United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) AFPAK Hand Guide Navy Version Author: YN2 Gretchen Moon Version: April 2014 1 On behalf of the entire AFPAK Hands Tampa, FL staff, I extend you a warm and sincere WELCOME ABOARD! You are embarking on one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of your career. AFPAK Hands is a Chairman, Joint Services initiative supported by all four DOD services establishing a cadre of professionals to create “greater continuity, focus and persistent engagement across the battlefield...to develop a cohort of experts who speak the local language, are culturally attuned, and focus on the problem for an extended time”. The Navy’s lead for AFPAK Hands is Mr. Lee Johnson, OPNAV N13. Of the two HUBs for Navy Personnel— Tampa, and Naval District Washington (NDW) —you’ll report and be attached to Tampa (USCENTCOM). As a member of the AFPAK Cadre, you will be administratively attached to AFPAK Hands FL/50121 within MacDill Air Force Base, located in Tampa, FL. AFPAK tours traditionally consist of multiple phases: a. b. c. d. e. Phase I: Training: NMPS; Ft Polk; INTAC, ECAC, COIN/Cultural/Language (8-10 months) Phase II: Immersion, In-Theater Deployment (10-12 months) Phase III: Out-of-theater assignment related to AFPAK mission (12 months) Phase IV: 2nd round of training (6-10 months) Phase V: 2nd In-Theater Deployment (10 months) As you finalize your plans with your detailer, you will be issued two types of orders: PCS to assign you to AFPAK Hands/FL, and TEMADD directing your training, deployment, and out of theater progression. I realize you are in the early stages of your planning for your PCS and TEMADD orders, but I want to reach out to you right away to encourage you to complete the training and readiness requirements that will prepare you for Phase I and II. These requirements must be completed prior to reporting to the Navy Mobilization Processing Site (NMPS) in Norfolk which, generally, happens right after your report to USCENTCOM. Personnel normally report to AFPAK Hands FL before NMPS. Usually, there is not enough time to complete the training and readiness requirements during the check-in period, so we strongly recommended that these items be completed prior to reporting to USCENTCOM. Email your bio to YN2 Gretchen Moon, Gretchen.Moon@centcom.mil prior to check-in. We want to know you before your check-in, and we would also like to know your anticipated check-in date when that becomes available. TEMADD orders can vary due to specific members requirements, however, the general progression of orders are as follows: 2 PRE-USCENTCOM ARRIVAL o http://www.ia.navy.mil/ (Sailor>Pre-Deployment>Expeditionary Screening Procedures) Expeditionary Screening Checklist (NAVPERS 1300/22) Medical & Dental Screening Checklist (NAVMED 1300/4) Medical Suitability Certificate (NAVPERS 1300/21) NMPS (UIC 3254A) o Read your orders thoroughly, and refer to the Navy Individual Augmentee website (http://www.ia.navy.mil/) for pre-arrival requirements. The IA screening process is explained in MILPERSMAN 1300-318 and BUMEDINST 1300.3A. Read these instructions, and become familiar with the screening and checklist requirements. o Medical/dental and administrative screening is required to be completed BEFORE arrival to NMPS*****Get started on this EARLY*****readiness training alone is covered in 9+ pages of action items plus 40-60 hours of training. o Medical screening must be completed within 60 days of report to NMPS, but get appointments in early!!! o Pre-Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA) is completed on-line, and must be completed within 60 days of reporting to NMPS. (A Passphrase must be obtained from your medical representative (USCENTCOM Clinic) during the 60 days prior to reporting from NMPS.) o Please be advised: Courses listed on the attached Checklist must be completed within 1 YEAR of NMPS report date as annotated on orders. This is a change from the previously required no less than 60 day requirement. ECRC FT POLK (UIC 42742) o Upon completion of NMPS, you will move directly to Ft. Polk for 8 weeks of combat readiness training. Due to current fiscal constraints, scheduling has been slightly adjusted. Throughout this program, you must maintain maximum flexibility. o Complete the following training prior to arrival at ECRC Fort Polk (with the exception of the italicized and bold courses – those also need to be completed). Be sure to bring the following Training Certificates with you to Ft Polk: Operations Security-The Next Generation- CPPD-GMT-OSTNG-1.0 IA Pre-Deployment Sexual Assault Training- USFFC-SAVI-1.0 SAEDA Briefing- NPDC-SAEDA-1 Trafficking in Persons General Awareness Training- JKDDC-TIP-2.0 IA Pre-Deployment Suicide Awareness Training- USFFC-ISP-1.0 SERE 100.1- Level A Code of Conduct Training- JKDDC-Level-A-COCT100.1 DoD Information Assurance Awareness V10- DOD-IAA-V10.0 Introduction to the Navy’s Equal Opportunity Policy- CPPD-GMT-INEOP-1.0 Army Accident Avoidance Course (via Army Knowledge Online) STU CECOS EAST—INTAC (UIC 47786) STU NTTC LACKLAND—ECAC (UIC 35419) 3 Defense Language Institute (DLI, UIC 47757 ) o Upon completion of training at Ft. Polk (subject to change due to before mentioned schedule changes), you will be assigned TAD to DLI-W, located in Alexandria, VA, for approximately 10 days. o During this timeframe at DLI-W you will attend an Orientation to the program along with specific training in Counter-insurgency (COIN) and a Culture/History Seminar. o Following COIN and Culture training, you will return to the Tampa HUB location and begin an intense language training program in DARI, PASHTO or URDU. o Your assigned language is deployment assignment dependent, and will probably not be known until a couple of weeks before training starts. o Your POC for language training at the Tampa Hub is Mr. José R. H. Sánchez, Site Director, Tampa AF/PAK Hands LTD o Language training is located at 8950 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. N, Ste 150, St. Petersburg, FL 33702 o You will be contacted by Mr. Sanchez during your orientation and he will provide follow on information. He may