Organizer for Act 2 Setting: Inverness (Macbeth’s castle) Character List: Banquo: A general in Duncan’s army Fleance: Banquo’s son Lady Macbeth: Macbeth’s wife Macbeth: Porter: One of Macbeth’s servants Macduff: Thane of Fife Donalbain: Younger son of Duncan Malcolm: Oldest son of Duncan Themes: Plot Summary (to be completed in class) It is after the banquet and everyone has gone to bed Macbeth ‘sees’ a dagger floating towards him to kill the King Banquo cannot sleep because he had a dream the night before about the witches Lady Macbeth rings the bell to let Macbeth know that everyone is asleep She was supposed to kill the King but he reminded her of her father Macbeth says that he heard voices crying, “Sleep no more!” Macbeth murdered the King but forgot to leave the daggers with the guards There is a knocking at the door The porter ‘relieved’ himself before letting Macduff in which adds relief to the tension Macduff is let in to get the King (Thane of Fife) He asks for the King and when he goes in he sees the King is dead Macbeth ends up killing the guards out of rage for supposedly killing the King Malcom ends up fleeing to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland Important Quotations in this Act: (choose 2 quotes to add to this chart) 1. 2. 3. 4. “Is this a dagger, which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?” (2.1.41-42) M “Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done it.” (2.2.14-15) LM “I have done the deed.” (2.2.17). “The night has been unruly. (2.3.51) Lennox