GM -

 1. The atmosphere in a tank might be too
lean if it is:
 A. Capable of supporting combustion
because the hydrocarbon content is
above the UFL (Upper Flammable Limit)
 B. Capable of supporting a fire once started
 C. Incapable of supporting combustion
because the hydrocarbon content is
below the (LFL) Lower Flammable Limit
 D. Not safe for ballasting
Flammable Limit or Explosive Range
If the oxygen is less than 10% inside a tank,
the hydrocarbon vapor will not burn and
therefore it will be classified as Too Lean.
But if oxygen is more than 10% inside the
tank there will be a chance the hydrocarbon
vapor will ignite and it is called Too Rich.
 2. Keeping the draft at or below the load
line mark will insure that the unit has
 A. Lightweight displacement
 B. Reserve buoyancy
 C. Reserve ballast
 D. Critical motions
 3.Your vessel is floating in water whose
density is 1010. Your fresh water
allowance is 8 inches. How far below her
mark may she be loaded so as to float at
her mark in salt water whose density is
 A. 4.8 inches
 B. 6.4 inches
 C. 3.2 inches
 D. 8.0 inches
3. Solution:
A. I = FWA x (Change in Density)
= 8 inches x ( 1025 – 1010 )
= 8 inches x 15
A. I. = 4.8 inches
4. A vessel is to lift a cargo weighing 30
tons with her boom whose head is 30 feet
from center line. The ship’s displacement
excluding the weight to be lifted is 8,700
tons. KM is 21.5 ft; KG is 20.5 ft. What will
be the list of the vessel when the cargo is
A. 1.4
B. 3.4
C. 2.8
D. 5.8
GM =
Weight x Distance
Displ. x Tan List
Dist. = GM x Displ. x Tan List
Weight = GM x Displ x Tan List
Tan List = Weight x Distance
Displ. x GM
GM = KM – KG
GM = 21.5ft – 20.5ft.
GM = 1.0 foot
GM x 
30 t x 30 ft.
1 ft x 8,700 t
900 / 8,700
0 .1030927 inv. Tan
5 .88°
 5. The change in trim of a vessel may be
found by:
 A. Looking at the hydrostatic properties
table for the draft of the vessel
 B. Dividing the trim moments by MTI
 C. Subtracting the LCF from the LCB
 D. Dividing longitudinal moments by the
 6. Your vessel measures 119 ft. long by
17 ft. in beam. If the natural rolling period
at a draft of 5’ 05” is 6 seconds, what is
the GM?
 A. 1.55 ft.
 B. 1.36 ft.
 C. 1.14 ft.
 D. 1.96 ft.
Rolling Period = 0.44 x Beam of the Vsl.
Rolling Period = 0.797 x Beam of the Vsl.
GM = 0.44 x Beam of the Vsl. ²
Rolling Period
6. Solution:
GM = 0.44 x Beam ²
GM = 0.44 x 17 ft ²
6 secs.
GM = 1.55 ft.
 7. Repairing damage to the hull at or
above the waterline reduces the threat of:
 A. Free surface effects
 B. Wind overturning moments
 C. Continued progressive flooding
 D. Capsizing the vessel
8. Cargoes that gives off fumes that
may contaminate other cargo is known
as a:
A. Delicate cargo
B. Toxic cargo
C. Dirty cargo
D. Odorous cargo
 9. A vessel is fitted with deep tanks with a
capacity of 1,000 tons of fresh water.
What quantity of peanut oil with specific
gravity of 0.92 could be carried in such
 A. 920 tons
 B. 907 tons
 C. 840 tons
 D. 850 tons
9. Solution:
WT. = R. D of Peanut Oil x Cap. Of FW
R. D of FW
WT = 0 .92 ton/m³ x 1,000 tons
1,000 ton/m³
WT = 920 tons
 10. You are loading a cargo of canned
goods with a stowage factor of 65. If you
allow 15% for broken stowage, how many
tons can be loaded in a space of 55,000
cubic feet?