be reached at phone (727) 828-8793. NIACT (UIC 3959A) o Once language training is completed (approximately 16 weeks), you will go to Ft. Jackson, SC for a 1-week refresher course and equipment issue before deployment. The local USCENTCOM Tampa HUB will be your point of contact for the AFPAK Hands program. CDR Anthony Scarpino USN located at CCJ1, overseeing the AFPAK program, can be reached at: (COMM) 813-529-1098, Anthony.Scarpino@centcom.mil or YN2 Gretchen Moon, the Navy AFPAK Hands Manager to CENTCOM, located in the CCJ1 and can be reached at (COMM) 813-529-1056, (Cell) 864-607-7987, or email her at: Gretchen.Moon@centcom.mil for more information regarding the class schedule or operational details of the language program including your tentative In-country assignment and sponsor/POC, or language assignments. Another POC in the Afghanistan-Pakistan Management Element (AME), located at Joint Staff, Pentagon is YN1 Harman, who can be reached at 571-256-1565 (COMM), or email: justin.s.harman2.mil@mail.mil. Please contact YN2 Moon first regarding any questions you might have regarding the AFPAK Hands program. Be advised that any war effort requires changes in strategy and tactics to respond to the current status of operations. This, combined with the changing dynamics of our presence in Afghanistan equates to a high likelihood of modification to your in-country assignment at some point, as well as changes to the training timeline or plan. Please be patient with this, and realize success and evolution of a program requires modification to best fit current needs of the force. For general information on USCENTCOM and the Tampa area, you can visit our web page at www.centcom.mil. Additional relocation tools and information can be found at www.militaryonesource.com and www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil. Once again, information regarding the entire IA process is available at http://www.ia.navy.mil/. Please note that military lodging and commercial quarters are limited and expensive in the Tampa area. Additionally, please note that NDW’s Geographical Bachelor program is very limited, enlisted-centric and requires a screening process to determine eligibility. Many of our “Hands” have been successful finding furnished or unfurnished accommodations with the listings within this document on pages 12 through13. This list is furnished at the front desk of the Air Force Inns 4 located at 8604 Hangar Loop Dr. MacDill AFB, or you may call 813-828-4259 to request another copy. Be sure to visit housing locations before committing to a lease in order to confirm environmental atmosphere and amenities are suitable to your personal needs and preferences. It is also essential to notify us as soon as possible if you will need to store a vehicle while deployed. A Line of Accounting must be added to your TEMADD orders before you go to NMPS. Once you begin the TEMADD process, regulations prevent you from receiving this authorization and you will have to arrange and pay for storage yourself. Please keep YN2 Moon and CDR Scarpino informed of your plans, including the time and place of your arrival, so that we may assist you in a successful start to your tour in the AFPAK Hands program. We are ready to assist you and your family throughout your assignment. Finally, contact me ANYTIME at chan.shin@centcom.mil or (COMM) 813-529-1098. WELCOME ABOARD! We are very pleased that you are joining our team and I look forward to meeting you soon. 5 AFPAK Hands Tampa/50121 Pre-deployment Training Checklist Note: Always check on IA website for most recent IA requirements (screening forms, training, etc: http://www.ia.navy.mil/ Note: ALL of this training is currently available at www.nko.navy.mil Course Number Course Description CANSECFOR Operator Training M16A3/M4A1 Rifle CENSECFOR Operator Training - M9 Service Pistol ***Active*** ATFP Level I Awareness Training for Service Members (CONUS) ATFP Level I Awareness Training for Overseas Service Members (OCONUS) Introduction to the Navy's Fraternization Policy Introduction to the Navy's Equal Opportunity Policy Operations Security - The Next Generation CSF-M16-0102.0 CSF-M9-0102.0 CANSF-ATFPCONUS-1.0 CANSF-ATFPOCONUS-1.0 CPPD-GMTINFP-1.0 CPPD-GMTINEOP-1.0 CPPD-GMTOSTNG-1.0 Malaria Prevention and Control NMCPHCMPC-1.2 Cold Weather Injuries NPDC-CWI-1 Hot Weather Injuries NPDC-HWI-1 SAEDA Briefing NPDCSAEDA-1 United States Army Values NPDC-USAV-1 Combatting Trafficking in Persons (CTIP) General Awareness Training WBT DOD-CTIP-1.0 IA Pre-Deployment Suicide Awareness Training USFFC-ISP-1.0 IA Pre-Deployment Sexual Assault Training USFFC-SAVI1.0 SERE 100.1v2 - Level A Code of Conduct Training JKDDC-LevelA-COCT100.1-v2 6 Date Completed RAPPORT Dari or Pashto (Noble Eagle number dependent) CLRECRDARI-0001 RPashto-0001 Virtual Mission Preparation - Report Intelligence Information USFFCVMPRII-1.0 Virtual Mission Preparation - Media Awareness USFFCVPMMA-1.0 Introduction to Biometrics and Biometric Systems USFFCBIOMET-1.0 USCC Moderate Risk of Isolation (MRI) Part 1 DODUSCCMRIPT1-1.0 USCC Moderate Risk of Isolation (MRI) Part 2 DODUSCCMRIPT2-1.0 Counterinsurgency (COIN) (Required for Afghanistan-bound personnel only) USFFC-COINFM324-1.0 Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations (J3OP-US624) Required for Afghanistan-bound personnel only) USFFC-COINJ3OP-1.0 Training and Readiness- The Active Shooter CNIC-TRTAS1.0 Afghanistan in Perspective (Required for Afghanistan-bound personnel only) DLI-CIPAFGIP International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Basic Course (Required for all Afghanistan-bound IA Sailors only) USFFC-ISAFBasic-1.0 IAW NAVADMIN 094/08, member has two gold shirts and two blue shorts with reflective Navy markings. Member has running shoes and white socks. Note: All required on line courses and pre-deployment forms MUST be completed prior to arrival at NMPS Norfolk. It is the full responsibility of the IA to ensure that their screening package is complete. Bring certificates of all completed courses to NMPS Norfolk. 