
Parties and Government in the U.S.
5 ects
Emilie van Haute
Week 3
Part I
Parties and Politics in the U.S.
I.1. Party Eras
I.2. Party System
I.3. Party Organization
I.4. Party Ideology, Issues and Polarization
3. Party Eras
The First Party System (1800-1824): Federalists vs. Jeffersonian
The Second Party System (1828-1856): Whigs vs. Jacksonian Democrats
The Third Party System (1856-1896): Ascendant Republicans vs.
The Fourth Party System (1896-1928): Republican Dominance Renewed
The Fifth Party System (1932-1968): The Democratic New Deal Era
The Sixth Party System (1968-2008): The Era of Dealignment and Divided
3.1. First Party System (1800-1824)
Federalists vs. Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans (1)
• Disappearance of the Federalists as a national political party
• One-party dominance (Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans)
= “Era of Good Feelings”
- At the end of Jefferson’s terms: no competition (Monroe unopposed for
reelection in 1820)
- Roots of parties did not run deep (no party identification, filiations,
- Growth of dominance // Weakening of the party discipline
- Factionalism among leaders of the Republicans
- Decline of the authority & legitimacy of the national government
- Washington DC = desolate place (8.000 inhabitants in 1800 - burned
down by the British/Canadian troops in 1814 as a vengeance for the
destruction of Toronto)
- Growth of regional rivalries: West vs. East (financial dominance); South
vs. North (opposition to slavery)
3.1. First Party System (1800-1824)
Federalists vs. Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans (2)
3.1. First Party System (1800-1824)
Federalists vs. Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans (3)
• 1824: presidential election (congressional caucus system of nomination)
- Andrew Jackson: 99 electoral votes; John Quincy Adams: 88; William
Crawford: 41; Henry Clay: 34 (262 votes)
- No candidate with a majority of the electoral votes
- House of Representatives has to choose between the top 3 and chose
Adams (Clay got appointed secretary of State)
 Constitutional crisis: most popular candidate did not win / suspicion of
bribery / caucus seen as undemocratic as suffrage expanded
• Jackson (military hero) gathers popular discontent (South, West)
• Van Buren (NY): wants to reduce the risk & control Jackson by
reinvigorating the Jeffersonian party (NY-Virginia alliance), give Jackson
leadership against promise to accept party discipline
3.2. Second Party System (1828-1856)
(Jacksonian) Democrats vs. Whigs (1)
• Transitional era (1828-1832)
- 1828: Jackson defeated Adams
- 1832: Jackson defeated Clay
- Transitional era of bifactional politics within the Democratic-Republican
Party: Jackson & Adams used the Republican name in their label
• Democratization of American political life
- Qualifications for voting dropped (expansion of suffrage)
- Slates of presidential electors were popularly elected
- Increase of electoral participation
- Opening of nominating procedures (congressional caucus replaced by
national convention)
 Need for organization, management, communication
 From then on: real two-party competition
3.2. Second Party System (1828-1856)
(Jacksonian) Democrats vs. Whigs (2)
• From then on: real two-party competition (Democrats & Whigs)
- 1830s: emergence of parties as we know them
- Birth of the Democratic party: National Party Convention in 1832
- 1832: Jackson switched to Democratic label >< Clay as Republican
- 1834: opposition to Jackson formed a party: the Whigs
- Fight for the new electorate
- Development of campaigning (parades, rallies, picnics, symbols, etc.)