 A. 719
 B. 846
 C. 687
 D. 973
10. Solution:
Allowance = 100 % - B.S./ 100
= 100 % - 15% / 100
Allowance = 0.85
Wt. =
Volume x Allowance
Stowage Factor
55,000 ft³ x 0.85
65 ft³/ ton
46,750 ft³
65 ft³/ ton
Wt. = 719.23 tons
 11. The difference between the starboard
and port drafts caused by shifting a
weight transversely is:
 A. List
 B. Trim
 C. Heel
 D. Flotation
 12. Non-flammable gases should have
what kind of label?
 A. Green
 B. Skull and crossbones
 C. White
 D. Red
Indicate dangerous goods that must be
stored at a safe distance from
explosive goods.
 13. An unstable upright equilibrium
position on a vessel means that the
metacenter is:
 A. Higher than the baseline
 B. At the same height as the center of
 C. Lower than the center of gravity
 D. On the longitudinal centerline
 14. Corrosive liquids and acids should
have what kind of label?
 A. Skull and cross bone
 B. Red
 C. Yellow
 D. White
 15. A consignment of lumber is to be
loaded, each piece measures 3 inches
thick, 12 inches wide and 16 feet long.
There are 30,000 pieces to be loaded.
How many board feet is the shipment?
 A. 96,000
 B. 1,440,000
 C. 1,200,000
 D. 14,400,000
1. BF = L' x W' x H' x 12
2. BF = L' x W' x H"
3. BF = L' x W" x H" / 12
BF = L‘ x W“ x H“ / 12
BF = 16‘ x 12“ x 3“ / 12
BF = 576 / 12
BF = 48
BF = 48 x 30,000 pcs.
BF = 1,440,000
 16. In which case may metacentric height
be considered an indication of a vessel’s
 A. For all angles of inclination
 B. For small angles of inclination
 C. In no case
 D. For large angles of inclination
17. Containers of flammable solids
should be conspicuously labeled by the
shipper with a:
A. Red and white label
B. Orange label
C. Green label
D. Yellow label
Indicate dangerous goods that must be
separated from flammable solids,
spontaneously combustible agents or
agents that are dangerous when wet by a
longitudinal intermediate spaceor on deck
by at least 24 metres.
18. In handling break bulk hazardous
materials, it is forbidden to use:
A. Pallets
B. Cargo nets
C. Slings
D. Metal bale hooks
 19. A vessel displacing 18,000 tons has a
KG of 50 feet. A crane is used to lift
cargo weighing 20 tons from a supply
vessel. When lifting, the head of the
crane boom is 150 feet above the keel.
What is the change in KG?
 A. 0.11 foot
 B. 0.17 foot
 C. 0.32 foot
 D. 0.25 foot
19. Solution:
GG‘ = Wt x Dist
= 20 tons x (150 ft – 50 ft )
18,000 tons
= 20 tons x 100 ft
18,000 tons
= 2,000 ft/ton
18,000 tons
GG‘ = 0.11 ft. 
