition focus from
ourselves and our desires to God and His
desires. He uses biblical music to get us to focus
on Him, preparing our hearts, minds, and ears
to hear the message He has for us through his
servant, the pastor, so that we glorify Him (2
Chron. 5:13). Having had the Holy Spirit draw
the people closer to God, most pastors have
God’s people shift focus back on themselves and
each other with fake smiles and chit chat about
all the worldly things they did on Saturday
trashing the work the Holy Spirit did in
preparing those souls through the worship songs
to hear Him speak (Zeph. 3:17).
And when was the last time you were at a
gathering, and in the middle of it, the host
brought everything to a SCREECHING STOP
just so you could all greet each other? (1 Pet.
1:22-23). Only idiots would do that!
Behind the Songs. Christians love
Horatio Spafford’s hymn. It's one of my
favorites. YouTube It is Well with My Soul
HD Barbershop Multitrack. Uploaded by
Vance Perry.
Christians know about Horatio’s Spafford’s
son dying, the fire which hurt their finances, and
the girls dying in the ship that went down so that
his wife sent him the telegram, “Saved. Alone.”
However, not many know the rest of his
story, revealing that it wasn’t quite so well with
his soul—because he ended up thinking he was
the Messiah! Oops. And I discern worship
leaders don’t tell God’s people about it because
they either haven’t done their Homework or
they’re “protecting” God. Except by trying to
protect God you throw mud on His face! If
Church leaders actually did their Homework and
informed God’s people, the elect would be more
cautious with their own spiritual lives—which is
what Church leaders are supposed to be helping
God's people do (Matt. 28:19-20).
Abusive Pastors. Preaching at people
rather than addressing them is SUPER abusive
and unbiblical:
Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye
know that the princes of the Gentiles
exercise dominion over them, and they
that are great exercise authority upon
them. But it shall not be so among you:
but whosoever will be great among you,
let him be your minister (Matt. 20:2526).
Sure, if you ignore people and preach at
them, they’ll go away. But God is watching (Ps.
94:9). And by doing it you not only helped
Satan, you trashed your own life and dishonored
Jesus Christ. Way to go. YouTube Words
Hawk Nelson.
Timed Services. Today's church
services are typically 40 minutes (or less) for the
sermon and about an hour and a half for the
whole thing. And many have pre-planned every
single minute. (Volunteer as an usher and see
what they give you.) Then the expensive building
goes mostly wasted for the rest of the week or
rented to pagans. And the only reason for it is to
appease Satan and sinners. They’ve left zero
room for the Holy Spirit of God in His Church
(Rev. 13:3; Phil. 2:21). YouTube Parody of
Our Modern Church Service. Uploaded by
Kade Hawkins.
The Prize. Christians think the prize is
heaven when that’s already been granted to the
elect! The Prize is a very lively relationship with
God here and now. Jesus is the Prize (2 Cor.
9:15). That's part of why my personal testimony
is in here. As the Girl wakes up to Herself, elect
will step up to the Plate hungry for the Prize,
eager to down whatever He serves. And they’ll
stay the course for the joy of being with Him,
unwilling to ever again dine with Slime (1 John
1:3). YouTube God Is Able Work Tape
A Shocking Reality. Christians have
been sitting on the fence inhaling fatty camel
burgers (Matt. 23:24) then throwing their trash
on the ground without any consideration
whatsoever to what they’re doing or who they’re
hurting (Mark 10:25; Matt: 25:45). What
Friends haven’t considered is that the fence
belongs to Slime, Prince of Foes, since he's the
ruler of this world (John 12:31). Naturally, the
fence is electric, and our Captain is soon giving
Foes the OK to flip the switch (Rev. 3:11) since
He’s also their Captain (Matt. 8:31). It's already
been happening for years.
And right after writing that blurb, I Googled
for a picture (since this was originally not for
publication but for a Christian I’d known). And
God immediately provided and Google Images:
HOTSHOCK A50. Notice the dumb sheep in
the background. If you don’t heed God’s
warnings you’ll soon be seeing things in
something other than cartoon format. He says,
“I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear
him, which after he hath killed hath power to
cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him”
(Luke 12:5). In other words, Get OFF The
Fence! YouTube Sacred Warrior Fire
from Heaven (Obsession).
All the Rage. I loved my motorcycle. But
crude guys in Mack trucks got their kicks
running me off the road. And even without a
truck guys like that are scary. And a Mack Truck
had just totaled my car (my excuse for getting
the bike) so I was very clear on the damage they
could do. I made those guys mad just by doing
my own thing because it didn’t line up with their
thing, just like speaking the truth doesn’t line up
with servants of Slime. Play the Game tuned in
to the Captain (Heb. 2:10) and it will feel like a
Mack truck on road rage is ramming up on you,
taking the fun out of the Ride (2 Tim. 3:12). I
sold my bike. I quit. Only in this Game that’s not
an option. Yet neither do we go it alone. Like all
good captains ours was willing to go down with
the Ship (Eph. 4:8-10). So it’s time His elect
expressed some gratitude (Heb. 2:10-11; Acts
5:41). God is using these books and videos to
begin a work in each of His Friends that adds up
to the scene where the coach (Jesus) coaxes the
kid through the Death Crawl blindfolded—since
we can’t see Him or those in His realm (Eph.
6:12). He demands the kid to give his best, no
quitting til you’ve got nothing left to give. When
God’s people get in gear and do as commanded
we’ll all be amazed at how much we can
accomplish in Christ as a group (2 Cor. 10:5;
Mark 12:30). YouTube Facing the Giants
Death Crawl.
It All Depends on a Leap
Friends have trouble trusting God. Born again
(like the lost) seem to think that if you rely on
God too much you’ll either go wacko or fall into
demonic hands. They think it because it’s
happened, like with Horatio Spafford. Except it
only happens because people don't do their
Homework. Moreover, it ties in to the sin which
is unforgivable (Matt. 12:31). And it just so
happens to be what God wrapped around my
testimony, having taken me for a Ride involving
both aspects of the threats everyone’s afraid of,
raising up, in me, a prophet for the ‘end of time’
times—with the difference Christ makes. Unless
I am an insanely proud nutcase and Hitler was
sane, and words have no meaning. You decide.
Ultimately, God is asking all Friends to jump
off the Cliff of Faith—the Rock (1 Cor. 10:4)—
head first, with the WORD as our bungee cord.
Taking the leap takes nerve, and an audacious
amount of faith. And God is asking the Leap
from a generation of elect who practically have
ZERO faith!
However, God has also made it clear that we,
His Friends, are eagles:
Ye have seen what I did unto the
Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles'
wings, and brought you unto myself (Ex.
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget
not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all
thine iniquities; who healeth all thy
diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from
destruction; who crowneth thee with
lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who
satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so
that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's
(Ps. 103:5).
They that wait upon the LORD shall
renew their strength; they shall mount
up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk,
and not faint (Isa. 40:31).
Watching a nature program once, I learned
that eagles push their babies off the cliff. Brutal!
Yet, for the most part, they learn to flap those
little wings pretty darn fast since necessity is the
mother of invention—Dad swooping in should
they freeze from fear. It’s what Jesus did with
Peter out on the water:
In the fourth watch of the night Jesus
went unto them, walking on the sea. And
when the disciples saw him walking on
the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is
a spirit; and they cried out for fear. But
straightway Jesus spake unto them,
saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not
afraid. And Peter answered him and
said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come
unto thee on the water. And he said,
Come. And when Peter was come down
out of the ship, he walked on the water,
to go to Jesus. When [Peter] saw the
wind boisterous, he was afraid; and
beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord,
save me. And immediately Jesus
stretched forth his hand, and caught
him, and said unto him, O thou of little
faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
(Matt. 14:25-31).
Since God created the Eagles and loves us,
He prepared the way so that we wouldn’t get the
Boot just out of nowhere. The Eagle first stirs up
the nest (Deut. 32:11-12) by removing all the
cushy downy stuff so that the babies would have
to get up and stretch those muscles (Isa. 35:3)—
then comes the Boot. Think Columbine, 9/11,
Katrina, Revolving Door Church, divorce rates,
apathy and hypocrisy, the wars, the deficit,
unemployment, abortion, school shootings, the
NDAA, the New World Order…
It’s high time the Vessels of Mercy learned to
fly so that we can finally go fishing (Matt. 4:19)—
since that’s a huge part of why Eagles were
created in the first place. Captain of Friends is
calling His Babies to soar so that Foes—spitting,
cursing, and hissing—can see just how beautiful
the Eagles are, “whereas they speak evil of you,
as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely
accuse your good conversation in Christ” (1 Pet.
3:16). The fact is that Eagles feed on snake not
the other way around. YouTube What Faith
Can Do Kutless.
God provided a great visual on the Leap of
Faith using the morning “news” to prepare
everyone for the flight—fall. Some fundraiser
was taking place and the people were sick of the
same old tired $1000 dinner plate thing to just
sit around and listen to people blah blah blah all
night long. So, for a mere thousand dollars you
could bungee jump off this building. And the
news team was there showing us just how high a
jump it was, giving us all sorts of views from
their helicopter. Yikes! Then you hear the
reporter whose been telling the story, squirming,
as he gulps, “I’m next.” Then the camera turns
to his face which we hadn’t seen before—pale as
a ghost! White as a sheet! (With a greenish hue.)
Nervously strapping his gear on over his
business suit, he says, “I won’t lie. I AM SCARED
TO DEATH. I’ve never been so TERRIFIED…This
has to be the most stupid thing I have ever done
in my life!”
Then he has to go through with it. And since
Jesus likes to keep me entertained, I got to
watch and hear all the screams (surprisingly,
just squeaks). Then, at the bottom, he’s shaking
and breathing all heavy. Thrilled, he says, “I’ll
NEVER EVER do that again as long as I live!
[Me thinks he wore Depends.] But I’m so proud
of myself for having done it!”
That's it.
This man trusted a chord that could have
broken—it happens. In contrast, God is asking
you to trust a Chord that cannot ever break “for
he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake
thee” (Heb. 13:5).
So, start stretching, you really don't wanna
pull a muscle halfway down:
Now no chastening for the present
seemeth to be joyous, but grievous:
nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the
peaceable fruit of righteousness unto
thereby. Wherefore lift up the hands
which hang down, and the feeble
knees; And make straight paths for your
feet, lest that which is lame be turned
out of the way; but let it rather be healed
(Heb. 12:11-13).
YouTube Freefall Royal Tailor (Official).
Aw Kitty Kitty
We once had kittens who were about four weeks
old when, for some reason, we put them on the
table. To our surprise, all four legs of each little
kitten went straight out as they flattened
themselves against the table top! Somehow they
knew they weren’t on solid ground and were
terrified. And that’s Christianity Today—
TERRIFIED tigers. Only God can’t use us that
way. THE LINEUP is only cute in kittens!
For instance, a group came to our door from
a neighborhood Purpose Driven church doing a
program to evangelize the community.
Obviously not tight with Christ, this woman
trembled and stuttered all the way through, and
neither of the guys knew the WORD well either.
Just like the Sons of Sceva, they were destined to
get mauled!
There were seven sons of one Sceva, a
Jew, and chief of the priests, which did
so. And the evil spirit answered and
said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but
who are ye? And the man in whom the
evil spirit was leaped on them, and
overcame them, and prevailed against
them, so that they fled out of that house
naked and wounded (Acts 19:14-16).
Like the kittens, God’s Girl knows She’s not
on solid ground, but unlike them, She can get to
know the Rock, thereby, get firm footing—which
She’ll soon need—like yesterday! Jesus says,
“Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with
me, to give every man according as his work
shall be” (Rev. 22:12). YouTube You Never
Let Go Matt Redman.
Satan's Slimiest Lies
As many people have been realizing over the
past two decades, Satan has fed us many lies,
since it’s what he does (Matt. 6:44) and he’s the
ruler of this world (John 12:31, YLT). And two of
the biggest lies concerning Christianity deal with
Christmas and rock music.
Mass Deception. Christians have
swallowed this huge lie from the Liar knowing
it’s a lie as revealed in this
documentary, The Unwrapping
of Christmas (2000). And there
are tons of YouTube presentations
about it. The fact that most
Christian churches still celebrate it
confirms what God has said in 2
Thessalonians 2:10-11, that God
handed them over to believe lies
for not having loved the truth. This film clearly
demos our wicked hearts in action, because not
only have Christians fought for what God hates,
after exposing it for what it is, the narrator
justifies how to continue celebrating this event
she just revealed God obviously rejects! (Matt.
12:37; Rev. 13:3). God says, “Have no fellowship
with the unfruitful works of darkness” (Eph.
5:11). Just what part of “no” is hard to
Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus—it’s
not His birthday, not the time of year during
which He was born; the gifts aren’t for Him but
for self and others, mostly junk that lands at
Goodwill and for which God’s people wasted His
funds (Luke 16:1-12). Neither should we
encourage anyone to think of Jesus as a baby!
(Prov. 1:26-29; Luke 12:5). Jesus is the Reason
for the Season is a successful gimmick (Jer. 10:
3-4) spewed out by Foes to hide the chaos, the
fattening of hearts in days of slaughter (2 Cor.
11:14; James 5:5). Christians are so comatose
dead asleep that moving just one little letter
actually worked as SATAN=SANTA reveals!
The Church nose dives even deeper than usual to
celebrate this Mass, promoting a season whereby
many feel lonelier than at any other time of the
year, ‘forced’ to spend money they don’t have,
and Christians call it something of God! (Matt.
25:14-30; Rev. 13:3). The reformers knew not to
celebrate this Mass and it was illegal in the U.S.
until we got more worldly (2 Cor.
6:14). So while you can't legislate
love for God, they at least
understood that this did not honor
When we chucked Christmas
our girls were nine and ten, and
they were relieved, because Christmas is
bondage in many ways (John 8:36). Not
celebrating it is liberating! But it’s not been
liberating enough since all of society overflows
with this abomination and the churches are
totally wrapped up in it from November through
January. As long as Christians make light of
God’s commands so will everyone else. In fact,
God warned us, “If ye will not believe, surely ye
shall not be established” (Isa. 7:9). LOOK
What happens is an extension of the
teaching about Martha and Mary (Luke 10:3842). It’s what would have happened had Martha
ignored Jesus' rebuke. And it’s what’s happened
to the Lord's BRAT, His Fiancée, His Bride, the
Church. Christians haven’t obeyed Him so that
they/She is ultra-busy like Martha, only more
so. Had Martha not heeded the Lord’s rebuke, a
gap between the two of them, and between her
and her sister, Mary, would have developed and
grow with time.
God also didn’t call us to panhandle as
pastors do especially during this season (though
they do it all year long). Jesus said, “Ask, and it
shall be given you” (Matt. 7:7). Is it really that
hard to understand that He meant ask Him? The
Beloved Airhead really needs to re-read George
Müller’s Autobiography. What an awesome
testimony the self-absorbed Slob’s blipped over!
After a while, their relationships would have
resembled those in BROKEN FELLOWSHIPand it’s what Christians have done as a whole for
not truly loving the Truth, the Man Jesus Christ.
Satan on a Roll. God has provided an
excellent documentary to help us make a sound
judgment about rock music. And while provided
more than a decade ago, “Christian” services
have continued to sound increasingly more like
rock concerts rather than solemn assemblies.
YouTube They Sold their Souls for Rock
and Roll (2004).
The Gap Revisited. As noted in
the first book, over time a gap of knowledge and
fellowship develops between a faithful believer
and the prodigal one and between Christ and the
prodigal. The one who remained faithful gets to
know Him better every day by ‘sitting at His feet’
(Luke 10:38-42) and ‘dining’ with Him (Rev.
3:20), growing in knowledge and wisdom (Luke
2:40). In contrast, having broken fellowship with
Christ, a knowledge and fellowship gap has
developed between the rebel and Christ and
between her and her friend in Christ (1 John 1:39; 2 John 1:9, see NIV). This gap develops in the
same way that you forget a foreign language or
math if you don’t use it. Spiritually speaking, you
understanding you’d once had, like Adam and
Eve did (Gen. 3:9-10). It’s like muscle tone. If
you don’t use it, you lose it.
A good example of this is with Billy Graham.
In his younger days he taught that Jesus is the
only way to God (Act s 4:12). However, more
recently, in interviews with Larry King and
Robert Schuller (on YouTube), he's said there
are other ways to be right with God. So either
Mr. Graham was deceived before or now—and
according to the Bible, and logic, it wasn't
So what if he dies without repenting? Is He
elect? Because of the years that he preached the
truth, we’d like to say he must be born again and
it’s just old age getting to him. Lord willing that’s
true. But we don’t know.
In fact, the Bible points in the other
direction, as does Mr. Graham’s background.
The fruit of his ministry is like the rest of
Christianity’s (Matt. 23:15), when Jesus said real
Christians bear good fruit (Matt. 7:17). The fact
is we can preach the truth to others while not
being born again (Acts 16: 16-18; 1 Cor. 9:26-27),
and we don’t know if we’re elect or not unless we
consistently pass God’s test (2 Cor. 13:5). So
while hundreds would go up to “receive Christ”
during Billy Graham's Crusades (from the 1970s
to the 1990s), there’s been zero evidence, zero
fruit, of that in God’s Church (James 2:18).
On top of that, God also says, “The righteous
shall flourish like the palm tree…Those that be
planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish
in the courts of our God” (Ps. 92:12-13). Palm
trees have incredibly deep roots so that they
don’t even bear fruit until their old age. To
flourish in the courts of God would mean Billy
Graham’s roots would have run deep into God’s
WORD to begin with so that, in his old age, he
would be bearing fruit which lines up with the
Bible. Yet when I read his autobiography in the
late 1990s, I didn't even finish it because so
much was unbiblical—and it’s just gotten worse
with time.
Maybe Billy Graham is non-elect maybe he’s
got Alzheimer's. Either way, his negative
example encourages me to work out my
salvation with fear and trembling, as God has
counseled me to do (Phil. 2:12). We have to live
by faith not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). So the fact that
hundreds “believe” the message enough to walk
up to profess such belief isn’t enough (James
2:19). Yet most look at the outward appearance
and run with it. Moreover, Billy Graham is just
an example of all Church leadership. He’s just a
better example because of his fame and ministry.
Having made such a royal mess of
sums up how God is cleaning it up, because
that’s the kind of God He is (Matt. 16:18; 1 John
4:8). As the help, my job is hardly fancy, nor
does it pay well. It doesn't pay at all! But
money's not everything. My pro bono Job is
pretty interesting. God's House will be called a
House of prayer because it will be a House of
prayer (Matt. 21:13) and the gates of hell will not
overcome it because God’s people will worship
Him correctly (John 4:23-24). Everyone who
humbly worships Him as He requires, bearing
fruit in keeping with repentance (Matt. 3:8), will
be stacked by Him in the Keep pile (Matt.
25:32). The rest go to Goodwill. They may have
meant good, but they were doing works without
faith, doing their will not God’s. And many of
their works weren’t even meant as good.
In any case, God has made it clear that faith
and good works go together:
If a brother or sister be naked, and
destitute of daily food, And one of you
say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye
warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye
give them not those things which are
needful to the body; what doth it
profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works,
is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may
say, Thou hast faith, and I have works:
shew me thy faith without thy works,
and I will shew thee my faith by my
works. Thou believest that there is one
God; thou doest well: the devils also
believe, and tremble. But wilt thou
know, O vain man, that faith without
works is dead? Was not Abraham our
father justified by works, when he had
offered Isaac his son upon the
altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with
his works, and by works was faith made
perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled
which saith, Abraham believed God, and
it was imputed unto him for
righteousness: and he was called the
Friend of God. Ye see then how that by
works a man is justified, and not by faith
only. Likewise also was not Rahab the
harlot justified by works, when she had
received the messengers, and had sent
them out another way? For as the body
without the spirit is dead, so faith
without works is dead also (James 2:1526).
Our Father made a promise to His Son “that
the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, ‘of
them which thou gavest me have I lost none’”
(John 18:9). For example, Jesus didn’t lose
Peter, even though Peter denied Him three times
in His darkest hour. And while Matthew 25:32 is
speaking of the ultimate return of Jesus, as I’ve
already noted and God confirms in the next two
books, He is first coming in the Spirit as He did
before walking the earth (Matt. 3:1-12), and also
during the Reformation and for the Great
Awakening(s) of U.S. history. And since He’s
coming again physically, He's preparing the way
with a prophet just as He did before. He’s
helping His people not get totally caught off
guard. He’s being merciful. YouTube Friend
of Sinners Matt Redman.
Considering how hard-hearted Christianity
Today is, most Church leaders reading this, if
not covered in biblical prayer and fasting, will
get HOT and say something like, “How can she
say we have a knowledge and fellowship gap!
What does she think we are, stupid!” In fact,
those words echo what Pastor Kerry Bowman
yelled at me. And while others heard him and
saw me leave bawling, as at other times—no one
ever said a thing. Apparently Christians think
that’s how you treat rebels. Yet God says, “Count
him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a
brother” (2 Thess. 3:15). And if you don’t know,
that’s not how we’re supposed to treat our
siblings, no matter how wrong they might be.
And I wasn’t in the wrong.
most of them aren’t getting into heaven and
they’re not letting anyone else in either, or
they’re just barely making the cut:
Except ye be converted, and become as
little children, ye shall not enter into the
kingdom of heaven (Matt. 18:3).
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom
of heaven against men: for ye neither go
in yourselves, neither suffer ye them
that are entering to go in (Matt. 23:13).
If any man's work shall be burned, he
shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be
saved; yet so as by fire (1 Cor. 3:15).
YouTube Runaway Train 4Him.
Hola? Maid Service! Before the job at
the grocery store, the Lord led me to do some
house cleaning work. It was primarily to pray for
the people whose houses I was cleaning and to
reach out to some of them since God is all about
cleaning His House beginning with individuals:
Consider why Kerry freaked out. It was
because I was urging him to become a man of
prayer. And I was doing it because God expects
that from pastors and He had asked me to speak
to him about it, just as He'd used others to try to
get through to Kerry for years (Ezek. 3:17-19)—to
no avail (1 Cor. 4:2). And Kerry’s worse than the
rest since he was given years to make a sound
biblical assessment about me since God had me
at Eagle for four or five years. Unlike most
pastors God has had me reach out to, Kerry
knew me. But Church leaders behave as they
always have. Christianity Today is like the
church of Corinth which was sinning greater
than the lost do but instead of being repentant,
they were proud (1 Cor. 5:1-2).
Jacob said unto his household, and to all
that were with him, Put away the
strange gods that are among you, and be
clean, and change your garments (Gen.
Having chosen to walk in darkness (Eph.
5:11), one lie has led to another and another and
another so that there’s now this huge gap and
pastors behave abominably without the least bit
of conviction about it at all. And most Christians
don’t care, just as long as they enjoy the
membership benefits of the Country Club. So
There came a leper to him, beseeching
him, and kneeling down to him, and
saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst
make me clean. And Jesus, moved with
compassion, put forth his hand, and
touched him, and saith unto him, I will;
be thou clean (Mark 1:40-41).
Then went he down, and dipped himself
seven times in Jordan, according to the
saying of the man of God: and his flesh
came again like unto the flesh of a little
child, and he was clean (2 Kings 5:14).
Then will I sprinkle clean water upon
you, and ye shall be clean: from all your
filthiness, and from all your idols, will I
cleanse you (Ezek. 36:25).
Two weeks before even thinking of working
outside of our home, I’d changed my blurb on
the Beloved graphic making it Spanish to echo
my mother who would kiss my friends, say the
casa thing (the traditional way), then go all out
offering them food, doing what Christians are
supposed to do, spiritually—feed God’s sheep
(John 21:15-17 & 6:55).
Christians are also called to be prayer
warriors, praying for God’s sheep to be able to
hear their Shepherd. (I cover prayer in the next
chapter.) So while most think prayer is a “gift,”
that only some Christians are gifted that way, the
Bible is very clear that all Christians are called to
a life of prayer. I mean, it’s only our ‘phone line’
to and from God! So that’s a big part of my
Having changed the maid blurb, within days
I was actually working as the Latina maid! And
it’s not as if I’d been thinking about doing that.
Then just as I realized that God was calling me to
pray for a new set of people, my boss gave me
my password for her website, CLEANDC1—and
the Light came on. God always begins with one
and then works through the rest, like a ripple
effect (a ripple I’d written about in 2010, three
years earlier, now in the last book). And He’s
beginning His latter day ripple with this Latina
maidservant (Luke 1:38) and the drop in my
bucket having placed me in the DC metro area,
capital of the world’s superpower (Acts 17:26).
God’s funny like that. YouTube 1NC
Using my degree for a part-time job would
mean sitting somewhere else at a computer,
spending money on dress clothes, parking, and
commuting, and doing something even worse
than toilet cleaning—all things considered.
Except the way the cleaning industry’s set up,
just like the grocery store job I quit, they’re
building businesses by taking advantage of the
weakest link. In fact, after the grocery store, the
Lord had me work as a physical therapy aide. It
would have been a great part-time job, helping
people, so close to home I could walk. Except,
again, people are taking advantage of others just
to make a bigger buck, when it would have been
so easy for them to not do that by providing an
actual training program (especially since I wrote
out a plan for them—on my own time/dime—
spelling it out!), and not risk anyone getting
hurt, people who are already hurt and paying
loads of money for a corrupted medical system.
So, again, I quit because there is something
much more important than money. And it’s not
as if my family and I couldn’t use the money,
especially with two girls in college.
In each of these job Detours, the Lord taught
me stuff (shared in the series), called me to pray
for loads of people, and had me challenge some
people, as He’s having me do with you. Life is SO
NOT JUST ABOUT YOU. “Every one of us shall
give account of himself to God” (Rom. 14:12).
Every time we ignore God’s voice when He’s
speaking to us—which He’s constantly doing—
we’re not just dishonoring Him but hurting
ourselves and everyone around us as the current
state of the world reveals:
He is our God; and we are the people of
his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
To day if ye will hear his voice, Harden
not your heart, as in the provocation,
and as in the day of temptation in the
wilderness: When your fathers tempted
me (Ps. 95:7-9).
As revealed with THE RUDDER & THE
RIPPLE EFFECT, the kayak and the cruise
ship represent the elect, those destined for
heaven. The more we ignore/disobey God,
whether as a lost unbeliever, as one who thinks
they’re born again, or as one who is actually born
again, we’re walking in more of a hellish lifestyle
which has a negative impact on our lives and on
the lives of everyone around us, overall—even
though it might not look like it to the
undiscerning—2000 years of Christian hypocrisy
prove the point. History reveals that our impact
goes on and on and on as with Adam and Eve’s
fruit fiasco, Abram & Sarai’s Ishmaelic fiasco,
the American Slave Trade fiasco, Hitler’s Nazi
fiasco, and Church leader’s Untouchables fiasco.
And it’s time to STOP making those negative
ripples and leave that strictly to the non-elect!
Moreover, since the ones we love are closest to
us, the impact is strongest on them, which is why
God has repeatedly told us to not harden our
hearts (Heb. 3:15). He’s being loving. YouTube
Switchfoot Free.
According to the New Testament, the elect
are called to love and serve God wholeheartedly
(Mark 12:30; Col. 3:23) earning a living as a ‘tent
maker’ (Acts 18:1-3)—a job in which we earn
money not associated to our calling. That way
we’re less tempted to compromise our faith since
our income isn’t tied to God’s WORD.
For example, if I were to sell the books and
they did well, I’d be tempted by money to
corrupt God's good and perfect will with the next
assignment God has for me—as most modern
day Church leaders have done. And while you
can do much more than maid service, work at a
grocery store, or as auxiliary medical help, it still
means we can’t live as worldly as Christianity
Today does, especially in America (James 4:4).
Well, we can, but we'll pay for it not only in
eternal short comings, but in this life as well—as
God will soon be revealing.
The more we each lower our standard of
what is acceptable, the more we create hell on
earth. You don’t need to be a genius or have faith
in God to know this truth. It’s common sense. All
of our actions and words impact everyone
around us. Not having taken this to heart, what
everyone’s done and left on this planet is a
standard that only tolerates mediocrity, at best,
and yet calls it something of excellence, fooling
ourselves that we’re not fools (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
In contrast, as born again Christians, we are
called to hold up God’s Standard in our little
corner of the world. It’s like Nehemiah’s wall
where everyone did their part so that they, as a
group, got the job done, done well, and the
enemy was defeated (Neh. 2-6).
Today’s Prayerzzzzz
Over the years the Lord has shown me a few
things about His Bride’s prayer life, the most
important being that She barely has one—and,
what’s worse, She doesn’t care! The Lord’s Girl is
not the prayer warrior She’s been called to be.
Prayer is a miniscule part of each church’s
agenda, revealing it’s a minute part of those in
the churches, especially among those in
leadership. God’s Church is guilty and without
excuse because He has told us to “pray without
ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). And He’s told us to do it
by way of His WORD having said, “Whatsoever
ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the
Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14:13,
my emphasis). We pray ‘in His name’ by praying
in His Spirit, which means being born again, and
by praying His WORD not our words since He is
the WORD (John 1:14).
What’s more, Jesus made the point that He’s
passionate about it:
Jesus went into the temple, and began to
cast out them that sold and bought in
the temple, and overthrew the tables of
the moneychangers, and the seats of
them that sold doves; And would not
suffer that any man should carry any
vessel through the temple. And he
taught, saying unto them, Is it not
written, My house shall be called of all
nations the house of prayer? but ye have
made it a den of thieves (Mark 11:15-17).
He also modeled for us how His Church is to
incorporate prayer into Her life. His best leaders
said, “We will give ourselves continually to
prayer, and to the ministry of the word” (Acts
6:4). Instead, today’s leaders have again made
His House a ‘den of thieves,’ selling junk and
books with doctrines of men while spewing out
15 minute rants they call prayer (Eccl. 5:2-3) to
the One they supposedly worship (John 4:24).
Christianity Today isn’t into prayer because
She views Jesus as being intensely distant and
boring, which isn’t exactly the case as God has
me reveal with the next two books and some of
my videos. Prayer isn’t about doing your duty or
getting stuff—though that is part of it (Matt.
5:44; John 15:7). Prayer is about having a
vibrant relationship with the Lamb of God,
Jesus, God's Christ, here and now. But since the
Girl doesn’t obey Him, God showed me that She,
the Church, especially leadership, resembles an
untrained dog who drags Her Master down the
road, full speed, oblivious to the fact that She
has a Master, that He’s calling Her back, that’s
She’s disgracing Him, and hurting Herself. Keep
at it and She’s going to break Her own neck
because—get this—dogs do NOT enter the
kingdom of heaven. Jesus says:
Behold, I come quickly; and my reward
is with me, to give every man according
as his work shall be. I am Alpha and
Omega, the beginning and the end, the
first and the last. Blessed are they that
do his commandments, that they may
have right to the tree of life, and may
enter in through the gates into the
city. For without are dogs, and
sorcerers, and whoremongers, and
whosoever loveth and maketh a lie (Rev.
22:12-15, my emphasis).
YouTube Sweet Hour of Prayer Alan
a few weeks with the one cleaning firm, the
Lord had me work for another one—both
supposedly Christian, yet anything but
Christian. So on the third (and last) day of
this God-ordained Detour, I was charged
and bitten by four territorial dogs. Like the
territorial Church leaders on my path, they
weren’t rabid (sons of Satan) but damaging
nonetheless. (Every time I read that I
struggle since today’s pastors seem rabid.)
So I did with them what I’m doing with
these other dogs. I authoritatively yelled,
“Get DOWN! DOWN NOW!” (1 Kings
18:39). Even though it was scary and it hurt,
I could laugh about right away as I made my
way to the sink without getting blood on the
carpet. (That’s a big deal to a house cleaner.)
I could laugh seeing it from God’s
perspective and for being well acquainted
with dogs. They bit me several times, and
one was a perfect little chomp on m’butt—
EXACTLY how this Tour of Duty has felt!
(And it just hit me. That guy, the leader of
the pack (Rev. 13:3), was a Boxer—the type
that like to fight.)
Like those in Eight Below (2006),
these dogs need to learn how to behave
towards Maya (Matt. 22:39 & 25:45). She’s
so cute too (LOL), and endures such intense
cold and isolation—his “best girl” (Rev.
HOMEWORK: Read We Would See
Jesus by Hession and Hession. It’s
excellent, short, and on the web in PDF.
Precious is a Babbler! When the
Lord’s Bimbo does come before God in prayer
She sounds a thousand times worse than Peter,
who was rebuked by the Lord—and Peter
actually feared God:
Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James,
and John, and leadeth them up into an
high mountain apart by themselves: and
he was transfigured before them. And his
raiment became shining, exceeding
white as snow; so as no fuller on earth
can white them. And there appeared
unto them Elias with Moses: and they
were talking with Jesus. And Peter
answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is
good for us to be here: and let us make
three tabernacles; one for thee, and one
for Moses, and one for Elias [blah blah
blah blah drones the Dimwit on and on
and on!]. For he wist not what to say; for
they were SORE AFRAID. And there was
a cloud that overshadowed them: and a
voice came out of the cloud, saying,
HIM (Mark 9:2-7, my emphasis).
And don’t’ do it like those deceptively called
Friends (the denomination) who "empty" their
minds and wait for ‘God’ to speak, opening the
door wide for Satan. Listen to God as one who’s
been steeped in God’s WORD so that you can
hear GOD speak to you as you engage your
brain (2 Cor. 10:5). God says:
Keep thy foot when thou goest to the
house of God, and be more ready to
hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools:
for they consider not that they do
evil. Be not rash with thy mouth, and let
not thine heart be hasty to utter any
thing before God: for God is in heaven,
and thou upon earth: therefore let thy
words be few. For a dream cometh
through the multitude of business; and a
fool's voice is known by multitude of
words (Eccl. 5:1-3).
I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray
with the understanding also: I will sing
with the spirit, and I will sing with the
understanding also (1 Cor. 14:15).
One of the best prayers modeled for us is
this, “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief”
(Mark 9:24). How honestly precise and
powerful! The man first speaks with his mouth
but is stopped by his heart—knowing he lacks
faith—and goes with it. Having engaged his
brain, he doesn’t cover up his lack of faith by
droning on and on. Instead, He speaks the truth
making it a request. Talking with the Lord
(praying), he realizes his fault/need and changes
his words midstream, keeping it short and sweet.
He spoke the truth and asked for help. No
government brief needed since he was talking to
God who knows all. This man understood that.
In contrast, pastors and elders stand up there—
often reading a ‘prayer’ barely sprinkled with
God’s WORD—for fifteen minutezzzzzzzz or
more! “Hear ye now, O house of David; Is it a
small thing for you to weary men, but will ye
weary my God also?” (Isa. 7:13).
In short, shut up and listen you Dimwit!
The ‘Lady’ Disses Her Man! Today’s
so-called prayer ministries focus on self,
explaining why She drones on and on and on in
Her words draining the life out of God’s people
so that they hate prayer. God says:
When ye pray, use not vain repetitions,
as the heathen do: for they think that
they shall be heard for their much
speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto
them: for your Father knoweth what
things ye have need of, before ye ask him
(Matt. 6:7-8).
The Lord provided a great example of the
BRAT’s mentality on prayer when He had me
read the Geneva Bible by Tolle Lege Press a year
into this assignment. The scholars who compiled
this translation included in their updated
version a section of prescribed prayers, words of
men, which the reformers had included in the
original versions of the Geneva text—both sets of
scholars missing the point (Isa. 55:11; Heb.
4:12). Raised in the Catholic Church, the
reformers of the Middle Ages had that type of
“prayer” built into their system. Today, She’s just
a Lazy Worldly Slob who doesn’t spend earnest
time with Her Lord (Mark 14:38), explaining
why modern Bible scholars provide prescribed
prayers of men for God’s people to imitate, as
most modern devotionals do.
We’ve been given God’s WORD, why spoon
feed us yours or those of other men? What,
sinners' words trump Gods?
God has clearly told us how to pray, by
paying attention to what He has said (Eccl. 5:13; Ps. 139:4; Matt. 6:7-8; James 5:16). We don’t
use our words or anyone else’s, we get to know
the WORD, Jesus (John 1:14), and pray.
She’s Stuck on Herself and
Delusional! If the Girl actually cared about
God and people, as She claims to, She wouldn’t
spend such outrageous amounts of time, money,
and energy making Herself so insanely
comfortable in the houses of supposed worship
or in Her life here on earth.
And when Church leaders actually call for
prayer and fasting, which they seldom do but
still do, they clearly witness against themselves
as they call for God to bless this nation, what the
typical American Christian views as home (Heb.
11:16). YouTube Jim Reeves This World is
Not My Home.
Like Mary, Princess should be sitting before
Her King listening (Eccl. 5:2) since “Father
knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye
ask him” (Matt. 6:8). If She understood this
simple truth, She’d be focused on Him and His
will (Matt. 28:19-20). Instead, She constantly
builds bigger and better barns for Herself (Luke
12:16-21), giving in to the Liar (John 8:44) and
calling it “growth” and “ministries” when it’s all
nothing but distractions: basketball Sunday
school, pseudo Bible study snack groups, golf
tournaments, vacations to Israel as if that’ll get
them closer to Christ, “mission” vacation trips,
karate, yoga, and carnality and abominations
without end (Isa. 30:1-3). If the Dimwit would
engage Her brain and read the Sunday bulletin,
for instance, asking God for His perspective,
She’d get sick! Especially if She knew how much
money gets wasted on printing that bulletin
which isn’t even needed since they go over every
detail at the pulpit while it’s also plastered up on
the big screen. And who isn’t connected to the
web where the church posts all the information
anyhow. (And we think the government's
wasteful!) Then She preaches that other
churches in Carnality Land are at fault.
So let’s just say it were true that ‘your’
church is right with God. You shouldn’t be
preaching how blessed you are to be at ‘your’
church (which is what most pastors do and lay
Christians defend), you should be praying for the
ones you discern aren’t (Gal. 6:10; 1 Pet. 2:17).
Christianity Today frustrates Herself craving
the things of this world so that She doesn’t
honor Her Lord, doesn’t get Her needs met,
doesn’t feel satisfied, doesn’t live with the joy of
the Lord, doesn’t get used by God in a manner
that honors Him or refreshes Her soul, and
therefore, doesn’t have a good testimony,
making sons of hell (Matt. 23:15) or who barely
escape through the flames (1 Cor. 3:11-15). In
turn, God has to rebuke Her for Her love of self
and of the world, whose ruler is Satan, who She
doesn’t believe really exists, or that She’s not his
prey! (James 4:2-4). YouTube Prepare Ye
the Way of the Lord Caedman’s Call.