- Development of party organization at the state & local levels
- Development of party identification
3.2. Second Party System (1828-1856)
(Jacksonian) Democrats vs. Whigs (3)
• Democrats (Dominant party – first half of the period)
- First to make a positive case for parties: parties seen as vehicles for
common citizens to enact political views & control government if well
- Parties seen as the only actor capable of taming presidential ambition
(Van Buren: wanted to build a real party system >< one party-rule he
experienced: need opposition, threat of defeat to keep discipline &
- Democratized version of Jefferson’s view of limited government: small
government, low taxes, and individual freedom, decentralization &
democratization of political & economic power; against government
intervention because it would favor the wealthy > the common man
- Won 5 presidential elections out of 7 between 1828 and 1856 (Andrew
Jackson 1828-1836; Martin Van Buren 1836-1840; James Polk 1844-1848;
Franklin Pierce 1852-1856)
3.2. Second Party System (1828-1856)
(Jacksonian) Democrats vs. Whigs (4)
• Whigs = Minority party
- Coalition of Henry Clay, Webster (Connecticut & Massachussets), Weed
& Seward ‘NY) Stevens (Pennsylvania) to oppose Jackson
- Name: identification with the English party
- Renewed Federalist agenda: defend industrial interests & wealth, a
more active role for the national government (building roads, canals to
benefit interstate commerce), to raise the tariff on imported products, to
establish a national banking & financing system, but to diminish the
power of the president
- Tried to match the Democrats’ organization & electoral techniques
- Run military heroes for presidents (4 elections out of 7) but only
successful twice (1840: William Henry Harrison; 1848: Zachary Taylor) –
constant feature of us politics (Grant, Eisenhower, etc.)
- In 9 out of 11 congressional elections: no control on Congress
- Won 20 governorships by 1840
3.2. Second Party System (1828-1856)
(Jacksonian) Democrats vs. Whigs (5)
• Real competition in each region / few regional variations from 1840 to CW
- Whigs: more support from manufacture & trade, planters, Protestants,
- Democrats: new voters, western farmers, Catholics & new immigrants,
‘common people’
- Both parties: true national scope
- Old bastions of Jefferson’s support (North Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana):
divided evenly between parties; Middle Atlantic states: idem
- Both parties try to balance the interests of all sections of the electorate
- Few really divisive issues until the 1850s (racial & slavery issues)
- Both liberal (free enterprise & private property)
- Both democratic (basic principles of the Constitution & Declaration of
- None of the parties truly ideologically coherent; more based on a
common hatred of the enemy than on positive attachment to an issue
3.2. Second Party System (1828-1856)
(Jacksonian) Democrats vs. Whigs (6)
• Decentralization
- Electoral votes allocated state by state => party organization built at the
state level for the presidential election
- In order to get the support of the party, the presidential candidate has
to reward the state party branches
- State parties are dependent on local leaders & local organization
=> localities could make powerful demands on higher levels, especially
because of the close match between the two parties
=> the entertainment (rallies, picnics, etc.) happens at the local level
=> local parties as link between the wider world of politics and the
individuals in a large democracy (unthreatening, stimulus for citizenship)
3.2. Second Party System (1828-1856)
(Jacksonian) Democrats vs. Whigs (7)
• Parties and slavery
- Fundamental dispute since the independence
- 1820: Missouri compromise in Congress on regulation of slavery in the
Western territories (balance)
- Both parties: pro- and antislavery factions because they both wanted to
survive as national parties
- Mid-1840s: Pressure to admit new states and difficulties to maintain the
balance between the pro- and antislavery forces
- Growing cultural, moral & economic differences between North & South
in the 1840 & 1850 => political conflicts, increasing with the expansion of
the country (new free or slave states)
3.2. Second Party System (1828-1856)
(Jacksonian) Democrats vs. Whigs (8)
• Democrats and slavery: Regional loyalty outweigh party loyalty:
- In Congress: Democrats dominated by southerners
- In national convention: South also strong thanks to veto possibility: ex:
1844: Van Buren (opposed to the expansion of slavery) as front-runner for
the presidential nomination but the South opposed it because he didn’t
