TO: FROM: Prospective RN to BS in Nursing Students Deepika Goyal, Ph.D., RN, FNP-C Advanced Placement Coordinator Thank you for your interest in the RN to BS in Nursing Program at San Jose State University. Enclosed you will find information about the Advanced Placement Program for Licensed RNs. Currently, the RN to BS program accepts 60 students each Fall semester The Valley Foundation School of Nursing only, the first 30 completed and eligible applicants will begin in Fall, the other 30 will begin the One W ashington Square San José, CA 95192-0057 Voice: 408-924-3131 Fax: 408-924-3135 Web: Applications for the Nursing major for fall are due during the November filing period. Director: Dr. Katherine Abriam-Yago 1. RN to BS in Nursing Application Form (see page 2) nursing program the following spring but will take at least one university class in fall. Applicants apply online to the university at Due to the Nursing office by March 4, 2016 for Fall 2016 Admission Cycle 2. Official transcripts from all schools attended 3. Copy of your Writing Skills Test (WST) results 4. Copy of your RN license (or permit) 5. Copy of your acceptance letter to SJSU If you have a degree or have taken courses at a school outside the United States, you should contact the Student Services Center (408) 283-7500 regarding eligibility and assistance with the application process. We strongly urge you to attend one of the general information and group advising sessions. Please see school of nursing website for updated information session dates and times Contact Dr. Deepika Goyal with questions after reading the information and attending an information session. Phone: 408-924-3149 Email: . Nursing Office for General Nursing Information: (408) 924-3131 The California State University: Chancellor’s Office Updated 8-7-15 dg SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY The Valley Foundation School of Nursing RN to BS in Nursing Application Form You must complete an SJSU application online at AND submit a the RN to BS Nursing application form (below) to the School of Nursing Applicants must be 1) California residents; 2) have a valid California RN license/permit; 3) Meet SJSU transfer requirements; 4) have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0; 5) have completed English 1A, Speech, Statistics, Chemistry and Critical Thinking and any additional transfer requirements. Application for Fall/Year Name Gender Race/Ethic Background Languages Spoken Birth date (month/day/year) ____________________ SJSU ID# SSN ____________________ Previous or Maiden Name(s) Address City, State, Zip Home Phone Work Phone Email Please list College(s) attended: , Application checklist: Copy of RN license Official Transcripts, all colleges attended Copy of WST results SJSU Acceptance Letter Updated 8-7-15 , Transfer Worksheet - Please Complete & Attach to Your Nursing Application Transfer requirements. See Find your community college(s) under GE Breadth Area Area A: English Language Communication & Critical Thinking A1 Oral Communication A2 Written Communication A3 Critical Thinking Area B: Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative Reasoning B1 Physical Science B2 Life Science B3 Laboratory Activity B4 Mathematics/quantitative reasoning (Statistics) Area C: Arts & Humanities C1 Arts C2 Humanities Area D: Social Sciences D1 – D9 per your school Area E: Lifelong Understanding and Self Development Area F: American Institutions Updated 8-7-15 School Semester/Quarter/Year Course Name Grade If you have previously attended SJSU please indicate Classes Completed below: Area School Area R SJSU Area S SJSU Area V SJSU Area Z* SJSU Other SJSU Other SJSU Semester/Year Course Name Grade Nursing 138 taken Sem 6 nursing prog *Take any one of these courses to satisfy area Z: HPRF 100W, NUR 100W, KIN 100W, BIO 100W, RECL 100W, Psych 100W Updated 8-7-15