 20. A cargo of 75 tons is to be lifted with
a boom located 50 feet from the ship
centerline. The ship’s displacement
including the suspended cargo is 6,000
tons and GM six feet. The list of the ship
with the cargo suspended from the boom
will be:
 A. 5.40
 B. 5.00
 C. 6.50
 D. 5.94
20. Solution:
GM x 
= 75 t x 50 ft
6 ft. x 6,000 t
= 3,750
LIST = 0.104166 inv Tan
LIST = 5.94°
 21. When the height of the metacenter is
greater than the height of the center of
gravity, the upright equilibrium position
is stable and stability is:
 A. Neutral
 B. Unstable
 C. Negative
 D. Positive
22. In preparation for receiving chilled
reefer cargo, the reefer space has been
pre-cooled for over 24 hours. You may
begin loading when the space has been
cooled to a temperature between:
A. –10 F and +10 F
B. 42 F and 55 F
C. 12 F and 20 F
D. 28 F and 40 F OR -2º C and 4º C
 23. When a vessel is inclined at a small
angle the center of buoyancy will:
 A. Remain stationary
 B. Move towards the high side
 C. Move to the height of the metacenter
 D. Move towards the low side
 24. A tank is loaded with 9,000 barrels of
gasoline. The temperature of the product
is 80 F, and it has a coefficient of
expansion of .0008. The net amount of
cargo loaded is:
 A. 8,856 barrels
 B. 8,944 barrels
 C. 9,144 barrels
 D. 9,072 barrels
24. Solution:
Standard Loading Temp. = 60° F
Net bbls = Gross +/- ( Gross x Coefficient x (
Diff. In temperature ))
= 9,000 +/- (9,000 x 0.0008 (80°F - 60°F))
= 9,000 +/- ( 7.2 x 20°F )
= 9,000 - 144
Net bbls. = 8,856
25. Bilge soundings indicate:
A. Whether the ship is taking on water
B. Whether the cargo is leaking or not
C. The amount of condensation in the hold
D. All of these
 26. If the metacentric height is large, a
vessel will:
 A. Have a slow and easy motion
 B. Be stiff
 C. Be tender
 D. Have a tendency to yaw
1. Large GM
2 Bottom Heavy
3. Short R. P.
4. Fast Roll
1. Small GM
2. Top Heavy
3. Large R. P.
4. Slow Roll
Tankers and
Bulk Carriers
Car Carriers and
27. Certain cargoes must be segregated
because of their:
A. Inherent characteristics
B. Weight
C. Danger to human
D. Destination
 28. The shearing stress on a ship’s
structure are usually GREATEST at:
 A. Midships
 B. The stem
 C. The bow
 D. Ships quarter length points
 29. If a vessel is loaded in such a
manner that she is said to be sagging,
what kind of stress is placed on the
sheer strakes?
 A. Thrust
 B. Compression
 C. Tension
 D. Racking
 30. How much force would be required to
lift a weight of 200 lbs., using a gun tackle
rigged to disadvantage disregarding
 A. 150 lbs.
 B. 100 lbs.
 C. 50 lbs.
 D. 200 lbs.
Single Purchase
Gun Tackle
Luff Tackle
Handy Billy
Watch Tackle
Two Fold
Double Luff
Three Fold
30. Solution:
Force = Wt x (1 + 10% nos of Sheaves)
Mechanical Advantage
Force =
Mechanical Advantage
= 200 lbs.
Force = 100 lbs.
 31. You are loading bagged coffee beams,
to keep cargo leakage from being
contaminated by ships structure, you
 A. Hose down the deck before loading the
 B. Place the cargo on a layer of spaced
 C. Use separation cloths between the deck
and cargo
 D. Use bag-on-bag stowage
 32. The wave period and the apparent
rolling period of a vessel are the same:
 A. Rolling period decreases
 B. Rolling period increases
 C. Synchronous rolling occurs
 D. Roll period is dampened
 33. In order to check your vessel’s stability a
weight of 40 tons is lifted with the jumbo
boom, the boom head being 50 feet from the
ship’s centerline. The clinometer is then
carefully read and shows a list of 5º. The
vessel’s displacement is 8,000 tons including
the suspended weight. What will be the
metacentric height of the vessel at this time?
 A. 2.74 feet GM
 B. 2.86 feet GM
 C. 2.80 feet GM
 D. 2.93 feet GM
33. Solution:
Tan List = W x D
GM x
GM =
Tan List x 
40 t x 50 ft.
Tan 5° x 8,000 t
GM = 2.86 ft.