support the annexation of Texas. Van Buren didn’t have 2/3 of the
delegates at the convention and couldn’t convince his supporters to
change the rule of the nomination (9 ballots) => James Polk won the
nomination and got elected, thanks to the discipline of the southern state
same for 1852 (Franklin Pierce) & 1856 (James Buchanan): weak
- Focused on protecting slavery > defend their democratic & egalitarian
• Whigs and slavery: slavery has lead the party to dissolve
- Traditionally: national integration, accommodation North/South
=> position undermined in both regions, schism between wings
- Emergence of a Republican party in the North => loss electoral support in
1854 => dissolution
3.3. Third Party System (1856-1896)
Ascendant Republicans vs. Democrats (1)
• Transition period (1854-1856)
- Democrats (Buchanan) vs. new Republican Party (Fremont) vs. Whigs
(Fillmore): No majority of the popular vote
• 1860: Deterioration
- South: Democrats (Breckenridge) vs. Bell (Whig)
- North: Republicans (Lincoln) vs. Democrats (Douglas):
- Douglas tried to avoid the debate on slavery within his party
- Lincoln committed his party to the principle of no territorial expansion
for slavery
= realignment: Republican majority in most parts of the country except
the South; destruction of the Whigs
• Civil War (1861-1865) – Lincoln elected first Republican President
(second highest turnout: 82% of the electorate)+ control Congress,
governorship of every northern state
3.3. Third Party System (1856-1896)
Ascendant Republicans vs. Democrats (2)
CW-1874: dominance of the Republicans
• Republicans (GOP)
- Composed of former Whigs (Lincoln), antislavery Democrats, &
abolitionists - Dedicated to the principle of ending slavery
- Big campaign & debates, and carried on with discussions at the state &
local levels through party channels
- Identified with the Union, patriotism, humanitarianism
- Alliance with interest groups: farmers (Homestead Act and free land in
the West), business & labor (high protective tariff), entrepreneurs (big
federal grants), and veterans (pensions)
- Dominant in the North & West; little support in the South
- Control of presidency (Lincoln, Johnson, Grant) & Congress from 1860 to
• Democrats
- Southern-based party; support in the North from business (free-trade),
new Catholic immigrants
3.3. Third Party System (1856-1896)
Ascendant Republicans vs. Democrats (3)
1974-1896: competition (Alternated control of Presidency & Congress)
• Republicans
- Unable to integrate freed slaves into the economic & political life
- Southern states negate the Fifteenth amendment (vote for former slaves)
and Republicans unable to stop it
- Loyalty based on the Civil War (veterans); assassination of Lincoln (1865);
support of Northern Protestants (anti-gambling, anti-alcohol); pro-business
(// Federalists & Whigs)
- No support in the South; Northern African Americans + Northern WASPs
- Control the Senate + 3/5 presidency (Hayes, Arthur, Harrison)
• Democrats
- Weak in Midwest / New England; South + Northern Catholic bastions
- Control the House + 2/5 presidency (Cleveland)
- Party of the former Confederate States; agriculture; anti-tariff stand;
support of the Catholics (Northern cities)
• Configuration stable for the next 100 years
3.3. Third Party System (1856-1896)
Ascendant Republicans vs. Democrats (4)
• Main features of the period
- Growth of patronage-based party organizations (Middle Atlantic &
Midwestern states): organize services for communities (build railroads,
create jobs) // industrialization (immigration, rise of corporations)
= Republican feature (in Pennsylvania: 20.000 Republican paid workers)
=> weakens loyalty and discipline
- Introduction of the Australian ballot / Massachusetts ballot
= secret ballot > party-printed ballot: ↑ voter independence from parties
• Emergence of the People’s Party (Populists)
- Emergence in the economically depressed grain-growing areas of the
- Want laws to protect farmers, defend more equality, income tax,
nationalization of railroads & telephone/telegraph companies
= More liberal & progressive than de Ds & the Rs (conservative)
- Growth of support by the mid-1880s (elected representatives in Midwest
states & Southern farmers); 1892: over 1 million votes
3.4. Fourth Party System (1896-1928)
Republican Dominance Renewed (1)
• Economic & Social Revolution
- Industrialization > agrarian society
- Urbanization (NY, Chicago, Philadelphia, LA > 1.000.000 by 1920s)
- Development of transportation (railroads: 8.500 miles in 1850 to 193.000
in 1900)
- Rise of corporation (Standard Oil, US steel)
- New immigration
- Rise of labor organizations
• Rise of third parties
