Chemical Reaction Types


Nov. 23 rd /24 th …Happy Turkey Day!

 TO DO…

 Get out Balancing Act WS and collaborate with table group to make sure your answers are accurate

Get ready for a challenge by picking up half sheet from counter

Finish the Sickening Six

Reading if you still need to complete the chart in your journal (pg 114-120)


Balancing equations challenge

Types of reactions

 Reaction cartoons


All grades must be fixed by tomorrow

Today is last day for quiz retakes

Snowman Challenge

 You will work with table partner (I will determine any trios if need be)

 Let’s read directions together

 Your goal is complete as many as possible in 15 minutes!

 First 2 groups earn bonus points on quiz…can I hear a yahoo!!!


Chemical Reactions

Quick review & overview…

Types of Reactions…

Journal entry…notes

Types of Reactions

More Romance Chemistry


A + B = AB


AB= A + B

Single-ReplacementDance Cut In

A + BC = AC + B

Double-ReplacementDancing couples switch partners.

AB + CD = AC + BD

Cartoon Chemistry

Example Synthesis Cartoon

Cartoon Chemistry

Example Decomposition Cartoon

Cartoon Chemistry

Example Single Replacement Cartoon

Cartoon Chemistry

Example Double Replacement Cartoon

Cartoon Chemistry Assignment

Your Cartoons must include each of the following:

1. A formula with symbols for each type of reaction

(ex. A + B = AB)

2. A drawing that shows EFFORT

3. Symbols from formula tied into your drawing

4. A funny/creative caption explain your cartoon