 34. What can be used to measure the
percentage of oxygen inside a chain
 A. Combustible gas indicator
 B. Oxygen indicator
 C. Flame safety lamp
 D. H2S meter
35. A vessel behaves as if all of its
weight is acting downward through the
center of gravity, and all its support is
acting upward through the:
A. Center of buoyancy
B. Tipping center
C. Keel
D. Amidships
 36. A slow and easy motion in a seaway
is an indication of a:
 A. Low center of gravity
 B. Small GM
 C. Stiff vessel
 D. Large GZ
 37. When loading a container vessel, the
operation is basically that of vertical
loading. The important factors to be
considered when loading containers are
port of discharge:
 A. Availability of dunnage, and docking
 B. Crushability, and inherent vice
 C. Sweat, and weight
 D. Weight and refrigeration
 38. The lashing of a stack of containers
with interlocking fittings restrain the
forces that causes:
A. Toppling
B. Crushing
C. Racking
D. Buckling
 39. When loading or discharging dry mud
or cement, crew members should use
goggles and:
 A. Ear plug
 B. Rubberized boots
 C. Facial respirator mask
 D. Fireman’s outfit
 40. The important stability parameter, KG
is defined as the:
 A. Height of the metacenter above the keel
 B. Height of the center of buoyancy above
the keel
 C. Metacentric height
 D. Height of the center of gravity above
the keel
 41.Which of the following steps is NOT
generally taken when gas-freeing a tank?
 A. Washing the tank interior with sea
 B. Fresh air ventilation
 C. Application of degreasing solvents
 D. Removal of sludge and corrosion
 42. Reid vapor pressure is:
 A. The lowest temperature and pressure
that will cause a flammable liquid to give
off vapors
 B. Exerted by liquid cargo on a cargo hose
 C. Exerted by liquid cargo on the sides of a
 D. A measurement of the amount of
flammable vapors given off by a liquid at
a certain temperature
 43. When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is
the first action you should take if a cargo
valve jammed open?
 A. Trip the pump relief valve
 B. Order the dock man to shut down
 C. Run out the vessel’s or terminal firehose
 D. Call the owner, operator, or terminal
 44. It is possible, and sometimes
necessary to strengthen the deck of a
vessel for carriage of deck cargo by:
 A. Welding steel “feet” to the deck, on
which the cargo is placed
 B. Placing bunker on the deck
 C. Building a stage on which to place the
 D. Erecting vertical pillars under the deck
to support the cargo
Hold pillars
Floor plating
Rider plate
 45. Which of the following statements
about ventilation of bulk coal is TRUE?
 A. Coal should not be ventilated, all oxygen
should be excluded from the cargo
 B. Coal should be surface ventilated only
 C. Coal should be through ventilated only if
temperature in the center of the cargo
exceed 125ºF
 D. Coal should be through ventilated to
remove methane and reduce the heat of
spontaneous combustion
 46. A vessel’s bottom will be subjected to
tension when weight is concentrated:
 A. At both ends of the vessel
 B. Amidships
 C. Aft
 D. Forward
 47. Hygroscopic cargoes should be
ventilated in cases when:
 A. The dew point of the air in the hold is very
 B. Going from a warm to a cold climate
 C. The dew point of the outside air is greater
than the dew point of the air in the hold
 D. The outside dew point is 60º F and the
cargo temperature is 54º F
 48. Segregation of cargoes refers to:
 A. Separation of cargoes by destination
 B. Classifying cargoes according to their
 C. Separating cargoes so that one cannot
damage the other because of its inherent
 D. Listing of cargoes in order of their
 49. Which of the following weld faults can
only be detected by a method that
examines the internal structure of a weld?
 A. Under cut
 B. Lack of penetration
 C. Overlap
 D. Lack of reinforcement
 50. The amount of strain on each runner
of a married fall system lifting 2,000 lbs.
When the angle made by the legs is 90º
would be:
 A. 1,414 lbs.
 B. 1,000 lbs.
 C. 2,000 lbs.
 D. 1,154 lbs.
50. Solution:
Strain = Weight
2 x ½ Cos 
= 2,000 lbs.
2 x Cos 45°
= 2,000 lbs
Strain = 1.414 lbs.
 51. What is the area of a circle with a
radius of 4 feet after a sector of 111
degrees has been removed?
 A. 3.90 feet
 B. 8.67 feet
 C. 34.77 feet
 D. 50.27 feet
51. Solution:
Area of Circle =  x Radius²
= 3.1416 x 4²
= 3.1216 x 16
Area of Circle = 50.26 ft.