Powerful. Like the world, Christians speak of
“the power of prayer.” Yet prayer is, in and of
itself, NOTHING! While the Girl has been busy
learning rote memory verses of Him, She should
have instead focused on getting to know Him.
THE PRAYER TEAM reveals where the power
comes from when praying:
He is able also to save them to the
uttermost that come unto God by him,
seeing he ever liveth to make
intercession for them (Heb. 7:25).
The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities:
for we know not what we should pray for
as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh
intercession for us with groanings which
cannot be uttered (Rom. 8:26).
Your Father knoweth what things ye
have need of, before ye ask him (Matt.
Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name,
that will I do, that the Father may be
glorified in the Son (John 14:13).
Unlike what Christianity Today teaches,
faith in God is powerful (Luke 17:6)—faith in the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7-8). Jesus
tuned in to the Father (Matt. 14:23; Mark 1:35,
6:46; Luke 5:16, 6:1, 9:28-29, 18:10, 22:32 &
22:44) and we must do the same because “every
one that is perfect shall be as his master” (Luke
6:40). YouTube Jesus Draw Me Close Rick
Baby Ignores Her Daddy. God
made it clear that we are to run after Him (Mark
12:30) and that asking of Him whatever we need,
we will have the best that He has for us, in His
timing (Matt. 7:7-11). As creator of the universe
(Gen. 1:1; Col. 1:16) He should know what He’s
talking about!
If God’s people just took to heart any one of
the following passages in any of the mainstream
translations (and quit fighting over the Bible
translations), and prayed these verses for
themselves and for God’s people, asking and
believing God to accomplish His will in His
timing—having gotten right with Him—we
would soon see a reformation not only of God’s
Church but of His world! (Ps. 72). You could
repent of all the sins God brings to mind, turning
from them (James 5:16), and ask the Lord to do
a work in you and in His Church with any or all
of these verses:
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in
the faith; prove your own selves. Know
ye not your own selves, how that Jesus
Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
(2 Cor. 13:5).
Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my
God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the
land of uprightness (Ps. 143:10).
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind, and with all thy
strength: this is the first commandment
(Mark 12:30).
If my people, which are called by my
name, shall humble themselves, and
pray, and seek my face, and turn from
their wicked ways; then will I hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin, and
will heal their land (2 Chron. 7:14).
He that hath my commandments, and
keepeth them, he it is that loveth me:
and he that loveth me shall be loved of
my Father, and I will love him, and will
manifest myself to him (John 14:21).
Grieve not the holy Spirit of God,
whereby ye are sealed unto the day of
redemption (Eph. 4:30).
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the
harvest, that he will send forth labourers
into his harvest (Matt. 9:38).
If praying God’s WORD is too hard for you,
it’s only because you’ve got sin(s) you don’t want
let go and/or because you're a lazy worldly
faithless slob. Woe to you. YouTube Make My
Life a Prayer to You Keith Green.
Prayer Journaling & Crafts
Landing us at Eagle, the Lord opened my eyes to
prayer journaling building on something He’d
started on some bed sheets years earlier
(testimony shared in the last book). It’s what
others have done in the past as a show of
sincerity. But He also added crafts to go with it
so that I’ve often been pouring over a journal
and/or some craft praying God’s WORD for
people, or writing to them while praying for
them as He leads, rather than physically on my
knees, though my knees are familiar with the
floor. And since God wants me to share what
He's had me do, it’s an example for all. Or maybe
it is true that I'm the proud, hateful, selfabsorbed, and delusional worthless female so
many have said or implied that I am. Yeah, just
keep doing what God's "holy" men do, that's
been working out real well. Can you say Agenda
Prayer Journaling—
There are two ways the Lord has had me do this,
on my computer or by hand. The seasons He’s
had me journaling on the computer have been
challenging and powerful because He’s also had
me share those journals with others. That’s
tough, since journals are personal. But, the
bigger the challenge, the more He shows up
(John 14:21)—so it’s been good.
BY COMPUTER: I read my Bible asking
God for His WORD on whatever’s going on
and plug in what I hear from Him into my
journal as a prayer. Then, throughout the
day, the Lord reminds me of things and
speaks to me about stuff as other stuff
happens and before I know it, He’s got me
running after Him (Luke 12:12). So it quickly
becomes very natural and the bulk of my
prayers are His WORD which He gave me to
pray (Isa. 58:14).
BY HAND: It’s the same, but mellower.
It’s like a track meet vs. practice runs.
Either way, in my Bible, I underline, date,
and make a note about it. I also write the
Scripture reference and date in my journal to
remind me what God said, when He said it, and
where He said it—useful information down the
Road when He takes me spelunking (Matt. 4:1).
As He leads, I get a new Bible, but I save the old
Bibles to look things up as He brings stuff to
mind, often years later (John 14:26).
Here are some examples with a blurb of
what was going on at the time. It is praying
God’s WORD, not ours, you’ll see that if you look
up the reference.
7/97 Lord, as we go home give me the
courage and words to tell them what
You’ve done, and what great mercy
You’ve shown me (Mark 5:19).
God had finally fully turned the lights on for
me to third level and we were headed home for a
visit to see family, whom He knew would not get
it (Rom. 9:16). Yet this was how He led me to
pray (Rom. 8:26). He didn’t impress me to pray
the next verse (Mark 5:20)—as in Lord, let them
marvel! I discern He kept me blind to it because
it wasn’t His timing (Eccl. 3:1) and I was just too
green to notice (Rom. 8:28; John 16:12).
5/12 Lord, help me to gladly spend and be
spent for the Titanic, though the more
abundantly I love him, the less I be
loved (2 Cor. 12:15).
A Titanic Detour. In 2012 the Lord
called me to minister to a young man (in his mid
20s) who professed to love God, and who
showed great interest in Him in the typical
Christian way—hypocritically. From day one,
God was all over my case about him and how He
was going to make him into a great leader—
challenging my socks off because, not only did
the boy know next to nothing about Christianity,
he consistently LIED to me and was extremely
adept at lying—with whoppers! I understood
God was talking about the Titanic young man
and the Titanically Dimwitted Church—both
totally self-absorbed, spiritually ignorant, liars,
yet His. So as God has had me do with the
Titanically Dimwitted BRAT, He had me do with
the boy, bend over backwards to go through
loops and hoops for him and with him, and
because of him, while he was continually lying to
me, directly and indirectly hurting everyone in
my family since he was letting himself get used
by Satan (Luke 23:34). Though none of us was
entirely innocent either—as is ALWAYS the case
(Rom. 3:10; Jer. 17:9).
I clearly saw God’s hand in it (though not all
of His hand in it) because one of my most
important personal lessons from God has been
that He uses the biggest trials for His purposes
(1 Cor. 1:26-29). In several different ways, God
made me sensitive to the fact that when you
can’t face stuff that’s happened to you, it’s
because that’s how hurtful it was and how much
He aims to use it. Besides, that’s the thing about
prayer, it’s ALL about faith in God, what God
says He will do rather than what we see taking
place (Rom. 1:17 & 8:24, see NIV).
When the Titanic arrived, the Lord had me
(then us) read The Emancipation of Robert
Sadler: The Powerful True Story of a
Twentieth-Century Plantation Slave by
Robert Sadler with Marie Chapian.
Through it, God gave us a prophecy and we also
saw ourselves walking in it. Like Sadler, the
Titanic experienced loads of hardship, God’s
leading throughout his life, extreme rebellion,
and extreme ignorance. Therefore, having gone
AWOL again, he’s headed deep into the pits like
Sadler, but will come back up as a godly man
fired up for God—like Sadler. And there’s a
parallel with the other Titanic, God’s Dimwitted
Girl, the Church (Luke 15:11-32).
In fact, every born again American should
read Sadler’s book because this nation still
doesn’t appreciate God’s view on the sin of
slavery and its aftermath—nor the depths God
will take us if we harden our hearts, which is
why we’re headed headlong towards Satan's
New World Order.
Nearly all the words spoken to the Titanic—
the boy and the Girl—and actions taken to bless
them, fell on thorny ground because Christianity
Today’s god isn’t God (Matt. 13:18-23). So the
prophecies made about them, and love showered
down on them, have fallen short. Lacking both
faith and the fear of God, none of the leaders the
Lord has had me prophesy to or reach out to will
be the leaders they could have been with the
amazing ministries they could have had. God
will raise others up for the very best, ones who’ll
actually respect Him and hunger for
righteousness, doing it because of what it means
for the Lord’s honor, not theirs. Today’s Church
leaders will all look back and see how much
more God was willing to give them, here and for
eternity, but they blew it. Yet, He’ll still bless and
use them—those who sincerely repent and are
granted the time.
The Titanic and Sadler’s book can help all
elect understand that what we say, even much of
what we do, makes ZERO difference if we’re
insincere (John 4:23-24).
For example, the boy said he loved God and
fasted and prayed for days. For six months he
met with me daily, often twice a day, spending
hours with me studying God’s WORD, and
clearly understanding it. Yet—at the same time—
he kept himself from experiencing freedom in
Christ (John 8:36) by living a double life (James
1:8). In other words, he didn’t really trust, love,
or fear God. You either do or you don’t. God has
to be #1, not you (Mark 12:30). Holding
anything back from Him makes you #1, a
faithless idolater. As the Church’s 2000 year old
testimony reveals, it doesn’t do much good if you
give God control of only part of your life because
partial obedience is disobedience. Kids know
this. YouTube Yolanda Adams Is Your All
On The Altar?
Prayer Crafts—
God’s elect—lost and born again—have received
many gifts from God (1 Cor. 12:28-31, 14:1, see
NIV & 14:12; James 1:17). Those gifts were
meant to be used for His glory (Col. 1:16). And
prayer—an open line of communication to and
from God—is one of the greatest gifts given to
man, a line made open by the greatest Gift of all,
Jesus (2 Cor. 9:15). Yet having taken this Gift for
granted, most Christians use their gifts primarily
for their own financial or personal enrichment,
which does nothing to establish God’s kingdom
on earth (Matt. 6:9-10), nor benefit them
eternally. In fact, it gets in the way of building up
God’s kingdom because they’re serving Satan,
helping him build his kingdom (Matt. 12:30).
In contrast, combining God’s WORD with
obedience to God, and praying it through
journaling and crafts, enhances focus on God
and on others, which just so happen to be the
two greatest commandments (Mark 12:30-31).
So while we come third, we’re major winners,
forever (1 John 5:4; Luke 6:38).
So when God convicted me to pray for those
whose houses I was cleaning in the DC area, He
immediately showed me the craft to make, a six
inch square CANVAS loaded with the
Scriptures He had me pray. (For different
seasons, He's had different crafts, focusing
increasingly more on placing more of His WORD
on each craft. And I can’t imagine a craft more
Scriptural than this last one! Can you?)
Asking Him to show me His will, I logged
onto and downloaded the
chapters He placed on my heart and dumped
them onto my document, deleting what I wasn’t
praying. Then I printed out those sheets. Then I
prayed them again as I cut them out for the craft,
and then again, as I glued them onto the
canvas—praying hundreds of Scriptures for each
customer, people who work for the Pentagon
and other sectors of the federal government, gay
rights activists, some lawyers, Jews, and
internationals with important jobs. And while
God didn’t have me make the craft for all of
them—since it goes out with an explanation
which none of them were remotely ready to hear
(John 16:12), He had me praying for them all.
And as I worked on the crafts and in their
homes, as always, God also had me praying for
myself and my family—and for the rest of His
elect. He even had me start on a three foot
square canvas for our home, which will help me
keep praying/going to the Finish Line.
In any case, since I believe God and trust His
leading, considering who these people are and
the ripple effect of influence they each have, and
encouraging—even if God’s timing isn’t mine.
Even if it turns out that God has purposed to
come through after I die, my girls will likely still
be stuck here, as well as other elect. Therefore, I
should still care. Praying God’s WORD for God’s
people is a form of caring, a big one since God
will answer each and every prayer that’s been
prayed in His will by a heart in right fellowship
with Him. That’s what it’s all about, God and His
people, first and second commandments (Mark
12:28-31), last of all about me.
And yet, it benefits me more than anyone
else eternally since our obedience to God is how
we build up our treasure in heaven (Matt. 6:1920). When you get that, you no longer care what
other people think about you, because I’m sure
the recipients of my craft and letter—coming
from their house cleaner—thought I was pretty
But, so what?
If I see them again, it probably won’t be until
we’re Home. And even if I do see them again, so
what? If someone gets offended because you’ve
spent time praying for them and making them
something unique and creative, they’re the one
with the problem. And if you don’t get that, ya
just don’t get it.
Combining all God has given us—the Bible,
creativity, skills, computers, the web, scanners,
printers, tablets, hardware, craft stores,
YouTube, Twitter, the snipping tool—the
possibilities of how we can pray God's WORD for
God’s people, reach out to them, and have fun
doing it, are endless! (Matt. 11:30). The point is
to use what you’ve got to pray for God's kingdom
to come, since it begins with us (Luke 17:21)—
doing it by first having asked Him to direct you
(Ps. 31:3).
As you pray for others, God primarily does a
work in you, which Church leaders know and
preach, but don't apply. And they don't because
in order to be motivated to use “your” time this
way, you need to believe God will actually use
His WORD the way He says He will (Isa. 55:11),
and that it’s His time and resources you have at
your disposal to begin with (1 Cor. 6:20).
Pharisees don't get that. Essentially, “he that
cometh to God must believe that he is, and that
he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek
him” (Heb. 11:6).
And if you make the crafts small enough,
you can leave them as cool tracts for God's
people to find. You could, for instance, take an
empty Band-Aid box or any small box, stuff a
plastic grocery bag in it for support, cover it with
Scriptures prayed for God’s people using Mod
Podge, then leave it at the restaurant or library
table, wherever. He'll bring His elect, who'll say,
Huh, what’s this? God will work with it if you
did your part in smothering God’s people with
biblical prayer (Isa. 55:11), having a clean heart
(Matt. 3:8; 1 John 1:9). YouTube I Give
Myself Away William McDowell.
The way God has shown me makes it easy
and enjoyable to obey Him, especially when
asked to pray for those who’ve hurt me or who
He says will hurt me (Matt. 5:44), and/or who
won’t get it until His timing (Rom. 9:16)—and 18
years following Him and doing all the stuff He’s
had me do while taking the heat and/or in near
total isolation…is a long time. But just about
everything He’s asked me to do is fun:
researching, writing, using graphics, making
crafts (sewing, quilting, pottery, wood burning,
decoupage), creating a website and PowerPoint
presentations as videos, making ‘marketing’
postcards and business cards…it’s all fun.
As far as the craft/tract goes, the key is to
incorporate the Scriptures you’re praying, as
many as possible, into the craft, making it Food
for thought for them (John 6:55) and most
beneficial for you (Ps. 143:5 & 119:105). Even if
they throw it out, they’ll have read it at least
once and God will have had His say (Isa. 55:11).
No matter what, you’ll have grown spiritually
and stored treasure in your Dropbox (Matt.
6:20). And you’ll have had a great time doing it.
Best of all, you'll be spending time with
Jesus, and He's not boring. Why'll you work on
the craft He'll use whatever’s going on to speak
to you and you’ll know it’s Him since you’re so
steeped in His WORD. Today's born again
experience Him that way, but not often by the
sounds of it, nor to the level I share in the next
two books. And you won’t until you get right
with Him (Ps. 126:1-2) and run after Him (Mark
The more you seek God and work with
Him—the WORD—somehow combining it with
the gifts He’s given you, as He leads, the more
clearly you’ll hear His voice and the quicker and
more often He’ll turn the light on for you or
crank it up higher.
While the light is on for the Church Lady,
She's still living in a haze—until the Wind picks
up again (Acts 2:2-4). Then we’ll all be doing
stuff that really matters (Isa. 30:21; Col. 3:23).
Don’t just do something, like pastors counsel
people, do what Jesus tells you personally to do
(1 Sam. 3:9-10). So again, if you think you’ve
heard from Him—in or through His WORD—ask
Him for confirmation through His WORD. He’ll
give it, and it’s your job to obey Him. YouTube
David Bowden Start Something that
Asking God for His Perspective
Having heard someone at Eagle speak about
asking God how He viewed them and hearing
the answer He had for them, I asked God how
He viewed me. It’s a sort of scary prayer—do I
really wanna know? (Rom. 3:10; Jer. 17:9).
(Apparently I did since I asked Him for months!)
A Vine in a Basket. Out of nowhere,
one day a man at Eagle and two of the pastors
wanted to lay hands on me and pray over me.
Then, as they prayed, the man went off on a
word picture of an intricately woven basket with
a green vine in it. The vine is very green and
growing and growing and growing... He went
on and on about it. And God is very intricate and
I was very “green,” and there’s been loads and
loads of growth. Even then Pastor Kerry had
noted that I was “growing by leaps and bounds.”
I was, because I finally understood who I am
(Rom. 8:14) and who He is (Matt. 10:28; 1 John
4:8). I was finally anchored enough to eagerly
want to get closer to Him (Matt. 5:6). YouTube
Nothing without You Bebo Norman.
A Bonsai Tree. During that same
season, Pastor Kerry did a series called The
Gardener out of John 15:1-7 (see the NIV).
Listening to his sermon, I discerned the Lord say
I was a bonsai tree (John 15:1-2) as He reminded
me of what I’d been taught in a college poetry
class ten years prior (John 14:26). An older man
had written a poem called I Do Bonsai,
explaining to the rest of us about bonsai trees.
Then, more recently, visiting the National
Arboretum I was informed that the oldest tree in
their bonsai garden has been in training since
1626. Google Bonsai Virtual Tour U.S.
National Arboretum. It’s slide #25.
There are six things God is saying to His
elect about this bonsai:
They’re normal trees that get extremely
pruned. So that “Elias was a man…as we
are” (James 5:17, see NIV). He was a
regular guy, like me, only I’m female;
The Gardener’s work is training;
The tree gets pruned intensely;
The process can go on for a really long
time—since 1626! So 18 years ain’t bad;
It survived the atomic bomb, stressing
the battle we’re in (Eph. 6:12); and,
Slide #25 is accredited (John 12:26;
Matt. 20:23. You won't even be able to
get this one until the end of the series,
provided you’ve gotten right with God).
What the Lord impressed upon me back
then, which would help sustain me over these
difficult years of massive pruning, was that I was
growing at a decent rate (as the vine in the
basket) and would be pruned substantially
according to His wishes (as the bonsai) since
He’s the Gardener (John 15:1). I also understood
that the spiritual war would be intense since
that's how He had started me on this walk just as
soon as I'd become born again and because of
what the Bible says, and how history has played
out (Eph. 6:12; 1 Pet. 5:8). And yet, I still got
blind-sided, repeatedly—as will you. Except what
He’s had me do for you will help you. Anyhow,
you get to see the bonsai thing as I share pieces
of my life, each trial, a painful snip—like those
dog bites. OUCH! YouTube Get Down Audio
A Muscular Backbone. Having heard
from God so clearly, and having learned that
we're all different parts of the body of Christ and
that I was a mouth, I asked Him about my
husband. I was very curious to know how God
viewed him. YouTube Patty Loveless Daniel
This time, in a daydream, God gave me a
very graphic picture of a muscular backbone like
you’d see in a medical book, and on Google
Images: Anatomy of Back Muscles.
I understood God right away because Buddy
had been that for me since college, since he’d
become my best girlfriend during the Tours of
Raining Men. And it turned out to be prophetic
for the Muck and Mire Church Tours, Jesus
being the Owner of the Touring Company, as
well as the Driver, Captain of Maya’s plane from
Ms. Modan’s book. Through all the Rides,
Buddy’s been my backbone—mostly silent, even
unseen, except for a few bumps here and there
like along the upper spine.
As my backbone, Buddy is backbone for
God’s Church making this series of books,
website, and YouTube channel possible, along
with everything God has called me to do over
the years. The backbone is the lifeline. No
backbone, no funds, nor time, nor nod of
agreement, nor handyman, or mechanic, or
computer geek, or satanic advocate to make me
consider things more thoroughly, as well as to
remind me—when totally exasperated—that I’m
also a MAJOR MAJOR SINNER! (1 Kings 19:4).
So while Buddy’s real name means ‘mighty
Counselor’ and ‘king,’ my real Lifeline (Matt.
20:28), Counselor (Isa. 9:6), and King (Rev.
19:16), is another Man—One who has become
my closest friend, like Buddy had been (John
15:15). It’s funny too because Buddy bought me a
Cabbage Patch doll when we weren’t yet ready
for the real thing, and her name was his real
name in the feminine—as in, the Queen, you
know, the one married to the King. You don’t
know their names until after you buy them, since
you ‘adopt’ them, like the real Backbone has
done for us (Rom. 8:15). YouTube Lifeline
The wicked are like the troubled sea,
when it cannot rest, whose waters
cast up mire and dirt (Isa. 57:20).
Christians often rebuke me for not
submitting to my husband—assuming that’s the
case. Yet, when you assume, well, you know. I’ve
always been in submission to my Husbandman
(John 15:1), as I’m supposed to be (Rom. 14:12),
and I’ve also been in submission to my husband,
even though he’s not fully in submission to
Christ. God has worked it out so that it works, in
that Buddy has never asked me to do something
that doesn’t honor Christ nor not allowed me to
do something that God has asked me to do, and
he’s readily funded all God has asked me to do
even though he doesn’t ‘get it’ (Rom. 8:28).
Christians are such idiots that even when
informed that a husband isn’t running after God
(Mark 12:30), they counsel you to follow that
man instead of Christ! (Acts 5:29).
Deliver me out of the mire, and let
me not sink: let me be delivered
from them that hate me, and out of
the deep waters (Ps. 69:14).
Moreover, if Buddy were everything God has
called all Christian men to be, God wouldn’t be
able to make His point(s) as He’s doing through
us, which His people will eventually get.
Tours of Muck & Mire: Because of
how it’s gone, I call what the Lord has done
with our family, as having taken us on Muck
and Mire Church Tours, based on these
All Lit Up
While at Eagle, I wrote THE LORD’S LAMP,
which I actually sang to a friend. Rereading it
while working on this book, I realized God
answered my song which I hadn’t even realized
was a prayer, I don’t think. Maybe I did. I don’t
know. In any case, that’s the thing: seeking and
following after God with a clean heart while
praying biblically—no matter how we do it—is
no waste of time (Heb. 11:6). As He says,
“Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall
give thee the desires of thine heart (Ps. 37:4).
Having immersed yourself in Him, His desires
become yours. Like Jesus, you become one with
the Father (John 10:30). YouTube It’s Not in
Vain Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir.
Free Will
Since Christianity Today’s Church leaders refuse
to listen to what the Bible says and repent of
their many and grave sins, the majority of them
are not born again. That’s obvious about
prosperity preachers—obvious if you know the
Bible—but it’s something else concerning the
most conservative Bible teachers available. And
yet, it’s what’s happened throughout history
with God’s best leaders.
Nicodemus is an excellent example of this
supernatural phenomenon:
There was a man of the Pharisees,
named Nicodemus, a ruler of the
Jews: The same came to Jesus by night,
and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that
thou art a teacher come from God: for
no man can do these miracles that thou
doest, except God be with him. Jesus
answered and said unto him, Verily,
verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be
born again, he cannot see the kingdom
of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How
can a man be born when he is old? can
he enter the second time into his
mother's womb, and be born? Jesus
answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born of water and of
the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God. That which is born of
the flesh is flesh; and that which is born
of the Spirit is spirit…Nicodemus
answered and said unto him, How can
these things be? Jesus answered and
said unto him, Art thou a master of
Israel, and knowest not these
things? (John 3:1-10, my emphasis).
Nicodemus, a leader among Jewish
leadership, lacked understanding. Like the rest
of Jewish leadership he had gotten into a proud
and unbiblical rut, not walking humbly before
God which, in turn, kept him from knowing the
things he should have known and understood as
a Church leader—as one of the best Church
leaders around. So what I’m saying about today’s
Church leadership is nothing new. It’s what has
happened to Church leadership repeatedly. It’s
the theme of the Bible.
Today’s best Church leaders rebuke God’s
people for not fearing the Lord, when it’s their
own fault—in great part—because they don’t fear
God, the One who enlightened them and placed
them in their positions as “shepherds” over His
people, His ‘sheep.’ Yet this is what God says,
again, since it’s what they’re doing—again:
Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that
do feed themselves! should not the
shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat,
and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill
them that are fed: but ye feed not the
flock. The diseased have ye not
strengthened, neither have ye healed
that which was sick, neither have ye
bound up that which was broken,
neither have ye brought again that
which was driven away, neither have ye
sought that which was lost; but with
force and with cruelty have ye ruled
them. And they were scattered, because
there is no shepherd: and they became
meat to all the beasts of the field, when
they were scattered. My sheep wandered
through all the mountains, and upon
every high hill: yea, my flock was
scattered upon all the face of the earth,
and none did search or seek after
them. Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the
word of the LORD; As I live, saith the
Lord GOD, surely because my flock
became a prey, and my flock became
meat to every beast of the field, because
there was no shepherd, neither did my
shepherds search for my flock, but the
shepherds fed themselves, and fed not
my flock; Therefore, O ye shepherds,
hear the word of the LORD; Thus saith
the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the
shepherds; and I will require my flock at
their hand, and cause them to cease
from feeding the flock; neither shall the
shepherds feed themselves any more;
for I will deliver my flock from their
mouth, that they may not be meat for
them (Ezek. 34:2-10).
While I share specific testimony in this
series of how today’s best Christian leaders are
like those of Ezekiel’s day, it’s common
knowledge. Just do a web search. What God has
me share just points to the best (the brainiest
and most conservative) and cuts deep—right to
the heart of the Church. YouTube End
Church Abuse Now! Uploaded by
EndofDeceit’s Channel.
Even though there are elect souls who will
be enlightened by God, and non-elect who will
not be enlightened, most elect souls today can’t
see that Jesus is God because the born again
Church leaders in Christianity have made such a
mess of it over the years with denominations,
along with a whole load of other unbiblical stuff
they call Christian. And they have so far refused
to repent about any of it. Today’s best Church
leaders, refuse to be held accountable to God’s
WORD, not practicing what they preach. And if
the leaders don’t, neither will the rest of God’s
people. This is thematic, not only in the
Scriptures, but throughout all of history. When
the leaders are unrighteous, the rest of society
quickly follows suit. That’s why we all know this
truth, “When the wicked beareth rule, the people
mourn” (Prov. 29:2).
And since God is in control of all—since the
foundation of our existence is spiritual—when
unrighteous people are in Church leadership, the
rest mourn because the whole system is
corrupted. And it sure is. Because the Church is
corrupted, so it the government, all government.
That’s the system God has set up as detailed for
us in the Bible. Therefore, when the Church lives
righteously, the government will be righteous,
because, as He says, “When a man's ways please
the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at
peace with him” (Prov. 16:7). Power corrupts
and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Knowing this, lazy born again Christians and
professing Christians have given today’s Church
leaders near absolute power.
In turn, we have what we have. Today’s
Church leaders give the people what they want,
like really bad parents do with their children. It’s
exactly what Rick Warren did, and then braniac
conservative professing Christians like Ravi
Zacharias endorse them! Instead, they should be
standing firm on the complete WORD of God,
rebuking those who profess to love Christ yet
disobey Him, strengthening the body of Christ.
That is the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).
Our failure to fulfill it is the whole reason Jesus
has left Christianity here and not beamed us up
yet as today’s Church leaders teach that He’s
about to do. Only that’s not even the next step of
the prophetic time clock. It’s not as if God is
going to say, Oh well, since it’s taken them 2000
years and they still can’t obey Me, I’ll just
gather them up and take them Home anyhow.
That’s just NOT GONNA HAPPEN, according to
God’s WORD.
Yet attending even the best, most biblical,
church services around today, it’s like sitting in
on a 40-minute mediocre 200 level college
lecture, along with some rituals they go through
And some of those rituals are pretty weird. For
example, pastors love to do this. While they’re
teaching, they stop and say, “Turn to your
neighbor and say (some stupid thing)” as if that’s
going to help them ‘get’ it. Would a college
professor do that? Turn to the student next to
you and say E equals mc squared.
What?! That’s idiotic. They don’t even do
stuff like that in first grade. Yet the people do it
in the churches all the time!
The Bible isn’t even the main text for most of
them. You might learn something (not much
once you get past the basics, definitely not
enough), but there’s still nothing amazing about
what they’re doing when it should be amazing
because Jesus said, “He that believeth on me,
the works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these shall he do; because I go unto
my Father” (John 14:12). Jesus performed
miracles including RAISING THE DEAD.
But even without miracles His teaching
always blew people away:
They were astonished at his doctrine: for
he taught them as one that had
authority, and not as the scribes (Mark
And when he was come into Jerusalem,
all the city was moved (Matt. 21:10).
Much people followed
thronged him (Mark 5:24).
In contrast to typical Christianity Today, in
the last two books of the series, even in this one
coming up, God reveals His supernatural hand
on what He’s had me say, fulfilling His promise
about honoring those that follow and serve
Him—who actually make Him the Lord of their
lives since that’s who He is, Lord God. Because I
have actually let Him lord over me, He’ll be
using me to raise the spiritually dead comatose
Church (Rev. 3:1). Then, when the group gets it
together as a group, we’ll be empowered to
physically raise the dead as they did in the early
Church (Acts 9:36-40 & 20:8-12). If you don’t
believe it, it’s because you lack faith in God. My
guess is you haven’t been doing your Homework.
However, for those who do their Homework,
after the Church has matured, sooner or later
God only knows, He’ll remove His Church from
this world, Mission finally completed (Matt.
28:19-20; 1 Cor. 15:52-53).
In any case, like Cage in Edge of
Tomorrow (2014), and Paul in reality, I will
not be disappointed. Having “fought a good fight
[and]…finished my course, I have kept the
faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown
of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous
judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me
only, but unto all them also that love his
appearing” (2 Tim. 4:7-8, my emphasis).
The Terms of Free Will
While God is coordinating things and people so
that He is drawing the elect to Jesus or closer to
Him every single day, an elect soul may still not
have any interest in Him, whether lost or born
again. On the one hand, it’s because He has
given all humans permissive will—the ability to
make choices within His limits. On the other
hand, it’s because “it is not of him that willeth,
nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth
mercy” (Rom. 9:16). Where the fine line between
our permissive will (speaking of the elect) and
God’s will is drawn, God only knows. But, we
(the elect) do have the ability to reject the
Father’s attempts at drawing us to Jesus or
closer to Him—every day of our lives from the
time we’re about three years old.
In fact, the elect can reject God’s advances
throughout the entire course of our lives until
our very last breath if we so choose. We can even
reject His calling to come closer to Him when
we’re born again—as born again Christians have
done when God has had me address them, as
they’ve done as a whole for hundreds of years.
The born again soul who does that will get to
heaven, but they’ll have wasted their time on
earth because it’s like this:
For other foundation can no man lay
than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if any man build upon this
foundation gold, silver, precious stones,
wood, hay, stubble; Every man's work
shall be made manifest: for the day shall
declare it, because it shall be revealed by
fire; and the fire shall try every man's
work of what sort it is. If any man's work
abide which he hath built thereupon, he
shall receive a reward. If any man's work
shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but
he himself shall be saved; yet so as by
fire (1 Cor. 3:11-15).
God’s elect have been granted this foundation—
Him—whereas the non-elect have not. Yet we’ve
also been granted free will, the ability to make
choices, good or bad, which is why we can build
on the foundation of Christ either well or poorly.
Basically, being born again we can devote
our lives to ourselves or to God or to anything or
anyone in between—every day. Then, when we
die, when this life is over, “every one of us shall
give account of himself to God” (Rom. 14:12). At
that time, all of the work of our entire life—
including the words we’ve spoken (Matt.
12:36)—will be tested by God and we only get to
‘take’ what survives His test into heaven with us.
And because God chose us (John 15:16), the elect
will all, at the very least, die with this
foundation, Jesus Christ. All elect souls will die
as born again Christians believing the truth, that
Jesus is God in the flesh and that they are a
sinner in need of His gift of salvation. And that’s
basically all Christians have focused on, the
foundation. It’s like if a teacher gave you your
exam booklet and all you did the whole two
hours was write your name in it. What?! Didn’t
you study? What were you doing all semester?
You came to class, weren’t you listening?
Storing Treasure in Heaven.
While speaking to His disciples Jesus said,
“Provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a
treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where
no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth”
(Luke 12:33). Treasure on earth can be lost if the
stock market crashes or you get ill or in an
accident, for example, or like Jesus said, a thief
takes it or it simply wears out. In contrast,
treasure stored in heaven will last forever. It will
never get old, and no one and nothing can ever
take it away, even if they were to take every
single thing you own and everyone you know—
even if they were to take your very life. Whatever
you’ve done in obedience and submission to
God, by way of having a relationship with Jesus
Christ—not only as a born again believer, but as
His follower—will somehow translate into
heavenly treasure.
Basically, the elect need to obey God, get
filled with His Spirit, keep reading the Bible
daily and obeying Him 24/7, repenting as
needed. That’s what Jesus meant when He said,
“Bring forth therefore fruits meet for
repentance” (Matt. 3:8). We do this by asking
His forgiveness and fixing the messes we’ve
made as much and as often as needed. As He
says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from
all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Doing that
regularly, making it our lifestyle, we’ve become a
follower of Jesus. We can clearly hear His voice
when He says, “This is the way, walk ye in it’
(Isa. 30:21) because we don’t have sin blocking
the way (Isa. 59:2) and neither do we have
anything hampering our vision (Matt. 7:5).
In turn, our acts of personal obedience get
transformed by God into treasure deposited in
our heavenly back account for our use during the
rest of our eternal future, the life—the real living
that will begin after this life is over and never
end. The NIV refers to it as “truly life” whereas
the King James refers to it as “eternal life” and
the literal translation as “life enduring” (1 Tim.
6:19). That life—genuine quality of life—begins
after we die or after the last trump, for those
who happen to be alive when that trump sounds:
For this we say unto you by the word of
the Lord, that we which are alive and
remain unto the coming of the Lord
shall not prevent them which are asleep.
For the Lord himself shall descend from
heaven with a shout, with the voice of
the archangel, and with the trump of
God: and the dead in Christ shall rise
first: Then we which are alive and
remain shall be caught up together with
them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in
the air: and so shall we ever be with the
Lord (1 Thess. 4:15-17).
The Parable of the Lost Son
Here’s a little review with a bit more to it. God
provided this parable to help us understand
what we’re doing wrong. It’s referred to as The
Parable of the Lost Son or The Parable of the
Prodigal Son, depending on the Bible
A certain man had two sons: And the
younger of them said to his father,
Father, give me the portion of goods that
falleth to me. And he divided unto them
his living. And not many days after the
younger son gathered all together, and
took his journey into a far country, and
there wasted his substance with riotous
living. And when he had spent all, there
arose a mighty famine in that land; and
he began to be in want. And he went and
joined himself to a citizen of that
country; and he sent him into his fields
to feed swine. And he would fain have
filled his belly with the husks that the
swine did eat: and no man gave unto
him. And when he came to himself, he
said, How many hired servants of my
father's have bread enough and to spare,
and I perish with hunger! I will arise and
go to my father, and will say unto him,
Father, I have sinned against heaven,
and before thee, And am no more
worthy to be called thy son: make me as
one of thy hired servants. And he arose,
and came to his father. But when he was
yet a great way off, his father saw him,
and had compassion, and ran, and fell
on his neck, and kissed him. And the son
said unto him, Father, I have sinned
against heaven, and in thy sight, and am
no more worthy to be called thy son. But
the father said to his servants, Bring
forth the best robe, and put it on him;
and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on
his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf,
and kill it; and let us eat, and be
merry: For this my son was dead, and is
alive again; he was lost, and is found.
And they began to be merry (Luke 15:1124).
Rather than waiting for the right time to
receive his inheritance, this ungrateful, unloving,
and reckless son literally took the money and
ran. And it wasn’t until times got tough that he
came to his senses, repented, and crawled back
to his father to ask for forgiveness—which he
received BUT his inheritance was all gone (1 Cor.
3:11-15). Still, the spoiled brat was finally
becoming a man—and not a moment too soon.
And while he’d thought he’d now live as a
hired hand considering what he’d done, since
the father loved his son, he couldn’t have been
happier to see him, at long last, come to his
senses and come home. Therefore, he didn’t
treat the boy like a servant, but like what he was,
his dearly beloved son. The young man’s coming
home, having changed from the selfish reckless
brat he’d been was all that mattered to the
father. In fact, this father had been so eager for
his son to return that he had been out “a great
way off” looking for him. He had always known
the kid would run out of money, suffer because
of it, come to his senses, and head home with his
tail between his legs because parents know these
things—and God is our Father.
This parable is a picture of what God has
done for us. Humanity sinned through the first
humans (Gen. 3), and ever since then God has
been waiting and looking for us to come Home.
He came looking for us by sending many
prophets (Jer. 7:25-26) and then sending Jesus,
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save
that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
Like the prodigal, most of those who are
born again today came to the Lord like the lost
son, begging for forgiveness. Part of the reason
Christianity Today is such a mess is because
most of today’s professing Christians aren’t born
again. They became Christian, supposedly, by
listening to today’s Church leaders and doing
what they’ve told them to do, “Close your eyes
and say this prayer.” Unlike the lost son, they’ve
never felt the need to beg God for forgiveness
and neither then do they rejoice for what God
has done. They can’t since they don’t understand
it since they’ve never really studied the Bible or
done it with a genuine desire to know the Lord
for who He is, but have wanted something from
Him. And it’s not as if they’re preaching well in
the churches or teaching the full truth. Today’s
unbiblical version of Christianity teaches that all
you need to do is say this prayer and you’re in,
making it seem like you’ve joined the country
club. Christianity Today parties 90% of the time
and studies the Bible the rest of the time, maybe,
not really. A few do.
