Entropy, free energy and equilibrium Spontaneity Entropy Free energy and equilibrium Learning objectives Discuss what is meant by spontaneity Discuss energy dispersal and its relevance to spontaneity Describe the concept of a reversible process Define entropy Equilibrium At an equilibrium point, the system resists small disturbances (not necessarily large ones) unstable Locally stable more stable At equilibrium, the rates of the forward and backward processes are equal Spontaneity The tendency for a process to advance to equilibrium without external influence Something that happens naturally is spontaneous Any process will be spontaneous in one direction The reverse is non-spontaneous If work needs to be done, it is not spontaneous A rock naturally rolls down a hill - spontaneous It must be pushed back up - nonspontaneous A hot object naturally cools - spontaneous Indicators of spontaneity What is the indicator of spontaneity? Heat evolved? But…endothermic reactions occur spontaneously as well (ice melting, salt dissolving) Enthalpy is not an indicator of spontaneity, although most spontaneous processes are exothermic – energy is conserved not created The amount of energy does not change in any process – but it is redistributed... Various spontaneities: dispersal Matter disperses – gas fills a container, two liquids mix Heat disperses – hot object cools on cold surface Motion disperses – a ball stops bouncing The reverses of these three well known processes never occur spontaneously Reversibility A reversible process is one where the system and surroundings are changed to original values without any change An irreversible process is one where the system and surroundings cannot be restored A reversible process produces the maximum possible work Reversibility and reality Reversibility only occurs when the system is in or almost at equilibrium – at an infinitesimal rate In reality this does not obtain Real processes produce less work than ideal processes Spontaneous processes are irreversible The reverse of a spontaneous process is nonspontaneous Spontaneity and speed The speed of a reaction is not an indicator of its spontaneity. Spontaneity is determined by the relative positions of the initial and final states (thermodynamic state functions) Speed is determined by the pathway (kinetics) Two independent regimes Entropy – the mixing (distributing) link entropy measures distribution of energy over states The more states available, the more entropy It is a “state function” – depends only on initial and final states, not the pathway. The entropy change for a process is S S final Sinitial Systems move spontaneously to a state of greater entropy – greater distribution of energy Disorder provides more states for energy distribution than ordered systems Why do crystals form at all? Entropy is distribution of energy over microstates Crystals are highly ordered arrangements Crystals should spontaneously fly apart to maximize disorder But...This view ignores energy of the lattice Energy input to break bonds corresponds to entropy decrease (localization of energy) Don’t let them fool you A popular argument against evolution is that the formation of organized DNA molecules from a random soup of atoms and molecules contravenes Second Law Just as crystals appear in a dish spontaneously so can DNA form from smaller units N.B. Order (energy concentration) can appear spontaneously locally provided greater disorder (energy dispersal) is occurring elsewhere Entropy and solubility Hydration increases entropy of the ions in the lattice Ions in solution have greater disorder but can decrease entropy of the solvent Solvent molecules now have greater order Excessive hydration by highly polarizing ions can reduce entropy of solvent CaSO4 is only slightly soluble What will these socks ne’er be matched? Would you be stunned if the tumble dryer matched the socks? Okay, you never match the socks anyway Chaos in the sock drawer is natural The same principles are applied to chemical change (sort of) Chance meeting: entropy and probability Ordered states are less likely because there are fewer ways to obtain them Do our socks become matched spontaneously? No, only one of many possible arrangements With only a few molecules the ordered state becomes massively less probable than a disordered state Boltzmann and disorder S k ln W W is the number of possible arrangements of the state k is Boltzmann’s constant = R/NA = 1.38x10-23 J/K The entropy is proportional to the natural log of the number of arrangements of the state Entropy of a disordered system An ordered arrangement has W = 1, S = 0 Entropy of one mole of disordered molecules S k ln W k ln 2 S = 5.76 J/K NA kNA ln 2 R ln 2 Entropy and gas expansion There is only one possible way for all the gas molecules to fill A and leave B empty. There are ways 2 N A for NA molecules to occupy A and B Entropy associated with gas mixing Entropy associated with gas expansion: Doubling the volume doubles the number of positions (microstates) for distribution of energy S R ln V final Vinitial Making sense of units and definition of entropy Units of entropy are J/K How do these units connect to disorder and probability? Disorder is not entropy Disorder increases the number of microstates available Clausius definition of entropy is: Change in entropy = (heat supplied)/temperature S sys q T Work and gas expansion Work associated with isothermal reversible V2 expansion of gas w nRT ln rev V1 Isothermal means that ΔE = 0 = qrev + wrev But... V qrev wrev nRT ln 2 V1 Ssys V nRT ln 2 q V1 nR ln V2 rev T T V1 Equivalent to result obtained from consideration of arrangements Les Regles du Jeu (Rules of the game) Thermodynamics is the Law First Law: The total energy of a system and its surroundings is constant in any process Esys q w Second Law: In any spontaneous process, the total entropy of a system