AP Physics C Mechanics Syllabus Maine East High School, Fall 2011, Dr. David Schultz Overview Students enrolled in AP Physics C have already completed a year-long, accelerated physics course in their junior year. It is required that they also have completed, or are concurrently enrolled in a first semester calculus course. AP Physics C courses will meet five days a week, for a 70-minute period each day. Each semester is 85 days. Mechanics will be covered during the first semester (completed before the winter break) and electricity and magnetism exam will be covered during the second semester. Approximately two weeks will be allowed for review immediately prior to the AP exams in May, and review sessions will also be held outside of class time during the second semester. Students are required to take the AP Physics C exam in mechanics, and are strongly encouraged to take the exam in electricity and magnetism in May. Textbook University Physics, 12th Edition, Young and Freedman (Pearson, 2008) Materials Needed Textbook Three-ring binder with tab dividers and notebook paper Scientific calculator Pens and pencils WebAssign account and access to internet outside of the class Course Description This fast-paced semester-long course is designed to prepare students for the AP Physics C exam in mechanics. Topics will be covered in the order presented in the Young and Freedman text, beginning with kinematics. Calculus is introduced early and is used throughout this course, with emphasis on both differential and integral methods. Concepts and problem-solving techniques will be introduced through a series of lectures, interactive demonstrations, question and answer sessions, problem-solving sessions, laboratory investigations, and homework assignments. The course will adhere to a tight schedule and students will be expected to put in 30-60 minutes per night in homework. Major Units of Study Kinematics Newton’s Laws of Motion Work, Energy and Power Systems of Particles and Linear Momentum Circular Motion and Rotation Oscillations and Gravitation 1 Instructional Strategies Lectures: Formal presentation of concepts will typically proceed through lecture. Since students have already completed a year-long, advanced course in physics, lectures will be limited in number and duration to topics deemed to be sufficiently difficult or novel to students. Wherever possible, the instructional strategy will be to present students with phenomena first, and follow this with explication of concepts, working from concrete to abstract. Interactive demonstrations: The instructor will incorporate a variety of demonstrations within the course. The purpose of such demonstrations ranges from introduction of a new concept (introductory) to detailed analysis of a phenomena using labware probes (advanced.) Demonstrations will serve to support the conceptual understandings required for the mechanics curriculum. Question and Answer Sessions: Interaction and feedback make question and answer sessions essential in this course. Class-wide question and answer sessions will be incorporated on a daily basis, in a largely informal manner. These may center on student queries about lecture topics, demonstrations, labs or physics problems. Problem-Solving Sessions: Students will be allowed class time to work individually and collaboratively on solving problems assigned in class or as homework. These sessions are valuable insofar as they allow students to exchange strategies for mastering problem-solving techniques, and also allow students to interact with the instructor on a one-on-one basis. Laboratory Investigations: As a laboratory-based course, students should expect to spend about 20% of class time (1 day for every 5 days of instruction) doing laboratory work. Labs are designed to reinforce concepts from the mechanics curriculum. Labs are designed to maximize student inquiry, collaborative interactions, authentic applications and open-ended creative solutions whenever possible. Students will often be required to generate their own procedures, decide which information is relevant, and then decide how to organize and analyze this information. Students will be required to consider and evaluate possible sources of error in laboratory investigations. Clear communication of ideas and findings through writing, tables, graphs and calculations will be demanded. Reports will typically document purpose, method, data, analysis and conclusions. Students will work collaboratively in teams of 2-3, but will also be held individually accountable for the final reports. Students are expected to compile a portfolio of their lab work for each semester. Homework: AP Physics is a college-level course! Students will need to invest 45-60 minutes of time each evening on preparation for class. This will include online and written problem assignments, reading assignments, laboratory write-ups and general study time. Problemsolving assignments are of particular importance in the homework regimen. Problems found at the end of the textbook chapter will be assigned on a nightly basis. Students will submit answers through Webassign and will be expected to achieve a minimum percentage of correct responses after a limited number of allowed attempts. From these problem sets, students will also be asked to submit one fully-worked out problem in writing. These problems should be submitted on loose leaf paper. 