In contrast, the one time when Jesus tells
His disciples to come away with Him to get some
rest, they get no rest because they’re so busy
ministering to others. They kept at God’s work,
focused on God while learning from the Lord,
helping others, and also teaching them—not
entertaining themselves to death. As we read:
The apostles gathered themselves
together unto Jesus, and told him all
things, both what they had done, and
what they had taught. And he said unto
them, Come ye yourselves apart into a
desert place, and rest a while: for there
were many coming and going, and they
had no leisure so much as to eat. And
they departed into a desert place by ship
privately. And the people saw them
departing, and many knew him, and ran
afoot thither out of all cities, and
outwent them, and came together unto
him. And Jesus, when he came out, saw
much people, and was moved with
compassion toward them, because they
were as sheep not having a shepherd:
and he began to teach them many
things. And when the day was now far
spent, his disciples came unto him, and
said, This is a desert place, and now the
time is far passed: Send them away, that
they may go into the country round
about, and into the villages, and buy
themselves bread: for they have nothing
to eat. He answered and said unto them,
Give ye them to eat. And they say unto
him, Shall we go and buy two hundred
pennyworth of bread, and give them to
eat? He saith unto them, How many
loaves have ye? go and see. And when
they knew, they say, Five, and two
fishes. And he commanded them to
make all sit down by companies upon
the green grass. And they sat down in
ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. And
when he had taken the five loaves and
the two fishes, he looked up to heaven,
and blessed, and brake the loaves, and
gave them to his disciples to set before
them; and the two fishes divided he
among them all (Mark 6:30-41).
The biblical example is of God’s disciples
fulfilling the two greatest commandments,
loving God and loving people (Mark 12:3031)—
not resting and entertaining themselves to the
hilt as Christianity Today does. In fact, God says,
“Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been
wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a
day of slaughter” (James 5:5). It’s obvious that
we’re living in days of slaughter as American
police have become a paramilitary force and
constitutional rights are no longer honored.
Meanwhile, Christianity Today’s Church leaders
keep entertaining themselves while the wolves
devour God’s sheep or they themselves act like
wolves who devour them (John 10:1-16).
So here’s one of the big problems within
Christianity Today. Today’s Christians act as if
being born again makes you a follower of Christ,
when it doesn’t. If you are born again, that’s all
you are. It’s good, but it’s hardly good enough. In
order to become a follower of Jesus Christ you
have to continue to seek God and obey Him on
all counts as He personally directs you in your
life. You don’t just obey God in a general sense
as He has written in the Bible. You have to obey
His personal directives for your life each and
every day, as revealed to you in the Bible. If you
don’t get to that point and walk there
consistently—actually become a follower of
Christ—you are probably not born again—not
according to the New Testament, the Manual.
Ultimately, Jesus is saying this to His
people, again, “Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and
do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46). In
other words, ‘Don’t call me Lord since I’m not
your Lord. If I were you’re Lord, you’d let me
Lord over your life.’ That’s not hard to
understand. Born in sin into a fallen world
(Rom. 5:12) ruled by Satan (John 12:31, YLT),
it’s only when we consistently obey Jesus that we
make Him our ruler and become His follower.
And it’s only by becoming Jesus’ follower that
we actually turn our backs on Satan and make
Jesus the Lord of our lives (Luke 11:23). Either
we are serving Jesus or Satan, every day. Those
are the only two choices, every day. You are
either following the one or the other. And doing
your own thing, even as a born again soul, is to
serve Satan (Mark 12:30).
Choosing to Obey God Out of
Out of obedience and love for His Father, Jesus
left heaven to come to earth in order to save the
elect from our sins and from eternal hell, as
we’re told:
[Jesus] who, being in the form of God,
thought it not robbery to be equal with
God: But made himself of no reputation,
and took upon him the form of a
servant, and was made in the likeness of
men: And being found in fashion as a
man, he humbled himself, and became
obedient unto death, even the death of
the cross (Phil. 2:6-8).
And this death, one by crucifixion, was an
excruciatingly painful one. But because Jesus
was willing to become a man and do this for the
Father and for us, for His Family, He said the
Therefore doth my Father love me,
because I lay down my life, that I might
take it again. No man taketh it from me,
but I lay it down of myself. I have power
to lay it down, and I have power to take
it again. This commandment have I
received of my Father (John 10:17-18).
So, “if we have been planted together in the
likeness of his death [as born again Christians
have been], we shall be also in the likeness of his
resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is
crucified with him, that the body of sin might be
destroyed, that henceforth we should not
serve sin” (Rom. 6:5-6, my emphasis). The YLT
makes it a bit clearer. It reads, “our old man was
crucified with [him], that the body of the sin may
be made useless, for our no longer serving the
sin” (Rom. 6:6, YLT). If you really struggle
obeying God, so that you don’t obey Him, you’re
not born again! It’s when you struggle and win
that struggle, not years from now but today or
within a few days, then you have pretty good
assurance that you’re born again.
When we have truly been enlightened by
God, we understand the depths of what Jesus
went through for us. Therefore, we refuse to sin
any longer, we refuse to put our desires over His.
And that’s simply not Christianity Today. The
bulk of the work Christianity Today is doing is in
warning people about the antichrist, the end
times, (and doing it in a way, with a teaching,
that doesn’t square with the Bible) but next to
zero is happening in the direction of making
disciples. Because, you can’t make disciples if
you’re not a disciple. What you make are sons of
hell (Matt. 23:13-15).
So while born again Christians have just as
much opportunity to sin as we did before we
became born again, we’re now enlightened
enough that we understand that to continue to
sin would be to crucify the Lord all over again,
and that’s not something one who appreciates
what God has done for us is willing to do. Yet
that’s what the best Church leaders today
repeatedly do! How could they be born again?
Answer: Only by being SEVERELY prodigal.
In following and obeying His Father, Jesus
was led to the crucifixion so that He was pretty
stressed out. “Being in an agony he prayed more
earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great
drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke
22:44). Struggling, “He went a little farther, and
fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father,
if it be possible, let this cup pass from me:
nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”
(Matt. 26:39).
In contrast, facing death by crucifixion, the
majority would immediately run the other way.
That’s obvious since today’s Christians can’t
even walk in the truth when not under fire. But
Jesus came to earth for this very purpose and
pressed on towards the Cross even though He
felt extreme emotional and physical pain since
besides being God He was also human. He knew
how horrendously it would hurt—never mind the
emotional anguish. Jesus was carrying the
weight of the world on His back, knowing His
elect, for the most part, would only ‘love’ Him
because He gave them a ticket out of hell, but
not for who He is—and that we would be this
self-centered for 2000 years! And only
hypocritically “caring” about how much He
suffered for us.
Therefore, “there appeared an angel unto
him from heaven, strengthening him” (Luke
22:43). And while Jesus was blessed by the
Father who encouraged Him through the angel,
since He would be walking through the
experience of getting crucified, He felt extreme
anxiety in the here and now. But He still went
through with it. He reasoned that the eternal
blessing was worth it since “of the increase of his
government and peace there shall be no end”
established…everlasting” (Ps. 93:2). Therefore,
He manned up like no other man would.
Unlike Christianity Today’s leaders, Jesus
fully practiced what He preached. He counted
the cost as He told us to do:
Whosoever doth not bear his cross, and
come after me, cannot be my disciple.
For which of you, intending to build a
tower, sitteth not down first, and
counteth the cost, whether he have
sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he
hath laid the foundation, and is not able
to finish it, all that behold it begin to
mock him, Saying, This man began to
build, and was not able to finish (Luke
While Jesus was probably taunted His whole
life since others would have figured out that
Joseph wasn’t really His father, calling Him a
bastard and Mary a whore (or whispering about
them as such), putting it all on the scale,
weighing the difference between the extreme
pain of one day plus the humiliation of His
entire life, having God’s vision for His eternal
life, it was a no-brainer to Jesus what He should
do. So He did it. And it wasn’t primarily because
of what He would get—the Lordship of all—but
because He loved His Father. I know this
because right before the Cross, Jesus said, “That
the world may know that I love the
Father; and as the Father gave me
commandment, even so I do” (John 14:30-31,
my emphasis). Jesus obeyed the Father—to
death, death by crucifixion—to show the world
(especially the elect of the world) how much He
loved the Father, how worthy God is of our love.
Yet, Christians focus on Jesus loves me.
In case you missed that, let me rewind.
Focus should not be on you/me, but on God,
more specifically on Jesus. God, the Father,
loved the Vessels of Mercy so much that He sent
Jesus to be crucified for us. And since Jesus
went through with it, focus should be on Him.
God loves us, Jesus expressed that love, we need
to focus on loving God grateful for what He did
for us. In obeying the Father, even unto the
brutality and humiliation of death by crucifixion,
Jesus fulfilled the two greatest commandments,
practicing what He preached, to love God and
people (Mark 12:29-31).
Having loved the Father with all He had, “in
the days of his flesh, when he had offered up
prayers and supplications with strong crying and
tears unto him that was able to save him from
death…[He was] heard in that he feared; Though
he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the
things which he suffered; And being made
perfect, he became the author of eternal
salvation unto all them that obey him” (Heb. 5:710). Loving God, the Father, with all of His
heart, soul, mind, and strength, Jesus willingly
let Himself be crucified. And knowing that He
would go through with it, since He was not just a
man but also God, He said, “Therefore doth my
Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I
might take it again” (John 10:17).
Jesus also said, “If a man love me, he will
keep my words: and my Father will love him,
and we will come unto him, and make our abode
with him. He that loveth me not keepeth
not my sayings” (John 14:23-24, my
emphasis). Clearly, you cannot do what
Christianity Today is doing and love God. The
supposed love humans have today, including
Christians, is more in lines with hatred because
not caring about others and being ungrateful
when they go all out for you, is hateful, not
loving. As Jesus said, if you love Him you’ll obey,
and if you don’t, you won’t.
And one of the reasons it’s hard for Church
leaders to acknowledge that they’re desperately
far from God is because they’d have to repent
publicly. Like the Pharisees, they love their
positions and reputations more than God. If they
were CEOs in secular business, lawyers and
lawsuits would be making them confess. But
since God’s Church is not governed by the laws
of the world, these men, elect Church leaders,
have been able to persevere in their corruption.
Furthermore, they need to do more than
simply confess. They need to repent.
And the only way they’re going to come to
their senses—like the prodigal son of Luke 15:1132—is for the rest of God’s people to get right
with God and pray for them to feel God’s weight
of conviction upon them, as we’ve been called to
do, and don’t do. God says:
I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks, be made for all
men; For kings, and for all that are in
authority; that we may lead a quiet and
peaceable life in all godliness and
honesty (1 Tim. 2:2-3).
Today, Satan is ruling the Church as “he
sitteth in the temple of God” (2 Thess. 2:4). The
“temple of God” represents the Church system
man has created. Because born again Christians
haven’t taken “into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5), not only have
Christians landed us in the mess we’re in, they
focus on politicians as being those “in authority,”
(just as Satan wants them to do) neglecting the
fact that Christian hypocrisy keeps everyone in
the dark. Yet what good does it do to pray for
politicians when Church leaders are corrupt?
Good politics will never make earth heavenly. If
politics could actually do that, Jesus would not
have had to suffer as He did. We will only turn
the tide of corruption by getting right with God
as a group and praying for Church leaders to get
convicted by God and feel genuinely remorseful
for what they’ve done and haven’t done—since
there are some born again souls in Church
leadership, prodigal though they be. These men
are key because God has given them the
platform to teach the masses.
Moreover, God wants His people to practice
forgiveness, full blown obedience to Him, and
genuine love—and, to do it as a Team (Eph.
5:21). I supposed that if enough people of one
congregation were to get enlightened and prayed
for that church’s leadership, then held them
accountable, that leadership would repent due to
a combination of the pressure put on them by
God and man. But considering how much church
leaders are power tripping these day, it would
likely require 50 to 75% of the congregation to
be on board!
There are many Christians today who
discern that the Church is far from God, yet
they’re still not doing what God informed
them/us to do, as with turning from our wicked
ways so that He brings healing (2 Chron. 7:14).
They’re really looking for others, Church leaders,
to get right with God and lead the way, rather
than do what they need to do to get right with
God and lead the way. It’s easy to point the
finger at others while not lifting a finger
ourselves. But that’s not God’s way.
God also doesn’t mean that we’re to pray for
the leadership of a church but for the leadership
of His Church (Eph. 4:11-16)—there’s a huge
difference. And because the Church is an entity
without walls, it really makes more sense to pray
for the most biblical Church leaders among
those who have the largest platforms, since the
day they repent more people will be influenced
faster. And while there aren’t any truly biblical
pastors today—because no matter who you look
into, soon enough you find something in their
teaching and/or practices that does not line up
with God’s WORD, and the whole Church is
under the umbrella lie of denominations—some
leaders are more biblical than others. Therefore,
we need to get right with God as individuals and
pray for the more biblical leaders who have the
largest platforms. Really, we need to pray for
both, locals and those most visible. Ask God.
HOMEWORK: It would be very easy to
make a list of the most visible Church
leaders then begin knocking them off by
their unbiblical teaching. Taking that
shortened list, you’re left with more biblical
teachers. But if you look into those men, you
see that they have some seriously
questionable practices as well. Still, that’s as
good as it gets. Throughout the series I
mention some of the bigger players the Lord
has had me address or ‘follow’ (as in, listen
to their teaching). But rather than give you
my list, you need to make your own list as
you seek the Lord, then follow through
praying for them, having gotten right with
the Lord yourself. That doesn’t take forever
and neither is it complicated:
Accept the evidence revealing that
the Bible is God’s WORD for
Study the Bible;
Repent of all known personal sins,
turning from them;
Ask God to save your soul;
Start praying God’s WORD for God’s
Church, lifting up the men on your
list asking God to change their
Show God how earnest you are by
fasting. (If you don’t know what
that’s about look up the terms fast
and fasting on
to see what God says about it.)
Fast and pray asking the Lord what
exactly He wants you to do.
If the thoughts running through your head
are that you have better and/or more
important stuff to do, you still TOTALLY
don’t get it!
Christianity Lack of Love for
Today’s Christians focus on God’s love being
unconditional while rejecting the doctrine of
election. True, God’s love is unconditional FOR
THE ELECT, unconditional in that we will die as
a born again believer. But, to make sure you are
a born again believer and experience the full
measure of God’s love while on this Tour of
Duty, you have to obey His commands. And
Christianity Today, as a whole, does not—not
even remotely. You only have assurance of being
born again by the measure of how well your life
lines up with the Bible because the New
Testament, as the Old, is loaded with conditions
on God’s love and blessings.
Moreover, we can only discern that we’re
elect and born again by the measure of our
faithfulness to God. So if we’re consistently
faithful to Him, we can rest assured that we’re
born again. If we’re not, then it’s highly unlikely
that we’re born again—and Christianity, as a
whole, has NOT been faithful to God for 2000
years. If I sound like a broken record, repeating
myself repeatedly, it’s because of the intensely
unbiblical state of Christianity Today, when this
is what the Bible says:
It is impossible for those who were
once enlightened, and have tasted of the
heavenly gift, and were made partakers
of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the
good word of God, and the powers of the
world to come, If they shall fall away, to
renew them again unto repentance;
seeing they crucify to themselves the
Son of God afresh, and put him to an
open shame (Heb. 6:4-6, my emphasis).
Knowing the Bible, that this is what it says,
even today’s most biblical Church leaders put
Jesus to open shame, repeatedly, by refusing to
even acknowledge their own personal sins or the
sins of the Church. And it’s what professing
Christians have done for hundreds of years! And
it’s not as if the word “impossible” is hard to
understand. If you take the Bible to mean what it
says, which is what we’re supposed to do, and
what the best of them preach we should do, it
looks as if there’s hardly any born again
Christian alive today!
While the Bible says, “This is the love of
God, that we keep his commandments: and his
commandments are not grievous” (1 John 5:3),
Christianity Today does not keep His
commandments because they find them
grievous. And they do because they don’t have
God’s eternal worldview nor His Spirit within.
They have it in the sense that they have it in
their Bible’s, but they don’t ‘have’ it because they
don’t ‘own’ it. Not having obeyed God, they are
mostly not born again, or severely distanced
from God due to their sins, their lack of
obedience to God. In short, they don’t have the
Spirit of God within them or available to them
to help them fulfill God’s WORD, having broken
fellowship with Him, or never having had it. And
that would grieve you because it’s hard fulfilling
God’s will even with His Spirit within. It’s hard
because you have to go against the grain of the
crowd (2 Tim. 3:12) while fighting a fierce war
(Eph. 6:12).
If you don’t know the Bible well while being
born again, and/or if you’re focused on storing
treasure here rather than in heaven, you’ll be
trying to obey God mostly in your own power
and most often not doing what He actually wants
you to do. Therefore, you’ll struggle obeying Him
and you’ll suffer consequences God never meant
for you to suffer, even doing stuff He never
meant for you to do. If you’re living as a
Christian without the Spirit of God within or in
rebellion while born again, it will seem grievous
to obey God because you won’t have the power of
God or the joy of being in His presence. Out of
His amazing grace, God will still let you
experience Him somewhat, like an acquaintance
(if you’re born again), but you won’t experience
Him like your Best Friend. Or, you’ll think you’re
obeying Him when you’re not (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
And our Best Friend is what He is willing to
be to each born again individual. He says,
“Henceforth I call you not servants; for the
servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I
have called you friends” (John 15:15). If you keep
seeking Jesus in earnest once you’ve become
born again, the “joy of the Lord [will become]
your strength” (Neh. 8:10)—continually, and in
continually inform you of what He’s doing. As
with any other relationship, you’ll be getting to
know Him better with time and through the
shared experiences. Further, God says, “Surely
the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos
3:7). The closer you walk with Him, the more He
reveals, not only of what He’s doing but of
Himself. Then next book has a good dose of that
and the last book overdoses on that—on giving
you examples of what I’m talking about. And the
latter part of this book gets into that as well.
Having been with the Father and the Holy
Spirit in heaven when God created everything
including mankind (Gen. 1:26), Jesus chose to
come down to earth to fulfill the Father’s will for
His life. Therefore, He did the following:
[He] made himself of no reputation, and
took upon him the form of a servant,
and was made in the likeness of men:
And being found in fashion as a man, he
humbled himself, and became obedient
unto death, even the death of the cross.
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted
him, and given him a name which is
above every name (Phil. 2:7-9).
Jesus was born in a barn with animals (Luke
2:6-8) because even though His parents (natural
and adoptive) were David’s descendants (Matt.
1:1-18), and they were in the city of David,
Bethlehem (Luke 2:4 & 11), the Jews were so far
from God at the time that there wasn’t even one
relative who opened up their home to them even
though Mary (likely a teen, as was customary at
the time), was about to give birth to her first
child (Luke 2:7). We’ve also been informed that
Joseph and Mary could only afford the poor
man’s sacrifice (Lev. 5:7; Luke 2:21-24). Having
had a difficult upbringing (Heb. 5:8), Jesus lived
as a lower middle class carpenter (Mark 6:3)—
not as today’s well-manicured Church leaders—
and then as an itinerant preacher without so
much as a place to lay His head (Luke 9:58).
Having given up His majestic position in heaven
as well as all creature comforts on earth, in
submission to His Father, He then also gave up
His life to a brutal death (John 10:18)—all to
honor His Father because He loved Him who
loves His people (John 3:16), and to store up His
treasure where it matters. Not here (John
In turn, because He focused on the Big
Picture rather than on the here and now, “He
shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and
of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Luke
1:33). The “house of Jacob” refers to the clan of
Jacob, the children of the promise, the elect. A
promise God first made in the Garden (Gen. 3:6)
and continued with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Judah…all the way down that family line (Matt.
1), fulfilled in Jesus who was birthed by Mary
(Matt. 1:24-25) who had been impregnated by
God (Luke 1:34-35). Joseph, Mary’s husband,
raised Jesus as his own son (Matt. 1:19-21). Born
again Christians belong to ‘the house of Jacob’
by faith, adopted into it through Jesus’ voluntary
sacrificial death, the price God paid for our
adoption (Rom. 8:15; Eph. 1:5). The elect were
promised by God to Jesus even before the
foundation of the world was laid (Matt. 25:34;
John 17:24) so that all who the Father gave Him
are not lost, will not be lost (John 6:37 & 17:12).
So while God has modeled for us to store up
treasure in heaven (Matt. 6:19-20)—modeling it
not only through Jesus but through many men
and women as detailed throughout the Bible and
summed up in the Hall of Faith (Heb. 11:1-16), as
well as through history—Christians today, as a
whole, are still focused on storing up treasure
here. Just listen to Christian radio, for instance,
and you immediately see their focus, even in the
names of their ministries as with Focus on the
Family (not Focus on God), and Family Life
Today, a ministry that’s all about making and
keeping family traditions, traditions Jesus
warned us against (Mark 7:8).
Rather than focusing on our earthly families
first and foremost, focus should be on the Family
of God, first and foremost (Mark 12:29-31).
Those focused correctly “desire a better country,
that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not
ashamed to be called their God: for he hath
prepared for [us] a city” (Heb. 11:16).
And I’m not saying God doesn’t care about
our families, of course He does. He created the
family institution (Gen. 1:22; Mark 10:7; Eph.
6:1). God cares more about our families than we
do! But for our families to work out in
accordance with God’s best, the elect individuals
within them have to care more about God than
about anyone or anything else. That’s His first
commandment, His most important one. Again,
God says, “Love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first
commandment” (Mark 12:30). When we love
God with all we’ve got, showing Him that we
respect and appreciate Him, He takes care of all
the rest. It all falls together like Dominoes. Since
“God is love” (1 John 4:8), He is where we get
genuine love by which to love others.
And ultimately, God cares more about His
Family, the elect, than about our earthly
families, since the one lasts forever whereas the
others don’t. Trying to create a loving
environment without God among non-elect
souls is like trying to get Hitler and the SS to be
loving with the Jews—a lost cause—or trying to
get the KKK to love African Americans. Good
luck with that.
On the other hand, if born again souls were
in right relationship with God and earnestly
asked Him to change the hearts of KKK
members so that the elect among them would
see their sins and turn to God, it is absolutely
GUARANTEED that these people will become
loving, first of all to God, and then not just to
African Americans, but to all people worldwide
including the non-elect. It’s guaranteed because
that is God’s will, that we love one another along
with everyone else. He says:
This is my commandment, That ye love
one another, as I have loved you [as in,
in the same manner that I have loved
you, going all out for you ](John 15:12).
As we have therefore opportunity, let us
do good unto all men, especially unto
them who are of the household of faith
(Gal. 6:10, my emphasis).
Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name
[meaning, found in His WORD without
being misconstrued], that will I do, that
the Father may be glorified in the Son
(John 14:13).
But today’s Christians don’t get it because they
haven’t learned well enough from the Father nor
obeyed Jesus, His Son. Their light bulb has NOT
been fully turned on. It’s on the lowest setting.
Since we’re deep in the depths of the great
apostasy, the great falling away from the truth (2
Thess. 2:3-4), even born again Christians today
don’t believe God is willing to make earth
heavenly. And even if they did, the one thing
they hate doing more than anything else is
praying, even though God says, “Pray without
ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). [Attend any Protestant
church and see for yourself how much time they
devote to prayer in comparison to all the other
garbage they do.] And praying without being in
full submission to God is pointless because, He
says, “Your iniquities have separated between
you and your God, and your sins have hid his
face from you, that he will not hear” (Isa. 59:2).
Moreover, God has provided many examples
for Church leaders to follow, as with Daniel who
I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek
by prayer and supplications, with
fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes: And I
prayed unto the LORD my God, and
made my confession, and said, O Lord,
the great and dreadful God, keeping the
covenant and mercy to them that love
him, and to them that keep his
commandments; We have sinned, and
have committed iniquity, and have done
wickedly, and have rebelled, even by
departing from thy precepts and from
judgments: Neither
hearkened unto thy servants the
prophets, which spake in thy name to
our kings, our princes, and our fathers,
and to all the people of the land. O LORD,
righteousness belongeth unto thee, but
unto us confusion…because we have
sinned against thee…As it is written in
the law of Moses, all this evil is come
upon us: yet made we not our prayer
before the LORD our God, that we might
turn from our iniquities, and understand
thy truth. Therefore hath the LORD
watched upon the evil, and brought it
upon us: for the LORD our God is
righteous in all his works which he
doeth: for we obeyed not his voice… Now
therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of
thy servant, and his supplications, and
cause thy face to shine upon thy
sanctuary that is desolate, for the Lord's
sake. O my God, incline thine ear, and
hear; open thine eyes, and behold our
desolations, and the city which is called
by thy name: for we do not present our
supplications before thee for our
righteousnesses, but for thy great
mercies. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O
Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for
thine own sake, O my God: for thy city
and thy people are called by thy name
(Dan. 9:3-19).
If the leaders won’t humble themselves
before God, neither will their followers. That’s
the point of leadership, they lead the masses.
And while some pray to God asking for His
blessings, even demanding it, in my whole life
I’ve yet to meet one Church leader who admits
our transgressions against Him as a group or
even their own personal sins and worships Him
according to the Bible. Not one! Whenever God
has had me call out a Christian in leadership (or
any Christian), they’ve refused to acknowledge
their own sins or the sins of the Church and/or
repent. They are anything but humble or
obedient to God. They don’t fear Him even
though they supposedly know who He is, that He
has the power to cast them into hell forever
(Luke 12:5).
Therefore, having had me reach out to them
for so many years, showing me that it’s the same
across the board, God has had me write these
books so that God’s elect—those not in
understand how they’re sinning against God so
that they can repent and get right with God and
begin turning the tide by stepping up to the Plate
and praying for these intensely rebellious men.
As noted, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9), and “as
far as the east is from the west, so far hath he
removed our transgressions from us” (Ps.
103:12). While written in past tense, to us it is in
future tense because we first have to confess our
sins in order for God to act on the forgiveness
He’s already granted us through Christ’s work on
the Cross.
And confession is not just a ritual you go
through. In the same way that parents expect
their children to express genuine remorse when
they do wrong, God requires us to acknowledge
to Him (not to some priest) our sins, asking for
His forgiveness. He then also expects us to ask
forgiveness from those we’ve hurt, making
restitution if possible, as much as possible. Most
important of all, God requires that we change
our ways. Asking forgiveness and continuing to
do the same thing is a show of insincerity. Again,
this is a thematic teaching of the Bible and
simple enough for a preschooler to understand.
Just saying your sorry is not enough, anybody
can say anything. The truth of our statement is
proven by our actions.
In fact, this was God’s problem with the
people of the Old and New Testament Church so
that Jesus rebuked them saying, “Well hath
Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is
written, This people honoureth me with their
lips, but their heart is far from me” (Mark 7:6).
God obviously does not approve of lip-service
Christianity, which is exactly what Christianity
has given Him, overall. We LOVE you Jesus!
Sure, we ignore just about everything you have
to say. But we do LOVE you! Really.
God is not an idiot. He sees right through
Right now it’s impossible to even approach
Church leaders they’re so full of themselves.
Well, you can approach them but it’s a total
waste of time. Though if God asks you to do it,
you do it because He’s working on you primarily.
The only one who can knock these guys down
from their high tower is God, and He’ll only do it
if we ask Him to do it, and ask Him in the right
way, the way He has taught and modeled for us
in His WORD, the Bible.
And since NOBODY thinks they are
responsible to be the ‘first’ to do the right thing,
God has had me walk in it ahead of you and
write these books to motivate God’s people to
get in gear, having demonstrated with my life
how earnest I am and how faithful is God,
revealed in the next two books of the series. I
don’t just talk about my commitment to the
Lord, I actually have been committed to the
Lord. And God hasn’t just talked about His
faithfulness to us, He proves it. He has proven it,
does prove it, will always continue to prove it.
When we start serving God as a group,
“Submitting…ourselves one to another in the
fear of God” (Eph. 5:21), we’ll finally start getting
on our way to regaining Paradise. Until then,
we’ll just keep heading deeper and deeper into
Satan’s territory, land of the occult, deception,
violence, corruption, famine, brutality, and
more—all to the extreme. Where we end up as a
group—where the world ends up, how far we get
into the New World Order agenda—is our
choice. Better said, has been our choice.
Turning Things Upside Down
God says, “Surely your turning of things upside
down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay” (Isa.
29:16). In order to grasp what God is saying
there are three things to understand, besides the
fact that God views Himself as the Potter and us
as the clay (Jer. 18:2-6). You need to understand
the following:
1. Who God is addressing;
2. That these people have turned things
upside down; and,
3. What the potter does with the clay.
Who God is Addressing. Initially,
God was addressing His people, the Israelites,
the ones to whom He had revealed Himself. This
is obvious because the beginning of the Old
Testament isn’t hard to understand. But here’s a
Israel, which followed after the law of
righteousness [meaning the Jews and
the rules of Old Testament], hath not
attained to the law of righteousness…
Because they sought it not by faith, but
as it were by the works of the law. For
they stumbled at that stumblingstone
[Jesus]; As it is written, Behold, I lay in
Sion a stumblingstone and rock of
offence: and whosoever believeth on him
shall not be ashamed (Rom. 9:31-33).
By the deeds of the law there shall no
flesh be justified in his sight: for by the
law is the knowledge of sin. But now the
righteousness of God without the law is
manifested, being witnessed by the law
prophets; Even
righteousness of God which is by faith of
Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them
that believe (Rom. 3:20-22).
While Jews had been separated by God to
receive His message in order to bless all the
nations, as God had prophesied to Abraham by
telling him he would be a “father of many
nations” (Gen. 17:4), they got proud and rebelled
against God (as He knew would happen) so that
He turned away from them—for a season—for
the past 2000 years, with the exception of some
Jews, as we’ve been informed:
Blindness in part is happened to Israel,
until the fulness of the Gentiles be come
in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it
is written, There shall come out of Sion
the Deliverer, and shall turn away
ungodliness from Jacob [Jacob was
Abraham’s grandson through Isaac, the
line of the promise, a man God renamed
Israel]: For this is my covenant unto
them, when I shall take away their sins
(Rom. 11:25-27, my emphasis).
Therefore, in saying “your turning of things
upside down” (Isa. 29:16), God is speaking to all
of His elect, Jews and, more specifically now,
Christians, the ones to whom the fulfillment of
the promise has been revealed—that Jesus is God
in the flesh, His promised Messiah who has given
Satan a deadly wound to the head (Gen. 3:15).
Christians are the ones most at fault for the
upside down state of the world, that it resembles
something closer to hell than it does heaven. As
God informed us, “He that knew not, and did
commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten
with few stripes [being less guilty]. For unto
whomsoever much is given [as with the
completed WORD of God along with the Holy
Spirit of God, like it’s been given to born again
Christians], of him shall be much required” (Luke
In other words, those who don’t yet
understand that Jesus is the promised Messiah—
especially the elect lost Gentiles (as opposed to
lost elect Jews)—are not as guilty as those who do
understand this truth, born again Christians,
professing Christians, and lost elect Jews who
know (or should know) the Old Testament. While
lost Gentiles today are the least guilty, born again
Christians are most guilty. Born again Christians
make up the group God is speaking to today for
having turned things upside down (Isa. 29:16).
And He reveals it graphically further in this book.
And really, the human Vessels of Wrath are the
least guilty of all since they have NO CHANCE
whatsoever to understand or do right.
What’s Upside Down? If you know
and understand the Bible, especially the New
Testament—which is hardly difficult to
understand and neither does it take long to
read—you should be able to clearly see how
Christians have turned the world upside down.
By disobeying God and making a mockery of the
“simplicity that is in Christ” (2 Cor. 11:3),
Christians have brought on themselves and on
the rest of the world God’s judgment. Yet they
blame those who don’t believe the Bible for it
when they don’t fully believe it themselves,
proven by their actions, even though they have
been enlightened to Jesus’ deity.
And because those who say they believe the
Bible, don’t obey it, what should be a piece of
cake to see and understand, isn’t because “the
just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). While the
lost don’t obey God because they have zero faith
in Him, born again Christians don’t obey God
because they have little faith in Him. Yet “he that
cometh to God must believe that he is, and that
he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek
him” (Heb. 11:6). If today’s born again Christians
actually had faith in God they would not only
believe that He exists, they would also diligently
seek Him, which means they’d obey Him.
But born again Christians, having been
enlightened by God, have gotten spiritually
proud. Like the Jews, they think they’re just so
special. Jews thought they were special having
been the chosen people of God (Deut. 10:15;
Deut. 7:7-8). And Christians have done the same
thing. God’s grace has gone to their heads, so
much so that they think they were brilliant
enough to accept Christ unlike the morons who
haven’t. They don’t have to call you a moron to
reveal how they feel. Their actions suffice.
They’re so proud they genuinely view the lost as
morons. And while I call everyone all sorts of
names, if I actually meant it, I would not have
spent the bulk of my adult life trying to get
through to you and doing all God has asked me
to do in order to get through to you. (How sad
that people have gotten so sensitive—so selfabsorbed—that we have to walk on eggshells in
the same way that we do with little babies.)
In any case, like they Jews, Christians have
ignored God’s commands and warnings. While
having been enlightened that Jesus is God, they
feel they don’t have to obey Him because they’ll
be excused, even though that totally contradicts
the teachings of the New Testament, just as
Jewish proud belief in their exemption
contradicts the Old Testament.
Therefore, as I was obeying God and writing
the original book, God supernaturally revealed
to me, to include in the book for all to see, how
Christians have turned the world, in particular,
this nation, upside down, while also revealing
that it is Church leadership’s ultimate fault,
confirming what He’s had me saying for years.
But even without any faith in God it should
already be clear that this nation—and world—
are, in fact, upside down. Is there anything
that’s right side up? Let’s see:
We’re not at peace, but war;
Nearly half of today’s American children
are growing up in daycares with
strangers. You should read the article by
the New Republic, “The Hell of
investigation into the barely
regulated, unsafe business of
looking after our children” (April
15, 2013);
College tuition is outrageous and the
quality below mediocre, graduates often
not even able to get a job justifying the
years of education and expense;
The elderly go uncared for and abused in
extremely expensive institutions we ‘call’
The prime years of life are wasted either
on war or expensive education that puts
you in bondage for your future;
The dysfunctional family is the
American norm; and,
The gap between rich and poor keeps
widening as the rich keep getting richer
and the poor poorer—and not just a
little. YouTube Wealth Inequality in
And for each statement I’ve made about how
upside down this nation is, a Google search
should overwhelm you to disgust proving we’ve
turned the world upside down, in particular this
nation. What’s worse is that the list could keep
going and going and going and going.
Beyond that, American greed has had a huge
hand in bringing unimaginable hardship to
people around the world, as well as our own
downfall, and all because we’re too proud to
acknowledge God and live by His rules; rules
which aren’t even that hard to obey since Jesus
justified us with God by faith, nullifying the law,
as we’re told:
Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to
them that know the law,) how that the
law hath dominion over a man as long as
he liveth? For the woman which hath an
husband is bound by the law to her
husband so long as he liveth; but if the
husband be dead, she is loosed from the
law of her husband. So then if, while her
husband liveth, she be married to
another man, she shall be called an
adulteress: but if her husband be dead,
she is free from that law; so that she is
no adulteress, though she be married to
another man. Wherefore, my brethren,
ye also are become dead to the law by
the body of Christ; that ye should be
married to another, even to him who is
raised from the dead, that we should
bring forth fruit unto God. For when we
were in the flesh, the motions of sins,
which were by the law, did work in our
members to bring forth fruit unto
death. But now we are delivered from
the law, that being dead wherein we
were held; that we should serve in
newness of spirit, and not in the oldness
of the letter (Rom. 7:1-6).
By the deeds of the law there shall no
flesh be justified in his sight: for by the
law is the knowledge of sin (Rom. 3:20).
By [Jesus] all that believe are justified
from all things, from which ye could not
be justified by the law of Moses (Acts
Having paid the price of our sins with His
own life (1 Pet. 2:24), all God has really asked of
us—is asking of us—is to acknowledge His
lordship and to let Him Lord over us. And from
the teachings of the Bible, especially of the New
Testament, we know that letting Jesus Lord over
us means to be honest, decent, and loving. That’s
it! And since we can’t even do that, it’s a nobrainer that our hearts are wicked beyond
understanding (Jer. 17:9) and that we need His
Spirit within (John 15:5). Therefore, “herein is
love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us,
and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our
sins” (1 John 4:10).
Ultimately, God is revealing to us that all
human leadership not submitted to Him, since
it’s made up of sinners, will lead us to Satan’s
version of a New World Order. In contrast,
letting Him lead us by becoming born again and
faithful followers of Christ, we’ll have a
righteous kingdom and live at peace. That’s the
ultimate Lesson.
Born again Christians have confused
everyone to no end because they are saying the
truth, that Jesus is God, yet not doing what He
says, making it seem as if He’s not really God,
doesn’t really care if we obey Him or not, and as
if He doesn’t have the power that He has,
because God will only exert His power in a
positive way as we let Him lord over us. That’s
the system He has set up as revealed in His
WORD, the Bible. Therefore, the lost elect keep
looking for God and finding Him not in Christ,
since Christianity is such a wreck, but in other
religions, all of which are led by Satan! Or they
look for Him in a denomination or specific
church or pastor, in drugs, in tree hugging, in
something or someone other than Jesus Christ—
all ultimately disappointed because nothing and
nobody else will ever measure up to Him, the
only God, holy, all knowing, and all powerful.
Born again Christians have turned the world
upside down by helping Satan continue to rule
the world (Matt. 12:30). While born again
Christian leaders have been granted the
completed WORD of God along with the Holy
Spirit of God within, they’ve done the exact same
thing as Jewish leaders did, for which God says,
Woe to the shepherds! (Ezek. 34). And all born
again Christians are guilty, more guilty than
those who have not been enlightened to the
truth that Jesus is God and that the Bible is the
WORD of God. What’s upside down is the world
and all of our unbiblical thinking.
What God Does with the Clay. In
the Old Testament, God makes a comparison
between Himself and a potter, saying the
O house of Israel, cannot I do with you
as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as
the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye
in mine hand, O house of Israel (Jer.
While God makes a request, He’s also making a
As for the request, God asks that we—His
elect, the house of Israel—would behave with
Him like clay in the hands of the potter. So for
those who have never worked with clay I’ll tell
you how it ‘behaves.’ In the hands of the potter
clay goes from being hard and cold (as in hardhearted and cold as ice) to warm and malleable
(as in nice and teachable). In fact, the only thing
that is needed for the clay to go from one
extreme to the other is to be held by the potter
and ever so gently squeezed.
Homework: Buy some clay for a few
dollars at the local craft store. Put a one-inch
piece in your hand while you watch a T.V.
show. During the commercials, inspect the
clay and consider how it’s changing and how
that change is coming about. Think about
what God is saying, that He wants to do with
you as you’ve being doing with the clay.
And that’s just the beginning. To really
get a feel for what God is saying, take a
pottery class, take two. Take one class on
hand building and another on the wheel. It’s
very enlightening, especially if you
“bring…into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). And while
most would say that’s just for the
“overachiever,” when it comes to God, there
is no such thing as being an overachiever.
When the potter first takes the clay in his
hand, it’s hard and cold so that you can’t really
do anything with it. It’s really hard to work with.
But once it’s been softened, there are all sorts of
things you can do with it. Essentially, the potter
takes it through many steps to get it to become
the work of art he’s seen in his head—and it
begins with some cutting and then banging in
order to get rid of air bubbles, also known as
pride since pride puffs us up. He wants to get rid
of those air bubbles because “a man's pride shall
bring him low: but honour shall uphold the
humble in spirit” (Prov. 11:2).
When the clay is in the potter’s hand, He can
mold it and shape it, repeatedly, even reuse it for
an entirely different purpose if needed. Not only
can He shape it into most any type of vessel He
wishes, when it’s all been said and done, if that
piece didn’t turn out in a way He’s pleased with,
He can recycle it. And while recycling is better
than outright trashing, considering that God is
referring to individuals as well as the Church as
a group, that Christianity Today’s “turning of
things upside down shall be esteemed as the
potter’s clay” (Isa. 29:16), it’s almost as good as
getting trashed. Since Christianity has disobeyed
God so extensively, God is going to be doing a
work representative of the Reformation of the
Middle Ages—a major do over—in fact, a much
bigger do over than He did in the Middle Ages,
the biggest do over of all, the latter rain.
YouTube Potter and Clay. Uploaded by
Seeds TV.
Part 2
What God’s Leaders
Have Done
The State of Man
I heard said of people from Iowa that they’re
Idiots Out Wandering Around (IOWA).
However, the Lord has shown me—as I’ve
followed Him around (Matt. 4:19)—that it’s not
just people from Iowa. It's humanity (Jer. 17:9;
Rom. 3:10). Because what His people did in the
Old Testament, His people have done repeatedly
again, since then.
In the Old Testament, God promised Abram
that He was giving his descendants the land of
Canaan (Gen. 12:7), also telling him that they
would be enslaved for 400 years by another
nation (Gen. 15:13). So when the time came, God
used Moses to deliver the people from Goshen
where they’d been enslaved by the Egyptians.
However, “God led them not through
the…[shortcut]; for God said, Lest…when they
see war…they return to Egypt: [So] God led the
people about, through the way of the wilderness”
(Ex. 13:17-18). God knew they’d freak out facing
the enemy—since they didn’t trust Him—so He
led them around the long way, helping them in
spite of their lack of faith in Him. We’re also told
that the trip from Goshen to the Promised Land,
the heart of which is Jerusalem, takes days on
foot via the direct route because, “there are
eleven days' journey from Horeb by the way of
mount Seir unto Kadeshbarnea” (Deut. 1:2),
points you can find on my MAP.
If that trip is an 11-day walk, then the time it
takes to walk from Goshen to Jerusalem isn’t
much longer. Yet lacking faith in God, the people
continually angered Him while on the journey so
that He “made them wander in the wilderness
forty years, until all the generation, that had
done evil in the sight of the LORD, was
consumed” (Num. 32:13). God made His people
go the long way because of their lack of faith in
Him, and He kept them in the wilderness—like
idiots out wandering around in circles—due to
their continual rebellion (Num. 14:22-30).
Affectionately referred to as IOWA by the Holy
Spirit (since He showed me the connection), the
Israelites finally came into the Promised Land by
way of the Jordan River led there by Joshua
(Josh. 3). But only two from the original group
of IOWA, an estimated 3 million God had
WANTED to take into the land, were actually
allowed to go into the land!
In fact, in other accounts which took place
earlier we see the same thing happen. During
Noah’s day and his faithless generation of
IOWA, only eight were allowed to enter the ark
(Gen. 7:13). And during Abraham’s time, only
three escaped God’s destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah (Gen. 19:29-30). So what God has
done in setting apart my family of four ISN’T all
that unique (Josh. 6:24-25; Luke 2:25-34 & 3637; Luke 4:25-27). In fact, as previously noted,
The Pilgrim Church by E. H. Broadbent
reveals the VERY small remnant of the Middle
Ages (before the Reformation) that went against
the grain standing apart from the world and the
unbiblical Church. And yet today's unbiblical
Christians think I'm out to lunch because God
would NEVER do such a thing as set so few apart
for His purposes when it’s what’s He’s always
done. And that's the whole problem with
working with IOWA, they're Idiots.
Living in the Promised Land, set apart by
God from the people around them (Josh. 2:9-11),
given the finest rules of government along with
faithful leadership who had direct contact with
God (Ex. 33:11), you would think the Israelites
would have become a model society. Instead,
they were severely corrupted! We know it
because this is what happened after Joshua died,
which is what took place while Moses lived,
“They forsook the LORD God of their fathers,
which brought them out of the land of Egypt,
and followed other gods…provok[ing] the LORD
to anger” (Judges 2:12). And as time moved
forward, even though God continually raised up
people to help them (Judges 2:16-19), for all of
God’s favor, help, and direction, they were still
just like the people around them—people who
didn’t know God. And without God, wicked
hearts do whatever they choose to do (Jer.
And it’s much worse in the Church of the
United States today because, unlike the
Israelites, She’s been given all of the following:
The completed WORD of God, the Bible;
The Spirit of God (in the born again);
Zero real persecution from disbelievers,
the kind that draws blood (Heb. 12:4)
like they get in the 10/40 Window;
A decent education (gone kamikaze);
The technology to communicate rapidly,
effectively, and for fairly cheap;
Relative security; and,
To stress the point (since everyone is so
good at making excuses for themselves and for
this nation), as I was editing this section, God
had a pastor preach at the church I was
attending that the American at the poverty level
is richer than the middle class European.
Google American Wealth Compared to
the World. Yet American Christians still want
to be just like those around them, people who
Even if you can't, this is what God says to the
Church of the U.S.—modern day IOWA:
My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very
fruitful hill: And he fenced it, and
gathered out the stones thereof, and
planted it with the choicest vine, and
built a tower in the midst of it, and also
made a winepress therein: and he looked
that it should bring forth grapes, and it
brought forth wild grapes. And now, O
inhabitants of [the United States], and
men of [Church leadership], judge, I
pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard.
What could have been done more to my
vineyard, that I have not done in it?
wherefore, when I looked that it should
bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild
grapes? (Isa. 5:1-4).
Disbelievers reject those God sends to help
them (Christians), preferring to be their own
God for not realizing their “heart is…desperately
wicked” (Jer. 17:9). And Christians reject Jesus’
lordship over them (Luke 6:46) as well as those
God sends to help them, other Christians (Matt.
23:34), for also being desperately wicked.
Christians primarily opt either for their own
lordship or for that of “godly” men, ignoring the
fact that these men also have wicked hearts
(Rom. 3:10). And the real stupidity of it all is
that God wants to bless our socks off (Joel 2:1232), but Christians won’t let Him even though
they’re “longing” for Him to come back. They’re
like the Jews wailing at that wall blind to the fact
that their Messiah already came—and went. So
while Jews and Christians “wait" for their
Messiah to come or come back, they’ve both
gone and made up their own doctrines—as God’s
IOWA have always done. God’s men, have—for
the most part—been just like the math kid with
his self-imposed x, leaving nothing but a
spiritual wasteland (Ps. 63:1). YouTube As the
Deer Salvador.
Therefore, in order to water the land, God
has me exposing American Christianity Today
because He has a work to do in the world
through His people, Christianity Tomorrow,
beginning with the United States—the Church of
the U.S.—a nation He set apart from the very
beginning, from her very beginning—covered in
the last book. (It’s a first grade history lesson.)
In fact, God has allowed His Church,
worldwide, to get as far off Target as She has in
order to teach everyone a lesson, one He
naturally already taught us. Because a great
example of Christianity Today's MO, especially
in the U.S., is a mirror image of what took place
with the IOWA of the Old Testament did some
time after Moses’ set of Idiots—a new generation
of IOWA arose.
1. Read 1 Samuel.
2. YouTube Books of the Bible – 1
Here’s a summation:
IOWA want to be just like the people
around them.
[The people] said unto [Samuel],
Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk
not in thy ways: now make us a king to
judge us like all the [other] nations (1
Sam. 8:5).
IOWA don’t just reject God’s prophets,
they reject God.
The LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken
unto the voice of the people in all that
they say unto thee: for they have not
rejected thee, but they have rejected me,
that I should not reign over them (1
Sam. 8:7).
Since IOWA reject God, He gives them
what they want.
[Samuel warned them saying] ye shall
cry out in that day because of your king
which ye shall have chosen you; and the
LORD will not hear you in that
day. Nevertheless the people refused to
obey the voice of Samuel; and they said,
Nay; but we will have a king over
us; That we also may be like all the
nations; and that our king may judge us,
and go out before us, and fight our
battles. And Samuel heard all the words
of the people, and he rehearsed them in
the ears of the LORD. And the LORD said
to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice,
and make them a king (1 Sam. 8:18-22).
The IOWA people follow are cowardly.
When [Samuel] had caused the tribe of
Benjamin to come near by their families,
the family of Matri was taken, and Saul
the son of Kish was taken: and when
they sought him, he could not be
found. Therefore they enquired of the
LORD further, if the man should yet
come thither. And the LORD answered,
Behold he hath hid himself among the
stuff (1 Sam. 10:21-22).
IOWA are mesmerized by looks rather
than by what actually matters.
They ran and fetched him thence: and
when he stood among the people, he was
higher than any of the people from his
shoulders and upward…And all the
people shouted, and said, God save the
king (1 Sam. 10:23-24).
The spiritual leaders IOWA follow are
they’re own god rather than obedient
servants of God.
Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I
remember that which Amalek did to
Israel, how he laid wait for him in the
way…Now go and smite Amalek, and
utterly destroy all that they have, and
spare them not; but slay both man and
woman, infant and suckling, ox and
sheep, camel and ass…And Saul smote
the Amalekites from Havilah until thou
comest to Shur…And he took Agag the
king of the Amalekites alive, and utterly
destroyed all the people with the edge of
the sword. But Saul and the people
spared Agag, and the best of the sheep,
and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and
the lambs, and all that was good, and
would not utterly destroy them: but
every thing that was vile and refuse, that
they destroyed utterly (1 Sam. 15:2-9).
The spiritual leaders IOWA follow lie
to themselves, lie to others, lie about
others, and think God’s the idiot.
Samuel came to Saul: and Saul said unto
him, Blessed be thou of the LORD: I have
performed the commandment of the
LORD. And Samuel said, What meaneth
then this bleating of the sheep in mine
ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I
hear? And Saul said, They have brought
them from the Amalekites: for the
people spared the best of the sheep and
of the oxen, to sacrifice unto the LORD
thy God; and the rest we have utterly
destroyed. Then Samuel said unto Saul,
Stay, and I will tell thee what the LORD
hath said to me this night. And he said
unto him, Say on. And Samuel said,
When thou wast little in thine own sight,
wast thou not made the head of the
tribes of Israel, and the LORD anointed
thee king over Israel? And the LORD sent
thee on a journey, and said, Go and
utterly destroy the sinners the
Amalekites, and fight against them until
they be consumed. Wherefore then didst
thou not obey the voice of the LORD, but
didst fly upon the spoil, and didst evil in
the sight of the LORD? And Saul said
unto Samuel, Yea, I have obeyed the
voice of the LORD, and have gone the
way which the LORD sent me, and have
brought Agag the king of Amalek, and
Amalekites. But the people took of the
spoil, sheep and oxen, the chief of the
things which should have been utterly
destroyed, to sacrifice unto the LORD thy
God in Gilgal (1 Sam. 15:13-21).
The spiritual leaders IOWA follow are
rejected by God.
[Samuel, God’s prophet, said] rebellion
is as the sin of witchcraft, and
stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because thou hast rejected the word of
the LORD, he hath also rejected thee
from being king (1 Sam. 15:23).
The spiritual leaders IOWA follow
make life difficult for God’s prophet
by transferring responsibility.
Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the
LORD in Gilgal (1 Sam. 15:33).
The spiritual leaders IOWA follow
grieve God.
Samuel came no more to see Saul until
the day of his death…and the LORD
repented that he had made Saul king
over Israel (1 Sam. 15:35).
The spiritual leaders IOWA follow put
everyone at risk.
The Philistine said, I defy the armies of
Israel this day; give me a man, that we may
fight together. When Saul and all Israel
heard those words of the Philistine, they
were dismayed, and greatly afraid (1 Sam.
God always has a backup Plan in the
works before things completely fall
apart for IOWA.
Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done
foolishly: thou hast not kept the
commandment of the LORD thy God,
which he commanded thee: for now
would the LORD have established thy
kingdom upon Israel for ever. But now
thy kingdom shall not continue: the
LORD hath sought him a man after his
own heart, and the LORD hath
commanded him to be captain over his
people, because thou hast not kept that
which the LORD commanded thee (1
Sam. 13:13-14).
God replaces unfaithful leaders of
IOWA with others who’ll be more
faithful and not such total IOWA.
The LORD said unto Samuel, How long
wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have
rejected him from reigning over Israel?
fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will
send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for
I have provided me a king among his
sons (1 Sam. 16:1).
Because of how it is, God has asked me to
echo Samuel, the prophet, saying, “If ye [IOWA]
shall still do wickedly, ye shall be consumed,
both ye and your [leaders]” (1 Sam. 12:25).
Breeders of God’s Wrath
Not having learned from the Father and Jesus
well enough or at all, everyone keeps fighting—
Christians against Christians, Christians against
the lost, the lost against Christians, and the lost
against the lost—all elect in the wrong because
our fight is NOT against “flesh and blood, but
against…spiritual wickedness in high places”
(Eph. 6:12). There is a spiritual war we’re
supposed to be fighting instead. Oblivious,
Christian are like idiots wandering around all
over planet earth, traveling over “sea and land to
make one proselyte [a Christian], and when he is
made, ye make him twofold more the child of
hell than yourselves” (Matt. 23:15), for yet more
And since that's the best we can do, Jesus
covered this war by praying for Himself (John
17:1-5), praying for His disciples (John 17:6-19),
and praying for all future elect [His future, our
past, present and future] (John 17:20-26). It’s
the prayer Bible scholars dubbed His High
Priestly Prayer because it was that important.
Then, shortly after He prayed, He was arrested,
mocked, flogged, and crucified for those of us
whom He had just prayed, His elect—a bunch of
IOWA. And we are IOWA, because ever since He
was here, His “believers” have repeated Old
Testament history for not really believing Him
or paid attention to what He prayed.
So, listen to what He prayed:
Neither pray I for these alone, but for
them also which shall believe on me
through their word; That [the future
believers] all may be one; as thou,
Father, art in me, and I in thee, THAT
the glory which thou gavest me I have
given them [i.e., the Holy Spirit]; that
they may be ONE, even as we are one: I
in them, and thou in me, that they may
be made PERFECT IN ONE; and
HAST LOVED THEM (John 17:20-23,
my emphasis).
While men like John McArthur have
preached that John 17 has been accomplished,
“perfect in one” involves love and unity—marks
of biblical perfection. With tens of thousands of
denominations and children getting sexually
abused and others bound and gagged by Church
leadership, you’d have to be comatose to think
the Church is united or exhibits perfection (Rev.
In fact, God gave us an example of “one”
with the early Church (Acts 4:31-34 & 5:42). But
since Christians ignore God, Christianity does
not reflect that example. In turn, rather than the
world knowing that God sent Jesus to live and
die for them and that He LOVES them as Jesus
prayed for 2000 years ago (John 17:21)—the
world today thinks He’s worthy of being a curse
word, proving what He said, that we could
accomplish nothing without Him (John 15:5).
God obviously meant nothing worthy of kudos
since we can accomplish plenty, like they did
with that tower (Gen. 11:4-6).
In fact, just 40 years or so after the
crucifixion, Paul prophesied, “of your own selves
shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to
draw away disciples after them” (Acts 20:30). So
that just 20 years or so later, just 60 years or so
after the crucifixion, another follower of Christ,
John, wrote to the Church of the time, mostly
rebuking them for having strayed from sound
doctrine just as Paul had prophesied (Rev. 2 &
3). The take Home lesson? IOWA never take
long to rebel, that’s part of the problem with
being Idiots.
Due to man’s state of idiocy (Jer. 17:9; Rom.
3:10), this scenario of departing from God’s
WORD continued so that the Roman Catholic
church developed and became the monster that
she is. And if you don’t know the Catholic church
is a monster, do your Homework!
In turn, God continued to raise up men who
saw things more clearly so that they could help
His body, His Girl, mature. The first key one was
John Wycliffe, who first translated the Bible into
English in 1380 A.D, and who influenced many
including John Hus, who was burned at the
stake for speaking the truth trying to help people
who professed to love God but were blinded by
beams (Matt. 7:3-5) for being deceived by their
own wicked hearts (Jer. 17:9; 2 Thess. 2:10-11),
helped, of course, by Satan (1 Pet. 5:8).
Nevertheless, because of God’s mercy and
grace, increasingly more professing Christians
were enlightened climaxing in the 1500s after
Martin Luther nailed his thesis to the door of the
church in Wittenberg, Germany, officially
“beginning” the Reformation of the Church. So
while it took 200 years to get things going, just
as soon as Protestants woke up to the truth, they
immediately fell into the same trap of their
wicked hearts (Jer. 17:9), leaving us with the
mess that we have today—Satan’s New World
In fact, when studying the Reformation,
reading For God and His People by D’Aubigné
(a book I don’t recommend since it’s
DESPERATELY DRY), I learned that Martin
Luther wouldn’t even shake hands with another
Reformation leader, Ulrich Zwingli (from
Switzerland)—a great example of Christian
“love” a la IOWA (Jer. 17:9). Luther disagreed
with Zwingli on one point, a man who also
professed to love Jesus and who was also calling
the Church to reform. While having a solid
foundation on which to build, Luther wouldn’t
even shake hands with the man! And not only
was he wrong about not shaking (John 15:17), he
was wrong about the point in dispute. Luther
had the Catholic mentality that Jesus is actually
in the bread and wine served as a remembrance
of His work on the Cross, what Catholics, and
those with that bent, call the Eucharist and
Protestants call Communion.
However, the Bible makes it clear that this
ceremony is symbolic, because in the same way
that Jesus said, “I am the way” (John 14:6), “I
am the door” (John 10:9), and “I am the bread”
(John 6:35), He is not actually Route 66, a piece
of wood on hinges, or a dinner roll, though He is
HOT (Ex 24:17; Heb. 12:29). Rather, these are
powerful symbols of what His presence means to
the elect—that He leads us to heaven, is the
means by which we enter God’s kingdom, as well
as the nourishment for the journey.
Luther and Zwingli parted company in an
unloving manner though called to “love one
another” (John 15:17). Rather than fully
humbling himself before God, which requires
humbling oneself before others (Eph. 5:21),
Luther was focused on his opinion. So while
others urged him to shake, I discern he didn’t for
thinking Zwingli (and the others) preached a
different doctrine (2 John 1:9-11).
I also discern this is what Christians have
thought of me, that I’m not preaching God’s
WORD, which is pretty funny—in the IOWA
way. It’s partly why God has provided so many
things backing me up (John 10:37-38) besides
having me back up each point with His WORD,
and why He again says to Church leadership—
and to Christianity as a whole—“Ye do err, not
knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God”
(Matt. 22:29). Only today it’s more like, You
IOWA have royally screwed up! KNOWING the
Scriptures you refuse to obey Me! Luther had a
bit more of an excuse. Quite a bit, because he—
along with the rest of the IOWA of his day—did
not have the Bible available on his laptop, tablet,
or phone, as today’s Idiots do.
In any case, since Luther refused to submit
to his peer in the fear of God (Eph. 5:21), his
followers became Lutherans and Zwingli’s peers,
and all other Christians of the time, joined with
others who believed like them, becoming
followers of men rather than becoming fully
devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
And yet, they became as fully devoted as God
permitted them, because “it is not of him that
willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that
sheweth mercy” (Rom. 9:16). It’s also because
God has told us that the Church won’t mature
until He allows it to do so (Heb. 6:1-3). And He
won’t until we play the Game His way, by the
Book (John 4:23-24).
So, I see what’s happened as one more way
God is using our sins to reveal to us just how
idolatrous we are, because many Christians treat
Luther like a god, just as they do men in Church
leadership and men in general, turning a blind
eye to their sins. “Man…is like the beasts that
perish. This their way is their folly: yet their
posterity approve their sayings” (Ps. 49:12-13,
see YLT and NIV). In other words, sinners with
wicked hearts do many foolish things, even
heretical things. Yet others who profess to
believe the inerrant WORD of God place a stamp
of approval on them because that’s what sinful
wicked heart do (Isa. 5:20)—and why we’re
While many Christians broke away from the
Catholic church during the Reformation in order
to worship God in a more biblical manner, they
still didn’t obey God entirely since He calls
people to be His followers (Matt. 4:19) and to be
one (John 17:21; 1 Cor. 1:10-13). Even the Jewish
high priest prophesied that God’s will is to make
us one (John 11:51-52). But instead of letting
God make us one, Luther’s followers became
Lutherans, and Menno Simon’s followers
became Mennonites and today we might as well
have the MacArthurites, Bob Jonesers, Joyce
Meyerites, Alistair Beggers, Tony Evansers, and
Rick Warrenites, for instance—and that’s on top
of the tens of thousands of real denominations
that already exist!
Over the past 500 years, man’s self-centered
rebellion has snowballed and picked up speed so
that Christianity Today is made up of tens of
denominations where truth is mixed in with lies,
corruption, and abuse, even though God says,
“What fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness? and what communion hath
light with darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14). None is
implied because “a little leaven leaveneth the
whole lump” (Gal. 5:9, see NIV). In English, a
little cancer will spread throughout your body
and KILL you—explaining why the Girl is
comatose dead (Rev. 3:1-3).
According to the Bible, “God is light, and in
him is no darkness at all. [So] If we say that we
have fellowship with him [as Christians do], and
walk in darkness [as Christians do], we lie, and
do not the truth” (1 John 1:5-6). And no liars (or
idolaters) get into heaven (Rev. 21:8). So it’s a
little bit of a problema for the three quarters of
Americans who claim to be Christian.
If we want to have fellowship with Christ,
the Truth (John 14:6), we have to walk in the
Light (John 8:12). Yet following men more than
Him, Christians, as a whole, walk in darkness
and, therefore, do some seriously unloving
things like sexually abuse children, including
preschoolers! Then other elect Church leaders
cover it up and/or dismiss it, caring more about
their peer’s reputations than they do about God’s
or about those children, breaking the two most
important commandments of God, to love God
and people (Mark 12:28-31). And how unloving
at that! Those who are the most vulnerable being
sexually abused by those who should be the most
loving and trustworthy in society!
And that’s the problem with following men—
with idolatry—a point Jesus made clear by
saying, "There is none good but one, that is,
God” (Mark 10:18). I’m not God! Are you God?
Is any pastor God? Is the Pope God? Was
Luther? Here’s a sure-fire test: Can any one of us
or them create a universe, or even one little
planet? If no human is God, then we shouldn’t
treat anyone as if they were because God will not
be mocked (Gal. 6:7) and will hold us
accountable (Col. 3:6; Ps. 50:21). In fact, is
holding us accountable. I pray you have eyes to
see it before you waste all of your God-given
saying that any pastor or evangelist I’ve
named (who's alive) has sexually abused
anyone, but that child sexual abuse is
outrageously common within elect Church
leadership and that they turn a blind eye to
it (Eph. 5:11, see KJV, NIV, and YLT).
The Kamikaze Dive
In contrast to hypocritical Christians, at the
other end of the spectrum, disbelievers and
unbelievers completely reject God’s WORD
which says, “This is the record, that God hath
given to us” (1 John 5:11), wherein Jesus says, “If
ye believe not that I am [God], ye shall die in
your sins” (John 8:24). Instead of seriously
considering His testimony, disbelievers and
unbelievers, aka antichrists, accuse Christians
who have been trying to help them, of being
hateful and intolerant while they won’t tolerate
the Bible—even though they’re supposedly
tolerant. Class, repeat after me: DOUBLESTANDARD.
Intolerant of God, unbelieving antichrists
have worked very hard in this country, especially
over the past 50 years, to legalize hateful laws
repulsive to God.
For example, in 1963 their efforts led to
school prayer getting banned. Yet we’ve been
commanded to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess.
5:17). So while no one can stop anyone from
praying, denying this nation’s children prayer in
the schools is hateful because it clearly tells
them that God isn’t worthy of us when Jesus is
the most important person they can know (Matt.
18:6). Though many Americans (amazingly) still
don’t seem to realize it, by pushing their antiChristian agenda they’ve done what some did in
the 1930s. German leaders required Germany's
children to attend Nazi camps, filling their
minds with Nazi ideas and methods so that as
those children came of age the Nazi’s had a
powerful brainwashed army which took many
hateful actions on many souls, even on their own
family members whom they’d loved. The six part
documentary, Apocalypse: WWII (2009),
narrated by Martin Sheen, is a ‘great’ picture of
people not having taken God seriously so that
He allowed Satan to use them as perpetrators
and/or victims (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
In 1969, steadfast with their biblical
intolerance, helped by Christian IOWA, Satan
was able to publish his bible in the United
States. So while many see Christians as being
hateful and intolerant, in their zeal to be
“tolerant” disbelievers and unbelievers pushed
the U.S. to tolerate Satan, a “liar” and
“murderer” (John 8:44).
Moreover, according to the CDC only 1.6% of
American adults claim to be homosexual! Look it
up. You'd think it was 80% of the population
with all the propaganda pushing “gay” life on us.
Then, in 1973, the U.S. legalized abortion so
that those with zero capacity to speak for and
defend themselves are now being murdered to
the grand ‘reported’ sum of nearly 800,000 a
year according to the 2009 data collected by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the last available data as of this writing.
Abortion is hateful because God has “formed
[us] in the belly” (Jer. 1:5). He created each baby
that has been murdered, keeping in line with the
murderous Satan who lies by calling it abortion
rather than murder and who unbelieving
antichrists keep pushing US to tolerate.
YouTube Your Love (Psalm 139) Oslo
Gospel Choir.
And since those who profess to love God
want to be like those who don’t, in 2003 the first
professing Christian bishop came “out of the
closet.” Yet the Bible this man professed to
believe says, “A bishop then must be blameless,
the husband of one wife [a biologically born
female]” (1 Tim. 3:2). But for ‘some’ reason he
and his followers couldn’t see that (2 Thess.
In 1973 the fight for same sex marriages also
officially began, so that as of February 2014
seventeen states legally grant it. (Updating this,
as of July 1st of 2015, the Supreme Court granted
all 50 states this right.) This is hateful because
same sex marriages promote twisted images of
love among people, hurting those people most of
all (Rom. 1:20-27). What society has done in
pushing homosexuality is like telling me not to
condemn my relative's alcohol abuse because
he's genetically programmed to sin with alcohol,
or like suggesting I OK the pedophile since he's
"genetically programmed" that way. They just
can't help it. That's what Satan would have you
believe, and most do.
Like Paul, “I [know] that through ignorance
ye did it” (Acts 3:17). And Christians are more at
fault than the rest (Luke 12:47-48). And elect
Church leaders are more at fault than lay
Christians (1 Cor. 4:2; James 3:1). And born
again Church leaders granted the biggest
platforms are most at fault (Isa. 9:16; Heb. 5:4).
However, that is only partly true: non-elect
can't help it, but the elect can. Elect have been
enabled by God to make the choice, every hour
of the day, NOT to sin. That's God's goal for us,
that we would be that committed to Him that we
would constantly be taking our thoughts captive
to Christ and not sin against Him (Mark 12:30).
Then in 2012 we elected the first openly
homosexual Senator, patting ourselves on the
back for being so progressive. Except having
leaders who openly or hypocritically reject God’s
WORD sets us ALL up for God’s wrath (Ps. 9:17).
While Christians obey God only in part,
what disbelievers see as Christians only hold up
parts of the Bible is not love—but hatred. That's
how hypocrisy always presents itself. So Jesus
again says to those who profess to know Him,
“Woe unto you…hypocrites! for ye are as graves
[those pits for dead people]” (Luke 11:44, see
NIV). Jesus also said, “Beware ye of the leaven of
the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy” (Luke 12:1).
And since Christians didn’t take God’s WORD
seriously they fell for leadership’s hypocrisy just
as the rest of Luke 11:44 says, those walking on
their graves (Christians) don’t realize these
hypocritical leaders, modern Pharisees, are as
good as dead. So it’s just as God says,
Christianity Today has a reputation for being
alive but She’s dead (Rev. 3:1), or dying (Rev.
3:2). YouTube Red Breathe Into Me.
God says to us, “be not, as the hypocrites”
righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of
[Church leaders]” (Matt. 5:20) and unless “[you]
be converted, and become as little children, ye
shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven”
(Matt. 18:3). If you want to be blessed for the
rest of eternity and used as an instrument for
good while here, you need to be like the child
who loves and honors his loving Father. That
shouldn’t be hard to understand. YouTube
Jotta A Agnus Dei.
U.S. Upside Down!
Following Satan rather than Jesus (Rev. 13:3;
Phil. 2:21) has turned our world upside down as
God has me graphically reveal in this chapter—
as if we don’t all already know this!
The Narrow Way
Here’s some more review and then I’ll take it
further. God’s elect are born either into a home
that professes to be Christian or one which
doesn’t. Those born into a professing Christian
home were born on the Paved Road, whereas
those born into a home that didn’t believe the
Bible were born on the Dirt Road. (It’s not likely
anyone in the U.S. was born into a home not
knowing about the Bible.) Moreover, being born
on the Paved Road gives you a huge advantage
because when life gets hard, as it does for all,
those people know much more about the true
God and can, therefore, call on Him for help
with more assurance than
those on the Dirt Road who
don’t know much about Him.
And if their home has born
again believers as opposed to
those who only profess to be
Christian, they reap the
benefits (1 Cor. 7:14). And
because God has greatly
blessed this nation, being born
here, on the Paved Road, to
born again parents, is about as
privileged a start as anyone
could have had in life—
something Christianity Today’s
pastors boast about (Matt.
An elect soul on the Dirt
Road who becomes born again
instantly makes a U-Turn and
starts heading heavenward,
immediately moving up to the
Paved Road. Similarly, when
an elect soul born on the Paved
Road becomes born again, they
also immediately make a U-Turn and begin
heading heavenward. Moreover, they should
quickly move up to the Wilderness Road, but
because of the comatose state of the Church,
most have joined the mass that makes up
Christianity Today and set up camp on the
Paved Road so that few are actually on the
Wilderness Road. Even fewer are on the Road of
Sound Doctrine, and those who are, aren’t far
along that path either.
If Christians, including the “best” Church
leaders, were further along as they think they
are, they’d be appalled with today’s Church,
zealously and actively not only preaching against
Her but standing up against Her, and at the very
least in prayer for Her—since that’s how Jesus
lived (John 2:14-17) and God has called His
followers to be like Him (1 John 2:6). They
should also be appalled because Christianity
Today is nothing like the Church described in
the New Testament. Yet my testimony proves
that even the “best” are not appalled, and
haven’t had any interest WHATSOEVER in
addressing the issues so as to move up to the
Wilderness Road or Road of Sound Doctrine.
Most professing Christians, including Church
leaders, only think they’re headed north.
YouTube Matt Maher Turn Around.
Hardened Hearts Prevail
Christians know God has called us to come out
of the world and become His followers (Rev.
18:4)—to break away from the pack. And they
know it’s so we can positively influence the
world around us, especially the government
since that impacts the nation. If they don’t know
it, they should because that’s how God used Paul
and the early church. He said that the purpose of
His “chosen vessel…[was] to bear my name
before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children
of Israel” (Acts 9:15). American government is
the equivalent of “kings.”
And this nation impacts the world since
we’re the superpower. Further, the Lord has had
me reaching out to those who represent the best
Christian leadership in the nation and world.
For example, mainstream born again Christians
would agree that the following represent some of
today’s most biblical pastors and ministries with
national or international platforms (listed
Alistair Begg, Truth for Life;
Answers in Genesis (AIG);
John MacArthur, Grace to You;
Charles Stanley, In Touch; and,
Tony Evans, The Alternative.
And while God has not had me contact all of
these, He has shown me that this is as good as it
gets in Christianity Today—and they’re all
comatose dead! (Rev. 3:1-3). Every time I reread
the list my stomach turns because knocking off
those that aren’t churches, leaves only four. And
out of those four, two shouldn’t even be on the
list, they’re so lousy and/or hypocritical while
one of the others serves merely baby food
sermonettes and the other one makes Jesus into
little more than a social worker rather than God
Almighty! And that leaves not one church or
ministry actually doing what it should be doing!
While that list is super short, there just isn’t
anyone out there with a decent platform
preaching the truth. They’ve all bought into a ton
of Satan’s lies for not having fully loved the truth
(2 Thess. 2:10-11). And it’s what God prophesied
would happen, that there would be a great falling
away from the truth among those who had the
truth, Christians (2 Thess. 2:3-4). Who would
have imagined that the falling away would be
this great?!
Visiting their websites you can see what they
say they believe about the Bible. (Typically on
their link, “What We Believe” or “Statement of
Faith.”) They all hold that the Bible is without
flaw. Most mainstream Christian churches and
ministries correctly say the same. Yet they don’t
obey the Bible while insisting they love God. And
you should see a problem with that—it's called
hypocrisy. For example, if your friend told you
that you were the love of their life, yet you found
them having sex with someone else, would you
still believe them? If so, you’re an idiot! (Matt.
6:23). And that's Christianity Today.
Through my walk (and in these books), God
has made it repeatedly clear that all Church
leaders would react in the same manner as those
to whom He has had me address in the Bible
Belt, east coast, across the country, in Canada,
and in Europe. In fact, Christians talk about how
if Jesus came back today, we wouldn't recognize
Him—and they're right! They actually got one
thing right!
Representing the best Christianity has to
offer, I’m calling one of these last local pastors
Ken, as in Barbie’s boyfriend—great outward
appearance but hollow (i.e., shallow). Because
when men focus more on their standing with
men rather than on their standing with God,
they are carnal, also known as worldly, the
pretty people, and plastic—in a word, Ken. In
fact, Ken is a mirror image of Saul, and Saul
represents the leaders our wicked hearts go for
(1 Sam. 9:2).
Jesus said, “Go ye and learn what that
meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for
I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners
to repentance” (Matt. 9:13). Since the YLT
translates mercy as kindness, God is saying He
doesn’t care for our attendance at church with
expensive clothing and pretty flowers, and for us
to deprive ourselves of an expensive lunch and
fancy hairdo to donate a few bucks to His cause
earning us Brownie Points as we give Him lipservice. Rather, He wants “kindness.” God has
called all of us to put behind our carnal sinful
plastic worldly mean shallow ways and just be
kind (Eph. 4:21-24, see YLT). YouTube What
Would It Be Like Salvador.
And to help everyone begin to take Him
seriously so that we can start being genuinely
kind, He has provided a modern day graphic of a
combination of the following:
The IOWA map of the Old Testament,
The lessons from 1 Samuel,
The Narrow Way graphic, and,
The summation of the Muck and Mire
Church Tours.
In the same way that the Israelites wanted a
king to lead them instead of God—someone
pretty plastic whom they could see—today’s
Christians want, and therefore have, men like
Ken leading them rather than the King of kings
(Rev. 19:16), men who are shallow and hollow in
comparison (Isa. 9:7). Granted free will, the
people made their choice. Therefore, God has
laid out the Red Carpet of Delusion, Deception,
and Derision for all (2 Thess. 2:10-11; Ps. 2:4;
Isa. 9:16) to teach all a powerful lesson because
Jesus made it crystal clear that God requires
people to worship Him “in spirit and in truth”
(John 4:24).
In other words, the Holy Spirit won’t come
on you—or on His Church as a whole—if you’re
not worshiping Him honestly. That being the
case, through my ministry, God is calling you,
the reader, to exercise your free will by choosing
who is actually on the Lord’s side—Christians
and their leaders or me and my family. It’s the
same thing God had Joshua put to his set of
IOWA. He said, “Choose you this day whom ye
will serve…as for me and my house, we will serve
the LORD” (Josh. 24:15).
God Still Speaks Volumes!
The Muck and Mire Church Tours began slowly
when I was a child, picked up speed with my
husband, then continued full force with our
children so that the Lord had us go in and out of
Ken’s congregation for about 8 years as He gave
us the Grand Tour of the area churches, after
having given us the Grand Tour of Muck & Mire
in Indianapolis for 7 years. Then God had us
park it at Ken’s for several months during 20112012. He also had me give Ken a draft of the
original book during the summer of 2012. Their
copy essentially had everything in the series
except for what they walked in. God also had me
prophesy to Ken & Company that He wanted to
use them to begin a reformation of the Church
through this nation, first through the Church
and then through this nation but that first they
needed to repent. It's what God has had me
saying since 1997. It's not hard to understand.
The Bible says this, you're doing that. Repent.
God will use you. It's only their careers! You'd
think they'd get it.
But, like the rest, Ken and his team received
this information with iced-over hearts (Rev. 3:13). So what’s happened is the same that
happened when Jesus went through certain
towns, “He did not many mighty works there
because of their unbelief” (Matt. 13:58). And it’s
been happening worldwide for the last two
thousand years!
So, released by God from Ken’s deadbeat
congregation, a few weeks following our last
attendance there, I’d been tweaking the Narrow
Way diagram for the original book, which I’d
created in 2009. At the same time, I was hanging
out in different parts of our metro area so that it
was dawning on me that all the time I’ve lived in
this state, though that time has been broken by
lapses in other states, out of the 13 different
places where I’ve lived here, except for once, I’ve
always lived near the same exact road though on
different parts of it.
In fact, the parking lot of Ken’s congregation
feeds into the beginning of this road.
The road also has different names at
different places just like the Narrow Way
diagram I was tweaking for this book.
Uh huh.
So—walking in the Spirit—I logged onto
MapQuest with a prayer (Ps. 25:5) in order to
follow my road from Ken’s to see where exactly it
ends, cuz I was getting mighty curious. And God
BLASTED on the lights!
These are the parts of the road on the
Narrow Way graphic: Dirt Road, Paved Road,
Wilderness Road, and Road of Sound Doctrine.
Parts of the same road have different names
representing the phases of spiritual growth
which lead us to our heavenly mansion (John
14:2-3; Matt. 8:22). While we’re on the Road we
grow in knowledge and wisdom as we move up
the Road getting ever closer to our Destination
(Isa. 48:10; Phil. 2:12). And, apparently, the
road I've lived near for half of my life does the
same thing, also ending at a certain important
Therefore, I provide you with the names of
the real road which also represent the phases of
our spiritual growth, which also just so happen
to represent parts of my personal life (Rom.
supernaturally convicting way for those who
have eyes to see and hearts that aren’t iced-over
(Matt. 11:15).