7 KEY POC/CONTACTS CONTACTS/ACTION Location Navy Hub/AFPAK HANDS Tampa; USCENTCOM, MacDill AFB CW3 Charles Peters Charles.e.peters@centcom.mil COMM: 813-529-1116 / DSN 312-529-1116 YN2 Gretchen Moon *First Contact Gretchen.Moon@centcom.mil COMM: 813-529-1056 *Register for pre-arrival DLI training (Training estimated at 10hrs) HTTP://WWW.LDESP.ORG See Instructions Below Note: At this time the LDESP site is not supported by USCENTCOM systems, registration will have to be done or personal NIPR computer. AFPAK Management Element – AFAPK/AME (located at JS/Pentagon) YN1 Harman: justin.s.harman2.mil@mail.mil COMM: 571-256-1565 Defense Logistics Institute (DLI-overseas language training) LTC Wajda, Susan: AFPAK PROGRAM MANAGER DLI COMM: 703-283-6251 200 Stovall St. Suite 10S67 Alexandria, VA 22332-7000 DLS (Diplomatic Language Services – conducts language training) Mr. Jose Sanchez PROGRAM MANAGER DLI-FLC (St. Petersburg, FL) 8950 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street North Suite 150 St. Petersburg, FL 33702 COMM: 727-828-8793 / FAX: 727-828-8799 CELL: 813-394-7516 Jose.sanchez28@us.army.mil Jose.sanchez@DLIFLC.edu Navy's Center for Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (CLREC) CLREC@NAVY.MIL COMM: 850-452-6736 DSN: 312-922-6736 RONNA Account Creation – “Hands” Blog and Central Source for Information Dissemination) SEE BELOW INSTRUCTIONS. https://ronna-afghan.harmonieweb.org/ Note: At this time the RONNA site is not supported by USCENTCOM systems, registration will have to be done or personal NIPR computer. *Refer to TEMADD Orders for special instructions 8 Registration and Enrollment to the Pre-Arrival Language Training Instructions to register on the LDESP site, enroll in the Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central & South Asia (CASA) distance learning courses, and subscribe to the biweekly AFPAK news updates are given below. If you had an LDESP account prior to 26 July 2011, you should have received an email with new login instructions (username and password) to access the LDESP site. If you previously had an account and did not receive an email with login instructions or if you have problems with the registration or enrollment process please send an e-mail to staff@ldesp.org and we will assist. New User Registration If you did not previously have an LDESP account, you must create an account for yourself on the LDESP site - www.ldesp.org, to access the LDESP Afghanistan, Pakistan, and CASA educational programs. Creating an Account: 1. 2. Go to www.ldesp.org and select the "Register" button from the home page. Complete the registration form. Please note that passwords and usernames may only contain letters, numbers, and the dash and underscore characters. Please use your e-mail address as your username: 3. 4. Please check the "Create Account" button. You should arrive in your account Workspace. Select the "Membership" link located in the left column under "MY SETTINGS". 5. On the Membership page, select the "Joinable Sites" link at the top of the page. 9 6. Enroll in the Afghanistan, Pakistan, and CASA courses by clicking on the "Join" link under each of the course titles. Note: Participants with existing accounts may check current enrollments and enroll in courses by following steps 4-6 above. Accessing the Afghanistan, Pakistan, and CASA Courses To access the courses, please click on the “My Sites” link at the upper right of the page in the dark blue band and select one of the course links from the menu, you should arrive in the course space. Selecting Your Unit Once you have arrived in the Afghanistan course space, you will need to select your unit to be added to the roster. Select the "Pick My Unit" link at the top of the left column, scroll through the unit sections and select the "Join" link in the right column. If you have made an error in your choice, you may switch units by selecting "Switch" next to the appropriate choice. Return to the Afghanistan course after selecting your unit by selecting the "Home" link in the left column. To return to your Workspace (to manage your course membership or account information) select "My Workspace" at the top of the page. 10 Logging In After logging out, you will be asked to Login to return to your Workspace and course. Key in your username and password. Username: Username input when you registered to the site Password: password that you input when you registered to the site LDESP AFPAK Biweekly News Letter Participants who register for the Afghanistan online course will automatically be subscribed to receiving our biweekly Afghanistan news updates. If you do not wish to receive these emails, you may "opt out" from your Workspace. Under "MY SETTINGS" select "Preferences", on the Preferences page select the "Notifications" link at the top of the page. If you do not want to receive the Afghanistan News Updates, select "Do not send me low priority announcements" and Update Preferences. Resetting Your Password/Username If you have forgotten your username or password, please send an e-mail to staff@ldesp.org and we will assist. If you wish to change your account details you may do so from the "Account" link under "MY SETTINGS" in the left column of the My Workspace page. RONNA ACCOUNT SET UP. (This is mandatory. All AFPAK communications will take place in theater and out of theater on this website.) 1. Visit the RONNA homepage at https://ronna-afghan.harmonieweb.org/ and create an account by following the "Request an Account" link. 2. Once your account has been approved, log into RONNA and select "Afghan Hands" under the "Communities" drop down. Request access to the Afghan Hands Members group (primarily those Afghanistan bound) and standby for a welcome email. 