Technology Integrated Unit Poetry Through the Centuries I. 17th to 20th Century Poetry II. Student Population a. Grades 11th and 12th b. 25-30 students per class c. Inclusion classes/differentiation needed/ AP English Rationale: Through this unit on poetry, students learn the different eras of poetry along with form and content. PSSA and SAT will have poetry dealing with the 17th through 20th centuries. This unit allows students to be creative as well. III. Pennsylvania Academic Standards for this Unit 1.4.1. GRADE 11: A. Write short stories, poems and plays. • Apply varying organizational methods. • Utilize dialogue. • Apply literary conflict. • Include varying characteristics (e.g., from limerick to epic, from whimsical to dramatic • Include literary elements (Standard 1.3.11.B.) Use literary devices (Standard 1.3.11.C.). B. Write complex informational pieces (e.g., research papers, analyses, evaluations, essays). •Include a variety of methods to develop the main idea. • use precise language and specific detail. Compare/contrast 1.5.11. GRADE 11 A. Write with a sharp, distinct focus.. Write using well-developed content • Gather, determine validity and reliability of, analyze and organize information. • Write fully developed paragraphs that have details and information specific to the topic and relevant to the focus. C. Write with controlled and/or subtle organization • Sustain a logical order throughout the piece. • Include an effective introduction and conclusion. D. Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition. • Use different types and lengths of sentences. • Use precise language. E. Revise writing to improve style, word choice, sentence variety and subtlety of meaning after rethinking how questions of purpose, audience and genre have been addressed. F. Edit writing using the conventions of language. • Spell all words correctly. • Use capital letters correctly. • Punctuate correctly • Use nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions and interjections properly. 1.6.11 Speaking and Listening 1.7.C.A Evaluate as a reader how an author’s choice of words. 1.9. C. Information, communication and Technology literacy Use media and technology resources for information analysis, and decision making in content learning. IV. Goals: Students will brainstorm on the topics, “What is poetry?” “Why” a. Help students gain a broader conception of poetry. Through unit lessons, students will recognize the different authors as well as forms of poetry. Students will create their own poem for portfolio. Students will create a poetry folder. V. Technology Integrated Unit (See my Wiki for Actual lesson plans) a. Introduction Lesson: Through this introduction of music and poetry, students will find a connection with elements of poetry, such as, rhythm and rhyme. Students will find this evidence and be motivated for culminating lessons. b. Developmental 1: Through PowerPoint on “Elements of Poetry” students will recognize different forms of poetry. Students will choose a poem they are interested in. c. Developmental 2: Through computer integrated lessons, students will together as a class, explore an interactive poetry website, “Poetry’s Pantry Tour” d. WebHunt: Through technology, students will complete a web hunt on 17th century poetry, in particular, metaphysical and Cavalier poetry, that they will learn about in this unit. e. WebQuest: Students will complete a webQuest, culminating the poetry unit. They will analyze, distinguish poetry form, explore the “Nature” theme in poetry and create their own works of poetry. Students will complete with accuracy for credit. f. Culminating Lesson: After lessons on poetry unit, students will create a poetry folder using internet sites from classroom Wiki (Resource Page). Students will make a list of favorite poets/poems from each of the centuries 17th through 20th. As a class, we will discuss which poets/poetry we have collected for our folders. VI. Assessment Strategies a. Introduction: Use informal assessment checklist for class discussion/ journals b. Lesson 1: informal assessment/ class checklist/journals c. Lesson 2: tour checklist for students/ put in journals d. WebHunt: students are evaluated by webHunt assignment e. WebQuest: Portfolio: Detailed essay rubric (scale) Detailed summary rubric Poetry rubric f. Culminating lesson: poetry folder/informal/to be collected VII. Additional Resources a. Introduction: Internet, Anticipation Guide b. Lesson 1: Computer/ PowerPoint c. Lesson 2: Computer Lab/ internet d. WebHunt: worksheet/ internet e. WebQuest: Rubrics/ internet f. Culminating lesson: Computer Lab/ internet/ folder VIII. Webliography a. For unit plan on Poetry b. WebHunt c. WebQuest 1. Introduction Lesson BiG, N. (Artist). (2001). Mo money more problems. [Web]. Retrieved from Zeppelin, L. (Artist). (1971). Stairway to heaven. [Web]. Retrieved from 2. Developmental lesson 1 Web English Teacher, all rights reserved, S. (Designer). (2008). "Poetry terminology.” [Web]. Retrieved from 3. Developmental lesson 2 Tramline, T. (2005, Sept). Poetry's pantry tour. Retrieved from 4. WebHunt Ms. Ewart’s English Odyssey/ WebHunt Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5. WebQuest: Poetry webquest 6. Culminating Lesson Ms. Ewart’s English Odyssey/ Class Resource Page to create folder