So, leaving Ken’s congregation heading
north, without making any turns, this is how it
Watkins Park Road: This is how life feels
for most of us when we’re in preschool, like it’s a
walk in the park. But it’s gotten increasingly and
drastically less innocent for children every year.
There’s a park on the road near Ken’s where
my girls and I spent time when they were
younger. It has a campground (recall my
graphic); a train that goes around in circles (like
IOWA); and a farm where a huge pig wallows in
muck and mire (a postcard from the prodigal
Church Tours). Fairly quickly, the road’s name
Enterprise Road: As we grow up we
become increasingly carnal so that focus is not
only on me, myself, and I, but on how we will get
rich and famous one day. And carne—which
means meat in Spanish comes from the same
Latin root as carnal. It's the stuff IOWA craved
while spinning their wheels in self-centered,
rebellious circles as they did their thing while
ignoring God’s Thing (Num. 11:4). Again, the
road quickly changes name.
Glenn Dale Boulevard: A dale is a broad
valley, also known as the pits. It’s where we land
ourselves in pursuit of our own enterprise.
Therefore, it’s the place from where God delivers
us (Ps. 40:2). It’s the muck and mire in which
the lost son landed himself with the pigs (Luke
15:15-16) and where the BRAT has landed
Herself in for having rejected Her King (Rev.
19:16; Phil. 1:21), because, as God made clear
though Saul, partial obedience equals
disobedience (1 Sam. 15; Luke 11:23).
Greenbelt Road: Having been brought out
of the pits by God, we are spiritually green like a
tender shoot (Isa. 53:2), not mature like a tree
(Ps. 92:12). Therefore, we think “I accepted
Jesus” even though Jesus says, “I have chosen
you, and ordained you, that ye should go and
bring forth fruit” (John 15:16). However, in
order to bring forth fruit, brats must grow up.
In fact, this is where I lived while I was on
my First College Tour and as immature and
green as spiritual green gets! Crayola should
add it to their collection. It’s neon green it’s so
vain and idiotic, with gobs of dark goo (Isa.
64:6), and little hints of bright yellow (1 Pet.
1:2)—like a pretty little bird caught in an oil spill
(Ezek. 16:6). Dawn is the best thing for the job
(Rev. 22:16). Again, the road quickly changes
University Boulevard: The Lord washes
us off (Ps. 51:7) by educating us in His ways
(John 6:45; Matt. 11:29). Though we’re
desperately spoiled brats (Jer. 17:9), our loving
Father still covers tuition (John 3:16; Rom. 5:8).
However, it’s up to us to “study to shew [our
self] approved” (2 Tim. 2:15). In fact, it's only
when we earnestly study God’s WORD that we
realize we’re terribly poor though we’d thought
we were rich, like the lost bratty son with
Daddy’s bucks in his pocket. Though he had
loads of money he was spiritually bankrupt,
which eventually made him poor in every other
way as well. It's the track the U.S. has been on.
It’s also how pastors think they’re rich for having
gone to seminary, earned their degrees and have
their positions and ministries, to go with the
wealth and prestige those have given them—only
most of them aren’t even born again! And those
that are, are about to see they’ve landed
themselves in the pig pen and are covered in
'Coincidentally,' this is where I went to
school. And since I was lost on my First College
Tour with zero direction or biblical role models,
which is when I turned 18 and received my
father’s pension money, I squandered my
inheritance and landed myself in the pig pen,
desperately deep in the mud. Back for my
Second College Tour, somewhat enlightened to
my election, God used this secular university to
open my eyes to many problems within the
Church since the Church wasn’t doing it—and
still isn’t (2 Tim. 2:13). (I share some of that in
the last book.)
Fully educated, we understand that we’re
rich beyond our wildest dreams because of what
God has done for us (Rom. 8:15-17). In turn, we
realize we owe Him a debt of gratitude, like Paul
realized (Phil. 3:7-11).
This time it’s a while before the road’s name
changes to its final and most honorable state.
Connecticut Avenue: Having disciplined
ourselves for a spiritual PhD, rich in wisdom
and understanding (Ps. 119:99; Prov. 2:6), we
fully grasp the fact that Jesus redeemed people
for God from every nation (Rev. 5:9-10)—so this
just so happens to be where many embassies are
located (Acts 10:34-35). And unlike what a
worldly education does for you, if we've been a
good student of God's WORD, we’re no longer
snobbish, racist, ethnocentric, self-centered,
idolaters, or sexist (Gal. 3:28). And since one of
the benefits of getting a spiritual education is
greater wealth for eternity (Ps. 84:11), this is a
wealthy area.
This part of the road also happens to be
where I held my first job out of college, and
where God opened up this verse to me and made
it a permanent wall hanging for my attic, “My
little children, let us not love in word, neither in
tongue; but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18). I
worked for a homelessness clearinghouse,
because there’s this thing that goes on in a land
of wicked sinners. Though some are filthy rich,
many more are desperately poor, and most
couldn’t care less, including pastors. Because
constantly patting yourself on the back for doing
a good turn doesn’t reflect actual caring (Matt.
6:2)—especially when you could have, and
should have, done a ton more (Ezek. 34:2).
Sure enough, the road from the church led
by Ken & Co., which represents the Church, ends
here—at Lafayette Square. Originally named
President’s Park, it was once a slave market—
naturally (Jer. 17:9). It’s also where Americans
protest nearly everything so that no place in
America better represents America. And it’s
right in front of the front lawn of the White
House. In fact, it was part of the White House
lawn until Pennsylvania Avenue was cut through
it. And the White House is home to this nation’s
Commander in Chief, representing the seat of
government for the United States. It’s where
American Christianity's journey should have
landed Her. And it’s what God had me prophesy
to Ken & Company, and to all the rest, that God
wanted to use them to begin a cleansing work in
the world starting with the United States. It’s
what God has had me write to pastors since
1997, for nearly two decades, making the
message clearer each time. Yet no matter how
clear, it’s gone into DEAF ears (John 8:42-44).
Yet you should be able to see God’s hand on this
if you know the Lord! Unless, your heart is
SEVERELY hardened (Mark 6:52), or don’t
know Him (2 Cor. 13:5).
Ah, the Point.
As detailed in the Bible, God has chosen
men to worship Him in Spirit and in truth (Heb.
5:1-5; John 4:23-24) in order to lead and
strengthen His Church (John 21:15-17) so that
He can use them to speak to the Gentiles and
governing bodies (Acts 1:8; Luke 21:12; Matt.
28:18-20), with the ultimate goal of making
earth “as in heaven” (Luke 11:2).
But since born again men in Church
leadership have so far REFUSED to obey Him,
they’ve made us—the U.S. (along with the rest of
the world)—take the LONG WAY Home rather
than what we could have taken, the short cut.
Because, just as with the Old Testament route
from Egypt to the Promised Land, there is a very
direct way from Ken’s to the White House.
Moreover, it actually looks like a stubby map
of the U.S. on MapQuest, upside down. God did
what He said He would do because we rejected
Him (Ps. 146:9). But since we rejected Him, we
did it (Isa. 5:20). He says, “Surely your turning
of things upside down shall be esteemed as the
potter's clay” (Isa. 29:16)—clay that’s getting
reworked for His Purposes. We’re recyclable
since we’re just dirt (Gen. 2:7). Thank God!
And since you’ll want to think I’m imagining
things—I’ve heard it all—God coordinated this
revelation with a little event.
While I was writing about the names of the
parts of the road and making a map of
MODERN DAY IOWA to show you what it
looks like, I heard the news coming in from the
other room. I had a feeling something was going
on, but since I was engrossed in what the Lord
had shown me to show you, I didn’t budge until I
was done. The map reveals the long way to the
White House from the church we just stopped
attending which represents the Church, just like
Eagle, the first church where God had me
address leadership, represents the Church—
covering this 18 year ordeal (so far) and the
short way we could have taken if there had been
just one truly humble and discerning pastor,
even just one real Christian! (1 Cor. 6:5-10).
So while my husband looked at what I’d
printed up, I watched the news and God gave me
the complete revelation in His impeccable
timing, because impeccable actually means
incapable of sinning, and He's the only One who
qualifies (Rom. 3:10). (Google MerriamWebster since you doubt that's what it means.)
It was the day of the Newtown school
massacre. God’s timing couldn’t be more perfect!
Not in providing the map from the church with
the long way to the White House coordinated
with the massacre/false flag/hoax, or with the
writing of this book for such a time as this, a
subtitle which comes from the book of Esther.
She was an Israelite placed in her position as
queen of Persia at God’s impeccable timing since
the villain had orchestrated a king’s order to
annihilated God’s people (John 8:44). Therefore,
she was able to save the day.
Likewise, the Church is the Queen (Isa.
54:5), Bride of the King (Rev. 19:16). But
because Christians have disobeyed Him, the
King has sent out the order—Agenda 2030—
allowing the villain (Satan) to annihilate the
people (Isa. 10:6; Jer. 18:15-17)—unless we
repent! God says:
If at any time [like right now] I announce
that a nation or kingdom is to be
uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and
if that nation I warned repents of its evil,
then I will relent and not inflict on it the
disaster I had planned (Jer. 18:7-8).
God again says to the Queen, “If thou
altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then
shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to
the [elect] from another place; but thou and thy
father's house shall be destroyed” (Esth. 4:14).
YouTube Kings and Queens Audio
And since He had me give the original book
to several in Church leadership who are
comatose dead asleep (Rev. 3:1), God is going to
provide deliverance for His people through
others. As far as being destroyed, it either means
that they are not elect or that they are going to
be suffering some serious damage by having
their eternal rewards destroyed. And the only
reason I question God’s meaning from Esther
4:14, that it may not be a total destruction, is
because of other stuff God has revealed to me
shared with you in the last book. My discerning
guess is that those to whom God has had me
reach out to are actually elect Vessels of Mercy,
but will be suffering some major loss for
eternity, getting Home as those who barely
escaped the flames even though they’re in
Church leadership (1 Cor. 3:11-15).
In fact, God's elect are such a wreck that
instead of humbling ourselves, we topped off the
massacre of children with focus on changing
laws rather than hearts (Matt. 15:16). And even if
Sandy Hook was a false flag and total hoax, that
too reveals how totally upside down we are!
Since born again Christians have been
granted the Truth and know about God’s
promises, good and bad, and since Church
leaders have taken on the job of understanding
the Bible best of all—and clearly present
themselves that way—born again Christian
leaders are the most responsible for all of the
garbage going on in the world because “he that
knew not, and did commit things worthy of
stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. [And]
unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be
much required” (Luke 12:48).
At the same time, Americans as a whole are
highly responsible because we have been
extremely blessed by God since “every good gift
and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh
down from the Father” (James 1:17). This nation
has lived in luxury compared to most. All have a
duty to both God and man, because even the
worst suffering in this nation hardly compares
to much of what’s been taking place around the
world for generations. And a good portion of
that suffering is directly related to our American
HOMEWORK: While a republic and a
representatives, in a republic a constitution
protects certain rights of the citizens which
can’t be taken away by the government
(legally). In contrast, the majority within a
democracy can impose their will on the
minority. In light of our sinful natures,
contemplate how wise it has been for us to
focus on democracy rather than on the
American republic. YouTube Democracy
Christianity Today hangs around Glenn Dale
and Greenbelt—the pits and where we’re
immature. It’s the same place God kept Old
Testament IOWA going around in circles due to
their rebellion. And the Old Testament IOWA
map looks something like the U.S., even the
point of entry into the Promised Land. It’s no
coincidence. Coincidences do not exist according
to God. Read the Bible.
STOP hardening your hearts and listen to
the One who’s loved you like no other and who
has the power to totally destroy you! (Matt.
10:28). He wants to bless your socks off! (Luke
12:32). YouTube Jason Crabb Please
Forgive Me.
While the New Testament says, “Grieve not the
holy Spirit of God” (Eph. 4:30), all Christianity
Today seems to know how to do is grieve Him!
Having followed the Lord on several Muck and
Mire Church Tours in the DC metro area, to go
with the other Tours, there’s no question that
Ken represents the best thing going and it’s no
better anywhere! So even before giving Ken a
copy of the book and seeing just how dead, dead
really is (Rev. 3:1), we already felt (for years) like
we had to give ourselves partial lobotomies to
worship God with His people when the Bible
says otherwise (1 Cor. 14:15).
Rather than asking His elect to lobotomize
themselves, God has called us to worship Him
with both halves of our brain (John 4:23-24;
Mark 12:30), and you would think so since He
gave us both. But since no one uses both, we’ve
got the mess that we’ve got and those who
employ more cranial matter have no choice but
to lobotomize ourselves if we want to worship
God with others! Call us ultra conservative, but
we’re just not real into that. Finally, God ended
the Muck and Mire Tours.
However, while we were on them, one of the
many infuriating things was that pastors preach
against those who don’t have a church home as if
we’re in the wrong! For the 17 years that we
followed Jesus through the churches, and still,
it’s like we’ve been stuck in No Man’s Land
between full blown antichrists and hypocritical
antichrists because of it. It’s still like that, only
I’m sitting here alone now. It’s like Joey in War
Horse (2011)—getting shot at by the enemy
and by “friendly” fire. Yet I still have hope,
because while “hope that is seen is not hope: for
what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But
if we hope for that we see not, then do we with
patience wait for it” (Rom. 8:24-25). We’ve also
been informed that “in your patience possess ye
your souls” (Luke 21:19). Eighteen years is a load
of patience! (Well, until you consider Noah. Poor
poor poor guy!)
The better you get to know the Lord, the
more you see because God manifests Himself to
His obedient followers (John 14:21). So if God is
opening your eyes, you’re headed for a season in
the Dumps, because “though [Jesus] were a Son,
yet learned he obedience by the things which he
suffered” (Heb. 5:8). As you become more like
Christ, you’ll be learning and suffering because
living among a bunch of corpses—since the
Church is dead (Rev. 3:1)—stinks to high heaven!
That’s why the Bible says, “the whole creation
groaneth and travaileth in pain together until
now. And not only they, but ourselves also…[we]
groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption,
to wit, the redemption of our body”(Rom. 8:2223). Grow in Christ, and the knowledge and
wisdom attained will make it harder on you, as
Solomon lamented when he wrote, “For in much
wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth
knowledge increaseth sorrow” (Eccl. 1:18).
Because IOWA refuse to let Jesus reign, near
hopelessness at times prevails even though the
Lord never leaves us nor forsakes us (Heb. 13:5).
He says, that He has prepared a table before me
in the presence of my enemies and has anointed
my head with oil so that my cup overflows (Ps.
23:5). So while He has done that for me, this
waiting Game has been, is, super challenging
and exhausting. By sight, it feels (because it
appears) like all is lost.
Anyone who knows God knows that Satan
gets agitated when God is using someone. A
good example is with Martin Luther, so read up
on him and watch the movie Luther (2003).
There’s a spiritual war raging so that those God
is using more get to experience more of Satan
and his followers in their face, like Jesus did
(Luke 4:1-13; Matt. 2:13; Mark 11:18). Therefore,
over the years, our family has lived in a
whirlwind of opposition—and I’ve lived in it my
whole life. So while God has blessed us with two
very bright, loving, and discerning girls, they’ve
become sick to death of Church as you know it—
a lying hypocritical abusive deadbeat Whore!
In turn, as our tenure with Ken was ending—
which had overlapped with an extremely difficult
season with another discouraged soul who’s
been severely beaten up on the Dirt Road and
has had the situation made worse by the Church,
as is the Her custom (Ezek. 34:1-6)—one of my
girls wrote a poem for a class so that her
professor told her she should have it published.
Apparently, the professor saw zero problem with
it—totally BLIND! And if after reading it you
think my daughter needs to seek psych
counseling and/or pop some antidepressants,
you just DON’T get it! Psychobabble or psych
drugs will not cure hypocrisy! Ever. They don’t
even cure what they’re supposed to cure.
The daughter who wrote the poem trusted
God enough when she was just 24 months old so
that she never cried, not even once, when having
her blood drawn for months every few weeks,
and who, like her sister, made the choice to
homeschool without a homeschool group since
the Christians in the groups are so worldly and
hypocritical. (How many elementary school kids
do you know who would actually make the hard
choice to do life solo to honor God?)
God calls us to be separate from the worldly
and antichrist, so that includes today’s
Christians. He says, “Come out from among
them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and
touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive
you” (2 Cor. 6:17). It’s like when I worked at the
grocery store. The oranges almost always came
in with one or more rotten ones in the box. If
you didn’t pull those out the rest would soon rot
as well. In fact, whole boxes would sometimes
come in that way. God has called us to come of
the Box of Hypocrites or we too will get ruined—
and it happens outrageously fast.
So while Bill Bean, my worship pastor, told
me back in the late 90s that I was going to ruin
my children, they're hardly that—severely
discouraged at times, yes, but not ruined, and
neither are they discouraged because of me.
Throughout their lives they've been sought out
for special service in different capacities and
graduated college early with honors. And while
all of education, including college has been
severely watered down, 3.9 and 4.0 GPAs are
still not what anyone would define as ruined.
Moreover, they’re more than just academically
bright. They're intelligent, polite, humble,
loving, and have a great work ethic. In contrast,
pastors are mostly the exact opposite!
Furthermore, it's those who don't want to
lower themselves to the lowly ways of the world
that struggle most with the ways of the world,
Psych 221: The Culture of Mental Illness. The
fact is that Christian apostasy, led by Church
leaders, has trapped us. It's like when we
trapped a chipmunk in a fish tank. The poor
little guy nearly seriously hurt himself trying to
get free! What my pastor said was the same that
my lost brother had said to me. Both thought I'd
ruin my children by teaching them the truth.
And because of such overwhelming
brilliance among the elect of God, in a way, my
children have been ruined. So much of the work
God did in them—most of it (spiritually
speaking)—has been lost, as with all of the born
again alive today who’ve turned a blind eye to
the truth since that’s the only option Church
leaders have left them. Heartbroken by her
ANGEL, the Lord showed me how it parallels
what Jeremiah wrote—because I just so
happened to be in Lamentations when she gave
it to me.
Christianity Today is like Church in the
Twilight Zone where all converts are Stepford
Wives! And there was a sitcom with Maya as the
leading lady called Just Shoot Me! and it relays
my sentiments exactly, because it’s like Jesus
moaned, “O faithless generation, how long shall
I be with you? how long shall I suffer you?”
encourages me so that I can feed you all, it’s
MADDENING having to watch the damage
Church leadership and the rest of the IOWA are
doing, consistently making it worse for all,
especially for youth. These guys don’t care about
anyone but themselves, and Christian IOWA
idolize them! How could it be that in nearly two
decades there hasn’t been even one soul who’s
had the discernment to hear God’s voice, along
with the faith, courage, and conviction to step up
to the Plate?! (1 Cor. 6:5).
Discouraged beyond words, I do know God
will make good on His WORD and finish what
He started in our girls, in this marriage, in the
body of Christ, in the U.S., and in the world
(Phil. 1:6). But what a long haul! Because it’s
worse than I could ever write about.
Yet I am encouraged because God is always
on it. For example, having read her poem,
walking and praying for her, iPod in place,
questioning whether God would allow the born
again to commit suicide, certain He wouldn’t, yet
struggling because of how it is, He encouraged
me through the tunes even though I was too
busy praying to notice—until His impeccable
timing. See if you can discern when that might
have been. YouTube Never Let You Fall
Ray Boltz.
When the girls were babies, we moved from
here to Nowhere, USA, aka Indianapolis. And
since no one knows Him out here, neither did
we. Eyes fully opened out there, we then realized
God had led us there so that we could get to
know Him. Christians here only know about
Him which is NOT the same thing! For example,
having done research so that I know all about
President Obama doesn't mean I’ve ever met the
man, much less know him. Google My Utmost
May 9. Reaching Beyond Our Grasp.
Having enlightened us in the middle of
Nowhere, God then showed us how little they
really know Him out there as well! So we then
asked Him where in the world He wanted us to
live, personally longing to get out of this God
forsaking country, yet knowing they’re all the
same. Praying and fasting, I heard from Him to
not leave the country so that I put up a map of
the U.S. on the wall with the Scriptures He was
giving us on the issue. In that way, we had no
doubt we were supposed to come back here and
do so when we did.
In fact, I have no doubt WHATSOVER that
this is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing
today since He constantly confirms it, which is
why I say the following:
[I] st[an]d in the midst of [you], and
sa[y], Ye [people of the United States], I
perceive that in all things ye are too
superstitious [the essence of religious
pluralism and IOWA Christianity]. For
as I passed by [following God through
the churches for 17 years, having lived
among unbelievers for 51 years], and
beheld your devotions, I found [that you
don’t know] God. Whom therefore ye
ignorantly worship, him declare I unto
you…For in him we live, and move, and
have our being (Acts 17:22-28).
Having entrusted me with a special
commission in 1997, in His impeccable timing,
God will make good on His WORD—a WORD
He gave me while getting creamed by Eagle
leadership. He said to me:
I have set before thee an open door, and
no man can shut it: for thou hast a little
strength, and hast kept my word, and
hast not denied my name. Behold, I will
make them of the synagogue of Satan,
which say they are [Christian], and are
not, but do lie; behold, I will make them
to come and worship before thy feet, and
to know that I have loved thee. Because
thou hast kept the word of my patience, I
also will keep thee from the hour of
temptation, which shall come upon all
the world, to try them that dwell upon
the earth (Rev. 3:7-10).
I understood God was saying rebellious elect
Church leaders, and not just those at Eagle, will
one day be filled with remorse realizing how
wrong they’ve been about me and about God.
Seeing how much damage they’ve done, they’ll
bow down low to kiss His feet while also
acknowledging that I was speaking on His
behalf. God also informed me that He’s going to
saturate the world with scrubbing bubbles (Eph.
5:25-27)—you know, those little guys that work
in the toilets (Phil. 3:8). YouTube I Believe
Jonny Lang.
Called to Persevere
While I believe God, I’m human, as are the
members of my family—not created to live life
solo as we have had to do since all family and
friends are antichrist. Neither are my girls full
blown adults, nor have they had the same
experiences as I have, neither do they have the
same calling on their lives. Theirs is in many
ways harder—growing up since preschool
without the love of extended family, or close
friends, or Christian fellowship, or parents who
are on the same page, and their father dealing
with illness and not zealous for God, while
everyone is anti Christ. It would be impossible
not to be discouraged or stray from God as they
have, walking nowhere near as close to Him
today as they had in their youth—thanks to the
best Church leaders around (Matt. 18:6). What
good mother wouldn't be beside herself with
anger at Church leadership? What true Christian
wouldn't be appalled by Christianity Today? (Ps.
And since “the godly man ceaseth” (Ps. 12:1),
I was thinking of just quickly publishing half of
the book, even though God had impressed me
after Ken to beef it up by relaying what He'd
shown me, flipping things around, adding the
glossary, and running it through the YLT. But
since He also had me give some “mature”
Christians the new edition, and they were still
cold as ice and dead as can be—I blew my gasket!
Appalled at Christianity’s EXTREME hypocrisy,
I heard the Spirit again say, “[Jesus] looked
round about on them with anger, being grieved
for the hardness of their hearts” (Mark 3:5).
YouTube Help Vanessa Bell Armstrong.
Ready to delete the whole thing, yet begging
God for help (Luke 22:42), I closed up shop and
‘zoned out.’ Frustrated beyond words, I watched
any ol’ thing on the box (Gal. 5:16). YouTube
Trouble in Amish Paradise (2009).
Apparently, the Amish don’t know the Bible
at all! They read the same Bible their ancestors
brought with them from Germany, problematic
since they don’t understand German! Did I not
say God’s elect were IOWA? Why on earth would
you do that? Answer: Because they’re idolaters,
aka IOWA.
In any case, I hadn’t known that about the
Amish. And it’s like Catholics in the Middle
Ages. Hearing the Bible in Latin, a language they
didn’t understand, they followed their leaders
like zombie IOWA which Jesus said would land
you in the pits (Matt. 15:14)—especially since
they used the Vulgate translation.
When Thomas Linacre compared the
Vulgate to the original Greek, he said something
like, “Either this is not the Gospel or we are not
Christian.” So as God opened more of their eyes,
Church leaders opposed them. [Somewhere
along the line today’s Catholic New Testament
was updated to reflect more of God’s truth. If
only they'd read and believe it!]
Similarly, the Amish left biblical doctrine to
‘worship God’ using the doctrines of men,
ending up with a cult—heresy. By holding on to
the Bible of their ancestors, they’ve loved people
(their ancestors) more than God, the Truth
(John 14:6). As a result, God led them to believe
lies (2 Thess. 2:10-11) so that they’ve been OK
with Amish leaders legislating in the details of
their lives—the color and shade of the buggy, the
width of suspender straps, the type of haircut!
Having left behind the simplicity of the Gospel,
they’ve not only left God behind, Love (1 John
4:8) but brains! (1 Cor. 2:16). So while God has
opened some of their eyes, Amish leaders
excommunicate them because these people are
going to prayer meetings and Bible study rather
than obeying them and their rules (Mark 7:8).
And if that sounds ludicrous to you it’s because
you have a functioning brain. Thank God for it!
And it’s the same thing that’s happened
throughout Christianity Today—it’s just clearer
with the Amish. If we don’t fall in line with
pastors, we’re told to shut up and take a hike—
never mind that pastors aren’t in line with Christ
(Luke 10:16). And they’ve been able to persevere
with it because today’s Christians also don’t
know the Bible, like the Amish and those of the
Middle Ages. Only they don’t know it for being
too lazy and worldly to read it!
So while maddening and heartbreaking, the
program also encouraged me because the lead
character reveals a beautiful childlike faith as an
adult, as well as innocence and maturity to go
with that intense work ethic. (Traits we’ve lost in
America, because putting in long hours does not
reflect a strong work ethic. It reflects greed and
stupidity.) The only thing missing in this Amish
man is a decent academic base—knowledge—
since part of Amish life is to keep them under
educated, which our society, including
Christianity, does as well. What a waste! (Phil.
2:21; Rev. 13:3).
Even without higher education, this Amish
man is the clearest I’ve ever seen of a Christ-type
in a living soul. And while serious, he revealed a
playful manner. So refreshing. Yet He left the
Amish version of Christianity for Christianity
Today, SO HE’S NO BETTER OFF! Just Shoot
Crying out to God, having watched the
documentary, I again begged Him for clarity.
Exhausted, I was also confused about how to
order the book if He still wanted me to publish it
(which I knew He did). I’m so burned out and
this book requires so much detailed work. It's
like Hitler’s Mine Kampf. (Which just so
happens to have been written in prison.) Only
this is the Lord’s kampf—and what a
comparison! (God confirms this is His "kampf"
in the last book as He cries out—by way of the
Holy Spirit—to get released from jail.)
I’ve always known my personal testimony is
key, and I’ve always hoped I could leave it out.
Must I pour more fuel on the fire?
Pleading with God for direction, since that
was the last half of the original book, the
following verses were in my Bible reading and
devotionals. Again, see what you discern. Do you
discern God was saying that He wanted me to
publish my personal testimony, or was he saying
it OK with Him if I left it out?
When he was come into the ship, he
that had been possessed with the devil
prayed him that he might be with
him. Howbeit Jesus suffered him not,
but saith unto him, Go home to thy
friends, and tell them how great things
the Lord hath done for thee, and hath
had compassion on thee. And he
departed, and began to publish in
Decapolis how great things Jesus had
done for him: and all men did marvel
(Mark 5:18-20).
God is not mocked: for whatsoever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap. For
he that soweth to his flesh shall of the
flesh reap corruption; but he that
soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit
reap life everlasting. And let us not be
weary in well doing: for in due season
we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have
therefore opportunity, let us do good
unto all men, especially unto them who
are of the household of faith (Galatians
And as they followed, they were afraid
(Mark 10:32).
I discerned God clearly handed me the
lighter fluid. Rebuked, I was also encouraged,
especially by the Amish Christ-type since,
through him, God showed me what is possible.
Christianity Today brings the education he lacks,
and he brings in just about everything else we’re
supposed to be in Christ!
The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue
of the learned, that I should know how
to speak a word in season to him that is
weary: he wakeneth morning by
morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear
as the learned. The Lord GOD hath
opened mine ear, and I was not
rebellious, neither turned away back. I
gave my back to the smiters, and my
cheeks to them that plucked off the hair:
I hid not my face from shame and
spitting. For the Lord GOD will help me;
therefore shall I not be confounded:
therefore have I set my face like a flint,
and I know that I shall not be
ashamed. He is near that justifieth me;
who will contend with me? let us stand
together: who is mine adversary? let him
come near to me. Behold, the Lord GOD
will help me; who is he that shall
condemn me? lo, they all shall wax old
as a garment; the moth shall eat them
up. Who is among you that feareth the
LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his
servant, that walketh in darkness, and
hath no light? let him trust in the name
of the LORD, and stay upon his
God. Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that
compass yourselves about with sparks:
walk in the light of your fire, and in the
sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye
have of mine hand; ye shall lie down in
sorrow (Isaiah 50:4-11).
Then, through another difficult season a
year or so later, God revealed to me that He has
given me the heartache over my children so that
I could feel His heartache over His children. It’s
like when He had Hosea marry the whore,
making Hosea feel the Lord's heartache over His
Bride, the Whore. Because without that intense
personal heartache, we would also join the
crowd (Rom. 3:10; Jer. 17:9).
I know that once God wakes someone up—
just one—my family will be encouraged and fall
back in step with the Lord. Well, once they get
past their anger and see some proof of genuine
repentance. Actually, it’s probably more like
when they see it coming from Church leadership.
When Church leaders repent, the rest of God’s
Family will repent as they're made aware of
what’s been going on and what God is saying. I
also know that the way people are going to wake
up is through my ministry. God’s made that
abundantly clear to me as revealed in the last
two books. So, I have no option but to feel the
heartache, trust God, don’t join the crowd, and
press on (Phil. 3:12-14). YouTube By Faith
Keith & Kristyn Getty.
Allowing God to Convict You
God has a problem with hypocrisy because it’s at
the root of the problems with the Church, with
our society, and with the world. While pastors
preach this, they and lay Christians are into God
only to the point that it doesn’t inconvenience
them—being hypocrites. In turn, they’ve
developed supremely hardened hearts (2 Thess.
2:10-11) so that they figure something’s wrong
with anyone who’s more into God than they
are—me. It’s just like how disbelievers are
interested in getting “in touch” with their
“spiritual side,” (whatever the heck that means)
just as long as the Bible isn’t fully sanctioned
and all religions are given equal time, the ones
they OK, because Satan’s really good at what He
does, deceive those who don’t love the truth (2
Thess. 2:10-11; John 8:44). He’s really good at it
because that’s what God has entrusted him to
do! (Rom. 9:22-23).
What I've experienced is what many have
done with Jesus. For example, my father—a civil
rights attorney, translator, political columnist,
and published author (no dummy)—thought
Jesus was a good man and a great teacher, but
not God in the flesh. However, Jesus claimed to
be God in the flesh and allowed Himself to be
brutally killed for that claim (John 19:7-16).
Moreover, Jesus didn’t defend Himself to
prevent from being crucified, but consistently
added fuel to the fire (Mark 14:57-62). So either
He was telling the truth or He was totally insane,
because to think you’re God if you’re not, and
allow yourself to be brutally tortured for that
claim, is OUT THERE. Would you still consider
your child’s teacher good and sane if they
claimed to be God?
I should hope not! Unless, they PROVED it.
And there’s the rub. God has provided
hundreds of prophesies about Himself, provided
hundreds of years before walking the earth
which He fulfilled in Jesus, proving Jesus is who
He said He is—God in the flesh (John 1:14; John
8:58; John 10:30; Mark 8:29-30). While
required to believe by faith since we can’t see
God, He’s given us plenty of proof that He is who
He claims to be. It’s just very inconvenient for
sinners who love to lie to believe the truth (Luke
14:33; John 3:20, see NIV).
Full of themselves rather than being filled
with the Spirit of God (Eph. 5:18) and, therefore,
the love of God (1 John 4:8) and the mind of
Christ (1 Cor. 2:16; 2 Cor. 10:5), today’s Church
leaders, along with their followers, consistently
point out one thing they say doesn’t line up with
God’s WORD which isn’t even true, while also
ignoring their sins and God’s WORD. Those who
are supposed to be the most mature in society
act like spoiled little eight year olds. Caught redhanded, they lie and not only ignore the truth,
they then point the finger at the one who caught
them and dig dirt up on them, on the one ones
holding them accountable to God’s WORD.
Whether they’re telling the truth or not doesn’t
matter to them, just as it is with eight year olds.
Today’s Church leaders are super immature
spoiled brats, drawing the worst out of people
instead of the best.
For example, rather than admit the truth of
his lack of faith and faithfulness to God, my
father-in-law, a Baptist pastor, told me God
meant we couldn’t add or take away from the
book of Revelation since that’s where this verse
about not adding or taking away from God’s
WORD is written (Rev. 22:18-19). Shut me up
(Matt. 10:35).
However, if he had been right, it would
mean that each book of the Bible stands alone,
negating all of it! If he had been right, these
verses in Paul’s letter to Timothy would only
apply to the Old Testament, yet Christians know
they apply to the whole Bible (2 Tim. 3:16-17). If
I had been his peer, a man whom he respected in
the ministry, it’s not likely he would have used
that argument. And according to his son, my
husband, he didn’t believe what he said to me.
He said it because it wasn’t convenient for him
to acknowledge the truth and repent. And it’s
been the same for nearly two decades with
everyone God has had me address (Matt.
22:15)—at times, including my husband. The
BRAT says stuff to get me to go away or shut me
up, stuff She doesn’t even believe according to
Her own words. Or, which doesn’t even make
Everyone does like my dog used to do, and
like a horse did at the beach this summer, like
little kids do. When in trouble, they turn their
head/their eyes away from you and look straight
ahead as if by not seeing you, you can’t see them.
Uh huh. I’ve seen adult after adult, being held
accountable on some sin, some whoppers, tons
of money and serious issues involved, all do the
same thing, physically look the other way while
denying the truth and, at the same time,
accusing me of some garbage I didn’t do,
twisting the truth—just like Satan does. So, God
is going to be doing to them what I did to the
horse. Since he refused to recognize that I was
telling him to stop what he was doing, I popped
that bad boy hard on his butt!
He finally got the message.
For another example concerning Church
leadership, a respected pastor and president of a
Bible college in Nowhere (connected to the
“best” church in that city as revealed by the Lord
over several years of Mucky Tours, and to a very
popular Bible college by the nation’s capital, the
Washington Bible College), this man, Charles
Ware, wouldn’t even discuss what I was saying
because I am a woman and “should be silent.”
That’s a good one. I’m sure he had 1 Corinthians
14:34 in mind—which he didn’t even bother to
quote. Dr. Ware just simply and quickly shut me
up since men fear and honor men more than
God, being idolaters, breaking the first
commandment (Ex. 20:1-3) and letting him get
away with his hypocrisy, as with the rest of
Church leadership. Not one man in the room
held up the WORD of God because Ware did the
standard pastoral thing and quoted, “Touch not
mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.”
(Ps. 105:15). Only God also says, “How can ye
believe, which receive honour one of another,
and seek not the honour that cometh from God?”
(John 5:44). Hypocrites! Since He also says this:
The princes of the Gentiles exercise
dominion over them, and they that are
great exercise authority upon them. But
but whosoever will be great among you,
let him be your minister; And whosoever
will be chief among you, let him be your
servant (Matt. 20:25-27, my emphasis).
On top of that, God also says this, quoted
from the literal translation:
I commend you to Phebe our sister—
being a ministrant of the assembly that
[is] in Cenchrea–that ye may receive her
in the Lord, as doth become saints, and
may assist her in whatever matter she
may have need of you—for she also
became a leader of many, and of myself
(Rom 16:1-2, YLT).
Not only does God inform us to help a "sister,"
Paul said this woman, a lowly female, had been
his leader.
In contrast, being a royally arrogant pastor,
like the rest of his pastoral peers and male
counterparts, Dr. Ware viewed himself as the
only anointed and untouchable one, just as the
rest of the men viewed him, and as the majority
of Christians view men in Church leadership,
and as most Church leaders view themselves—
and as many men view themselves. Except
there’s only One Man who's untouchable and so
anointed that He can’t have a woman teach him
something. His name is Jesus! This gem I’d
called Mack Truck (in the original book)
because of how intensely he’d plowed us over.
In fact, that ‘best’ church he’s connected to
covered up the sexual abuse of a preschooler—if
only that were surprising. And throughout the
Bible God allows women to speak and do even
more than speak, which Mack fully understood
since he had a woman as his worship leader who
spoke God’s WORD to the congregation every
Sunday—not keeping silent. And God’s anointed
are called by God to not just to hold a position of
honor, but to honor God in that position! Duh.
Pastor Ware also lied to his elders and to us,
breaking the ninth commandment (Ex. 20:16).
And after we stopped attending Ware’s
congregation, a woman from the college called
our house and downloaded about how the
school’s professors lorded over the students. Yet
IOWA keep funding these guys! It’s no wonder
the first word of the acronym is Idiots.
Following the Lord I found myself back at
Ken’s—who never addressed me personally,
never informed God’s people that he’d received
such a book, or repented about anything (doing
what they ALL do). And yet, during the sermon
he prayed, BEGGING God to open his eyes,
putting on quite the show (Matt. 6:5; Jer. 6:15).
Focused more on men than on God, refusing to
repent, or even behave decently, God will answer
his prayer, but it’ll be so that he can see the
damage he’s done to himself and to his family on
this earth, and eternally (Matt. 5:26). (One of the
concerns I’d expressed to Ken & Co. had been of
a four year old set up to get sexually abused by
her new Daddy. Had they repented of known
sins and sought God, that family could easily
have been drawn to God and the little girl’s life
not gone the route it’s likely gone. But so what,
apparently. It’s just one little girl (Matt. 25:45).
I discern it’s coming down extra hard on Ken
because of how much information he was
given—the entire book—besides how much he's
been granted (Luke 12:48). And my experience
reveals there’s always more than what God has
informed me about when He’s asked me to
address leadership. In fact, as has happened
before, after the Lord had me reach out to Ken &
Co., we read in the paper that one of his ushers,
a coach in the school, got sentenced to 35 years
for child sexual abuse. If only it were a shock.
