Test review tonight, 7 to 8 pm 110 Wartik • Exam 2 Tuesday Ch 4,5,6 I. Justification of Effort II. Reward III. Punishment IV. Self-Persuasion V. Self-evaluation Maintenance • If reduce threat to selfno CogDis A. Experience post decision dissonance when have to pick between 2 equal options 1. Reduce threat to self by enhancing liked option, and devaluing not chosen option 2. Or , if dissonance due to self threat, eliminate self threat by self-affirming – “I’m good” 5 10 Self Affirmation 0 evaluation of choosen CD NO self affirmation NO self affirmation Self Affirmation Self Affirmation I. What happens when you work hard, but find out effort not worth it? A. Experience dissonance B. Reduce it via Justification of effort 1. Justify effort by seeing goal in highly positive light 1. Harsh or weak test to listen to boring conversation about sex study C. Conditions: 1. Have to see effort as freely chosen 2. Have to question the worthiness of the goal Reward I. A. What happens if you get a reward for something you like (intrinsically motivated) to do? 1. Overjustification effect: seeing behavior as due to large reward (extrinsic reason) rather than liking (intrinsic reason). a. i. 2. Decreases liking Large reward for reading books, could reduce joy of reading. Solution : Small reward, or performance contingent reward (avoid apprehension) Like Dislike Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation Reward: Large Overjustification effect (less liking) Sufficient external justification (no attitude change) Reward: Small Sufficient internal justification (No attitude change) Insufficient external justification (more liking) Punishment: Large Sufficient external justification Sufficient external (No attitude change) justification (may like more) Punishment: Small Insufficient punishment (less liking) Sufficient internal justification (no attitude change) Like Dislike Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation Reward: Large Overjustification effect (less liking) Sufficient external justification (no attitude change) Reward: Small Sufficient internal justification (No attitude change) Insufficient external justification (more liking) Punishment: Large Sufficient external justification Sufficient external (No attitude change) justification (may like more) Punishment: Small Insufficient punishment (less liking) Sufficient internal justification (no attitude change) B. What happens if you get a reward for doing something you dislike? 1. Depends on reward – $1 vs. $20 peg study a. i. b. i. Big (20$) – sufficient external justification did it for $20 Small (1$) – insufficient justification effect: reward is not good reason for doing action, resolve dissonance by changing internal attitude Did it because I like it, internal attitude change Like Dislike Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation Reward: Large Overjustification effect (less liking) Sufficient external justification (no attitude change) Reward: Small Sufficient internal justification (No attitude change) Insufficient external justification (more liking) Punishment: Large Sufficient external justification Sufficient external (No attitude change) justification (may like more) Punishment: Small Insufficient punishment (less liking) Sufficient internal justification (no attitude change) Would a mild or harsh punishment be most likely eliminate the bad behavior? I. Big – sufficient external justification 1. avoid getting caught B. small – insufficient punishment – induces dissonance for wondering why not engaging in behavior 1. I don’t like the behavior, internal attitude change A. Like Dislike Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation Reward: Large Overjustification effect (less liking) Sufficient external justification (no attitude change) Reward: Small Sufficient internal justification (No attitude change) Insufficient external justification (more liking) Punishment: Large Sufficient external justification Sufficient external (No attitude change) justification (may like more) Punishment: Small Insufficient punishment (less liking) Sufficient internal justification (no attitude change) 2. Ben Franklin Effect – doing good deeds for others increasing liking for8 them. 7 Participants liked the experimenter 6 more when they did him a favor. 5 a. 3. 4. I’m nice to him, I must like him Liking 1. 4 If want someone to like you, get3 2 them to do you a favor If person denies you the favor, 1 0 the person may like you less No Favor No Favor Imperso nal Personal Bad Deeds and dissonance II. A. 1. Some times we have to do something unkind to others, how does this action shape our opinion of them? Mostly like to derogate those who are the most helpless I. Tesser’s Self-evaluation maintenance (SEM) theory: one’s self concept can be threatened another’s behavior Close other? No Who cares? Yes Relevant domain? Yes Reduce threat No Bask in friend’s reflected glory Distance self from person Reduce importance of task Sabotage your friend