VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG FIRST AID LOG NATIONAL CUB SCOUT CHALLENGE 15/08/2009 DONE BY: COLLIN WAN TZE CHIEN VENTURE HWA CHONG SCOUT GROUP VENTURE UNIT VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG CONTENTS 1. EVENT INFORMATION 2. FIRST AID KIT LIST 3. TREATMENT LOG 4. RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX 5. RISK MANAGEMENT/SAFETY PRECAUTIONS VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG CHAPTER I: EVENT INFORMATION DATE: 15/08/2009 TIME: 0830-1600 HR VENUE: HWA CHONG INSTITUTION (HIGH SCHOOL SECTION) SCHOOL COMPOUND, 661 BUKIT TIMAH ROAD, SINGAPORE 269734 ORGANISING COMMITTEES THE SINGAPORE SCOUT ASSOCATION HWA CHONG SCOUT GROUP OVERALL PROJECT MENTORS ERIC LIM (SINGAPORE SCOUT ASSOCATION) CLARENCE HOE (SINGAPORE SCOUT ASSOCATION) EDGAR WONG (SINGAPORE SCOUT ASSOCATION) PROJECT ORGANISING SECRETARY KENII TAKASHIMA (HWA CHONG INSTITUTION) HEAD OF LOGISTICS HANSEN SUN (HWA CHONG INSTITUTION) HEAD OF MANPOWER LIM JING XI (HWA CHONG INSTITUTION) HEAD OF PROGRAMMES AND ARTWORK GUO DAN (HWA CHONG INSTITUTION) EXECUTORS: HWA CHONG SCOUT GROUP HWA CHONG OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES CLUB NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: APPROXIMATELY 600 CUB SCOUTS OBJECTIVE/AIMS: CUB SCOUTS CAN HAVE FUN THROUGH FRIENDLY COMPETITION AND EXPOSURE TO SCOUTING SKILLS FIRST AID IN-CHARGE: NELSON NG (HWA CHONG INSTITUTION), COLLIN WAN (HWA CHONG INSTITUTION) EQUIPMENT LIST: 6 MOBILE FIRST AID KITS, 2 FIRST AID KITS STATIONED AT HEADQUARTERS NUMBER OF FIRST AIDERS: 12 HWA CHONG SCOUT GROUP VENTURES VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG CHAPTER II: FIRST AID KIT LIST Item Plaster Triangle bandage Quantity 10 pieces 3 Alcohol Swabs 10 pieces Roller bandage 2 Gauze pads 10 Medical adhesive tape 1 roll Safety pins 10 Charcoal pills 10 Panadol 10 Antiseptic cream 1 10 cent coins 5 coins Phone card 1 Scissors 1 Tweezers 1 Thermometer 1 Personal Particulars 1 Sterile solution (Saline solution) 5 Muscle Rub 1 Disposable gloves 1 pair Rehydration Salts 1 pack CPR Face Mask 1 VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG CHAPTER III: TREATMENT LOG NO. CASUALTY’S NRIC 1 TIME OF OCCURENCE 0900h 2 1300h S9837462F S9983415Z INJURY DESCRIPTION Minor Cut on Forehead INITIAL ACTION TAKEN Wound was washed and antiseptic cream and plaster applied. Abrasion on Knee Wound was washed and checked for foreign particles. Antiseptic cream without dressing applied. TIME AND DURATION OF FIRST AID SERVICE: 0830-1600 HOURS, 15 AUG 2009 INCIDENTS OCCURRED: 2 NO OTHER INCIDENTS WERE FOUND END OF TREATMENT LOG OUTCOME No further action needed No further action needed VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG CHAPTER IV: RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX (NCSC/2009) 15 August 2009 CONSEQUENCES (RISK LEVEL) 0830-1600h LOW ----------------------------- HIGH MINOR INJURIES LOW ------------------------------- HIGH OCCURRENCE PROBABILITY HIGH MEDIUM INJURIES Blisters Heat Cramps Cuts Strains DISABLING/ FATAL/ LIFE THREATENING Abrasions Bruises Fatigue Asthma Muscle Cramps Sprains Fits Dehydration Respiratory Distress Fainting LOW Traffic Accidents Heat Stroke/Exhaustion Fracture Bee, Wasp Stings VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG CHAPTER V: RISK MANAGEMENT/SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Safety Precautions Abrasions - Result of a sliding fall or friction burn Occurrence Probability: High-minor injury Precautions to be taken: Powder abrasion-prone areas regularly, for example once every 2-3 checkpoints Emergency Plan: None since it is not an emergency First Aid to be applied: Wash away any dirt or debris from affected areas, if possible, use antiseptic lotion. Blisters - Friction between tight-fitting shoes and feet - Lack of airing of feet Occurrence Probability: High-minor injury Precautions to be taken: Wear comfortable shoes, and constantly air feet every 1-2 checkpoints. If possible, stick blister prevention pads on the soles of the feet. Emergency Plan: None since it is not an emergency First Aid to be applied: Stop the blister from further enlargement by bandaging it. VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG Bruises - Rupturing