Causes of and a Solution to Global Warming Mark Z. Jacobson Atmosphere/Energy Program Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Stanford University Intensive English and Academic Orientation Program Stanford University, July 24, 2007 2 o Temperature Change Since 1750 ( C) Causes of Global Warming 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 Cooling particles Greenhouse gases Fossilfuel soot particles Urban heat island Net observed global warming -1 -1.5 M.Z. Jacobson Fractal Soot Agglomerates (Arrows) Coated by Ammonium Sulfate Pósfai et al. (1999) 10-yr Modeled Temperature Differences w-w/o AGHG+AAP+US QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. w-w/o ff. soot QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. w-w/o AGHG QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. w-w/o AAP QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Modeled v. Measured Temperature Diffs. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Modeled 1750 to 2005 (simulation not complete) Many cool areas will warm in 5-10 simulation years Measured 1930 to 2005 (Brohan et al.) Cooling (K) after eliminating emission Coolinganthropogenic (K) after eliminating anth. emiss. Global Temperature Changes Due to Eliminating Anthropogenic CO2, CH4, f.f. BC+OM Emission 0.5 0 CH (10y) 4 -0.5 f.f. BC+OM CO 2 (30y) -1 CO (50y) 2 -1.5 -2 2000 CO 2 (95y) 2020 2040 2060 Year 2080 2100 Causal Effect of CO2 on Mortality Global-regional nested simulations demonstrate that CO2 alone increases temperature, water vapor, ozone, and PM QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Temperature QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Water vapor QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Ozone -1 200 400 600 Data Pressure (hPa) +500 (190-575) +640 (160-1280) +1140 (350-1855) 1 Model U.S. ozone deaths/yr per 1 K U.S. PM2.5 death/yr per 1 K U.S. Total deaths/yr per 1K 0 800 1000 World Total deaths/yr per 1K +24,000 (7200-37,000) -1 0 1 a.ii) Temperature (K) Global Power Demand and Clean Renewable Supply Global overall power demand TW 9.4-13.6 Potential renewable availability Solar over land Land-wind at 80 m and > 6.9 m/s Geothermal Hydroelectric Wave Tidal 1700 72a, 80b 9.5b 6.5b 5b 3.7b aArcher and Jacobson, 2005; bStacey and Davis, 2006 Installed Wind Capacity Worldwide Country Germany Spain U.S. India Denmark 2005 (MW) 18,428 10,027 9,149 4,430 3,122 2006 (MW) 20,261 11,615 11,603 6,270 3,136 World 59,084 (900 offshore) 74,223 Individual turbine ≈ 0.4 MW --> ≈ 150,000 turbines Sources of U.S. CO Other (34.7%) 2 Onroad vehicles (25.8%) Coal electricity (30.4%) Natural gas electricity (7.3%) Oil electricity (1.8%) 2005 total 6270 MT-CO 2 M.Z. Jacobson Thousands of 5 MW Wind Turbines Needed to Displace 100% U.S. CO 2 Other (131-188) Onroad vehicles (battery) (71-122) Coal electricity (120-160) Natural gas electricity Oil electricity (45-60) (7-10) Total (2005) 374-540 M.Z. Jacobson Percent reduction in total U.S. CO2 emissions Percent Decrease in Total U.S. Carbon Dioxide Upon Replacing 100% of Onroad Vehicles 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 Replacing 30% of vehicles -0.19 -0.62 Corn ethanol -4 -13.6 Cellulosic ethanol -25.5 -25.5 Wind Wind for for batteries hydrogen fuel cells Ignoring land constraints With land constraints -23.4 Solar for batteries Future U.S. Deaths Per Year From Onroad Vehicle Emissions 1.4 104 U.S. Deaths per Year 1.2 CelluGas/ Corn losic 104 diesel ethanol ethanol 10,200 10,200 4 10,000 1 10 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Wind for Wind hydrogen Solar for fuel for batteries cells batteries 0 0 0 Area to Power 100% of U.S. Onroad Vehicles Solar-battery Wind-battery ground contact Wind-battery turbine spacing Cellulosic ethanol Corn ethanol Map: Mean 80-m Wind Speed in North America Archer and Jacobson (2005) Percent of Land+Near Shore Stations With Annual Wind Speeds > 6.9 m/s at 80 m Europe North America United States over land United States over land+near shore South America Oceania Africa Asia Antarctica Global over land Archer and Jacobson (2005) 14.2 19.0 15.0 17.0 9.7 21.2 4.6 2.7 60 13 Aggregate Wind Power (MW) From 81% of Spain’s Grid Versus Time of Day, Oct. 26, 2005 Birds and Wind U.S. bird deaths from current wind turbines U.S. bird deaths from communication towers: Worldwide bird deaths from avian flu: 10,000-40,000/yr (!) 50 million/yr (!) 200 million/yr (%) Est. bird deaths with 2,500,000 turbines worldwide: 2.5-10 million/yr Premature U.S. deaths fossil-/biofuel pollution: 50,000/yr (*) The effect of wind turbines on birds will be small relative to the benefit of reducing fossil-biofuels on human and animal illness. (!) Bird Conservancy (April 2006); (*) McCubbin and Delucchi (1999) (%) San Jose Mercury News (April 2006) Path to Satisfy All U.S. Energy Needs and Reduce CO and BC by 80% 2 Existing fossil, biofuels (20%) Hydroelectric geothermal wave, tidal existing nuclear Efficiency (5%) (10%) Onshore & offshore wind (50%) Solar PV & thermal (15%) M.Z. Jacobson Land Area For 50% of US Energy From Wind Turbine area touching ground Spacing between turbines Map: Alternatively, Water Area For 50% of US Energy From Wind Spacing between turbines Map: Dvorak et al. (2006) Eureka Wind Park Example (Preliminary) <20 m deep <50 m deep 529 REpower 5.0M turbines Dvorak et al. (2007) 2645 MW capacity (529 5 MW turbines), capacity factor of 42% Yields 5.9 TWh/yr (8.2% of California’s carbon electricity) Requires about 28 km (18 mi) or 2.1% of California’s 840 mi coast. Summary Global warming will hasten as aerosol pollution decreases. CO2 increases air pollution mortality due to its effect on temperature, water vapor, and atmospheric stability, which increase ozone and particulate matter in urban areas. 80% reductions in current emissions are needed to stabilize CO2. Corn ethanol cannot practically reduce CO2 in the U.S. by more than 0.070.2%; cellulosic ethanol cannot reduce CO2 by more than 1.3-4%, based on current understanding. FF soot appears to cause about 13% (0.24 K) of the 1.9 K increase in temperatures due to AGHG+FF soot+urban surfaces. Its complete removal may eliminate about 30% of the net global warming (0.8 K) to date. Summary Wind-battery electric vehicles can reduce U.S. CO2 by 25.5%; solar-battery electric vehicles can reduce it by 23.4% Wind turbines require 30 times less land than corn ethanol and 20 time less land than cellulosic ethanol for the same power. Sufficient wind and solar are available worldwide to supply all electric and nonelectric energy needs simultaneously several times over and to solve air pollution/climate problems simultaneously. More info: