8 Immunity flashcards NEW

What is a pathogen?
The term “pathogen” refers to:
What is a biological pathogen?
What is a non-biological pathogen?
How small is a bacteria?
Something that causes a disease.
a biological pathogen.
a bacterium, virus, fungi, yeast, protozoa, worms,
a toxic chemical, asbestos, etc.
Bacteria are so small that hundreds of them can fit
inside one white blood cell.
How small are viruses?
Viruses are so small that thousands of them can fit
inside the NUCLEUS of one white blood cell.
What is an antigen?
What is a non-biological antigen?
What is a pollen?
Basophils make up what percentage of all
Basophil granules secrete what to influence
vasodilation; more WBCs can get to the
infection site?
Antihistamines interfere with the function of
what type of WBC?
When a basophil leaves the blood vessel and
enters the tissues it is known as what?
Eosinophils make up what percentage of all
What role do eosinophils play in immunity?
What type of WBC is most numerous?
What WBC is the first to respond to
What is the role of neutrophils?
However, bacteria usually do not invade body
cells. They live between the cells of the body,
using up nutrients in the area, and they cause
harm by secreting toxins.
They always try to invade body cells because
they need a piece of our DNA or RNA in order
to replicate.
When a body cell has been invaded by a virus,
the entire cell must be killed by a white blood
Anything that causes an immune response, which
isn't necessarily a biological pathogen (diseasecausing organism).
pollen, dust, grass, or anything that a person is
allergic to.
Can be an antigen to a person with allergies, but it
is not an antigen to a person without allergies,
because no immune response was launched.
A mast cell.
Ending allergic reactions, parasitic infections
Neutrophils phagocytize and destroy bacteria,
How many lobes does the nucleus of a
neutrophil have?
Some bacteria have evolved a slippery
capsule around them as a defense against
When bacteria evolve the slippery capsule
around them what two things cannot engulf
When an antibody attaches to this type of
bacteria, the neutrophil can now grab onto
the antibody like a handle, enabling it to
This process of facilitation of phagocytosis
is called?
When an invading bacteria has the antibody
attached to its cell membrane, the entire
structure is now called..
If a bacterium does not have a capsule, the
neutrophil can destroy it without what?
The antibody can also destroy the bacterium
by itself by..
A neutrophil and antibody work best
together when?
What primarily destroys the dissolved
toxins that bacteria secrete into body fluids?
What comprises about 5% of all white blood
What eats old cells, bacteria, and foreign
bodies by phagocytosis?
What has more types of lysosome enzymes
than neutrophils so that they are better at
killing different pathogens?
Uses antibodies for opsonization...
When monocytes leave the bloodstream and
enter the tissues they are called..
What is the most numerous white blood
cell; neutrophils, monocytes or
Where are the majority of macrophages
located in the body?
What is the lifespan of each type of WBC?
they release the contents of their lysosomes onto
the invader, dissolving it & destroy toxins in body
two to six lobes
Neutrophils and macrophage
Phagocytize the bacteria
antigen- antibody complex
popping the cell membrane
A capsule is present
There are 10x more neutrophils in the
bloodstream than monocytes/ macrophages.
In the tissues
Neutrophils live only a few days, Monocytes/
Macrophages live a few months, lymphocytes live
for years.
What type of WBC can phagocytize larger
Lymphocytes are mostly needed to kill off
body cells infected by bacteria or viruses?
What type of WBC has surface receptors to
recognize the surface of the pathogen’s cell
The Macrophage places pieces of the
bacteria on its own cell membrane to
present it to a ___________.
What is antigen presentation?
What is the most important cells of the
immune system?
Lymphocytes make up what percentage of
the WBCs?
What is the role of the lymphocytes?
What are the two main classes of
Where do B cells originate from?
Where do T cells originate from?
What do B cells mature into?
What is the role of T cells?
What type of WBC attacks organ
In what two ways do antibodies attack?
What disorder attacks B lymphocytes?
When lymphocytes have a scalloped edge
where they touch RBC’s that means they are
What type of blood cells do T cells recruit
in order to coordinate the immune response?
How can T cells directly destroy bacteria?
How can T cells directly destroy foreign
What chemicals do helper T cells release?
Monocytes and Macrophages
Lymphocytes (T cell and B cell)
The lymphocyte feels the shape of the bacteria
pieces on top of the macrophage and can then
launch an attack on the rest of the bacteria.
Effective in fighting infectious organisms like
body cells infected with viruses and acting against
specific foreign molecules (antigens.)
B cells and T cells
Bone marrow
Thymus gland
Plasma cells and they fight infection by producing
They attack foreign cells directly and kill viruses.
The T cell lymphocytes.
