Invoicing Requirements For Vendors - T

Invoicing Requirements for Suppliers
To ensure prompt invoice processing and payment:
All Invoices / Credit Memo’s
T-Mobile will only pay off of an invoice; we will not pay off of statements, packing slips, delivery notices or pay previous balances or forward
balances. Suppliers should resubmit copies of the original invoice to obtain payment for previous and forward balances. Noncompliance of this
policy will result in rejection of the invoice and the supplier will be required to resubmit meeting T-Mobile’s invoicing requirements.
Invoices must contain the following information:
 Invoice Number - Each invoice must have a unique invoice number. T-Mobile will not pay invoices with duplicate numbers to the same
vendor. Invoice numbers must not be longer than 16 characters and not include special characters.
 Invoice Date – All invoices must have an invoice date.
 T-Mobile Contact Name – All invoices must have the current buyer’s name or an appropriate T-Mobile contact name for approval
 T-Mobile Contact Email – A valid email address for your buyer must be included.
 Details - The invoice must list the details of the charges or have details attached.
 TIN – All invoices must reflect the supplier’s Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN/EIN).
 Ship To Address – All invoices must list the address where services or goods were provided.
 Remit Address - All invoices must reflect an address for mailing the payment, regardless of payment method.
 Pass-Through Invoices- All pass-through cost related invoices must be invoiced separately.
 Late Fees/Charges- T-Mobile will not pay any late fees or late charges unless stated in an Executed Contract/MSA.
 Temporary agencies must provide a separate invoice for each contract employee.
 Multiple customer accounts may require separate and appropriate contact names and email addresses for routing and approval.
 Invoices must be submitted no later than 30 days after T-Mobile receives the product or service.
Purchase Order Invoices (in addition to the above requirements)
 T-Mobile PO Number - PO invoices that do not reference a valid T-Mobile issued PO number will be rejected without payment.
 PO Line Detail - PO line numbers, part descriptions, T-Mobile part numbers, and prices MUST be noted on invoices and match those on
the Purchase Order.
 Invoices that exceed the PO total amount (excluding sales tax and freight) will be rejected without payment.
 Each invoice must reference only one Purchase Order or will otherwise be rejected without payment.
 Invoices that include prepaid freight greater than $100 must be accompanied by a copy of the freight bill(s).
Invoice Submission Requirements
 Invoices must be mailed to the appropriate PO Box (listed below) to ensure timely processing. Do not mail invoices directly to your T-Mobile
contact. No special mailing can be received. USPS mailing only.
 Please allow up to two weeks for the invoice to be received into our workflow system.
 Please mail any refunds or other payments due to T-Mobile using the appropriate PO Box. Refund payments should include the supplier’s tax
identification number and the original invoice number related to the overpayment.
 Do not mail any statements, packing slips, delivery notices, previous balances or forward balances to any of the PO Box’s below.
T-Mobile Address for Invoice Submission (PO Box’s only accept regular USPS mail)
Purchase Order Invoices
Accounts Payable
PO Box 3245
Portland, OR 97208-3245
All Other Non-PO Related
Accounts Payable
PO Box 4920
Portland, OR 97208-4920
Utility (Overnight)
T-Mobile USA c/o NISC
T-Mobile USA
T-Mobile Address for Refunds Only
Checks with GL coding
T-Mobile Coded Lockbox
Checks without GL coding
T-Mobile Un-Coded Lockbox
PO Box 1090
3201 Nygren Dr
Mandan, ND 58554
Mandan, ND 58554
PO Box 94142,
Seattle WA 98124
PO Box 94594,
Seattle WA 98124
Nonconformance to this policy may delay payments. It may also impact repeat business as T-Mobile monitors performance and service of our
vendors. If you have any questions or comments regarding these guidelines please discuss them with the T-Mobile buyer at the time of order
T-Mobile, USA Inc
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