Lay Counseling Certificate Syllabus 2013-14 Session 2: November 21-24, 2013 Reading Required: must be read prior to completing your writing assignment: Becoming Attached: First Relationships and How they Shape Our Capacity to Love* by Robert Karen *Chapters 24 & 25 required The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller Required: must be read by November session: The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain* by Louis Cozolino *Chapters 5, 9 & 14 required ISBN: 978-0195115017 ISBN: 978-0465012619 ISBN: 978-0393706420 The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy*, 5th Edition by Irvin D. Yalom ISBN: 978-0465092840 *Chapters 11 & 12 required – available as a PDF on our website – see below for access** Recommended The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society by Henri J.M. Nouwen Bold Love by Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III **To access the PDF chapters of these texts, go to this private link: and enter the password: lincoln Writing Assignment: Due November 4, 2013 1. Read The Drama of the Gifted Child, and chapters 24-25 in Becoming Attached before you write your paper. 2. Reflect on your own family of origin and its effects on your style of relating with regards to your marriage, parenting or peer relationships. Consider specific experiences and stories that can illuminate patterns and the environment that has shaped you. 3. Write the following assignment: a. b. 4. Format your paper to meet the following submission requirements: a. b. c. d. 5. Section 1: Family Narrative (2-3 pages, double spaced). Select and describe a specific narrative of an experience with your family that you feel depicts a particular aspect of the family system in which you were raised. i. During Session 2, you will be invited to read the Narrative to your small group as part of the professional learning and personal development process. You can choose to share only a portion of your story or the entire narrative. Section 2: Analysis (2-3 pages, double spaced). Analyze the dynamics of your family & articulate your role in the family system. Then consider how this has impacted the way you relate to your current world, specifically addressing the following areas: 1. Your personal relationships 2. How you interact in your work as a lay counselor (or other applicable settings in which you are engaging others intentionally). i. The Analysis portion of your paper will not be read to your small group. Combine your written sections (both the Family Narrative and Analysis) together in a single document The Allender Center can only accept documents saved as Word files (PDFs, Mac Pages, etc. cannot be accepted) Include your full name as a header within the document; make sure your name is on every page. Double space your text and do not exceed the 3 page limit per section (total of 6 double-spaced pages maximum), or your paper will be returned to you for editing. Submit your assignment by November 4, 2013 using these instructions: a. b. Double check that you have properly formatted your assignment and have not exceeded the page limit (see above) Submit your assignment: i. Send your assignment via email to We cannot accept mailed hard copies. ii. In the Subject Line of the email, please write “LCC Session 2 Assignment” along with your first and last name. For example: LCC Session 2 Assignment – Erica Smith.