Major Roman Gods and goddesses

 Greek
Name: Zeus
 Spouse: Juno
 Children: Mars, Apollo, Minerva, Heracles…
 Parents: Saturn (Cronus) and Ops (Rhea)
 Symbols: Eagle and Thunderbolt
 Miscellaneous: He has had over 115
girlfriends and wives and 140+ kids and is
King of the gods
 Greek
Name: Artemis
 Spouse: None
 Children: None
 Parents: Jupiter and Leto
 Symbols: Bear, Moon, Silver Arrow, Deer, Bow
 Miscellaneous: She helped deliver her twin
brother, Apollo, and has a group of female
followers who must remain chaste
 Greek
Name: Hera
 Spouse: Jupiter
 Children: Mars and Vulcan
 Parents: Saturn and Ops
 Symbols: Cow, Veil, Peacock, Lion, Crown
 Miscellaneous: Jealous, Queen of the gods,
and goddess of childbirth and fertility
 Greek
Name: Athena
 Spouse: NONE
 Children: NONE
 Parents: Jupiter and Metis
 Symbols: Armor, Helmet, Owl, Olive Tree,
shield with Medusa’s head on it
 Miscellaneous: goddess of war and battle
 Greek
Name: Hephaestus
 Spouse: Venus
 Children: several with other women
 Parents: Juno
 Symbols: anvil, hammer, blacksmith
 Miscellaneous: He creates a trap to ensnare
his wife and Mars and brings all the
gods to see her shame, but instead
they laugh at him
 Greek
Name: Demeter
 Spouse: None, but Flings with Neptune and
 Children: Proserpina (Persephone)
 Parents: Saturn and Ops
 Symbols: Basket, Grain, Wheat, Vegetables,
 Miscellaneous: She was too upset to do her
job when her daughter was kidnapped and
the humans nearly starved.
 Greek
Name: Ares
 Spouse: None, but Venus is a constant
 Children: Cupid, Hippolyte
 Parents: Juno and Jupiter
 Symbols: war, bloodshed,
helmet, spear, chariot,
 Miscellaneous: He has fire-breathing
horses and in a war, he always loses
to Minerva!
 Greek
Name: Apollo
 Spouse: None
 Children: Asclepius, Orpheus, Troilus…
 Parents: Jupiter and Leto
 Symbols: Archery, healing, music, poetry,
prophecy, lyre, oracle, arrows, sun
 Miscellaneous: He and his twin
sister cause issues with those who
mess with their mama, and he has
bad luck in relationships!
 Greek
Name: Aphrodite
 Spouse: Vulcan
 Children: Eros, Aeneas….
 Parents: Jupiter and Dione (Uranus)
 Symbols: beauty, love, dove,
 Miscellaneous: She meddles in others
relationships and had a lot of
boyfriends of her own
 Greek
Name: Poseidon
 Spouse: Amphitrite
 Children: Triton, Pegasus, Orion, Theseus….
 Parents: Saturn and Ops
 Symbols: horses, chariot,
 Miscellaneous:
he created the first
 Greek
Name: Hermes
 Spouse: None
 Children: Pan…
 Parents: Jupiter and Maia
 Symbols: Caduceus, Shepherd’s staff,
traveler’s guide, messenger of gods, winged
 Miscellaneous: He appears in more
myths than any other god or goddess.
Leads souls to the Underworld
 Greek
Name: Hades
 Spouse: Prosperina (Persephone)
 Children: None
 Parents: Saturn and Ops
 Symbols: Pomegranate, Ebony Throne, Black
sheep, immortal black cattle, staff, white
 Miscellaneous: The original “he
who must not be named”.