US History Since 1877

US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
The student understands traditional historical points of reference in U.S. history from 1977 to the present. The student is
expected to:
Question Stems
H.1 B
apply absolute and relative chronology through the (35) Which of the following provided a legal basis for
sequencing of significant individuals, events, and
this Supreme Court decision? (2015)
time periods Supporting Standard
H.2 A
identify the major characteristics that define an
historical era;
Supporting Standard
H.2 B
identify the major eras in U.S. history from 1877 to
the present and describe their defining
characteristics; Readiness Standard
H.2 C
apply absolute and relative chronology through the
sequencing of significant individuals, events, and
time periods; Supporting Standard
explain the significance of the following years as
(15) Which of the following was a direct result of the
turning points: 1898 (Spanish-American War),
1957 launch of Sputnik 1? (2015)
1914–1918 (World War I), 1929 (the Great
Depression begins), 1939–1945 (World War II),
1957 (Sputnik launch ignites U.S.–Soviet space
race), 1968–1969 (Martin Luther King Jr.
assassination and U.S. lands on the moon), 1991
(Cold War ends), 2001 (terrorist attacks on World
Trade Center and the Pentagon), and 2008 (election
of first black president, Barack Obama).
Supporting Standard
H.2 D
(47) During the Gilded Age there was a notable increase
in federal support for — (2013)
(10) The Roaring Twenties were characterized by —
(64) Which of the following was a defining
characteristic of the United States during the 1930s?
(32) The issue addressed by this poster is primarily
associated with the — (2015)
The student understands the political, economic, and social changes in the United States from 1877 to 1898. The student is
expected to:
Question Stems
H.3 A
analyze political issues such as Indian policies,
the growth of political machines, civil service
reform, and the beginnings of Populism;
Readiness Standard
(18) During the nineteenth century, one way political
bosses gained voter support was by — (2013)
(46) What was one reason for the expansion of machine
politics in the late nineteenth century? (2014)
(56) Which issue is this cartoon addressing? (2015)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.3 B
analyze economic issues such as
industrialization, the growth of railroads, the
growth of labor unions, farm issues, the cattle
industry boom, the rise of entrepreneurship,
free enterprise, and the pros and cons of big
business; Readiness Standard
H.3 C
analyze social issues affecting women,
minorities, children, immigrants, urbanization,
the Social Gospel, and philanthropy of
industrialists; Readiness Standard
describe the optimism of the many immigrants
who sought a better life in America.
Supporting Standard
H.3 D
(39) This cover from a nineteenth-century periodical helps
illustrate that the United States was
beginning to change from — (2013)
(32) Why did the Populist Party want free coinage of
silver? (2014)
(42) Which of the following occurred between 1865 and
1900 as a result of the rapid industrialization of the United
States? (2015)
(52) Which group of people most likely inspired the
creation of this 1893 cartoon? (2013)
(40) Nineteenth-century nativist organizations advocated
— (2014)
The student understands the emergence of the United States as a world power between 1898 and 1920. The student is
expected to:
Question Stems
H.4 A
explain why significant events, policies, and
(17) President Roosevelt issued this statement in
individuals such as the Spanish-American War,
response to — (2013)
U.S. expansionism, Henry Cabot Lodge, Alfred
Thayer Mahan, Theodore Roosevelt, Sanford B.
(58) Which sentence provides information needed to
Dole, and missionaries moved the United States
complete both the cause and effect portions of this
into the position of a world power;
diagram? (2014)
Readiness Standard
(22) How did these events affect the United States?
H.4 B
evaluate American expansionism, including
acquisitions such as Guam, Hawaii, the Philippines,
and Puerto Rico; Supporting Standard
H.4 C
identify the causes of World War I and reasons for (66) How did the Zimmermann telegram influence U.S.
U.S. entry; Readiness Standard
entry into World War I? (2013)
(66) What was one result of the events reported in the
excerpt above? (2014)
(58) Why did the United States decide to enter World
War I? (2015)
H.4 D
understand the contributions of the American
(57) General John J. Pershing made a major contribution
Expeditionary Forces (AEF) led by General John J.
to the Allied victory in World War I by — (2013)
Pershing; Supporting Standard
H.4 E
analyze the impact of significant technological
(41) Which action completes this diagram? (2013)
innovations in World War I such as machine guns,
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
airplanes, tanks, poison gas, and trench warfare
that resulted in the stalemate on the Western
Front; Supporting Standard
H.4 F
analyze major issues such as isolationism and
neutrality raised by U.S. involvement in World War
I, Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, and the
Treaty of Versailles; Readiness Standard
H.4 G
analyze significant events such as the Battle of
Argonne Forest. Supporting Standard
(11) How did the military innovation shown in this
photograph affect the course of World War I? (2014)
(61) What caused the scene described in this excerpt?
(25) Upon entering World War I, the United States
enlarged its military by — (2013)
(65) The Fourteen Points reflected President Woodrow
Wilson’s belief that — (2015)
The student understands the effects of reform and third-party movements in the early 20th century. The student is
expected to:
Question Stems
H.5 A
evaluate the impact of Progressive Era reforms,
(37) The reform discussed by Governor Johnson in this
including initiative, referendum, recall, and the
excerpt — (2013)
passage of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th
(57) The creation of initiative, referendum, and recall
amendments; Readiness Standard
procedures during the Progressive Era resulted in —
(13) During the Progressive Era, one goal of state- level
political reformers was to – (2015)
H.5 B
evaluate the impact of muckrakers and reform
(59) A student learning about U.S. history is instructed to
leaders such as Upton Sinclair, Susan B.
write a paper about W. E. B. Du Bois and race relations in
Anthony, Ida B. Wells, and W. E. B. DuBois on
the United States. Which of the following facts would be
American society; and Supporting Standard
most relevant to the student’s assignment? (2013)
(20) Public response to revelations such as the one in this
excerpt led to the establishment of regulations that were
eventually enforced by the – (2015)
H.5 C
evaluate the impact of third parties, including
the Populist and Progressive parties.
