PRODUCTION AND ITS COSTS Principles of Microeconomic Theory, ECO 284 John Eastwood CBA 213 523-7353 e-mail address: 1 ALL ABOUT COSTS Explicit and Implicit Costs Accounting Profit and Economic Profit Sunk Costs 2 Explicit and Implicit Costs Explicit Costs An explicit cost is incurred when an actual monetary payment is made. Implicit Costs Implicit costs are the value of the resources used in the production of a good for which no monetary payment is made. 3 Accounting Profit and Economic Profit Accounting Profit = Total Revenue - total explicit costs Economic Profit = Total Revenue - opportunity costs Opportunity Costs = Explicit costs + Implicit costs 4 Normal Profit When a firm's revenue just covers its opportunity costs, it is earning a zero economic profit. This is also known as a normal profit. Total Cost (TC) includes all opportunity costs, including a normal profit. 5 Sunk Costs Costs incurred in the past that cannot be changed by current decisions and cannot be recovered are said to be "sunk." 6 PRODUCTION AND COSTS IN THE SHORT RUN The Short-Run Production Function Inputs And Costs In The Short Run Total, Average and Marginal Costs 7 Production Functions . . . express the relationship between the quantity of the inputs and the maximum quantity of output (q) that can be produced with those inputs. The quantities of some inputs are variable in the short run (e.g., labor, materials) The quantity of other inputs (e.g., capital, land) are fixed in the short run. 8 Short-Run Production Function (a.k.a. TPL) . . . expresses the relationship between the quantity of the labor and the maximum quantity of output (q) that can be produced, holding the quantity of other inputs (e.g., capital, land) constant. 9 Total, Marginal, and Average Physical Products of Labor TP q f ( K , L, N ) q q 2 q1 MPP L L L2 L1 q APP L L 10 Example:q=Sand Output (Tons/Day) L=Labor (8-hr. worker-shifts/day) L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 q APPL MPPL -0 10 22 36 13 52 14 70 86 14.33 -- q MPP L L 16 18 16 q APP L L 11 Table 1: q= Sand (Tons/Day) L=Labor (8-hr. worker-shifts/Day) L 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 q 86 100 112 122 130 137 143 MPPL APPL 16 14.33 14 14.28 12 14.00 10 13.55 8 13.00 7 12.45 6 11.92 q MPP L L q APP L L 13 Table 1: q= Sand (Tons/Day) L=Labor (8-hr. worker-shifts/Day) L 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 q 148 152 155 157 158 158 157 APPL MPPL 11.38 5 10.85 4 10.33 3 9.81 2 9.29 1 8.78 0 8.26 -1 q MPP L L q APP L L 14 The Average - Marginal Rule When the marginal magnitude (e.g. product, cost, or utility) exceeds the average magnitude, the average must rise. When the marginal magnitude is less than the average magnitude, the average must fall. Marginal curve intersects average curve at a maximum or minimum. 15 From Definitions to Cost Curves The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns – As more units of a variable input are combined with fixed inputs, eventually the marginal physical product of the variable input will decline. 16 Inputs And Costs In The Short Run Fixed And Variable Inputs Fixed and Variable Costs Total Cost = Total Fixed Cost + Total Variable Cost TC= TFC + TVC 17 Example: w=wage; q= Sand (Tons/Day); L=Labor (8-hr. worker-shifts /Day) L 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 q TVC 0 10 22 36 52 70 86 TC 0 100 50 150 100 200 w = $50/worker-shift TVC = wL($/day) TFC = $100/day TC = TFC + TVC 18 Example: w=wage; q= Sand (Tons/Day); L=Labor (8-hr. worker-shifts /Day) L 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 q TVC 100 112 122 130 137 143 148 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 TC 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 w = $50/worker-shift TVC = wL($/day) TFC = $100/day TC = TFC + TVC 20 Example: w=wage; q= Sand (Tons/Day); L=Labor (8-hr. worker-shifts /Day) L 14 15 16 17 18 19 q TVC 152 155 157 158 158 157 700 750 800 850 900 950 TC 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 w = $50/worker-shift TVC = wL($/day) TFC = $100/day TC = TFC + TVC 21 Average Cost Concepts Average Fixed Cost, AFC=TFC/q Average Variable Cost, AVC=TVC/q Average Total Cost, ATC=TC/q where q = the quantity of output. 