Constructing Current-Based Gate Models Based on Existing Timing Library Andrew Kahng, Bao Liu, Xu Xu UC San Diego Outline Gate Modeling Background Problem Formulation Approximation and Regression Applications Experiments Conclusion Gate Models K-factor lookup tables 1. Dg = f(Cload, Tr) 2. Trout = g(Cload, Tr) Efficient capacitance Ceff for distributed load capacitance To achieve identical gate delay (and output signal transition time at the same time!) E.g., by achieving the same average gate output current Calculating Effective Capacitance Ceff = Cload Trout = g(Ceff, Tr) Ceff s.t. Iout(Ceff)=Iout(load) 1. If (Ceff > Cload || Ceff < 0) 2. Return Cload 3. Else if(DCeff < e) 4. May not converge No equivalent gate delay and Trout at the same time Waveforms are not ramp functions! Return Ceff 5. Else 6. Continue iteration Current-Based Transistor Model MOSFET is a voltage-controlled current source, e.g., as in the alpha-power-law model 0 W Pc Ids (Vgs Vt ) / 2 Leff Pv W Pc(Vgs Vt ) Leff Vgs Vt Vds Pv (Vgs Vt ) Vds Pv (Vgs Vt ) For a simple inverter, gate output current is given by one of the transistors An equivalent inverter macro-model for an inverting complex gate current-based gate modeling Current-Based Gate Modeling Consists of a lookup table I(Vi, Vo) and C(Vi, Vo) Vi Vo R Vi I(Vi, Vo) C Voltage-Based Current-Based Transient analysis for output signal waveform Gate Pre-Characterization Current-based gate models need additional precharacterization, e.g., I(Vi, Vo), given by SPICE DC sweep analysis Cadence Effective Current Source Model (ECSM) Rise_transition (template) { index_1: // slew rate index_2: // load cap values: // output Tr ecsm_waveform (name1) { index_3: // output voltage values: // time point } } Synopsys Composite Current Source Model (CCS) Outline Gate Modeling Background Problem Formulation Approximation and Regression Applications Experiments Conclusion Constructing Current-Based Gate Model From Existing Timing Libraries Given gate delays and output slew rates for load caps and input slew rates, find an equivalent current-based gate model, e.g., I(Vi, Vo) and C 1. Dg = f(Cload, Tr) 2. Trout = g(Cload, Tr) I(Vi, Vo) Tr C Cload Dg Vi Cload Trout Tr I Vi Vo C Inverse Problem To find an unknown underlying physical process by a set of measurements Q=CV Inhomogeneous Fredholm integral equations of the first kind Dg 0.5Tr in I (Vi,Vo)dt 0.5(C C L )Vdd 0 Dg 0.5Tr in 0.5Tr out I (Vi,Vo)dt (0.8 0.2)(C C Dg 0.5Tr in 0.5Tr out L )Vdd Solving an Inverse Problem Integral equations differential equations Apply interpolation to reduce variables to those in the I(Vi, Vo) lookup table a I i i 0.5(C C L )Vdd i b I i i (0.8 0.2)(C C L )Vdd i Inverse problem solutions are extremely sensitive to input data perturbations! Inverse problem Optimization w/ objective A + S (A: accuracy, S: smoothness, : weighting factor) Outline Gate Modeling Background Problem Formulation Solution: Approximation and Regression Applications Experiments Conclusion Polynomial Regression of I(Vi,Vo) A priori knowledge: Approximate I(Vi, Vo) by a quadratic polynomial 9+1 coefficients in a limited range Polynomial Regression of I(Vi,Vo) I (Vi ,Vo ) a 00 a 01Vo a 02Vo a10Vi a11ViVo a12ViVo 2 a 20Vi a 21Vi Vo a 22Vi Vo 2 Vi Vo 2 2 2 2 0 a 00 , a 20 a 01 , a 02 , a10 a 00 a 01 a 02 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 a10 a 20 a 01 a11 a 21 0 0 I (Vi ,Vo ) 0 a10 a11 a12 0 I (0,0) 0 I (0,1) I (1,0) 0 I (11 ,) I (Vi ,Vo ) Our Constructive Method 1. Start with an initial polynomial coefficient 2. For each iteration 3. Perturb a coefficient ai’ = ai + d 4. Compute mean square gate delay mismatch e 5. If e reduces, commit perturbation ai = ai + d 6. Else, go other direction ai = ai – d 7. Stop if no improvement 8. Reduce step d for another iteration 9. Compute I(Vi, Vo) and C Applications More accuracy, arbitrary waveform Efficiency advantage over SPICE simulation Gate delay calculation for Long interconnects Cross-coupling Supply interconnects voltage drop effect Supply current calculation Noise calculation Supply Voltage Variation Effect on Gate Delay Calculation I ' I (Vi ' ,Vo ' ) Vi ' Vi DV Vo ' Vo DV There exists an equivalent inverter macro-model for each input combination for any (inverting) complex gate Adjust input and output voltages for I(Vi, Vo) table lookup for a falling input signal, but not for a rising input signal Experiments BPTM 70nm technology cell library Compare (our) constructed and (SPICE simulation based) pre-characterization models Our Constructed Quad. Pre Characterization Cubic Pre Characterization m s m s m s invx4 1.25 5.7 9.73 45.2 11.12 37.8 invx8 1.85 16.9 12.93 27.2 14.67 27.8 4.8 7.06 152.7 5.91 56.5 nor2x4 0.46 Experiments Gate delays by (1) our model and (2) pre-characterized model normalized by SPICE simulation results For Ideal (1.0V) Supply Voltage 97.4 99.0 101.0 97.8 94.9 (1) 93.0 (2) 100.0 98.7 (1) 98.4 (2) 104.3 101.8 100.0 (1) For Degraded (0.9V) Supply Voltage 102.0 105.4 106.7 108.6 101.2 106.8 108.6 106.9 (2) 102.1 99.8 (1) 107.8 106.4 106.6 106.2 107.8 106.4 106.6 108.3 (2) 100.0 99.6 97.8 99.3 102.6 99.0 98.7 99.1 95.7 98.0 100.0 102.5 101.2 100.6 100.0 95.5 103.9 100.8 100.2 99.5 100.0 97.6 98.8 98.5 100.8 99.6 95.6 97.9 99.2 98.7 98.7 100.1 97.9 100.2 Summary Utilize existing timing libraries for application of novel current-based gate modeling Wide range of applications: supply current calculation, delay calculation for complex waveforms, e.g., resistive shielding, crosstalk coupling, supply voltage variation, etc. Slightly less accurate than pre-characterized current-based gate models, e.g., within 8.6% vs. 4.4% for gate delay calculation with varied supply voltage Reasonable runtime for model construction, 28.3 seconds in average on a 2.8GHz P4 system Thank you !