Jane E. Quinlan Regional Superintendent Donna L. Kaufman Assistant Regional Superintendent Barbara A. Daly Assistant Regional Superintendent 200 S. Fredrick St., Rantoul, IL 61866 Tel 217-893-3219 Fax 217-893-0024 / 217-819-5965 www.roe9.k12.il.us Champaign-Ford Regional Office of Education Staff Directory 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT/ PROGRAM Regional Superintendent CONTACT PERSON Jane Quinlan PHONE FAX EMAIL ADDRESS 893-3219 893-0024 jquinlan@roe9.k12.il.us Administrative Assistant Shelby Ray 893-3219 893-0024 sray@roe9.k12.il.us Alternative Ed. Programs READY & JDC www.readyprogram.org Area IV Learning Technology Center Donna Kaufman Assistant Superintendent Tim McIlvain Director 239-0322 239-0339 dkaufman@roe9.k12.il.us 893-1431 893-0024 tmcilvain@area4.k12.il.us Bookkeeper Julie Duran 893-0409 893-1840 jan@roe9.k12.il.us Center for Family & Community Services in Partnership with Education Regina Parnell Director 373-1305 373-1302 cell 840-6965 parnellr@roe9.k12.il.us FCAE (Facilitating Jess Smithers Coordination in Agricultural State Coordinator Education) Susie Scott Fiscal Manager GED/Bus Driver Training/ Donna Daniels Receptionist 893-0091 jsmithers@agriculturaleducation.org 893-3219 893-0024 danielsd@roe9.k12.il.us HR SOLUTIONS Joe Tomlinson Human Resources Consultant Illinois Learning Technology Allyson Eberhart Purchase Program (ILTPP) Program Facilitator 840-5638 359-3315 joet3143@gmail.com 892-2844 893-0024 aeberhart@iltpp.k12.il.us Licensure Specialist Barb Keil 893-3219 893-0024 barbekeil@roe9.k12.il.us Payroll Specialist Amy Page 893-0409 893-1840 apage@roe9.k12.il.us ROE SchoolWorks Jeri Callaway Director 893-4921 or 443-4086 893-0024 jcallaway@roe54.org Truancy/Homeless Programs Regina Parnell Director 893-3219 cell 840-6965 893-0024 parnellr@roe9.k12.il.us PO Box 321, 514-B N. Neil, Champaign 61820 893-0024 sscott@parkland.edu 3 Champaign County Fisher Community Unit School District #1 district.fisherk12.com Barbara Thompson, Superintendent bthompson@fisher.k12.il.us 801 S. Fifth, Box 700, Fisher 61843 897-6125 Fax: 897-6676 Thomas Shallenberger, Principal tshallenberger@fisher.k12.il.us Fisher Jr.-Sr. High School, Box 670, Fisher 61843 897-1225 Fax: 897-1708 Jon Kelly, Assistant Principal kellyj@fisher.k12.il.us Fisher Jr.-Sr. High School, Box 670, Fisher 61843 897-1225 Fax: 897-6676 James Moxley, Principal jmoxley@fisher.k12.il.us Fisher Elementary School, Box 700, Fisher 61843 897-1133 Fax: 897-6676 Mahomet-Seymour Community Unit School District #3 www.mscusd.org Rick Johnston, Superintendent rj@mscusd.org 1301 S. Bulldog Dr., Box 229, Mahomet 61853 586-2161 Fax: 586-7591 Mary Weaver mweaver@mscusd.org Director of Instruction 586-2161 Fax: 586-7591 Christine Northrup cnorthrup@mscusd.org Director of Special Education 586-2161 Fax: 586-7591 Shannon Cheek, Principal scheek@mscusd.org Mahomet-Seymour High School 302 W. State, Box 1098, Mahomet 61853 586-4962 Fax: 586-6844 Heather Landrus, Principal hlandrus@mscusd.org Mahomet-Seymour Jr. High School 201 W. State, Box 560, Mahomet 61853 586-4415 Fax: 586-5869 Jeff Starwalt, Principal jstarwalt@mscusd.org Lincoln Trail