Anatomical Directions and Movements

Anatomical Directions &
Sports Medicine I
Anatomical Position
In this position, the body
is erect with feet
together and the palms
face forward and the
thumbs are pointed away
from the body.
Anatomical Directions
 These are used to explain precisely where one
body structure is in relation to another.
 These directional terms refers to an individual’s
body as if it were in anatomical position,
regardless of its actual position.
Anatomical Directions
Superior (cranial)
Toward the head
end or upper part
of a structure or the
body; Above
Anatomical Directions
Inferior (caudal)
Away from the head
end or toward the
lower part of a
structure or the
body; Below
Anatomical Directions
Anterior (ventral)
Toward or at the
front of the body; In
front of
Anatomical Directions
Posterior (dorsal)
Toward or at the
back of the body;
Anatomical Directions
Toward or at the
midline of the body;
On the inner side of
Anatomical Directions
Away from the
midline of the body;
On the outer side of
Anatomical Directions
Closer to the origin
of the body part or
the point of
attachment of a limb
to the body trunk
Anatomical Directions
Farther from the
origin of a body part
or the point of
attachment of a limb
to the body trunk
Anatomical Directions
Toward or at the
body surface
Anatomical Directions
Away from the
body surface;
More internal
Joint Movements
There are 3 general types of
Angular movements
Gliding Movements
They are the simplest type of joint
One flat, or nearly flat, bone surface
glides or slips over another similar
The bones are merely displaced in relation
to one another.
Gliding Movements
Gliding Movements
They occur at the intercarpal (wrist),
intertarsal (foot), intervertebral
(spine), and sternoclavicular (sternum
meets collarbone) joints.
Angular Movements
These change (increase or decrease)
the angle between 2 bones.
They include flexion, extension,
abduction, adduction &
Angular Movements
 Flexion
 This is a bending movement that decreases the
angle of the joint and brings the 2 articulating
bones closer together.
 Flexion of the ankle so that the superior aspect
of the foot approaches the shin is called
Hip flexion
Knee flexion
Angular Movements
 Extension
 This is the reverse of flexion
and occurs at the same joints.
 It involves movement that
increases the angle between the
articulating bones.
Angular Movements
 Bending the head backward
beyond the upright position is
called hyperextension.
 In the foot, extension or
straightening of the ankle
(pointing one’s toes) is referred
to as plantar flexion.
Angular Movements
This is movement of a limb away from the
midline of the body.
When the term is used to indicate the
movement of the fingers or toes, it means
spreading them apart.
Angular Movements
This is the opposite of abduction, so it is
the movement of a limb toward the body
Angular Movements
This is the movement in which the limb
describes a cone in space.
A pitcher winding up to throw a ball is
actually circumducting his/her pitching
This is the turning movement of a
bone around its own long axis.
It is the only movement allowed
between the first 2 cervical vertebrae
and is common at the hip and shoulder
Special Movements
Certain movements occur only at
specific joints or areas of the body.
Supination & pronation refer only to
the movements of the radius around
the ulna.
Special Movements
 Supination is the movement of the forearm so
that the palm faces anteriorly or superiorly.
 In the anatomical position, the hand is supinated
and the radius & ulna are parallel.
 In pronation, the palm is moved to a posterioror inferior-facing position.
Supination & Pronation
Special Movements
Inversion & eversion refer to special
movements of the foot.
In inversion, the sole of the foot is turned
In eversion, the sole faces laterally.
Inversion & Eversion
Special Movements
Protraction & retraction are
nonangular anterior and posterior
The lower jaw is protracted when you jut it
out and retracted when it moves
posteriorly & returns to its original
Protraction & Retraction
Special Movements
Elevation & depression
Elevation means lifting.
When the elevated part is moved
downward to its original position, the
movement is called depression.
Elevation & Depression