Dokumentace - SOU stavební, Opava, po

Název a adresa školy:
Střední odborné učiliště stavební, Opava, příspěvková
organizace, Boženy Němcové 22/2309, 746 01 Opava
Název operačního programu:
OP Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost, oblast podpory 1.5
Registrační číslo projektu:
Název projektu:
Zvyšování klíčových aktivit
Předmět, ročník:
Anglický jazyk, 4. ročník
Název sady vzdělávacích
Parts of speech
Sada číslo:
Pořadové číslo vzdělávacího
Označení vzdělávacího
Téma vzdělávacího materiálu: Pronouns I.
Druh učebního materiálu:
Mgr. Vlasta Galisová
Prezentace se věnuje charakteristice anglického zájmena,
všeobecným informacím a zájmenům určitým (Personal Pronouns,
Reflexive Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, Relative Pronouns,
Interrogative Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns).
Metodické poznámky:
Materiál je vhodný pro maturitní obory.
Datum vytvoření:
8. 12. 2012
Ověření ve výuce:
8. 1. 2013
Parts of speech
Pronouns I.
General information
 A pronoun is a word that can be used in
place of a noun or a noun phrase, as the
word itself tells us: pro-noun. We do not
normally put a noun after pronoun.
 Determiners vs. pronouns:
I want this book (this + noun = determiner).
I want this (this on its own = pronoun).
Personal Pronouns
 Subject pronouns:
1st person (sg.; pl.): I; we.
2nd person (sg.; pl.): you; you.
3th person (sg.; pl.): he, she, it; they.
 Subject pronouns nearly always come before
a verb in statements.
 They are used when the person or thing
referred to can be identified by both speaker
and hearer.
 In English, the subject of a sentence must
be expressed.
Personal Pronouns
 Object pronouns:
1st person (sg.; pl.): me; us.
2nd person (sg.; pl.): you; you.
3th person (sg.; pl.): him, her, it; them.
 Object pronouns replace nouns in object
position. They can be:
1) Direct object: Have you met Jane? I have
never met her.
2) Indirect object: If you see Peter, give him
my phone number.
Reflexive Pronouns
1st person (sg.; pl.): myself; ourselves.
2nd person (sg.; pl.): yourself; yourselves.
3th person (sg.; pl.): himself, herself, itself;
 A reflexive pronoun indicates that the action
expressed by the verb passes from the
subject back again to the subject and not to
any other person or thing.
I am teaching myself Spanish.
Students help themselves to do homework.
You definitely heard it yourself.
 They show possession.
 Possessive Adjectives: my, your, his, her, its,
our, your, their.
 Possessive Pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers,
- , ours, yours, theirs.
 Possessive adjectives must always be used in
front of a noun.
These are my children.
 Possessive pronouns are never used in front
of nouns and are stressed in speech.
These children are mine.
Relative Pronouns
 Who, whom, whose are used of persons:
The man who spoke was my brother.
He is one of the men whom I can trust.
He is a man whose car is red.
 Which as a relative pronous is used of things
and animals:
The book which is on the table is mine.
 That as a relative pronous is used for persons
and things (as a object in relative sentence):
The house that we rented in London was fully
Interrogative Pronouns
 The interrogative pronouns are who, whom,
whose, which, what. They are used in
questions and they always precede the verb.
 Who is used only for persons:
Who say you? No one.
 What is generally used for things:
What was he? A painter.
 Which is used for things and persons:
Which do you prefer, black or white?
Which of these children is Jane?
Demonstrative Pronouns
I like these (pictures, which are near me) better than
those (pictures, over there on the far side).
This is what I think now, that is what I thought last
ALEXANDER, L. G. Longman English Grammar. 1.
vyd. London and New York: Longman, 1988.
ISBN 0-582-55892-1.
SVOBODA, A., KUČERA, K. English Parts of
Speech. 1. vyd. Opava: SU v Opavě, 2005.
ISBN 80-7248-199-1.
 Give an example of personal pronouns as
an object and as a subject.
 Use reflexive pronoun in a sentence.
 Make questions and use interrogative
 What types of demonstrative pronouns do
you know?
za pozornost.