Elementary (Grades 3-5) 102 E. State, Box 200, Mahomet 61853 586-2811 Fax: 586-5072 Carol Shallenberger, Principal cshallenberger@mscusd.org Middletown Prairie Elementary (ECH-K) 586-5833 1301 S. Bulldog Dr., Box 229, Mahomet 61853 Fax: 586-8919 Mark Cabutti, Principal mcabutti@mscusd.org Sangamon Elementary (Grades 1-2) 601 E. Main, Box 198, Mahomet 61853 586-4583 Fax: 586-4849 Champaign Community Unit School District #4 www.champaignschools.org Administrative Offices 703 S. New St., Champaign 61820 351-3800 Fax: 351-3871 Judy Wiegand wieganju@champaignschools.org Superintendent Tammy Sowers sowersta@champaignschools.org Administrative Assistant 351-3838 Fax: 352-3590 Laura Taylor taylorla@champaignschools.org Deputy Superintendent 351-3702 Fax: 351-3912 351-3838 4 Champaign Community Unit School District #4 (continued) Susan Zola zolasu@champaignschools.org Assist. Supt. Achievement, Curriculum & Instruction 351-3702 Fax: 351-3912 Angela Smith smithan@champaignschools.org Asst. Supt. Achievement & Equity 351-3836 Fax: 351-3871 Orlando Thomas thomasor@champaignschools.org Director of Achievement & Student Services 351-3792 Fax: 351-3871 Ken Kleber kleberke@champaignschools.org Executive Director for Human Services 351-3822 Fax: 351-7386 Tom Lockman lockmato@champaignschools.org Business Manager 351-3825 Fax: 351-3871 Jaime Roundtree roundtja@champaignschools.org Director Elem. Teaching & Learning 351-3752 Fax: 351-3871 Michael Lehr lehrmi@champaignschools.org Director Secondary Teaching & Learning 373-7359 Fax: 351-3871 Elizabeth deGruy degruyel@champaignschools.org Director of Special Education 351-3841 Fax: 351-3824 Catherine Ahsell ahsellca@champaignschools.org Administrator Alternative to Suspension 351-3787 Fax 351-3754 Maria Alanis alanisma@champaignschools.org Dir. of Bilingual Education/ESL 373-7357 Fax: 351-3871 Peter Foertsch, Interim Principal foertspe@champaignschools.org Barkstall Elementary 2201 Hallbeck Dr., Champaign 61822 373-5580 Fax: 373-5587 Ryan Cowell, Principal cowellry@champaignschools.org Booker T. Washington STEM Academy 606 E. Grove, Champaign 61820 351-3901 Fax: 373-7350 Christopher Gilbert, Principal gilberch@champaignschools.org Bottenfield Elem. 1801 S. Prospect., Champaign 61820 351-3807 Fax: 355-2582 Jeffrey Scott, Principal scottje@champaignschools.org Carrie Busey Elementary 304 Prairie Rose Lane, Savoy 61874 351-3811 Fax: 351-3723 Gregory Johnson, Principal johnsogr@champaignschools.org Centennial High School 913 S. Crescent Dr., Champaign 61821 351-3954 Fax: 351-3730 Joe Williams, Principal williajo@champaignschools.org Central High School 610 W. University, Champaign 61820 351-3914 Fax: 351-3919 Amy Hayden, Principal haydenam@champaignschools.org Champaign Early Childhood Center 809 N. Neil St., Champaign 61820 351-3881 Fax: 351-3883 Wendy Starwalt, Principal starwawe@champaignschools.org Dr. Howard Elementary 1117 W. Park St., Champaign 61821 351-3866 Fax: 359-7036 Angela Schoonover, Principal schoonan@champaignschools.org Edison Middle School 306 W. Green St., Champaign 61820 351-3771 Fax: 355-2564 Sara Sanders, Principal sandersa@champaignschools.org Franklin Middle School 817 