Macbeth Vocabulary Act One Define and copy the appropriate line from left-hand side of the book/text: Example: Graymalkin – common name for a domestic cat, here the First Witch’s “familiar.” “I come, Graymalkin!” (1.1, 9) Paddock – a toad – “Paddock calls” (1.1, 10) 1. Sergeant – soldier, officer – “This is the Sergeant” (1.2,4) 2. choke their art – prevent using skill – “And choke their art. . .” (1.2,11) 3. kerns – light infantry (both in same line) 4. gallowglasses – heavy infantry (same line as above) 5. whore – fickle Fortune 6. valor’s minion 7. unseamed him from the nave to the chops 8. whence the sun ‘gins his reflection 9. surveying vantage 10. sooth 11. memorize another Golgatha 12. Thane 13. Bellona’s bridegroom 14. proof 15. composition 16. Saint Colme’s Inch 17. Present For each: 1. Write the word 2. Define 3. Quote the line 4. Cite the line. Q & A Macbeth Act I 1.1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.What is the atmosphere created in scene 1.1? 2. What is the main theme of the witches? 3.Who is it aimed at? 4.Why is the theme here a paradox (seemingly contradictory statement that might be true)? 1.2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Describe Macbeth and Banquo’s heroics in the battle in 1.2 6. What two nations were at war? 7. Who was it that was deemed a traitor? 8. How does the scene end? 1.3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. What are the 3 witches’ predictions aimed at Macbeth? a. b. c. 10. What are the predictions (3) for Banquo? a. b. c. 11. What is Macbeth’s response in 1.3 when he is told by Ross he is now Thane of Cawdor? 12. What is Banquo’s warning to Macbeth in 1.3? (quote the lines and cite) 13. What is Macbeth’s response? 1.3 (quote the lines and cite) 1.4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14. Who does the King name as Prince of Cumberland in 1.4? 15. Why does this bother Macbeth so much? 16. Why does Macbeth set out ahead of Duncan? 1.5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17. How does Lady Macbeth’s first reaction to the prophecies differ from Macbeth’s? 18. Which lines show Lady Macbeth thinks Macbeth is too weak to do what is needed? 19. What does her line about nurturing babies reveal about her character? 20. Explain Lady Macbeth’s greeting of Macbeth. 21. Does Macbeth intend to kill King Duncan when he first arrives home? 22. What is Lady Macbeth’s advice? 23. Is Macbeth completely convinced? 24. Describe their relationship. 1.6---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25. How do Duncan’s opening words display weakness? 26. How does Lady Macbeth appear to him? 27. What does Duncan say of Macbeth? 1.7----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28. Sum up Macbeth’s internal conflict in his opening soliloquy? 29. What reasons does Macbeth have for not going through with the murder? 30. What is Lady Macbeth’s response? 31. What is her plan for killing Duncan? 32. Why must Macbeth make up his mind quickly? 33. Explain the “false face must hide. . .” line Macbeth Quotes Act I Use the By-To-Re format. All quotes must be written out. BY TO RE MUST BE STACKED ON TOP OF ONE ANOTHER, NOT IN A SINGLE LINE. All persons must be named (no he or she or him or her). When no one is present, To: is to the audience. 1. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” (1.1,12) By: Witches To: audience Re: everything in the play will be topsy-turvy, chaotic. 2. “For brave Macbeth, well he deserves that name.” (1.2, 18) By: Captain To: King Duncan Re: Macbeth’s bravery in the battle was outstanding. (New book – orange and green cover) Act I (24 quotes) 1 -- 1.1, 12 2 -- 1.2, 18 3 -- 1.2, 24-25 4 -- 1.2, 60-61 5 -- 1.2, 74-76 6 -- 1.3, 39 7 -- 1.3, 52-53 8 -- 1.3, 70 9 -- 1.3, 87 10 -- 1.3, 110 11 -- 1.3, 137-138 12 -- 1.3, 143-144 13 -- 1.4, 8-9 14 -- 1.4, 44-45 15 -- 1.4, 55-56 16 -- 1.5, 16-17 17 -- 1.5, 47-48 18 -- 1.5, 76-77 19 -- 1.7, 1-2 20 -- 1.7, 25-26 21 -- 1.7, 56 22 -- 1.7, 81-82 23 -- 1.7, 86-87 24 -- 1.7, 92 (Old Ed. – all dark green cover) Act I (24 quotes) 1 -- 1.1, 12 2 -- 1.2, 18 3 -- 1.2, 24-25 4 -- 1.2, 60-61 5 -- 1.2, 75 6 -- 1.3, 39 7 -- 1.3, 54-55 8 -- 1.3, 70 9 -- 1.3, 89-90 10 -- 1.3, 110 11 -- 1.3, 139 12 -- 1.3, 143-144 13 -- 1.4, 8-9 14 -- 1.4, 44-45 15 -- 1.4, 55-56 16 -- 1.5, 16-17 17 -- 1.5, 47-48 18 -- 1.5, 73-74 19 -- 1.7, 1-2 20 -- 1.7, 25-26 21 -- 1.7, 55 22 -- 1.7, 81-82 23 -- 1.7, 90-91 24 -- 1.7, 93 “Macbeth” Vocabulary Act Two Define and copy line from text: Example: Graymalkin – common name for a domestic cat, here apparently the First Witch’s familiar. “I come, Graymalkin!” (1.1, 9) 1. husbandry 2. cleave to my consent 3. shut up 4. franchised 5. dudgeon 6. abuse 7. Hecate 8. the fatal bellman 9. charge 10. possets 11. confounds 12. hangman’s hands 13. incarnadine 14. equivocator 15. nose-painting Macbeth - Q & A - ACT II Act 2.1 1. Who is Fleance? 