Chapter 15 Consumer Protection SIGS

Chapter 15
Consumer Protection
Governmental Protection
Consumer – individual who acquires goods
that are intended for personal use.
Caveat Emptor
Caveat Venditor
Let the buyer beware
Why the change in philosophy?
Class Actions
Class Actions – Allows one or several
people to sue on behalf of themselves,
and others.
Is this necessary? Why?
Governmental Procedure
Cease-and-desist order: an order requiring
a company to stop the specified conduct.
Consent order: voluntary, courtenforceable, agreement to stop a practice.
Restitution: Permits a party to a contract
to recover money or property given to the
other party.
Protection Against Inferior
Services and Goods
Who needs a license to operate?
Who would you rather go to?
Unsafe Products
1972 Consumer Product Safety Act
Created the Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC)
Food, Drugs and Cosmetics
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Requires Food, Drugs and Cosmetics be clean
Adulterated = does not meet standards
Requires labeling
Very cautious (praise and criticism)
Weights and Measures
Weights and Measures Division
Nat’l Institute of Standards and Technology
Pound is a Pound, Gallon is a Gallon, etc.
How big is a 2 x 4?
Seals certify accuracy
Protection Against Unfair Trade
Unfair Trade Practice: any method of
business that is dishonest or fraudulent or
that illegally limits fair competition.
Unfair Trade Practices
Price Fixing
False / Misleading Advertising
Bait and Switch
Federal Trade Commission
Corrective Advertising
Cease and desist
Unfair Trade Practices
Illegal Lotteries
Punishable by fine and or imprisonment
What about Bingo?
Confidence Games
Pyramid scheme (Madoff)
Unfair Trade Practices
Unfair Pricing
Free, artificial two for one, low estimates
Mislabeled Goods
Product Liability
Product Liability: Affixing of responsibility
to compensate for injuries caused by a
defective product.
Product Liability suit
Based on Breach of Warranty: an assurance the
seller makes about quality
Expansion of Product Liability
Warranty = Contract
Parties involved
Privity of Contract : relationship that exists
between buyer and seller
Product Liability
Now……Extends to…..
1. The Retailer (Walmart)
2. The Wholesaler (Middle
Man-U.S. Company)
3. The Manufacturer (Toy
Company – China?)
Chapter 15
Slide 15
Recovery for Tortious Conduct
Product Liability suit can be based on
Breach of warranty
Strict Liability
Has been expanded due to high burden of proof
Defenses to Liability
Used for non-intended purpose
Used for non-foreseeable purpose
Altered Product
Improper conduct
Misusing Product
Express Warranty: An assurance of quality
explicitly made by the seller.
Can be made by
Oral or written
Conduct – show a sample
Breach of Warranty = Breach of Contract
Opinions vs. Warranties
Puffing: Exaggerated Seller’s talk.
Expert Opinions
May create warranties
Jeweler says a diamond is flawless
Requirements of Express Warranties
Magnuson Moss Warranty Act of 1975
Not REQUIRED to give an express warranty
IF Express Warranty must identify as
FULL – free repair / replacement of any defective
part for reasonable time
 LIMITED – fails to meet one or more
requirements of a full warranty
Must be in readily understood language
Samsung Warranty
Implied Warranties
Implied Warranty: An implicit warranty
obligation imposed by law.
Warranty of title
You own what you’re selling
Free against encumbrances
Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose
Implied Warranties Given Only
by Merchants
Warranty against infringement
Free of third party’s claims
Trademark, copyright, patent, etc.
Warranty of merchantability
Fit for ordinary purposes
Quality and safety
May be disclaimed
Exclusion of Warranties
Disclaimer: a notice of exclusion
Conspicuous and in writing
Ex: “With All Faults”, “As Is”, “There are no
warranties of merchantability or fitness that extend
beyond the description on the label.”
•Usually tied to
vehicles, but may
extend to other
•New product
•Major defect within
warranty period
•Same repair made with
no improvement
•Replace product
Full Warranty: An express warranty that
obligates the seller to repair or to replace
a defective product without cost to the
buyer, in a reasonable amount of time.
Limited Warranty: Any warranty that
provides less protection than a full
Hot Debate
What protection does Edison have?
How should this case be resolved?
What’s Your Verdict
Pg 259
How should this case be resolved?