Chapter 20

Chapter 20
The New Frontier and the Great
Section 1
and the Cold War
The Election of 1960
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) was the democratic candidate for the
Presidency in 1960 and he promised to “get America moving again”
Former Vice President Richard Nixon was the Republican candidate that he
ran against and he ran off of the coat tails of Eisenhower’s popularity
The 2 factors that allowed JFK to win the election was the use of television to
reach the American people and his Civil Rights beliefs
JFK came off as handsome and charismatic on tv he was only 43 and would
become the 2nd youngest president in history to Theodore Roosevelt and the
youngest President actually elected to office.
Nixon and JFK participated in the 1st ever televised Presidential debate in
1960 which gave JFK the edge in the close election
The Election of 1960
In 1960 Martin Luther King Jr. and 33 other African-American demonstrators
were arrested in Atlanta and he was sentenced to months of hard labor for
sitting at a segregated lunch counter.
Eisenhower’s administration and Nixon did nothing and paid it no attention
while JFK called his wife Coretta Scott King to express sympathy and his
brother and campaign manager Robert Kennedy persuaded the judge to
release MLK on bail pending appeal.
This action allowed JFK to carry the black vote in the Midwest and South
which would eventually put him over the top in the election.
The Camelot Years
The election of 1960 was the closest since 1884 (Cleveland over Blaine) as JFK
won by only 119,000 votes.
JFK Presidency was one of elegance, grace, and wit.
Many celebrities and artists visited the white house during his term
JFK was on TV often speaking to the nation and displaying his extravagant
Everything they did was followed intensely by the nation and mimicked
He surrounded himself with a group of advisers known as “the best and
A New Military Policy
When he came into office the Cold War was in full swing and in his opinion he
felt that Eisenhower’s administration did not do enough to stop the Soviets
and had allowed the Soviets to grow in underdeveloped countries like Cuba
His 1st strategy was to redefine the countries nuclear strategy
He utilized a policy of flexible response by allowing for various ways to
respond to different level of threats from the Soviets
He increased defense spending in order to build conventional military forces
He also created an elite branch of the military known as the “Special Forces”
or Green Berets
He tripled the nuclear capabilities of the US
Crises over Cuba
The 1st test of JFK foreign policy came in Cuba with their Communist leader
Fidel Castro
Castro took over Cuba by overthrowing it’s current leader Fulgencio Batista in
1959 he promised many things to the Cuban people but after taking over he
did not follow through with his promises and became a dictatorship type
government supported by the Soviets and Communists
JFK was a part of the Bay of Pigs he authorized the training of Cuban exiles to
invade Cuba and overthrow Castro
April 17, 1961 the troops invaded Cuba and everything went wrong and it was
a major failure and it increased tensions between the US and Cuba / Soviet
Crises over Cuba
Castro developed a powerful ally in Khruschev in Moscow
The Soviets in 1962 begin moving nuclear missiles to Cuba which caused an
issue from JFK.
This is known as the Cuban Missile Crisis which last 6 days in which the Soviets
and US had a face off that almost led to a nuclear war before the Soviets
eventually pulled their nuclear missiles out of Cuba
The Soviets agreed to remove the missiles if the Americans agreed not to
invade Cuba which the US agreed to and it was a black eye for the Soviets in
the long run
Kennedy was criticized as well by the Cuban exiles for “losing Cuba” to Castro
Crisis over Berlin
In Berlin which was a major city in the divided nation of Germany from WWII
East Germany was under Soviet control while West Germany was under Ally
Many of the East Germans were fleeing across to West Berlin for a better life
which hurt the Soviet economy in the region
This caused a major crisis between the Soviets and Americans which
eventually led to the Soviets building the Berlin wall to prevent them from
fleeing to West Berlin and ending the Berlin crisis
Tension were still high and they searched for ways to ease it 1 thing they did
was setup a hotline between the White House and the Kremlin in case issues
came up to hopefully be able to diffuse issues quickly
Section 2
New Frontier
The Promise of Progress
JFK wanted to transform his vision of a new frontier in American and expand our
society to accept everyone and also expand our relativity world wide
Kennedy had issues trying to get his bills through Congress as many of them were
shot down by Congress
When JFK came into office in 1960 America was in a recession and required
He attacked it by increasing spending and raising minimum wage to $1.25 an hour,
extended unemployment insurance, and provided assistance to cities with high
JFK created the Peace Corps (a system of volunteers traveling to developing
nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
He also created the Alliance for progress which offered economical and technical
assistance to Latin American countries
The Promise of Progress
April 12, 1961 Yuri A. Gagarin Soviet Astronaut became the 1st man in space
Less than a month later the Americans duplicated this feat
July 20, 1969 American astronaut set foot on the moon as the 1st man to ever
step foot on the moon
These actions allowed space and science programs popped up in college
around the country and especially in the south as they greatly benefitted
these cities.