2. What has Duncan given Macbeth for putting him up for the night? 3. Who did Banquo dream about? 4. What is it that Macbeth sees before him? What does it indicate about his state of mind? 5. What sound tells Macbeth all is ready for his evil deed? Act 2.2 6. Why did Lady Macbeth not kill Duncan herself? 7. What animal associated with the devil cried out during the murder? 8. What is it that Macbeth has failed to do? Act 2.3 9. What is the purpose of the Porter scene? 10. Who is it that has arrived at Macbeth’s castle? 11. What dynamic event occurs? 12. Describe Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s actions. 13. Who is blamed for the night’s tragedy? 14. Who are Malcom and Donaldbain, and what is it they do after Duncan’s murder? 15. Why do they separate? 16. Where do King Duncan’s sons flee? Act 2.4 17. Name three strange occurrences that have recently happened? 18. Who is blamed for the King’s murder? 19. Who is it that apparently put them to that bloody task? 20. Who is now King? 21. What will happen at Colmkill? 22. What will happen at Scone? 23. Who returns to Fife? 24. Quote the line that shows us Macduff does not trust Macbeth? (Hint: it has to do with Macbeth’s coronation at Scone.) 25. What does this last act tells us about Macduff’s attitude towards Macbeth? Macbeth Quotes Act II Use By-To-Re format. All quotes must be written out. All persons must be named (no he or she or him or her). When no one is present on stage, To: is to the Audience. By-To-Re must be STACKED. 1,. “Is this a dagger which I see before me. The handle toward my hand? “ (2.1, 44-45) By: Macbeth To: Audience Re: A vision tells him his fate is to kill King Duncan (New book) Act II (15 quotes) 1 – 2.1, 44-45 2 – 2.1, 75 3 – 2.2, 1-2 4 – 2.2, 30-31 5 – 2.2, 68-69 6 – 2.2, 78-79 7 – 2.3, 76 8 – 2.3, 96-97 9 -- 2.3, 110 10 – 2.3, 119 11 – 2.3, 124-125 12 – 2.3, 163-164 13 – 2.4, 43-44 14 – 2.4, 50 15 – 2.4, 53 (Old book) Act II (15 quotes) 1 – 2.1, 42-43 2 – 2.1, 71 3 – 2.2, 1-2 4 – 2.2, 32-33 5 – 2.2, 69-70 6 – 2.2, 78-79 7 – 2.3, 70 8 – 2.3, 90-91 9 -- 2.3, 104 10 – 2.3, 113 11 – 2.3, 119-120 12 – 2.3, 162-163 13 – 2.4, 40-41 14 – 2.4, 47 15 – 2.4, 51 Macbeth Vocabulary Act 3.1 A. Define and B. copy the appropriate line from text; C.then cite: Example: Graymalkin – common name for a domestic cat, here the First Witch’s familiar. “I come, Graymalkin!” (1.1, 9) 1. stand 2. solemn 3. inventions 4. twain 5. fruitless 6. issue 7. eternal jewel 8. seeds 9. champion me 10. in probation 11. the housekeeper 12. bloody distance 13. spirits 14. spy ‘o the time 15. resolves yourselves apart Macbeth - Act III Act 3.1 1. Summarize Banquo’s opening speech (3.1, 1-10). 2. What does Banquo mean by “forever knit” in line (3.1, 20)? 3. What is Macbeth telling Banquo in line (3.1, 33-36)? 4. What is Macbeth saying in line (3.1, 52-62)? 5. What does Macbeth mean when he says “fruitless crown” (3.1, 66)? 6. Why are the murderers hired by Macbeth? 7. Who else must “embrace the fate of that dark hour” (3.1, 156-157)? Act 3.2 1. What does Lady Macbeth mean by “doubtful joy” in line (3.2, 9)? 2. Quote the lines (3.2, 51-52) that show Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have reversed their roles in their relationship compared to Act I and King Duncan’s murder. Act 3.3 1. Who escaped the murderers? 2. Why is this significant in regards to the witches’ predictions? Act 3.4 1. Who else is Macbeth concerned about in lines (3.4, 159-160)? 2. Why? 3. Where does Banquo’s ghost sit? 4. What is Macbeth’s reaction? 5. What does Lady Macbeth mean in lines (3.4, 65-66)? 6. Who is it that can see Banquo’s ghost? 7. How does all this make Macbeth look? 8. How many times does Banquo’s ghost return? 9. What finally happens to the guests? does Macbeth wish to return and see the witches again? Act 3.5 1. Why is Hecate upset with the Witches? 2. How does Hecate propose to get even with Macbeth? 3. Why is this scene included even though Shakespeare probably didn't write it? Act 3.6 1. What does the conversation between Lennox and the Lord achieve? 2. What is the tone of Lennox's speech about Macbeth? 3. When does this tone become evident? 4. What does Lennox's speech imply about Macbeth's reputation? 5. Where is Macduff? Why? Macbeth Quotes Act III Use the By-To-Re format. All quotes must be written out. All persons must be named (no he or she or him or her). When no one is present on stage, To: is to the Audience. By-To-Re must be STACKED. 1. “But that I myself should be the root and father of many kings. . .” (3.1, 5-6) By: Banquo To: Audience Re: He hopes the witches’ predictions for him hold true. (New book only ) - Act III (16 quotes) 1 – 3.1, 5-6 2 – 3.1, 53-54 3 – 3.1,66 4 – 3.1, 130 5 – 3.1, 154-155 6 – 3.2, 6-7 7 – 3.2, 15 8 – 3.2, 51 9 -- 3.4, 22 10 – 3.4, 151 11 – 3.4, 159-160 12 – 3.4, 163-164 13 – 3.4, 165-167 14 – 3.5, 20-21 15 – 3.6, 33-35 16 – 3.6, 53-55