Supporting Standard
The student understands significant events, social issues, and individuals of the 1920s. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.6 A
(38) Which of these resulted from the prohibition of
analyze causes and effects of events and social
alcohol during the 1920s? (2013)
issues such as immigration, Social Darwinism,
eugenics, race relations, nativism, the Red
(29) Cartoons such as this one took the position that
Scare, Prohibition, and the changing role of
deportation was necessary because — (2014)
women; Readiness Standard
(46) Many Progressives opposed social Darwinism because
it promoted the idea that — (2015)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.6 B
analyze the impact of significant individuals such
as Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan,
Henry Ford, Glenn Curtiss, Marcus Garvey, and
Charles A. Lindbergh. Supporting Standard
(30) During the 1920s, Clarence Darrow and William
Jennings Bryan were most closely identified with the —
(13) This excerpt illustrates Harding’s campaign promise to
be a president who would — (2014)
The student understands the domestic and international impact of U.S. participation in World War II. The student is
expected to:
Question Stems
H.7 A
identify reasons for U.S. involvement in World
(61) What was the ultimate result of the situation
War II, including Italian, German, and Japanese
President Roosevelt refers to in this excerpt? (2013)
dictatorships and their aggression, especially the (35) President Roosevelt later used similar reasoning as
attack on Pearl Harbor; Readiness Standard
one justification for — (2014)
(50) What was one reason Japan attacked the U.S. naval
base at Pearl Harbor? (2015)
H.7 B
evaluate the domestic and international
(17) How did President Harry S. Truman’s decision to drop
leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry
the atomic bomb affect international relations? (2014)
Truman during World War II, including the U.S.
relationship with its allies and domestic
industry’s rapid mobilization for the war effort;
Supporting Standard
H.7 C
analyze the function of the U.S. Office of War
(68) How were the Navajo words in this table used during
World War II? (2014)
Supporting Standard
H.7 D
analyze major issues of World War II, including
(48) What was the main effect of the event reported in
the Holocaust; the internment of German,
this headline? (2013)
Italian, and Japanese Americans and Executive
Order 9066; and the development of
(42) This diagram indicates that during World War II the
conventional and atomic weapons; Readiness
federal government — (2014)
(10) The rights of citizens under the Fourth and
Fourteenth amendments of the Constitution were violated
by the U.S. government when it authorized the
establishment of –(2015)
H.7 E
analyze major military events of World War II,
(60) Many of the U.S. soldiers involved in the event
including the Battle of Midway, the U.S. military mentioned in this headline — (2013)
advancement through the Pacific Islands, the
(45) This 1944 order was addressed to U.S. troops sent to
Bataan Death March, the invasion of Normandy, — (2015)
fighting the war on multiple fronts, and the
liberation of concentration camps;
Supporting Standard
H.7 F
evaluate the military contributions of
leaders during World War II, including
Omar Bradley, Dwight Eisenhower,
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
Douglas MacArthur, Chester A. Nimitz,
George Marshall, and George Patton;
Supporting Standard
H.7 G
explain the home front and how American
patriotism inspired exceptional actions by
citizens and military personnel, including high
levels of military enlistment; volunteerism; the
purchase of war bonds; Victory Gardens; the
bravery and contributions of the Tuskegee
Airmen, the Flying Tigers, and the Navajo Code
Talkers; and opportunities and obstacles for
women and ethnic minorities.
Readiness Standard
(28) The skill and courage of the Tuskegee Airmen served
to — (2013)
(6) What was a primary purpose of the program being
promoted by this poster? (2014)
(68) How were the Navajo words in this table used during
World War II? (2014)
(7) Navajo soldiers made an important contribution to the
Allied war effort in WWII by – (2015)
The student understands the impact of significant national and international decisions and conflicts in the Cold War on the
United States. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.8 A
describe U.S. responses to Soviet aggression
(23) This is a cross-sectional diagram of a major operation
after World War II, including the Truman
ordered by President Harry S. Truman in 1948. The flight
Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the North Atlantic
pattern illustrated in the diagram was designed to allow an
Treaty Organization, the Berlin airlift, and John
airplane to land every three minutes. Why was this
F. Kennedy’s role in the Cuban Missile Crisis;
operation undertaken? (2013)
Readiness Standard
(16) Which U.S. action is Khrushchev challenging in this
excerpt? (2014)
(19) As a result of the Berlin airlift, the United States was
able to – (2015)
(49) President John F. Kennedy responded to reports that
the Soviet Union was constructing missile sites in Cuba by
— (2015)
H.8 B
describe how Cold War tensions were intensified (7) Senator Joseph McCarthy is best known for his
by the arms race, the space race, McCarthyism,
involvement in — (2013)
and the House Un-American Activities
Committee (HUAC), the findings of which were
(45) Which group later investigated the political ideology
confirmed by the Venona Papers; Supporting
and actions of many people associated with this film?
(31) Which of the following resulted from McCarthyism
during the 1950s? (2015)
H.8 C
explain reasons and outcomes for U.S.
(28) What was the primary reason for U.S. involvement in
involvement in the Korean War and its
East Asia during the early 1950s? (2014)
relationship to the containment policy;
(62) Which quotation from President Harry S. Truman
Readiness Standard
offers a reason for U.S. involvement in the conflict
between North Korea and South Korea? (2015)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.8 D
explain reasons and outcomes for U.S.
involvement in foreign countries and their
relationship to the Domino Theory, including the
Vietnam War; Readiness Standard
H.8 E
analyze the major issues and events of the
Vietnam War such as the Tet Offensive, the
escalation of forces, Vietnamization, and the fall
of Saigon; Supporting Standard
describe the responses to the Vietnam War such
as the draft, the 26th Amendment, the role of
the media, the credibility gap, the silent
majority, and the anti-war movement.