N. Harris, Champaign 61820 351-3819 Fax: 351-3729 Champaign Community Unit School District #4 (continued) 5 Delores Lloyd, Principal lloydde@champaignschools.org Garden Hills Elementary 2001 Garden Hills, Champaign 61821 351-3872 Fax: 355-8180 Jonathan Kosovski, Principal kosovsjo@champaignschools.org International Prep Academy 1605 W. Kirby, Champaign 61820 351-3995 Fax: 351-3763 Angelica Franklin, Principal franklan@champaignschools.org Jefferson Middle School 1115 S. Crescent, Champaign 61821 351-3790 Fax: 351-3754 Trevor Nadrozny, Principal nadroztr@champaignschools.org Kenwood Elem. 1001 Stratford Dr., Champaign 61821 351-3815 Fax: 355-4944 Tony Maltbia, Administrator maltbito@champaignschools.org Novak Academy 815 N. Randolph St., Champaign 61820 352-4328 Fax: 352-7292 Nicholas Gaines, Principal gainesni@champaignschools.org Robeson Elementary 2501 Southmoor, Champaign 61821 351-3884 Fax: 351-3751 Bill Taylor, Principal taylorbi@champaignschools.org South Side Elementary 712 S. Pine St., Champaign 61820 351-3890 Fax: 373-7318 Stephanie Eckels, Principal eckelsst@champaignschools.org Stratton Elementary 902 N. Randolph, Champaign 61820 373-7330 Fax: 373-7337 Sean Morrison, Principal morrisse@champaignschools.org Westview Elementary 703 S. Russell, Champaign 61821 351-3905 Fax: 351-3960 Tolono Community Unit School District #7 www.unitsevenschools.com Andrew Larson, Superintendent larsona@unity.k12.il.us 1121 County Rd. 800 N., Tolono 61880 485-6510 Fax: 485-3091 Janah Sudduth-Mottola sudduthj@unity.k12.il.us Special Education Coordinator 485-6510 Fax: 485-3091 Phil Morrison, Principal morrison@unity.k12.il.us Unity High School 1127 County Rd. 800 N., Tolono 61880 485-6230 Fax: 485-6220 Laura Fitzgerald, Principal fitzgeraldl@unity.k12.il.us Unity Jr. High School 1121 County Rd. 800 N., Tolono 61880 485-6735 Fax: 485-3218 Jim Carver, Principal carverj@unity.k12.il.us Unity East Elementary 1638 County Rd. 1000 N., Philo 61864 684-5218 Fax: 684-5220 Lanee Reichert, Principal reichertl@unity.k12.il.us Unity West Elementary 1035 County Rd. 600 N., Tolono 61880 485-3918 Fax: 485-3451 Heritage Community Unit School District #8 Tom Davis, Supt. & Tech. Director heritage8@usa.net 206 E. Diller St., Box 260, Broadlands 61816 834-3393 Fax: 834-3016 Ryan Peyton, Principal rdpeyto@gmail.com Heritage High School 206 E. Diller St., Box 260 Broadlands 61816 834-3393 Fax: 834-3016 Kristi Sanders, Principal ksanders@heritage.k12.il.us Heritage Elementary & Jr. High School 512 W. First St., Homer 61849 896-2421 Fax: 896-2715 6 Urbana School District #116 www.usd116.org Administrative Offices 205 N. Race, Box 3039, Urbana 61803-3039 384-3600 Fax: 373-4973 Donald D. Owen dowen@usd116.org Superintendent 384-3636 Jennifer Ivory-Tatum jivory-tatum@usd116.org Deputy Superintendent 384-3651 Todd Taylor ttaylor@usd116.org Assist. Superintendent of Special Services 384-3645 Kathy Barbour kbarbour@usd116.org Assist. Superintendent of Human Resources & Professional Development 384-3641 Carol Baker cbaker@usd116.org Chief Financial Officer 384-3642 Ota Dossett odossett@usd116.org Director of Facilities 384-3662 Samuel Byndom sbyndom@usd116.org Director of Adult/Community Education 211 N. Race St., Urbana 61801 384-3530 Fax: 337-4987 Yavonnda Smith, Principal ysmith@usd116.org Dr. Preston L. Williams Jr. School 2102 E. Washington, Urbana 61802 384-3628 Fax: 384-3626 Jennifer Rohn jrohn@usd116.org Gerber School at Cunningham Children’s Home 367-4064 1301 N. Cunningham, Urbana 61801 Fax: 367-2896 Spencer Landsman, Principal slandsman@usd116.org Leal School 312 W. Oregon, Urbana 61801 384-3618 Fax: 384-3622 Dionne Webster, Principal dwebster@usd116.org M.L. King Jr. School 1108 W. Fairview, Urbana 61801 384-3675 Fax: 344-5610 Sandra Cooper, Principal scooper@usd116.org Thomas Paine School 1801 James Cherry, Urbana 61802 384-3602 Fax: 344-1835 Cris Vowels, Principal cvowels@usd116.org Urbana Early Childhood School 2202 E. Washington, Urbana 61802 384-3616 Fax: 384-3615 Matthew Stark, Principal mstark@usd116.org Urbana High School 1002 S. Race, Urbana 61801 384-3524 Fax: 384-3532 Scott C. Woods, Principal swoods@usd116.org Urbana Middle School 1201 S. Vine, Urbana 61801 384-3685 Fax: 367-3156 Candace Gwin, Principal cgwin@usd116.org Wiley School 1602 S. Anderson, Urbana 61801 384-3670 Fax: 384-3559 Mary Beth Norris, Principal mnorris@usd116.org Yankee Ridge School 2102 S. Anderson, Urbana 61801 384-3607 Fax: 384-3611 Thomasboro Community Consolidated School District #130 www.thomasboro.k12.il.us Bonnie McArthur, Supt./Principal bmcarthur@thomasboro.k12.il.us 201 N. Phillips, Thomasboro 61878 643-3275 Fax: 643-2022 Rantoul City School District #137 www.rcs137.org Michelle Ramage, Superintendent mramage@rcs137.org 400 E. Wabash Ave., Rantoul 61866 893-5400 Fax: 892-4313 Mike Springer mspringer@rcs137.org Assistant Superintendent 893-5400 Fax: 892-4313 Barb Moore bmoore@rcs137.org Special Education Director 893-5400 Fax: 892-4313 Mike Penicook, Principal mpenicook@rcs137.org Thompson Learning Academy 201 S. Sheldon St., Rantoul 61866 892-1112 Fax: 892-1114 Ryan Green, Principal rgreen@rcs137.org J. W. Eater Jr. High 400 E. Wabash, Rantoul 61866 892-2115 Fax: 892-4313 Michelle Wagner, Principal mwagner@rcs137.org Broadmeadow Elementary 500 Sunview Dr., Rantoul 61866 892-2194 Fax: 892-2382 Brian Anderson, Principal banderson@rcs137.org Eastlawn Elementary 650 N. Maplewood, Rantoul 61866 892-2131 Fax: 893-1442 Rachel Maehr, Principal rmaehr@rcs137.org Northview Elementary 400 N. Sheldon, Rantoul 61866 892-2119 Fax: 893-1335 Annette Belue, Principal abelue@rcs137.org Pleasant Acres Elementary 1649 Harper, Rantoul 61866 893-4141 Fax: 893-0328 Ludlow Community Consolidated School District #142 Dru Lobmaster, Part-time Supt. lobmasterdp@ludlow.k12.il.us 245 S. Orange, Box 130, Ludlow 60949 396-5261 Fax: 396-8858 Tanya Vipond, Part-time Principal vipondte@ludlow.k12.il.us Ludlow Elementary School 396-5261 Fax: 396-8858 St. Joseph Community Consolidated School District #169 www.stjoe.k12.il.us Todd Pence, Superintendent tpence@stjoe.k12.il.us 606 E. Peters Dr., Box 409, St. Joseph 61873 469-2334 Fax: 469-8906 Chris Graham, Principal cgraham@stjoe.k12.il.us St. Joseph Middle School 606 E. Peters Dr., Box 409, St. Joseph 61873 469-2334 Fax: 469-2537 Mike Sennert, Principal