The State of Education Series Tertiary Education A Global Report March 2013 Tertiary Education: Indicators This presentation includes data on: Gross Enrollment Rates (GER) for preprimary and tertiary Correlations between GDP per capita and enrollment rates for each educational level Income/Gender/Location Disparities Expenditures on Tertiary Education Acronym Guide Acronym Name EAP East Asia and Pacific ECA Europe and Central Asia LAC Latin American and the Caribbean MNA SAS SSA WLD GER GDP p.c. GNI Middle East and North Africa South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa World (Global Aggregate) Gross Enrollment Rate Gross Domestic Product per capita Gross National Income GAR GPI Gross Attendance Rate Gender Parity Index (female value/male value) Tertiary Enrollments How many youth are enrolled? Tertiary – Gross Enrolment Rates (GER) Around 30% of tertiary age youth were enrolled in tertiary education 2010. This figure was a 10 percentage point improvement over 2000 (19%). ECA has consistently had the highest tertiary GERs of any region. Over half (55.6%) of tertiary age youth were enrolled in 2010 which is a 17 percentage point increase over 2000. EAP has more than doubled its tertiary GER over time. SSA lags behind other regions with 6.8% of youth enrolled in 2010. Almost ¾ of tertiary age youth around the world are not enrolled in tertiary education. 60 Gross Enrolment Rate. Tertiary. Total (%) 50 40 30 27.0 24.9 23.5 20 29.2 21.5 19.1 10 0 2000 EAP 2002 ECA 2004 LAC MNA 2006 SAS 2008 SSA 2010 WLD Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, November 2012 Which countries have the lowest tertiary enrollment rates? These countries have less than 4% of tertiary age students enrolled in tertiary education. 33 countries have less than 10 percent of tertiary age youth enrolled. 50 countries have more than half of tertiary age youth enrolled. 8 countries have tertiary GERs higher than 80% and 4 countries have tertiary GERs higher than 90%: Finland, the United States, Cuba, and Korea, Rep. 10 Countries with the Lowest Tertiary Gross Enrollment Rates (2008-2011) 1 Turks and Caicos Islands 0.08 2 Malawi 0.72 3 Niger 1.51 4 Eritrea 1.99 5 Tanzania 2.11 6 Chad 2.17 7 Central African Republic 2.57 8 Burundi 3.25 9 Afghanistan 3.33 Dominica 3.57 10 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Nov. 2012 Notes: Figures are most recent year with data between 2008-2011. Purple = 2011; Black = 2010; Blue = 2009; Green = 2008. Data were not available for 72 of 214 countries. Which countries have improved tertiary enrolment rates the most? These countries have improved their tertiary gross enrolment rates by 27 to 70 percentage points between 1999-2001 and 2009-2011. 7 countries more than doubled their tertiary GER – Cuba, Venezuela, Cyprus, Montenegro, Czech Rep., Romania, and Armenia. All of the countries are in LAC or ECA. 10 Countries with the Most Improvement in Tertiary Gross Enrollment Rates Percentage Points Improved 19992001 GER 20092011 GER % Improved 1 Cuba 70.0 25.2 95.2 277.8 2 Venezuela, RB 49.8 28.3 78.1 175.6 3 Cyprus 33.0 21.6 54.6 152.8 4 Montenegro 31.1 16.6 47.6 187.9 5 Czech Republic 30.5 30.1 60.7 101.5 6 Romania 30.5 28.4 58.8 107.4 7 Uruguay 29.5 33.8 63.3 87.4 8 Ukraine 27.1 52.4 79.5 51.8 9 Belarus 27.0 55.9 83.0 48.3 10 Armenia 26.6 24.9 51.5 106.7 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Nov. 2012; Notes: Most recent data year available was used from 2008-2011. Data were not available for 97 of 214 countries . Gross Enrollment Ratio. Tertiary Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Nov. 2012 Note: Data displayed is for the latest available year (2008-2011) The maps displayed were produced by EdStats. The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on the part of the World Bank Group, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The maps are for reference only. Do countries with higher income per capita have higher tertiary enrollment rates? Most countries with gross national income (GNI) per capita less than $1000 have tertiary GERs less than 11%. Tajikistan (20%) and Kyrgyz Rep (49%) are the two exceptions. Countries with GNI pc more than $20,000 have tertiary GERs higher than 50% except for Qatar (10%), Luxembourg (10.5%), Brunei (17.2%), and Liechtenstein (36.0%). 