Readiness Standard
H.8 F
(12) The primary reason given by U.S. leaders to justify
military involvement in Vietnam was that it would —
(21) Which of these best explains why worldwide reactions
to U.S. involvement in Vietnam grew increasingly hostile
during the late 1960s and early 1970s? (2014)
(38) The domino theory, which provided the basis for U.S.
entry into the Vietnam War, was the belief that
intervention was necessary to prevent — (2015)
(2) The demonstration described in this article was most
likely prompted by — (2013)
(43) How did press coverage of events during the Vietnam
War affect the United States? (2014)
(53) During the mid-1960s, U.S. participation in the
Vietnam War resulted in — (2015)
The student understands the impact of the American civil rights movement. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.9 A
trace the historical development of the civil
(50) In the late 1800s, the Supreme Court’s decision in
rights movement in the 19th, 20th, and 21st
Plessy v. Ferguson — (2013)
centuries, including the 13th, 14th, 15th, and
19th amendments; Readiness Standard
(41) What was the main result of the events referred to in
these headlines? (2014)
(55) How did W. E. B. Du Bois combat prejudice like that
described in the excerpt? (2015)
H.9 B
H.9 C
H.9 D
describe the roles of political organizations that
promoted civil rights, including ones from
African American, Chicano, American Indian,
women’s, and other civil rights movements;
Supporting Standard
identify the roles of significant leaders who
supported various rights movements, including
Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks,
Hector P. Garcia, and Betty Friedan; Supporting
compare and contrast the approach taken by
some civil rights groups such as the Black
(44) The name of which civil rights leader best completes
the title of the graphic? (2013)
(16) During the Civil Rights movement, the Black Panthers
Party’s tactics differed from those of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., because the Black Panthers called for – (2015)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.9 E
H.9 F
Panthers with the nonviolent approach of
Martin Luther King Jr.; Supporting Standard
discuss the impact of the writings of Martin
Luther King Jr. such as his “I Have a Dream”
speech and “Letter from Birmingham Jail” on the
civil rights movement; Supporting Standard
describe presidential actions and congressional
votes to address minority rights in the United
States, including desegregation of the armed
forces, the Civil Rights acts of 1957 and 1964,
and the Voting Rights Act of 1965; Readiness
(8) Which government poster is directly related to the Civil
Rights Act of 1964? (2013)
(34) The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated — (2013)
(29) The federal government responded to which issue by
passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964? (2015)
H.9 G
describe the role of individuals such as
governors George Wallace, Orval Faubus, and
Lester Maddox and groups, including the
Congressional bloc of southern Democrats, that
sought to maintain the status quo; Supporting
(26) What role did Arkansas governor Orval Faubus play in
the Little Rock Crisis? (2014)
H.9 H
evaluate changes and events in the United
States that have resulted from the civil rights
movement, including increased participation of
minorities in the political process; Readiness
describe how litigation such as the landmark
cases of Brown v. Board of Education, Mendez v.
Westminster, Hernandez v. Texas, Delgado v.
Bastrop I.S.D., Edgewood I.S.D. v. Kirby, and
Sweatt v. Painter played a role in protecting the
rights of the minority during the civil rights
movement . Supporting Standard
(44) What is a major result of the campaign described by
Martin Luther King, Jr.? (2014)
(30) The passage of legislation to end these practices
resulted in — (2015)
H.9 I
The student understands the impact of political, economic, and social factors in the U.S. role in the world from the 1970s
through 1990. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.10 A
describe Richard M. Nixon’s leadership in the
(36) One action that influenced the U.S.-Soviet signing of
normalization of relations with China and the
the SALT I treaty in 1972 was President Richard Nixon’s —
policy of détente; Supporting Standard
H.10 B
describe Ronald Reagan’s leadership in domestic (53) The policy objectives of Reaganomics were based on
and international policies, including
the theory that — (2013)
Reaganomics and Peace Through Strength;
(52) Which speaker would most likely agree with President
Supporting Standard
Ronald Reagan’s national security policies? (2014)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.10 C
H.10 D
H.10 E
H.10 F
compare the impact of energy on the American
way of life over time; Supporting Standard
describe U.S. involvement in the Middle East
such as support for Israel, the Camp David
Accords, the Iran-Contra Affair, Marines in
Lebanon, and the Iran Hostage Crisis; Readiness
describe the causes and key organizations and
individuals of the conservative resurgence of the
1980s and 1990s, including Phyllis Schlafly, the
Contract with America, the Heritage Foundation,
the Moral Majority, and the National Rifle
Association; Supporting Standard
describe significant societal issues of this time
period. Supporting Standard
(5) Why did gasoline prices spike in the 1970s and early
1980s? (2015)
(36) In 1979 the Shah of Iran was forced into exile. The
U.S. government later allowed the Shah to enter the
United States for medical treatment. This perceived U.S.
support for the Shah of Iran resulted in which of the
following? (2013)
(56) How did President Jimmy Carter attempt to end
hostilities between the groups that fought these wars?
(44) In this excerpt, President Reagan is referring to what
would become known as — (2015)
(29) The author of this letter was — (2013)
The student understands the emerging political, economic, and social issues of the United States from the 1990s into the
21st century. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.11 A
describe U.S. involvement in world affairs,
(68) Which headline describes an event that resulted from
including the end of the Cold War, the Persian
the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001? (2013)
Gulf War, the Balkans Crisis, 9/11, and the global
(53) Which of the following resulted from the U.S.-led
War on Terror; Readiness Standard
military coalition’s engagement in the Persian Gulf War?