Apparently, this was going on in the courts while
God was having me address them. Yet instead of
being humbled by what was taking place with
one on his team, this man got increasingly
cocky. In contrast, even Haman could see his
situation was desperate and begged Esther for
help (Esth. 7:7).
An Important Side Note. The worst
Church leaders (among the elect) are the most
biblical ones with the biggest platforms (Luke
12:48), which isn't Ken since he's just local. In
2011, God led me to believe I would be reaching
out to several national ministries, but at the last
minute He made it clear that I should only reach
out to Alistair Begg. (At other times He’s had me
contact different members of RZIM—Peter
Bocchino, Stuart McAllister, Sunder Krishnan,
and Ravi Zacharias, and another international
one in Europe, along with all the locals.) And
because of how damaging it was with Begg,
whom God had me write to for several months
(not only to him but to half a dozen on his
leadership team), it’s clear God was protecting
me (and my family) by having me only reach out
to this one group since all would have responded
in the same way, causing that much more
damage when the damage caused was already
severe, so severe I’d dubbed him the Great
Iceberg. While showing me just how dead they
all are, as He’s been telling me since 1997 (Rev.
3:1-3; Isa. 30:9), God was also protecting me and
my family by having me only reach out to the
one, one of the best in the nation, Begg.
So this is the WORD God gave me about it
for Alistair Begg, which is actually for all born
again Christian leadership worldwide:
I anointed thee [Great Iceberg] over
Israel, and I delivered thee out of the
hand of [Satan]; And I gave thee…Israel
[by giving him a leading position in the
Church to go with a local congregation, a
national radio broadcast, as well as
international influence]…and if that had
been too little, I would moreover have
given unto thee such and such things.
Wherefore hast thou despised the
commandment of the LORD, to do evil
in his sight? (2 Sam. 12:7-9).
Too busy “working for God” rather than
sitting at His feet (Luke 10:42), they’ve all
become proud like David (2 Sam. 11) and cold
like the Pharisees (Luke 16:14). They’ve
forgotten that apart from God they’d be able to
do nothing (John 15:5), and that they’ll end up
with nothing if they don’t soon repent (Matt.
Moreover, since lying is Christianity Today’s
way of life, God tells us what will happen:
Many will say to me in that day, Lord,
Lord, have we not prophesied in thy
name? and in thy name have cast out
devils? and in thy name done many
wonderful works? And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew you:
depart from me, ye that work
iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth
these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I
will liken him unto a wise man, which
built his house upon a rock: And the rain
descended, and the floods came, and the
winds blew, and beat upon that house;
and it fell not: for it was founded upon a
rock. And every one that heareth these
sayings of mine, and doeth them not,
shall be likened unto a foolish man,
which built his house upon the
sand: And the rain descended, and the
floods came, and the winds blew, and
beat upon that house; and it fell: and
great was the fall of it (Matt. 7:22-27).
As far as I’ve seen, Pastors never tell ‘their’
people what’s going on behind the scenes,
keeping them in the dark under their control
and worshiping them. Yet having brutally given
up His life for us, God wants His people to know
what’s going on so that they can get to know
Jesus better and worship Him (Col. 2:1-2). But
neither are lay Christians innocent for having
been so lazy and idolatrous (Deut. 32:46-47;
John 7:24). YouTube In Christ Alone
Michael English.
As God informed us, the day of the Lord
would not take place until after a great falling
away from the truth and the man of sin, Satan,
was revealed as having taken up position in
God’s Church—and that’s exactly what my
ministry reveals. While today’s Christians talk
about how the falling away is beginning or
coming, the fact is that we’ve been in it for years,
for all our lives. Satan took up position in God’s
Church hundreds of years ago as rebellious born
again pastors allowed him to do so, because they
all turned a blind eye to denominations, the
foundation of many other lies. In turn, today
there is not one Christian church walking in the
whole truth, in the full counsel of God. If you
need more than my ministry, you must not be
elect of God because everything I’m saying is
backed up by the WORD of God and by tons of
corroboration from others on the web through
legitimate and reliable sources. It’s a no-brainer.
God said the following:
Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that day shall not come, except there
come a falling away first, and that man
of sin be revealed, the son of
perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or
that is worshipped; so that he as God
sitteth in the temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God (2 Thess. 2:3-4).
Satan has been able to ‘sit’ in the temple of God,
symbolizing the Church through the churches,
because born again pastors have not been willing
to fully submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Having been admonished to not let any man
deceive them, they’ve let many men deceive
them and have even become deceivers of men!
If what’s being said inconveniences you yet
lines up with the Bible, the wise thing to do is to
be inconvenienced (Prov. 5:1-13). In turn, you’ll
rise higher than you ever imagined possible as
God reveals through my personal testimony as
shared in the last two books. YouTube Follow
Me There Third Day.
Christians Should Go to Hell!
Jesus said, “This is the work of God, that ye
believe on him whom he hath sent” (John 6:29).
We were supposed to believe on Him, sent as
Savior of the world (John 3:16). Yet it’s not as if
the work of God ended with Jesus, or with
simply believing that He’s the Savior. That’s
understood with the Great Commission (Matt.
28:18-20). Yet instead of obeying God, His men
prevent people from knowing Jesus and our
amazingly benevolent Father—keeping everyone
serving Satan (Rev. 13:3).
For example, it does no good to call
Christian men to be the spiritual heads of their
home, as they’re required to be (Eph. 5:22)—and
as pastors so often preach—if the men in Church
leadership (those very pastors) refuse to live up
to their calling, because God is a God of order
and that’s the order He’s set up (1 Cor. 14:33, see
NIV), and hypocrisy is clearly evident to all who
engage their brains. As pastors know, or should
know since Jesus clearly made the point,
hypocrisy nullifies your testimony (Matt. 23).
When God calls you and sets you apart, He
makes you a role model. So if pastors don’t live
up to their responsibilities, they’re constantly
undermining the work God does in the body of
Christ because lay Christian men will also not
live up to their calling, excusing themselves since
their role models have excused themselves. In
turn, no matter what a mother/wife does to
build up her children in the Lord, the Church
and her husband undermine the work God
accomplished through her in the children. In
turn, they’ve undermined God’s work in society.
There’s a snowball effect, because—here’s a
2000 year old ‘News’ flash, boyz—hypocrites
aren’t taken seriously! (Matt. 23:15).
How long will God allow us to keep putting
Him off? Pastors bewitched by Satan don’t care
(Gal. 3:1). And it’s what Jesus said, if only God’s
elect would read the Bible and believe it!
He that is an hireling [pastors], and not
the shepherd [Jesus], whose own the
sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming
[Satan], and leaveth the sheep [God’s
elect in the churches], and fleeth: and
the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth
the sheep. THE HIRELING fleeth,
because he is an hireling, and CARETH
NOT FOR THE SHEEP. I am the good
shepherd (John 10:12-14, my emphasis).
The reason pastors and other Church leaders
don't care is because they're NOT God (as they
seem to think they are, deceived by the own
wicked hearts), they're "hirelings." Jesus is the
Good Shepherd who actually cares since He is
Love personified (1 John 4:8). So we shouldn't
give hirelings the credit or power that we, in
Christianity Today, do. We all know power
corrupts and absolute power does so absolutely.
God has also said that, “Whosoever speaketh
against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven
him, neither in this world, neither in the world
to come” (Matt. 12:32). Yet for nearly two
decades Church leaders and lay Christians have
spoken against God’s Spirit, the Holy Ghost,
when God has had me reach out to them calling
them to line up their lives with the truth they
profess to believe. Ad they haven’t just done it
with me. According to God’s WORD, the Bible,
for today’s Christian leaders to not go to hell,
God would have to break His own WORD!
Knowing His WORD, believing and
following Him, ever since 1997 I’ve wrestled with
Him about whether professing Christians can be
forgiven, because if not they’ve got a one way
ticket to hell! I’ve wrestled with God on it
because He’s called me to pray for everyone,
making it clear from the very beginning that
there must be a loophole since God told
Jeremiah not to pray for such rebellious people
(Jer. 7:16; 11:14 & 14:11). So while showing me
how outrageously hypocritical every single
Christian is, and how they must not be Christian
according to the Bible, God has consistently
made it clear that I need to pray for them. Would
God ask us to do something that has absolutely
no point?
Answer: Maybe. If they’re Vessels of Wrath,
there would be no point in praying for them—
other than to build me up and to use all the
lessons He’s taught me to help the Vessels of
In any case, not clear on whether or not they
could be Vessels of Wrath or severely prodigal
born again Vessels of Mercy, ever since 2009,
when God called me to begin writing the book—
writing, rewriting, editing, and tweaking it as
I’ve followed Him through some pretty intense
Tours of Muck and Mire—God has given me
increasing understanding so that I explained it
in many ways and with many pictures in the
draft that went to Ken & Co. Yet it wasn’t until
after showing me the upside down map
coordinated with Sandy Hook; seeing the movie
Lincoln (2012), knowing enough about the
Civil War; the sermons I was hearing; along with
whatever else God was power drilling into my
attic—always remodeling (Rom. 12:1-2)—that I
suddenly discerned exactly what the Lord is
doing so as to put it in just one word, amnesty
(Isa. 48:9-11). This is how I defined it in WORD:
It’s Christianeasy:
Amnesty: Official pardon; placed in
As far as the east is from the
west, so far hath he removed our
transgressions from us (Ps.
While God has prophesied of a great end
times revival (Deut. 11:14; Jer. 3:3; Joel 2:23),
He has also said that first there would be a great
apostasy, the falling away from the truth (2
Thess. 2:3-4). And it should be crystal clear by
now that we are deep in it and not merely
coming up on it as today's "mature" Christians
seem to think (2 Thess. 2:2-4). In fact, many
pastors acknowledge this apostasy. But they
haven’t considered that “their” church is part of
it, and certainly not that they are part of it.
That’s just how big a falling away it is. While the
Bible says, “False Christs and false prophets
shall…seduce, if it were possible, even the elect”
(Mark 13:22), the elect have been seduced (Rev.
13:3), just not permanently. Every pastor
preaches about other churches and other pastors
not being right with God, but it includes all of
them since all have given themselves over to
denominations and/or many other unbiblical
practices. We need amnesty so that Christians—
especially such cold and unbiblical Church
leaders as we have today—can still find grace
since this is what God says:
It is impossible for those who were once
enlightened, and have tasted of the
heavenly gift, and were made partakers
of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the
good word of God, and the powers of the
world to come, If they shall fall away [as
they have], to renew them again unto
repentance; seeing they crucify to
themselves the Son of God afresh, and
put him to an open shame (Heb. 6:4-6).
If we sin wilfully after that we have
received the knowledge of the truth,
there remaineth no more sacrifice for
sins, But a certain fearful looking for of
judgment and fiery indignation (Heb.
While God has been pretty clear,
Christianity has repeatedly done what He has
said not to do. You should be able to see that
Christians are in a heap of trouble! As are you!
And this nation! And world! In trouble with God
Almighty. It’s the reason we’re facing the
However, some important Commanders in
Chief granted amnesty under extreme
conditions. For instance, Abraham Lincoln did
to Union deserters as did Washington during the
Whiskey Rebellion. If these sinners (Jer. 17:9;
Rom. 3:10) could be merciful to men in extreme
conditions, it shouldn’t be surprising that God—
who crucified Himself for us—is being merciful
to today’s Christians since we were all born into
the denominational Church of muck and mire in
which we’re presently wallowing.
At the same time, human commanders
who’ve granted amnesty had conditions, and it’s
clear that our Commander in Chief, who calls us
to be holy (1 Pet. 1:16), has His as well:
The Bible says, “[seeing] that [Jesus] was
condemned, having repented, [Judas] brought
back the thirty silverlings…saying, `I did sin,
having delivered up innocent blood’” (Matt.
27:3-4, YLT). Judas realized he’d done a terrible
wrong, but then he killed himself because he
wasn’t elect. Had he been elect, he would have
spent the rest of his time on earth making up for
his sin as Paul did, letting God use him—through
many trials—to learn enough and experience
enough that he could write much of the New
Testament. And it's clear that today’s elect
Church leaders are being called by God to follow
Paul’s example.
For those just learning from the Father or
just getting to know Jesus, keep at it making
your ‘soil’ the kind that can bear fruit a hundred
fold (Luke 8:8)—and reap the benefits forever.
Learn from the bad example Christianity Today
has provided, using it to glorify God and for your
eternal good (Matt. 19:30).
The WORD on the Problem
While Jesus gave up His life for His Bride, She’s
been slutting around with His archenemy (Rev.
13:3). And since God objects to divorce (Matt.
5:31-32), He’s unwilling to ‘divorce’ Himself
from us (His Church, His Bride, born again
Christians) even though we’ve done the one
thing He views as acceptable grounds for
divorce. He’s walking in the Hosea testimony.
But, He still expects us, commands us, to work
out THE PROBLEM, and He’s only giving us
so much time to do it in (Rev. 22:20). Church
leaders are already way past due (Rev. 2:21). We
are to solve for a Cross. He gave Himself on it so
that He could wash us off—with Himself, the
WORD—to make us, His Bride, a raving Beauty
(Eph. 5:25-27).
And the beauty of the New Testament is that
it’s simple! That’s why preschoolers can
understand it (testimony shared in the last
book). God also modeled this simplicity for us
with a certain woman (John 8:3-11). When she
stood before Him, guilty as sin—as God’s Girl
does now—Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn
thee: go, and sin no more.” Simple. This
adulterous woman (representing the Church, the
royal Whore) was guilty according to God’s law
and should have been stoned, as they did to
Achan and all who were connected to him (Josh.
7). Today, all stand before God just as guilty
because His Standard hasn’t changed (Mal. 3:6).
Therefore, The Stoning of Soraya M (2008)
provides a very powerful visual of what Jesus
saved us from, as He says, Neither do I condemn
you. Go and sin NO MORE.
God’s elect will learn the fear of God and
consider more carefully when He says, “take
heed to yourselves…what ye are about to do…if
this counsel or this [ministry] may be of men
[something from my own imagination], it will be
overthrown, [but] if it be of God, ye are not able
to overthrow it, [and]…ye [will] be found
fighting against God” (Acts 5:35-39).
In fact, all have been fighting against God
and He’s already passed judgment, even exposed
Church leaders as with 'Ken' and those He's had
me name. The rest will expose themselves, as
will all elect. If not, He’ll be the one throwing
those stones at you. So place yourself in Soraya’s
shoes to help you decide what to do.
Since God created the people that constitute
the Problem (Isa. 14:24), He is working it out
(Isa. 59:16). In fact, has already worked it out
(John 19:30). And through this series of books
He’s making it clear that SELF-DENIAL must be
factored in so that God’s Baby can grow up and
become God’s Lady and reveal the answer to the
Problem, finally.
So here’s a great movie for the born again,
Born Yesterday (1950). Take notes!
Since God wants to reveal His manifold
wisdom and power—compared to our lack of
both—the Problem is more complicated from the
sinner’s standpoint even though it’s not higher
math. The difficulty lies in the denominator,
especially for leadership because one of the
variables is a woman (1 Sam. 16:7), further
complicated because I am foreign-born and
married to a Black man. Oh my (James 2:1-9).
I’m also short, overweight, have short hair which
I don’t die, don’t typically wear make-up or
much jewelry, have no higher degree nor fancy
clothing… Sinners always find any ol' excuse to
reject God’s servants (Isa. 53:2-4)—when there
is no excuse because, He says, “Inasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of these my
brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matt.
Through my ministry God is revealing to
everyone that what’s wrong is not with me or
with my family (as Christians have told me or
preached at me), or with God (as disbelievers
and antichrists have told me), but with Her—the
Beloved Whore—one God will be scrubbing
down like they did the woman in My Fair
Lady (1964), in order to make her a lady, the
Lady, good enough to be the Queen of Queens,
Bride to the King of Kings (Rev. 19:16). Because,
"Christ…loved the church, and gave himself for
it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the
washing of water by the WORD, That he might
present it to himself a glorious church, not
having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but
that it should be holy and without blemish"
(Eph. 5:25-27).
Following Her hose down and massive
makeover, God’s Girl will finally be presented to
Her King (1 Tim. 6:15) and officially become the
Queen. He says, “Blessed are they which are
called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb”
(Rev. 19:9). This is a theme God has been
building up to from the beginning, referring to
His people as a whore throughout the Bible
because we reject His love by fulfilling our will
rather than His, keeping in step with Satan (Isa.
14:13-14), ruler of this world (John 12:31; Rev.
13:3). So our story is really like Pretty Woman
(1990). But a much better movie, and beautiful
picture of the longsuffering, tender, and merciful
love of Christ is The Magic of Ordinary
Days (2005).
In fact, God has used several women
throughout the Bible to reveal our adulterous
manner TURNED AROUND through faith in God,
and by whom others were blessed—as with
Rahab of the Old Testament (Josh. 2:1-16 &
6:25) and the Samaritan woman of the New
Testament (John 4:16-42). And many of God’s
key players throughout history have been quite
vile before being born again and used by God. A
great example is John Newton whose life was
summed up in Amazing Grace (2006). And
I’m no exception to the Rule (Rom. 3:10).
I also noticed that the literal translation of
John 12:31 says Satan was “cast forth” not “cast
out” or “driven out” as the KJV and NIV
translated it. It’s as if God ran a test to see who
would take Him at His WORD and fight the war
effectively. Having granted us more of His power
in the world with His Spirit and with the
completed Bible, God also gave us more of
Satan’s influence by ‘casting him forth’ on us—
and we, born again Christians, blew it (Rev.
13:3). And He’s given us a visual of how this test
has played out historically with the movie Exam
(2009). You’re not ready for it, but you’re not
ready for anything! (John 16:12; 1 Cor. 3:1-2).
The language is vulgar in places reflecting
REALITY. Deal with it. (I first watched it with
ClearPlay.) That’s the thing, we have to lie in the
bed we’ve made.
As revealed in this movie, we were placed on
earth to win, but were supposed to play by the
Rules (1 Cor. 9:24), while on the Clock (Ps.
90:10, see NIV). This movie is a picture of the
history of the world (spiritually speaking)—of
how we’ve gone about it and of what God is now
doing about it. FAITES BIEN ATTENTION! The
only way to pass the Exam is to see. And because
everyone’s measures have been so vile for so
long, the Man is so grieved (Eph. 4:30). Yet
there was only one thing needed (Luke 10:41-42;
Eccl. 12:13).
Moreover, I obviously landed the Job (Matt.
20:23). However, in the real world, there are
more openings, many more. As He says, “The
harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are
few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,
that he will send forth labourers into his harvest”
(Matt. 9:37-38). YouTube Paul Baloche &
Friends Ouvre les Yeux de Mon Coeur.
Hugo (2011) is also a picture of what’s
taken place in God’s world and Church—and
how He’s using me. Spiritually speaking, a man
(God, the Father) placed his image in a machine
he created (Jesus, His Son), making it look like
his son (John 10:30 & 14:8-9). This machine was
turned on by a heart-shaped key, love, the first
commandment (Mark 12:30). However, the
man’s creative genius (our Father’s) was
forgotten by the people (Christians) as was the
machine He created, Jesus (Phil. 2:21). Until one
day, a child (me) daring to hope beyond all hope
(Rom. 5:5)—mostly alone—goes against the
authorities (Church leadership), motivated by
his father’s love. [It’s my Father’s love that
motivates me, though flames are appropriate
concerning my father (1 Cor. 3:14-15).] This kid
who was up against impossible odds, gave back
the old man his joy. It’s what I’m doing for my
Father—my ‘old man’—with these books. But
you won’t get any of these resources God is using
unless you see them through God’s eyes (John
8:12; 1 Cor. 2:14; John 3:3), nothing hindering
(Matt. 7:3-5). YouTube When You Believe
Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston.
Like the Lord’s Girl, the Whore, and as with
Rahab and the woman at the well, when the
Lord met me at the bottom of my well, I too had
had “five husbands” not married to any, being
the typical young American woman looking for
love in all the wrong places. And as with the
Samaritans, God is using me to speak to my
town—the U.S.—who, like them, will go hear
Him for yourselves and be given eyes to see that
while humans can be granted everything, as the
U.S. has been, man still falls miserably short of
the glory of God. Jesus is building His Church
and cleansing His Bride, and not even the
Whore’s iceberg heart and mountains of sin can
stop Him (Matt. 16:18) because He doesn’t
“reward…us according to our iniquities” (Ps.
103:10). THANK GOD!
However, self-righteous pastors do! Reading
what I’d written about having been a
promiscuous young woman, that’s what Ken
focused on. Only thing is, I believed God when
He saved my soul having paid my ransom,
therefore, obeyed Him when He told me to go
and sin no more. Church leaders should rejoice
when God delivers people from their sins (Luke
15:10), not re-condemn them! (Acts 11:9).
YouTube Your Love Oh Lord Third Day.
The Red Carpets. Jesus said, “For
laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold
the tradition of men” (Mark 7:8). He called
people out of Judaism because of their traditions
of men. Then, through the Holy Spirit, He called
Christians out of Catholicism because of their
traditions of men. And today He’s calling true
Christians out of Christianity Today because of
their traditions of men. So while many
Christians have been coming out of mainstream
Christianity and serving God as if in the
'underground,' still not abiding by the entire
WORD of God, they’ve only gone part way (Matt.
5:18). Sinners want the benefits that come with
being on God’s side without worshipping Him as
He requires (John 4:24), fooling themselves that
God can be fooled and/or that they’re better
than the rest (Gal. 6:7). Satan is always
whispering in our ears whatever our sinful heart
wants to hear (2 Tim. 4:3). We always fill in the
blank and he echoes it (Jer. 17:9; 1 Pet. 5:8).
Then he brings up all sorts of rationale for why
it’s good, our right, wise, or the consequences
won’t be all that bad. Only thing is, Satan is a
liar! (John 8:44). And a damned good one at
that! (Isa. 14:13-15).
And here’s a crucial point. The best
Christian leaders this nation has with large
platforms are all up in age. So while God is
granting them time to repent (maybe) and to
help turn the Church and world right side up
again, their negative legacy will be a powerful
testimony for a younger generation to NOT do as
they have done. In the same way that God
replaced Saul, cowardly king, and Eli, super
lousy priest, with two devoted young men, David
and Samuel—God will replace current Church
leaders with faithful young men (Matt. 21:41),
saying to them what He has said to younger
generations before (2 Chron. 30:7). Only now
He’s saying it with a bit more umph—quite a bit
more! “O sing unto the Lord a new song; for he
hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and
his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory” (Ps.
A Chord Not Easily Broken
When reading Malcolm X, years before landing
at Eagle, a transfer grad student and his wife
came by having been sent to Buddy by his
professor. And since Alex Haley's book had a
portrait of Malcolm X on the cover, as soon as
they left I shoved my book in Buddy’s face and
said, "Check that out!" The X looked exactly like
the grad student! (And it turned out that the
grad student had been trying to look like
Malcom X.) It was God’s preview for me—
something He does fairly often, only you don’t
realize it unless you’ve got a decent relationship
going with Him, which I didn’t have at the time.
I was born again but keeping my distance,
though I reached out to God enough that we
were on the first of the Mucky Church Tours.
But I didn’t see this couple again until five or
six years later, in the Midwest, when they were
again living minutes from our home since God is
the Master Choreographer (Acts 17:24-28). It
was then, out in the middle of Nowhere Indiana,
that God connected us so that we became close
family friends. At the time, Mrs. X and I were
both letting Jesus Lord over our lives so we had
a strong relationship—fellowship. She’s the one
who’d made the draining comment.
So one day the girls and I had left our
apartment, but halfway to where we were going I
turned around for some little nothing. It had
been God’s leading because a fire had started in
the kitchen due to a malfunction with the stove
which hadn’t been turned on (Eph. 6:12). Later
that day, talking with Mrs. X on the phone, she
went off because of a dream she’d had that same
afternoon of an intense spiritual battle involving
us and a fire, so that she’d worn herself out in
the battle. Mrs. X was walking so closely with the
Lord at the time that He used her to intercede
for us while she was physically asleep. She'd
worn herself out in the battle, which represented
the Lord interceding for us using her (Heb.
7:25). Moved by her prayers to turn around, I
got home just in the nick of time. God used her
because that’s the kind of relationship we had,
one centered on Him (Gal. 6:2). YouTube Our
God is Greater Chris Tomlin.
Another time, Mrs. X had me give the eulogy
at her baby’s funeral since I’d been prayer
journaling the spiritual war during the baby’s life
from conception to death, to eternal life (1 Tim.
6:19, see NIV). Having impressed me to do that,
God then had me sum up the year and a half into
a four page poem for the eulogy. And while I’m
not into public speaking—AT ALL—and the
service was standing room only, not only did I
not blow my cookies or faint, an older woman
literally ran out of the church after me in her
high heels to praise God, with several others
following, back to back to back (2 Cor. 12:9). The
last one was a giant blue-eyed creature who
vigorously shook my hand then shook my
husband’s hand then shook my friend’s hand, all
the while saying, What a beautiful day!
Beautiful beautiful day! Praise God! Praise
God! More vigorous hand shaking, drained, I
then noticed the powderpuff clouds on baby blue
skies (Heb. 13:2). It really was a beautiful day!
After I’d written the poem, I’d gone over to
read it to Mrs. X, showing up just as they’d
returned from the morgue (not planned). In her
20s, looking like 80, heartbroken and exhausted
from her ordeal of the past 15 months, I had to
gently physically lead her to sit down. But as I
read her the poem, she increasingly became
herself again so that as soon as I finished, she
yelled for Mr. X to come and hear it. Within the
hour both Xs and I were genuinely laughing
again—and they had just viewed their infant at
the morgue. Only God can do that! (Ps. 51:17).
But because of the Whorish BRAT, the chord
with our dear friends (and theirs with each
other) was broken. Like so many Christians of
our day, they divorced, so I’m not including the
poem in this book (2 Cor. 2:11).
However, it’s noteworthy that Mrs. X didn’t
hesitate to correct me concerning the poem. I’d
written “when they took her to X-ray” when it
should have been to “Delivery.” It had to do with
her being pregnant and about to give birth so
that if I’d rudely ignored her correction, as
pastors do me, her manner would have changed
drastically (Gal. 5:15)—as mine has towards
them and towards Christians as a whole. And if
she hadn’t bothered to correct me, as most
Christians do Church leaders—we would have
made God look the fool, as the BRAT has done
(Rom. 2:24).
God allowed the chord with our friends to be
broken to make an important point. When her
trials ended, so did her close walk with the
Lord—like it does for EVERYONE—a point God
nailed with 9/11. All Christians were talking
about how the victims had suddenly made that
emergency 911 call to God for help. Emergency
over, it was back to business as usual for
Christians. It’s the reason God kept our family—
me, my whole life—in continual trials. (I put it in
past tense since it’s been pretty ‘quite’ the past
two years, girls now completely on Satan’s turf.)
So while Bill Bean had referred to me as God’s
punching bag, I’ve really been more like Satan’s
chew toy. (And I wrote that three years before
getting chewed up by those dogs.) Without the
trials/heartache, the body of Christ being what it
is, I would also ignore what Christ did for me
and tells me (Phil. 2:21). No doubt, because
“there is none that seeketh after God. [We] are
all gone out of the way, [we] are together become
unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no,
not one” (Rom. 3:11-12). The Legend of the
Guardians (2010) is appropriate, and
appropriately dark.
Having taken a break, I just came back to
this part of the book to edit, and I have to
acknowledge that it ties in to the movie I
watched last night, The Best of Me (2014).
Watching this movie I had to repeatedly repent
to God that if I were in her shoes, and married as
she was and as I am, and connected with a man
like she was who loved me like he loved her (and
she loved him), I’d immediately break God’s
command and get divorced, sinning before even
getting the divorced. It’s a no-brainer. And why
would I do that? I would do it because we were
created by God to love and be loved, not to live
in complete mental isolation. And yet,
Christianity has made it impossible to live God’s
way so people are getting love (or trying to get
it) however they can, by sinning against God.
And I’m no different. Given the opportunity, I
would do exactly the same thing. That’s honest.
Today’s pastors would take that confession
and write me off as being rebellious against God
while they’re seriously rebelling against God and
ignoring their rebellion, refusing to even
acknowledge it when confronted. And that’s
exactly what Ken did, and what they’ve all done.
The difference between us is that I acknowledge
the possibility of my rebellion while I walk in
obedience to God—whereas they ignore the
possibility while actually rebelling against God
and refusing to repent. It’s a pretty big
Moreover, the way God has had me live,
along with my confession, sums up the core of
God’s expectations of us, the Vessels of Mercy.
That’s the Point: we are all sinners, who, given
the opportunity/situation, would sin just as bad
as those we look down upon. Essentially, those
you dislike the most, the type of people you
dislike the most are exactly the type you would
be apart from God’s grace.
In fact, God is revealing this very thing with
Church leaders and with other leaders. Born
again Church leaders will eventually realize that
they have become exactly the type of person they
preach against, the kind of people the abhor the
most. But because they turned a blind eye to the
truth, and did it more and more, they got
increasingly further and further from God and
from the type of person they wanted to be and
think they are. Instead, they’ve become the type
of person they least wanted to be. I’ve seen it
happen again and again.
God has also revealed this with many
unbelievers, non-Christians. So here’s an
example everyone can relate to in the
documentary, We Steal Secrets: The Story
of WikiLeaks (2013). As with everything else
(but the Bible) surely there is truth mixed in
with lies. But the core message is probably close
to Target. And what we see is Julian Assange
become what he stood against, because that’s
what happens to all of us when we reject God.
And since most reject God, people in general
overlook the negative and praise others for the
But that’s not what God does. That’s not how
He works, which should be abundantly clear by
now for those who’ve actually been doing their
Homework and paying attention. And, the thing
is, it doesn’t matter how well you measure up
with other people. What matters is how well you
measure up to God.
c. 1382
John Wycliffe provided the first
translation which he developed from
the Latin Vulgate. (He didn’t use the
original Hebrew and Greek in which
the Bible was written.)
John Hus, likeminded with Wycliffe,
was burned at the stake prophesying
that in 100 years God would raise up
a man whose call for reform could
not be suppressed. (A prophesy
which God fulfilled with Martin
Luther's actions of 1517).
Johann Gutenberg invented the
Reformation of the Church.
Thomas Linacre compared the
Gospel from the Latin Vulgate to the
original Greek and made the
comment, Either the original text
isn't the Gospel or we aren't
Christian, confirming what Wycliffe,
John Hus, and others reformers had
discerned, as had the Waldenses
and Albigenses. Meaning, while the
majority of "Christians" were
steeped in the false doctrines of the
Roman Catholic church, there had
always been a small remnant that
worshipped God biblically, as
required BEFORE the “Great”
Erasmus cleaned up the Latin
Vulgate providing a parallel New
Testament in Latin and Greek, again
revealing that the Catholic Vulgate
was corrupted.
Luther nailed a list 0f 95 heresies
the Catholic church was carrying out
onto the door of the church in
Wittenberg, Germany, spurring on
the “Great” Reformation of the
William Tyndale used Erasmus’
work to translate the New
The Ekklesia Gets an EKG
Seeing the magnitude of the spiritual war from a
historical angle, as shared in this section, will
help you see that all of today’s Church leaders—
the hirelings (John 10:12-13)—are carnal, if you
can't yet see it (which would be pretty amazing!).
Since we’re talking about documented
history, if others can have this understanding so
that the information is found on the web, Church
leaders should have it all the more—and be
teaching God's people. But they’re not. And
while it’s severely condensed here, it should still
be very enlightening. And I’ve given you plenty
of excellent documentaries and other resources
to get you fully enlightened.
Bible Translations. The Lord walked
my family through a study of the key Bible
translations around 2003 or so, showing us that
the best English translation readily available
today at a decent price is the King James
Version. However, in December of 2013 God
showed me a flaw within the King James which
has had a tremendous impact on Christianity
throughout the last 500 years. It’s important
because today’s Christians are at war with each
other over the Bible translations while ignoring
all of them. And the most conservative are
adamant about the strengths of the King James,
blind to its tremendous flaw, while also not
obeying what God says in it. Blind hypocrites.
I’ll first run down a quick sketch of the
English Bible translations.
Testament into English along with
much of the Old Testament, unable
to finish because he was killed by
Tyndale was imprisoned then
strangled and burned at the stake
praying, "Oh Lord, open the king of
England's eyes."
John Rogers built upon Tyndale’s
providing the first printing of the
English Bible (Old and New
Testaments) translated from the
original languages. However, at the
time, the "Church" made it illegal to
either publish or have a Bible in the
English language.
King Henry VIII wanted to do what
he wanted to do—sin—so he broke
away from the Church of Rome, the
Catholic church, and declared
himself the head of the church of
England (launching the Anglican
authorized Thomas Cramer and
Myles Coverdale (one who had
worked with Tyndale) to publish
The Great Bible. It was called
“great” because it was huge—pulpit
sized—a showpiece.
hundreds of reformers at the stake
so that many escaped to Geneva,
1550s-60s Reformers in Geneva—including
John Foxe, Miles Coverdale, and
John Calvin—produce the Geneva
Bible, the first to add numbered
verses to the chapters and
commentary, making it the first
study Bible. This was the Bible the
Pilgrims brought with them on the
Mayflower. There were actually
more than a 100 editions/revisions
to the Geneva Bible. It was popular
among Protestants because of the
reformers on the margins.
1582-1610 The Roman Catholic church throws
in the towel and produces its
English Bible, the Douay-Rheims
Version, based on the corrupted
Vulgate translation.
1604/1611 Displeased with the reformers’
commentary in the Geneva Bible,
and approached by Anglican clergy,
King James I decides to produce
'his' Bible by "authorizing" scholars
to produce the "1611 King James
Bible." Essentially, if you can’t beat
‘em, MAKE IT LOOK LIKE you’re
no longer against ‘em (2 Cor. 11:14).
Christians have gulped down the lie
because he retained about 90% of
Tyndale's translation—which is what
Satan always does. He takes
something of God’s and sprinkles
feces in the batter so that the
undiscerning can’t tell what they’re
actually eating.
In 1604, when King James allowed scholars
to give English speaking people the Bible (the
"Authorized Version" making it seem as if all the
others were unauthorized by God), he did it
while protecting his own interests. Because not
only was he king of England, he considered
himself head of the church of England, a title
belonging to Jesus (Col. 1:18). Usurping Christ’s
authority, King James made it clear to the
translators, who also had a vested interest (like
not getting killed), that certain words should not
be translated to represent the true meaning of
the original languages, doing it in order to keep
‘his’ people under his control. It's similar to what
the American South did by making it illegal for
Blacks to learn to read and write, and what
pastors do by not informing God's people of
what goes on behind the scenes. If you keep
people uninformed they’ll be dependent on you
so that you can oppress them. It’s the goal of
sinners, only it’s really Satan’s goal. It’s all the
same power trip that’s gone on throughout
history since the Fall of Man (Gen. 3:6). Satan
just repackages his slime in a zillion different
ways (2 Cor. 2:11) and is enabled to spread it like
frosting on cake because IOWA let him (Phil.
2:21)—which is why you need to know the Bible
and the Lord well.
So one of the words King James required the
translators to use rather than what was more
accurate, was the English word church for the
Greek word ekklesia. King James knew there
was a better, more accurate word, since William
Tyndale had used the true meaning of the word
ekklesia by translating it to assembly.
HOMEWORK: Christians love to ignore
most of God's WORD and fight over their
opinions. And except for Scripture, this book
is my opinion! And my opinion, like
everyone else's is tainted by sin and by the
fact that I don't know Greek or Hebrew. I've
done my Homework and gone by faith that
it's true that the Tyndale Bible nowhere uses
the word "church." There's no search engine
where I can search for the word 'church' in
the Tyndale version that's available online
(as far as I’m aware). However, I've done
that search in the YLT on biblegateway,
and the word church is not in that version.
That, tied in with everything else God has
shown me, while aware of Satan's schemes,
and the full counsel of God, have led me to
make the conclusions I've made (which
others have also made, concerning the KJV).
Do all of your Homework, putting aside
your opinion, and see what you discern
(Prov. 3:5-7).
The Greek parts that make up the word
ekklesia are said to mean ‘out from and to’ and
‘to call,’ as in “Come out from among them, and
be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the
unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Cor.
6:17). When God calls us out, He’s calling us out
of our own sinful ways, out of the sinful world,
and out of the sinful ways of the manmade
church system. Tyndale understood this, as did
King James (to a point).
So while Tyndale had used the more correct
translation of ekklesia, assembly, he was killed
in 1536 by Satan’s puppets who worked for King
Henry VIII (who served Satan), killed as a
heretic because his translation of God's WORD
undermined the king’s authority, and therefore,
Satan's—a re-run (John 19:14-16). King Henry
considered himself head over the people in all
things, including spirituality, since that's the lie
Satan fed him and what his wicked heart wanted
to believe (Jer. 17:9) so that he swallowed it
whole ( 2 Thess. 2:10-11). And Satan fed him that
lie because he uses people to get what he wants,
which is to rule the world by ruling God’s Church
(Isa. 14:13-14). In turn, King Henry persecuted
Tyndale for years, imprisoned him, and then
killed him, since Satan is a liar and a murderer
(John 8:44). But before dying, Tyndale prayed
that God would “open the eyes of the king of
Therefore, in response to His loyal servant’s
prayer, Jesus, the King of kings (Rev. 19:16), put
it in King James’ heart to be open to the Bible at
least somewhat.
In turn, as king—as head of the State and
considering himself head of the church of
England—endowed with a wicked heart (Jer.
17:9), King James commanded that while
Tyndale’s translation could be used for
developing his version of the Bible, the King
James Version, the translators were not allowed
to use the word assembly but required to use
church instead, with the exception of three
places where it didn’t fit or didn't matter (Acts
19:32, 39 & 41).
And here’s why it matters so much. If God’s
people were to see, to view, the body of Christ as
an assembly of people rather than as a church—
which has strong connotations of ‘a building’—
the king (therefore, Satan) would not have had
the control he wanted to have over the people.
Long story short, and to summarize it, the
majority of professing Christians of the Middle
Ages had been incorporated into the State
awakened more reformers for the climax of the
Reformation when the elect broke off from the
State/Catholic church making the two groups of
Catholic and Protestant so that Satan suffered a
"deadly wound" (Rev. 13:3).
Then, Satan, pressing forth with his plan,
hidden behind King James, was allowed by God
to fool the elect because the elect let Satan rule
over us by loving our will more than His (Phil.