100 United States Finland 90 Gross enrolment ratio. Tertiary (ISCED 5 and 6). Total Most countries with a GNI pc higher than $20,000 have tertiary GERs higher than 50%. Belarus Slovenia 80 Norway 70 60 Switzerland 50 40 30 Oman 20 Brunei Luxembourg, Qatar 10 R² = 0.2021 0 0 20 40 60 80 GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Nov. 2012 Note: Data is for the most recent year between 2009 and 2011. Which regions have reached gender parity in tertiary enrollments? In 2000, the world gender parity index (GPI) for tertiary enrollments was 1.0 – perfect gender parity. Since then, female GERs have been higher than male GERs, and the GPI has been moving above 1.0. MNA is the only region within +/- 0.05 of gender parity in 2010. LAC and ECA have consistently had higher female GERs, and EAP has reversed from a male bias to a female bias. SAS and SSA have maintained a strong male bias in tertiary enrolments over time. Gender disparities in tertiary enrolment rates vary greatly across regions. 1.30 1.25 Gender Parity Index (GPI) for Gross Enrolment Rate. Tertiary 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.06 1.05 1.07 1.08 1.04 1.02 Female Bias 1.00 1.00 Male Bias 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 2000 WLD 2002 EAP ECA 2004 LAC 2006 MNA 2008 SAS 2010 SSA Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Oct. 2012 Does gender parity exist in tertiary enrollments in most countries? The majority of countries have higher female enrolment rates than male enrolment rates in tertiary education. Only 9 countries are within +/-0.05 of gender parity in tertiary enrollments. 63% of countries have a female bias in tertiary enrolments vs. 37% with higher male enrolment rates. One country – Vietnam – has perfect gender parity (1.0). In 10 countries, the female GER more than doubles the male GER. These countries are island nations in LAC and Qatar (see next slide). 5.50 5.00 Gender Parity Index (GPI) for Gross Enrolment Ratio. Tertiary 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 Female Bias 1.50 1.00 0.50 Male Bias 0.00 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Nov. 2012 Note: Data points are the most recent year with data available (2008-2011) Which countries have the largest gender disparities in tertiary enrolments? 10 Countries with the Largest Female Bias in Tertiary Enrolments 10 Countries with the Largest Male Bias in Tertiary Enrolments (2008-2011) (2008-2011) 1 Qatar 5.38 1 Chad 0.17 2 Dominica 3.35 2 Congo, Rep. 0.21 3 Antigua and Barbuda 2.58 3 Afghanistan 0.24 4 St. Lucia 2.57 4 Congo, Dem. Rep. 0.31 5 Guyana 2.52 5 Central African Republic 0.32 6 Barbados 2.38 6 Eritrea 0.33 7 Jamaica 2.28 7 Guinea 0.33 8 Cayman Islands 2.24 8 Ethiopia 0.36 9 Bermuda 2.12 9 Benin 0.38 St. Kitts and Nevis 2.10 10 Niger 0.38 10 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Oct. 2012; Notes: Black = 2010; Blue = 2008; Data were not available for 73 of 213 countries. Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Oct. 2012; Notes: Maroon=2011; Black = 2010; Purple = 2009; Blue = 2008; Data were not available for 73 of 213 countries. Do gender, income, or location disparities exist in post-secondary attendance ratios? Levels of gender disparity in postsecondary attendance are much lower than levels of location and income disparity. More girls than boys attend post-secondary schools in EAP, ECA, and LAC. Rural areas have between 5 (SSA) and 15 (LAC) percent lower attendance ratios than urban areas. Income is the largest source of disparity across regions. Income disparities range from 8 percentage points in SSA to 34 in LAC.2 Income is the largest source of disparity in postsecondary gross attendance ratios in all regions. 