(12) How did President Bush attempt to complete this
mission described above? (2015)
H.11 B
identify significant social and political advocacy
organizations, leaders, and issues across the
political spectrum; Supporting Standard
H.11 D
analyze the impact of third parties on
(13) How have major parties reacted to the scenario
presidential elections; Supporting Standard
described above? (2013)
(30) Which of the following best describes Ralph Nader’s
effect on the election in Florida? (2014)
H.11 E
discuss the historical significance of the 2008
(24) Barack Obama described his 2008 election victory in
presidential election. Supporting Standard
this manner because the election was the first in which –
The student understands the impact of geographic factors on major events. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.12 A
H.12 B
analyze the impact of physical and human
geographic factors on the settlement of the
Great Plains, the Klondike Gold Rush, the
Panama Canal, the Dust Bowl, and the levee
failure in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina;
and Readiness Standard
identify and explain reasons for changes in
political boundaries such as those resulting from
statehood and international conflicts.
Supporting Standard
(19) Which outcome was an important effect of the 1898
event illustrated by this map? (2013)
(1) How did these features affect New Orleans after
Hurricane Katrina? (2014)
(2) Which of these factors contributed most to the
Dust Bowl? (2015)
(14) What were these Hawaiian citizens protesting?
(6) Which of the following best replaces the question mark
in this list of information about Puerto Rico? (2015)
The student understands the causes and effects of migration and immigration on American society. The student is
expected to:
Question Stems
H.13 A
analyze the causes and effects of changing
(15) The information on this map best supports the
demographic patterns resulting from migration
conclusion that between 2000 and 2005 — (2013)
within the United States, including western
expansion, rural to urban, the Great Migration,
(31) Which pull factor contributed to the Great Migration?
and the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt; Readiness
(21) Which of the following contributed most to increased
settlement of the Great Plains? (2015)
H.13 B
analyze the causes and effects of changing
(58) This table supports the conclusion that in 1900 —
demographic patterns resulting from legal and
illegal immigration to the United States.
(50) Which marketing strategy is most clearly a result of
Readiness Standard
the changing demographic patterns described above?
(26) Which sentence correctly completes this diagram?
The student understands the relationship between population growth and modernization on the physical environment.
The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.14 A
identify the effects of population growth and
(11) The establishment of the wildlife corridors discussed
distribution on the physical environment;
in the excerpt was most likely necessary
Readiness Standard
to prevent — (2013)
(20) Which numbered pair of phrases best completes this
diagram? (2014)
(47) What was the main reason the federal government
built this dam? (2015)
H.14 B
identify the roles of governmental entities and
(3)This organization most likely encourages Congress to
private citizens in managing the environment
pass legislation that — (2014)
such as the establishment of the National Park
(9)Which agency name belongs on the blank line? (2015)
System, the Environmental Protection Agency
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
(EPA), and the Endangered Species Act;
Supporting Standard
H.14 C
understand the effects of governmental actions
on individuals, industries, and communities,
including the impact on Fifth Amendment
property rights. Supporting Standard
(24) Under the U.S. Constitution, the government may not
take private property unless — (2013)
The student understands the relationship between the arts and the times during which they were created. The student is
expected to:
Question Stems
H.25 A
describe how the characteristics and issues in
(33) This excerpt describes changes in student fashion
U.S. history have been reflected in various
toward the end of — (2013)
genres of art, music, film, and literature;
(33) Which event is commonly associated with the type of
Supporting Standard
music described in this excerpt? (2015)
H.25 B
describe both the positive and negative impacts (21) Which of these is an effect rock and roll had on
of significant examples of cultural movements in society in the United States in the 1950s? (2013)
art, music, and literature such as Tin Pan Alley,
the Harlem Renaissance, the Beat Generation,
(15) Which of the following was a major contribution of
rock and roll, the Chicano Mural Movement, and
the Harlem Renaissance to U.S. culture? (2014)
country and western music on American society;
(34) Which of these cause-and-effect relationships is
Readiness Standard
accurate? (2015)
H.25 C
identify the impact of popular American culture (7) Which situation demonstrates one way that U.S.
on the rest of the world over time; and
culture has spread to other parts of the world? (2014)
(68) This event best illustrates the global — (2015)
Supporting Standard
H.25 D
analyze the global diffusion of American culture
through the entertainment industry via various
media. Supporting Standard
(14) Senator Boxer supported the legislation mentioned in
this excerpt most likely because she was concerned that —
The student understands how people from various groups contribute to our national identity. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.26 A
explain actions taken by people to expand
(1) This 1972 poster depicts an organization originally
economic opportunities and political rights,
formed to advocate — (2013)
including those for racial, ethnic, and religious
(34) How did the person named in this 1909 handbill work
minorities as well as women, in American
to improve the lives of African Americans? (2014)
society; Readiness Standard
(39) How did Chavez accomplish the change referred to in
this excerpt? (2015)
H.26 B
discuss the Americanization movement to
assimilate immigrants and American Indians into
American culture; Supporting Standard
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.26 C
H.26 D
explain how the contributions of people of
various racial, ethnic, gender, and religious
groups shape American culture;
Readiness Standard
identify the political, social, and economic
contributions of women such as Frances Willard,
Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dolores
Huerta, Sonia Sotomayor, and Oprah Winfrey to
American society; Supporting Standard
(6) Jackie Robinson first rose to national prominence in the
late 1940s when he — (2013)
(37) Which of these contributed to the ratification of the
Eighteenth Amendment? (2014)
(59) Which of the following does this menu best reflect?