and its surroundings increases Stot 0 Third Law of Thermodynamics The entropy of a perfectly ordered crystalline substance at 0K is zero Increasing T causes increase in entropy through molecular motion (rotational, vibrational and translational), and changes of state Entropy and temperature Disorder and motion Greater motion corresponds to greater number of microstates – entropy increases with T Entropy of a system increases with T Increasing T increases entropy through greater molecular motion In a solid an increased number of vibrational energy states – more ways to distribute energy Phase changes cause step change because of increased number of microstates in less condensed phase Standard molar entropy S° The entropy of one mole of the pure substance at 1 atm pressure and a specified temperature, usually 25°C Determined experimentally from heat capacity measurements Comparison of different substances Gases have highest values Solids have the lowest values Standard entropy of reaction S S o o products S o reactants In the reaction N2O4 = 2NO2 o o S o 2S NO S N 2O4 2 Products have more particles than reactants Predicting entropy change from chemical equation by counting particles Entropy: connecting the microscopic to the macroscopic Microscopic: Measure of microstates and disorder Macroscopic: Indicator of spontaneous process Three results Stot S sys S surr Stotal > 0 the process is spontaneous Stotal < 0 the process is nonspontaneous Stotal = 0 the process is at equilibrium Surroundings Entropy change for the system is obtained from the entropies of the initial and final states What about the surroundings? At constant pressure, the entropy change in the surroundings is related to the enthalpy change for the system S surr H T Enthalpy change of system determines entropy change of surroundings Heat released by the system increases the disorder of the surroundings. The effect of this is modulated by the temperature: At low temperature the effect is much more significant At high temperature, where there is already considerable disorder, the effect is muted – the difference between tossing a rock into a calm pool (low T) and a storm-tossed ocean (high T) Land of the Free... Energy Since Stotal is obtained from the Ssystem and the ΔHsystem, everything can be written in terms of the system: Gibbs free energy G H TS State function, depends only on initial and final states G H TS Significance of ΔG Stot S sys S surr But from before, Stot S sys TStot So… H sys T TS sys H sys TStot G ΔG is indicator of spontaneity G TStot 1. ΔG < 0 reaction always spontaneous 2. ΔG > 0 reaction always nonspontaneous 3. ΔG = 0 reaction at equilibrium The Gibbs Free Energy is a measure of the total entropy change Four possible conditions ΔH + + ΔS ΔG + - - - Or + - + + - Or + Spontaneity Example Spontaneous at all T 2NO2 = N2 + 2O2 Spontaneous at low T, nonspontaneous at high T N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3 Nonspontaneous at all T 3 O2 = 2 O3 Spontaneous at high T, nonspontaneous at low T 2HgO = Hg + O2 Standard free energies Solids liquids and gases in pure form at 1atm pressure Solution at 1 M concentration Standard temperature usually 25°C Standard free energy change: ΔG° Change in free energy that occurs when reactants in standard states are converted to products in their standard states ΔG° as a predictor of reactions Consider the reaction N 2 ( g ) 3H 2 ( g ) 2 NH 3 ( g ) We want to calculate ΔG° Need ΔH° and ΔS° ΔH° is equal to ΔH°(formation) for NH3 ΔS° comes from the S° values for the reactants and product ΔH° = 2 x -46.1 kJ/mol = -92.2 kJ/mol ΔS° = -198.7J/mol K ΔG°(25°C) = -92.2 – 298x-198.7x.001 kJ/mol = -33.0 kJ/mol Standard free energy of formation The free energy of formation of one mole of the substance in its standard state from the most stable forms of the elements in their standard states Thus the ΔG°f for NH3 is given by -33.0/2 kJ/mol = -16.5 kJ/mol Elements in the standard state have ΔG°f = 0 Standard free energy of formation of some common compounds Substance Formula ΔGfº/kJ /mol Substance Formula ΔGfº/kJ/ mol NO2 51.3 H2O -237.2 Acetylene C2H2 209.2 Nitrogen dioxide Ammonia NH3 -16.5 Water Carbon dioxide CO2 -394.4 Diamond C 2.9 Ethylene C2H4 68.1 Graphite C 0 The importance of the state Using reactants in different states will require modification to calculation for ΔG° Consider graphite and diamond – two forms of carbon. Is it perhaps surprising that diamond is less stable than graphite? ΔG°f (diamond) = 2.9 kJ/mol Free energy change for conversion of diamond into CO2 is larger than for conversion of graphite into CO2 ΔG°f and stability Many common compounds are unstable with respect to their elements – NO2, C2H4 and C2H2 They will spontaneously decompose to the elements according to thermodynamics However, they are generally regarded as stable Kinetic barriers prevent rapid decomposition Thermodynamic functions and chemical processes The foolish man builds his process on a foundation without ΔGfº ΔG°f calculations can save a lot of unnecessary work Indicates favourability of a reaction under standard conditions If unfavourable, need to either modify the conditions or explore alternative synthesis pathways Example: The formation of NO is not favoured from N2 and O2; but it is favoured by reaction of O2 with NH3 Accounting for actual conditions In most reactions, the reactants and products are not in standard states G G RT ln Q o Q is the reaction quotient – similar in form to K Pressures for gases Concentrations for liquids N 2 ( g ) 3H 2 ( g ) 2 NH 3 ( g ) Q 2 NH 3 3 N2 H 2 p p p Free energy and equilibrium Q «1, ΔG < 0 Drives towards products Q » 1, ΔG > 0 Drives back towards reactants At equilibrium, ΔG = 0 ΔG° = -RT ln K Relationship between ΔGfº and K ΔGº Ln K <0 >0 =0 >0 <0 =0 K >1 <1 1 Comment Mainly products Mainly reactants Even ratio of reactants and products