They attach to bacteria and pop the cell
membrane. They attach to encapsulated bacteria
to help neutrophils and macrophages to
phagocytize them.
Mononucleosis: Epstein Barr Virsus, it is
characterized by inflammation of lymph vessels
Infected lymphocytes
White blood cells
By popping their cell membrane
By popping their cell membrane
Which type of T cell can directly go out and
kill bacteria or infected host cells?
What cells attack organ transplants?
Which type of drug is designed to inhibit the
action of T cells?
Which cells are attacked by the HIV/AIDS
What gland secretes certain hormones
which can cause T cells to become
What are the 3 main types of T cells?
What is a pathogen engulfed by
After the macrophage engulfs a pathogen it
does what
These type of cells touch the surface antigen
What else can Helper T-cells accomplish
Two main roles of Helper T-cells
These begin to multiply and produce the
antibodies to neutralize this specific
Called plasma cells because they have been
Killer T-cells
Stop the process and also "tell" some BCells (plasma cells) to "remember" how to
destroy that specific pathogen.
After pathogen is destroyed B-cells become
Proteins made by plasma cells
Antibodies are also known as
They are used to identify and neutralize
Cytotoxic (killer) T cells
T cells
Immunosuppression drugs
T cells
Thymus gland
Cytotoxic (Killer) T cells
Helper T cells
Suppressor T cells
A macrophage or neutrophil
releases the contents of its lysosomes onto the
bacterium and dissolves most of it.
forces the surface proteins of the bacterium
(antigens) to it's own cell surface.
Helper T=cells
make a copy of their shape, and present them to
B-cells to make antibodies against them.
The first is to activate B-Cells and "tell" them
how to neutralize the pathogen by presenting the
pieces of the bacterium cell membrane so the Bcells can turn into plasma cells which make the
The second role of Helper T-Cells is to activate
the Killer T-Cells by secreting cytokines.
either destroy the pathogen itself (bacteria), or
destroy the entire body cell which is infected
Suppressor T-cells
Memory B-cells
Immunoglobulins or Ig
Bacteria and viruses
foreign objects
Antibodies have 2 structural units
A typical antibody
each with two large heavy chains and two small
light chains—to form a unit shaped like the letter
The tips of the “Y” have receptors that are
specific for a particular antigen.
The stem of the “Y” can be grasped by a
Why is the small region at the tip of an
antibody protein extremely variable?
What is the tip of the protein called?
Why does the immune system have a wide
variety of antibodies?
How many different antibody types are
What is the first step an antibody takes in
destroying a foreign object?
What is the second step an antibody takes in
destroying a foreign object?
What is the third step an antibody takes in
destroying a foreign object?
Types of Antibodies
What is:
It allows millions of antibodies with slight
different tip structures, or antigen binding sites, to
The region is known as the hypervariable region.
Each of these variants can bind to a different
target known as an antigen.
It allows them to recognize an equally wide
diversity of antigens.
Opsonization – Antibody promotes phagocytosis
Neutralization (precipitation/agglutination) –
antibody prevents bacterial adherence
Complement activation – Enhances opsonization
and lysis. Also involves membrane attack
complex (MAC)
IgD – initiation of immune response
IgE – stimulates allergic reactions, good for
worm infections
IgG – highest concentration in blood, highest
amounts in most secondary responses,
crosses the placenta
IgA – secretory Ig, found in secretions,
highest concentration in body
IgM – produced first, best at C’ activation
Types of Antibodies
For the Dimer IgA, a J Protein attaches the
antibody segment in the middle.
Why are most people sick more often as
children than as adults in their 20s through
We build up many varieties of memory
lymphocytes during childhood, providing
immunity from more and more antigens during
What is myasthenia gravis (GS)?
Autoimmune disease where antibodies destroy or
block receptors for acetylcholine, a
Muscle paralysis
 First attacks small muscles especially
those that keep eyes open; will spread to
diaphragm; lead to death.
What causes myasthenia gravis?
What procedure is performed to stave off
effects of myasthenia gravis?
What can one baby aspirin a day do
What do COX inhibitors do?
What is the life span from shortest
to longest of Lymphocytes,
Erythrocytes, Platelets, Neutrophils?
What is the term for excess
What is the term for few platelets?
47. What is a WBC count?
Can help prevent blood clots
block pain from inflammation, but they also
INCREASE blood clotting time.
 Lymphocytes
 Erythrocytes
 Platelets
 Neutrophils
Actual # of WBC’s per volume of blood
Both ↑ & ↓ can be significant
WBC differential looks at the FIVE
Neutrophils(segs, PMN’s, granuloyctes, grans),
lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and
48. Blood Typing
Technique determines which protein is present in
Not all blood transfusions are safe. Proteins in the
RBC’s outer membranes may be considered a
foreign body in another person & body rejects.
