
Engineering Economic Analysis, 12th by Donald Newnan, Jerome Lavelle, & Ted Eschenbach
last updated January 17, 2015
p. 47, 6th line of Example, change $ 200,000/acre
p. 48, 3 line of SOLUTION, change
p. 51, line 6, $871,800 should be $872,500
p. 80, in table, bottom of column for Plan 3, $1200 should be $1260
p. 160, 1st line after cash flow diagrams, insert
−10,000 after PW A =
p. 205, delete 5-Button from 5-Button Solution heading
p. 206, 5th line, (8.1490) should be (0.1490)
p. 217, 6-50, $150,000 for option B to $15,000
p. 224, last line above footnote, Net PW should be Net FW
p. 225, cash flow diagram, remove minus sign from −700
p. 226, bottom of page, cash flow diagram, remove minus sign from −8316
p. 238, 2nd line, $37,500 more
more $37,500
p. 238, 1st paragraph under 5-button solution
Delete: For a 5-button solution
Capitalize: This
Move as an indented paragraph to line 3 p. 238
p. 238, 2 paragraph under 5-button solution
Insert at beginning of paragraph: As noted above, using n = 24 makes things easier.
p. 239, 6 line from bottom, 7-20 not 7-23
p. 245, Exp. 7-15, delete 3rd line under SOLUTION (it is correctly set as the heading of the table).
p. 262, cash flow diagram, remove 4 minus signs
p. 263, cash flow diagram, remove minus signs from in front of $120K & $22K
p. 265, cash flow diagram, remove 4 minus signs
p. 267, end line 9, insert: positive
Reads as: If multiple positive roots …
p. 270, as in 11 edition add: Coauthored with John Whittaker
p. 286, 8-5 line 4, add t to mature
p. 299, Exp. 9-3 #s not scaled up by ×10 from EEA11 like Exp. 5-16-5, & 7-14
p. 315, Fig 9-6
11.8 yr note: insert
16.9 yr note: replace
right turns or
between for & minimal
right with left
p. 335, line above Exp. 10-2 refer to 10-2 not 10-4
p. 341, end line 9, refer to 10-5 not 10-7
p. 351, 1st line above SOLUTIONS insert times symbol & delete 2 sets of () so reads: PW 2 × Probability so it
matches the table heading
p. 362, 10-35 2nd line, 10-23 not 10-21
p. 368, below 9th line, add “Contributed by Jennifer Cross.”
p. 431 & 432, Tables 12A-1a & 1b, 2009 changed to 2012
p. 517, last paragraph of Exp 15-1 solution, in both 2nd & 3rd lines, insert
p. 538, 3rd bullet, replace analysis with analyze
p. 588, as in 11th edition add: Coauthored with Neal A. Lewis, University of Bridgeport
before the word capital