Properties of Stars Mass Size Distance Age Brightness Temperature We can measure distance to the nearest stars using parallax Only for the nearest stars can that angle be measured from Earth – out to maybe 200 ly From space, the parallax angle can be measured for over 100,000 stars – out to about 1500 ly. The GAIA spacecraft will extend that to up to 1 billion stars! The relationship between distance and parallax angle is extremely simple: 1 d p Distance in parsecs (1 parsec = 3.26 lightyears) Angle in arcseconds Example: Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, shows a parallax angle of 0.379 arcseconds. How far away is it? 1 d p Example: Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, shows a parallax angle of 0.379 arcseconds. How far away is it? 1 1 d 2.64 pc p 0.379 What is that in lightyears? Example: Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, shows a parallax angle of 0.379 arcseconds. How far away is it? 1 1 d 2.64 pc p 0.379 What is that in lightyears? ly d (ly) d (pc) 3.26 pc ly 2.64 pc 3.26 pc 8.60 ly If star A shows twice as much parallax as star B, then… A) Star A is four times further away than star B B) Star A is twice as far away as star B C) They’re the same distance – star A just moves more D) Star B is twice as far away as star A E) Star B is four times further away than star A 1 d p Two different measures of brightness: Luminosity Apparent Brightness Apparent brightness depends one two things: Luminosity Distance luminosity apparent brightness 4 distance 2 This relationship is at the heart of how we measure distance to many objects! Which star would appear brighter to us, Fred or Barney? Luminosity Distance Fred: 100 LSun 20 ly Barney: 200 LSun 40 ly A. Fred would appear brighter. B. Barney would appear brighter. C. Fred and Barney would appear equally bright to us on Earth. luminosity apparent brightness 4 distance 2 We measure apparent brightness on the “magnitude scale” Based on the system devised by Hipparchus in ancient Greece, where the brightest stars were of the “first magnitude” (Sort of like the best seats are “first class”) The scale is defined so that a magnitude difference of 5 represents a difference in brightness of a factor of 100 For example, a star of magnitude -1 is 100 times brighter than a star of magnitude 4. We measure apparent brightness on the “magnitude scale” Each individual step on the magnitude scale is a change in brightness of a factor of 100 1/5 ≈ 2.512 This is a logarithmic scale brightness difference factor 2.512m2 m1 How many times brighter is Venus than Jupiter? How many times brighter is Sirius than Deneb? Apparent magnitudes Sun – 26.8 Full Moon – 12.6 Venus –4 Jupiter –2 Sirius – 1.46 Rigel 0.14 Deneb 1.26 Polaris 2.1 Faintest naked eye stars ~6 Absolute magnitude: How bright a star would appear IF it were 10 pc away It’s the same magnitude scale, we just imagine moving the star to a standard distance. Absolute magnitude: How bright a star would appear IF it were 10 pc away It’s the same magnitude scale, we just imagine moving the star to a standard distance. Star Distance (ly) Sun 0.000016 Apparent magnitude (mv) Absolute Magnitude (Mv) -26.8 4.7 Sirius 8.6 -1.46 1.4 Rigel 772 0.14 -6.7 Deneb 2600 1.25 -8.38 Absolute magnitude: How bright a star would appear IF it were 10 pc away It’s the same magnitude scale, we just imagine moving the star to a standard distance. Star Distance (ly) Sun 0.000016 Apparent magnitude (mv) Absolute Magnitude (Mv) -26.8 4.7 Sirius 8.6 -1.46 1.4 Rigel 772 0.14 -6.7 Deneb 2600 1.25 -8.38 This gives us a way to compare stars’ luminosities directly The mathematical connection is also going to prove very useful… General form of the relationship: mv M v 5 5 logd (d in parsecs) Solved for absolute visual magnitude: M v mv 5 5 log d Solved for distance: d 10 mv M v 5 5 Example: Deneb is 2600 ly away from Earth. It’s apparent visual magnitude is 1.25. What is its absolute visual magnitude? (d in parsecs) Solved for absolute visual magnitude: M v mv 5 5 logd Solved for distance: d 10 mv M v 5 5 Example: Procyon has an apparent visual magnitude of 0.34 and an absolute visual magnitude of 2.66. How far away from us is it? (d in parsecs) Solved for absolute visual magnitude: M v mv 5 5 log d Solved for distance: d 10 mv M v 5 5 The color of a star is related to its temperature Astronomers go further… Astronomers look at the star’s spectrum to see what is in its atmosphere Hot stars have no molecules Cool stars can’t excite hydrogen Oh Be A Fine Girl/Guy Kiss Me Only Bungling Astronomers Forget Generally Known Mnemonics Each spectral type is further divided into numbers 0 – 9 Hottest B0 B1 B2 B3 … B8 B9 Coolest Most massive Least massive It’s mass that determines temperature. Actually, mass determines EVERYTHING! Which spectral type signifies the hottest star? A) G2 B) O2 C) B8 D) F1 E) O9 Binary stars allow us to determine the mass of the stars involved. There are several kinds of binaries… Visual Binaries Both stars can be seen with a telescope Spectroscopic Binaries We can see Doppler shifts in the spectrum Mizar and Alcor may be a true binary pair Mizar is a visual binary. Each star in the visual pair is itself a spectroscopic binary. Recent update: Alcor has recently been discovered to have a binary partner. Eclipsing Binaries We can see a dip in its brightness that repeats regularly These are both called eclipses It takes more than just period to determine mass… Newton’s version of Kepler’s Third Law Kepler’s Third Law p 2 a3 (This is specific to the Sun) 2 4 p2 a3 G M 1 M 2 (This applies to any two masses) You also need average distance between the stars (a). That can be measured directly in a few cases, but more often it has to be calculated from orbital velocity (Which can be done most precisely with eclipsing binaries) Which of these statements is true? A) All eclipsing binaries are spectroscopic binaries B) All spectroscopic binaries are eclipsing binaries C) All visual binaries are spectroscopic binaries D) All spectroscopic binaries are visual binaries E) All visual binaries are eclipsing binaries Astro-Cash Cab! Connor Alejandro Tabitha Jessica 1) Calculation How far away is a star that shows 0.1 arcseconds of parallax? (specify your units!) 2) If you moved a star to twice its current distance, it would appear… Four times brighter Twice as bright The same brightness, just smaller Half as bright One quarter as bright 3) Which spectral classification indicates the coolest star? M6 F2 O9 K3 G2 4) A double star in which we see the brightness dip in a regularly repeating pattern is called a(n) ____________ binary.