Unit 4 - Religion and Community Cohesion Revision Workbook File

Key terms:
Discrimination – Treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity, gender, colour,
sexuality,age or class
Prejudice – The belief that some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them
Sexism – Discrimination against people because of their gender
Ethnic minority – A member of an ethnic group that is smaller than the majority group
Multi – ethnic society – Where many different races and cultures live together in one society
Racial harmony – Different races living together happily
Racism – The belief that some races are superior to others
Community cohesion – A common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society
Multi faith society – Where many different religious groups live together in one society
Religious freedom – Where people have the right to practise their religion and change their religion
Interfaith marriage – Marriage where the husband and wife are from different religions
Religious pluralism – Accepting all religions as having an equal right to co exist
Do you think that women should have the same religious rights as men?
Do you think living in a multi-faith society causes problems for religious people?
Do you think the burqa oppresses Muslim women?
Do you think it’s important for the government to promote community cohesion?
Explain why the government encourage community cohesion
1. Fight racism and educate the public 2. Make sure that ethnic minorities can develop skills
needed for work, ensure opportunities for young people, provide health care and make sure
that local services provide for the community
Explain why Christians should promote racial harmony
1. The Bible says that all races are equal in the eyes of God ‘there is neither Jew nor Greek’
2. The work of Jesus – always treated people equally
3. The example of Martin Luther King
4. Christian teaching of treat others the way you wish to be treated
Explain how gender roles have changed since the mid 20th century
1. The majority of women now go out to work
2. Many men now take a more active role in the raising children and taking care of the home (this is
now more socially acceptable)
3. There are many more women in high powered jobs
4. It’s more acceptable for men to work in ‘caring professions’ – nursing/childcare etc
C) Explain why gender roles have changed since the mid 20th century
1. The efforts of the suffragettes 2. The efforts of women during WW2 – kept the country going
while men were at war. Changed people’s perception of what women were capable of 3. Inspiration
provided by strong women – for example Margaret Thatcher the first female PM 4. Gradual shift in
people’s attutudes
C) Explain Christian attitudes to equal rights for women
1. Not one simple answer - depends on the Christian’s denomination and interpretation of Bible.
Most conservative view is that men are superior to women. Eve was made second and made for
2. Other Christians believe men and women are equal – the Bible says that we are all ‘created in
God’s image’.
c) Explain why some Christians believe that men are superior to women
1. God created Adam first
2. It was Eve who tempted Adam to sin (she ate the fruit first)
3. None of Jesus’ disciples were women
4. The teachings of St Paul ‘wives submit to your husbands’
c) Explain why many Christians believe that men and women are equal
1. The Bible states that we were all created in the same way – ‘in God’s image’.
2. Jesus treated women well. It was women who were far quicker to understand the identity and
significance of Jesus
3. A key Christian teaching is agape – unconditional love for all
4. Another key Christian teaching is treat others as you wish to be treated/
c) Explain Muslim attitudes to equal rights for women
1. Traditionally in Islam men and women are seen as having different but equally important roles.
Men are expected to protect and provide for their wife and children. It is expected that women
should take care of the home and of children. 2. There are things that men and women are both
expected to do however – follow the 5 pillars of Islam and become educated
c) Explain strengths of the UK being a multi – ethnic society
1. Helps people of different cultures understand each other 2. Gives a wider variety of music, food
and culture
c) Explain disadvantages of the UK being a multi – ethnic society
1.Racism 2. Immigration can cause a strain on resources
c) Explain how the government has tried to promote community cohesion
1. Race Relations Act 1976 2. The Commission for Racial Equality 3.‘Britishness Test’ 4. Community
Facilitation Programme