49. What is an Antigen
Type A blood has what Antigen?
Type B blood has what antigen?
Type AB blood has what antigen?
Type O blood has what antigen?
51. What happens when a person with Type
A blood receives type AB or B
What happens when a person with Type
B blood receives type AB or A
Why is Type O- blood considered a
Universal donor?
Why is Type AB+ blood considered the
Universal acceptor?
Which blood type is the rarest?
52. What is an Rh factor?
53. What is Hemolytic Disease of the
Newborn (HDN)?
Protein that causes an allergic reaction
A antigens
B antigens
AB antigens
Does not contain antigens
Blood will coagulate and the person will die
Blood will coagulate and the person will die
There are no antigens so type O blood can be
donated to anyone
Person can receive any type of blood, this blood
type is rare.
AB negative
Term that follows blood type, + (positive) or –
(negative). Rh factor is a protein
e.g. Blood type B is “positive” (Rh factor present)
Blood type B- is “negative” (no Rh factor present)
Mother’s blood type is Rh – and the fetus is Rh+
(Rh+ father) the mother’s antibodies will attack
the RBC’s of the fetus.
59. What are TWO types of Adaptive
60. What is Active Immunity?
61. What happens during naturally
acquired Active Immunity?
62. Examples of Naturally Acquired
Naturally acquired-the body is exposed to an
infectious agent, launches immune reaction
Artificially acquired-person is injected
w/attenuated or killed organism i.e. vaccination
WBC’s secrete antibodies which specifically
attack the infectious agent. These antibodies
continue to circulate sometimes for years, ready
to attack.
You can never catch the same cold twice. Your
body becomes immune to it. No cure for the
Active Immunity
What will prevent a mother's
immune system from attacking her
When is Rhogam given?
When does the baby make the Rh
What is an Inflammatory Reaction?
What is pain caused by in an
Inflammatory reaction?
Why is first exposure to polio, diphtheria,
tetanus, and influenza dangerous?
How do vaccines prevent diseases such as
polio, diphtheria, tetanus, and influenza?
What is an example of an Artificially
Acquired Active Immunity?
What are 2 types of passive immunity?
What is an example of a Naturally Acquired
Passive Immunity?
What is an example of an Artificially
Acquired Passive Immunity?
What is the difference between Active and
Passive Immunity?
Is a vaccination the same as receiving an
anti-toxin or anti-venom injection.
What are allergies?
common cold because there are hundred of
thousands of cold viruses.
An unvaccinated child is exposed to measles and
gets the disease; the child will never get measles
An injection of a medicine called Rhogam
Rhogam is given at 18 weeks into the
pregnancy and again within 72 hours after
giving birth
Not until about 18 weeks into the pregnancy
When you get stuck by a thorn or have an
infected cut, the body goes through a series of
events called an inflammatory reaction
Pain is caused from the pressure of the extra
fluid pressing on nerves in the area.
The first exposure could kill or disable you.
Vaccines which are made of those organisms have
been altered (attenuated) so that the body
recognizes them as foreign, but can’t cause the
That way, if the person is exposed to the real
organism later, the antibodies are already there to
kill it off without the body getting sick.
An example is when a child is vaccinated against
measles as a baby, so when he gets to school and
is exposed to the disease, he doesn’t get sick.
Naturally Acquired
Artificially Acquired
the passing of antibodies from mother to infant in
breast milk
a person receives an infusion of antibodies from
someone else.
Active immunity is long-lived, and may last for
years or even a life time.
Passive immunity is short lived, and may last only
for a few months.
Hypersensitivity to substances such as pollen or
animal hair that would not ordinarily cause a
What are the types of allergic responses?
What are symptoms of allergic asthma?
What is an autoimmune disease?
What is the preformed chemical mediator of
What is the newly formed chemical
mediator of allergies?
What is the symptom of allergy dependent
What are the symptoms of allergy?
Immediate allergic response
Delayed allergic response
Airway edema
Mucous secretion
A hereditary problem where the body thinks its
own tissues are foreign bodies, and it constantly
tries to kill of its own tissues.
 Preformed
– histamine - ↑ vascular
permeability; smooth muscle
– proteases – mucous secretion,
generation of complement split
 Newly formed (30-60seconds)
– leukotrienes - ↑ vascular
permeability; contraction of
pulmonary smooth muscles
– platelet activating factor – platelet
aggregation;contraction of
pulmonary smooth muscles
– prostaglanin D2 – vasodilation;
contraction of smooth muscles
– cytokines – chemotactic and
Site of allergen exposure
 wheal-and-flare reaction
– Pruritis (itching), erythema
– skin
 bronchoconstriction
 mucous secretion
 vasodilation (shock)