High School Mathematics Department Chairpersons Meeting November 17, 2011 Presented by the Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support Dewey Gottlieb Educational Specialist for Mathematics Stacie Kaichi-Imamura Mathematics Resource Teacher My Intentions • Inform • Learn • Stimulate • Provoke • Plan • Inspire HIDOE’s Strategic Plan July 2011 – June 2018 RTTT Action Plan Systems of Support to enable schools to do their best work Common Core Standards Career & College Ready Diploma Standards-based instruction Formative Assessments Interim Assessments Summative Assessments STEM Data for School Improvement Longitudinal Data System Using data to inform instruction SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium HIDOE is working collaboratively with 30 other states to design and implement an assessment system aligned to the Common Core State Standards SY 2014-2015: SBAC assessments to be administered for grades 3-8 and 11. HIDOE’s transition plan for implementing the CCSS was developed in response to SBAC’s work plan and timelines Implications for High School Mathematics • BOE Policy 4540 – Class of 2016: 3 credits of mathematics (Algebra I and Geometry required) • High school mathematics courses – Modeling Our World I & II – Review of ACCN to recommend addition or deletion of courses. Modeling Our World Courses • MOW IA/IB – Supplement to Algebra I (intent is for students to enroll concurrently) – Content based on the CCSS for High School Mathematics (focus on MODELING) » Not a replacement of pre-algebra or a basic skills review course – Counts toward one of the 3 mathematics credits required for a diploma Modeling Our World Courses • MOW IIA/IIB – A “Bridge to Algebra II” course – Content based on the CCSS for High School Mathematics (focus on MODELING) – Counts toward one of the 3 mathematics credits required for a diploma Fundamental Beliefs All children, regardless of differences in ethnic background and socioeconomic status have the capacity to learn and succeed at high levels. Mathematics classrooms should be characterized by a caring environment, active engagement, inquiry, and a culture that promotes dialogue and a willingness to learn from one’s mistakes. Fundamental Beliefs It is the responsibility of all mathematics teachers to ensure that students are provided with meaningful learning opportunities that promote academic success, self-efficacy, personal growth, and an appreciation for the utility and beauty of mathematics that will inspire students to view the continued study of mathematics as a worthwhile pursuit. Who did this for you? Transition from HCPS III to the Common Core August 2011 – June 2014 NON-tested grade levels • Grades K-2 & Algebra II Instruction aligned to the CCSS • Algebra II to continue to use the ADP standards • Instruction and the HSA blueprint aligned to HCPS III Tested grade levels • Grades 3-8, Algebra I and • Incorporation of the CCSS into Geometry classroom instruction and SBAC field test All Grade Levels CCSS Mathematical Practices The Standards for Mathematical Practices “Encouraging these practices in students of all ages should be as much a goal of the mathematics curriculum as the learning of specific content” (CCSS, 2010). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Standards for Mathematical Practice Reasoning and Explaining Modeling and Using Tools Seeing Structure and Generalizing #1: Mathematically Proficient Students … Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Explain the meaning of the problem to themselves Look for entry points Analyze givens, constraints, relationships, goals Make conjectures about the solution Plan a solution pathway Consider analogous problems Try special cases and similar forms Monitor and evaluate progress, and change course if necessary Check their answer to problems using a different method Continually ask themselves “Does this make sense?” Gather Information Make a plan Anticipate possible solutions Continuously evaluate progress Check results Question sense of solutions #2: Mathematically Proficient Students … Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Decontextualize Represent as symbols, abstract the situation 5 ½ Mathematical Problem P x x x x Contextualize Pause as needed to refer back to situation -- Ellen Whitesides (University of Arizona, Institute for Mathematics and Education). Presentation to the CCSSO Mathematics SCASS, November 2011. #3: Mathematically Proficient Students … Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Make a conjecture Build a logical progression of statements to explore the conjecture Analyze situations by breaking them into cases Recognize and use counter examples Whitesides, E. (2011). The CCSS Mathematical Practices. Presentation at the CCSSO Mathematics SCASS meeting, November 2011). #4: Mathematically Proficient Students … Model with mathematics. Problems in everyday life… …reasoned using mathematical methods Mathematically proficient students • make assumptions and approximations to simplify a situation, realizing these may need revision later • interpret mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on whether they make sense -- Ellen Whitesides (University of Arizona, Institute for Mathematics and Education). Presentation to the CCSSO Mathematics SCASS, November 2011. #5: Mathematically Proficient Students … Use appropriate tools strategically. Proficient students • are sufficiently familiar with appropriate tools to decide when each tool is helpful, knowing both the benefit and limitations • detect possible errors • identify relevant external mathematical resources, and use them to pose or solve problems #6: Mathematically Proficient Students … Attend to precision. • • • • • • communicate precisely to others; use clear definitions state the meaning of the symbols they use specify units of measurement label the axes to clarify correspondence with problem calculate accurately and efficiently Express answers with an appropriate degree of precision Comic: http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=66819 #7: Mathematically Proficient Students … Look for and make use of structure. • • • look closely to discern a pattern or structure step back for an overview and shift perspective see complicated things as single objects, or as composed of several objects -- Ellen Whitesides (University of Arizona, Institute for Mathematics and Education). Presentation to the CCSSO Mathematics SCASS, November 2011. #8: Mathematically Proficient Students … Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. • • • notice if calculations are repeated and look both for general methods and for shortcuts maintain oversight of the process while attending to the details, as they work to solve a problem continually evaluate the reasonableness of their intermediate results -- Ellen Whitesides (University of Arizona, Institute for Mathematics and Education). Presentation to the CCSSO Mathematics SCASS, November 2011. Let’s do some math! • Please take about the next 13π minutes to complete the mathematical tasks. • Pay close attention to and note your own mathematical thinking as you work. Focus Group Interviews: We want your thoughts • In order to create meaningful courses that teachers will be excited to teach and students will be engaged, let’s think about. • What are barriers to success in Algebra I? • How can we better prepare and motivate students to be successful beyond Algebra I? • Your feedback will inform the development of the MOW courses. My Intentions • Inform • Learn • Stimulate • Provoke • Plan • Inspire A shift in perspective The CCSS for Mathematics compel a change in the culture of traditional mathematics classroom. In the typical mathematics classroom students are “too busy covering content” to be engaged with mathematics. A shift in perspective Mediocre mathematics achievement and unacceptably stark achievement gaps are the symptoms – not the problem. If we conceive of it as an “achievement” gap, then it’s THEIR problem or fault. --Steve Leinwand (Presentation at the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics, April 2011) A shift in perspective Alternatively, it is a system failure, the heart of which is modal instruction that fails to provide adequate opportunity to learn, that is the problem. If we conceive of it as an “instruction” gap, then it’s OUR problem or fault. And OUR responsibility to fix! --Steve Leinwand (Presentation at the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics, April 2011) Let’s be clear We’re being asked to do what has never been done before: • Make math work for nearly ALL kids and get nearly ALL kids ready for college. • There is no existence proof, no road map, and it’s not widely believed to be possible. --Steve Leinwand (Presentation at the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics, April 2011) Let’s be clearer When most of our efforts work for only 30% - 40% of our students … We’ve got work to do! --Steve Leinwand (Presentation at the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics, April 2011) A shift in perspective Number of HS Grads Enrolled at UHCCs Number Enrolled in Developmental or Remedial Mathematics Percent Enrolled in Developmental or Remedial Mathematics 2008 3,379 1,680 49.7% 2007 2,208 1,409 50.2% 2006 2,589 1,251 48.3% Year 3,379 2008 1,680 49.7% HIDOE Grads Enrolled at UHCCs 2007 2,808 50.2% 1,409 2,589 2006 48.3% Number enrolled in DEV or REM mathematics 1,251 Source: University of Hawai`i Institutional Research Office, “Hawaii Public High School Graduates Enrolled in Remedial and/or Developmental Classes at the University of Hawai`i Community Colleges” (February 2009) A shift in perspective 100% 90% Percent of Hawaii DOE Graduates Enrolled in Remediation-level Courses in the University of Hawaii system* 80% 70% 60% 2008 50% 2009 49% 50% 2010 40% 30% 38% 36% 35% 33% 20% 10% 0% Remedial Math Remedial English *Source: Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education “College and Career Indicators Report” Another perspective • Dr. Mitchel Anderson, UH-Hilo • Dr. Diane Barrett, UH-Hilo • Dr. Monique Chyba, UH-Manoa Promoting the Mathematical Practices Mathematics as a tool for making informed, well-reasoned decisions. What does this mean for the grades that I teach? • Let’s discuss MP #3 and MP #4 a little more deeply. • If the MP is the effect that we want to bring about (i.e., see students exhibiting), what must we consider when designing learning experiences to cause that result? Additional Updates • Algebra II End-of-Course Exam • Testing window: May 7-13, 2012 • Standards Toolkit Website • Resources and webinars • Good Idea Grant • www.hsta.org/upload/goodideagrant_app.pdf Additional Updates • Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) • www.paemst.org • Nominate an teacher outstanding grades K-6 Additional Updates Upcoming PD opportunities: • ADP Algebra II EOC Exam (Pearson trainers) • Workshops scheduled January 9-13, 2012. • Diane Barrett, Mitch Anderson, Bob Pelayo (UHHilo) • Workshops to be planned in spring and summer focusing on Algebra II and the CCSS Additional Updates Upcoming PD opportunity: • Dan Meyer • March 26-27 • End of June • End of July Video: “Math Class Needs a Makeover” http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_meyer_math_curriculum_makeover.html