Area of Circle after removal of 111° sector
360° - 111° / 360° = 0.69166
0.69166 x 50 . 26
Area of Circle = 34.77 ft.
 52. A term applied to a fore and aft
girder running along the side of the ship
and also to the outboard strake of
plating on any deck:
 A. Stringer
 B. Camber
 C. Keel
 D. Frames
53. If additional weight is added above
the center of gravity, the vessel will:
A. Reduce reserve buoyancy
B. Increase GM
C. Reduce righting moments
D. All of these
 54. It is a form of longitudinal
deformation under stress by which the
middle part of the vessel structure sinks
below the extremities:
 A. Sagging
 B. Racking
 C. Hogging
 D. Torsion
• 55. When a weight of 800 lbs. is
suspended, what is the stress on the
hauling part when using a gun tackle
rove to least advantage?
• A. 320 lbs.
• B. 347 lbs.
• C. 400 lbs.
• D. 480 lbs.
55. Solution:
Force = Weight x ( 1 + 10% N.O.S )
Mechanical Advantage
Force =
Mechanical Advantage
Force = 800 lbs
Force = 400 lbs.
• 56. The definition “A” mixture of
hydrocarbon products composed
predominantly of propane, butane,
butylene or butadiene which is liquefied
by compression at normal atmospheric
temperature for storage, transport and
handling refers to:
• A. LPG
• B. Grade A products
• C. Grade B products
• D. LNG
 57. When working cargo with a Burton or
married fall arrangement, the part of the
cargo gear most likely to fail would be
 A. Guy
 B. Topping lift
 C. Boom
 D. Gooseneck
 58. What term indicates the midship
portion of a vessel that has a constant
cross section?
 A. Middle body
 B. Amidship
 C. Half of length
 D. Moulded length
59. Spontaneous heating of coal rapidly
accelerate at the approximate minimum
temperature of:
A. 88° F
B. 100° F
C. 111° F
D. 119° F
• 60. Transverse frames are more widely
spaced on a ship that is designed with
• A. Longitudinally system of framing
• B. Isometric system of framing
• C. Centerline system of framing
• D. Transverse system of framing
 61. This is the ratio of the immersed
volume to the area of the load
waterplane multiplied by the mean
 A. Vertical prismatic coefficient
 B. Prismatic coefficient
 C Waterplane area coefficient
 D. Midship section area coefficient
( Cb )
Cb = Vol. of Displ.
Vol. of the Block
= Vol. of Displ.
L x B x Draft
( Cw )
Cw = Area of Waterplane
Area of Rectangle ABCD
= Area of Waterplane
Cm = Midships Area (Am)
Area of Rectangle
= Midships area (Am)
Cp = Volume of Ship
Volume of Prism
= Volume of Ship
L x Am
 62. On tank vessels that use an automatic
tape well, free movement of the tape is
normally checked by:
 A. Operating the hand clutch
 B. Comparing with a hand tape
 C. Removing the side plate
 D. Using litmus paste
 63. The advantage in using a single whip
tackle is:
I. The strain on the hauling part is less
than the weight
II. The direction of the pull of force
needed to lift the weight is changed
 A. I only
 B. II only
 C. Both I and II
 D. Neither I nor II
64. “Block Stowage” means:
 A. Storing all cargo for a port in the same
 B. Having the cargo on pallets
 C. Using separation cloths to separate
different kinds of cargo
 D. Using port marks on the cargo
 65. When a vessel is stationary and in a
hogging condition, the main deck is in
 A. Tension stress
 B. Compression stress
 C. Racking stress
 D. Shear stress
 66. A vessel is drawing 38’08” in salt
water. What would she have to do in
order to maintain the same draft in
brackish water?