2:21)—just like Adam and Eve had done (Gen. 2
& 3). So while that has always been the case,
there has also always been a remnant of people
not willing to compromise their faith for their
desires, as with the Old Testament prophets, the
first Christians, the Waldenses, Albigenses,
Huguenots, and early Pilgrims. While these
people have been willing to suffer severe
persecution rather than turn a blind eye to the
truth, the rest have historically lobotomized
themselves (in part) and gone with the flow of
denominations, most of them not actually being
elect (Matt. 7:13).
But since born again Christians can be
prodigal, some elect have been part of the mess
of denominations, fooled by Satan on many
counts (1 Cor. 3:11-15) due to their own wicked
hearts (Rom. 3:10). And since this is what’s
happened for 500 years, today, there’s hardly
anyone on the Lord’s side. Because professing
Christians bought into lies, and that pile of lies
has increased with time, Christianity Today is
loaded down with more lies than truth. The
foundation is true, that Jesus is Lord God, but
just about everything else Christianity Today is
doing and saying is unbiblical. And when you try
separating the truth from the lies, and then hold
Christians accountable, as God has had me do,
you see that those “Christians” love their lies
more than they love the Truth, Jesus Christ, so
that it’s not likely that they really are Christian,
not according to the Manual, the Bible.
The sinners’ love for an easier Ride is
revealed throughout the Old Testament,
throughout the New Testament, and through
(Catholic) church history up through the Middle
Ages, and then again with the reformers who
submitted to men rather than to God, as we see
with denominations and Miles Coverdale. Mr.
Coverdale had been hired by Thomas Cramer as
directed by King Henry VIII, to publish the
"Great Bible." But why would Coverdale have
agreed to work for the king who was obviously
not really interested in honoring God?
My guess is that Coverdale did what today’s
Christians do. He thought to himself, Well, at
least the people will have God’s WORD in
English (and I won’t get killed). He rationalized,
watering down and compromising the
importance of every word of God’s WORD, the
Bible, even though God says, “Command your
sons to observe to do ALL the words of this law,
for it [is] not a vain thing for you, for IT [IS]
YOUR LIFE” (Deut. 32:46-47, YLT, my
But who can really blame Coverdale? I
mean, I sure wouldn’t wanna get tied to a stake,
have my life’s work stacked at my feet for fodder,
and get set on fire to be burned alive. Would
you? I’m sure I would have come up with the
same exact reasoning—SUPERFAST! No doubt!
So, on the one hand, God was being merciful
and laying out the Royal Red Carpet for His elect
by providing His WORD in the language that
would become world renown, English, and of
today’s world superpower, the U.S. On the other
hand, God was blinding us (to a degree), laying
out the Red Carpet of Delusion (Isa. 66:4; 2
Thess. 2:10-11) and Derision (Ps. 2:4) because
our wicked hearts grovel for human leadership
and the security they offer, rather than for Him,
the Truth (John 14:6) and the security that He
offers eternally
HOMEWORK: Way too much has been
written on the English Bible translations
while Satan has been cast forth on us as
ruler (John 12:31, YLT) due to our continual
rebellion (Jer. 17:9; 2 Thess. 2:10-11) as God
knew would happen (Matt. 23:34), which is
why He let it happen! So it’s all very
confusing! God gave us more power with
Christ but He also gave us more of Satan in
our face, by casting him “forth” on us. So it
becomes clearer when you just look at the
fruit of what we have today and compare it
with the Bible, which I’ve done for you. But
since you still have to do your own
Homework, I also provide one of the best
sources I’ve found on this subject. Still, you
have to be willing to let God reign over you,
which always means letting go of your will,
opinion, and desires. It's only by making
that mental adjustment—surrendering—that
God takes over and transforms your mind so
that you end up wanting the same things He
does (Ps. 37:4). Google Ekklesia - Bible
Truth Cooper P. Abrams.
As time moved forward, the image of God’s
body as a church building grew and expanded
and ingrained itself into the minds of men so
that today we talk about "going to church" and
ask each other "What church do you belong to?"
And Church/Assembly leaders and other
Christians look down on those that don’t actually
go to church. Others accept any church as being
honorable, as with the Unitarian church. In fact,
today’s Christian leaders think that you can’t
even know God without being a member of a
church. Yet, all the while, even the distorted
King James Bible (mother of most modern
English translations readily available today)
says, “God that made the world and all things
therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and
earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands”
(Acts 17:24). Rather, “Ye [born again] are the
temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will
dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be
their God, and they shall be my people” (2 Cor.
6:16, my emphasis). He also says, “Ye also, as
lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an
holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 2:5).
God’s Church, His ekklesia, His assembly,
His body, is not a building or made up of
buildings. His Church is a body (a group) of
assemble together wherever, whenever, and
however God leads. And while today’s Christians
know this in their hearts and minds, all talk as if
church means buildings. And pastors ignore the
truth since I (and others God is using) don’t
“belong” to “their” church.
Class, repeat after me: BRAIN WASHED.
I was brainwashed.
You’ve been brainwashed.
All elect have been brainwashed.
And it didn’t even begin with King Henry
VIII, because in 325 A.D. the church (a mixture
of elect and non-elect individuals making up
what had become the “official” Christian
religion) joined the State under Constantine. In
turn, the so called Church was fashioned into a
powerful force that dictated “truth” to the
people, wielding her physical sword for her own
political advantage imposing herself as mediator
between God and man, usurping Jesus’
authority, because Satan “who opposeth and
exalteth himself above all that is called God, or
that is worshipped…as God sitteth in the temple
of God, shewing himself that he is God” (2
Thess. 2:4). So by the time the King James Bible
was to be developed, a Bible developed for the
church of England (a church led by Satan, not
Christ), the translators modified the text to make
it line up better with the traditions and practices
already in place, pagan traditions of men which
had been ingrained for more than a thousand
And the same thing has repeated since the
Reformation because God’s people still did not
fully obey God’s WORD but split into
denominations. And, like a snowball, the
problem has gotten worse with time.
So while professing Christian leaders of the
Catholic church would burn parents alive
because they taught their children the Lord’s
Prayer and commandments in English, this
same type of thing continued with the
Protestants, as with the Anabaptists, this time
Protestants killing Protestants. (There are
several documentaries and docudramas on my
YouTube channel summing it all up.) This
lording over people is still going on, as I’m
relaying to you and as many have spoken about
on the web and in books. Lording over people by
professing Christians and born again Christians
is going on all over Christianity Today: in
congregations, in small groups, in ministries, in
Christian colleges, in homeschool groups, and in
Christian families. Christianity Today, more
specifically, born again Christians today, are not
fully submitted to Jesus Christ, but to the
antichrist, Satan (Rev. 13:3; Phil. 2:21; Jer.
In fact, because they’re so submitted to him,
God says, prophesied, that Satan’s “deadly
wound was healed: and all the world wondered
after the beast” (Rev. 13:3). But because it’s
currently happening, all the world wonders after
the beast.
In contrast, being submitted to Christ leaves
ZERO room for unbiblical doctrines or for
hatred/bullying. Rather, submitted to Christ,
when we disagree we humbly seek God,
individually and as a group, and wait for Him to
show us, as a group, the way to go, the way to
follow Him (Eph. 5:21). Instead, today’s
Christians have yelling matches, revealing that
they are more in tune with Satan that with Jesus
Christ. And they do much worse than yell.
Watchmen on the Walls. There are
many Christian ‘watchman’ websites in existence
today because of what’s being going on, and they
tend to be very IN YOUR FACE—a major
turnoff. However, they’re so passionate because
what’s going on in Christianity Today is
outrageously unbiblical and damning.
At the same time, I haven’t read of anyone
saying the complete truth of what’s taken place
along with the vision for what God has meant
for His Church nor what He’s bringing about—as
I do in the series. Better Christians correctly
(biblically) condemn some truths of Christianity
Today’s church system, but they ignore other
biblical truths (Rev. 22:18-19). Overall, like the
lost, the born again have been much more
concerned with being right, than with being
right with God. And they’ve done it because
that's what sinners do when not taking all their
thoughts captive to Jesus Christ as commanded
to do (2 Cor. 10:5), doing it for not fully loving
the truth, Jesus (2 Thess. 2:10-11).
HOMEWORK: If you’re ‘getting it,’ you
need to get right with God on all counts,
then get on your knees before God and pray
for His Church, especially for Church leaders
who are the more conservative and have the
largest platforms. Ask God who He wants
you to focus on. YouTube Nicole C.
Mullen Kingdom Come.
God has a very real purpose for Church
leadership but it’s far from what the Catholics
made of it and what Protestants have made of it!
(Eph. 4:11-16). Tyndale understood that the
word “church” severely misrepresents the
meaning Christ has for His ekklesia, His
assembly of people. In turn, he fought against
the perversion of the Gospel, contending for the
faith knowing that people have the God-given
right to worship God, assembling wherever as
led by God, with the God-ordained responsibility
to search the Scriptures for themselves (Jude
1:3; Acts 17:11), without having to rely on clergy
(Heb. 4:15-16) though helped by them when
done biblically (Eph. 4:11-16). Tyndale’s
understanding naturally spurred an all-out
attack from the State and the clergy since they
were united and since this truth undermined
their power. Therefore, they called him and the
other reformers heretics, when they were the
actual heretics (Jer. 17:9; Matt. 23).
All that said, I discern God has wanted me to
stick to the King James primarily, while noting
this huge problem, because all the readily
available English translations are somewhat
corrupted—the King James less so. Currently,
the Tyndale New Testament is online, but it’s
still in old English and without a search option.
You can also get the Geneva Bible, but it’s not
user friendly, cheap, in the public domain, with a
search option, and neither does it reflect the
literal translation in important terms as with
‘assembly.’ It’s basically just a show piece.
What sinners have done with the Bible is
what they’ve done with church buildings, they’ve
focused on the outward appearance (Matt. 24:12), and they sure don’t give freely what they’ve
been freely given (Matt. 10:8; 2 Cor. 2:17). Some
do, but not most. Those awake to the state of the
government, providing their movies and other
material for free on YouTube, are more
conscientious than Church leaders who peddle
"their" Bibles for profit (2 Cor. 2:17, see NIV).
YouTube Follow You Leeland.
God is interested in the inward man (1 Sam.
16:7), and calls us out to worship Him in Spirit
and in truth (John 4:24) wherever we are, 24/7.
Therefore, New Testament believers assembled
in houses (Mark 14:15; Acts 1:12-14; Rom. 16:5; 1
Cor. 16:9) at the river (Acts 16:13-14) on the
streets (Matt. 9:19-22; Acts 16:16-18), in the
synagogue (Acts 17:1-2 & 17), in the marketplace
(Acts 17:17), in the temple (Acts 22:17), and
throughout the city (Acts 24:12)—as Jesus had
modeled for them and as the Holy Spirit led.
However, because key clergy today make
their living off God’s WORD, receiving many
perks from the State (government) and prestige
because of it, they haven’t been willing to
consider foundational biblical truths, and
respond hatefully when approached (1 Tim. 2:34). They feel threatened, and rightly so, because
biblical truth threatens their lifestyles TO THE
CORE! "This is the condemnation, that light is
come into the world, and men loved darkness
rather than light, because their deeds were evil”
(John 3:19).
The truth is that the Reformation of the
Middle Ages changed little. Even though
believers separated from the State church, the
same concept of church persisted along with
many of the unbiblical practices which had come
from pagans. The dumb sheep continued to
focus on the outward appearance looking to
human leaders for direction rather than to
Jesus, their High Priest, flocking as spectators to
hear their leaders, building ever bigger buildings
for them, getting ever deeper into bondage as
they continually dumbed themselves down by
not becoming the teachers they were each called
by God to be (Matt. 28:18-20) and by not
heeding His warning to not become idolaters
(Ex. 34:17; James 2:3; 2 Tim. 4:3; John 5:44;
Rom. 16:27).
In turn, Christianity has come to be defined
by buildings where men of skill and charisma
interpret God’s WORD for all of God’s people
under a corporate banner (held by Satan), rather
than as the assembly of called out people who
walk humbly before God as His loving servants,
expressing the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-26)
as they listen to and obey Him, both individually
and as a group in humble submission to each
other under the lordship of Christ (Eph. 5:21).
Today's Church is a tradition of men, keeping us
in bondage as men make money off the Gospel
which we are not supposed to do, as we’ve been
told and have had modeled for us (Matt. 10:8; 2
Cor. 11:9). The New Testament example of how
God’s assembly ministers is without charge, and
definitely without profit, giving free of charge
what we have received free of charge. Christ
fulfills our needs as we ask of Him (not of
people). Doing so biblically (Matt. 3:8), He
moves mountains or people to fulfill our needs
(Matt. 7:8). Love also doesn’t lord over people
(Matt 20:25-28). A love like that is, by
definition, not love.
The Harlot Church. Everything the
Lord has shown me and has had me experience
concerning Christianity Today, reveals that the
man-made institution we have created and call
God’s Church, made up of churches, is little
different from corporate business.
In fact, in his article, Christ’s Ekklesia
and The Church Compared, Richard
Anthony lists points from the “Tax Guide for
Churches and Other Religious Organizations”
put out by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
I've chunked it down so you can see that what
man has created really is a business run by the
State/government rather than by Christ, with
pastors taking advantage of both the
government and God’s people, fooled to think
that this is working out well for them (2 Thess.
A Distinct Legal Existence: They all have a
name like First Baptist Church of Anywhere,
USA. But Jesus simply said “I will build my
assembly” (Matt. 16:18. YLT).
A Recognized Creed and Form of Worship:
Go to any church’s webpage and you can read
their creed. In contrast, the Bible—from
beginning to end—is the actual creed for God’s
An Ecclesiastical Government: It’s part of
nearly every church and of every denomination.
In contrast, God’s people are governed by the
Lord Jesus Christ (Isa. 9:6-7 & 22:21). They go
when He says go and stay when He says stay
(Gen. 7:1; Gen. 12:1; Ex. 4:19 & 13:21; 2 Sam.
24:12; 2 Kings 1:3; Ps. 32:8; Ps. 46:10; Mark
6:10; Matt. 16:24; Acts 10:20; Acts 16:9-10; 1
Thess. 1:8). God's people are to submit to one
another in the fear of God (Eph. 5:21),
submitting to God first and then to people who
also live under His lordship (Mark 12:28-31). If
they don't submit to His lordship then God does
not required us to submit to them since He
placed Jesus as Lord of all (Luke 14:27) and has
told us that we each will give an account to Him
of our actions (Rom. 14:12).
A Formal Code of Doctrine: Today's churches
and denominations pick and choose what they
focus on out of the Bible, thereby rejecting the
Bible (Rev. 22:18-19).
A Distinct Religious History: Behind nearly
every church is a denomination, and behind
that, some man. The reality is that Christian
history began with God and that’s where focus
should be, on God and not men (Gen. 1:1).
A Membership: Today's churches require you
to join them and submit to them rather than
abide in Christ who says our membership is in
His body (1 Cor. 12:12-22; 2 Cor. 3:1-3) under
His lordship (Col. 1:18, 2:10, 2:19; Eph. 4:15 &
Ordained Ministers: Nearly all of them have a
piece of paper showing us man’s stamp of
approval from a man-made institution, a model
God rejects (John 7:15; Acts 4:13; Phil. 3:8).
Instruction of Children: God commands us to
train up the children He gave us (Prov. 22:6). It’s
not as if Sunday school teachers (or daycare
provides, or any other teacher, for that matter)
will be held accountable for our parenting
because training/teaching children is parenting
(Rom. 14:12). Moreover, God’s example of a
worship service includes the children. God's
Church is for the entire family, from the
newborn to the elderly (2 Chron. 20:13; Neh.
12:43; Acts 21:5; Acts 20:8-10).
Jesus came to establish “pure religion”
(James 1:27) as God had taught since the
beginning. He poured out His Spirit into His
believers so that we are now the temple, the
Church of God, His called out assembly of
people, empowered by Him to fulfill the good
works He ordained us to do, the work of loving
God and man (Eph. 2:10: Mark 12:29-30)—a
work we are to do 24/7, not just once or twice a
week as we come together in a building called
But because of our wicked ways, and to
reveal to us the depths of our wicked ways, God
has allowed His followers to be somewhat
(extensively) deceived for the last 2000 years
while—at the same time—doing what He
promised, never leaving or forsaking us (Deut.
31:6; Heb. 13:5). Rather, His people have left
and forsaken Him repeatedly and TO THE
How Should it Work? The reformers
thought God would reform the established
Church, but since the leaders didn’t reform
God’s elect separated from the Catholic church
(Rev. 18:4). Today, God is calling His elect to
come out of the established Church—the
churches run by the government and divided by
denominations and other false doctrines. He's
also calling elect unbelievers to come out of the
world. In sum, God is calling His people, the
Vessels of Mercy, to come out of the lies you’ve
been immersed in so that we become His
assembly, a group empowered by Him in order
to overthrow Satan’s wicked schemes. We are to
submit to God and each other (Eph. 5:21), loving
God and each other (Mark 12:28-31), making the
most of His world (Luke 16:8). When we start
doing what He has told us to do (Eccl. 12:13),
He’ll show us further details of how exactly to
move forward (Isa. 26:9).
In any case, whenever Buddy and I talk
about it, Moses & Company always come to
mind, people who gave more than what was
needed for the work (Ex. 35:21-29 & 36:6-7),
and the Amish. Like the Amish, we have
buildings in which to meet—our homes. We
could have church buildings if those leaders
were to repent. Either today’s Christian leaders
will reform or come out of the current Church
system man has created, God knows. But the
elect will honor God because Christ has
promised to build His Church, His Assembly,
and that Satan would not be able to prevent Him
from doing so (Matt. 16:18). The reason God has
allowed Satan to have such a strong influence
and sit as God in the temple of God is to reveal
to us, the elect, how wicked our hearts really
are—wicked enough to let Satan rule over us
instead of Christ…for hundreds of years!
YouTube Audio Bible Psalm 37.
Obeying God in American
Christianity Today
Unable to get through to His people for
hundreds of years, God raised me up to get past
the impenetrable wall that currently exists
between His rebellious heart-hearted Church
and those She’s supposed to be serving, the rest
of the Vessels of Mercy, those who don’t know
Him as well as those who hunger for more than
what the fake Church is offering. In this chapter
I explain how I heard His calling to first write
the book which He later made into the series, as
well as sum up what I’ve called the Trail of
Tough Love
Commissioned to Plug the Hole in the Cup,
explained in the first book, having cried out to
God for how to get victoriously through this long
and difficult season of our lives (more than a
decade into it at the time), He led us to buy a
small RV since tent camping died with Buddy’s
illness, and all the trials without fellowship,
family, church, or friends would lead us all to
hate Him if this continued much longer.
However, nothing but the Church’s repentance
will really help. And it’s continued for six more
years, so far, so that the girls have turned away
from Him. Church leaders today, while
professing to love God and people, might as well
be holding the guns and shooting at God’s
people because they’re extreme hypocrites living
double lives. Being hypocrites, they’ve made it
seem as if God’s not real. Why would my
daughters believe the Bible when every single
ignores what it says. Surely, their mom is nuts
for believing it.
So we were camping on Labor Day weekend
of 2009 when I had a dream which turned out to
be God’s calling to write the first draft of this
series of books, which the Lord used as the
foundation for the series of books and videos.
By His grace, we weren’t surrounded this
time by large groups which make it harder on us
since we're always alone and not with friends
and family like most others, having obeyed His
calling to not be hypocrites. Yet hearing their
base talk, though they profess Christ with their
T-shirts, jewelry, and bumper stickers, we knew
we were better off (Ps. 84:10). But it’s been hard;
too hard. It’s so lonely—every evening, every
weekend, every holiday, every special event,
every summer—for me, nearly every single day—
year after year after year after year after year
after year after year after year after year after
year after year after year after year after year
after year after year after year, until summer of
2014 when He let me work at the grocery store.
Yet the few contacts I’ve had since 1999, as with
the grocery store, while ordained by God have
mostly been surrounded by Satan, people
serving Satan not Jesus (Job 1:12; Rev. 13:3). So
this time out camping, a Japanese father and son
were next to us—a very small and quiet group.
(We mostly camp at state parks, finding it much
nicer than private RV parks.) YouTube
Healing Hand of God Jeremy Camp.
On the last night of our trip, Buddy and I
were sitting by the fire keenly feeling the heat as
we faced the new school year, knowing that
every year is harder than the one before. At 15
and 16, the girls had just restarted their college
classes, doing college and homeschool
concurrently as we eased them into Satan’s
world, necessary since a college degree can still
help you make it in society. So this last night of
the trip, questioning how much longer this
would go on and how we were supposed to
endure, our hearts were scraping the ground
more than usual. But we were encouraged as
God reminded us that He will finish what He
started in each of us (Phil. 1:6) and in His
Church (Matt. 16:18), that we’re not really alone
(Heb. 13:5), and that He’ll end it when He’s good
and ready (Eccl. 3:1-8). So Buddy and I picked
our hearts up off the ground, wiped off the dirt
squashing the demons who’d been sucking the
life out of us (Lev. 7:14), and shoved them back
in place. Dousing the fire, we turned in.
There’s a lesson God's taught me since
Eagle. It was their signature Scripture, “They
that wait upon the LORD shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as
eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and
they shall walk, and not faint” (Isa. 40:31). We
didn’t faint, but turned in eager to get closer to
The End (Phil. 1:21). YouTube Everlasting
God Chris Tomlin.
I always sleep better in the RV than at home,
no matter where I sleep—even when there was a
tornado warning. On that occasion I’d been
Dorothy flying round and round in my little
house. Then, as the winds got stronger, we’d
closed the tent beds so that I slept the rest of the
night on the floor—so cozy. When the sirens
blared after midnight, too tired to move—and
unwilling to sleep in the campground bathroom
(so NOT happening!)—I prayed, "Please, just put
a hedge of protection around uszzzzzz" (Job
1:10). Slept great! YouTube Your Praise
Goes On Chris Rice.
This time—Labor Day weekend—I was with
a much taller woman in my dream. We were
walking down the center aisle of the familiar
blue carpet and chairs from Eagle. Surrounded
by blue skies and wispy clouds, it was like the
view out the window of an airplane
(representing the Church without walls). This
woman and I were walking very briskly down the
center aisle. I was trying to keep up with her
while filling her in on something as she listened
intently. Both intense, she was revving up while
I was running out of steam. I was also afraid of
something and thought she was mad at me, but
she wasn’t—but she was mad. She kept
grumbling as I filled her in, and she held
something in her hand. She was on a mission
like a mom who’s about to knock some sense
into that crazy kid o’ hers. Headed straight down
the aisle, she knew exactly what she had to do. I
just kept filling her in. And every time I
remembered something else she’d get more fired
up. Gasping for breath, I stopped short zooming
in on the guy prostrated at the sanctuary steps
pleading to God about something. Mike?
I woke up.
Awake, I saw a vision of one I’m calling Sara
sitting alone at a picnic table during the
Women’s Retreat which took place during our
Experiencing God season, the Bible study by
Henry Blackaby. She was studying her Bible
while we played out on the canoes so that I’d had
a pang of conviction on seeing her with the Lord
while I played around. It was a very clear
remembrance of an event that happened in 1996
or ‘97. Then came the thought so that I quickly
sat up in my RV bed and said almost audibly.
“Sara Glacier. She was the most devoted
Christian I’ve ever known.” (Slim pickings.)
I’d known Dorothy’s dream had been due to
the feel of the wind lifting up the RV tent bed
where I lay at the time, but this airplane dream
stopped me in my tracks, even though I hadn’t
been one to put much weight on dreams and
visions as is common with some in Christianity
Today (Jer. 23:32), though God has told us that
this is one of the ways in which He’ll speak to us
(Num. 12:6). I wasn't as into it because so many
Christians go with dreams and visions without
any backup from God’s WORD, making Jesus
look like a fool. Yet this dream grabbed me by
the heart and lassoed me by the throat.
Slamming me down like a cowboy does a calf
tying me up in knots! All wound up like that, the
RV felt really small.
Stepping out for air, I built a fire, made my
coffee, and asked my Shepherd about it reading
where I’d left off in my Bible. I was digging my
heels in fighting against it. Yet, at the same time,
I wanted to surrender to what it might mean.
That I might get my rump burned? No!
But…well…yeah, that it might be from God.
Because three other dreams I’d had were
suddenly in my face for which God had given me
full confirmation were from Him (John 14:26).
I'd been afraid of something and God does burn
us like cattle. It’s a mark of ownership (2 Cor.
1:21-22). Besides, following Jesus always means
getting burned (2 Tim. 3:12). YouTube Young
Men Shall See Visions, Old Men Shall
Dream Dreams. Uploaded by Garu4You.
Still, I had to have God’s WORD to go with
it—ongoing confirmation—since that’s the only
way to stay on the way (Isa. 30:21). So as God
would have it, in almost all my Bible intake for
the next few days He was speaking to people
through dreams (Gen. 20, 28, 31 &. 37). And
because God had had many prophesy to me that
I was being used like Joseph from the Old
Testament, which I’d already been walking in, I
surrendered and let Him burn m'butt. But unlike
cattle, unfortunately, I've been getting a very
long slow burn. And it hurts.
So while the Lord has had me prayer
journaling, I wasn’t doing it at the time since
Joe’s experience keeps him in the dog house for
so long. But God spoke to me about this dream
enough that it became crystal clear that He not
only wanted me to write a book detailing what
I’ve experienced (I later discerned that’s what
was in Sara's hand in my dream) but to also
make a huge wood burning (18” x 20”) for Sara’s
congregation. (Wood burning was the craft of
the time. I’d burn a picture to go with a Scripture
on the front and burn in many of the
prayers/Scriptures God had me pray for them on
the back.) God was calling me to pray for and
encourage God’s people, for whom I thought He
was having me write a book. I hadn’t though it
was for publication. I’d thought Sara would get
it, since she was a mature Christian. So I thought
she would enlighten Kerry Bowman and
Company who would enlighten Sunder Krishnan
who would enlighten Ravi Zacharias and the rest
of RZIM. And since Christian rebellion is such
no brainer stuff, I figured they’d immediately
repent and my job was over. After all, they have
an international platform whereas I’m TOTALLY
But, as God has said, they’re comatose dead
(Rev. 3:1), and neither are our ways His. He
says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways…For as the
heavens are higher than the earth, so are my
ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts
than your thoughts (Isa. 55:8-9).
I later trashed the wood burning along with
other huge ones He’d had me make. I have a
temper, especially since the BRAT's such an
Idiotic Abusive Whore. But I got over it since
that’s what our commission is all about, getting
used and abused (1 Pet. 2:20-21; 2 Cor. 4:11).
Except it’s not supposed to come from fellow
“believers”—which is what gets me so riled.
In any case, I also later realized that the
wood burnings had been God’s way of getting me
to pray for everyone when I was thoroughly sick
of praying for everyone. (Wood burning's a
pretty cool craft. In fact, I ended up using the
back of the one I made for Ken & Company for
the transition on the videos; looks pretty cool.)
And the real reason I was mad is because it
hasn’t been God’s timing for anyone to respond
(Rom. 9:16). I get mad at God since He’s had me
do so much and go through so much for nothing!
(Sinner.) But, as always, I’ve gotten over it and
repented, asking Him for forgiveness and clarity,
and He’s given it. And it highlights one of the
problems with hypocritical Church leaders,
they’re a stumbling block to God’s people (Rom.
14:13) as they were to Moses (Num. 20:11-13). So
it shouldn’t be happening again since Christian
leaders are supposed to have learned from the
The last several years have been loaded with
trials and blessings to make this (the original)
book what God needs it to be. And nearing the
end, I realized I’ve always made the same
mistake. I’ve kept thinking Christians in
leadership have a heart and discernment. But
that’s the whole reason for the book—they don’t!
So this song sums up how the Lord's encouraged
me (Heb. 7:25). YouTube The Words I
Would Say Sidewalk Prophets.
I knew God was pointing to a massive book
since He’s spoken to me about it my whole life.
Yet having doubts, as I always do when God asks
me to write something, He confirmed it through
my prayer journal even though I hadn’t kept up
with it for being so deep in the Dumps. Yet
thoroughly convicted because of His many
confirmations, I started writing the book on
September 11th of 2009—interesting date, not
planned. So by late October, I was really
repentant for not having kept up with my journal
for months. I go through seasons of praying
Scripture for whom and whatever God leads,
then get so discouraged I can’t stand it
anymore—then I’m back again. Twice I’ve
trashed old journals with bratty temper
tantrums. During one of those I told Him, ‘These
are Your prayers which You put in my head
which You keep in Your vials, so why the [bleep]
should I have to keep ‘em!”
There’s no hiding my bleeps (Ps. 139).
Besides, it’s what sheep do.
Oh, wait, that’s bleat (1 Sam. 15:13-23). Eh.
I’d trashed ALL the journals except for this
one which, for some reason, wasn’t with the rest.
And the thing is, my arguments for trashing
them were true: “These are Your prayers” (Heb.
7:25). “Which You put in my head” (Rom. 8:26).
“Which You keep in Your vials” (Rev. 5:8). So
while I’d spoken the truth, I’d revealed my lack
of faith in Him with my attitude, for which I was
feeling very convicted about, besides troubled,
since He wanted me to write everything down to
be shared. I had to get right with Him! And
while it’s not written that we have to keep a
prayer journal or we’re sinning against God, I
was because He says, “To him that knoweth to
do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin”
(James 4:17). YouTube At the Cross
As prayer journals go, these contain what I
cry out to God and what He answers, or what He
tells me and what I cry out to Him about it. I
have that relationship with Him all the time but
there’s a deeper level to it when some of that
conversation is put on paper. Even though
paper’s dry, through the process, the Lord’s
presence becomes very real and vibrant, as God
is revealing through the next two books. So
before journaling again, I looked at the previous
entry of August 2, 2009. This is what it said:
You told me through DB that I was to
“plug the hole in the cup.” You also made
it clear to me that the hole that drains
out my joy in You is the state of the
present day Church. You’ve had me
praying for years for leaders in the
Church and for those who profess Your
name yet live as hypocrites. You are the
only One who can change ANYTHING
and plug any hole in the Church. What is
it that I’ve misunderstood, Lord? How
do you want me to plug the hole? What
do You want me to do with my life?
Being in the Dumps, there was ZERO
Scripture! Yet in my more contrite state in late
October, rereading my journal entry, I
immediately discerned God had answered my
prayer of August 2nd with the very thing
troubling me now—the book He had called me to
write! He was doing exactly what He promises to
do for the broken and contrite heart—revive it
(Isa. 57:15). And the reason He was reviving me
was because this original book would be the
foundation for the material that will be used by
God’s elect to plug the Hole in the Cup. While
He called me to plug it, He has called all of us to
Atmosphere TobyMac.
I had asked the Lord what He wanted me to
do with my life, meaning, at this juncture, since I
was practically done homeschooling. And while
He had opened a door for me to return to work,
as soon as I'd entered it, it was obviously NOT
the direction He really wanted me to take.
God’s had a habit of doing this with me,
which I refer to as the Lord Taking Me for a
Ride—a necessary Tour of Duty (2 Tim. 2:3). In
2010 I had really wanted to go back to work and
make some money, AND GET OUT OF THIS
HOUSE! But on re-experiencing the garbage
that makes up the workforce, so much deeper
Dumpster Diving having grown in Christ since I
was last in the workforce using my degree,
having been taken on that Ride by the Lord, I
was now much more open to what He wanted
me to do—write a book for His Church, alone,
unpaid, exposing myself, and setting myself up
(Eph. 6:12).
As with all of the Tours He’d taken me on, I
knew writing this book would be difficult, even if
not for publication. I knew it had to be as good
as if for publication (Col. 3:23). Neither have I
ever written a book before, and with God as my
Boss—unsettling (Deut. 18:20). It’s also
physically painful. The diagnosis from Johns
Hopkins was that since I’d been homeschooling
(Ya lazy slob!) I just didn’t want to go back to
work. All the symptoms were just in my head,
you see, as well as in the doctor’s head who sent
me to Johns Hopkins, apparently. It’s like Jesus
being the Son of God is all my imagination—and
billions of other people’s! Besides that, writing
about your life makes you relive your miserable
life. And NOBODY wants to be exposed! I also
knew the Lord would have me experience things
while ‘On the Job’ to teach me some more and
refine me some more, by fire (Isa. 48:10), which
is exactly what He’s done. On top of that, not
only would it not pay, it would cost money and
keep me too busy to work for real. I knew I’d also
have nothing to tell people in respect to what I
do with my time since I could no longer say, “I
homeschool,” not that that was so greatly
received, as with Johns Hopkins. What could I
say now? “I’m writing a book…for God.” Oh
yeah. And for the Grand Finale, I knew it would
have a backlash effect—in multiple ways (Acts
20:23). And it has. And it’s not even public yet!
Still, as God has promised (Heb. 11:6), as I
obeyed, God has repeatedly blessed me (John
21:25). He's funny that way, so gracious and
loving though we’re spoiled, ungrateful brats
(Rom. 8:15), and that’s a message He’s got for all
of His elect, not just this brat (Rom. 5:8).
Whorish Ingrate Iceberg Abusive Comatose
BRAT ‘n all, God still LOVES us (Ps. 86:5).
And He does, not because He’s an idiot, but
because He knows exactly what He’s doing. God
is in the process of CHANGING us—the Vessels
of Mercy—into people like Jesus, perfect, holy,
righteous, loving (1 John 3:2), and fun-loving
too (Mark 10:15). And He’s doing it to make one
VERY BIG and VERY HAPPY NONdysfunctional Family. Jesus purchased a holy
Family for God with His blood (John 20:17),
which is why God says the following to pastors,
"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all
the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath
made you overseers, to feed the church of God,
which he hath purchased with his own blood"
(Acts 20:28, my emphasis). YouTube Be Like
Him Kirk Franklin.
So for most of the time that I was writing the
original book I thought Sara was the woman in
the dream and that the man on his face was
Mike, for whom the Lord had had me write a
short book, Berean Buffet: Courtesy of the
Master Chef, the core of which ended up to be
the chapter called Organized Religion. Mike’s
the one who’d cornered me at the side of the
house not long before the Labor Day dream.
Though a rough exchange (like the kind I grew
up with playing with my brother), it was an
overall ‘friendly’ exchange (both of us passionate
for God).
And because of how it was, it vividly brought
Eagle back to mind—specifically, Kerry and
Eric—something God wanted for this writing
assignment. It had been prep work. It’s all been
prep work for this calling. Bill Bean was the only
one of the four pastors at Eagle who had not
been verbally abusive. In fact, he actually tried
to do right by God, at first—ridiculed by Kerry
for it. So while God had me follow Him through
His Church, He’s been very merciful by only
giving me a taste of everything wrong His people
are doing. It’s like my whole life has been a
series of taste tests: verbal abuse, physical
abuse, Church abuse, dictatorship, etc. If God
had given me the full blown experience on all of
it, or more of it, there’s no way I’d be sound
enough, or willing, to be used this way by Him—
because everyone has a limit.
Anyhow, I eventually realized the woman in
the dream wasn’t Sara. She represented the
Lord’s Girl, the Church, but God had wanted me
to think it was Sara so that I’d be able to write
the book, reach out to her, and see how coldhearted she’s gotten—like every other “mature”
Christian. And Mike (in the dream) is the Man in
all of the born again, humble and faithful
enough to do what needs doing (Job 38:3; 2
Chron. 7:14; Neh. 4:13-23, see NIV; ). Sara—
representing the Church/God's elect, His Bride—
had been holding the book in her hand, the
original book the Lord had me write. What the
Girl had in Her hand was my ministry. Eyes and
ears opened, She knew exactly what She had to
do, repent, pray, fast, and hold some men
accountable. She'd been mad at leadership and
at also at Herself and was heading straight to the
altar, to Christ (Heb. 13:10). And because of the
times in which we’re now living, She finally had
a sense of urgency.
God also wanted Eagle leadership back in
the forefront of my mind because they represent
the norm. It’s hard to explain how God has
worked since you all can’t see any of it yet. But
it’s like this. He’s using the experiences He’s had
me walk through to begin this huge work in the
world by doing a work in His people, the Vessels
of Mercy. And while He could have had me
suffer brutally in so many different ways to
experience more of the stuff that’s going on in
the world and in the Church, He’s only barely
had me experience it—just enough to get it. But
since He’s had me experience it from all angles,
it’s been hurtful enough and yet, in some ways,
hardly hurtful at all. No, that’s not true. It’s been
really hurtful, is really hurtful. But it’s also not
hurtful because, by faith, you have this vision
that makes EVERYTHING work out OK. You’ll
get it eventually. What God has revealed to me,
shared in the next two books, I believe by faith.
Have no doubt about it. He’s made it so obvious.
This is how it is from where I’m standing.
Either the Bible is true, God is real, Satan is real,
words have meaning, there is right and
wrong…or, nothing really matters. So what if
people kill or torture other people. That’s their
right. Who are we to say that’s wrong? If those
other people couldn’t defend themselves, that’s
their own tough luck. Knowing that the first half
of the paragraph makes much more sense, even
though for years nothing in the material realm
has supported it, by faith in God, I know it’s true
because my faith is founded in logic.
In any case, Eagle leadership was extremely
hurtful for many reasons. They had been my first
(and only) ‘home’ church, and that was after a
difficult upbringing along with a crash course on
the fear of God—all of which they knew about.
Having had us park it there for five years, God
let us get to know many in the congregation so
that they brought much healing into my life and
blessed our family. But as He called me to speak
up for Him at all levels, they all took offense
(Matt. 11:6). It had been God’s preview so that
the rest of my Church experience wouldn’t be so
shocking or hurtful. As hard as this calling has
been, especially since the husband God gave me
is neither here nor there, though more here than
there, God has made it as easy as possible for me
because He is a “gracious and merciful God”
(Neh. 9:31).
In fact, I had known while at Eagle that I
was in Boot Camp. I just hadn’t realized the war
would last this long or be as damaging as it’s
been. Though, all things considered, if anyone
should have been prepared, it should have been
me. But my guess is that’s how it is for every
soldier who goes off to war for the first time—a
major reality check, like Bull Run. And while I
was hardly as naïve as that, I never imagined it’d
get this bad, that born again Christians could be
as cold and hard-hearted as they've been, as they
are. Through 2014, I’d hoped and believed better
of them. And the really sick part about it is that I
still do! Just Shoot Me! But the thing is, I HAVE
to hope that because one day, someone will get
it and become a genuine Christian. And without
that hope I might as well shoot me (Heb. 11:6).