2 Assessment Strategies Philosophy: Assessment of Student Understanding: Since this course is fast-paced, it is essential that students prepare themselves in a daily manner for lessons. Toward this end, the instructor will assess students on a daily basis in either formative or summative manners. Students will be assessed formatively on a daily basis in a variety of ways, including o Formative: Although homework assignments and quizzes will comprise 20% of the classroom grade, the spirit of homework assessment is to provide formative feedback. Students will be given multiple opportunities to achieve full credit on problem assignments, encouraging them to revisit problems that they find especially difficult. On a weekly basis, students will be expected to successfully complete a minimum percentage of online problems. The instructor will also collect and provide feedback on students’ written problems on a weekly basis. Homework quizzes will be administered on a frequent basis to test student understanding and provide feedback for improvement. o Summative: Laboratory reports (see previous section), unit tests and the final exam are modeled on the AP exams and are very difficult. Unit tests are given at the end of each unit and are written to encourage students to see the ‘big picture.’ Unit tests will be divided into multiple choice and free response sections. Free response problems on unit tests will involve combining material from previous units. Weighting of Class Work Grade: The class work portion of the grade will be weighted as follows: Homework and Quizzes (20%), Labs (20%), Unit Tests (60%) Final Exam: A final examination will be administered at the termination of each semester and will be cumulative. The final exam will count for 20% of the semester grade. Grading: Final grades for the quarter and semester will be assigned according to the following scale: A (90-100%), B (80-89.9%), C (70-79.9%), D (60-69.9%), F (<60%) 3 Mechanics Labs Students will do one lab for every 5 days of instruction, such that 20% of course time is spent on laboratory work. The following laboratory investigations will support the mechanics curriculum: Investigation of one dimensional kinematics: Students will use motion sensors and photogates to determine kinematical quantities of displacement, velocity and acceleration for one dimensional systems with constant and varying acceleration. Projectile motion: Students will use marble-shooting projectile devices to test predictions of range for launches from the edge of a ‘cliff.’ Statics Lab-Struts: Students will calculate the tension and/or compression in a strut as a function of the angle the wire makes with the vertical. They will also make and test predictions about the maximum tilt angle that is possible for a ladder leaning against a wall. Collisions in two dimensions: Students will use video analysis software to evaluate momentum and energy conservation in collisions of pool balls on a table. Interrupted pendulum: Students will test predictions for theoretical ‘stopping radius’ of an interrupted pendulum based on concepts of energy conservation and centripetal force. Atwood machine and Newton’s Second Law: Students will test predictions for the acceleration of a system of objects coupled in an Atwood machine. This lab will also be modified to include the case in which one object is constrained to move along a nearly frictionless inclined plane. Terminal velocity: Students will analyze video of the motion of falling coffee filters to determine terminal velocity and the effects of air resistance. Ballistic pendulum: Students will fire steel marbles into a pendulum ‘catch’ to test predictions of maximum height derived from conservation of energy and momentum. Stopping distance and the work-kinetic energy theorem: Students will determine the coefficient of friction between an object and the surface upon which it slides to a stop. Conical pendulum and ‘reduced g’ pendulum: Students test predictions of predicted periods for both a simple conical pendulum and a reduced g pendulum in which the plane of oscillation is no longer vertical. Angular kinematics of box fan: Students will use a strobe light to determine the angular displacement, instantaneous velocity and acceleration of a box fan. Rotational dynamics of bicycle wheel: Students will use a photogate sensor to measure a variety of dynamics quantities for a weighted bicycle wheel driven by a falling mass. Balanced torques: Students will test the conditions for equilibrium necessary to balance a meter stick by balancing multiple masses. Students will also measure balance conditions for cases in which the center of mass of an extended object is