Contemporary Business Law

Essentials of Business Law
and the Legal Environment, 10th edition
by Richard A. Mann
& Barry S. Roberts
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Topics Covered Chapter 18:
Contract Remedies
A. Monetary Damages
B. Remedies in Equity
C. Restitution
D. Limitations on Remedies
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Compensatory Damages
Contract damages placing the injured party in
as good a position as he would have held
had the other party performed; equals loss of
value minus cost avoided plus incidental
damages plus consequential damages.
– Loss of Value – value of promised performance
minus value of actual performance
– Cost Avoided – loss or costs the injured party
avoids by not having to perform
– Incidental Damages – arise directly out of a
breach Consequential Damages – not arising
directly out of a breach but arising as a
foreseeable result of the breach
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Other Damages
Nominal Damages – a small sum
awarded where a contract has been
breached but the loss is negligible or
 Reliance Damages – contract
damages placing the injured party in
as good a position as she would have
been in had the contract not been
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Damages for Misrepresentation
Benefit-of-the-Bargain Damages –
difference between the value of the
fraudulent party's performance as
represented and the value the defrauded
party received.
Out-of-Pocket Damages – difference
between the value given and the value
Punitive Damages – are generally not
recoverable for breach of contract.
Liquidated Damages – reasonable
damages agreed to in advance by the
parties to a contract.
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Limitations on Damages
Foreseeability of Damages – potential loss
that the party now in default had reason to
know of when the contract was made.
Certainty of Damages – damages are not
recoverable beyond an amount that can be
established with reasonable certainty.
Mitigation of Damages – injured party may
not recover damages for loss he could have
avoided by reasonable effort.
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Remedies in Equity
Availability – only where there is no
adequate remedy at law.
 Types:
– Specific Performance – court decree
ordering breaching party to render promised
– Injunction – court order prohibiting a party
from doing a specific act.
– Reformation – court order correcting a
written contract to conform with the original
intent of the contracting parties.
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Restoration of injured party to position
she was in before the contract was
 Available to:
– Party Injured by Breach – if other party
breaches the contract by nonperformance
or repudiation
– Party in Default – for any benefit
conferred in excess of the loss caused by
the breach
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Statute of Frauds – if a contract is
unenforceable because of the statute
of frauds, a party may recover the
benefits conferred on the other party in
reliance on the contract.
 Voidable Contracts – a party who has
avoided a contract is entitled to
restitution for any benefit conferred on
the other party.
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Limitations on Remedies
Election of Remedies – if remedies are not
inconsistent, a party injured by a breach of
contract may seek more than one
Loss of Power of Avoidance – a party with
the power to avoid a contract may lose that
power by:
– affirming the contract
– delaying unreasonably in exercising the power of
– being subordinate to intervening rights of 3rd
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.
Contract Remedies
Has the contract been breached?
No Remedy
Are legal remedies adequate?
Equitable Remedies may
be available
Legal Remedies are
Is there a provision for
reasonable liquidated damages?
Recovery of liquidated damages
Copyright © 2010 South-Western Legal Studies in Business, a part of South-Western Cengage Learning.