11 12 13 NMPS Norfolk, VA This is information for the Navy Mobilization Processing Site (NMPS) in on NAVSTA Norfolk, Norfolk, VA; this is the beginning stop in the training cycle for Deployment. Members are advised to follow their orders; this smart sheet is for information purposes only. NMPS Norfolk Website: http://www.cnic.navy.mil/om/administrative_services/nmps/norfolk.html NMPS Norfolk Email: NMPS-NORFOLK@navy.mil Naval Station Norfolk Map: http://www.public.navy.mil/surflant/ddg84/Documents/Map%20of%20Naval%20Station.pdf Location: NMPS Norfolk is located just inside Gate 2 onboard Naval Station Norfolk (NAVSTA Norfolk) in Building J-50, D-Wing, 2nd Deck (Also known as the Transient Personnel Unit (TPU) (Block D4 on NAVSTA Map). The NMPS entrance is located on the backside of Building J-50 off the corner of Bacon and Morris Streets behind the flag pole and anchors. If arriving to NAVSTA Norfolk Mon-Fri 0500-1900 use Gate 2/3A – After hours/weekends use Gate 3A). NMPS Contact Information: NMPS CDO Phone: (757) 438-3375 NMPS Email: NMPS-Norfolk@navy.mil Berthing: The website gives specific instructions regarding berthing, however for “IA” personnel, (all AF/PAK Hands are considered “IA Sailors”) reservations must be made in accordance to their orders. More than likely it will be with Navy Gateway Inns and Suites (NGIS); ensure to specifically indicate Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk for room. If no availability, then have NGIS try the Navy Lodge (Block G2 on NAVSTA Map). If all attempts fail to find a room and personnel must stay at local hotel, a Certificate of NonAvailability (CAN) number will be issued to member over the phone. A hardcopy can be picked up in person or faxed. Member is normally NOT required to check back for room availability. Personnel should attempt to get room more than a week before travel. The NGIS staff will email member where they should check-in, the address and a map of NAVSTA Norfolk. Members should ensure to leave a current email address upon registration. There are 3 places to check in on NAVSTA Norfolk: Wall Manor (centrally located on NAVSTA Norfolk), most likely location for O5 and below Morey Hall (located pier side on NAVSTA Norfolk), normally O6 and above ELI Hall (located near the airfield). Navy Gateway Inns and Suites Contact Information: NGIS Address: Norfolk NAVSTA Wall Manor, 1353 Gilbert Street Norfolk, Virginia, 23511 NGIS Phone 1-877-628-9233 / 1-877-986-9258 NGIS Website: http://ngis.dodlodging.net/propertys/Norfolk-NAVSTA Directions to NGIS: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=36.9483998835059,76.3166570663452&safe=on (Click on “Get Directions,” and enter what location you are traveling from.) Itinerary Changes: In the event of any itinerary changes, contact the Duty Petty Officer (757-438-3375) to provide them with new arrival flight number, Airline and scheduled arrival time. Uniform of the Day: Report to the NMPS at 0730 in a clean working uniform. Do not report in coveralls, flight suits, civilian clothes or physical training (PT) gear. Do not bring any “organizational clothing” such as 14 Green Flight Jackets, Command Ball Caps etc. All mission-specific required uniforms items will be issued by the Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center (ECRC). Observe the Region Seasonal Uniform regulations. Summer - April to October: Officers/CPOs – Summer Whites / Service Khaki / CCU / DCU/ NWU E1-E6 – Service Dress Whites / Summer Whites / CCU / DCU / NWU Winter - October to April: Officers/CPOs – Service Dress Blue / Service Khaki / CCU / DCU/ NWU E1-E6 – Service Dress Blues / Working Blues /NWU/ CCU / DCU / NWU NMPS Processing Requirements: Members should report in accordance with their orders (no later than 0730) or at an earlier time noted by the specific NMPS on the first processing day of the week. Members arriving during normal working hours will report directly to an NMPS staff member who will endorse orders and provide further guidance. Members must report in the prescribed uniform of the day with endorsed orders (PCS and TEMADD), medical and dental records. ADMIN For a complete listing of required items to bring to the NMPS members are advised to review Expeditionary Screening requirements in entirety delineated on NAVPERS 1300/22 (expeditionary Screening Checklist) & NAVMED 1300/4 (Expeditionary Medical and Dental Screening Checklist). Both of the documents hyperlinked above SHOULD have already been completed at your command prior to transferring, however it is highly recommended that you have these documents reviewed by the CENTCOM Clinic prior to going to NMPS. Also ensure that all changes are updated on NAVMED 1300/4 prior to going to NMPS. There should still be time to fix any medical or dental issues; it will just make for smoother processing at NMPS. Bring the Following items to NMPS: Medical and dental records Medications (180-day supply) and copy of prescriptions Bank information to establish Direct Deposit (voided check or deposit slip with bank’s name, phone number, address, account number, routing number) Activated Government travel credit card (GTCC) and enough cash for five days berthing and meals (approximately $200-$300). Ensure this is done at the NOSC or parent command. Copies of all screening forms (NAVPERS 1300/21, NAVPERS 1300/22, NAVMED 1300/4) If applicable, bring the following: Certified copy of marriage certificate Birth certificates for recent family members Court orders or decrees pertaining to divorce, adoption or child support Updated page 2 Current contract/extensions Exam worksheet Copies of any civilian medical history not filed in your official Navy medical/dental records Passport(s), if applicable or required by orders Dependent Care/Family Care Certificate Single Sailors: current copy of mortgage or rental agreement Any additional documentation noted on your orders. Medical 15 Bring medical and dental records to NMPS (copy of current prescriptions for medications and eyeglasses/contact lenses) Complete NAVMED 1300/4 at least 30 days prior to arrival at NMPS (http://www.med.navy.mil/directives/Pages/ExternalForms.aspx) Complete medical suitability certification, NAVPERS 1300/21(SERIES) (http://www.npc.navy.mil/CareerInfo/Augmentation/) Complete DD 2795 at least 30 days prior to arrival at NMPS (https://data.nmcphc.med.navy.mil/EDHA/login.aspx) (Must obtain Passphrase from medical representatives within the 30 day window.) Reservist females: Bring copies of well woman exam results Reserve Component members are entitled to 180 days of TRICARE medical and dental benefits thru TRICARE (enroll at the NOSC) If there are any questions about medical requirements or