22 Marginal Cost, MC: The change in total cost that results from a one unit change in output. TC TVC TVC 2 TVC1 MC q q q 2 q1 23 Example: w=wage; q= Sand (Tons/Day); L=Labor (8-hr. worker-shifts /Day) q TVC 0 0 10 50 22 100 36 150 52 200 70 250 86 300 100 350 112 400 TC 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 AVC -5.00 4.54 4.17 3.85 3.57 3.49 AFC -10.00 4.55 2.78 1.92 1.43 1.16 ATC -15.00 9.09 6.95 5.77 5.00 4.65 MC -5.00 4.17 3.57 3.13 2.78 3.13 3.57 0.89 4.46 4.17 24 Example: w=wage; q= Sand (Tons/Day); L=Labor (8-hr. worker-shifts /Day) q TVC 122 450 130 500 137 550 143 600 148 650 152 700 155 750 157 800 158 850 TC 500 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 AVC 3.69 3.85 4.01 4.20 4.39 4.60 4.84 5.10 5.38 AFC 0.82 0.77 0.73 0.70 .068 0.66 0.65 0.64 0.63 ATC 4.51 4.62 4.74 4.90 5.07 5.26 5.49 5.74 6.01 MC 5.00 6.25 7.14 8.33 10.00 12.50 16.67 25.00 50.00 26 Average - Marginal Rule (Again) When the marginal magnitude exceeds the average magnitude, the average must rise. When the marginal magnitude is less than the average magnitude, the average must fall. MC cuts AVC and ATC at their lowest points. 27 Total Costs Shown as Areas TC at a given quantity, q, equals the area of the rectangle formed by the origin, q, and ATCq (along both the y-axis and on the curve. Rectangles formed by AVC and AFC at q show TVC and TFC. 28 AVC and APPL are Related As APPL rises, AVC decreases; as APPL falls, AVC increases. Assume labor is the only variable input: TVC wL w w AVC q q q APP L L 29 Diminishing Marginal Returns and Marginal Cost MC and MPP are related. As MPP rises, MC decreases; as MPP falls, MC increases. Assume labor is the only variable input: TVC wL w w MC q q q MPP L L 30 PRODUCTION AND COSTS IN THE LONG RUN Least-cost production Long run average (total) cost. Returns to Scale Economies of Scope Technological Change 31 Equal MPP per Dollar In the long run, all inputs may vary. For example, K may be substituted for L. Least-cost production requires that each resource is equally productive at the margin: MPP L MPP K MPP N w i n 32 The Long-Run Average Total Cost Curve (LRATC) Each possible plant size has a unique shortrun ATC curve. LRATC shows the lowest average cost at which the firm can produce any given level of output. 33 How LRATC Changes with the Scale of the Firm Economies of Scale (a.k.a. Increasing returns to scale) LRATC has a negative slope. Constant Returns to Scale LRATC has a slope = 0. Diseconomies of Scale (a.k.a. Decreasing returns to scale) LRATC has a positive slope. 34 Constant Returns to Scale Say we double all inputs and get double the output – – – – q = f(K,L), and f(2K,2L)=2q LRATC=LRTC/q With w & i constant, LRTC doubles. LRATC ($/unit) is the same at q and 2q. This is Constant Returns to Scale, CRS. 35 Increasing Returns to Scale Say we double all inputs and get more than twice the output – – – – q = f(K,L), but f(2K,2L)>2q With w & i constant, LRTC doubles. Output more than doubles. LRATC = LRTC/q ($/unit) falls This is Increasing Returns to Scale, IRS (a.k.a. Economies of Scale) 36 Decreasing Returns to Scale Say we double all inputs, but get less than twice the output – – – – q = f(K,L), but f(2K,2L)<2q With w & i constant, LRTC doubles. But output less than doubles. LRATC = LRTC/q ($/unit) rises This is Decreasing returns to scale (a.k.a. Diseconomies of Scale ) 37 LRATC is the Planning Curve Optimum Plant Size – What is the most efficient scale of operations? Minimum Efficient Scale – What is the smallest plant that will be competitive? 38 COST CURVES SHIFT WHEN Input prices change The production function shifts – – Technological progress occurs The quantity of fixed inputs changes Taxes change 39 Input Prices Higher prices for fixed inputs shift TFC, TC, AFC, and ATC up. Higher prices for variable inputs shift TVC, TC, AVC, ATC, and MC up. 40 Technological progress affects costs in two ways: It may improve the production process It may lower input prices 41 Taxes . . . on fixed inputs . . . on variable inputs, output, revenue, profit, etc. 42 Isocosts and Isoquants Isocost means one cost. Isocost lines are similar to budget lines. Isoquant means one quantity. Isoquants are similar to indifference curves. 