IN 1962 and 1963 JFK turned his attention to poverty and civil rights and
made a big push to fight segregation in the South
Tragedy in Dallas
In the fall of 1963 JFK was losing popularity due to the controversial topics he
was attacking in civil rights
On November 22, 1963, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas by the Texas
School Book depository by Lee Harvey Oswald.
Lyndon B Johnson his Vice President was sworn into office along side his wife
and Mrs. Kennedy
Oswald was then killed shortly after by an assassin Jack Ruby while being
transported between jails
The Warren Commission led by Chief Justice Earl Warren did an investigation
on the JFK assassination and filed a report on it.
Section 3
Great Society
LBJ’s Path to Power
Lyndon Baines Johnson or LBJ succeeded JFK as President and brought a lot of
energy to the Presidents office.
LBJ was a FDR disciple and patterned his political skills after FDR’s policies
Johnson was responsible for the Civil Rights Act of 1957 passing while he was
the Senate majority leader
JFK hand chose LBJ to be his running mate for his political skills
Johnson’s Domestic Agenda
LBJ got Congress to pass a $10 billion tax cut in 1964 which gave America
economic growth
Johnson also passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
LBJ’s next big agenda was to do away with poverty and in August 1964 he got
Congress to pass the Economic Opportunity Act (EOA) which approved nearly
$1 billion for youth programs, antipoverty measures, small business loans, and
job training.
1964 LBJ ran on the democratic ticket against Barry Goldwater of the
Republican party and LBJ won the election in a landslide gaining 61% of the
popular vote and 486 electoral college votes
Building the Great Society
“Great Society” was LBJ vision for America to end poverty and racial
He also envisioned a legislative program that would create a higher standard
of living and equal opportunity but also promote a richer quality of life for all
LBJ by the end of his term had passed 206 bills through Congress
He passed many education bills in 19965 and 1966
The elementary and secondary act of 1965 provided more than $1 billion in
aid to help schools purchase books and materials
LBJ changed social security act by providing Medicare (hospital insurance and
low cost medical insurance for people 65 and older) and Medicaid (extended
healthcare to welfare recipients)
Building the Great Society
His administration put more money into HUD or urban housing and he
appointed Robert Weaver as the 1st African American cabinet member in
America as secretary of HUD
The Great Society also brought major changes to immigration laws the
Immigration Act of 1965 did away with quotas and allowed many more non
European immigrants to settle in America
He also passed the Water Quality Act of 1965 which required cities to clean up
rivers and eliminate polluters of the rivers.
Under the ideas of Ralph Nader Congress also passed safety standards for
automobiles and tires during the great society
Reforms of the Warren Court
The Warren Court was a liberal court that made many reforms in America in
the 1950 and 60’s
The Warren Court banned prayer in schools
It allowed students who were anti war to wear black armbands to school
It created reapportionment allowing states to redraw their voting lines based
on population
Reforms of the Warren Court
Mapp vs Ohio (1961) said that evidence seized illegally could not be used in court
Gideon vs Wainwright (1963) allowed free representation to those who could not
afford representation in court
Escobedo vs Illinois (1964) stated that a person accused of a crime had the right to
have a lawyer present while being talked to by the police
Miranda vs Arizona (1966) stated that police must read a person their rights before
accusing them of a crime
Impact of the Great Society
LBJ extended the power of Government and passed more legislation post
He did stimulate the economy but it also created a larger deficit
LBJ a peace advocate was labeled a “hawk” as 1 of the supporters of the
most controversial war in American history the Vietnam War.