(16) Which of these was a major goal of Jane Addams’s
Settlement House movement in Chicago? (2013)
(8) The political activism of the group described in the
excerpt contributed directly to — (2014)
(54) Which statement best describes one of Shirley
Chisholm’s most celebrated achievements? (2015)
(32) Why did the United States adopt the motto In God We
Trust in 1956? (2013)
discuss the meaning and historical significance
of the mottos “E Pluribus Unum” and “In God
We Trust”; Supporting Standard
discuss the importance of Congressional Medal
(59) How was this award historically significant? (2014)
of Honor recipients, including individuals of all
races and genders such as Vernon J. Baker, Alvin
York, and Roy Benavidez. Supporting Standard
Government and Citizenship
The student understands changes over time in the role of government. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.19 A
evaluate the impact of New Deal legislation on
(9) How did the legislation excerpted above affect the
the historical roles of state and federal
relationship between the U.S. government and its citizens?
government; Readiness Standard
(48) What is one ongoing result of the New Deal? (2014)
(43) In response to the national crisis posed by the Great
Depression, the U.S. government — (2015)
H.19 B
explain constitutional issues raised by federal
(51) This law demonstrates that at one time the federal
government policy changes during times of
government was willing to — (2013)
significant events, including World War I, the
Great Depression, World War II, the 1960s, and
(27) Which constitutional amendment did the Supreme
9/11; Readiness Standard
Court use as a basis of this ruling? (2014)
(40) This 1917 illustration was published as a commentary
on a proposed piece of legislation. Which of the following
best replaces the question mark in the illustration? (2015)
H.19 C
describe the effects of political scandals,
(67) The incident illustrated by this cartoon increased
including Teapot Dome, Watergate, and Bill
cynicism toward the U.S. government because — (2013)
Clinton’s impeachment, on the views of U.S.
citizens concerning trust in the federal
(55) What does President Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial
government and its leaders;
reflect about modern U.S. politics? (2014)
Supporting Standard
(23) Which headline describes a consequence of the
Teapot Dome scandal? (2015)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.19 D
H.19 E
discuss the role of contemporary government
legislation in the private and public sectors such
as the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977,
USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, and the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009;
Supporting Standard
evaluate the pros and cons of U.S. participation
in international organizations and treaties.
Supporting Standard
(46) These proposals most clearly reflect the federal
government’s developing role in — (2013)
(2)Under which circumstance do the provisions of this law
apply? (2014)
(17)The primary justification for giving Chrysler this federal
loan was that it could – (2015)
(48) In which organization do the United States and other
member nations confront the problems mentioned in this
excerpt? (2015)
The student understands the changing relationships among the three branches of the federal government. The student is
expected to:
Question Stems
H.20 A
describe the impact of events such as the Gulf of (25) What prompted Congress to pass the War Powers
Tonkin Resolution and the War Powers Act on
Resolution? (2015)
the relationship between the legislative and
executive branches of government;
Supporting Standard
H.20 B
evaluate the impact of relationships among the
(55) Many members of Congress disagreed with President
legislative, executive, and judicial branches of
Roosevelt’s proposed solution to the problem described
government, including Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
above because — (2013)
attempt to increase the number of U.S. Supreme (24) How does the pattern of distribution of political
Court justices and the presidential election of
representation shown in these graphs affect relationships
2000. Readiness Standard
within the government? (2014)
(57) Which speaker expresses the main argument against
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to increase the
number of justices on the Supreme Court? (2015)
The student understands the impact of constitutional issues on American society. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.21 A
analyze the effects of landmark U.S. Supreme
(45) How does the 1966 Supreme Court decision in
Court decisions, including Brown v. Board of
Miranda v. Arizona continue to affect society? (2013)
Education, and other U.S. Supreme Court
decisions such as Plessy v. Ferguson,
(9) Which action occurred as a result of the Supreme Court
Hernandez v. Texas, Tinker v. Des Moines,
decision excerpted above? (2014)
Wisconsin v. Yoder, and White v. Regester;
(37) The ruling in Miranda v. Arizona most affected the
Readiness Standard
procedure in which step of this process? (2015)
H.21 B
discuss historical reasons why the constitution
(27) This satirical cartoon expresses a sentiment that
has been amended. Supporting Standard
eventually contributed to — (2013)
The student understands the concept of American exceptionalism. The student is expected to:
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.22 A
discuss Alexis de Tocqueville’s five values crucial
to America's success as a constitutional republic:
liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, populism,
and laissez-faire. Supporting Standard
Question Stems
(18) Which value is best reflected in this excerpt? (2014)
The student understands efforts to expand the democratic process. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.23 A
(20) What type of political activity is described in this
identify and analyze methods of expanding the
scenario? (2013)
right to participate in the democratic process,
including lobbying, non-violent protesting,
(63) The Twenty-second Amendment was passed in
litigation, and amendments to the U.S.
response to which event? (2014)
Constitution; Readiness Standard
(67) The goal of this resolution was eventually achieved
with the — (2015)
H.23 B
evaluate various means of achieving equality
(62) What was one way the constitutional amendment
of political rights, including the 19th, 24th,
excerpted above helped advance the cause of gender
and 26th amendments and congressional
equality? (2013)
acts such as the American Indian Citizenship
Act of 1924; Supporting Standard
H.23 C
explain how participation in the democratic
(67) Which civic action demonstrates the most
process reflects our national ethos, patriotism,
fundamental responsibility of citizens in a democracy?
and civic responsibility as well as our progress to (2014)
build a “more perfect union.” Supporting
The student understands the importance of effective leadership in a constitutional republic. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.24 B
(42) President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to reassure the
evaluate the contributions of significant
American public during uncertain economic times by —
political and social leaders in the United States
such as Andrew Carnegie, Thurgood Marshall,
Billy Graham, Barry Goldwater, Sandra Day
(12) Which quotation could most likely be attributed to
O’Connor, and Hillary Clinton.
Sandra Day O’Connor? (2014)
Supporting Standard
(51) Who was most instrumental in the event described in
this headline? (2015)
Economics, Science, Technology, and Society
The student understands domestic and foreign issues related to U.S. economic growth from the 1870s to 1920. The
student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.15 A
describe how the economic impact of the
(64) Which of the following was the main reason for the
Transcontinental Railroad and the Homestead
rapid settlement of the Great Plains during the late 1800s?
