Oedipus Rex

• Blind prophet and
servant of Apollo
• Reveals the reasons
for the devastation
and plague in Thebes
• One of the most
powerful characters in
the play
• Tells Oedipus he will
become blind and poor
• Wife AND mother of
• She tells Oedipus not to
trust in the oracles
• She tries to protect
Oedipus from the awful
• She alternately
condemns and upholds
the authority of the
oracles as best suits
the direction of the
argument at the moment
• Protagonist
• His name means
• He inspires both pity
and fear
• A hereditary curse has
been placed on his family,
and he unknowingly has
fulfilled the terms of the
prophecy that he would
kill his father (Laius) and
marry his own mother
• When he curses the
murderer of Laius, he
is cursing himself and
predicting his own exile
and consequent life of
• He is wise, revered by
his subjects, and
dedicated to the
discovery of truth
• He wants to rid Thebes
of the plague, but Fate
and the Gods have other
things in store for him
Chorus of Theban Elders
• Men of Thebes who honor
and respect the king and
the gods
• Their odes reveal both a
strong attachment to the
king as well as grounding in
religious culture
• Brother of Laius
• Oedipus feels threatened by
Creon and believes that he
covets the throne
• Creon defends himself saying
he has no desire to be king
and that Oedipus harms
himself in making such
• Tells Oedipus that King
Polybos of Corinth is dead
• Oedipus learns from the
messenger that Polybos was
not his father
• The messenger had been
given Oedipus as an infant by
one of Laius’ men
Shepherd of Laius
• Reveals his information only after
Oedipus threatens his life
• Admits to receiving the infant (he
gave to Polybos’ messenger) from
Laius and Jocasta
• Oedipus eventually realizes his
own identity and his crimes of
patricide and incest after hearing
the shepherd’s story
Second Messenger
• Announces and describes
Jocasta’s suicide
• Predicts future sorrows
for a people whose kings
descend from this
polluted line
The Chorus
• Choral odes bring an
additional viewpoint to
the play
• Offer a broader and
more socio-religious
perspective than those
offered by individual
• The Limits of Free Will
• The Willingness to
Ignore the Truth
• Sub-themes:
– Quest for Identity and Truth
– Nature of Innocence and Guilt
– Nature of Moral Responsibility
THEMES Cont’d.
• Limits of Free Will
– Prophecy is CENTRAL to story
– Oedipus and Jocasta debate the extent to
which prophecies should be trusted
– When ALL prophecies come true, it appears
that ONE of Sophocles’ aims is to justify
the power of the Gods and prophets
– Can in fact just be showing that
error/disaster can happen to anyone, that
humans are relatively powerless before
Fate or the Gods, and that a cautious
humility is the best attitude toward life
THEMES Cont’d.
• Willingness to Ignore the Truth
– Oedipus fastens on to any detail in hope
that it will exonerate him
– Seeking the truth is his only motivation (so
he believes = illusion)
– Information given in key speeches is largely
intended to make audience aware of
IRONY, BUT –--– Also emphasizes how desperately Oedipus
and Jocasta want to avoid the obvious
truth (they look at the info presented to
them but pretend not to see it)
• Quest for Identity and Truth
– Oedipus begins seeking justice for
Thebes (murder mystery) and then
begins seeking his own identity
• Nature of Innocence and Guilt
– Can Oedipus be held accountable
when it seems he is MADE to do
what he does?
• Nature of Moral Responsibility
– Killing father and sleeping w/ mother
are major crimes (unforgivable)
Symbols and Motifs
• Symbols
– Oedipus’s swollen foot
– The Three-Way Crossroads
• Motifs
– Sight and Blindness
Literary Devices
• Dramatic Irony
• Foreshadowing
• Imagery
Author Style - Imagery
• References to light and
darkness to predict the
Example of Imagery
• The priest says at the
beginning: "All the
house of Kadmos is laid
waste; all emptied, and
all darkened.”
Example of Imagery
• Oedipus promises
Creon: “Then once
more I must bring
what is dark to
Author Style - Foreshadowing
• Teiresias tells Oedipus
that it is he who is blind
“But I say that you,
with both your eyes,
are blind. You cannot
see the wretchedness
of your life.”
• Use of Dramatic Irony heightens
audience response to actions of
• Audience already knows the
details of the story, legend
• Reinforces audience empathy for
Oedipus (key to catharsis)