of minute blood vessels beneath the skin - Due to a fall or a hard knock against an object - Blue-blackish bruise appears Occurrence Probability: High-minor injury Precautions to be taken: None Emergency Plan: None since it is not an emergency First Aid to be applied: Apply lotion for bruises and prevent any further knocks in the same area. Cuts - Cut by sharp edge - May result in profuse bleeding Occurrence Probability: High-minor injury Precautions to be taken: Avoid reckless handling of sharp objects such as knives. Emergency Plan: If bleeding is profuse and cannot be stopped, I would call for an ambulance and send the casualty to hospital. Meanwhile I would apply direct or indirect pressure on the wound to slow down bleeding and calm the casualty down to prevent him from going into shock. Muscle Cramps - Due to overexertion of muscles - Or not enough fluids in the system - Muscle tightens and shortens causing severe pain Occurrence Probability: Medium-minor injury Precautions to be taken: As stated before, walk according to the speed of the slowest member and constantly remind each other to hydrate themselves. Emergency Plan: None as it is not an emergency First Aid to be applied: Relax, stretch and massage affected muscle and drink lots of water. VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG Fatigue - A prolonged period of activity without rest - Body not suited to vigorous activity for a long period of time, which may be because of a lack of exercise - Lack of concentration observed Occurrence Probability: Medium-minor injury Precautions to be taken: Ensure participant has enough rest before the activity and during the activity. Replenish body fluids with food, water and isotonic drinks. Emergency Plan: None as it is not an emergency First Aid to be applied: None Fits - Sudden loss of consciousness - Uncontrolled movement of limbs - Lasts a few minutes Occurrence Probability: Low-minor injury Precautions to be taken: None Emergency Plan: None as it is not an emergency First Aid to be applied: Allow the casualty to continue and support the casualty when he falls. Do not place anything into his mouth. Heat Cramps - Excessive sweating from a strenuous and physically demanding activity - Muscle pain in legs, arms or abdomen during activity is observed VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG Occurrence Probability: High-injury Precautions to be taken: Take regular breaks under shelter during the activity and hydrate oneself with water regularly Emergency Plan: None as it is not an emergency First Aid to be applied: None Others: - If cramps do not subside in 1 hour, call up the ambulance - If heat cramps continue, heat exhaustion may result. Strains - Over stretching of muscles - Body not suited to vigorous activity for a long period of time, which may be because of a lack of exercise Occurrence Probability: High-injury Precautions to be taken: Taking sufficient breaks Emergency Plan: None as it is not an emergency First aid to be applied: - R.I.C.E Procedure - Rest the injured area - Ice area for 15 minutes every 2 to 3 hours, for the first 24 to 28 hours of injury - Compress the area for 24 to 28 hour - Elevate the area for first 24 to 48 hour Asthma - It could be due to the medical history of casualty - Respiratory problems can be observed Occurrence Probability: Medium-injury VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG Precautions to be taken: None Emergency Plan: None as it is not an emergency First aid to be applied: - Bring casualty to a cool place and allow him to sit - Ensure the area is not heavily air-polluted - Use inhalers if the casualty has any - Reassure casualty, and try to guide him into slow breathing - If breathing stops, apply rescue breathing - Mouth-mouth or Mouth-nose - 12 ventilations per minute (adult) - Be highly alert and attentive to the casualty, taking note of his condition Sprains - Over-exertion of ligaments - Result in tearing or over-stretching - Swelling or deformity Occurrence Probability: Medium-injury Precautions to be taken: Walk according to the speed of the slowest member in the team so as not to over exert anyone in the team. Emergency Plan: If there is a tearing of the ligament and the companion cannot continue with the hike, I