Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Individual
and Market Demand
• Extends individual theory of
consumer demand
• Start with individual’s budget
constraint/indifference curve
analysis to show how quantity of
good changes as price changes.
• Steps:
Start at single U-max.
Show es in PF  es in QF
Price-Consumption Curve
Individual Demand Curve
See Figure 4.1.
Individual’s Demand
Curve: 2 Properties
• 1. As move down D curve, level of
attainable utility increases because a
P implies an  in purchasing
• *Utility es as move down D
• 2. As move down D curve and PF is
, MRS is falling too.
• Why? Each pt on D curve comes
from U max, where MRS=-PF/PC; so
when PF falls, MRS falls too.
• Explain using MRS = MUF/MUC.
Effect of Income on
Quantity of Food
• Goal: Link es in income to
shifts in the Demand Curve.
• Steps:
Start at single U-max.
Show es in I  es in QF
Income-Consumption Curve
Shifts in Individual D Curve
See Figure 4.2.
Review Link Between
Income and QF
• Key: Income-Consumption
Curve shows points on different
demand curves.
• If have : I associated with D
curve shifting to right for the
two goods on both axes
Income-Consumption Curve
slopes upward AND the goods
are normal goods and income
elasticity of demand is positive.
More on Income and
• Inferior Good: Income 
consumption  . In this case, if this
inferior good on vertical axis:
Income-Consumption curve slopes
• Income-Consumption curve can be
backward-bending (See Figure 4.3.)
• Engel Curve: shows relationship
between income and consumption
for a specific good. (See Figure
4.4.) This curve can also be
Substitutes versus
• If  PA   DB, then the two
goods are substitutes.
– Review:  PA   QD of good A
(Law of Demand),   DB )
• If  PA   DB, then the two
goods are complements.
• Relate to price-consumption
– If slopes up: complements.
– If slopes down: substitutes.
• Considering two goods C and F, with
C on the vertical axis. Sketch
indifference curves and budget
constraints, showing two different
levels of income.
1. Is the slope of the incomeconsumption curve positive or negative
if both F and C are normal goods?
2. Is the slope positive or negative if F
is normal and C is inferior? Show.
3. With only two goods, can both
goods be inferior in the same income
range? Why or why not?
Decomposing Full Effect
of PA on QA
• Consider a  Price:
– 1)  relative prices: now one good
relatively less expensive so
individual will substitute away
from other goods to this good. 
Substitution Effect
– 2) This  P is an  in real
purchasing power: Like an 
Income so buy more of all normal
goods.  Income Effect
Show Decomposition
• Start with Substitution effect: show
the substituting by allowing price
line to change slope but keeping
utility fixed (so stay on original
indifference curve). This new b.c. is
just temporary one to show this
• Then Income effect: Allow pure
change I as a shift of this new
temporary budget line up to higher
indifference curve. Shows the
increased utility from the increased
Further Details
• From this  Price Food:
– Substitution Effect ALWAYS
leads to  Food due to convexity
of indifference curves. Pure 
relative prices with no  Income.
– Income Effect: If good is normal,
 income causes  consumption.
For normal good: income effect is
positive. (This positive means the
P like a I, which causes QF)
More Details
• Total Effect = Subst Effect + Income
• Subst Effect usually large.
• Could have negative income effect if
good is inferior (means increase
income causes decrease demand).
But still get downward sloped
Demand Curve.
• Giffen good: Theoretical case of
negative income effect dominating
the substitution effect. This violates
the Law of Demand.
• Consider two normal goods X and Y
with good X on the horizontal axis.
• 1. Sketch and label a graph showing
an initial U-max bundle of X and Y.
• 2. Now a 10% sales tax is imposed
on good X so there is an increase in
the price of X.
– A. Graph the income and substitution
– B. Label completely.
Example: Gas Tax
• Why tax gasoline?
– 1) taxes raise revenues for govt.
– 2) gas tax  consumption of gas
by altering relative prices.
• Concern about gas tax: any tax
on such a necessity tends to be
regressive (low-income
individuals pay higher % of
income on the tax).
• See Figure 4.9: first impose tax;
then add in the rebate.
Market Demand Curve
• Derive market demand curve from
set of individual demand curves.
• Horizontal Summation: At each
price, add together the quantity
demanded by each individual.
• This market demand curve can be
for an entire market or some sort of
• Example: market for home
computers can be divided into submarkets, such as households with
young children, etc.
• See Table 4.2 and Figure 4.10
EP and Total Revenue
• Review price elasticity of demand:
• EP = % QD resulting from a
1% P
= P/Q * Q/P
• Issue: When price changes by 1%,
what happens to the total
expenditures on the good? (same as
TR = total revenue = P * Q)
• Starting Point: Law of Demand:
Whenever P goes up, Q goes down.
• Issue is BY HOW MUCH does Q
go down?
More on EP and TR
Inelastic Demand: EP  1
Q relatively unresponsive to P
When P  by 1%, Q   1%
So when P, Q no fall very
much, so TR = P*Q  too.
See example.
Elastic Demand: EP 1
Q very responsive to P
So  P leads to  TR.
See Example.
• Family buys 1,000 gallons of gas per
year at P = $1/gallon.
• EP = -0.5.
• Interpret EP = 1% P causes a 0.5%
 Q.
• Total Revenue = TR = P * Q
• TR = $1 * 1,000 = $1,000.
• Now P  to $1.10, a 10% .
• SO: Causes a 5%  Q, down to 950
• New TR = $1.10 * 950 = $1045.
• See that TR has .
Family buys 100 lbs chicken/yr
P = $2/lb and EP = -1.5.
What is total expenditures?
Now P  to $2.20/lb.
What % is this?
What is new Q?
What is new total expenditures?
Isoelastic Demand
• ‘Iso’ means same.
• Isoelastic: when EP is the same
along the entire Demand curve
(so this curve is not straight).
• Special case is Unitary
Isoelastic demand curve, where
EP = -1 along entire curve.
• With unit elastic D curve: TR is
the same at each P,Q
• See Figure 4.11
More on EP
• Point elasticity: defined as EP at a
specific point. We use this.
• EP = P/Q * 1/slope
• So if the demand curve is straight
line, 1/slope is same number. Can
calculate EP for specific value of P,Q
(like at equilibrium values)
• But usually think of measuring EP
over a specific portion of D curve.
This leads to uncertainty: which P,Q
combination to use?
• Arc Elasticity is alternative measure
• = AvgP/AvgQ * 1/slope.
Consumer Surplus
• Important concept that will reoccur repeatedly throughout this
• Definition: the difference
between what a consumer is
willing to pay and what she
actually pays.
• Two basic components:
– Demand Curve reveals
willingness to pay for each Q.
– We assume single market P
Aggregate Consumer
• The triangle formed by the
demand curve and the price
line: the area under the demand
curve but above the price line.
• To measure the area of a
• AREA = ½ * base * height.
• Two individual consumers for one
firm’s long-distance services; each
indiv. with own D curve:
• Indiv. A: Q = 40 – 0.5P
• Indiv. B: Q = 120 – P
• Q = # minutes long distance calls;
• P = cents/minute = 20 cents; (P=20).
• 1. Draw each Demand curve and its
corresponding equilibrium price line.
• 2. Calculate CS for both; calculate
firm’s total revenue.
• 3. If firm adds $10/month flat fee
plus per/minute, what is new TR?