documentation, please contact the NMPS medical department head. Note: Members will be required to pay for all meals and berthing while at NMPS. Members will submit a travel claim for reimbursement upon departure. Please contact your NMPS if you have any questions. NMPS Processing Schedule: Note: Following Information for Active Duty Members ONLY, PRE-Deployment Deployment Processing Schedule (5 Days)* Day 1 Arrival/check in OIC welcome OSC/chaplain brief PSD brief Legal brief Fleet & Family Services brief Uniform fitting ECRC IA overview (Norfolk/San Diego ONLY) Medical/dental brief EDHA (if required) Day 2 Begin medical/dental/PSD processing Labs Day 3 Follow ups Continue medical/dental/PSD processing DADT training Gasmask fitting Day 4 Continue medical/dental/PSD processing Specialty appointments White space to complete needed requirements 16 Day 5 Travel claims Transportation briefing Departure * Subject to Change Last Updated: Nov 2013 17 INTAC – Winchester, VA This is information for the Individual Terrorism Awareness Class (INTAC). This course is sponsored by the Army Corps of Engineers and class information is assessable in the Army Training Requirements and Resource System (ATRRS). Members are advised to follow their orders; this smart sheet is for information purposes only. On most orders members will see the UIC: 47786 to report to STU CECOS EAST, Washington DC. This UIC is for Admin purposes only, members will report for training in Winchester, VA. ATRRS Website URL: https://www.atrrs.army.mil/atrrscc/courseInfo.aspx?fy=2014&sch=0120&crs=INTAC&crstitle=INDIVIDU AL+TERRORISM+AWARENESS+CLASS&phase= Course Scope: The Individual Terrorism Awareness Class (INTAC) is designed for persons from all agencies traveling overseas in moderate to high risk assignments in an official capacity. Students receive an introduction to the terrorist threat, are taught how to reduce their levels of susceptibility, how to mitigate the impact of terrorist and criminal activity, and how to react to and survive in a hostage situation. INTAC is comprised of the following modules: an introduction to terrorism (Terrorist Organizations and Operations); a review of case histories; individual protective measures; surviving a hostage situation, route analysis and surveillance detection; firearms familiarization (9mm; M4 and AK-47); firearms qualification (as applicable); the psychology of terrorism; the EUCOM threat; the history, culture, customs, religion, economy and human terrain of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Greater Middle East; global insurgency; domestic terrorism; Weapons of Mass Destruction; the Arab-Israeli Conflict; an introduction to Islam; inter-cultural relations; vehicle bomb searches; emergency vehicle evacuations; anti-terrorism evasive driving. Schedule: Saturday through Friday – The Friday prior to and the Saturday after class should be scheduled travel dates. Friday arrivals should be scheduled after 1500 although OCONUS travelers can arrive earlier to allow for adjustment to time changes. Travel: It is recommended that travelers secure a rental car when arriving from Baltimore-Washington International (BWI), Reagan National (DCA) or Dulles International Airport (IAD). Rental cars are more cost effective then taxi use and will be utilized traveling to and from firearm ranges, for evasive driving, and for meals. Members should ensure authorization of rental car is in orders (if not utilizing POV travel) due to the daily travel requirements. Lodging: Members will be accommodated at the Comfort Inn, Winchester VA. Reservations should be made under INTAC room block. It is recommended members call (540) 667-8894 for reservations to ensure inclusion to the INTAC room block. Comfort Inn 1601 Martinsburg Pike Winchester, VA 22603 Comfort Inn Winchester Website: http://www.comfortinn.com/hotel-winchester-virginia-VA031 Driving Directions: For individuals flying into Washington; there are three airports to choose from. Members are advised if flying, there will be a need to obtain a rental car for the drive to the Comfort Inn, Winchester, VA. The shortest distance is approximately 50-60 miles, which is from Dulles International Airport. Dulles International Airport http://www.metwashairports.com/dulles/dulles.htm Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport http://www.metwashairports.com/reagan/reagan.htm BWI – Thurgood Marshall International Airport 18 http://www.bwiairport.com/en For individuals driving in POV/Rental from NAVSTA Norfolk: There are several ways to arrive and are basically dependent on personal choice and driving style. The shortest distance is approximately 222 miles and utilizes Interstate 64, 95 and SR 17/29. Members should check-into the Comfort Inn, the classroom is walking distance. Special Instructions: Be prepared to dress for seasonal climatic conditions as applicable based upon dates of attendance. All equipment and safety gear is provided. Attendees may bring their own holsters (for Beretta 92F or SigSauer 229) which will be approved/disapproved for use on-site. Special communication needs (SIPRNET, STEA, Secure VTC) is available and can be scheduled through the Program Director in advance with appropriate security clearance information. Points of Contact: (Primary) Ms. Tiffany Jenkins, Assistant Program Director Phone: (540) 247-6899 Email: anne.t.rennerfeltner@us.army.mil (Secondary) Mr. Gary Kehoe, Program Director Phone: (718) 765-7020 Email: gary.l.kehoe@usace.army.mil Uniform: Seasonal Service or Working Uniform Civilian Casual (Dockers and Golf Shirt) Last Updated: Nov 2013 19 ECRC – Ft. Polk, LA This is information for the Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center (ECRC) located on Ft. Polk, LA. This course is sponsored by the Army 162nd Infantry Brigade. Members are advised to follow their orders; this smart sheet is for information purposes only. 162nd Infantry Brigade Website: http://www.jrtcpolk.army.mil/Transition_team/162_in_bde.html ECRC, Detachment Ft. Polk Navy LNO Contact Information: Office Phone: (337) 653-3737/3110 Cell Phone: (337) 397-2793 Email: ECRC_LTLC_LNO_FORTPOLK@NAVY.MIL Training: After