would inform the testers immediately and call for my reserve companion to take the casualty’s place and at the same time send the casualty home. Dehydration - Lost of too much body fluids through rigorous physical activity. VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG - May result in death Occurrence Probability: Medium-fatal injury Precautions to be taken: Do not over exert, and constantly hydrate oneself. Emergency Plan: If the casualty is still conscious, I would give him plenty of weak salt solution to drink and elevate his feet to allow blood to flow to the vital parts of the body. If the casualty has become unconscious, I will notify the testers and send the casualty to hospital. Bee, Wasp Stings - Provoking of these insects causing injury - Passing by swarms of these insect causing injury Occurrence Probability: Low-fatal injury Precautions to be taken: None First aid to be applied: - If stinger is in the wound (only for bees), flick it out with the edge of a card in wallet, etc. - Wash the wound with mild acidic substance if available (bee) - Wash the wound with mild alkaline substance if available (wasp) - Apply a cold compress to relieve pain - Advise casualty to see the doctor if the pain and swelling persists - If sting is in the mouth, give casualty ice to suck or cold water to sip and seek medical attention Others: - Some people might be allergic to stings and develop difficulty in breathing - Multiple stings might result in death - Call up safety lorry Respiratory Distress - Difficulty in breathing caused by foreign object blocking airway - Difficulty in breathing caused by crushing or penetrating chest injury - Rapid, distressed, noisy breathing and gasping - Blueness of skin VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG Occurrence Probability: Low-fatal injury First aid to be applied: - Call up safety lorry - Varies according to the cause - If breathing stops, rescue breathing must be applied Precautions to be taken: - Check companion’s medical history - Be alert to all companion’s wellbeing at all times during the activity Fainting - Temporary hindering of blood flow to brain - Caused by sudden drop in blood pressure or severe pain. Occurrence Probability: Low-fatal injury Precautions to be taken: Constantly allow companions to hydrate themselves. Emergency Plan: Access the state the casualty is in, if the fainting is due to severe pain from an injury, treat the injury and constantly check for vital signs. Inform testers if casualty’s condition worsens. Heat stroke - Body unable to control temperature due to long periods in the sun - Body temperature reaches up to 40°C - Casualty’s sweating mechanism breaks down - Life threatening emergency Occurrence Probability: Low-fatal injury Precautions to be taken: Constantly hydrate oneself again and take regular breaks Emergency Plan: If one of the companions is down with heat stroke, I would call for an ambulance immediately and inform the testers. Meanwhile, the casualty will be moved to a cool place and fan the casualty to keep him cool. Heat Exhaustion VENTURE CORD : FIRST AID LOG - Severe fatigue due to excessive loss of fluids and through perspiration - Casualty experiences heavy sweating, muscle cramps and pale skin, rapid pulse and breathing. He may also feel nauseous. Occurrence Probability: Low-fatal injury Precautions to be taken: Constantly remind companions to hydrate themselves and take regular breaks. Emergency Plan: Heat exhaustion can lead to the fatal heat stroke, thus I would allow the casualty to rest under the shade. Other companions can help to cool him down by fanning him and giving him water to drink. If the condition does not get better, I would send him to the nearest clinic and inform the testers. Fractures - Caused by sudden, immense impact on the body - May result in disability Occurrence Probability: Low-disabling Precautions to be taken: None Emergency Plan: Immobilize injured part and call for a non-emergency ambulance. Inform testers immediately. Vehicle accidents Occurrence Probability: Low-fatal injury Precautions to be taken: Do not jaywalk Emergency Plan: I would assess the casualty’s condition and apply the necessary first aid. I would also call for an ambulance and inform the testers.