 A. Discharge cargo and lighten up before
 B. Load additional cargo
 C. Proceed slowly with no change to
deadweight tons
 D. Load clean ballast
• 67. If a vessel goes from salt water to
fresh water and wishes to keep the
same draft, you would:
• A. Discharged ballast
• B. Take on ballast
• C. Do nothing as it does remain the same
• D. None of these
 68. If the cargo to be loaded in the hold is
bulk grain, the limber boards should be:
 A. Covered with tarpaulin with battens
 B. Disinfected with bitumastic
 C. Caulked with oakum
 D. Cleaned and limed washed
 69. All lines in the loadline are _______ in
 A. 16 mms
 B. 20 mms
 C. 24 mms
 D. 25 mms
70. Safety shackles are fitted with:
A. A threaded bolt, locknuts, cotter pins
B. A threaded bolt
C. A round pin with a cotter pin
D. Round pins and locknuts
 71. Loadline markings indicate the drafts
at which, for various conditions and
types or classes of vessels, there will still
be left a sufficient percentage of ______
to ensure the vessel’s safety.
 A. Reserve buoyancy
 B. Intact buoyancy
 C. Longitudinal stability
 D. Transverse
 72. The result of two forces acting in
opposite directions and along parallel
lines, is an example of what type of
 A. Shear
 B. Tensile
 C. Compression
 D. Strain
 73. Which of the following is an advantage
gained by building a vessel by Isherwood
system of construction?
 A. It provided a great deal of longitudinal
 B. It provides for transverse strength than
any other system
 C. It reduces the need for a large amount of
 D. It eliminates the need for any transverse
 74. Which of the following most important
in prevention of sweat damage to cargo in
the hold?
 A. Dew point of the outside air
 B. Dew point of the air in the cargo hold
 C. Outside temperature
 D. Temperature of the cargo
 75. What is the simplest member of the
olefin family, the largest volume organic
chemical and is used in more than 30% of
all petrochemical products?
 A. Ethylene Use as raw material in organic
 B. Aromatics
 C. Propylene Use in manufacture of resin,
fibres and elastomers
 D. Butadiene Use for production of synthetic
76. Barium cyanide solid is classed as
“poison B” and cannot be stowed near:
A. Acids
B. Flammable solids
C. Flammable liquids
D. Benzene
 77. What do you call the principle of
separating the oil residues from water?
The seawater is discharged at sea while
the oil residue is retained on board.
 A. Decantation
 B. Separation
 C. Division
 D. Segregation
 78. What do you call the plan showing
the longitudinal, vertical section passing
through the meridian line of vessel?
 A. Sheer plan
 B. Docking arrangement
 C. Stowage plan
 D. Bon jean curve
 79. Where would you find the draft marks
on a ship?
 A. Area of water line near stem and stern
 B. Midships near the waterline
 C. Voids
 D. Deep tanks
 80. Your draft at the dock is 27’ 06”. What
will be your draft when at sea?
 A. 26’ 10”
 B. 26 ’08”
 C. 26’ 11”
 D. 28’ 02”
80. Solution:
New Draft
Old Draft
New Draft
Old Density
New Density
1,000 kgs/m³
1,025 kgs/m³
New Draft = 27.5‘ x 1,000 kgs/m³
1,025 kgs/m³
New Draft = 26.829 or 26‘ 10"
 81. On the vessel cargo hold a gasoline
powered forklift truck is used, what
precaution should you take?
 A. See that ventilation is supplied on
account to truck poisonous exhaust
 B. See to it that hold are well lighted during
the night time
 C. Trucks are operated by experience
 D. All of the above
82. What are “liquefied flammables”?
A. Toxic
B. Poison
C. Completely odorless in their pure natural
D. Odorized to help detect leaks
 83. What do you mean by the term
“cargo tank length” as used in part 157 of
the pollution regulations?
 A. Length from the collision bulkhead to the
forward bulkhead of the machinery
 B. Length of any individual cargo space,
from bulkhead to bulkhead
 C. Diagonal measurement of a cargo tank
 D. Greatest distance between two opposite
cargo tank bulkhead
 84. What would you do first when you
notice oil on the water near vessel while
taking on fuel?