not located at the pivot. Simple harmonic motion: Students will use force and motion sensors to measure oscillatory quantities of a mass vibrating on a string. They will investigate conservation of energy by dropping a mass connected to a relaxed vertical spring. Virtual Labs: Students will also investigate a variety of mechanics principles using PhET online simulations: moving man, calculus grapher, projectile motion, collision lab, gravity and orbits (my solar system), etc. 4 2011-2012 Advanced Placement Physics Units Course Introduction (1 day) Kinematics in One Dimension (13 days) o Uniform linear motion and free fall o Interpreting graphs of position, velocity and acceleration versus time o Non-uniform linear motion o Applying the calculus of kinematics Time derivatives: velocity and acceleration Time integrals: displacement and change in velocity Kinematics in Two Dimensions (9 days) o Vector mathematics basics o Motion with constant velocity in two dimensions o Motion with acceleration in one dimension (projectile motion) Newton’s Laws of Motion (12 days) o Review of Newton’s three laws o Free body diagrams o Systems of coupled objects o Nature and effects of friction, esp terminal velocity o Noninertial frames of reference and apparent weight o Centripetal force o Torque, center of mass and the second condition for equilibrium Work, Energy and Power (10 days) o Work as path integral for force and displacement – the dot product o Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem o Derivation of gravitational potential energy o Conservative and nonconservative forces o Energy diagrams o Force as the derivative of potential energy with respect to displacement o Power as the time-derivative of work Systems of Particles and the Conservation of Linear Momentum (9 days) o Impulse-momentum theorem o Applications of calculus Force as the time-derivative of momentum Impulse as the time-integral of force o Elastic and inelastic collisions o Application of momentum conservation in one- and two-dimensional systems Circular Motion and Rotation (14 days) o Uniform versus non-uniform circular motion o Kinematical quantities, displacement, velocity and acceleration o Rotational inertia and parallel axis theorem o Angular momentum and its conservation o Law of Universal Gravitation including orbits and satellite motion Oscillations and Gravitation (10 days) o Kinematics of simple harmonic motion, esp trigonometric formulae o Dynamics of simple harmonic motion: Hooke’s Law o The Pendulum: simple and physical o The Mass-spring system o Damped and driven harmonic motion 5 Contact and Availability Information for Dr. Schultz E-mail: Website: Phone: Location: Availability: dschultz@maine207.org http://east.maine207.org/dschultz.aspx 847-825-4484, Voice Mailbox 1362 Office (007) and classroom (006) Periods 3 and 7, after school and by appointment Grade Posting Students and parents can access grades through District 207’s online grade portal. I typically post grades on a daily basis. Schedule and Handouts I post a unit calendar on my website, http://east.maine207.org/dschultz.aspx containing a description of what we cover in class, nightly assignments and work collected. Most documents and handouts are available on the student shared drive, shared/science/schultz/AP Physics When You Are Absent First, access schedule and handouts (above). Second, it is your responsibility to contact me and schedule make-up work so that this is completed within three days of your return. Do not take class time from others to do this; see me outside of class! Late Work Assigned work is due at the beginning of the period. Make-up work will not be accepted for unauthorized absences. For an authorized absence, you have a grace period of a couple of days to make up the work, and the assignment will be left blank in the grade portal. After this period, I will change the assignment status to ‘/M’ (missing, zero credit) in the portal. I try to accept late work for reduced credit as often as possible, because I want you to have an incentive to complete all assignments (gradebook code ‘/L.’) Safety Safe behavior and practices in the classroom and laboratory are mandatory. These are detailed in the safety contract. You must understand and follow these rules, or you will not be allowed to participate in the activity and lose credit for the assignment. Academic Honesty Students are expected to complete all tests and assignments honestly and will not collaborate in dishonest actions. Students will not give or accept answers or assignments unless directed to by the teacher. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will be subject to the disciplinary actions stated in the Student Handbook, page 37. Classroom Expectations – All students are expected to be: READY: -All school tardy and absence policies are in effect -Bring required materials RESPECTFUL: -Show respect for people and their property -Communicate at appropriate times RESPONSIBLE: -Work on the task assigned -Practice proper laboratory safety procedures 6