Reading Rhetorically

Reading Rhetorically
The Writer as a Strong Reader
Chapter 5: Allyn and Bacon Textbook
Pages 87-102
 We discussed the idea of “wallowing in complexity”
and the implications this method of thinking has on
 Now, write to explain why you think reading in this
style is just as important in order to produce a quality
piece of writing.
Reading Rhetorically
Means you will:
 Read with and against the grain
 Be aware of the effects a text has on its intended
 Analyze how the text tries to persuade the reader,
then you will decide if you agree with the ideas
presented or if you want to challenge those ideas.
Objective of Rhetorical Reading
 To help you become a more powerful reader and ultimately
a more power writer.
 Assist you in becoming a more careful “listener” when
reading a text.
 Assist you in formulating stronger responses to a text.
 Heighten your awareness of the power of persuasion that
is being utilized by a writer.
Why Bother?
 On page 88, before reading the passage, please take the
survey on global warming.
 Then in your group, read the passage. Once for content
and then a second time taking notes (ex: post notes,
outline, etc.).
 Answer Thinking Critically questions on page 94-95
 Be prepared to discuss with class.
Why Bother?
Think Aloud
 Your thoughts:
Working for It….
 Why the purposefully rhetorical question in the title?
 What is an Inconvenient Truth?
 Who is Al Gore? Who is Jimmy Carter? Who is Ed Begley, Jr.
Michael Specter?
 Language: Why the loaded language?
Working for It…. Cont’d
 Emotion: Why is my anxiety level increasing,
 Vocabulary: What is a doppelganger? Derision?
 Geography: Where is Shanghai or Chongqing?
Working for It…. Cont’d
 Questioning: What is the point of the continuous use of
self questioning?
 Chart: Why the title? (High Anxiety)? Why the colors? Why
the comparison?
 References: What is [NB?]
So many questions!!!
An Inconvenient Truth
 Q: So do I have to be inconvenienced and look things
 A: Yes!
 Ex: An Inconvenient Truth is a 2006 Academy Award
winning documentary film directed by Davis
Guggenheim about former United States Vice
President Al Gore's campaign to educate citizens
about global warming via a comprehensive slide show
that, by his own estimate made in the film, he has
given more than a thousand times.
What Challenges Does College
Reading Present?
 Vocabulary: Contains technical language, jargon,
terminology you might not be familiar with or certain
of correct usage.
 Unfamiliar Rhetorical Context: Unclear about the
author’s purpose, audience, or occasion. Not being
part of an intended audience can make the reading
and your understanding of the reading more difficult
because you might miss the contextual clues.
What Challenges Does College
Reading Present? (Cont’d)
 Unfamiliar Genre: At this level there are a variety of
resources available that you might never have used, or
used sparingly so that you are not comfortable with them.
Each has it own set of demands regarding reading and
 Lack of Background Knowledge: Not having sufficient
background knowledge, will keep you from understanding
references embedded in the reading. Hence, if you do not
already know the references you will have to research
them in order to understand the entire scope of the text.
Lack of Background Knowledge
 In your groups, read the section titled: Appreciating
the Importance of Background Knowledge on page
 Then work together for about 10 minutes on the
activity on page 97
 Be ready to share your thoughts with the class.
Using the Reading Strategies
 Reading : Strategies for Reading Like an Expert, pg 97
 Take notes in your composition notebook
 Discuss with your group why these strategies will
assist you in becoming a stronger, better reader and
ultimately, a more proficient writer.
Reading With and Against the Grain
 As a reader you need to both read with and against
the grain to completely understand the topic/theme
that is being presented by the writer.
 Reading with the grain: You support the writer and
allow yourself to agree with the issues the writer is
Reading With and Against the Grain
 Reading Against the Grain: You understand and
respect the positon of the writer, but you offer
counter arguments. You “push back.” You present a
line of reasoning that questions and challenges the
 To be a strong reader, you should use both
techniques—hence considering both sides of an idea.
Reading With and Against the Grain
 On page 98-99, read the table titled: Strategies for
Reading with and Against the Grain.
 Take notes on these strategies in your notebook.
 Then discuss with your groups how you think each of
these will make a difference in your writing.
Summary Writing
 A summary (or an abstract): Is a concise, condensed
version of your text that presents the main ideas of your
paper in such a matter that the readers will understand the
author’s intent for writing.
 To have a powerful., effective summary you must have a
complete understanding of the text and subject matter
 Summary writing is also a great comprehension checker.
Demands of Summary Writing
 When writing a summary, you must make sure you
provide even coverage of the text. (You cannot be
top or bottom heavy)
 You must frame your summary so that the reader has
a clear understanding of which are your original ideas
as oppose to those of the author’s.
Demands of Summary Writing
 Attributive tags: These are signal phrases that you
provide to distinguish your ideas from the
ideas/words of the writing piece you are summarizing.
 See pages 100-101, chart 21 for additional instruction
on summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting sources.
Ending Activity
 Review and take notes on: Criteria for an Effective
Summary of page 102.
 Homework: Review notes from class.
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