msennert@stjoe.k12.il.us St. Joseph Elementary School 404 S. Fifth St., Box 409, St. Joseph 61873 469-2291 Fax: 469-8906 Becky Krall, Curriculum Coord. krallb@stjoe.k12.il.us 404 S. Fifth St., Box 409 469-2291 Fax: 469-8906 7 8 Gifford Community Consolidated School District #188 www.gifford.k12.il.us Rod Grimsley, Supt./Principal grimsleyr@gifford.k12.il.us 406 S. Main St., Box 70, Gifford 61847 568-7733 Fax: 568-7228 Rantoul Township High School District #193 www.rths.k12.il.us Scott Amerio, Superintendent samerio@rths.k12.il.us 200 S. Sheldon, Rantoul 61866 892-6001 Fax: 892-4442 Todd R. Wilson, Principal twilson@rths.k12.il.us 200 S. Sheldon, Rantoul 61866 892-6000 Sandy Davis, Principal sdavis@rths.k12.il.us Eagle Academy 205 W. Borman, Rantoul 61866 892-6128 Prairieview -Ogden Community Consolidated School District #197 www.pvo.k12.il.us Victor R. White, Supt. (Dist. Office) vwhite@pvo.k12.il.us Prairieview-Ogden North Elementary 106 N. Vine, P.O. Box 27, Royal 61871 583-3300 Fax: 583-3391 Steve Fiscus, Assistant Principal fiscuss@pvo.k12.il.us Prairieview-Ogden Jr. High 2499 Co. Rd. 2100 E., Thomasboro 61878 694-4122 Fax: 694-4123 Jeffrey Isenhower, Principal isenhowerj@pvo.k12.il.us Prairieview-Ogden South Elementary 304 N. Market St., Box 99, Ogden 61859 582-2725 Fax: 582-2509 St. Joseph-Ogden Community High School District #305 www.sjo.k12.il.us Brian Brooks, Superintendent brooksb@sjo.k12.il.us 301 N. Main St., P.O. Box 890, St. Joseph 61873 469-2586 Fax: 469-2478 Gary Page, Principal pageg@sjo.k12.il.us St. Joseph-Ogden High School 469-2332 Fax: 469-8290 Brady Smith, Assistant Principal smithba@sjo.k12.il.us St. Joseph-Ogden High School 469-2332 University Laboratory High School www.uni.illinois.edu Jeffrey W. Walkington, Director jwalking@illinois.edu 1212 W. Springfield, Urbana 61801 333-2870 Fax: 333-4064 Jeanette Nuckolls, Assoc. Dir. nuckolij@illinois.edu 1212 W. Springfield, Urbana 61801 244-2210 Fax: 333-4064 Karl Radnitzer, Assist. Dir. Student Life radnitze@illinois.edu 1212 W. Springfield, Urbana 61801 333-5867 Fax: 333-4064 9 Ford County Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley Community Unit School District #5 www.gcmsk12.org Anthony Galindo, Superintendent galindo.anthony@gcmsk12.org 307 N. Sangamon Ave., Gibson City 60936 784-8296 Fax: 784-8558 Sarah Sarantakos sarantakos.sarah@gcmsk12.org Unit Office Manager 784-8296 Fax: 784-8558 Erin Nuss, Curriculum Coordinator nuss.erin@gcmsk12.org 815 N. Church, Gibson City 60936 784-4292 Fax: 784-9293 Christopher Garard, Principal garard.christopher@gcmsk12.org GCMS High School 815 N. Church, Gibson City 60936 784-4292 Fax: 784-8293 Jeremy D. Darnell, Principal darnell.jeremy@gcmsk12.org GCMS Middle School 316 E. 19th St., Gibson City 60936 784-8731 Fax: 784-8726 Justin Kean, Principal kean.justin@gcmsk12.org GCMS Elementary School 902 N. Church, Gibson City 60936 784-4278 Fax: 784-4782 Paxton-Buckley-Loda Community Unit School District #10 www.pblunit10.com Clifford McClure, Superintendent cmcclure@pblpanthers.org PBL Unit Office, Panther Way, Box 50 Paxton 60957 379-3314 Fax: 379-2862 Tara Tighe, Curriculum Coordinator