Response Reading Name

Response Reading
Name _________________________
Read (or Re-read) The Green-Eyed Monster: Envy is nothing to be Jealous Of
Words you’ll need to know as you read:
Recompense = to pay someone back or make amends
Insidious = something that works in a sly way, in an intent to trap
Rancorous = bitter hate or ill will
Pedantic = someone who shows off their knowledge by pointing out mistakes
Begrudging - to feel ill will or resentment at the possession or employment of (something) by another
Pejorative = having a negative or belittling effect
The main idea of this essay was to insist that jealousy and envy are not the same, and have completely
different meanings. Epstein uses many examples to show the contrast.
1. Which of the following is an accurate definition of ―envy according to the author?
A. Resentment of another‘s good fortune
B. Fear of loss of what one has
C. Intense feeling of suspicion
D. Yearning to be more like others
2. How is jealousy different than envy? Use quotes from the essay to support your explanation.
3. According to the author, which is worse – jealousy or envy? Explain why the one you selected is
4. What is the difference between envy and yearning, according to the essay?
5. Why do you think that envy is described as ―”green-eyed”?
6. Think about examples of envy or jealousy from movies or books that you’ve seen or read. Describe
the example (the character, the context of the movie or book) and how this example illustrates either
envy or jealousy.
Read Pride by Dagoberto Gilb
7. What does the assistant manager tell us about pride?
8. Gibbs uses figurative language in this essay.
Identify two similes he uses.
b. Gibbs uses several metaphors for pride throughout the essay. Identify two metaphors for
pride in the essay.
c. Give one example of personification in the essay.
9. Describe the sense of pride the father feels at his son’s graduation.
10. The author exhibits pride in his culture. Describe your own definition of pride. What are you
proud of? (use the back of this paper to continue your response)