43 Isocost lines show bundles of (L,K) of equal cost Let TC = Total Cost L = quantity of L w = price of L K = quantity of K k = price of K The y-intercept equals: The slope equals the relative price of L ($/unit L)/ ($/unit K)= units of K per unit of L TC wL kK kK TC wL TC w L K k k 44 Changes in the Isocost Line Increases in TC shift the Isocost out. The vertical intercept increases when TC increases. Changes in relative factor prices rotate the budget line. The slope equals the relative price of L (w/k) . A lower w yields a smaller |slope|. 45 Isoquant Curves One isoquant through each point. Each isoquant slopes down to the right. Isoquants further from the origin show higher quantities of output. Isoquants never cross. Isoquants are bowed toward the origin. 46 Slope of an Isoquant at a point equals - MRTSLK MRTSLK is the Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution of K for L. MRTSLK = # of units of K the firm must add to replace one unit of L. 47 Along an Isoquant , Output is constant q MPP L L MPP K K 0 MPP L L MPP K K MPP K K MPP L L K MPP L L MPP K 48 Least-Cost Production . . . occurs once the firm reaches the lowest possible isocost attainable given its output goal. At that point, the slopes of the isocost and the isoquant are equal. w MPP L k MPP K 49 Equal MPP per Dollar w MPP L k MPP K MPP K MPP L k w The tangency of the Isocost and the Isoquant imply that K and L are equally efficient at the margin. 50 Diminishing Returns (Again) In Figure 11, on page 189, illustrates this concept using isoquants. K is fixed in the SR, As more L is added, the MPPL eventually falls. 51 Product and Process Technology Better product technology results in new or improved products. Better process technology shifts the production function upward. q TPnew TPold q2 q1 0 L2 L1 L 52 Factors that shift TP up Better process technology. More of the fixed factors of production. Workers’ skills improved. q TPnew TPold q2 q1 0 L2 L1 L 53 Technology and Industrial Evolution Mass production tech. allowed the use of task-specific capital and relatively lowskilled labor. Early development of this technology gave the US an edge in manufacturing. Other factors added to our comparative advantage: abundant N; long history of HS education; no bombs hit us in WWII. 54 Henry Ford’s Model T The car was an advance in product technology. Ford’s mass production techniques advanced process technology. Large amounts of capital were combined with labor – – resulting in a high MPPL, and correspondingly high wages. 55 Strategy: Task-specific capital & low skilled labor Long production runs can make this strategy profitable. Much of the competition in the auto industry focused on product technology -adding features, changing styles -- rather than on reducing costs, and cutting price. 56 Success -- for a while The auto industry’s methods were copied by many other corporations. Even today, US firms often lead in developing new products (e.g., VCRs and fax machines). 57 Comparative Advantage Lost Our CA could not last forever. Technology and capital travel easily across international borders. Other countries copied our products and our production techniques. 58 Mass Production Migrates Task-specific capital requires only low skilled labor. Many of these countries had lower wages. The CA in auto manufacturing and other industries began to shift abroad. US producers could compete only by lowering wages, or producing overseas. 59 Better Process Technology R&D focused on developing process technology to reduce costs has enabled Germany and Japan to pay high wages. Using general capital and skilled labor, firms develop new products quickly and profitably over short production runs. Requires skilled labor -- US skills lag others. 60