ttighe@pblpanthers.org PBL Unit Office, Panther Way, Box 50 Paxton 60957 379-3314 Fax: 379-2862 Michael Brehm, Technology Coord. drbrehm@pblpanthers.org PBL Unit Office, Panther Way, Box 50 Paxton 60957 379-3314 Fax: 379-2862 Travis Duley, Principal tduley@pblpanthers.org PBL High School Panther Way, Paxton 60957 379-4331 Fax: 379-2491 Josh Didier, Principal jdidier@pblpanthers.org PBL Jr. High School Panther Way, Paxton 60957 379-9202 Fax: 379-9169 Barry Wright, Principal barryw@pblpanthers.org PBL Eastlawn Elementary (Grades 3-5) 341 E. Center, Paxton 60957 379-2000 Fax: 379-2055 Amanda Wetherell, Principal awetherell@pblpanthers.org Clara Peterson Elementary (Grades PreK-2) 580 E. Franklin, Paxton 60957 379-2531 Fax: 379-9781 Non-Public Schools Gary A. Gritton, Pastor ggritton@cbcurbana.org Calvary Baptist Christian Academy 2106 E. Windsor Rd., Urbana 61802 cbcurbana.org 367-2262 10 Non-Public Schools (continued) Tami Adams, Executive Director Campus Middle School for Girls execdirectorcms@gmail.com 304 S. Race St., Urbana 61801 www.campusms.org 344-8279 Fax: 344-6842 Rev. B. J. Tatum, Administrator pastortatum@canaanurbana.org Canaan Academy 207 N. Central, Urbana 61801 www.canaanmbc.com/academy.html 367-6590 Fax: 367-5130 Sandy Spitz, Exec. Director sspitz@christlutheranbuckley.com Christ Lutheran High School 201 W. Lincoln, P.O. Box 8, Buckley 60918 www.christlutheranbuckley.com 394-2547 Fax: 394-2097 Linda Fox, Principal lfox@cunninghamhome.org CIRCLE Academy www.cunninghamhome.org 367-6923 P.O. Box 878, Urbana 61803-0878 Fax: 337-9391 Stephanie Harman, Head of School sharman@countrysideschool.org Countryside School www.countrysideschool.org 355-1253 4301 W. Kirby Ave., Champaign 61822 Fax: 355-7492 Dale A. Morrissey, CEO dmorrissey@dsc-illinois.org Developmental Services Center 1304 W. Bradley, Champaign 61821 www.dsc-illinois.org 356-9176 Fax: 378-6914 Jane Stubblefield, Admin. jstubblefield@firstschoolinc.com First School, Inc. www.firstschoolinc.com 1403 E. Oak St., Mahomet 61853 586-9990 Fax: 586-7602 Ed & Tammy Kendrick heritageprep@earthlink.net Heritage Preparatory Academy P.O. Box 96, 202 W. Green, Roberts 60962 www.hpafamily.org Ryan Bustle, Principal rbustle@hs-stm.org High School of Saint Thomas More 3901 N. Mattis, Champaign 61822 www.hs-stm.org 352-7210 Fax: 352-7213 Christina Ellis, Principal cellis@holycrosselem.org Holy Cross School www.holycrosselem.org 410 W. White, Champaign 61820 356-9521 Fax: 356-1745 Michael C. Chitty, CEO chittym@judah.org Judah Christian School www.judah.org 908 N. Prospect, Champaign 61820 359-1701 Fax: 359-0214 Marsh W. Jones, Admin. mjones@kingswoodschool.org Kingswood School www.kingswoodschool.org 344-5540 P.O. Box 834, Urbana 61803 Fax: 344-5535 Deborah Balsbaugh, Admin. admin@montessorischoolofcu.org Montessori School of Champaign-Urbana 1403 Regency Dr. East, Savoy 61874 www.montessorischoolofcu.org 356-1818 Fax: 356-4818 Deborah Balsbaugh, Admin. admin@montessorischoolofcu.org Montessori Elementary School 303 Burwash, Savoy 61874 www.montessorischoolofcu.org 356-1818 Fax: 356-4818 Chris Bronowski, Head of School chrisbronowski@gmail.com Next Generation Primary & Middle