in-processing and drawing gear from the NAVSTA Norfolk NMPS, members will be sent to Technical and/or Basic Combat Training at Ft. Polk, LA. This training should last approximately 60 days. U.S. Navy personnel are subject to the specific rules and guidance set in place at U.S. Army installations as well as standard Navy rules and regulations. FT. Polk Website: http://www.jrtc-polk.army.mil/ All Sailors receive basic combat skills training which is conducted by Army Drill Instructors at an Army training site. The "Navy IA Combat Training (NIACT)" video is a good resource to provide an overview of basic combat skills training. Topics include: Army Values Forward Operating Base Basic Rifle Marksmanship Land Navigation Crew Serve Weapons Communication 9MM Qualification First aid M-16 Qualification Quick / Reactive Fire Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Rules of Engagement Urban Ops and Entry Control Point Rules of Force Convoy Ops Night Fire Code of Conduct NBC Law of Land Hot/Cold Weather Casualty Personnel Recovery EST/FATS (simulator) SAEDA/OPSEC Situational Training Exercise UCMJ Cultural Awareness Geneva Convention Grenades Navy IA Combat Training (NIACT) Video URL: http://www.public.navy.mil/ia/PublishingImages/NIACT_FortJackson_FY11.mp4 20 All Navy personnel while assigned to First Army for training are subject to First Army General Order #1 which includes the following specific prohibited activities: No Consumption of Alcohol. No student is allowed to consume alcohol while in training, even if of legal age. This prohibition applies to all personnel on or off-duty, and on or off the installation. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, and related misconduct will not be tolerated. Fraternization. Any relationship between First Army personnel and students not required by the training mission is prohibited. Civilian Clothing. Prohibited while student is in training unless on authorized leave, special pass, TDY, or required by official duty. Travel: If flying, members will arrive in Alexandria International Airport (AEX). Contact the Ft. Polk Navy LNO prior to arrival to provide flight information. Anticipate being met by Navy LNO at baggage claim. If the LNO is not at the airport, call the Ft. Polk Taxi Service. Show a copy of your orders to the taxi driver and they will give you a ride to Ft. Polk free of charge. Ft. Polk Taxi Service Phone: 1 (800) 261-8260 or (318) 448-1417 If driving, proceed to Ft. Polk and check in utilizing the information below. Alexandria International Airport Website: http://www.englandairpark.org/aex Check-in / Lodging: Members should proceed during normal working hours to BLDG 8201 on Alexandria Ave. After hours or Weekends, proceed to BLDG 7525A, BDE Staff Duty on Montecello Street. Berthing will be in Army barracks. The Navy LNO will confirm reservation with battalion scheduling prior to arrival. Once on site, a building and bunk number will be assigned. Do not change buildings, rooms or bunks without approval. Students are responsible for keeping their building and laundry room clean while in training. Trash should be emptied each day and floors are to be swept and mopped regularly. Washers and dryers are provided in each battalion foot print and are available for free use. Members will need to provide laundry detergent and dryer sheets. Food: There are several places to eat on Ft. Polk. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided at the North Ft. Polk Dining Facility (DFAC). Meals Ready-to-Eat (MREs) will be provided when eating at the DFAC would interrupt training. Recreation: MWR offers free WI-FI, cable television, books, pool table, computer room and gaming rooms. MWR is located in building 7318B and is open Monday-Friday 0800-2200, Saturday-Sunday 0930-2200, Holiday hours vary. MWR computer room has CAC access computers available. Members are reminded to maintain OPSEC when communicating with friends and family back home. Additional Information: Ensure your ID card is CAC activated (your pin) and ensure your PKI Certificates are updated. This cannot be stressed enough, it will affect JASS, BOL, NPC, and many official websites your will need to access. Ensure you have and remember your MyPay pin number! 21 BRING PT GEAR AND RUNNING SHOES. You are required to bring the Navy's new Physical Training Uniform (PTU) gear and running shoes with you IAW NAVADMIN 191/08. PT socks should cover the ankle. Bring all prescription medications with you. Bring no more than two sets of civilian clothes. (For traveling purposes) All of your necessary military gear and equipment will be issued. Do not buy extra equipment that you may not need or be authorized to have. Although the mailing address is supplied in this Welcome Brief, do not begin to 'mail things; to yourself...the Post Office has limited space and can only retain mail on hand for so long before they have to 'return to sender'. For any non-issued items you would like to send home, mail service will be available at your cost. You may bring laptops, MP3 players, gaming systems, and electronics of this nature at your own risk. These items ARE NOT allowed on ranges or during any training evolutions. Camera use IS NOT permitted on ranges or during any training evolutions. Cell phone use IS NOT permitted at any time during daily training hours. Cell phone coverage is limited; AT&T and T-Mobile have good coverage. Sprint and Verizon are spotty. LNO Staff can make available a cell phone in case of an emergency. Post Office: Letters and Packages normally take several business days to arrive via USPS. Mailing Address: Shipping Address for regular mail: (Your Rate/Rank and Full Name) 162D Infantry Brigade (FSF-CA) Class #____ URF#____ (Your URF# is located on your orders) 2844 G Avenue Bldg 7318C North Fort Polk, LA 71459 Shipping Address for UPS/FED-EX services: (Your Rate/Rank and Full Name) Class #_______ USN 7525A K Avenue Fort Polk, LA 71459 22 ECAC – Joint Base San Antonio, TX (Lackland) This is information for the Evasion and Conduct After Capture (ECAC) located Joint Base San Antonio, TX (Lackland). There are three bases which comprise the Joint Base San