And that’s just it. While it often does feel like
I died and went to hell and there is no hope since
even the best Christians are Stefford Wives, I
know I haven’t died and gone to hell because in
hell everyone will bow down and acknowledge
Jesus as Lord (Phil. 2:10). And they don’t do that
here, so I’m not in hell. There is still hope.
Moreover, God has told us that “hope does
not disappoint” (Rom. 5:5, NASB). Besides that,
He’s revealed enough to me so that I know what
He’s doing, and will be doing, as shared in the
next two books. I just don’t know WHEN He’ll
do it, when He’ll deliver me from this pit of hell.
And therein lies the problem with having
faith in God. When you see things from His
perspective, it’s such no brainer stuff that you
struggle when others can’t see it. It’s like using
apples to show PhDs in the hard sciences that 2
plus 2 equals 4. How can you not get it!
For Christians who get frustrated and angry
with disbelievers, they're wrong because they
should know that NO ONE gets it until God
opens their eyes (John 6:44). So while
disbelievers and unbelievers can be infuriating
with all their sinful ways, and there is a place for
righteous anger, there's a fine line we have to
walk along, like walking on a high wire tight
rope. We have to appreciate the fact that they
can't see that the Bible is true, that Jesus is God,
because God has not opened their eyes. So we
drop it. But that doesn't mean we don't express
anger to things they're doing and condone that,
nor join them (Matt. 10:14). And yet, we still
need to drop it because it all goes hand in hand.
Without an understanding of the Bible, and a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ, people
do NOT have wisdom because wisdom comes
from God since “the fear of the LORD is the
beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10). In other
words, without God, people don't and won’t 'get'
the most basic stuff about love and common
decency. And when they do sort of get it apart
from the Bible, it's because of God's grace, not
because they’re any better (Rom. 3:10).
However, since God has opened the eyes of
born again pastors to the Truth (John 1:14), and
they do have that personal relationship with
Him, my anger isn't wrong.
And yet, it is. Because NO ONE 'gets it' until
God FULLY opens their eyes! When you get to
the last book and read my testimony, you should
be able to understand why it feels like I died and
went to hell. YouTube Why Michael Card.
Before having me write the original book,
the Lord had me write booklets for neighbors as
well as acquaintances like our RV dealer and our
roofer, plus all the letters to Church leaders and
others (1 Pet. 2:9; Rom. 1:16). All of that was
prep work for the original book though I hadn’t
known it at the time. And I discern God led me
to believe the book was for Sara because if He
hadn’t I would have been overwhelmed and
unable to write it. As I said, I’d thought Sara
would share it with the backslidden pastors from
the Eagle who would, in turn, enlighten RZIM.
And since RZIM has an international platform
already in place, my job would have been done. I
had a vision of where God was taking it, one that
was much shorter than reality, which helped me
press on. Leadership would immediately repent
internationally and reformation would take hold.
Not so hard. Just write the book, pass it on, then
watch the men do their jobs. GO GOD!
But since everyone’s heart is SO MUCH
realized, it finally dawned on me that I’d been
writing for God’s Girl, the Church, all along.
Trying to get through to Christians, to anyone,
has been like using a little pickaxe to cut a path
across a titanic iceberg from DC to California. It
takes a while. And it's COLD!
Thinking I was writing for Sara and not for
publication, I’d used many pictures from Google
Images to convey what I understood God wanted
me to say. As God provided, I’d gain greater
understanding of what He was saying which, in
turn, refined my writing—along with all the
sermons and Bible reading etc. And the many
Tours He’s taken me on during this time (since
2009) have done the same, calling for loads of
writing, rewriting, and editing. And because I
thought I was writing to a mature Christian
girlfriend (Sara), rather than to some arrogant,
cold, mean, tall, pastor, I wrote in a very
laidback manner. But if I’d thought I was writing
for publication, for everyone to read, I’d
immediately gone AWOL (John 6:60, NIV).
So on the cover of that first ‘edition,’ of a
book I’d called Wake Up! Carest Not? I’d placed
the scene of Jesus asleep in the boat while the
storm raged, during which time His disciples
freaked out thinking they were about to die since
they had next to zero faith in Him (Mark 4:3641). Then on waking and calming everything and
everyone down, Jesus rebuked the disciples for
their lack of faith since they had already seen
Him perform miracles and confessed Him as
Lord (John 1:41 & 49). And since God “neither
slumber[s] nor sleep[s]” (Ps. 121:4), it wasn’t
Jesus who’d been sleeping on the job, but His
disciples (Jer. 17:9; Rom. 3:10).
And since history repeats itself (Eccl. 1:9)—
and all are in the state of IOWA having a
sleepover (Rom. 13:11)—our world is at the
brink of capsizing for being overloaded with sin
and, therefore, chaos. Like those in the boat,
modern disciples must think Jesus is asleep on
the Job because they’re too asleep to see that
we’re not living up to our obligations in Christ.
Yet Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, the
works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these shall he do; because I go unto
my Father” (John 14:12). Today’s disciples do
little more of positive value than what
disbelievers do. Neither are their works typically
miraculous as were Christ’s, which is obviously
what He meant. YouTube I’ve Come to
Serve You Ray Boltz.
In the picture I’d placed on the cover of
Wake Up! Carest Not?, I’d added a dream
bubble, so that Jesus—sound asleep with His
head on that pillow while the storm raged—was
dreaming of this beautiful woman in Her
wedding dress, His Bride (the elect) “his wife
[having] made herself ready” (Rev. 19:7). Having
given His life to make Her into a raving beauty
(Eph. 5:25-27), I figure that’s who He was
dreaming about. Yet lacking faith in God,
Christianity Today barely knowing God’s
WORD, dreaming Her life away with a manmade image of God, She’s marred with ‘spots
and blemishes’ looking like a Whore rather than
like the Beauty Queen for whom He gave His
life. YouTube Burlap to Cashmere
Orchestrated Love Song Live.
A Trail of Tears
People with wicked hearts miss the beauty of
who God is, because as the I Am (Ex. 3:14) God
is all that you/we/I need. God is everything that
I need Him to be for me and for the generation
the sinful Church has ignored and left out in the
cold. It’s like when orphaned children, having
neither parents nor a Church that cared, were
left to beg and steal to survive so that God raised
up George Müller. Jesus loved children and
rebuked His disciples for not letting them come
near (Mark 10:13-14). And He hasn’t changed
(Mal. 3:6). YouTube Robber of the Cruel
Streets: The Prayerful Life of George
In other words, however we help or hurt
people in Jesus’ name, we’re helping or hurting
Jesus (Matt. 25:40 & 45). So by giving me such a
hard time, His elect have been hurting Him.
Antichrists don’t like me because I’m such a
strong Christian. And Christians don’t like me
because I rebuke them (John 3:20). But no one
has ever suggested I’m not a Christian. In fact,
other people knew I was one even before I was
secure on it! And others knew I was a prophet
before I did! But it’s easier to believe I’m the
idiot that needs fixing because believing that it’s
it up—would mean that their/your lives fall
short, miserably short, and the consequences for
that as a born again Christian are too big and
confusing to deal with since we’ve historically
mucked it up so horrendously for so long. That’s
why God has had me write in this way, and with
these resources, to help everyone see the drastic
difference between fake and real Christianity
while also revealing how real and down to earth
Jesus is, while also making it easier for His elect
to see the way to move forward. And, He's made
it easier for me to write while dealing with the
frequent backlash. YouTube Enough Chris
The Lord has made it easier for me by using
Christianity Today’s own hypocrisy to laugh at
them and hold them in derision (Ps. 2:4) doing it
with younger crowd material and mentality. And
because I’m a kid at heart (Mark 10:15), and an
IOWA (Rom. 3:10), it works for me. (Especially,
since this calling has been so hurtful.) In fact,
elect Church leaders will eventually learn to
laugh at themselves and ‘my’ humor because
they’ll see how amazingly gracious God is being
to all, ESPECIALLY to them since their
unbiblical practices should have landed them in
hell rather than heaven, according to the Bible.
And God’s also making fun of me. But, as it
turns out, I have no problem laughing at myself
when He does because I am laughable. I also had
LOADS of prep work growing up with my
brother who constantly ragged on me, and vice
versa. In turn, I also have no problem laughing
when He makes fun of others, especially when
they’ve been so hurtful to children—our little
friends (John 15:15). Even if you can’t see it,
Jesus is FUNNY. If you haven’t gotten right with
Him yet, do it so that you can see His hand in
the resources shared in the next two books.
Don’t hold back on Him. You can’t hide
anything from Him (Ps. 139).
So while He’s made it easier for me, it's also
harder because I do have a high level of respect
for Him and for His Church, making the scene in
Mr. Smith Comes to Washington (1939)
very relevant—when he acknowledges feeling
bad about making a mockery of the Senate. But
And since disbelievers are dead even while
they live (1 Tim. 5:6), my family and I have been
stuck in the Pit of muck and mire, not only like
War Horse, but like the main character in The
Killing Fields (1984) and Behind Enemy
Lines (2001)—as are millions of family’s
worldwide, and a load worse. The difference is
that my family’s pit is spiritual, yet it impacts
our daily lives since we can't connect with
anyone beyond the surface—not unless you deny
Christ, which is what my girls are now doing.
In fact, if you get down to it, everyone is
living surface level lives. The difference here is
that God enlightened us enough to make it much
harder for us to live that way, to be that shallow.
And yet, because things as are they are, the girls
have joined the zombified crowd. Church leaders
have made it impossible for God’s people.
In any case, both movies about real wars
have a scene where the main character is behind
enemy lines in a pit of corpses. It makes you
want to desperately GET OUT!
I can’t even imagine growing up the way my
girls have, making me very grateful to God for
letting my children be both of the same sex and
so close in age. They’ve had each other. Still, this
calling has been way too hard and too long. If
you’re lost, you’re ignorant, and there’s some
bliss in that (how I grew up). And if you’re a
snoozing Christian, there’s more bliss in that
(how Buddy grew up). But to be fully awake
spiritually, living in Christianity Today, and to
grow up from preschool, not only awake but with
bright minds, standing apart for Christ without
family, friends, or Christian fellowship, with a
father who can’t really choose a side…it’s been
impossible for my girls.
And since that’s how it is and “God is love”
(1 John 4:8), He’s made it bearable for me by
providing comic relief since, as their mother,
and one who poured so much into them, my
heart couldn’t be more broken and I couldn’t be
more frustrated as rebellious Church leaders
consistently widen the Hole in the Cup while I
work frantically to close it as the New World
Order get closer and closer to being fully
Eventually, all of the comic relief the Lord
has provided for me will fully register with my
girls as well, and with all of the elect, especially
those who live in the Pits (Ps. 40:2) due to the
War that’s raging (Eph. 6:12) because of Officers
who are too self-absorbed to care for anyone but
themselves (Phil. 2:21). Being the leaders of the
Church, the standard they live by is what the rest
follow, and since men are above women on
God's hierarchy, they’ve really hurt my family,
and all of God’s Family.
Rebellious Christians want a soft cushy tone
and pretty (hypocritical) words which displeases
God who wants a harsher tone (at times) and
words of truth (even sarcastic and insulting
ones) which don’t sit well with hypocrites.
Essentially, "believers" and disbelievers alike
have wanted me to say only what they want to
hear in the way they want to hear it. That’s the
society we’ve created. No room for truth and
decency! Yet God wants me to speak only what
He wants me to say, in the way He wants me to
say it—as was the case with all the prophets. And
it leaves me, has left me, stuck between a rock
and hard place, Jesus being the Rock (1 Cor.
10:4) and Iceberg Idiotic Christianity Today
along with elect and non-elect antichrists, the
very hard place. It’s a mass grave holding the
Whore and all of hells angels. Ugh, the sight!
Instead of fighting over words and tone, it is
God’s will that we love the Truth (John 14:6),
having said to us, “Judge righteous judgment”
(John 7:24). We are to judge according to God’s
WORD, like the Bereans (Acts 17:11). Yet a
struggle exists because it’s easier to give God lipservice than accept a rebuke by one who has a
closer relationship with Him, since that rubs the
hardened heart like sandpaper on sunburn no
matter what tone or words are used (Acts 7:51),
especially for Church leaders (John 11:48). But
“if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant
of Christ” (Gal. 1:10). “We ought to obey God
rather than men” (Acts 5:29).
And just look at the men Christians are
idolizing, because having revealed the most
biblical pastors and churches (representatives of
the whole), this is how desperately far from God
each of them actually are. For example:
Representing the best one in the
conservative city in the heart of the Bible
Belt, Charles Ware is closely associated
with a church that defended an elder
who admitted to having sexually abused
a preschooler. And when held
accountable on other Church issues, he
lied through his teeth.
The one representing the best in the DC
metro area—capital of the world’s
superpower—has only men like hollow,
plastic, cold-hearted, empty-headed Ken
doll babies, whose men sexually abuse
The one representing the best
nationally—a pastor with a national
platform and international influence,
Alistair Begg—was as cold as the iceberg
that downed the Titanic! Meaning, as
cold as those who wouldn't help the
people who were drowning and getting
attacked by sharks.
The most prominent ministry serving
the persecuted Church worldwide, VOM,
had a non-elect serving as their director
who sexually abused a child and then
committed suicide unwilling to face the
consequences of his actions.
The ministry representing the brainiest
of them all, internationally, RZIM, is
super unbiblical in many ways and
couldn’t care less if God’s people are
being hurt by the Church—to death—or
if they have personally sinned against
God. They think they're so anointed that
God's rules don't apply to them!
Considering the entire 18 year ordeal, no
matter what has been said, how it’s been said, or
how much information has been given in
relation to the damage done by the rebellious
Church, always backed up with Scripture which
I've fully spelled out on a side margin of their
letters, smothered in biblical prayer, telling them
how and what the Lord has had me praying,
even sending them SCANS of the huge wood
burnings the Lord had me making and praying
for them, not one Christian leader has ever seen
God’s hand, repented about anything, or
acknowledged any wrongdoing! Neither have
they ever expressed any concern or heartache
WHATSOEVER over the Church for which Jesus
brutally gave His life. If it’s not part of their
program, they just don’t care! Their sermons are
just like the scripted speeches we get from
politicians and mainstream media. Then they
preach about how much they care and how cold,
unloving, and unbiblical are the lost.
And for those who’ll rationalize that since
that church or ministry is so big (like Begg’s or
RZIM), equating big with great, so that they’re
just too busy to have time to address some
nobody like me, ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN! If a
church or ministry were really so great, they
would have hundreds of MATURE Christians,
many of whom could take 5 minutes out of their
busy ministry to shoot out an e-mail to at least
say, “Thanks. We don’t get it. God bless!”
OK, two did actually do that (two in nearly
two decades!); except they didn’t acknowledge
that they didn’t get it. They just said, God bless!
Does that really make sense? Dear So and
So, PLEASE HELP! We’re drowning! [And I’ve
always made it clear that my concern is more for
the Church than for my family.] And they write
back, “God Bless!” If you don’t know the biblical
answer, it’s NO! God says, “My little children, let
us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in
deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18). And one of
those was a lame reply from RZIM, a group who
represents the best the world has to offer in
Christianity Today! And it wasn’t even from
them, but from a secretary. The leaders of RZIM
couldn’t care less! And it’s not as if God just had
me write to one of them. YouTube Sons of
Korah Psalm 69.
And it’s all because they’re so busy doing
“good” works. Yet God says He and His people
are more important than works (Rom. 13:8).
And Jesus was a tad busier than any pastor or
evangelist has ever been or ever will be—and He
took time out from the throngs to engage with
people. Today’s Church leaders are like the
Pharisees who thought they were too important
to even consider “regular” sinful ‘disgusting’
people (Luke 7:36-40). Jesus did not do that
(Matt. 20:30-34).
Even if you thought the one writing was not
speaking for God and/or twisting Scripture,
therefore, a false prophet, that would be all the
more reason to respond because Jesus says, “I
came not to call the righteous, but sinners to
repentance” (Luke 5:32)—and the Christian is
supposed to be doing what Jesus did (John
13:13-15). And He NEVER ignored the wicked
Pharisees but addressed them (Matt. 23 &
28:18-20), just as He addressed the lepers (Luke
17:12-14; Matt. 10:8), and children (Mark
10:123-16). God modeled for us that we should
address false prophets (Acts 8:18-22 & 16:16-18).
If I didn’t understand the Scriptures in that
they’ve been handed over to a very powerful
delusion for not loving the truth (2 Thess. 2:1011), I’d think there’s no way these guys could
have EVER read the Bible!
And these men aren't even all that busy. I
once looked up Kerry Bowman’s twitter feed and
was shocked to see Ravi Zacharias tweeting
fortune cookie bites of wisdom! That's OK (I
suppose) for 13 year old girls, but Ravi?! He was
so busy with junk like that, that he couldn't
respond to me when we were in dire need of
help! Not even months later. These men are
And if Church leaders and their ministry
teams don’t care enough to take even five
minutes to acknowledge people—for whatever
reason—what kind of god are they serving who
cares so little? Could that really be the God of
the Bible, the One who cared so much that He
brutally gave His life for His people? Doesn’t it
sound more like the other guy—ruler of this
world, Satan?
It does, because it is! “All the world
wonder[s] after the beast” (Rev. 13:3, my
Still, some IOWA will say, ‘What’s the big
deal? Just go to a different church!’
Ugh! Sure, there are hundreds of churches
in town. So what if we can’t attend that one, boo
hoo hoo.
That mentality works if you think Church is
just a country club—which most do. However, if
you were to actually engage your brain (2 Cor.
10:5) so as to know the Truth (John 14:6), you
would understand that the Church today,
reflected in the churches, leaves you—if you’re
not a brain dead hypocrite, and, therefore, has
left us/me—stuck in No Man’s Land with zero
fellowship, friends, or family because I’ve been
unwilling to join Christianity Today in
“crucify[ing]…the Son of God afresh, and
put[ting] him to an open shame” (Heb. 6:6). Or
flat out reject Him (Ps. 14:1).
Christian leaders, like all Christians, don’t
care for God or for people even though God’s
Greatest Commandments are to love God and
people (Mark 12:30-31)—of which they're fully
aware. And that’s one of the sickest parts about
it. More than half of today’s lay Christians aren’t
aware of God’s Greatest Commandments
because pastors haven’t been doing their jobs.
They have ‘ministries’ for just about everything
from football and karate to breakfasts, dinners,
bowling, and trips to Alaska and Israel, but next
to zero discipleship for anyone! And when they
do, they’re typically studying a book rather than
the Book.
So while I’m calling everyone idiots
including myself (Rom. 3:10), I'm feeding
everyone as much as possible with the series of
books and videos—working from the moment I
wake up to the moment I go to bed, minus a bit
here and there to do housework or get out and
refuel—continuing year after year while
KNOWING no one cares one bit about God!
In contrast, rather than feed God’s sheep as
they’re supposed to do (John 21:17), Church
leaders treat God’s people like idiots and barely
feed them scraps (John 7:24). Just listen to most
sermons. Even in the speech before and after the
sermon on the radio, they use a tone that’s super
patronizing, as if talking to idiots. Or read their
books. Don't waste God's money, use the library.
They're baby food! Or they go the other extreme
and make the simple Gospel message out to be
understandable only by those with multiple
degrees even though the core teaching of the
Bible is easy enough for a child to understand.
I know you’re NOT idiots, or babies, and
that this message is for all of the Vessels of
Mercy—all ages, all backgrounds. So I'm
speaking to you like your sister. Remember
being a kid? Kids rag on each other endlessly,
inspiring each other to think. It was my
brother’s second favorite line with me, “You’re
not that dumb, are you?!” So I'd respond
appropriately. I’d grab him harder, squeeze,
twist, put my whole self into it, push, and give
him a witty one-liner, making us both laugh and
keeping us on our toes. (OK, he still had me
pinned down, usually, but I had my say making
me a winner, because, the ‘fight’ with my brother
as it is with my brethren is not really physical.
It’s mental. We're in a mind war.) One of the
problems today is that everyone has become so
self-centered that you’re super sensitive. No one
can say anything to you without you getting
super offended—no matter how the truth is
Unlike Christianity Today’s “love,” Biblical
love does much more than give a fake smile and
polished handshake (1 Pet. 1:22). And while
professing to love the people in their
congregations, the ones who pay their salaries,
not one pastor has ever bothered to inform
“their” congregation of what’s been going on as
the Lord has had me reaching out to them. (And
if you think that 17 years isn't long enough for
God to provide a representative sample, you are
either not elect or won’t get it until you’re two
seconds from death!) In fact, a common
argument against me is that since I’m not a
member there, at that church, I know nothing of
the amazing love they have for each other. I’m
clueless. Uh huh. God says, “In this the children
of God are manifest, and the children of the
devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not
of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
For this is the message that ye heard from the
beginning, that we should love one another” (1
John 3:10-11). God never says love only those in
your inner circle (Matt. 5:46-48). Rather, “all
things whatsoever ye would that men should do
to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law
and the prophets” (Matt. 7:12). It's what's known
as The Golden Rule, and it's still often taught to
preschoolers. And, guess what, they get it!
Moreover, God has made clear how we're to
handle problems in the Church. We read:
If thy brother [another professing
Christian] shall trespass against thee, go
and tell him his fault between thee and
him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou
hast gained thy brother. But if he will not
hear thee, then take with thee one or two
more, that in the mouth of two or three
established. And if he shall neglect to
hear them, tell it unto the church: but if
he neglect to hear the church, let him be
unto thee as an heathen man and a
publican (Matt. 18:15-17).
According to God, pastors should have done the
following when approached by me (or someone
like me). And because of what we’ve made the
Church into, this man-made corporation, it’s
impossible to follow the Lord through His
Church and hold leaders accountable. You do,
one on one, verbally and/or in writing, and they
shove you under the rug then continue business
as usual, the rest of the congregation never
tuned in to what’s gone down.
NO MATTER WHAT – They should have
earnestly sought God about it, calling God's
people, the assembly, to pray for them to have
discernment (James 1:5). To do this, they would
have needed to acknowledge the possibility that
they lack wisdom. But since they've been too
proud to do that God will be making it obvious
to all that they severely lack it (Gal. 6:7).
TRUE SERVANTS OF GOD – Had they been
humble, they would have admitted their guilt
and repented (Eccl. 12:13; Matt. 22:29).
IF I WAS IN THE RIGHT — They should
have openly repented, calling God’s people to a
season of fasting and prayer for His Church as
modeled for us throughout the Bible, thereby
enabling God to fulfill His purposes through His
Assembly. God has made it so easy for us:
humble yourselves, pray, repent, turn from your
sins and I’ll give you a representation of heaven
on earth! (2 Chron. 7:14).
Instead, today’s Church leaders always do
like “the Pharisees and lawyers [who] rejected
the counsel of God against themselves” (Luke
7:30). Since none of them have ever repented or
been open to the truth and/or willing to line up
their lives with the Bible in order to be
acceptable to God, one has to assume they’ve felt
I was trespassing against them by telling them
they needed to repent. And that’s seriously
twisted because NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE
does a false prophet tell God’s people to repent
and obey God, or pray God’s WORD for them
and for His Church! But let’s just say that made
sense and use Matthew 18:15-17 to apply God’s
They should have earnestly sought God
about it.
2. The one I addressed should have spoken
to me about my supposed trespass,
using Scripture to support his case.
3. Since I wouldn’t have “heard” him,
being that he has no biblical ground to
stand on, he would have had to address
me again with one or two from his
leadership team.
4. Since I still would not have "heard"
them, they should have brought me
before the whole congregation.
5. Since I would not dishonor God by going
along with the masses that dishonor
Him, they would have had to treat me as
a sinner who was unwilling to repent
and publicly expelled me from that
Instead, today’s pastors jump straight to the
fifth step, in secret, as Jewish leaders did to
Jesus. And, like the Jews, they don’t follow
protocol because God's people aren’t the idiots
they treat them as! While today’s Christians are
idolaters, pastors know they would earnestly
question what’s going on if the situation were
brought before them. Since most Christians
idolize Church leaders, they don’t question
things on their own, some do, but not to the
depths necessary. And they don’t go as deep as
necessary because then they'd be stuck in No
Man’s Land like me, so all turn a blind eye. But if
Church leaders were open and honest, the game
would be up—for Satan. YouTube Michael
Card Joy in the Journey.
There was a church the Lord had me reach
out to overlapping with Ken & Co., and, as
always, just as far off. And yet, they’re the
leading church in our neighborhood of a dozen
or more churches. Like Ken’s, they also have a
school and are Baptist, as opposed to a more
wishy washy denomination. They were more
solid when we first moved back here (if you
could call it that), but as the pastor of long
standing was retiring the church went Purpose
Driven, which led to a falling out, and now
they’re playing at church worse than they were
ten years ago when we first attended. In fact,
those now in leadership are mere babies, both in
age and spiritual maturity—which is the
STANDARD SCENERY when Church Touring!
It’s for good reason God placed Jesus as the
Head of His Church (Eph. 1:22), because unlike
men with desperately wicked hearts (Jer. 17:9),
He is holy and sees the “end from the beginning”
(Isa. 46:10). He doesn’t have any beams due to
sin blocking His vision (Matt. 7:3-5). Therefore,
His plans for His Church are a million times
better than anything any wicked human heart
could ever dream up or purpose about to fulfill.
And that’s just how blind men are, because if any
one of the leaders on my trail of tears had
allowed Jesus to reign over them, God would
have given him a ministry beyond his wildest
dreams. Instead, they’re all going to be severely
humiliated before all (Isa. 2:11). In fact, they will
humiliate themselves as they confess before all,
since that’s the only way for them to get right
with God and salvage what they can for their
eternal estates (James 5:16).
The Pantry
And since God kept bringing up the movie
Frozen (2013), knowing nothing about it other
than that He wanted me to see it, I saw it in
January of 2014 while editing this section. What
an interesting prophecy about an iceberg cold
queen with powers, who didn’t mind being cold
as ice, yet learned the meaning of love so that
the kingdom was transformed by her (John
15:13)—all because her sister sacrificed herself
choosing brotherly love over her desires of the
flesh. Sweet right hook (Luke 4:8). It's also
interesting how she spent years on her own
locked up in her room because her gifts weren't
politically correct.
Bible Abbreviations
YouTube Shaken Rachel Lampa.
Old Testament
1-2 Sam.
1-2 Samuel
1-2 Kings
1-2 Kings
1-2 Chron.
1-2 Chronicles
Song of Solomon
New Testament
1-2 Cor.
1-2 Corinthians
1-2 Thess.
1-2 Thessalonians
1-2 Tim.
1-2 Timothy
1 -2 Pet.
1-2 Peter
1-3 John
1-3 John
General Visuals
Many are on YouTube
or Elsewhere on the Web
Note: The films about the Bible should
be watched after having read the biblical
account and then scrutinized so that you
are aware of the actual biblical story
without buying into the changes to
God’s WORD sinners have made. The
visual drama is helpful in understanding
the biblical record but you have to be
careful to discern the difference between
fact and fiction.
History/New World Order
9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out
9/11 Press for Truth (2006)
9/11: Road to Tyranny (2002)
Catholicism: Crisis of Faith (1991)
The End of America (2008)
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2008)
Fall of the Republic (2009)
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers
Hollywood Unmasked 1 & 2 (pub dates ?)
The Kinsey Syndrome (2009)
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the
Bible (2009)
Loose Change (2014)
Megiddo: March to Armageddon: Bible
Prophecy and the New World Order (2004)
Megiddo II: The New Age (2005)
The New World Order: A 6000 Year History
Police State: The Rise of FEMA (2009)
Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of
Washington, DC (2007)
Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: The
New Atlantis (2010)
Tares Among Wheat (2012)
TerrorStorm: A History of Government
Sponsored Terrorism (2006)
The Obama Deception (2009)
Welcome to the Truth Full Documentary 2014,
Uploaded by Nebulous 1982
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook New 2015
Documentary (2015)
Biblical History
Abraham (1994) Gen. 11:26-25:10
Jacob (1994) Gen. 25;19-50:14
Joseph (1995) Gen. 30:22-Ex. 1:8
Joseph: King of Dreams (2000) Gen. 30:22-Ex.
The Prince of Egypt (1998) Ex. 1:9-Deut. 34:7
The Book of Daniel (2013) Ezra 1-6, Isa. 44-45,
Messiah: Prophesy Fulfilled (2004) Gospel
The Miracle Maker (2000) Gospel
Jesus: He Lived Among Us (2011) Gospel
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003)
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of Matthew (1993)
The Visual Bible: Acts (2004)
God's Outlaw (1986) About William Tyndale
John Wycliffe: Morning Star of the Reformation
John Hus (1977)
Luther (2003)
Martin Luther (1953)
The Radicals (1990)
The Forbidden Book (2006)
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the
Bible (2009)
Tares Among Wheat: Sequel to a Lamp in the
Dark (2012)
Resources Listed By Chapter
Chapter 1: Humanity
Illuminati Evolution
What If? Nicole Nordeman
The Basics of Life, 4Him
Chris Rice, Face of Christ
Only a Man, Jonny Lang
2014 July Breaking News Labs Mixing
Human DNA Animal DNA
Identity 2: Adoption, Tedashii
My Redeemer Lives, Nicole C. Mullen
People Get Ready, Crystal Lewis
Johan Hubers Noah’s Ark
Misty Edwards, As in the Days of Noah
Sidewalk Prophets, Live Like That
Maya Makes a Mess, Rutu Modan
Between Heaven and Ground Zero, Leslie D.
Hiroshima, John Hersey
Apocalypse: WWII (2009)
Avatar (2009)
Hiroshima (2005)
Between Heaven and Ground Zero (2012)
Google Searches
150 Human Animal Hybrids Grown in UK
Flood Stories from Around the World
YouTube Clips
Anita Renfroe William Tell Momism Official
Chapter 2: Working it Out
He is Able, Maranatha Praise
Misty Edwards, I Will Run
Oh My Dear, Tenth Avenue North
Carry My Cross, Third Day
I’m Diving In, Steven Curtis Chapman
Psalm 130, Sons of Korah
Trust and Obey, Hillsong
Burlap to Cashmere, Basic Instructions
The Voices of CCC—God is Trying to Tell
You Something, uploaded by
I am Pierced, Audio Adrenaline
Bridge Over Troubled Water, Aaron Neville
The Joy of the Lord, Deitrick Haddon
Take Up Your Cross, Ray Boltz
All the Way My Savior Leads Me, Chris
Thy Word, Amy Grant
Psalm 51: A Sketch Montage, Sons of Korah
I Am, Jill Phillips
There is Still a Dream, Rachel Lampa and
Aaron Neville
In His Steps, Charles Sheldon
In His Steps (1964)
The Help (2011)
Google Images
Humpty Dumpty The Real Story
The Police, O My God
Chapter 3: Lessons from His Story
Children of the King, Max Lucado
The Pilgrim Church, E. H. Broadbent
The Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, John Foxe
Extreme Devotion, Voice of the Martyrs
Obsession: Radical Islamic War Against the
West (2007)
The End of America, Naomi Wolf (2008)
Face Down, Casting Crowns
Lamb of God, Kirk Franklin
Where He Leads Me, Twila Parris
In Christ Alone, Owl City
Bread of Heaven, Fred Hammond
The Prince of Egypt, Slavery, Delivery, and
Faith, Clint Black
Psalm 1, Kim Hill
MercyMe, So Long Self
Every Knee Shall Bow, Dottie Peoples
Day of Freedom, Rachael Lampa
Google Searches
Ten Steps to Close Down an Open Society,
The Huffington Post, April 24, 2007
Chapter 4: Organized Religion
This So Called Love, MercyMe
Made to Love, TobyMac
Love Never Fails, Brandon Heath
Job Suite, Michael Card
Cece Winans, Alabaster Box
Fairest Lord Jesus, Christy Nockels
My Jesus, Todd Agnew
David Bowden, No Excuse
In Remembrance of Me, Robert Kochis
Overnight, Amy Grant
The Few, Piper, Washer, Ravenhill, Conway,
Leiter, uploaded by Linda Mann
God Grew Tired of Us (2006)
Hitler’s Children (2011)
Chapter 5: Satan is Not Your Friend
Ezekiel 37 – Valley of the Dry Bones…Rise
O’ Israel, Rise!!! Uploaded by Judah’s
Britt Nicole, Set the World on Fire
Chapter 6: The Lord’s Battlefield
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
The Changeling (1980)
Missing William (2014)
Avatar (2009)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Terminator 2 (1991)
Frequency (2000)
The Book Thief (2013)
First Fruits (1982)
The Miracle Worker (1962)
Little White Lie (2014)
The Imposter (2012)
The True Cost (2015)
Vegucated (2011)
Beautiful Feet, Lecrae
Life Means So Much, Chris Rice
Breakfast Scene The Miracle Worker
The 2012 NDAA – The Most Dangerous Law
Since the Civil War, uploaded by
Distraction, Andrae Crouch
Names of God, uploaded by Jason Denison
Won’t you Be My Love, MercyMe
Newsweek, The Bible: SO Misunderstood
It’s a Sin (01/02/2015-01/09/2015)
Warrior Bride of Christ, Todd L. Thomas
Mother Teresa: Holiness in the Dark
Some Things You Should Know about C. S.
Lewis! Andy Foster May 1, 2010
Google Images
Survivors of Hiroshima
TV Programs
Undercover Boss
American Greed
Chapter 7: Growing Pains
Chapter 8: Friend or Foe?
Talk About It, Nicole C. Mullen
Friend of God, Israel Houghton
Bump in the Road, Jonny Lang
Get in the Boat, The Purple Hulls
Over My Head, Brian Littrell
Not Guilty, Mandisa
Forgive Us Lord, Steve Mitchinson
UGLY Bring It On Soundtrack, uploaded by
The Face of Love, Sanctus Real
Holy Captivated, Nicole C. Mullen
The Mission, Steve Green
Bill Ellis, Weeping Prophet
Greatest Commandment, uploaded by
Eyes on the Prize, Sara Groves
Whole Heart, Shannon Wexelberg
It is Well with My Soul, Uploaded by HD
Barbershop Multitrack
Words, Hawk Nelson
Parody of Our Modern Church Services,
uploaded by Kade Hawkins
God is Able Work Tape, Hillsong
Sacred Warrior, Fire from Heaven
Facing the Giants Death Crawl
What Faith Can Do, Kutless
Freefall, Royal Tailor (Official)
You Never Let Go, Matt Redman
Friend of Sinners, Matt Redman
Runaway Train, 4Him
1NC, Unconditional
Switchfoot, Free
Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey to Heaven
Avatar (2009)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
Facing the Giants (2006)
Horatio’s Drive: America’s First Road Trip
The Unwrapping of Christmas (2000)
They Sold Their Soul for Rock and Roll
The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan
George Müllers Autobiography
Google Images
HotShock A50
Chapter 9: Today’s Prayerzzzzz
Sweet Hour of Prayer, Alan Jackson
Jim Reeves, This World is Not My Home
Prepare Ye the Way, Caedman’s Call
Jesus Draw Me Close, Rick Founds
Make My Life a Prayer to You, Keith Green
Yolanda Adams, Is Your All on the Altar?
I Give Myself Away, William McDowell
David Bowden, Start Something that
Nothing without You, Bebo Norman
Get Down, Audio Adrenaline
Patty Loveless, Daniel Prayed
Lifeline, Mandisa
It’s Not in Vain, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
Eight Below (2006)
We Would See Jesus, Hession and Hession
The Emancipation of Robert Sadler: The
Powerful True Story of a TwentiethCentury Plantation Slave, Robert Sadler
with Marie Chapian
Google Search
Bonsai Virtual Tour, U.S. National
Arboretum, Slide #25
Google Images
Anatomy of Back Muscles
Chapter 10: Freewill
End Church Abuse Now! Uploaded by
EndofDeceit’s Channel
Wealth Inequality in America
Potter and the Clay, uploaded by Seeds TV
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
New Republic, The Hell of American Day
Care: An Investigation into the Barely
Regulated, Unsafe Business of Looking
After our Children, April 15, 2013
Chapter 11: The State of Man
The Pilgrim Church, E.H. Broadbent
Google Search
American Wealth Compared to the World
As the Deer, Salvador
Books of the Bible – 1 Samuel, uploaded by
Buck Denver
Your Love (Psalm 139) Oslo Gospel Choir
Breathe Into Me, Red
Jotta A, Agnus Dei
Apocalypse: WWII (2009)
Chapter 12: U.S. Upside Down!
Matt Maher, Turn Around
What Would It Be Like, Salvador
Kings and Queens, Audio Adrenaline
Democracy vs. Republic, uploaded by
Jason Crabb, Please Forgive Me
Google Searches
Merriam-Webster Impeccable
Chapter 13: TIME OUT!
War Horse (2011)
Luther (2003)
Lincoln (2012)
The Stoning of Soraya M (2008)
Born Yesterday (1950)
My Fair Lady (1964)
Pretty Woman (1990)
The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005)
Amazing Grace (2006)
Exam (2009)
Hugo (2011)
Legend of the Guardians (2010)
The Best of Me (2014)
Google Searches
My Utmost May 9: Reaching Beyond Our
Ekklesia—Bible Truth Cooper P. Abrams
Christ’s Ekklesia and the Church Compared,
Richard Anthony
Never Let You Fall, Ray Boltz
I Believe, Jonny Lang
Help, Vanessa Bell Armstrong
By Faith, Keith & Kristyn Getty
In Christ Alone, Michael English
Follow Me There, Third Day
Paul Baloche & Friends, Ouvre les Yeux de
Mon Coeur
When You Believe, Mariah Carey & Whitney
Your Love Oh Lord, Third Day
Our God is Greater, Chris Tomlin
Nicole C. Mullen, Kingdom Come
Follow You, Leeland
Audio Bible Psalm 37
Trouble in Amish Paradise (2009)
We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks
Chapter 14: Obeying God in
Christianity Today
Healing Hand of God, Jeremy Camp
Everlasting God, Chris Tomlin
Your Praise Goes On, Chris Rice
Young Men Shall See Visions, Old Men
Shall Dream Dreams, uploaded by
The Words I Would Say, Sidewalk
At the Cross, Hillsong
Atmosphere, TobyMac
Be Like Him, Kirk Franklin
Why, Michael Card
I’ve Come to Serve You, Ray Boltz
Burlap to Cashmere, Orchestrated Love
Enough, Chris Rice
Sons of Korah, Psalm 69
Joy in the Journey, Michael Card
Shaken, Rachel Lampa
Robber of the Cruel Streets: The
Prayerful Life of George Müller
Mr. Smith Comes to Washington (1939)
The Killing Fields (1984)
Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
Frozen (2013)