Act contributed to the close of the frontier in the (2013)
late 19th century; Supporting Standard
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.15 B
describe the changing relationship between the
federal government and private business,
including the costs and benefits of laissez-faire,
anti-trust acts, the Interstate Commerce Act,
and the Pure Food and Drug Act; Readiness
H.15 C
explain how foreign policies affected economic
issues such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882,
the Open Door Policy, Dollar Diplomacy, and
immigration quotas; Supporting Standard
describe the economic effects of international
military conflicts, including the SpanishAmerican War and World War I, on the United
States; Readiness Standard
H.15 D
H.15 E
(26) How did the publication of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
contribute to a change in the relationship between
government and business? (2013)
(22) Which of the following occurred as a result of the
Sherman Antitrust Act? (2014)
(64) One way the U.S. government responded to the
problems caused by the conditions in this list was by —
(40) Which statement would most likely be found in a
history of the economic impact of the Spanish-American
War on the United States? (2013)
(23) The policy outlined in the excerpt was directly
influenced by problems that the U.S. Navy had recently
confronted during — (2014)
(63) This World War I–era poster was intended to
persuade — (2015)
describe the emergence of monetary policy in
the United States, including the Federal Reserve
Act of 1913 and the shifting trend from a gold
standard to fiat money. Supporting Standard
The student understands significant economic developments between World War I and World II. The student is expected
Question Stems
H.16 A
analyze causes of economic growth and
prosperity in the 1920s, including Warren
Harding’s Return to Normalcy, reduced taxes,
and increased production efficiencies;
Supporting Standard
H.16 B
H.16 C
identify the causes of the Great Depression,
including the impact of tariffs on world trade,
stock market speculation, bank failures, and the
monetary policy of the Federal Reserve System;
Readiness Standard
analyze the effects of the Great Depression on
the U.S. economy and society such as
(35) Which of the following best completes this graphic
organizer? (2013)
(38) Which of the following best completes this diagram?
(18) Lines like the one shown above were partially the
result of – (2015)
(5) Why did the federal government create this program in
1933? (2013)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
widespread unemployment and deportation and
repatriation of people of European and Mexican
heritage and others; Readiness Standard
H.16 D
H.16 E
compare the New Deal policies and its
opponents’ approaches to resolving the
economic effects of the Great
Depression; Supporting Standard
describe how various New Deal agencies and
programs, including the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, the Securities and
Exchange Commission, and the Social Security
Administration, continue to affect the lives of
U.S. citizens. Supporting Standard
(3)The creator of this political cartoon was expressing his
concerns about — (2014)
(28) This excerpt describes an instance of deportation
during the 1930s as part of a repatriation effort. Why did
the federal government implement repatriation? (2015)
(25) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is similar to
later New Deal legislation in that both — (2014)
(52) The farmer’s criticisms are similar to those found in —
(31) The Federal Housing Administration is a New Deal
agency that continues to assist many Americans primarily
by — (2013)
(61) What does the sticker in this illustration represent to
patrons of this bank? (2014)
The student understands the economic effects of World War II and the Cold War. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.17 A
describe the economic effects of World War II
(10) The government issued ration books during World
on the home front such as the end of the Great
War II in order to — (2013)
Depression, rationing, and increased
(54) This excerpt suggests that U.S. consumers were
opportunity for women and minority
affected by — (2014)
employment; Readiness Standard
(4) This photograph best illustrates the need in 1943 to –
H.17 B
identify the causes of prosperity in the 1950s,
(56) What is the best title for this cartoon? (2013)
including the Baby Boom and the impact of the
GI Bill (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944),
and the effects of prosperity in the 1950s such
(47) The data presented on this graph illustrate an
as increased consumption and the growth of
economic effect of — (2014)
agriculture and business; Readiness Standard
(41) The trends in this list all occurred as a result of —
H.17 C
describe the economic impact of defense
(65) During the 1950s the federal government funded
spending on the business cycle and
educational initiatives in math and science in response to
education priorities from 1945 to the 1990s;
— (2013)
Supporting Standard
H.17 D
identify actions of government and the private
(39) The primary objective of the executive order
sector such as the Great Society, affirmative
excerpted here was to — (2014)
action, and Title IX to create economic
(3) The passage of the pieces of legislation in this list
opportunities for citizens and analyze the
resulted in – (2015)
unintended consequences of each;
Supporting Standard
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
H.17 E
H.18 A
describe the dynamic relationship between U.S.
international trade policies and the U.S. free
enterprise system such as the Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil
embargo, the General Agreement of Tariffs and
Trade (GATT), and the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Readiness Standard
(43) In this excerpt, Senator Collins proposed legislation
intended to address — (2013)
(62) Which of the following best completes this diagram?
(14) Which of the following correctly completes this
Question Stems
discuss the role of American entrepreneurs
(5) Which statement best describes a major impact Bill
such as Bill Gates, Sam Walton, Estée Lauder,
Gates has had on U.S. business and technology? (2014)
Robert Johnson, Lionel Sosa, and millions of
(66) Who is most closely associated with the development
small business entrepreneurs who achieved the
of computer operating systems? (2015)
American dream; Supporting Standard
H.18 B
identify the impact of international events,
(60) How did the goal described in this excerpt most affect
multinational corporations, government policies, the U.S. economy? (2014)
and individuals on the 21st century economy.
Supporting Standard
Science, technology, and society.