Antonio (Lackland, Randolph and Ft. Sam Houston). For this portion of training, members will be primarily on the Lackland portion of the Joint Base. This course is sponsored by the Navy Technical Training Center Lackland. Members are advised to follow their orders; this smart sheet is for information purposes only. Joint Base San Antonio Website: http://www.jbsa.af.mil/ ECAC, LNO Contact Information: Office Phone: (210) 671-0280/8313 / DSN: 473-0280/8313 ECAC Student Admin: (210) 671-8317 / DSN: 473-8317 After Hours Emergency: (337) 397-2793 Email: 22TRS.ECAC.DET2@US.AF.MIL Early Contact: Upon receipt of orders, members are requested to submit a copy of itinerary via email to ECAC, LNO at the address listed above in Contact Information list. Training: The ECAC mission is to ensure students complete the course with the confidence and ability to employ evasion and resistance tactics, techniques and procedures necessary to survive and return with honor, regardless of the circumstances of isolation. Students must report at 0645 on the first day of class to Detachment 2/22TRS, ECAC Facility, located at 1025 Femoyer Street BLDG 10908. It is located behind the 344th Training Squadron, Lackland AFB, TX. Travel: If flying, upon arrival at the San Antonio International Airport (SAT), members will report to the airport USO in Terminal 2, Gate 39 for the military shuttle. Shuttle will run approximately every 2 hours from 0500-2200. If transporting government issued weapon, member must ride the shuttle between 1200 and 1800 for weapon storage. If driving, proceed to Joint Base San Antonio and check in utilizing the information below. San Antonio International Airport Website: http://www.sanantonio.gov/sat Check-in / Lodging: Members are required to contact the Lackland billeting reservations desk. Or can also utilize the DOD Lodging Net site for Lackland. Member must identify ECAC course attendance as specific rooms are reserved. If Itinerary changes or training is canceled, member is responsible for cancellation of billeting reservation; otherwise room will be charge as a “no show.” If member arrives after 1800 on Sunday, contact the reservations desk to confirm room availability. Lackland Billeting Website: http://www.lacklandfss.com/lodging.html DOD Lodging Net Website: http://af.dodlodging.net/propertys/Lackland-VOQ-TLF Dining: There are several places to eat on Joint Base San Antonio. Partial government meals are available and directed. The Lackland Force Support Squadron site has many dining facilities listed on the Lackland portion of the Joint Base. Lackland Dining Facilities Website: http://www.lacklandfss.com/dining_facilities.html 23 AF/PAK Hands / DLI In-Processing This is information for In-processing into the AF/PAK Hands Program as well as the Defense Language Institute. There will also be a five day Regional Foundation Course presented by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). This is a graduate level course designed to ensure members have the same level of understanding of the region prior to deployment. Members are advised to follow their orders; this smart sheet is for information purposes only. Prior to arrival, members are required to navigate to the Leader Development and Education for Sustained Peace (LDESP) website and register for an account as follows: Select Membership; My Settings; Joinable Sites and enroll in the Afghanistan, Pakistan, and CASA courses by clicking on the join link under each of the course titles. Upon completion member are requested to print the completion certificates for each course and bring them for turn-in to in-processing. LDESP Website: WWW.LDESP.org Additionally, members are required to register for the RONNA Online Community. RONNA is the primary site for communication between AF/PAK Hands and AME forward during the AF/PAK Hand tour. It serves as a center for news and information as well as a platform for sending program-related information out to the Hands. RONNA Online Website: WWW.RONNA.AFGHAN.org RONNA Site Brochure: https://ronna.apan.org/Documents/RONNA%20Brochure.pdf AF/PAK Hands Management Element (AME) Contact Information: Mr. Fritz Gottschalk Phone: (571) 256-1510 Email: Frederick.c.gottschalk.civ@mail.mil YN1 (SCW) Justin Harman Phone: (571) 256-1565 Email: Justin.s.harman2.mil@mail.mil Arrival/Travel: For members flying into the DC area, the closest airport to the DLI-W Facility is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Reagan National Airport Website: http://www.metwashairports.com/reagan/reagan.htm The DLI-W facility is located at: 200 Stovall St. Suite 4N67 (part of the Hoffman Town Center) Alexandria, VA 22332-7000 Phone: (703) 325-0998 Hoffman Town Center Website: http://hoffmantowncenter.com/ This location is accessible via Taxi or by the Eisenhower Avenue Metro Station. http://www.wmata.com/rail/station_detail.cfm?station_id=49 Lodging: Members are required arrange their own lodging. There are numerous hotels in this area, the closest being the Holiday Inn Alexandria / SW-Eisenhower Ave. Any hotel that is either taxi or metro accessible would be acceptable for this stop. Holiday Inn Alexandria Website: http://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/alexandria/axetd/hoteldetail Dining: There are numerous locations to have meals in this area; at least 8 restaurants in the Hoffman Town Center and within walking distance for lunch, other accommodations will be left up to the members for other meals. Key Training Events: 21MAR14 – In-Processing (Admin, Briefs and Equipment Issue) 24 22-30MAR14 – COIN Seminar; Regional Foundation Course (Various Afghanistan / Pakistan Briefs and Discussions) Additional Information: To receive language and culture training products or to arrange for supplemental training events, members are advised to contact the Navy’s center for Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture (CLREC). Phone: (850) 452-6736 / DSN 922-6736 Email: CLREC@navy.mil 25 ECRC Ft. Jackson, SC This is information for the Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center (ECRC) at Ft. Jackson, SC; this is the final stop before departing for Deployment. Note: If members have already processed through the ECRC in Ft. Polk earlier in the training cycle, most of the information on the ECRC Ft. Jackson website below will not be applicable. Members are advised to follow their orders; this smart sheet is for information purposes only. Based on whether or not initial training has been conducted at Ft. Polk earlier in the training cycle, the training received at Ft. Jackson will be limited to whatever training has not been completed and will cover training such as M4/M9 Weapons Qualification/Requalification and MRAP & HEAT (HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer). ECRC DET Address: ECRC DET Ft. Jackson McCrady Training Center 5395 Leesburg Road, BLDG 3931 Eastover, SC 29044-9189 ECRC Ft. Jackson Website: http://www.public.navy.mil/necc/ecrc/Pages/FortJackson.aspx Ft. Jackson Army Website: http://www.jackson.army.mil/ Ft. Jackson Map: http://www.jackson.army.mil/sites/info/docs/759 ECRC Ft. Jackson POCs: ECRC Navy LNO Office: (803) 299-1021/2837 ECRC Navy LNO DSN: (312) 583-1021/2837 ECRC Navy LNO FAX: (803) 299-2759 Emergency / After Hours: Navy Admin Staff Duty Officer: (803) 319-7742 Navy Supply Staff Duty Officer: (803) 319-6390 Navy Medical Staff Duty Officer: (803) 381-1884 Army Staff Duty (McCrady Training Center) (803) 447-0093 / (803) 299-2607 Fort Jackson General Base Information (803) 782-9802 Location/Travel to Ft. Jackson: Ft. Jackson is located approximately 27 Miles East of the Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) in Eastover, SC. Members flying into the airport between the hours of 0800-2100 will report to the USO (located in the airport upper level) for transportation information to Ft. Jackson. There is free WI-FI available in the airport and USO office. If flight has been delayed, canceled or for transportation information after hours contact the Navy Admin Staff Duty Officer. Columbia Metropolitan Airport Website: http://www.columbiaairport.com/ Berthing: Members should be arriving the Saturday before training and report to the South Carolina Army National Guard McCrady Training Center upon arrival to begin processing and billeting assignment. Free WI-FI will be available in all student barracks. Most personnel will stay in open bay barracks. Members are advised to bring towels, shower shoes and toiletries. Arrival later than Saturday will need to be coordinated through the ECRC Navy LNO office. Laundry machines are available in the barracks; detergent is not provided. 26 Special Instructions: Alcohol consumption is highly regulated during training IAW OPNAVINST 3591.1F and AR 190-14. All members will follow Navy and Army guidelines regarding Alcohol consumption. Both instructions clearly spell out how long members have to wait to handle a firearm (M9/M4) since their last alcoholic beverage. OPNAVINST 3591.1F: (24/12 Hours) http://www.public.navy.mil/surfor/Documents/OPNAVINST_3591_1F.pdf AR 190-14: (8 Hours) http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r190_14.pdf Members are advised to bring three days of clothing and toiletries with carry-on if there is a luggage delay. Reporting to the McCrady Training Center in uniform is not mandatory. However, members are directed to report in appropriate civilian attire in accordance with service regulations. Additional Gear will be issued at Ft. Jackson, to include weapons, weapon and equipment locks will not be provided, and members are instructed to bring locks to secure equipment in open bay barracks lockers. Additional Information: Bring no less than one set of civilian clothes (for traveling purposes). Members are advised to ensure CAC pin is activated and PKI certificates are updated. This is very important as it will affect access to several needed websites such as JASS, BOL and NPC. Members should also ensure MyPay site access. Bring PT Gear and Running Shoes; this will be the Navy Physical Training Uniform (PTU) IAW NAVADMIN 191/08. NAVADMIN 191/08: http://www.public.navy.mil/ia/documents/NAV19108.htm Members are required to bring all prescription medications as well as a copy of recent prescription of eyeglasses or wear most recent issued glasses. All necessary (or additional) military gear and equipment will be issued. At this point members should know what they need and what they are authorized to have/use while on deployment. Do not bring items not needed or authorized … space will be limited in deployment pack out. Laptops, MP3 players, gaming systems and electronics are authorized, but will be brought at YOUR OWN RISK. These items will NOT be authorized on ranges or during any training evolutions. Camera use is NOT permitted on ranges or during any training evolutions. Cell phone use is not permitted at any time during daily training hours. The Navy LNO staff can make available a cell phone in case of an emergency. Dining/MWR/Transportation: The DFAC (BLDG 3800) is within walking distance of members berthing area. Meals will be provided at no charge. Hours will be flexible to accommodate training requirements. MWR vans will be available for PX runs during the week. Free WI-FI will be available at the “Impact Zone” and at the Day Room/Liberty Center. Transportation for Chapel Services at Ft. Jackson will also be available on Sunday morning. Post Office: The mailing address while at Ft. Jackson is as follows: [Rank][Name] [Company][Platoon], TFM, NAVY 5395 Leesburg Road, BLDG 3931 Eastover, SC 29044-9189 Mailing Notes: It is best to use ground services for incoming parcels. Although the mailing address is supplied before arrival, members are advised to not begin to mail items to themselves. The post office has limited storage space and can only retain mail on hand for a short period of time before it must be returned to the sender. For any non-issued items to send home, mail service will be available at cost to the member. Departing Ft. Jackson: Ft. Jackson will be the final stateside destination before the beginning of overseas deployment. Air travel is directed and coordinated through SATO or NAVPTO, unless otherwise stated in these orders. ECRC DET Ft. Jackson transportation office will coordinate follow on travel. 27