School 2521 Galen Dr., Champaign 61821 www.nextgenerationschool.com 356-6995 Fax: 356-6345 Jesse McFarling, Principal jesse.mcfarling@uhsinc.com Pavilion Foundation School 810 W. Church, Champaign 61824 www.pavilionhospital.com/school.html 373-1774 Fax: 373-1786 249-2282 Kara Teske, Admin. principal@stjohnsbuckley.com Non-Public Schools (continued) St. John’s Lutheran School P.O. Box 148, 206 E. Main, Buckley 60918 www.stjohnsbuckley.com 11 394-2422 Fax: 394-2422 Joel Burgener, Principal jburgener@stjohnls.com St. John Lutheran School www.217sms.org 509 S. Mattis, Champaign 61821 359-1714 Fax: 359-7972 Stacie Gianessi, Principal mrs_gianessi@stmal.pvt.k12.il.us St. Malachy School www.sms217.com 340 E. Belle, Rantoul 61866 892-2011 Fax: 892-5780 Petrece Klein, Principal pklein@stmatt.net St. Matthew School www.stmatt.net 1307 Lincolnshire, Champaign 61821 359-4114 Fax: 359-8319 Melissa J. Reder, Principal mreder@stthomasphilo.org St. Thomas Catholic School 311 E. Madison, Philo 61864 www.stthomasphilo.org 684-2309 Fax: 684-2217 John A. Lawrence, Admin. john@swanncare.com Swann Secondary School www.swanncare.com 398-9270 2418 W. Springfield, Champaign 61821 Fax: 398-7726 Debbie Lang, Head Teacher ldebbie@swanncare.com Swann Elementary School 2422 W. Springfield, Champaign 61821 Ali Lewis, Director alilewis@illinois.edu University Primary School 51 Gerty Drive 98 Children’s Research Center Champaign 61820 www.ed.illinois.edu/ups 398-9273 Fax: 398-7726 333-3996 Special Education Cooperatives Jennifer Armstrong, Director armstrongj@rccsec.org RCCSEC, 601 S. Century, Suite 1116 Rantoul 61866 www.rccsec.org 892-8877, ext. 113 Fax: 893-8627 Lori Bednarz, Special Ed. Admin. bednarzll@rccsec.org RCCSEC/Early Childhood SPECTRUM Program 892-8877, ext. 157 Eric (Rick) Brackmann, Director brackmann.eric@gcmsk12.org Ford County Special Education Cooperative 307 N. Sangamon Ave., Gibson City 60936 784-5470 Fax: 784-5458 Education for Employment System #330 Nick Elder, Director nelder@efe.k12.il.us 2400 W. Bradley, Suite A113 Champaign 61821 www.efe330.org 355-1382 Fax: 355-1396 Parkland College Thomas Ramage, President 2400 W. Bradley Ave., Champaign 61821 www.parkland.edu Information Center 351-2231 Fax: 351-2592 351-2200 University of Illinois General University Information 333-4666 or 333-1000 Champaign-Ford Regional Office of Education #9 Advancing excellence in education by leveraging leadership, knowledge, and services across communities. Leadership is the ability of individuals in an organization to: o provide excellent programs, o have a commitment for improvement, o collaborate to serve, and o be visionary in recognizing its ultimate potential. Knowledge is a portal to: o maintain continuous improvement, o apply research and data, o implement innovative practices, and o provide opportunities for active engagement and learning. Services are programs and activities that: o address the educational needs of all learners, o leverage and support community partnerships, and o are quality, timely and appropriate. 200 South Fredrick Street Rantoul, Illinois 61866 Tel 217.893.3219 Fax 217-893-0024 or 217-819-5965 www.roe9.k12.il.us