The student understands the impact of science, technology, and the free enterprise system on the economic development
of the United States. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.27 A
explain the effects of scientific discoveries
(63) Which of these best explains the change in money
and technological innovations such as
spent at the movies from 1946 to 1965? (2013)
electric power, telephone and satellite
communications, petroleum-based
(33) Which of these natural resources correctly fills in the
products, steel production, and computers
blanks in this excerpt? (2014)
on the economic development of the
(11) How did the invention shown in this patent
United States; Readiness Standard
illustration affect industry? (2015)
(36) How has the development of satellite technology
affected the U.S. economy? (2015)
H.27 B
explain how specific needs result in scientific
(3) The introduction of vaccines to the United States
discoveries and technological innovations in
helped — (2013)
agriculture, the military, and medicine, including (19) Jobs such as the ones described in this 1956
vaccines; Supporting Standard
advertisement became available because — (2014)
(1) Which words correctly complete this excerpt? – (2015)
H.27 C
understand the impact of technological and
(54) Which of the following has resulted from the
management innovations and their applications increased use of computers in the workplace? (2013)
in the workplace and the resulting productivity
enhancements for business and labor such as
assembly line manufacturing, time-study
(51) How did the events on this time line affect U.S.
analysis, robotics, computer management, and
businesses? (2014)
just-in-time inventory management.
(60) A company specializes in manufacturing and
Readiness Standard
distributing automobile parts. Which use of computer
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
technology would most enhance the productivity of this
business? (2015)
Science, technology, and society.
The student understands the influence of scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and the free enterprise system
on the standard of living in the United States. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.28 A
analyze how scientific discoveries, technological (22) During the 1920s, what was one result of innovations
innovations, and the application of these by the in U.S. transportation technology? (2013)
free enterprise system, including those in
transportation and communication, improve the (65) One way the development of the Internet has
standard of living in the United States;
improved the quality of life in the United States is by —
Readiness Standard
(27) One advantage offered by hybrid cars is that they –
H.28 B
explain how space technology and exploration
(49) What is one way to describe the developments shown
improve the quality of life;
above? (2013)
Supporting Standard
(8) Which factor links all of these modern innovations?
H.28 C
understand how the free enterprise system
(4) What do these advertisements suggest to consumers?
drives technological innovation and its
application in the marketplace such as cell
phones, inexpensive personal computers, and
global positioning products.
Supporting Standard
Social studies skills.
The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid sources,
including electronic technology. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.29 A
use a variety of both primary and secondary
(51) This law demonstrates that at one time the federal
valid sources to acquire information and to
government was willing to — (2013)
analyze and answer historical questions;
H.29 B
(B) analyze information by sequencing,
categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect
relationships, comparing and contrasting,
finding the main idea, summarizing, making
generalizations, making predictions, drawing
inferences, and drawing conclusions;
(2) The demonstration described in this article was most
likely prompted by — (2013)
(11) The establishment of the wildlife corridors discussed
in the excerpt was most likely necessary to prevent —
(14) What were these Hawaiian citizens protesting? (2013)
(17) President Roosevelt issued this statement in response
to — (2013)
(29) The author of this letter was — (2013)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
(33) This excerpt describes changes in student fashion
toward the end of — (2013)
(35) Which of the following best completes this graphic
organizer? (2013)
(37) The reform discussed by Governor Johnson in this
excerpt — (2013)
(40) Which statement would most likely be found in a
history of the economic impact of the Spanish-American
War on the United States? (2013)
(41) Which action completes this diagram? (2013)
(43) In this excerpt, Senator Collins proposed legislation
intended to address — (2013)
(46) These proposals most clearly reflect the federal
government’s developing role in — (2013)
(55) Many members of Congress disagreed with President
Roosevelt’s proposed solution to the problem described
above because — (2013)
(61) What was the ultimate result of the situation
President Roosevelt refers to in this excerpt? (2013)
(62) What was one way the constitutional amendment
excerpted above helped advance the cause of gender
equality? (2013)
(1) How did these features affect New Orleans after
Hurricane Katrina? (2014)
(3) The creator of this political cartoon was expressing his
concerns about — (2014)
(8) The political activism of the group described in the
excerpt contributed directly to — (2014)
(9) Which action occurred as a result of the Supreme Court
decision excerpted above? (2014)
(13) This excerpt illustrates Harding’s campaign promise to
be a president who would — (2014)
(14) Senator Boxer supported the legislation mentioned in
this excerpt most likely because she was concerned that —
(16) Which U.S. action is Khrushchev challenging in this
excerpt? (2014)
(18) Which value is best reflected in this excerpt? (2014)
(19) Jobs such as the ones described in this 1956
advertisement became available because — (2014)
(20) Which numbered pair of phrases best completes this
diagram? (2014)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
(23) The policy outlined in the excerpt was directly
influenced by problems that the U.S. Navy had recently
confronted during — (2014)
(25) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is similar to
later New Deal legislation in that both — (2014)
(27) Which constitutional amendment did the Supreme
Court use as a basis of this ruling? (2014)
(33) Which of these natural resources correctly fills in the
blanks in this excerpt? (2014)
(38) Which of the following best completes this diagram?
(39) The primary objective of the executive order
excerpted here was to — (2014)
(44) What is a major result of the campaign described by
Martin Luther King, Jr.? (2014)
(45) Which group later investigated the political ideology
and actions of many people associated with this film?
(50) Which marketing strategy is most clearly a result of
the changing demographic patterns described above?
(52) Which speaker would most likely agree with President
Ronald Reagan’s national security policies? (2014)
(54) This excerpt suggests that U.S. consumers were
affected by — (2014)
(56) How did President Jimmy Carter attempt to end
hostilities between the groups that fought these wars?
(58) Which sentence provides information needed to
complete both the cause and effect portions of this
diagram? (2014)
(60) How did the goal described in this excerpt most affect
the U.S. economy? (2014)
(62) Which of the following best completes this diagram?