 A. Stop loading
 B. Notify the terminal superintendent
 C. Notify the senior deck officer
 D. Determine whether your vessel is the
 85. What distance will a weight of 152.4
tons have to be moved in order to remove
a 2 degrees list from a vessel of
displacement 9,144 tons and GM 1.03 m?
 A. 2.16 m
 B. 2.29 m
 C. 3.20 m
 D. 5.52 m
85. Solution:
Tan List = W x D
GM x 
Dist = Tan List x GM x 
= Tan 2° x 1.03 m x 9,144 tons
152.4 tons
Distance = 2.16 m
 86. Which part provides for the vertical
control and positioning of the boom in a
yard and stay rig?
 A. Topping lift
 B. Cargo whip
 C. Back stay
 D. Spider block
 87. What do you call a rope ladder with a
wooden rung?
 A. Jacob’s ladder
 B. Pilot ladder
 C. Jury ladder
 D. Life ladder
 88. What are these devices which secure
standing and running rigging that
includes cleats, bitts, chocks, fair leads
and pad eye?
 A. Deck fittings
 B. Deck devices
 C. Deck stores
 D. Deck gears
 89. What do you call the cargo gear mode
of 4 legs of equal length of either rope or
wire, one end of each leg being spliced
into an iron ring, the other end into the
eye of a hook?
 A. Bridle
 B. Chain sling
 C. Bull rope
 D. Sling
 90. When a double bottom tank is full of
fresh water, it holds 120 tons. Find how
many tons of oil of relative density 0.84 it
will hold?
 A. 100.8 tons
 B. 108.0 tons
 C. 110.7 tons
 D. 112.8 tons
90. Solution:
Weight = R.D. of Oil x Cap. Of FW
R.D. of FW
Weight = 0.84 x 120 tons
Weight = 100.8 tons
 91. After discharging refrigerated cargo,
what are the advantages of thoroughly
airing the cold storage compartment?
 A. To remove bad smell
 B. To dry the holds flooring and bilges
 C. To clean the cargo hold
 D. For removal of CO2 and other gases,
odors and dampness
92. Which of the following conditions will
cause a vessel’s bottom to be subjected
to tension stresses?
 A. Concentration of weight amidship
 B. Concentration of weight forward
 C. Concentration of weight aft
 D. Concentration of weight at both end
of the vessels
 93. What is the use of the dunnage in
bagged of rice and other goods that was
closely packed?
 A. Air passage
 B. Division
 C. Drainage
 D. Spacing
 94. Metacentric height is a measure of:
I. The righting arm of the vessel
II. Initial stability of a vessel
 A. I only
 B. II only
 C. Both I and II
 D. Neither I nor II
 95. It is customarily stated as the
number of cubic feet one ton of 2,240
pounds (long ton) of a particular lot of
cargo will occupy:
 A. Stowage factor
 B. Deadweight cargo
 C. Insured cargo
 D. Measurement cargo
 96. The highest deck which runs the full
length of the ship is:
 A. Main deck
 B. Poop deck
 C. Deck house
 D. Shelter deck
 97. What do you call the metal chimney
or passage through which the smoke
and gases are led from the uptakes to
the open air?
 A. Smokestack
 B. Smoke pipe
 C. Funnel
 D. Chimney
 98. Your vessel measures 30 meters long
by 5 meters in beam. If the rolling period
is 6 seconds, find the GM:
 A. 0.44 m
 B. 0.56 m
 C. 0.48 m
 D. 0.58 m
• 98. Solution:
GM = 0.797 x Beam ²
GM = 0.797 x 5 m ²
6 secs.
GM = 0.44 m
 99. Which of the following are essential
parts of the keel?
I. Middle line keelson
II. Side keelson
 A. I only
 B. II only
 C. Both I and II
 D. Neither I nor II
 100. In British Harbor, the Department of
Transportation has given authority to any
person to inspect the oil record book of a
 A. Harbor Master
 B. Representative of the Agent
 C. Marine Surveyor
 D. Port State Control