- Radical agrarian movements (Grangers Farmers’ Alliance; Greenbackers)
- People’s Party in 1896; Progressives in 1912
3.4. Fourth Party System (1896-1928)
Republican Dominance Renewed (2)
• Transition: Presidential election of 1896
- Democrats divided between Cleveland (limited government) & William
Jennings Bryan (populist ideas): Bryan appealed to farmers & western
interests => South, Plains, West (major turn from limited government)
- Republicans (McKinley) opposed inflation, favored stability, high tariffs
(money & protectionism) & renewed the support of business interests, but
also urban workers & shopkeepers => all North & cities
- High turnout (82%)
- Democrats lost => took years to recover (won 2 presidency in 36 years)
1896-1912: Dominance of the Republicans
• Republicans
- Won 4 presidencies in a row (McKinley, T. Roosevelt – 2, Taft)
- Control of Congress until 1910
• Democrats
- Nothing until Wilson during WWI
3.4. Fourth Party System (1896-1928)
Republican Dominance Renewed (3)
1912-1928: More competition
• Republicans
- Internal divisions: traditional conservatives of the industrial-finance
centers of the Northeast >< Progressive reformers of the Middle West
- 1912: T. Roosevelt run for the Progressive Party vs. Taft for the
=> split of the Republican votes => favored the Democrats (Wilson)
- After WWI: Progressive movement out => Renewed dominance:
- Won 4 presidencies in a row (Harding, Coolidge – 2, Hoover)
• Democrats
- WWI: took advantage of the Republican divisions & won 2 presidency
(Wilson – 2)
- After WWI: Recovery mode: popular vote jumped from 28.8% in 1924 to
40.8% in 1928
- Development of support in Catholic, urban & industrial centers
3.4. Fourth Party System (1896-1928)
Republican Dominance Renewed (4)
Main features of the period
• Republican dominance: average share of votes = 57.7% vs. 42.3% for the Ds
- Gap between the 2 parties > 10% in 4 elections out of 7
- Same lack of competition for states elections: South = D; rest = R
• Women suffrage in 1920 (19th amendment)
• Progressive revolts between 1900 & 1920:
- Believed in the rational citizen; opposed party loyalties and irrational ties
- Favored political regulation & party-weakening reforms
- Support from T. Roosevelt (1912)
- Want to cut away patronage; promoted a civil service reform
- Support non-partisan local elections
- Support the introduction of direct primaries for nominating candidates
(1903 Wisconsin; 26 states adopted it by 1916)
- Role of citizen enhanced by adoption of initiative, referendum
- Regulation of parties
BUT decrease in electoral participation
3.4. Fourth Party System (1896-1928)
Republican Dominance Renewed (2)
3.4. Fourth Party System (1896-1928)
Republican Dominance Renewed (2)
3.5. Fifth Party System (1932-1968)
The Democratic New Deal Era (1)
• Great Depression of 1929
- GNP fell by 1/3; unemployment grew from 5% to 25%
• Demographic change
- Urban ethnics, Catholics, blue-collar workers & blacks = more significant
- WASP, small town, middle-class business = shrinking
• Transition: the election of 1932
- Realignment from a Republican to a Democratic majority
- Democrats:
New Deal Coalition (F.D. Roosevelt): white southerners, Catholic urban
workers (recent immigrants anti-prohibition), blue-collar workers
(organized labor), African Americans (rising unemployment), Jews
(Depression & Roosevelt’s leadership against Nazi Germany), young voters
Support welfare policies, social security & unemployment compensations
systems (weakened party patronage); federal government as THE
Regulate the economy: Securities & Exchange Commission (1935), Federal
3.5. Fifth Party System (1932-1968)
The Democratic New Deal Era (1)
1932-1948: Dominance of the Democrats
• Democrats
- Won 5/5 presidency (F.D. Roosevelt, Truman)
- Continuous control over Congress (except 1946)
- Internal divisions in the late 1930s: North / South (dissent from social
welfare policies)
• Republicans
– Minority party – called dead several times but resilient
3.5. Fifth Party System (1932-1968)
The Democratic New Deal Era (1)
1948-1968: More competition
• Democrats
- Lost control Presidency (1952-1956) & Congress in 1952
- 1960-1964: normal majority reasserted (Kennedy & Johnson)
- Huge congressional majorities => Johnson’s Great Society program
- After 1964: intensification of internal divisions over the Vietnam War,
defense policy, crime, civil disorder & social policy
• Republicans
– Minority party – called dead several times but resilient
– 1952: won Congress & Presidency (national hero tactic with
Eisenhower): “I like Ike”, “Peace & Prosperity”: support in the South;
accepted New Deal programs
=> New Deal legacy no more divisive