(66) What was one result of the events reported in the
excerpt above? (2014)
(1) Which words correctly complete this excerpt? (2015)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------(3)The passage of the pieces of legislation in this list
resulted in — (2015)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
(6) Which of the following best replaces the question mark
in this list of information about Puerto Rico? (2015)
(9) Which agency name belongs on the blank line? (2015)
(12) How did President Bush attempt to complete the
mission described above? (2015)
(14) Which of the following correctly completes this
description? (2015)
(17) The primary justification for giving Chrysler this
federal loan was that it would — (2015)
(20) Public response to revelations such as the one in this
excerpt led to the establishment of regulations that were
eventually enforced by the — (2015)
(24) Barack Obama described his 2008 election victory in
this manner because the election was the first in which —
(26) Which sentence correctly completes this diagram?
(28) This excerpt describes an instance of deportation
during the 1930s as part of a repatriation effort. Why did
the federal government implement repatriation? (2015)
(30) The passage of legislation to end these practices
resulted in — (2015)
(33) Which event is commonly associated with the type of
music described in this excerpt? (2015)
(39) How did Chavez accomplish the change referred to in
this excerpt? (2015)
(40) This 1917 illustration was published as a commentary
on a proposed piece of legislation. Which of the following
best replaces the question mark in the illustration? (2015)
(41) The trends in this list all occurred as a result of —
(44) In this excerpt, President Reagan is referring to what
would become known as —(2015)
(45) This 1944 order was addressed to U.S. troops sent to
— (2015)
(48) In which organization do the United States and other
member nations confront the problems mentioned in this
excerpt? (2015)
(52) The farmer’s criticisms are similar to those found in —
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
(55) How did W. E. B. Du Bois combat prejudice like that
described in the excerpt? (2015)
(57) Which speaker expresses the main argument against
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to increase the
number of justices on the Supreme Court? (2015)
(61)What caused the scene described in this excerpt? (2015)
(64) One way the U.S. government responded to the
problems caused by the conditions in this list was by —
(67) The goal of this resolution was eventually achieved
with the —(2015)
H.29 D
use the process of historical inquiry to research,
interpret, and use multiple types of sources of
H.29 G
identify and support with historical evidence a
point of view on a social studies issue or event;
(27) This satirical cartoon expresses a sentiment that
eventually contributed to — (2013)
H.29 H
use appropriate skills to analyze and interpret
social studies information such as maps, graphs,
presentations, speeches, lectures, and political
(1) This 1972 poster depicts an organization originally
formed to advocate — (2013)
(4) What do these advertisements suggest to consumers?
(5) Why did the federal government create this program in
1933? (2013)
(8) Which government poster is directly related to the Civil
Rights Act of 1964? (2013)
(13) Which government poster is directly related to the
Civil Rights Act of 1964? (2013)
(19) Which outcome was an important effect of the 1898
event illustrated by this map? (2013)
(23) This is a cross-sectional diagram of a major operation
ordered by President Harry S. Truman in 1948. The flight
pattern illustrated in the diagram was designed to allow an
airplane to land every three minutes. Why was this
operation undertaken? (2013)
(39) This cover from a nineteenth-century periodical helps
illustrate that the United States was beginning to change
from — (2013)
(48) What was the main effect of the event reported in
this headline? (2013)
(49) What is one way to describe the developments shown
above? (2013)
(52) Which group of people most likely inspired the
creation of this 1893 cartoon? (2013)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
(58) This table supports the conclusion that in 1900 —
(60) Many of the U.S. soldiers involved in the event
mentioned in this headline — (2013)
(63) Which of these best explains the change in money
spent at the movies from 1946 to 1965? (2013)
(67) The incident illustrated by this cartoon increased
cynicism toward the U.S. government because — (2013)
(3) The creator of this political cartoon was expressing his
concerns about — (2014)
(6) What was a primary purpose of the program being
promoted by this poster? (2014)
(11) How did the military innovation shown in this
photograph affect the course of World War I? (2014)
(24) How does the pattern of distribution of political
representation shown in these graphs affect relationships
within the government? (2014)
(29) Cartoons such as this one took the position that
deportation was necessary because — (2014)
(30) Which of the following best describes Ralph Nader’s
effect on the election in Florida? (2014)
(34) How did the person named in this 1909 handbill work
to improve the lives of African Americans? (2014)
(41) What was the main result of the events referred to in
these headlines? (2014)
(42) This diagram indicates that during World War II the
federal government — (2014)
(47) The data presented on this graph illustrate an
economic effect of — (2014)
(51) How did the events on this time line affect U.S.
businesses? (2014)
(61) What does the sticker in this illustration represent to
patrons of this bank? (2014)
(68) How were the Navajo words in this table used during
World War II? (2014)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(4)This photograph best illustrates the need in 1943 to —
(8) Which factor links all of these modern innovations? (2015)
(11) How did the invention shown in this patent illustration affect
industry? (2015)
(18) Lines like the one shown above were partially the
result of — (2015)
(22) How did these events affect the United States? (2015)
US History Since 1877 2013, 2014, &
(23) Which headline describes a consequence of the Teapot
Dome scandal? (2015)
(32) The issue addressed by this poster is primarily
associated with the — (2015)
(35) Which of the following provided a legal basis for this
Supreme Court decision? (2015)
(37) The ruling in Miranda v. Arizona most affected the
procedure in which step of this process? (2015)
(47) What was the main reason the federal government
built this dam? (2015)
(51) Who was most instrumental in the event described in
this headline? (2015)
(56) Which issue is this cartoon addressing? (2015)
(59) Which of the following does this menu best reflect?
(63) This World War I–era poster was intended to persuade
— (2015)
(68) This event best illustrates the global — (2015)
Social studies skills.
The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.30 B
use correct social studies terminology to explain (20) What type of political activity is described in this
historical concepts.
scenario? (2013)
Social studies skills.
The student uses geographic tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data. The student is expected to:
Question Stems
H.31 B
pose and answer questions about geographic
distributions and patterns shown on maps,
graphs, charts, and available databases.