Nineteen Eighty-Four

Nineteen Eighty-Four
The destruction of humanity
◦ Chapter 1 focus: How does the Govt. in 1985
take away humanity?
Well today for CHAPTER 2 the focus is:
◦ How does the party destroy the family unit?
(including loyalty, privacy and innocence of
Notice how they are all connected to
aspects of our humanity? (this is a theme
of the novel!)
Oceania is ruled by a totalitarian authority
figure known as Big Brother. It is not known
whether Big Brother is real or a construction
of The Party.
Winston is a dystopian hero. He defies The
Party through his unorthodox purchase of a
diary in which he records his true feelings
about The Party- ‘Down with Big Brother.’
Once he commits this act of treason, he
knows that he will be caught- it is just a
matter of when...
The Two-Minutes Hate is a daily ritual
where Party members rally against the
enemy of the Party, Goldstein.
Goldstein is rumoured to run a group
called The Brotherhood who attempt to
destroy the Party. Spoiler alert: We never
find out if they actually exist.
While Winston finds it difficult to control
his hatred- ‘he could not help sharing in
the general delirium.’- when he hears the
chanting of Party members- ‘B-B...B-B...’,
the ‘sub-human chanting filled him with
Watch the 1984 Macintosh advertisement.
What do this and the quote on the
previous slide suggest about what has
happened to humanity in Oceania?
 Why is this so horrifying?
Your turn to think…
This is Mac revealing itself as a competitor
to IBM
 It is implying that without Macintosh on
the market IBM will become like Big
Brother with the people just following and
accepting the products that IBM make
Ironic that now Macintosh and its
products has become exactly what it
claimed IBM would
Yes, that’s right. Nineteen Eighty-Four is
about the destruction of humanity by the
totalitarian Party.
 People have surrendered their
individuality and other human qualities to
the Party. They even wear the same
 Today we will be looking at one part of the
Party’s destruction of humanity: family,
loyalty and innocence of children.
Destruction of humanity
Write this down:
To have a sense of belonging, to belong to a
family/relationship/society makes us human. It
evokes feelings of connectedness, belonging,
companionship, loyalty, love and identity. To
have a sense that one’s existence is meaningful.
Part of this is the freedom to express thoughts
and emotions such as hate, sorrow, joy, envy
and most importantly, love. In Nineteen EightyFour Society is engineered to destroy
relationships and replace trust with fear, loyalty
to another with mindless allegiance to Big
Destruction of family
Answer these questions:
◦ Who are the Spies? What are their function?
◦ Contrast Tom Parson’s with Winston.
◦ Describe Mrs Parson’s relationship with her
children. (how does she feel towards them?
◦ Provide two quotes that show that the
destruction of family loyalty has been
◦ How does propaganda relate to the content on
page 28?
The Spies
Read Chapter 3 for tomorrow’s lesson. (9
pages you will get it done it NO TIME! )
Homework Homework Homework
Relate to the word “Proletariat”
Defined as: a social class comprising those who do manual labor
or work for wages
 In 1984:
◦ the proles are the rejects of the party.
◦ Orwell's society in 1984 is made up of 3 classes: the Inner Party, the Outer
Party, and the proles.
◦ The slogan of the Party concerning this 3rd, reject class is that "Proles and
animals are free." They are not put under the rigorous monitoring that other
members of the Party are. This is because they are thought to not have
enough intelligence to stand up to the Party. Their only purpose in society is
to work and breed.
◦ The proles are kept "happy" by lotteries, silly songs, and pornography.
◦ Winston reveals later in the novel, that "if there is hope, it lies with the
proles." This is because he feels they are the only ones who have been able
to keep their individuality and humanity. Sadly, Winstron soon learns that
the proles will never revolt because they will never need to. They have all
they need from life - food, shelter, "entertainment".
Who are the Proles?
Read or reread and write a summary of
Chapter Four, Part One. Don’t come to
class without this.
 Research the Stalinist Purges. What were
they? How did they involve children?
Come to class with this tomorrow.