35 Percentage Point Difference in Gross Attendance Ratio. Post-Sec. (Male-Female, Urban-Rural, and Quintile 1-Quintile 5) 30 Gender disparity Location disparity Income disparity 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 EAP ECA LAC MNA SAS SSA Source: Estimated by Porta (2011) using data from Demographic and Health Surveys, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, and Living Standards Measurement Studies for 1985-2007 Expenditures on Tertiary Education Which countries spend the least per student on tertiary education? On average, countries spend 91% of per capita GDP per tertiary student. The median spending is 30%. These countries spend between 3.5 and 12%. Three countries are in ECA and 3 are in EAP. Korea, Rep. has the 12th lowest spending level, but has a 103% gross enrollment rate. Six of 9 countries have private enrollment shares higher than 50%. 10 Countries with the Lowest Share of p.c. GDP per Tertiary Student (2006-2012) Share of pc GDP (%) per student Tertiary Enrolment Rate (GER) Private Enrollment Share (%) 1 Mongolia 3.5 57.2 38.7 2 Armenia 7.5 48.9 22.8 3 Lebanon 8.1 57.7 60.8 4 Liechtenstein 9.2 36.0 100.0 5 Peru 9.2 43.0 54.3 6 Philippines 9.6 28.2 65.9 7 Kazakhstan 10.2 43.2 50.6 8 Myanmar 10.8 14.8 9 El Salvador 11.6 23.4 66.6 Georgia 12.3 30.0 20.9 10 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Feb. 2013 Notes: Figures are for the most recent year with data available: Black figures are for 2011; Blue are for 2010; Green for 2009; Maroon for 2008; Purple for 2007; Data were not available for 96 countries. Which countries spend the most per student on tertiary education? All the listed countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa. These countries spend from 2 to 18 times GDP per capita on each tertiary student. Despite high spending, all the countries in the list have gross enrollment rates less than 8%. These countries are all within the bottom 20 countries in tertiary enrolment rates. 10 Countries with the Highest Share of p.c. GDP per Tertiary Student (2006-2012) Share of pc GDP (%) per student Tertiary Enrolment Rate (GER) Private Enrollment Share (%) 10.3 1 Malawi 1859.4 0.8 2 Lesotho 1331.1 3.5 3 Tanzania 868.2 2.1 4 Niger 564.6 1.5 25.0 5 Burundi 350.8 3.2 57.7 6 Swaziland 296.4 4.4 7 Botswana 256.3 7.4 100.0 8 Chad 247.9 2.3 28.2 9 Burkina Faso 243.1 3.9 22.0 Mauritania 193.5 4.4 10 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, Feb. 2013 Notes: Figures are for the most recent year with data available: Black figures are for 2011; Blue are for 2010; Green for 2009; Maroon for 2008; Purple for 2007; Beige for 2006; Data were not available for 96 countries. Public Expenditure per Pupil as a % of GDP per capita. Tertiary (2006-2012) Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics in EdStats, 2013 Note: Data displayed is for the latest available year The maps displayed were produced by EdStats. The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on the part of the World Bank Group, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The maps are for reference only. Data Sources This presentation utilizes the following data sources: 1) UNESCO Institute for Statistics data in the EdStats Query The presentation was created with the most recent UIS data release that included 2010 data for most indicators/countries. Indicators were calculated by UIS according to definitions available in the EdStats Query. 2) Income/Gender/Location Disparity slides were based on data and analysis extracted from: Demographic and Health Surveys, Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, and Living Standards Measurement Studies for 1985-2007; Reports were generated through ADePT Edu (2011). The State of Education Series The following State of Education presentations are available on the EdStats website: Topics: Educational Levels: Access Quality Expenditures Literacy Equity Gender Pre-Primary Education Primary Education Secondary Education Tertiary Education